Surge is cool

Eh, she's no Sticks.

She's only interesting when she likes Sonic. Without it, she's ass.

Thank God

Not really built up for a big fight gets defeated by bucket. Cries and runs away joins a gang too scared to leave because reasons total failure

She's only interesting when she likes Sonic.

So she's never interesting.

Rouge is still my favorite sonic character

Worse Scourge.

I want to adopt the girl failure and her cute little side kick.

how ticklish are her feet?

cries constantly

so weak and pathetic she jobs to a bucket

needs to be calmed down by her handler every time she has a autistic/schizophrenic meltdown

Fucking awful like every other IDW OC

Arsechie fan

too busty, but other than that good art

You just KNOW that deep down she's secretly enjoying this

She's like almost every other IDW OC where she's neat on paper but whatever in practice.

IDW OCs are Archieshit under a new name.

Because the writers are just ideas guys who don't have the actual skill or talent to execute them well.

Anyone got that image where she kisses Sonic?

In that sense these character would probably be better received under Sonic Team since they'd remain as shallow as the rest of the cast, allowing for varying fan interpretations to pick up the slack.

Theres no such thing. Scourge is as low as it gets.

Just apply anime tropes to them, since the Sonic cast were created with those in mind.

Could you save her, anons?

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You can't save her, Anon.

Would her pussy shock you when you put it in?

Would her pussy shock you when you put it in?

that's the fun part. she can probably control the intensity as your pumping her

I would save her by tickling her feet until shes submissive.

Watch me run, anon

I don't know why, but this sentence endears me to her.

Surge *had the potential to be cool, but was mostly ruined by the ridiculously awful writing of IDW

What if Surge showed up in another continuity unrelated to IDW and written by other people?

Odds are it'd be an improvement.

For starters, how about giving her actual electric powers?

Yeah, pretty damn cool

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I don't give a shit about either Archie or especially IDW but this is genuinely the hottest design I've seen either of those comics shit out, it's a pity that she'll never make it in a game that isn't mobile trash honestly, she's pretty cute

Nah, she only goes off involuntarily when she orgasms, but that just means you always cum together, whether you want to or not.

"But, I don't want to take my medication"

Takes her medication, and you disappear

I don't see why some of you are so convinced the IDW OCs will never appear in a game.
A game where Surge and Kit are playable characters or the main villain's is one thing, but it wouldn't be hard at all for quick cameos like their faces on wanted posters or Sonic saying "...and I thought the doppelganger duo had a screw loose."

She appeared in some mobileslop games, which is a start

I don’t think she or any IDW characters will ever be like the main villain of some main game, Sonic Team prefers making their own new characters each game, but I could see Surge and the others showing up as playable characters in spin-offs that require big rosters.
Hell, the mobile games are pretty much already that.

I want to destroy everything because the world doesn’t care that two people were brainwashed

Actually, I hate Sonic because he refuses to kill the villains!

whoops I jobbed

Oh, I have a chance to kill Eggman? Nah, the plot says he has to live.

Actually, I hate Sonic because I was brainwashed into it!

whoops I jobbed to a bucket

Actually, I want to be a hero…

This is the worst written character ever.

Actually, I hate Sonic because he refuses to kill the villains!

Why introduce this into a fucking Sonic book? What were they thinking?

Ian thinks Sonic is a capeshit hero who has principles and rules when he’s just a guy who likes adventure.

Surge thread!?

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but it wouldn't be hard at all for quick cameos like their faces on wanted posters

They aren’t villains anymore.

It's doubly odd because "refusing to kill the villain" isn't really an aspect of the character that's ever been actively defined in the games either. The games don't show Sonic pulling punches when fighting Eggman or whoever the villain of the week is, he smashes the boss up, it either blows up completely or collapses in some way, and that's that. For all Sonic knows, there's a chance Eggman "really is dead this time" whenever his latest super mech explodes in a ridiculous fashion.

Not sure why they tried to introduce that element to Sonic as if it's something that will actually have some form of meaningful payoff in the long run (it won't).

I mean the dumbest part is him wording it like he has a moral reason not to as if he's Batman when it's more believable if sonic just went

I just don't want to kill people

Sonic not killing people simply because he doesn't want to would probably make most fans just shrug and say, "Fine," because Sonic generally does what he wants.

funny because in SatAM they openly stated they hoped that Robotnik had died in one of the episodes

Sonic and friends are just Looney Tune-type toons. Rubberhose limbs with bodies that squash and stretch except when they don't.

Sonic literally throws a rock at him at the end of CD, blowing up his Eggmobile with him. Of course it's done in a cartoon Wily Coyote fashion, but still.

You wanna make Shadow into a Wolverine type of character where he collects young girls to be a dad to?

How many times have they done the "artificially created villain" plot? It started with Metal Sonic.

I just realized that Shadow Generations already happened before the comic even started.

That tends to happen when the main villain is a mad scientist

Oh fuck man. Shadow's brain is going to turn into if they ever meet like this. No dad stuff just instant proposal.

Was she artificially created? I thought her and Kit were kidnapped, identities erased, experimented on and brainwashed with the last two happening again and again and again.

Lmao, how didn't I see this connection before

Was she artificially created? I thought her and Kit were kidnapped, identities erased, experimented on and brainwashed with the last two happening again and again and again.

It's the latter. It was gonna be the former until SEGA told them no on account of Gerald being the only one who can do DNA shit. So Starline just kidnapped some random kids and turned them into Bootleg Sonic and Tails.

Shadow was also originally a tenrec during development.

Was she artificially created?

Technically, Her and Kit being villains would fit the "artificially made" description, even if they weren't essentially made from nothing like Metal Sonic or Shadow. Their current identities were forced onto them through artificial means, so it functionally ends up being the same thing.

Anon is mindbroken about Archie, talks about it when it wasn't even brought up to begin with.

Ah, okay I was right. Starline is fucking creepy for doing that. Makes your mind wander to what other shit me did with them besides tear them apart, brainwash and nearly kill them countless times.

"I can assure you, anon, giving Surge functional mammary glands is essential to my plans".

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Thing is a lot of the IDW characters seem very Videogame-ish. Like I could see Tangle in some kind of weird ass Top-down Snake game, Whisper in a Sidescroller shoot 'em up or Surge herself as a Vergil style recurring rival.
And Kit as the final boss of the game

"Kit also requires a tongue like an anteater's for the same reason. Very essential."

Whisper and Surge’s backstories are too convoluted to be in a videogame.

Sounds like a laundry detergent.

To give the writers way too much credit, they also have to try to write interesting characters/drama under impossible constraints from Sonic Team.
Namely, Sonic is not allowed to lose. So no matter how neat the idea is for an antagonist or challenge, it's entirely neutered at the point of conception.

An energy drink, a shitty wrestler ...

Got kidnapped and brainwashed

Found family was murdered

Yeah, it's really convoluted.

Got kidnapped and brainwashed

By who? You can’t include Surge without introducing Starline and the Metal Virus first.

Found family was murdered

Why? You can’t include Whisper without Mimic.

Namely, Sonic is not allowed to lose.

I feel like this is one of those mandates that Ian is taking too autismally seriously. I'd be willing to bet money that SEGA just meant that Sonic can't die or has to eventually triumph over the villain rather than meaning that he has to win every single fight. IDW has had villains job Shadow over and over, so the game characters are clearly allowed to lose fights.

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You can’t include Whisper without Mimic

You could just say "Eggman's robots killed her team" which is technically true. Mimic would also be easy enough to include in a game.

how can you guys keep repeating this shit that is disproven by the actual book. "sonic can literally never lose ever" and then you read the book and he repeatedly does

He lost to Neo Metal early in the comic’s run. He faced some loses in Metal Virus too.
He’s only an undefeatable god when Surge show up so I have to assume it’s a conscious decision by Evan. Do you really think it was a Sega mandate to make Surge look pathetic and slip on bolts on the ground?

Do you really think it was a Sega mandate to make Surge look pathetic and slip on bolts on the ground?

Why not, almost every Sega mandate exists to make the characters lamer.

You're right, the Surge thing has to be Evan. Everyone wanted a crazy badass punk villainess to offset all the boring crying and melodrama, and instead we get another jobbing crybaby. I almost wonder if it's intentional.

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You guys are schizo retards with your theories.

I wanna tickle her until she pisses herself.