Title Premiere Edition
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Title Premiere Edition
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holy fuck the leaks were true
Oh look more ‘leaks’ oh noooooooooooo
One more day before I either claim my final victory or defeat
Watching yellow flowers salivate over jayce
Ekko picture from S1 because he's been nonexistent this season
lol lmao
What are your victory conditions?
As much as I like it, it's not happening.
two sisters and love interest in the BG. Do the math.
It is in the AU
So without her big sister around , Jinx gets blacked
We look so retarded having a countdown and everything for a xitter post. The brain rot is real.
coper meltdown in 30
Back when Jayce was white
Whites are naturally Hispanic.
Yoir leaks are bad, bro
The woman who was cucked to death
Do series finales get stickies? Or used to?
With her around she dies
Is this from the artbook?
just let it end
A relationship happening between the two wouldn't make much sense, especially if Jinx believes that she's a walking curse to any loved one who stays around her long enough. I'm fine with just mutual physical attraction, but anything just wouldn't make sense because they can't write a convincing romance in just 3 episodes.
Doesn't mean that it'll happen in the main universe we follow in this story. If anything it'll be used as a "what if their relationship wasn't so strained".
jinxiggers on suicide watch
whole day without acrane-thread right before the release of third act
Heimer will sacrifice himself so Ekko gets time.
How likely is that he'll be alive and well?
Total Cope Death soon LMAO
Ekko won't let her go this time. He's literally fighting together with Jinx in the finale. And she spray-painted him. She only did that with Isha but now Ekko?
Very likely
Ep 8: the scissoring
Act2 just torpedo'd their interest in Arcane and with dogshit quippy MCUesque scenes like this I can't really blame them
Give me your best Sevikas
viktor prostate massage in less than 24 hours
I am conflicted do I stay up and watch the finale super drunk with a 3am steak or do I watch it from the comfort of my bed the morning after.
by whom?
Dont watch it
Can't stop watching the ending of episode 6 ;____;
the twink slayer
Sevika sucks
my dick.
This shit is so cringe
I'll drink after to deal with whatever bullshit I've just witnessed, but that works better for my timezone
Only thread left is here on Anon Babble
Only reason it's still here is because of the inevitable meltdown
Nobody even cares about the story anymore
The writing is so bad that people would rather talk about leaker vs coper, cuntboy vs futanari, and AU Ekko'ed Jinx fanfics than the actual story of the show. LMAO.
So how will you react if the episode titles are the same as the fake leaks?
Poor Viktor, his ass is going to hurt
Very unlikely
Killing myself
I understand and agree, but not a single thread at all...
Anons from tv even dont know about leaks
Less than 15 minutes until fucker is completely debunked.
when do the episodes drop again
You could just wait to see the episodes and die naturally from the cringe
jayce viktor frotting scene in act 3
whoever believe this is ai is autistic
I kind of don't care at this point, it'll be bad either way
Will Jayce get mogged by viktor's hexcock?
its ai you fucking retard
Nah, it was based because it was Jinx
The dyke scenes are just painful
Also watch that scene be the justification for her changing into booty shorts for her in-game look
suck my dick in 10 minutes
Netflix Geeked will post the titles
wait for the jinx death scene to get uploaded to youtube and ignore the rest.
well it was well known that viktor had a huge cock before losing it so probably. twinks having huge penises, it's not uncommon for some reason kek
you don't even have one
They do know about the leaks, they just instantly spotted it was bullshit unlike here where the twitter tranny himself spent 5 thread badly trying to convince people pf his fanfiction
Gonna buy a bottle of champagne to pop and drink with my gf when CaitVi sex happens. We'll just get drunk and fuck while the rest of the show plays and rewatch it the next day since I already know what happens.
10 minutes for the truth
Viktor is still the power bottom tho
Even if the titles don't match, the actual episodes are guaranteed to be bad due to all the unresolved shit that has to be finished in just three episodes. Jinx is 100% still guaranteed to be dead too.
So at least I'll still have some entertainment reading the inevitable meltdown from these threads.
the sexual prowess of zaunite twinks is so well-known that even the elite of noxus come to visit and get a taste.
It's also worth remembering there are 2 bullshit "leaked'" episode titles floating around.
The one posted by the twitter tranny and this one in spanish which basically says episode 9 turns into the avengers and a kaiju movie.
You should buy a new pair of glasses, you mega coper
is it controversial to say this season is way worse than S1?
Coping already? You have 7 minutes until you’re legally obligated to kill yourself
Look idiots, if you discredit him in 10 minutes we win. On the other hand, if they confirm it, we are officially lost.
copebros...our status?
beyond broken
Fighting together doesn't mean they are in a relationship.
It's the party line around here
Jinx is 100% still guaranteed to be dead too.
This is true because the ending they originally had in mind never changed and there’s that image of Jinx dead in Vi’s arms
if you discredit him
But...we already did
coper suicide in 5
Cardboard sex...
this was already debunked the moment it was posted you fucking retard
So somehow worse?
This one's real.
Is it any wonder he ended up as a tranny?
5 minutes!
They are not ready to face it
This is the elections all over again bros ive never felt this stressed
Five minutes.
It's also worth remembering there are 2 bullshit "leaked'" episode titles floating around.
True another reminder anons
when do the episodes drop thougheverbeit please inform me tbdesu
Prison sex*
The real cope is people thinking that Jinx won't die if the episode titles don't match the leaks.
It's still happening, the true meltdown will occur when the episodes release and Jinx dies.
4 minutes for title
15 hours for the last act
Getting some american election vibes from this
Holy backtracking
stop coping bro
15 hours for the last act
12 u baka
These edits get a sensible chuckle
its just a concept art, no one in fortiche can rip out jinx lol she is model face of entire league of legends and wild rift tencent would go crazy about that
The real cope is people thinking that Jinx won't die if the episode titles don't match the leaks.
Oh, it's time
Personally I'm not fan of zilco (only because Silco is too much for e-thot whore) but it's always pleasure to see roasties got btfo, welcome Anon Babblechads
Im shitting myself anons
would you rather have Ekko save her before warwick falls down the hole?
Someone has the english titles that 'leaker' listed?
Not the spanish ones
Cope. Jinx is still dying.
I am ready.
pretend like it's the first time
killing is a cycle
the dirt under your nails
Cait and Vi will survive
Everyone else will die
how dare these writers to even think about killing his sweet innocent jinxie-poo.
Where are all the Caitvi doomposters?? Why are u hiding? Are u feeling fantastic??
Cuz i'm feeling fucking fantastic
It's over...
pretend like it's the first time
killing is a cycle
the dirt under your nails
Oh boy its 3pm
It was a good run Jinxbros
Its over the leaks are real
It is noon
I won't miss, I promise
The echo of change
Ashes and shadows
nuh-uh, I'm glad my pain is finally over
The cope is dead
Titles match up - whetever that means now
lmao lmao wow. the prison sex is real.
fk deserved retarded copers
We fucking won.
Welp gg adios Jinx
sorry i still dont believe the leaks are real! my wife cannot die bc i need to impregnate her and raise a family with her and god simply would not allow something terrible like that to happen
this entire week
Killing myself…
Apologize. You all need to apologize
no fucking way XDDD
its over
We had to read these copers essays for so long bros. gg wp
Jinx is fucking dead. Prison cell sex is real.
I can't believe the series is going so easy on Jinx when she started up a whole war again by murdering a bunch of people who were trying to make peace - and with an absurdly generous peace treaty at that.
It's completely forgotten that it feels like after the first two episodes
At least it's gonna be funny watching people meltdown
Well, it was fun fags while it lasted.
We're doomed.
bro the amount of backlash they'll receive from this
<3 Jinx <3
Owari da
not even jayce or viktor, only vicuck(the worst character) got happy ending
imma kms
Your wife is gonna become a zombie and furry.
It's real... the lesbians really won except Caitlyns eye..
Holy shit, what a fucking wild ride this is gonna be.
I’m mourning Jinx League of Legends
I'm fine with this
someone repost the leaked episode descriptions as a refresher plz
I fucking refuse to believe this nonsense lol
its super obvious to anyone above 115 IQ
cybernetic eye here we go.
be vi
lose your sister
fuck your girl in prison xD
So, anon... Your post aged like raw milk. The leaks are fucking real.
I'm still gonna watch this shit.
This is so stupid
Caitvi Prison sex while Jinx kills herself this is so fucked up
smdh a jilco ending would have been better than this
jinx dies but doesnt
caitvi sex
jinx dies (for real this time)
There's no way...
Hi, I'm Warwick, and I'm gonna kill your favourite waifu tommorrow
Maybe they shouldn't have waited so long to take their boots off the undercity's neck
What causes this sort of behavior?
Demb, is it real, then?
he's crying or already finding a new way to cope. whoever looked at that ww pic and thought it's ai has -100 iq.
sex in jinx’s cells
A whole new way to become one.
Remeber that time after finished S1 and it felt like some Anon Babble or Anon Babblefag wrote it, that sigma silco, all schizo drama, yuri, not to mention Sting,
and S2, it feeling like cheap fotm tumblrtranny bullshit, owl house, steven universe, thanks to Amanda
Crucify all women
Burn all women
Kill all women
That's all I want to say
Optimus out.
I think the only thing I really don’t like is them retconning the mage that saved Jayce as Viktor
only pilties live
written by facists
Severe copium addiction
Then she'll become my partner.
lmfao this dude is losing it rn
the troon sperging out on xitter was telling the truth
People are going to flip the fuck out tonight.
just like watchmen huh
Ekko, Vi and Warwick live
You won’t lay a paw on her.
Look at this dude
Yeah that sounds silly, it so obviously wasn't the original plan
Jayvik status? I didn't read the leaks
Based hahaha
Why the fuck is maddie even in the show? she's a spy that does literally LITERALLY nothing and dies, she just exists to piss everyone
Timebomb is canon
Piltover are absurdly patient lol, it's ridiculous that the Noxians need to false flag them into just hunting Jinx down themselves when Jinx blew up their government. In this season we even find Piltover built a giant channel designed to stop toxic gasses flooding into Zaum.
gives the
i knew you still had it in you
line some new depth, damn
Even though it's shit, the animation is nice and I've already invested this much time into the show.
Oh boy I'm gonna enjoy the visuals
Crashing these threads with no survivors
WW kills Kayle
Aww shit.
Okay, haven’t been paying that much attention, but since the leaks are confirmed real can someone post them again
And the award to the worst sister of the year goes to…
Vi Arcane!
Well at least I can sleep peacefully. The excitement is not gonna wake me up now.
I side with Optimus
I called it
It's over
Is this anon trustworthy?
either Jinx loves and marries Ekko or dies
We won Timebomb, now it's just a few hour left to claim or prize
She’s gonna try to execute Caitlyn just to die LOL shit is ass
Honestly speaking for Owl House, Dana said Disney cut it off before she could have done more SLs for Hunter(since after Raine he's her favorite character). I blame Disney for that.
+ What the Twitter retard said, she elaborated on more stuff
Vi chose caitlyn over jinx AGAIN... man I can't take this
They have hot sweaty hexsex in the medium's first X rated gay sex scene
Has coping started yet?
*one not anon
Bro, if it were well written it'd be fine, but it's not well written, so it isn't fine.
Well shit, guess so. They had the episode titles. Kind of thought that one was just memeing.
Jayce and Viktor get Thanos-snapped out of existence
Maddie is a traitor
Ambessa dies
Heimer dies
Jinx sactifices herself to save Vi from Warwick, they get spattered at the bottom of Zaun
Singed hauls Warwick's body away and says he will rebuild him anew (prolly full wolf form), Jinx is mush and off-focus
Then you're left with fucking trannys.
I assume she's a Black Rose spy then? I guess that's not too sus when I believe she was the one that weirdly approached Vi asking to join the enforcers as her first debut appearance.
she exists just to piss people off, its so dumb
Caitlyn is gonna kill her ex…
Viktor evolves the shimmer noxians, rather than them just taking in Shimmer
... w-who is going to save jinx now...? :(
You drew it. Looks great!
I say we make our own Arcane Season 2.
With blackjack and hookers and more Vi ryona.
My guess is that she is a agent from Noxus working for Ambessa but she fell in love with Cait and then she will sacrifice for her or do some stupid lesbian thing so people will finally like her?? Amanda mention in a interview we will love/hate her
Why were there toxic gasses in the first place
Amanda is based guys!!!
Until I see it with my own eyes, I don't believe it, it just doesn't make any fucking sense.
Viktor....it was you.
Yes, Jayce. I was the mage. The hexcore....it showed me my path. The past and the future....I saw you.
You...You saved me. Us. It was always you....always been you.
Jayce, I....
Viktor....how did things become this way? I...lost myself. I tried to save you so many times, I-
I know. It's ok.
I wish we had more time.
We do. If you come with me...will you?
Of course, Viktor. With you, anywhere is my home. I love you.
I love you too Jayce. Let us go.
Everyone who cares about her is dead or busy with lesbian sex
sir that's a redditor
let's go boys. another round of copium starts.
kill all women
trannys also gone eventually (there's nothing to imitate)
We're way past coping, it's meltdown time.
get the fuck outta here
someone is gonna get fired xD
I mean yea Anon Babble was speculating on that from Day 1 that’s not that big a deal.
das right, have seen it all
let's burn amanda overton
How dis the people responsible for S1’s subtle dramatic storytelling with key impactful moments cook up this pile of ass LMAO
New canon lore accurate Caitlyn
Don’t know if Caitlyn is the one but Maddie likely dies
has anything made sense thus far? be real, its over
did the leaks say anything about jinx/ekko kiss?
But Aphelios isn't even in the show...
Industry + Zaum being at the bottom of a giant chasm
and yeah I'm sure at least some of this is Piltover's fault but again, Piltover were willing to give up everything for a peace deal and Jinx blew them up. At the very least Jinx needing to be hunted down should not be a question, peace is impossible while she is still alive.
Like what's the end goal, just keep starting the war up again until Piltover has enough and just bombs them all?
he only knew the names
I love dumb people
twitter leaks are still a fucking fraud btw, i only trust the redditor and the 14 nov
S1 writers would have also killed Jinx. This was the only redemption for her. Death adds so much aura to her character.
Jinx racemixes and lesbian sex?
It's so fucking over
Riot lawyers ready to rape some ass
Good job Xittard LMAO
I can't wait for you ai faggots to see the ww moment on your screen. damn fk copers.
I will miss this cute retarded schizo
Good news is Riot has a precedent of walking story stuff back if it's unpopular enough. See: The Sentinels Of Light fiasco.
Her eyes are so pretty bro. Why?? fucking hate CL and Alex Yee
i simply refuse to believe jinx is being killed while cait and vi are fucking, what would this accomplish? people would just hate cait and vi, i dont see what purpose this could possibly serve
They are dating in AU. There is not only kisses, lots of sex every day
Forget her death. All the magic shit, the time travel and AU bullshit, the rushed dictator plot, the random lesbian drama with maddie, the addition of Isha as an obvious fridged character - it’s hilariously bad and amateurish by comparison
They're not going to remake an entire episode lmaooo
Then go gay I guess. Anal sex isn’t that bad.
what a poor attempt to copy silco's demon eye. pilties STINK
caitlyn gases half of zaun
nothing happens
Post your favorite character and your status RIGHT NOW
With a song that has lyrics such as "feeling fucking fantastic"
Its a twisted sick joke I simply refuse to believe this shit
Ngl but the only thing that ruins this ACT for me is the shit involving CaitVi crap. If you were to remove it entirely I'd be fine with whatever ending the writers would have in mind. Like omg it's so dumb and I really like S2 too.
yea and the entire "good guy" cast outside of mel dies? i dont believe, its too misery porn pilled to be real
If silco were alive both jinx and isha would still be breathing
You guys are crazy honestly speaking. Christian and Yee wanted Jinx dead since the first season.
No one said anything about a remake. If the backlash is big enough they'll just walk back on their "Arcane is canon" comment a year ago and say Arcane is it's own AU like every skin line in the game.
You guys are so easy to fool, it's almost funny.
Typical lesbians
I don't have a favourite character, I'm doing well and enjoying the meltdowns thus far.
That said, I'm angling for more coomposting about Jinx and Vi despite the circumstances.
he means make arcane non-canon
Best thing from this is that I'm never ever touching anything with riot name on it
I said it before and I’ll say it again! Ella can stay.. Fuck the rest of them!!! Especially that fucking troll Reed, what a self-absorbed doucheface (he bleached his beard for that Netflix YouTube bs)
Yeah...Idk this is unreal...you cant kill 80% of your cast its legit terrible writing
Calm down caitvi prison sex isn’t happening while jinx is offing herself
All of it is Piltover's fault. Factories and mines don't spring forth from Zeus's head fully formed. Piltie elite used their capital to buy the material and labor that built those things. For generations they profited from forcing people to work and live in nightmarish conditions while they sat in their mansions bragging to each other about how rich they were. That rocket was long overdue.
Still hot!
muh jinky's death
we all know she can't be redeemeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed saar, we all mad cuz leaks are children's play tier
Rate Reddit's cope once they watch act 3
Vi and Cait
Fantastic ^ ^
I prefer jinx dead than dating a nigger desubh
of course there's repercussions
but only for Jinx
the power of lesbian writing
Caitlyn has LITERALLY one of the worst arcs in the entire series, she goes from cait :) -> caitler -> cait :)
They’re two separate scenes.
What so bad about the prison sex? I think it's kind of romantic.. considering their very first encounter was in Stillwater.
Bed sex is boring.
silco should have inflicted more damage on vander so singed couldn't revive him.
im just going to kms anyone with me?
She loses her eye, Ambessa slashes it. But it's ok, eventually she'll get a cyborg hextech eye or something, in the game she has both eyes.
Reminder that nobody here has even seen the eps.
Same, based anon
Me too actually. Thanks Riot u did good
he also should have had full custody of both the kids from the start
mfw it will still get 10/10 reviews and GOAT awards
Your opinion means nothing
Lesbians won. Progressive GODS won. Only chuds lost
There was no arc LOL
But that’s gonna piss off more people because walking back is a coward move.
Nooooo the leaker must have only gotten all the episodes titles right
Clearly everything else must be fake, right?????
Cope, you retard
You're getting both. First you see her date the time negroid, then she dies
Jinx path
psychotic breaks
full of violence
death follows
Lesbian sex path
feels great
relieves muscle tension
can do it again and again
no violence or death
Right before the fight with Vi Jinx said that she just can't seem to die, so don't worry, she'll be fine.
The only way for her to die to return to her Powder identity and sacrifice herself
This better be how it goes down. Or some approximation of it, I don't mind if it's less gay just let them have more than 3 minutes of screen time together, please. A vain hope since they aren't lesbians, I know.
S2 is a miseryporn fanfic which ends with my favorite ship together and everyone else dead so ot can look dark and mature
yeah honestly I can damage control & cope if only there wasn't fucking WARWICK
muh Blisters and Bedrock
he's your dad too
WHO WROTE THIS CRAP?????????????
Fuck yeah. You totally get it
How would you kill her?
Is this part of the leak or Anon Babble copium?
So what's the tally then on who lives and who dies?
Jinx dies
Ambessa dies
Jayce and Viktor paradox eachother
Heimer stays behind so Ekko can travel back home, not confirmed dead
Warwick gets hauled away by Singed so he can become full wolf
Cait loses an eye
Ekko lives
Mel lives
Vi lives
That about right?
that shit doesnt make sense i fucking hate it and im caitvi fag
I can't tell if this thread is people who actually believe the leaks, or just people signal boosting the thread for lolz.
Pretty much
Dies again
Dies one more time
What was the point of his character?
from the leaks it seems she just cuts her eye and she's a little hurt
arcane lore will replace league lore. update with eyepatch cait incoming.
Bed sex is boring
Caitvi won't stop fucking on that bed.
Dude the leaks are real
Its gg
Enjoy the mental breakdown
Cait has no arc. She is mad for a couple of scenes and then meets Vi again and thats it
Vi has no arc either. She has learned nothing and hasnt developed in any way.
But they get the only good ending because they are the main writers favorite ship.
Long dead and decomposed
by hundreds of enforcer dicks
"hump! hump! hump! get pregnant! get pregnant! get pregnant! give birth as much as you kill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
perfection cannot die... right?
sevika ends up all alone
Based on what, tho
I think it’ll be Maddie that slashes her eye. Serves her right for choosing mediocre sex over the hot ex con.
Do we still not know who's topping for caitvi sex?
Funny how xitters have been avoiding leaks since 8/8 just to get the whole thing spoiled
Wonder how Riot will react to the outrage of mains whose character just died in canon. Killing your latest release is a choice.
I still don’t understand why they made Arcane canon. They didn’t have to, everyone assumed it wasn’t. They knew how s2 ended. Just a weird choice to make imo.
The title names were all correct. The leak was real. Cope and enjoy the meltdown.
The eps titles are the same
Stop the cope
Its over
Bad writing
The switch a little but Cait tops more. She’s a giver their first time
We won Caitvifags. I can't wait for all the fanfics this moment will have
This is vi fully consummating her choice to choose caitlyn over jinx. The fact that they have it in jinx's cell and Christian linke said that caitlyn kissed vi in ep 3 as a reward for choosing her as well couldn't make it any more obvious. Meanwhile, jinx will be trying to kill herself and vi will not have followed
It’s two separate scenes calm down.
Furry Vander was Silco's idea, not Singed's.
Sevika's basically irrelevant. It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
highest number of deaths on screen
one of the few champs to actually survive
it is weird, i assume the future projects will supersede the current canon as well so if the leaks are true we might end up with a lot more dead champs if arcane is anything to go by
Viktor sissies... did we win?
I'm CaitVi fag who waited for sex scene, but this sounds like crap.
I hope the leaker was just jaded bitch and it's not so bad in motion.
LMAO. The lebbit mods are trying to contain the absolute meltdown.
they is still chance that she only had pic of episode names and dont know the leaks right, right???
Lel Reed is literally the one that will stay forever. He's literally the official voice of Ekko in all media
Jinx said that she just can't seem to die
that lowkey implies that she already tried to suicide sometime between burying silco in the river and meeting isha. maybe she tried cutting her wrists but they just instantly regenerated or something.
That scene will live forever in my head
She gets an independent Zaun doesn't she
Captcha: VVP0W
I'm not really bothered by any of this except the part where Viktor and Jayce just sort of...delete eachother. That sounds super fucking weird from a story perspective
seriously how do lesbians have good sex, is it really all just head + fingering? seems very unsatisfying
he actually lives the third time too
The official episode titles were just released, and it matches with the leak.
Only Singed Chads won
Copium. Idk if they'll go and change Caitlyn's base design.
One thing is cutting Jinx's braids off and selling it as a skin, maybe they do release a skin with her wearing an eyepatch..? But they went for commander Caitlyn instead so idk...another thing is to change Caitlyn's base design to have an eyepatch.
They already did that once with Gangplank (during a game event he lost an arm and got a mechanical one in his rework) and huh, they won't be doing it again because of the reception of the event.
I don’t care that they’re separate scenes, it makes no sense at all for Vi to be hooking up in prison while Jinx is on the brink of suicide.
Nope. The faggots never leaked anything about Ekko. Just that he rescues Jinx
Fingers can hit the g-spot and give clit stimulation at the same time soooo good
i think the anon's just worried we're going to see jinx suffering and dying while at the same time literally seeing cait and vi pleasure themselves and therefore are not suffering. the juxtaposition just feels a bit weird, i suppose.
Caitvi are together but everyone will hate on them now
Singed won…
And toys. No one is ever unsatisfied having a Hitachi used on youx
Enjoying chaos all over the World Wide Web.
advertising for singed's bio-weapons. in a different universe, he'd be a head of research of the umbrella corporation.
Whos to say she won't get extra skin with eyepatch. Alas if its only epilogue look, then there's probably no point
the leaker prob said retarded shit, Jinx most likely wont say "hey vi imma kill myself xD bye" she just fucks off
This fucker really directly or indirectly causes every single problem in the show and he gets away with it
How does he do it?
all men die or disappear
lesbian sex
Mel sails to Noxus, laying the foundations for next show focused on her dumbass
I don't think this could have ended anything worse.
mel fucks off to noxus
jayce fucks off with his twink to gay space
it was meant to be
Somebody call an ambulance
i'm in superposition since leakers hate her
Makes sense. I pretty much only topped with casual hookups, but my first time the other girl mostly topped because I was a clueless virgin and she had experience. In long term relationships I switch. I think switching is typical for lesbians in relationships.
I'm okay with jinx dying, but dating a nigger though? Yeah I'm going to kms
I don't think it'll be a skin because she just got the commander one. They'll probably update her base skin with an eye patch.
Het sex is the worst deal for women
You're assuming the writers are competent, that's your mistake. It's just bad, craptastic writing.
fucking go back
all men die or disappeaar
that's not true, Singed evades all consequences for his actions and will continue his mad science undisturbed
More chaos.
Are u slow. Jinx isn’t gonna tell Vi and Vi being the dumbass she is, isn’t gonna know her sister is gonna off herself
How will this even happen I can’t picture an scenario on the floor?
huh? why aren't caitvif fags happy.
caitvi sex on jinx's grave
doesn't happen
women in charge of writing
sister who's prone to trying to blow herself up runs off after we watch her daughter and our father die
doesn't try to find her as soon as she can
stays in piltover to get her back blown out
Why even have the arc where the sisters come back together again at all?
I liked them in s1 but chilling and having sex while your sister is so depressed she tries to off herself is the biggest piece of shit move. Vi deserves to rot.
Something to note here is that a lot of lesbians perfer or really dislike certain things over the other. For personal example, I do not like someone giving me oral BUT I love giving it. Fingering is pretty comming and so is grinding. Some lesbians do anal as well! Everyone is different in their preferences and that's A okay :)
At least she tried to kill herself after she lost to Ekko on the bridge. Next time she tried to suicide by cop in s2ep3. Then Warwick didn't finish her in s2ep4
Yes it does, in the AU
will we ever see piltover/zaun in future projects?
i think other adaptations could be great too but piltover/zaun is such a great aesthetic i dont know how they can match it
Wait until he gets his hands on Ionia
Jayce x Viktor frotting scene in the cosmic realm
they won
This is Viktor
To show that attempted murder of our nation's precious twinks will be punished with unending suffering
She won’t get a hextech eye Leaker anon says she gets an eyepatch
final GLORIOUS cope that it isn't as bad as the leakers are saying it is (and that the reddit leaker actually really liked 2 of the 3 episodes in the act) and that viktor looks cool in his final form
vi didn't know though
why would it be on the floor you fucking retard
Back when they thought it wasn't real. Kek.
quarter billion project and 3 years of waiting just to see Amanda’s ship be the only winners in the end
LMAO people hating on Caitvi mist be suicidal
I'm inclined to say no based on what we know, but it still partially depends on the execution
I wished Jayce wouldn't die. Hopefully, his battle and presumably send-off with Viktor is good. I dont enjoy alternate universes or time travel, as sometimes this lessens the value of the present stake.
As a bisexual i confirm. Its always hard for me to come just from penetration.
A very juicy dab.
captcha S4XXX
She still chose to not follow when she could
they don't want the sex to happen while jinx is killing herself
Eating out and fingering is enough for lesbians to have more orgasms than straight women do during straight sex.
Retard, Piltover was literally going to give them everything they wanted and Jinx picked a fight again with a stronger power. It's sheer plot armour that Piltover didn't just Hextech bomb the fissures for the next week because if people will initiate violence with you even if you're going to give them what they want then peace is impossible (and Zaum are the weaker party!)
Women bred men for labor, not sex.
do you guys think we will actually get future adaptations of runeterra?
will it be on the quality of arcane?
will it still use the title "arcane" or will it be totally different?
how long will we have to wait to see it?
jinx goes to vi while she's at her lowest point because despite everything she still considers her family and feels she has an obligation to her
vi is fucking done with jinx and disregards her for sex
silco was right. but we already knew that.
eternal suffering awaits jinx now.
There will be no more adaptations. Let them make these adaptations in AUes
The normies are on total meltdown
This is just with the episode titles.
Imagine the absolute shitstorm once the episodes actually release.
Glorious only Jayvik won.
This made me chuckle a little
because guys only care about cuming themselves. the data backs it up.
No Maddie will most likely stab her in the stomach she has both eyes in the trailer with Maddie’s dead body besides her
Amanda’s script telling people who think they are a burden to others that its true and they should just kill themselves
After Arcane I want a fucking yordles show, I can't stand this misery porn.
I think this might be the first time I've ever been mad at a gay relationship/forced shipping. Personally I find them inconsequential to be mad about and as a guy who like Timebomb (fanon) and didn't want it to happen within this canon, AU Ekko x AU Jinx sounds way more fucking restrained than CaitVi
Our Ekko sees his AU relationship as an omen to try to go back to the original canon ala motivation
CaitVi literally feels like the writers forcing it in there which fucks up all sorts of things to the plot
even the xwitter normies that jizzed over the steaming S2 shitpile are freaking out about how bad the leaks are
lmao, amanduh and christian are finished.
yeah i can read bro, its just retarded to think about it that way when the same leaker says that Caitlyn lets go of Jinx for Vi
Ugh this hurts… he’s so fucking annoying
She gets saved by Ekko. But she dies saving Vi. Something she wanted to do since she was a kid.
why was she here
just to suffer?
Silco only said that because he had abandonment issues!
He was also 100% right
I'm more triggered by Amanda's interracial fetish than any other shit leaked
And the worst part is that we don't even get to see his real wolf form but just have to guess that it happens after.
didnt yinx basically die in season 1 why would they pull that card again
it... it is actually over...
Caitvi was always the plan. Timebomb was the only forced one.
Listen bitches are switches but she’s beaten up Vi so fucking much, she better go stone and get generous..
Are we really surprised after dogshit like this?
I don't give a fuck about Jinx dying, but the Jayce/Viktor plotline is so fucking weird now
mage who saved Jayce is actually timetraveling Viktor
they battle eachother in the magic realm and forgive eachother which causes a timeparadox and they are retconned out of existence
fucking what
Honestly mad respect to the caitvi fags on twitter, don't often see shipperfags that actually care about other aspects of the plot
Singed nation can't stop winning
Fuck off retard, not every straight relationship in Anon Babble media needs to be interracial, we especially don't need more "only way to save the doomed white girl in the whole multiverse is for her to date a black guy" plots straight out of cuckolds' wettest dreams
do you guys think we will actually get future adaptations of runeterra?
will it be on the quality of arcane?
No. All you will get is gay sex and faggots and trannies with tranny voice actors while nigger nu-rap plays in the background
what the fuck were the leaks?
how is caitvi forced when they've been fucking each other for over a decade in the game. ekko and jinx were never anything.
Holy shit, what a SHITTY ending
We, Anon Babble anons have managed to write much more interesting theories than this shit in the last few months. FUCK YOU AMANDUH
I'll show you what you really are
Oh no.
tfw your mentally ill sister has front row seats to watch her daughter seppuku
Nah, she'll be fine. Just walk it off.
Oh wait that actually makes sense…fuck. She just wanted to be the big damn hero to Vi.
Dude! Scroll up. what are you? 4?
Yes, it warped the plot, cut arcs short, and added weird shit (like why was the maddie scene necessary in comparison to developing more important shit?) just to both add drama and make sure its all resolved towards the inevitable, obvious end (Cait and Vi together)
Almost as bad as adding a cute, mute fridge. This was just totally embarrassing
Stop watching cuck porn
The reddit leaker said AU Ekko and Powder are dating.
We, Anon Babble anons
keep lurking newfag
This is the end, Jinxsisters.
singed erasing her sentience would probably be a favor at this point.
Once they see the scene and realize Jinx dint tell Vi what she was doing. They’ll realize it’s okay. Mark my words.
They keep putting it in my fucking cartoons
the problem isn't that is forced, caitlyn and Vi have a romance in game and they are almost married, the real problem is that the 2 seasons 9 ep. model FUCKS them in the ass when you consider that they have to rush a bunch of plotlines at the same time. It was a really really greedy move to even try Caitlyn's arc in 9 episodes of 40 min each, how the fuck do you think that would be capable?
Even if you erase Cait and Vi completely from the season 2 episodes, the garbage writing still remains. The show went to shit in general but you all just want to blame the dykes and dyke writer instead of the retard creators.
Prison sex. Prison sex. Prison sex.
Linke and Yee want it too, they probably hate humans
Gets released
Dies in two weeks
And all the storms you've been chasin
About to rain down tonight
And all that pain you've been facin
About to come into the light
"only way to save the doomed white girl in the whole multiverse is for her to date a black guy" plots
How many of those have we gotten?
There’s a chances one of Jinx’s leftover mattress pubes could end up in Caitlyn’s mouth. Think of the ramifications.
I'm not against sex in prison, but having sex while your sister says she's going to kill herself? wtf Amanda?
Cardboard sex leaker sama please save us ffs
I literally just said Isha was total trash too. Waste of time.
Because she was tired of chasing someone who would only push her away. Jinx locked her in the cell.
Also add the fact that i knew they were trying to redeem her, but them you see Ep. 3 and you KNOW that they can't possibly go back after that in 6 episodes
Something that was forced feels more natural than the thing that was planned in the beginning
It really is over
I only like Timebomb via fanart and didn't even want them to hook up in this series given the structure of it. It's just their AU relationship sounds way less retarded than Vi leaving Jinx just to go herself and have scissor sex with Caitlyn
It's because CaitVi is handled so sloppily in this season
Cardboard sex
What was that about anyway?
If you force yourself to go to bed right now you'll be up and about by the time the episodes drop
What happened? What confirmed the leaks?
She also just lost a child and is convinced anyone close to her dies. So clearly in great distress
over the past 3 years I've consistently seen better fanfic leaks than the real thing
Amnesia Vi anon, please come back I apologize for everything
then*** (add ep 4, 5 as well.)
ITT: zoomies and retards assblasted a show written by faggots and trannies ends up being faggot and tranny
holy fk caitvifags are really mad on twitter. even they aren't happy. they really fucked up lmao.
They got all the titles right.
These silly Arcane newbies. I'M A LEAGUE PLAYER. I'm always disappointed.
For real tho, if it stops Arcane Newbies from queuing up, then I see this as a win.
Loving v Virginia was in 1967
Give it a rest, grandpa
at least let them reunite in the afterlife ffs.
So you guys, we're going to burn Amanda's house in minecraft tonight?
gas your citizens
imprison peaceful protestors and riots alike with no trial
allow a foreign power into your government, leading to all out war in the heart of your very populated city
still gets the girl
your greatest enemy (jinx) and competitor for vi's affection dies
still keeps her riches and property
still keeps control over the under city's air by birthright
only punishment- 1 missing eye
implying silco 'kept the knife' 'kept the glasses' 'moved back into the last drop' 'talks to his statue' arcane could be remotely normal about the fact that vander was still alive in some form, and wouldn't spend every waking hour down there monologuing dramatically at him
Post examples, I dont have xittwr
The official episode titles just dropped.
She didn’t tell Vi what she was going to do. She just sucker punched her and locked her in her cell. Telling her not to follow her.
Vi also just lost her father (again) and saw her sister lose her daughter, but I'm sure she's fine.
Can we agree that you cannot do a 9 episode format were most of the stuff is not on dialogue but le quirky music videos?
It's not even 1pm yet
yes, obviously
An eye for the world.
That's the easiest part to leak, Netflix has to know the titles and episode summaries in advance to translate to every language. The question is are you stupid enough to believe Riot will kill a cash cow champion they just made a skin for?
Hot. Also loser Vi losing everyone again except her new sugar mommy Cait who is going to adopt her as her new personal fucktoy. We know Cait will put her in place if she misbehaves
if these leaks are real, these people need to never work again. I am so serious. this is the most egregious evil hateful shitshow of a finale I’ve ever seen. basically encouraging suicide and spitting in the face of all of their fans. fuck you Alex, fuck you Christian, fuck you Amanda
They’ll calm down once they see it, trust me.
This, to me it's so fucking weird and out of left field, the time paradox shit convolutes things so much for no fucking reason, thematically why should that be the case? I can't even understand at the moment how or why Viktor would go back in time to save Jayce and his mom?
Also, why does this paradox only affect them? If Jayce is gone and the things involving him never happen, NONE of Arcane happens either, Jayce buying shit from Benzo is the reason he's robbed by Vi Powder, Claggor and Mylo, if they don't rob him they don't get the hex crystals, they don't get in trouble with Piltover, forcing Vander to give himself up to protect them, Powder never uses the crystal, and thus, never kills her family once Vander is captured, this shit makes no fucking sense
Be told to take care of powder
Hit and leave her instead
Join topside for enforcer pussy
Fuck your abusive enforcer gf in your sisters cell while she goes to kill herself after losing her adoptive kid
Get married into wealth and have a stable job
majority of series revolves around vi and jinx
at the 9th hour- vi just gives up
And this is narratively satisfying how? Other than if someone feeling vindicated over their idea of vi being a terrible person
moral of the story:
the rich elites are your superiors and will win no matter what
resistance is futile, just fall in line and obey, it will avoid unnecessary suffering
kinda redpilled ngl.
Why are they mad exactly? Share screenshots
Of course they will since they are horny all the time
Caitlyn was after one, single solitary terrorist and the only people we see her gassing are people who work for the chem-barons.
And while she was dumb for trusting the Noxians, she didn't restart the war, Jinx did by bombing the council.
Yeah…but funny so is Vi. When has Jinx ever cared about how Vi felt, please give me an example?
Same here. I like Timebomb, but I didn't want it to happen because their relationship got zero development and Jinx crossed the line one too many times. Using an AU for their relationship is just fucking lazy. I don't like it when a character/characters is ruined or disrespected by a ship a by poorly written romance. It wouldn't been much better to drop vague hints and leave it at that.
if the leaks are real this might cause the biggest seethe since GOT S8
What a snowflake lmao
just saw her sister lose her daughter
time to go fuck on top of sister's grave
kek leakerfag really has a lot of ppl wound up, mission accomplished ig
Imagine if Christian Linke was the leaker and he leaked everything correctly until act 3... He seems like a troll.
Am running out of cope someone believe this...
my waifu dies a virgin
Riot.... I kneel
Turning your ex into a furry isn't normal
You think Singed 'i just got half my body burned in a workplace accident' was the one who dragged a 300lbs Vander back to his lab?
Seriously I agree.
Its awful, I know they pretend to be a greek tragedy but its a cartoon about LOL ffs
Because she's a chad
I'm not the type that sleeps for 11 hours.
Singed: just can't stop winning
When she risked her life telling Vi about Vander being alive.
Go fuck yourself fag lol
At least she's getting laid nightly
Soul Burn here.
You guys got trolled by Twitter person Crawford.(She writes), me and the random reddit Abugarash guy that piled in the troll too.
The "leaker" (twitter person) is the original Anon Babble nov leak. He is fucking around with you guys masterminding everything from 3 different reddit accounts and 2 twitters. He is also seeing this thread for their enjoyment like I was.
It's many things from the plot twisted around.
First the Anon Babble leak then the random that came in to add details to the reddit post "abugarash" is not rrelated to the OG troll leaker. He literally just decided to pile on the leaks. Which did come with some inconsistencies.
Then I questioned the person on twitter. Later I found out this leaker on twitter was the guy that was helping me debunk the leaks "AuthorRickSanchez" on reddit, WHO WAS ALSO ARGUING AGAINST THE LEAKS on the thread. He was arguing against himself to make it seem realistic.
He also had another reddit account which he deleted when I called them out on twitter named "strawberry". He is now my friend btw. He was changing writing styles depending on which account he was in. He 100% had me in.
I want to make it clear to everyone. You guys doomposters are safe. She is NOT dying. I will not say about other characters but she won't.
I know it's them because they sent me this pic on reddit. (the one I am sending that has them on twitter account)
Here I leave part of our convo imgur.com
Here they are coming out
Basically he played us all. And then I joined him in the troll.
Jinx does NOT die.
You guys can rest and wait until tommorrow.
Being the bitch of a rich topsider who has absolute control of your life.
all of this shit going down
Anon Babble still doesn't have a thread
Honestly good on them for noticing the new season was dogshit and dropping it
Pls tell me one time when Jinx cared about how Vi feels, instead of torturing her with her guilt and emotions.
She is literally trying to spare her from herself.
She pulled her out of her drunken ditch because Vander is her dad too.
She dragged her to her room once Loris stopped doing it.
She loves her and couldn’t pull the trigger even as she walked with a gas mask and enforcer squad.
She loves her sister dearly. She is not a good person by any means though.
Jinx does NOT die.
holy cope
The normies are already coping, and the episodes haven't even released yet. Just the episode titles.
It's going to be an absolute meltdown in less than 12 hours from now.
changed him into a force of nature figure, he's basically not a character. he might as well be earth wind & fire itself
Kill yourself faggot
Am I the only one who thinks there won't be prison sex while Jinx is committing suicide? That sounds completely tasteless even for Riot
If only she didn't have to lose an eye.
So how did those fuckers have access to act 3?
Whats the point of her character if she dies
like even if she was jailed for life you could write a decent conclusion out of that
post on xitter then. and how’d he get the episode list? early viewer but kept the last 3 episodes to himself?
wtf is happening. release me from this shit show.
Becuase he DOES have the eps. He is related to someone working on netflix.
I just confirmed everyone was getting trolled and people will still be doomposting. Watch it happen.
I don't know if I should believe you or if I shouldn't.
siscon is elite
I still think it's odd it doesn't fit the leaked icon and looks like Silco's face. But even if it's true it's obviously not the final form, there's an "all but confirmed" skin, and the silhouettes need to match for clarity. Frankly, I care more about the ingame depiction more than the show as a WWmain.
It wont be in a prison cell, Maddie is prob from black rose
suicidal character wants to die
"that's it hope you enjoy it"
bravo riot
No that was all about Vander. She didn’t exactly understand how Vi was feeling especially since she still didn’t understand how much Vi believed Vander’s death was her fault.
find out the episode titles
write plausible fanfic for act 3
post it online with episode titles as proof
episode titles drop "proving" leaks
watch the fandom implode
would be fun to be the "leaker"
There is a thread on Anon Babble right now you disingenuous faggot. You are right about this season being dogshit, however.
Jinx does NOT die.
Dude legit fuck y'all go all eat dicks and choke
I want to believe, but I can't. Sorry if I'm "falling for it". I don't care. This whole thing has made me miserable.
If the leaks are true, what was that big surprise in episode 7 that the creators and cast kept mentioning?
Being here is more entertaining than the show itself.
buncha soft-spines
Confirmed fanfic. We're not getting forced timebomb after all I hope.
Cope. She dead. Day is ruined
Can someone post the original leak with the title of the episode please?
He did watch the episodes.
WW pic IS real.
Who top. And please ffs tell us that the sex is not in prison
I hope Vi tops that little bitch
It's said in-show that they flooded the streets with gas to clear the streets so that "people wouldn't get hurt." Aka that shit was just everywhere. Also jinx didn't give the noxians and ambessa permission to run around unmonitored in piltover and zaun. That was caitlyn
So what’s real about the leaks?
Think they'll go do that? Caitlyn had a rework not that long ago. Not sure if they're gonna Gangplank her, there might be quite a lot of backlash. Also, Jinx is dead and yet her bio just got updated, not sure of how seriously they're gonna take the Arcane canon.
Show me
i get sending Jayce to the future, but why the fuck are they wasting time with a "no hextech" AU, who gives a shit
She just wanted her family back. But when Vi tries to tell her in the preview to help and make Isha’s idea of Jinx a reality. Jinx rejects her again and pushes her away. Instead of idk fucking talking to Vi?
they're the same person duh, cardboard anon = prison anon. the jig is up
I dont even care about the show
The entertainment in these threads is way better
That would honestly be hilarious, but I'm outta cope aniki
Real life elites are genetic disasters.
I still don't being the prison sex leaks. That sounds way too extreme
I guess the two headed wolf singed had might have somehow led to silco and vander in one body or some shit
the fact that so much of s2 got leaked is fucking hilarious
thank you for your investigation. can you tell us if jinx is getting blacked for real?
leak bros we lost
I'm only here for Vi and Jinx tits.
Believe it. Vi is a shitty sister.
w8. reverse psychology. everyone staying alive except for the dykes?
what a letdown compared to the fireworks that S1's finale was.
meh. i'mma read some jilco fanfic tonight then check back here tomorrow. godspeed anons.
leakers are turning on each other and sowing more confusion
What a mess. Is this how is was for other popular shows if you were perma online? GOT? Breaking Bad?
I don't know anymore
This. She's been a hypocrite all of S1 too.
I’m confused is Soulburn the originally Anon Babble leaker anon (the nov14 one) or not?
unless shewrites posts on xitter that it’s fake I don’t believe “her” lel. not to mention these fucks did have the episodes and their titles so
Please don't give us even more reasons to cope
I think he probably just wanted all the bodies that got fucked up by Shimmer/in the Shimmer explosion for research purposes (see: Deckard's head in a jar), and Silco told him sure. He was so fixated on Jinx finishing 'the weapon' once she stole the hex gem - you think he wouldn't be constantly kicking down the door if he knew Singed was making an indestructible beastman that could be summoned on command? But we never even get so much as a hint that he's aware of it. For example, the writers might easily have dropped in an easter egg like, "You have to finish the weapon, Jinx. The doctor's project isn't providing the results we'd hoped for," if they'd wanted us to think that Silco knew, or was behind it. But instead, it's conspicuously absent, so the likely conclusion is that he simply DGAF what weird side projects Singed is working on.
It probably did because it was so fucking bad and people didn't respect it.
Watch it be on Caitlyn’s bed.
what the f
The GoT leak guy was right always though.
Idk what's real.
I think most of the leaks are actual things fucked around so you guys get rage baited.
One thing that he did post in a "fake" leak in other account to make fun of the leaks was this tho.
Stop trying to forcefully doompost.
Trolling from rioters, called it. Well I will let you guys know when I'm done with the screening today.
This happened with GoT and last of us 2. It’s so common nowadays.
"he's my friend now" kek what is this brofic story
Hey LA event anons. YOURE UP!
If I can't find it by typing arcane in the catalog it does not in fact exist.
Kek. This is the most fun I've had in a while.
yfw the leaks are the original treatment of the S2 script before they rewrote it
yfw they decided to leak it for shits and to see how hard it would've been hated
yfw tomorrow morning when it's a completely different finale
I found that amids this "it's so over" I had, in fact, one more "cope" in me
Can’t wait for the 40th meltdown.
the prison sex seemed bullshit as fuck, it will be a paralel to oil-water ep 8 from s1
Vi having hot sex in prison while her sister just ran away calling herself a Jinx and that she jinxes everything is extremely unrealistic and you know it.
He is my friend now..
He was helping me debunk the leakers on reddit but it was actually him.
It was such peak writing from him I had to befriend them.
I dont care what the leaks say as long as my boi Viktor isnt dead, the absolute GIGACHAD Singed gets away with everything again, and Cait and Vi have a happy ending together. Dont give a fuck about Jayce, don't give a fuck about Mel and her crazy mom.
Jinx i could take or leave. Death would be a mercy for someone as totally broken as her but she can still find a semblence of happiness in the chaos.
If it was all bullshit I fucking kneel
prison sex while Jinx is committing suicide
feelin' fantastic, fuckkkkkin fanaaaastic don'tcha want someone like me babe???
careful what you ask for CaitVifags
I’ve officially lost the plot and I’ve been here for a while.
You're our only hope for clarity. They got us good. LOL.
MAN. This shit is unbelievable
Okay no seriously, wtf is the paradox shit? Cause if you're gonna tell me "Oh well if Viktor doesn't save Jayce then Jayce never saves Viktor so they both disappear" that throws the entire show out of wack
Jayce visiting Benzo's shop is the reason Ekko was able to give Vi the tip about a place to rob in Piltover
Vi, Mylo, Claggor, and Jinx would never have done the original job
There would never be hextech crystals, no explosion in Piltover, no explosion at Silco's hideout
Grayson and Marcus would've had no reason to come searching for Zaunite criminals
This means Mylo and Claggor should still be alive, as well as Benzo and Grayson most likely
This also means Powder should have no reason to become Jinx, she wouldn't have killed her family with the hex crystal
The hexgates not being a thing would cause DRAMATIC shifts to the timeline, without them Piltover doesn't become the gigarich hub it is and doesn't get the attention of Noxus, and Mel needs to find something else to raise her status
Tell me how this shit makes sense I just don't fucking understand it
We lost so hard. The whole world is about to become homophobic.
Can't wait for the leaks to be 100% accurate now.
it's no wonder, just look at the absolute state of this thread
You’re going?
Holy shit thank you anons for the leaks. I have been enjoying the melt down of these tranny faggots.
no one knows whats real whats fake anymore
kek. tonight will be good.
When does the event end? When can we expect information from the screening event?
leakers were shitposting
Okay. So this is “fake”… did these people view the episodes but just lie about their contents?
And why was shewrites so passionately upset about the leaks for a while? Was that part of the trick?
The episode titles and nothing else, allegedly.
Honestly thank the f god. I hated that I spoiled myself for this show after waiting for 3 years. Now I can go in blind. We're back boys.
the titles were real
the leaks were fake
he DOES have the eps. He is related to someone working on netflix.
KEK does his boomer uncle work at Netflix? trust me bro. just like serverfag bought his boomer friend $87 of pizza to get leaks
they saw the episodes and just twisted some of the stuff that will happen
It was all bullshit
Somehow all the episode titles were correct
Something doesn't add up.
That’s what I was thinking. These fuckers just wanted to mess with the Twitter crowd I guess…idk what there game is.
How did nov 14 guy get e6 correctly then smart guy?
All leaks are FAKE.
There is one that he told us that I do BELIEVE is real tho.
"Once the song ends, fades to black.
Cuts to a clip where Powder and Vi are kids again. Mylo and Claggor are heading out on a mission. Powder asks if she can come too. Vi hesitates but agrees. The camera pans over to Powder's monkey toy.
Credits roll."
I do believe this is real epilogue.
Otherwise NO.
Not real.
Jinx is not dying.
Stop dooming.
They are the only ones that get something positive out of the finale if the leaks are true why are they mad?
He's in on it.
jinx cannot die.
silco pumped 50 million $ into arcane's production so his bby girl gets a lead role in the project.
Hence trolling.
No the Anon Babble Leaker anon one got the leaks right about Act 2 and got Episode 7 title right
reminder that S1E9 was originally S1E7 and that S2 was padded out of only 2 episodes.
everyone ITT claiming S2 is "rushed" is turbo-coping since its story was initially much much shorter.
Netflix pulled a jinx last night and accodentally showed the titles.
I mean they spent who knows how many days together reconnecting off screen, so. We saw multiple day night cycles in viktor's camp during the remember me sequence, who tf knows how long they were there and chris linke implies they reconciled. So why give up after that?
leak 1 ep of your 250 million dollarodoo show to own the fans
The only real leak is this one
Everything else you read is all fanfic
Nov 14 guy can’t be lying he got Act 2 right and Episode 7 title right
Please tell me Jinx and Vi part on friendly terms as adults
Jinxvi is healthier than caitvi at this point. Always has been sexier, though
mfw its actually vi and cait who die
That is also NOT real.
That is also by shewrites.
Can you listen? I am telling you.
If no champion dies in Act 3, that will be a way to prove any further "leaks" are bogus. I really, really doubt that Riot will ever kill one of their cash cows in the Tv Ad they made for League. That's just not how the corpos work.
Nta but leaks are fake. False alarm…I guess…
Isn't it also a fanfic?
That'd be evil, too much
honestly? ep7 I really do think Jinx tries to sudoku. everything in the trailers, Isha's MV suggest she's really depressed about Isha's death. and Ekko saving her brings them together in act 3
in trailer we literally see her pull the pin on a chompers in her hand just like the bridge scene where she tries the same
building credible lies on top of partial truths
truly unheard of indeed
Seriously, how fucking dumb are you people? Every time some dipshit with a screenshot posts, you monkeys chimp out.
Anons there is no way 7/10 of the cast is dying/disappearing
There's no way caitvi have sex in JINX's prison cell. What would be the message of that???
Scene where the chem-barons ask why Silco isn't moving in to leash Jinx or declare full-on war against Piltover
Cut to his mindspace where it's his own broadway production of The Sound of Music with Jinx as the leading lady.
I'm so confused bros. Guess now I'm waiting for the LA anons to confirm what the fuck is going on.
I want the leaks still, even if it's just the main points and a recap of who lives/dies.
So I guess no sex will happen either ha.
How is not real? It was posted before act 2 dropped and got episode 7 title right
Why did you reveal yourself now and not 3-4 hours before the third act?
But he said he's not sure if he's the original leaker. If he was Nov 14 anon, he'd know.
kill your newest league champion after 2 weeks canonically
Always knew Sevika would have been the better champion
How do you know that Jinx doesn't die if you haven't even watched it?
You're saying that you "believe this is real epilogue" which implies you haven't actually watched it.
Holy coping troll, go back to xitter.
New leaks.
he said he twisted some of the stuff that actually happens, the sex scene most likely dont happen in a fucking prison cell but in caitlyn's room
Damn. Such a reveal.
Because this person HAS the episodes before anyone.
He put stuff right then wrong to fuck with you all.
He messed with TRUTHS to make it seem not digestable and stupid writing decisions.
Now stop doomposting and enjoy the show when it releases.
the leaks were bullshit
the actual ending is Jinx steals Ekko's z-drive to save Isha and Silco
lol time travel and au in the last 3 episodes
who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
Or we could just be getting trolled again and it matches up
It's over.
Lmao this glorious mind fucking of everyone.
Listen that stupid troll probably bullshited about the opposite of what's really gonna happen
Jinx lives
there's no caitvi sex
jayce and viktor live
Is Anon Babble ready to accept that Warwick and Isha were both dogshit and ruined this thing?
FUCK YOU, stop giving me hope retard
Someone here did said -Ep.7's title was "Pretend Like It's the First Time" just look for it in desuarchives
Because in first paragraph he was still playing the "character" that was helping me debunk the leaks.
The screenshot is basically his "I am kira" moment
So Tiimebomb ending up together can still happen. Cool.
Sounds kino, all I need now is for Vi and Jinx to make up and part on friendly terms
I think vi is gonna die desu
he's the only character who 100% stays dead.
So you haven't watched it yourself? How do you know if this person who "has the episodes" isn't bullshitting you?
inb4 the stupid troon doesn't reply to this
Obvious troll.
catvi dies
the falling with warwick is still truth he twisted stuff, jayce and viktor live, caitvi doesn't happen in a fucking prison
*the dyke romance
there's no caitvi sex
Leaker said the sex was lame. Opposite means it's going to be FANTASTIC
We will get a confession and kiss from caitvi instead.
kek, had a headcanon about this scenario.
no way could ekko dangle a juicy carrot like the possibility of getting silco and isha back and her not doing whatever she can to get it.
jinx will waterboard ekko for 2 days until he teaches her how the z-drive works, then gets her baby sis and sugar daddy back.
Always has been sexier, though
The facts are in.
There will be caitvi sex. Just not in a prison cell and let alone while Jinx is dying.
Well, what did you expect? Blud's got dat dawg in em.
oh we just wanted to remind Jinx she's a curse on society, will never have anything good and will die alone and miserable. so we killed her only friend. again.
idk what kind of message does that send?
Give me one reason why anyone should care about how Vi feels.
Ep7 is still going to involve AU shenanigans right?
the leaks are fake bro, Riot is just trolling with the subpoena
Act 1 was good, WW and Isha is what made Act 2 horrible.
She's the shows punching bag
That BPD chicks are a burden only their parents could love and should kill themselves
I guess Ekko still stops Jinx though.
Whoaaa. They’re talking about the episode 1-r leaks though, surely.
I guess I will watch at 2AM while at work.
Its literally just twisted stuff, they prob go to AU and a bunch of what he says happens but not in that exact way
Is this supposed to be the guy that leaked 1-5 or the prison sex leaker?
this. expect for ep2, I loved act 1
WW Ruins Everything
That's why he's the goat. Or ate the goat's heart, same difference.
That’s from the other leaks earlier this year.
It’s not it obvious?
Vi is cutely pathetic!
Great way to try to not let Netflix catches your asses I’ll give you that.
Oh, is that what you call this?
You would do the same if your stupid sibling killed 3/4 of your family
kek why do you believe him, he show you any ss? post 'em, oh wait. none exist
He really is Singed’s creation.
What time is the LA event est time?
Funniest outcome is leaks are real and people are getting trolled again. But either way pretty well played.
inb4 the leaks are real and the twitterfag is giving people hope so that he can see everyone have an even bigger meltdown when the episodes come out
LA anon, confirm whats truth and what isn't
Isha was the single worst part about season 2 and it fuckings astonishes me to see people fall for that crap.
lmao my sister did that shit for stealing from her cookie stash
Siblings are like that sometimes, idk why people made a big deal out of it
So who posted all three episode titles first?
8 est
Agreed. I can only laugh when I see people who are upset over the suicide doll
I don't beat children. I also don't care about the opinions of people who do.
At this point I can't even get mad, it's so devious it becomes hilarious
Certainly a better memory than a dumpster Act 3
Kek this is kinda how I feel desu, dude is looking to cause as much chaos as possible so I'd believe it
*the dyke romance
Most probable outcome
And it was an open handed slap, not a punch.
Honestly yeah.
Anon Babble is taking at face value what a namefag, not even using a trip or providing proof, says
Is this the most RETARDED board on this site?
I have a soft heart and the writers took advantage of that.
but wasn't abughorash the first one to leak the episode titles?
all the hateposters conveniently ignoring this TRVTHNVKE
this thread is nothing but Discord/Xitter/Reddit raids fighting each other
Captcha: GAY0R4
lying to avoid legal trouble lol
This. He's an excellent troll, i'll give him that.
I saw a TON of retards on reddit about how they were bawling their eyes out over the walking deathbait plotdevice
It's not just the story, the very people watching this garbage are different from season 1
They got me excited to watch the episodes and find out, so I can't be mad
putting on a trip makes someone more trustworthy
Holy newfaggot.
Vi had to have been around 12 in s1 act 1, though, since she grew taller in prison. Girls stop growing heightwise at around 14-15. So she was a child at the time, too
It is, it's also so obvious that this namefag is bullshitting everyone for their own entertainment.
Are you retarded???????????
Someone put in the effort and make a collage of this whole saga, it's an all timer Anon Babble moment kek
its so obvious
only punishment- 1 missing eye
Yes, Caitfaggs won.
Nov 14/16 anon is the only one that's legit. Don't believe anything else. That Ai twitter user and reddit leaker came after him and clearly only want attention.
Not an excuse. She was old enough to know better and even if she didn't Vander's dying words to her were to protect Powder, not to beat her.
Use desuarchives and check it out for yourself
tranny spouting nonsense
ACKshually he's le epic trolle!!!1
kill yourself
Jinx was 12, Vi was 17-18 in Act 1.
Unless you mean the intro scene specifically
Apparently he got all his info from shewrites then did his own spin
Doesn't make sense because the reddit leaker was the first one to give the episode titles that confirmed. So if anything, he's the only one we can trust.
Anon, you saw nothing
Did this xitter retard post anything that indicates actually knowing shit, though? Episode titles were poster by someone else on reddit
I think Vi should be raped.
This makes the pain of act 3 kind of funny at least. Without it it would just be misery.
This a million times
No way was vi 17-18, she grew a whole 5-6 inches in prison. Makes no sense
How is he going to disappear without explanation and how is Viktor the magician from the past? I'm going to take my life
by me.
Vi was 16.
basically encouraging suicide
you made me agree with them because you should seriously kill yourself
Idk if many 12 yr olds would react better in those circumstances. I honestly think her not apologizing to isha after smacking her on accident is less understandable
wtf i hate Mel now?
Understanding of female puberty- 0%
Random xitter namefag shows up and everyone instantly believes his words
HOLY RETARDATION. I'm not even sure anymore if anons are believing it because of cope, or because everyone here is legitimately retarded.
No, this random xitter has no proof of actually knowing anything. His source leaker could very well be feeding him false information or backpedaling on the previous leaks as a form of damage control for the inevitable meltdown.
Black woman with white woman features is peak though
when does the LA screening start ?
Damn, so the 14 leaks are real or not? SHIT
it's so confusing
he already said dude, its truth but he adds some bullshit like: caitvi sex in prison, its not in prison. Jinx falls with warwick and dies, she doesn't die.
That means 5 pm pst?
The warden already raped her countless of time lmao
didnt the reddit user post first lol
SouL BuRN here, got some info for you anons
THIS, he posted the titles before her.
i want it to be Caitlyn instead
Trying to discredit the reddit leaker
Obvious troll, can't believe you retards are suddenly trusting this random twitter troon.
All leakers say the big fight happens in E8 except in the title leak it says a big fight happens in E9
what's the name of that videogame Arcane might be visualy inspired from?
He did, this retard is just trying to take credit. LMAO.
this ai twitter user is trolling you all and you're sucking it up.
only legit ones are the Anon Babble 14/16 nov anon and the reddit leaker.
this is what i'm saying, and it also sounds like he actually watched the episodes as well
Either they mean they were talking offsite or it's backtracking BS and aburagash is also a legit leaker and they're lying that they made the leaks up to keep trolling even more.
it seems like a lie the second she said she shared those pictures all over reddit, she didn't
everyone since about 3 weeks ago
Isha doesn't exist. She's a persona Jinx lives, and one that Vi sees.
Vi doesn't want to punch Jinx again so she hallucinates another persona for Powder
Cait gets mad Vi just defended Jinx from her point of view
Isha is mute; aka. nobody can see, hear or interact with her.
Isha makes less evil attacks on Piltower, but uses the same technology (aka. has Jinx' brain and knowhow)
Sevika and "Isha" are both in the square
Sevika doesn't actually escape the square
"Isha" is a small target, easily knocked out and overlooked - just like the real Jinx is overlooked by the enforcer.
Jinx manages to change into uniform near the square, and takes custody of Sevika
The Jinxters look appalled, saddened that their hero is visibly insane, but are happy to be let out of prison
In the tunnel scene Vi punches Jinx again but can't handle it, so "Isha" bleeds.
When Isha dies to WW, it's Jinx killing herself, only copycats remain (the weird hairdo "Jinxes")
Vi loses it totally
Shewrites is the most trustworthy since they actually had screenshots.
its AI
It's very obviously not AI.
League of Arcane
Meaning ep 8 is about Viktor crossing the line and everyone else preparing for battle.
the redditor said he'd seen the whole season after act 1, before ep 6 even aired. There was no picture about the act 3 episodes, either she's also him or bsing her way out of this
fake leaker titles. real title for s2e7: It's Timenigga Y'all
haha ty all.
when did this twitter user first appear? reddit leaker was Monday or tuesday
Any way to verify this?
League of Lesbianos
Imagine the LA anon came back from the screening and tell everyone that the leaks are all true lmao another shitstorm incoming.
why are we getting namefags
He was given the tittles by authorricksanchez in dms.
Can you guys stop reverse coping lmfao
god damn lol.
The anon will have to be truthful and post pics. They can’t bullshit there way like these fuckers.
Imagine if he made up his own leaks, kek
reddit leaker appeared before act 2
Why is he claiming he posted them on reddit then?
No one except the nov 15 anon had posted the titles before that reddit leaker (nov 15 anon only posted the title for ep 7), so yes, she is bsing her way out if this.
he's lying AGAIN. he's saying he shared the picture of the titles "all across reddit" and claims the redditor saw it there. mind you, the redditor leaked the titles 3 days ago and that picture was nowhere to be seen. if the picture really had been "all across reddit", someone would've posted it here too 3 days ago.
that's me. i'll be back in 7-8 hours with proof i was at the event (though i won't be able to prove my summary is accurate)
infakable signature.
mfw singedbro
fuck this melodrama shit, I wanna see shimmer-infused white phosphorus on Ionian soil
So the twitterfag is lying just to double troll us, it's still over.
Are the leaks real or not? Im so confused
At this point the leaks have gone supernova. Theres enough versions that I don't even understand who told which. And the show is on in like 9-10 hrs. Who cares.
Was shewrites the first person to post the ww/jinx picture and the episode list? Can someone remind me of what abughorash said and when? I’m starting to think the leaks are real and that this bitch was the one who piggybacked off of Reddit guy’s shit.
When Isha dies to WW, it's Jinx killing herself, only copycats remain
you had me until there
You better give an accurate one. I tired of the bullshit honestly.
Good luck anon. You’re our last hope to savage this mess.
My guess is real, from multiple sources, twitterfag says they're fake now and they were most of the leakers just to troll again.
Shut the fuck up, attention whore. Go commit seppuku like Jinx in Act 3.
Yeah apparently Jinx is Vi's sister. Crazy stuff.
Wait he was trolling? Leaks not true. I am confused.
Is there a lesbian top laner? You can have a full lesbian team, but I can’t think of a top. Illaoi looks the part, but she fucks Braum.
Vi, Diana, Neeko, Caitlyn, Leona
I’m just as confused I don’t know what to believe
cronology was abughorash posted ep.names after nov 14 before the pics were shared, anon in nov 14 predicted ep 6 and made a summary about ep 7-8-9,in nov 15 someone also leaked ep 7 name
Pic related
Took him until act 3 to become at best tertiary character and to bait BBCcucks. Kill me I just want my fun time travel nigga to be relevant for more than an episode or two.
The netflix picture was posted here first, then on twitter. I don't remember if the warwick one was also posted here first or posted first on twitter.
You’re right. Ambussin and her twinks are already out.
In fact, oddly enough it makes a lot of sense, that's why Jinx's skin is called "Fractured" Jinx and he seems to be wearing Isha's clothes.
He's trolling us again unless he's actually abughorash too and lying about not being him.
Was shewrites the first person to post the ww/jinx picture and the episode list?
shewrites was the first person to post the ww/jinx picture and the episode picture, however a redditor called abughorash posted the titles (just the titles, no picture) 3 days before shewrites posted his pictures.
guys wouldnt it be an EPIC troll if the leaker was in fact... LYING about not lying, to do an epic DOUBLE TROLL OWNAGE .
2 seasons
Singed still haven't ran up to Jayce at supersonic speed and flung him around while laughing
dogshit show
Singed talks directly to Isha in the cable car
literal who trying to avoid prison 3 hours before the premiere
She’s happy. They’re happy.
They're saving this for the Noxus show, somebody has got to teach Draven some manners
not at all.
I like this idea, but it would lessen the fact Vi stopped after hurting Isha. Or the fact that Isha showed up in the family hug. I could buy it if they sold it properly though.
Netflix guy posted a screenshot of his screenshot here so he or she is definitely lurking here.
Prob not true that they posted their across reddit because if so I’m pretty sure everyone would have seen it by the time they posted on xitter.
So the only leaker who is believable is the one that posted the names of the episodes. If he backs up the other ones, then they're most likely real
Ambessa prob switch hitter ig but that's speculation
Kayle top for the degens too she's a lezzie right?
yeah, this is happening
Vi was 18 in act 1
You have no idea what an 18 year old looks like.
the one who posted was reddit guy and he made it seem at least believable, for example he never mentioned that during the sex scene there would be cuts to jinx killing herself or that ekko would rewind time 10 times to save her or that after falling in a pit with warwick you can see her body.
I'm still pretty sure the photos are also real. It's multiple leak sources, not all the same person.
I think shewrites is saying it was all them and they're lying just to troll again. The shitshow is real.
She's dead. They're dead.
TRUE! Theory debunked. Unless both Singed and Jinx were tripping off Shimmer Lean.
Picture with WW the first time was posted in previous threads with "Fuck you bitch" or something like that. 3-6 threads ago
So this confirms Sting song was a timebomb song?
The finale comes out today stupid
Ambessa will definitely force you to call her mama. This is canon to my dick.
why are we even discussing this? how would anyone get the correct episode names 2 weeks early and now all of a sudden its fake?
Fuck off with this. The ages were confirmed by all three showrunners. End of discussion
I’m not gonna lie bros, it may be over again. I think that these leaks are right. Shewrites has no proof that their shit came first. Although I guess they did have the pics first, no?
Yea the little fucker just bit her. It was a werk reaction
Anybody else not really care about the story and just really like the pretty animation and art?
Seems like someone is trying to avoid a lawsuit.
Either way SheWrites screwed herself over since she’s the only one who had posted the actual leaked photo on a large platform while the others only provided descriptions. Lmao good luck with that.
Because they said it was fake. Come on, read the thread.
the pics came from here but it was never shared
Seeing Ekko fail 10 times would be stupid as hell. This isn't fucking Edge of Tomorrow where you're telling the story through repetition. They barely have time left to see him try saving her once.
long time no see
Told ya. Fake as hell.
even if so why would they see the hallucinate the same person. Jinx hallucinating Teemo as Isha is reasonable cause he's on the game at the arcade but Singed?
unless Singed has a Mushroom Mayhem gaming addiction we don't know about
It's just a twitter troll, anon. The leaks are real.
I will accept the prison sex depending on how much tits and ass we see
(far away blurry ass and side boob will be accepted)
I don't care much for S2 so this is why I keep watching
it's a masterclass and there's so much to learn
She claimed that she shared it across reddit.
Vi also directly talks about Isha in the tunnel scene. Tells Jinx if she’s worried about Isha thinking she’s insane.
this is something that makes me question her, why in the fuck would the x be missing?
Leaks troll drama is even better than discussing s1 3 years ago
the twittertranny claims his pictures are real
Is the leaks true or not. Someone tell me
Was discussing with a friend today how Arcane will last for decades as an example of how to do good animation
I feel like Ziggs not appearing is a missed opportunity, I really hope they revisit Zaun again in the near future.
leaks are always false
she didn't, if the pics were shared all over reddit, r/arcane would've fucking imploded and i fucking assure you there would be 300 pics flooding Anon Babble in every thread
Only Amanda said shit as far as I know and she wasn't even part of the initial team that designed jinx and vi. Ella's Purnell said powder was 9 and she had been there 3 years longer than amanda
my reaction to all the leaks becoming real
Vi is also schizophrenic. Wasn't she hallucinating caitlyn in that pit fighter part?
what are you even pointing out
yeah retard just like they were for GoT, Star Wars 9, TLOU2, and countless other media. theyre real, shewrites is fucking us over double.
Sure, Sure, I mean I didn't expect "English Man in New York" to talk about that. But there's the evidence
I get it now. "Pretend Like it's the first time" Is what AU Ekko will tell Ekko about how to approach Jinx. This is how he is convinced to forgive her, by agreeing to a complete blank slate.
Trips confirm their bio dad gave them cucked genes.
0 proof of this, first time we saw it on Reddit it was the other fucker
Yes. He's trolling you again by saying they're fake. He is also not the only source and the others have said the same things.
Punch Drunk, and literally Drunk. Different than having Shimmer in your veins and deaths on your shoulders.
I would throw up
Ella has absolute no saying in the story idiot. She doesn't write. She doesn't produce. She's just hired to voice act. She won't even stay going forward in the franchise. What the writers say is what's canon. Deal with it.
STOP. TRUSTING. TWITTER. TRANNIES. Anons on Anon Babble can't be this retarded, right? RIGHT?
It should be obvious that this random troon is just an attention whore and trolling everyone.
I'm mentally preparing myself for Timebomb in the AU world *puke*
Yeah, I’m more inclined to believe this than the “it’s just a prank bro”
Your only confirmation is a Twitter post by Amanda overton. 15-18 yr old girls do not grow taller, vi could not have been in that age bracket in s1 act 1
the rug pull will be delicious
It's there, you just can't see it very well thanks to the lighting. There's clearly an X shape on the fabric here, just smothered by the blue light
She won't even stay going forward in the franchise.
Probably, but she she say that?
survivorship bias. Tons of shit gets 'leaked,' 99.99% of them are anons trolling
the X which im reffering to overlaps the other one anon, he simply isn't there
there is no other way to watch S2...
This is the funniest shit I have seen on this site in quite a while and I'm unironically super excited, no matter how it turns out
this is some devious trolling
1,000+ posts
We're officially an honorary sticky
They really need to leave Viktor alone
Want to bet that 1-2 hours before the episodes release this xitter tranny comes back and says the leaks are true and Jinx dies?
The coping will be absolutely delicious. The meltdown will be even worse.
I admit this made the wait for Act 3 even more entertaining. No matter what happens tomorrow I had my moment of fun with you fags
What I’m getting at is that the episodes did get leaked by some netflix employees. Multiple sources had picked it up. Now they’re spinning the narrative and making shit up while also telling the truth all at the same time. It’s still did not prove that the leaks are true or false because someone did get the title right.
I watch it naked.
another thing that makes me doubt her is why would she share that picture and tag linke in twitter? she could be sued right?
Well, friend of the leaker who’s seen the episodes but made up the leaks, could you ask your friend how the sex scene goes and who’s going to be top and bottom? I need to be ready for the memes.
Oh he's going to stay single don't you worry
Does that really make sense? You can't pretend like every else didn't happen. I can see him putting what happened between the both of them behind and moving forward to fight against a bigger threat, but a blank slate?
There's no caitvi sex scene. It cuts to the after sex moment . The top and bottom discourse will never end
Well people are dumber than you think.
Men do crazy shit for the women they simp for
im sure someone in here is going to the premiere and will let us know early lol
you're talking to twitter trannies who have been spamming these threads with twitter and reddit screencaps for weeks now.
when they're hugging whos top and who is bottom?
Jinx cucked him for an evil old man and the retard is still simping for her
1074 replies
ayo wtf
I ain't thrilled by the leaks, but I'm still looking forward to seeing Act 3.
The leaker said 7 and 8 were the best episodes in the whole show at least.
I can see that happening.
Be sure to have “Arcane” somewhere and link the previous thread in the OP.
This is the first mention of WW-pic on Anon Babble
Vi is the little spoon
Except that this particular one is namefagging the thread like an attention whore. Absolutely insufferable.
he wanted to be their third, but he's okay with only being her doggy too
Lmao SheWrites posted that Aburagash said CaitVi sex happened in the office instead but in truth he actually provided more details about the prison sex scene.
I think Aburagash might be real this time.
Wasn't that just SoulBurn?
The showrunners drew the characters
more like this is the first time this picture was ever shared
That was really weird to me, cause ep 7 sounded like ass from the leaks. We have no investment in AU characters. But hope they’re right.
If he only wants her to help him fight it's not exactly simping. That's just convincing someone to do you a favor.
Jinx and Silco's relationship was weird, but it was a father and daughter relationship. No cuckolding here. I get that you really hate Ekko, but come on.
this leak war is super entertaining.
What did they say?
Dunno, but in that thread he also showed a preview of the episode
Yeah, but look what post comes after it
i mean anon... its literally an AU episode, the title? the little 'surprise'? its an AU were everything went right for powder, the reddit leaker kinda said the same
The leaker said 7 and 8 were the best episodes in the whole show
Absolutely 0 chance. I'd maybe believe the best in the season but even that's a stretch from the leaks we've seen.
the point is that this wasn't on reddit and she said she leaked the pics on reddit.
She's obviously lying for attention. Specially now that twitter was having a meltdown over the leaks.
timebomb AU real
So fucking stupid.
My memory is fuzzy but I’m pretty sure he’s the one that first spill the beans about Caitvi having sex while Jinx killing herself happened all at the same time.
He also confirmed that the Caitvi had a big emotional moment before they had sex.
The meltdown after release will be even more entertaining.
BULLSHIT. I'm monitoring subs arcane and lol on reddit 18/7
okay, sure. that doesn’t explain how the original person (abughorash) had the episode titles days before everyone, including shewrites. we’re so beyond fucked.
I will say though, didn’t Ella say the ending was like a 5/10 for sadness? how is that possible if it’s that hopeless?
do you really think i'm going to rejoice at Jinx being fucked by a nigger and not going full sepuku after that?
clearly not.
Jinx needs to die!
see? if that picture or ANYTHING that she posted on twitter was shared in reddit these threads would've blown up
lol shes officially caught
Jinx dies
It was actually AU Powder that came with Ekko to hello because she's a nice person
Jinx lives and blames herself for yet another innocent's death
No, Jayce will marry him
I don't understand shit anymore. I'm just gonna wait for the episodes.
you know it's not gonna be as simple as that. Even more because it's heavily suggested that there's a timeskip between episode 7 and 8.
Oh yeah, they said caitvi made out for like hours..? And the scene was a montage, kinda like Mel and Jayce / Viktor dying.
Did they say anything else?
Everything went right for her
Dating Kekko
Which is it
Z Drive is a device for one person only
I screenshotted his description. He also said that Cait deliberately let Jinx escape because she loves Vi (happened after Jinx sucker-punched Vi and said that she want to unalive herself)
Looks real to me tho.
third option obviously
Everything went wonderful for her
The power of love pulled her across time and space.
I don't think Jinx said that.
i like it when the scene that follows this exact pic, at the same moment in time, shows a sky without any cloud.
well done Fortiche.
Yeah you’re right. Jinx didn’t said that. I got it wrong my bad.
But he did confirm the rest.
Even more because it's heavily suggested that there's a timeskip between episode 7 and 8.
Another time skip? Even then I doubt they'll be together like that. The closest we'll get to that is the AU stuff.
If she isn't half dead and very mentally ill then things mostly went right
let her escape to commit suicide
because you love her sister
someone answer me
so that means Vi has no clue what the fuck is happening and instead thinks Jinx is leaving her...again. After having so much hope I bet.
Move on to the new thread
Episode showing starts at 8 PM and supposed to end after 10:30. You won't get leaks earlier than 1.5h before it airs on netflix
You're an idiot.
You're actually so dumb.
They are all the same person pls be quiet.
No, it's at 5pm LA time i.e. ~2 and a bit hours from now.