Pomni is furry now

pomni is furry now

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Who buys this shit?

Merry Glitchmas

PADORU PADORU.jpg - 736x736, 56.94K

Middle aged women

Uzi sexo
Pomni can watch

Cute Hamster

boops the Pomster's nose with my cursor

says "boop" in my highest comfortable register


writes this interaction as a greentext

verification not required

clicks "Post"

really good post anon

when pomni isn't trying to escape a digital hell or having a mental breakdown she is a broody diva who just wants to get her job over and done with

I dig it. She's inherently flawed and has more than just 'trauma queen" going on for her

women 20 somethings who still think and act like they're teenagers

it looks like Murder Drones and TADC have a parasitic relationship similar to GI Joe and Transformers where a less popular IP latch on another much more popular one to maintain some degree of relevance

our gfs are fighting...

Or it could just be that Liam and Goose are practically besties.

Yeah, but that's part of the reason why Murder Drones gets to be so close to TADC.

Not gonna even pretend that I don't want one of these. GIMME.

They are self-destructing this brand. It's gonna be the first time the creators kill it before the fanbase do.

Which one? Because Murder Drones girl was annoying as fuck in this.

MD works as a mystery series
The characters just kind of flop around outside of their context

I didn't get the Murder Dolls jokes because I don't watch that series. But Pomni was hella cute as always.

whole videos just for ads, gross.
i was just sad seeing the drones now only used as advertisement bait.

Pomni is made for human men now


you just know she will end in a jar filled with non-vegan protein

Ragatha resisting urge to pet and make little baby-talk noises

selling merch is bad somehow

If they don't do it, bootleg sellers will, considering they're an indie studio releasing free episodes on YT, I don't see the problem with getting a piece of the merchandising pie, everyone knows that's where the real money is after all.

This was definitely intentional

holy temporal sixths

Seeing people shit on this are like watching people make fun of the whales who pay for gacha but play for free. Listen, just don't buy it. I won't. But I'm happy someone does, because I watch the content for free. Just like how I thank the fucks who pay money for games I can just ftp. If anything I hope there's lots of folks who buy this bullshit.

first statue is N and not discount 2B

Are the gays and girls really a bigger part of fan base?

discount 2B

Not that there's much to take from the original, both have the exact selling feature(ass)


Sexy women in their 30s and 40s acting as teenagers sounds hot as fuck, specially if they also wear clothes for teen girls.


The 5th graders I teach absolutely LOVE these shows. I guarantee at least one of my students will be getting this for christmas.

Man I just want a solid Cyn figure, hopefully they release one that's like the new N one

Cyn's character design is just peak

I need to know what's going on under N's jacket for this model.

Murder Drones has been perfectly fine being a successful and popular show on its own even without being adjacent to TADC through Glitch you retard.

Who buys that breedable hamper? Here's a hint

Holy shit my fucking dick.

I bought the current Cyn figurine, I don't mind that it's a little small it's still cool. I would absolutely love a figure like this new N one though, it looks really fucking good.

Cyns Magic Trick

I imagine once they announce a V figure it will sell out in minutes.


any art?

You know right where it's going.

Stop this right now.
Pomni will never find love. She'll become a craggy, easily annoyed shell of a woman forever. It's not fair..

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Can you draw her being kicked in the balls

why are drawfags like this?

She'll always have her #1 supporter


Serious question. Why does merchandise for youtube shows make Anon Babble users seethe so hard? Every time I see people talk about it on here someone goes ballistic and just gets irrationally upset. I haven't seen any other board this mad about merch existing besides Anon Babble when funko pops get mentioned. But even they don't get as upset as this.

So is this actually a fetish or is this guy just posting to be annoying

I really hope they advertise how easy to clean V's statue will be.
I'd lose my shit if they mention anything about a jar.

Retarded industryniggers don't understand how an indie show producer has to make money to.. you know, pay staff and create shows. They literally can not imagine a world where you don't have to bend over and give a big corporation free reign over your productions for funding.

Posting to try and annoy people. Probably some gay falseflag.

Anon Babble doesn't understand that you can't have a successful franchise without also making a lot of toys to get cash from fans and eager kids who want their parents to buy them stuff, pic related.

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