The Hungry Lion from back to Oz is cute!

Me and who?

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Yeah, 8/10.

Those bizzare "Redo a movie but add Tom and Jerry" films

If this takes place after killing the witch and meeting with Oz (presumably in the MGM continuity), then why is he still cowardly? The point if his arc was finding his courage.


Anon, have you seen optometrist yet

At least this one has passable animation. I know what the fuck even happened with the Wonka movie.

Does she still say the Hungry Tiger's catch phrase from the book about wanting to eat a fat baby all the time.

You do?

I think modern day puritans would find issue with that.

Her teeth aren’t sharp like a real tiger’s. Is that why she’s so hungry?

I mean the Tiger could never live with himself if he did, so he refuses to eat one. He just wants to eat one because he can't.

It's still a Korean sweatshop trying desperately to imitate full animation. Looks nice in stills thanks to the crew of mainly ex-Disney artists but falls apart when it moves. Wonka in particular just looked like a CDI game because they kind of just pushed it too far there.

*squints*...she sounds familiar. How does she feel about...boys?

Can’t he just…eat an approximate effigy of one? Does he want it to be human?

falls apart when it moves

The great folly of animation. I unironically believe the Nutshack has solid character design but the animating fucks them up.

Human boys?

Good Singing

witty Banter

good Voice Acting for Cowardly Lion

Yeah 8/10 Musical Number, I like it.


released July 2016

only hearing about this thread

what the fuck

It’s easy to forget about all the Tom and Jerry DTV movies.
It’s especially easy to forget they didn’t just remake Oz but also did a sequel to it

The Tom and Jerry Wonka movie is basically a shitpost in animated form. Driven home by the fact that the terrifying riverboat sequence from the 1971 film is, in this version, narrated by Tuffy, of all fucking characters.

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The funny thing is they only made it because they had a you have to use it periodically license agreement, but Dahl’s estate was so appalled by it they didn’t just the license away from them anyway, but also let Netflix have the rights to Glass Elevator which Dahl had refused to let anyone adapt

Why didn't they adapt the latter Oz books no one knows about? Like the one with the fox village?

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...If you're gay, maybe

The movie casts a long shadow so people just look at that and you might get a token acknowledgment of the books to fill out a cast for the advertised "NEW friends! NEW adventures!"

Heck, you'll lose count of how many times an Oz cartoon sequel brings back the Wicked Witch, a character who literally only appears in the first book's later chapters and after her death there's still more adventure to be had.

It would be a weird course for a series of Tom and Jerry movies to take

she sounds familiar.

Who are you thinking about?

The Hungry Tiger in this flick is voiced by Andrea Martin whom you may recognize as MS. FOWL FROM JIMMY NEUTRON.

Or Mrs. Stoppable from Kim Possible.

This movie came out in 2016. How are we only now finding out about this? Is it too late to make her a FOTM?

because nobody reads those

I like the patchwork girl

*Tiger hungry,hungry tiger,I mispoke. Burn me at the stake.

It's even weirder because not only is it a sequel,but it is forced to actually be creative and write a story around it.

Because it's an unnecessary sequel film to a unnecessary remake of a classic book to screen adaptation.
Also I need the Hungry Lion carnally.

It's never too late for anything anon. Think it, dream it,do it.

If there's any draw friends in the thread feel free to draw the Hungry Tiger

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I really wouldn't mind something like "Tom and Jerry and the great glass elevator" if I have to be honest. Have Droopy as the not!Biden ManChild president and Red Hot as his Veep/Nanny

I thought the new villain destroys their gifts from the wizard removing their attributes

It's all a placebo anyway. Even after getting brains the scarecrow is still a half wit, he just acts how he *thinks* someone with brains should act.

That’s definitely Ms. Fowl from Jimmy Neutron

Sometimes faking until making, even to yourself, is plenty.

Yeah,the whole point was the wizard was a sham and that they all had their desired gifts all along,they were simply bolted down my insecurities and peer pressure.