doesn't want a rat in the kitchen
this makes him LE BAD
Come on now
doesn't want a rat in the kitchen
this makes him LE BAD
Come on now
Most people, even someone as cynical as The Critic, see a rat expertly cooking a 5-star cuisine and go, "Holy shit, this is something spectacular. This is a miracle. This is a once-in-a-lifetime wonder" and will allow the rat to continue cooking and even try to learn how and why the rat got so smart.
He saw a rat and got fucking jealous because he saw potential competition.
Oh also, he's not just bad for wanting to kill a highly intelligent rat, but also for withholding that Linguini is Gusteau's son and the true holder to all his company's rights.
he do be lookin kinda chuddy doe
Did you even watch the movie? He was on high alert because the son of the former owner just waltz into the restaurant and may threaten his frozen dinner empire.
some loser schmuck comes in threatening a good thing
If the rat wasnt there Linguini would've just tanked the restaurant and company
He also wanted the rat to develop products for his frozen dinner empire
Well you see in France they love rat shit in their food
it was already going down the tubes with shitty product endorsements and declining quality.
And thats why you adapt to microwave food
Skinner was already destroying the resturant, and if he was forthcoming with Linguini's relation to Gusteau he probably could've kept his role in the company. Skinner did it all to himself.
The Microwave food was part of the declining quality. He was only "adapting" because he didn't know how to run a restaurant and was just leeching off the name Gusteau had built.
I got fired all because of a rat getting into the food locker
Skinner was actively trying to profit off his dead friend for personal, he then wanted to sabotage Linguini’s ownership of Gusteau’s due to being his son out of jealousy.
Remy was only part of the problem, he isn’t evil for getting rid of vermin otherwise all of the kitchen would be labeled as villains, he just got too paranoid over one rat.
you know how rats carry tons of diseases
threatening a good thing
???? good thing?? wasn't the restaurant on the verge of being shut down?
Movie kinda sucked for the chefs anyways. Imagine training for years to be a chef at one of the most prolific restaurants in the world within the capital of cuisine, and you're fundamentally BTFO by a rat that's barely been alive a year and just had a good sense of smell. No matter what, you'll know for the rest of your life that you were inferior, even after the little shit passes away in another year.
Who cares about the restaurant when you can have a licensing deal with an international food brand?
right, cause the food industry is so easy to break into especially when your reputation is going down the toilet
Reputation means nothing. That's why a paki was helping out. You don't equate quality with hindu's, my good man.
french chef
le bad
Ba-dum tshhh!
There was a Paki in Ratatouille?
Lalo the saucier isn't Pakistani.
threatening a good thing
They were already reduced to selling off a dead man's image to slap onto some shitty microwave dinners. The restaurant died with Gusteau, Skinner was a vulture hoping to feast on the corpse.
He looks a bit indian
Ok but it's different when it's a rat who can COOK
There is no Pakistani in the movie, if you mean Lalo he's way more likely of West African decent given that they're working in, you know, France.
Industry cuck. Go eat your onions frozen meals already
Of COURSE Ratatouille won the Oscar that year
The point was that he was a sellout that was jealous of the rat.
While it's true that Pixar has a pathethic stranglehold on the Oscar's, Ratatouille is fucking great and deserved it.
For the rest of your life you'd be digging through the filth shaking rats yelling "CAN YOU COOK?"
No you idiot. He's a fucking manlet. THAT is what makes him LE BAD.
Auguste Gusteau’s restaurant gets one bad review
he fucking dies
it be like that sometimes
He'd be able to get away with murdering Remmy if he wasn't a fucking manlet.
short men are evil
Fuck this trope.
anon is 5'5"
Pakis and Hindu are the same
My man saying stuff like that in either Pakistan or Indian is a way to put your life at risk
Don't give a flying fuck. They both smell the same.