Dark sci-fi concepts
Looney tunes humor
It blends perfectly
How did they do it?
Dark sci-fi concepts
Looney tunes humor
It blends perfectly
How did they do it?
It didn't blend perfectly at all, I would rather just watch Loony Tunes for Loony Tunes gags
Loony Tunes
Looney Tunes humor
Not even close, zoomtard.
kept them isolated from each other, death of dinobot doesnt really mean anything if Waspinator gets pancaked like Wile E Coyote.
It kinda followed the same Formula as Reboot where initially most episodes where formulaic and self contained where big shit happens in 2 or 3 part episodes and the season Finales/season openers.
You could even say they copied notes from Reboot where Bob gets sent into the Web and Megatron sends Optimus into the alien death ray machine.
as was the style of the time. Beast Wars was basically written like other live action syndicated action shows, which could be both camp and serious.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the same studio the made Reboot also make Beast Wars?
It was the 90s, just worked. It was the wrongly used definition of "meta" that now is way too common and annoying, but worked back then because it was novel still and we all liked Looney Tunes
I still like when shoes sneak in a little logic defying slapstick tastefully into an otherwise "defined" world.....like MLP
It kinda was. It was more subdued because it wasn't a comedy series but it had plenty of slaptstick and visual gags when humor did arise.
Is that Herc or Xen
Because dark Sci-Fi IS silly.
the looney tunes humor kinda stopped as it went on and becme more story-driven. No one likes the 1st season where it was almost every episode.
His "Yess" still echoes in my mind.
Megatron literally spins like the tasmanian devil and then hangs mid air for a second before falling off a cliff.
What was your favorite gag?
For me, it's Megatron blowing up Tarantulas when Dinobot and Rattrap try to use him as a shield.
Easy, Megatron holding Predacon court whilst wearing a powdered wig
Nope you faggot
I kinda liked how his mutant head kibble looked cool, unlike dinobots where it just looked in the way and was better off being ripped off
In the 90s we were cynical smartasses, in the 2010s it is soibois.
No it is, the second you realize that is when you can actually have fun with Sci-fi concepts instead of trying to be Future-Tech Edgar Allen Poe.
Shut up you retarded ESL faggot
either some of rattraps jokes
scouting the enemy huh? learn any new "positions"?
that widow is about as female as a piston!
or the rhinox fart, its toilet humour for 6yr olds but its funny as fuck watching every single character step back from
Dark scifi is 90 percent of the good scifi
My favorite was
I tip my rat to you sir
None of them. None of them ever landed, just made me want to watch something else.
How did they do it?
Like Gargoyles before it Beast Wars had the Shakespearian charm that made the 90s truly epic
There is a reason why late Millennials and Zoomers are such tremendous faggots
idk every time when Inferno calls Megatron my queen?
Inferno and Rampage's va's were easily the best ones in the show and maybe also Tarantulas.
Oh I forgot loved Megatron's rubber ducky toy when hes taking a bath.
Agreed! Just because you've got spaceships doesn't stop everyone from going bonkers. What would the people of 1700 think of 2024? Or the people of 1492?
Have some class, people! Just because the rich are trying to make everyone eat grasshoppers, and the american dollar has lost 99% of it's value due to the powerful and the greedy, doesn't mean that you have to die sounding like a moron. Be classy. Confuse the time travelers.
but also 90 percent of the most boring.
Considering the best scifi movies are The Fly, Alien, Aliens, Terminator, Robocop, The Thing, and Predator......I disagree. You can have your Flash Gordon but it's not my cup of tea.
Nice opinions, did a YouTuber give them to you?
No, being born in the 80s did zoomer
zoomies have bad taste in everything but you can't blame them they grew up watching uncle grandpa and steven universe instead of beast wars and reboot
That's within the 10 percent. There's countless others that are not worth anything, not even a casual viewing.You named 8 movies out of literal thousands of pieces of Sci-fi media out there.
You could say that about any genre in any medium, including comics and cartoons. There's a reason we're discussing Beast Wars and not idk.....Dinozaurs, which nobody under the age of 35 even knows existed anymore.
Hidden gems also exist in pretty much every genre or medium so I'm not saying "popular = better, every time", but in general the cream rises to the top.
Why are zoomers so contrarian to anything considered good before their time? This is the kind of junk shitting up every board
No, Bubsy was always shit, the people who owned it know better than some shithead who played for 10 minutes tops on emulation.
It's simple.
They generally know about media, because of social media/Youtube. Most people talking about such shit are Millennials, they want to rebel against what Millennials like, so they just like what they don't like without having taken in the media for themselves and just watched video clips of it.
This is why you see revisionism about something like Space Jam suddenly being "good", because only the dumbest plebs liked that movie who still wouldn't know how to use Anon Babble or message boards, but people who were born like the year it came out and later now say it's "good" because only someone young enough to have not grown up with real Looney Tunes could ever like that movie
Shut up fag
What's even dark sci fi?