Be honest with me: how much damage did this man really cause to Spiderman?
Be honest with me: how much damage did this man really cause to Spiderman?
Not enough.
I hope he completely destroys Superman, though, now that he's going to write him.
Arguably him going all-out on Spider-Verse the way he did (shock deaths, hundreds of thousands of spider-variants) caused a lot of problems down the line
A good amount because he’s an incompetent writer who held a stranglehold on Amazing Spider-Man immediately after One More Day that never gave the title a chance to move on from it. Post-OMD Amazing was in a similar spot as post-Crisis Flash where the status quo was something the fans hated but thanks to competent writers like Messner-Loebs and Waid it eventually worked. Amazing never got that. Add to it Slott spent more time on Twitter trolling about One More Day than actually writing for ten fucking years Amazing is never going to be able to move on until One More Day is addressed.
Last time he wrote a book titled "Spider-Man", he introduced Spidey's sidekick and removed all character development Doc Ock had received as Superior Spider-Man
Amazing is never going to be able to move on until One More Day is addressed
It will never be addressed, and ASM #1000 will actually reinforce the post-OMD status quo. It is time to accept this and move on. Besides, BND as it was originally conceived in the Brevoort's manifesto wasn't that bad, yes, maybe some people still disagree on the youth vs. responsibility issue (I'm on the responsibility>youth side), but everything else mentioned there was and still is worth exploring. And I personally don't mind Peter being in his late 20s to late 20s forever, if you want my opinion.
Shut tge fuck up you retarded faggot
None really, it was just boring as fuck. Unless you really hate Spiderverse shit
He made Zonic therefore he's a hack
That's some copium from you, Marvel employee
It is time to accept this and move on
Anon its been nearly 20 years since OMD and it’s still the main topic of discussion with Amazing Spider-Man
We wouldn't have Spiderverse without him, by extension we wouldn't have Spider-Gwen, and neither of those things getting normalized in adaptations.
and removed all character development Doc Ock had received as Superior Spider-Man
If Slott did that, he was just finally fixing his own damage. Doctor Octopus shouldn't be a Spider-Man-themed antihero.
JMS was even worse.
Most of the damage to the brand was Bendis and Quesada, Slott mostly tread water with a rule of cool (in his mind) slew of hot girlfriends and almost girlfriends that he'd randomly break up with and villains for Peter that never alter the status quo too much.
Spider-Man had been ruined since the late 80s, who cares
his late 20s to late 20s forever
OMD was Quesada's fault, not JMS'. The totem stuff from JMS' run didn't really do that much damage compared with Slott or anyone since.
If I remember correctly, the whole idea that the totem stuff might be bullshit was built into the JMS's run.
Was the Sin's Past stuff all him, or editorial mandate?
We wouldn’t have spiderverse without him
As much as I hate Slott and would love to pin the worst thing to ever happen to Spider-Man on him the idea of two different dimension Spider-Mans meeting, specifically Peter and Miles, was done by Bendis in Spider-Men several years before Slott. And I mean even then it was done in the 90s cartoon, the idea of spider-mans from different dimensions teaming up really isn’t that terribly original…I’d argue his biggest contribution to it was Spider-Gwen and the only reason she took off was because of her costume.
Anon I know you don’t believe me but I want you to know that I will find you and I will rape you. I will sodomize you so hard anytime you eat it’s gonna go straight from your mouth immediately out your ass.
Yeah, in the story that introduced the totem stuff Peter really doubts it and it actually being a thing is left ambiguous
Sins Past
So JMS wanted to do a story where someone was after Peter, not Spider-Man. This led to him having the idea of Gwen’s bastards, who would have been fathered by Peter, coming to kill him (which is still a weird idea, my dad abandoned me but I’ve never thought of going on a kill vendetta over it) but Quesada said “you can’t give Peter kids because it’ll age him, why not have it be Norman Osborn’s kids?”
Adding to this JMS wanted to use OMD to undo Sins Past but Quesada didn’t want anymore canon fucked than what absolutely had to be
Was the Sin's Past stuff all him, or editorial mandate?
It didn't do Spider-Man any real damage either way. All it "damaged" was the false image of Gwen Stacy that had been built up after her death.
The basic idea had been done before, but Slott made it a big regular thing and normalized it happening all the time in the comics, THAT's what did the damage, and led to it infecting adaptations.
Adding to this JMS wanted to use OMD to undo Sins Past
This would have been by way of rewriting history so Harry's overdose never happened, Gwen would never have died, etc. And back when this was the plan, it may even have been as far back as when Sins Past was going to be Peter's kids, so Peter would end up retconning his own kids out of existence to save Aunt May.
The difference is that the prior crossovers were done with a limited number and done for contrast with the original
90s cartoon
Ben Reilly (a Peter who for a long time thought he was the clone till he learned the truth)
Armored Spider-Man (a Peter who stopped the burglar and wore the 90s armor)
A Spider-Man who kept his six arms
A Spider-Man who uses Ock's tentacles
Some actor who plays Spider-Man who doesn't have powers
Shattered Dimensions
Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel)
Ultimate Spider-Man (a younger Spider-man wearing the symbiote)
Spider-Man Noir (a Peter who was around in the 1930s and has a different life)
Because it's just a crossover between Peter and Miles there is time to focus.
The comic version of Spider-Verse has a problem in which it brought in hundreds and subsequently normalized it afterwards. It's the sort of thing you can do once and it'd be effective, but going back to the well it gets tiresome.
It is time to accept this and move on.
You and Slott keep using this argument and it'll keep making you both look like bigger clowns when the people who can't let go are the ones in editorial
I only care about his Archie Sonic run, the only good thing he has ever written
And I mean even then it was done in the 90s cartoon, the idea of spider-mans from different dimensions teaming up really isn’t that terribly original
It was just a piece of fan service they threw together for the final episode because they didn’t have time to finish the storyline they actually wanted to tell. And of course, all of the alt Spider-Man’s were Peter.
A lot, actually. And it's felt to this day.
the one who started ignoring the supporting cast
the one who made Spider-Man an idiot and a manchild
the one who went full-on the "shallow spectacle over compelling stories and characters" approach with ugly toyetic suits and "save the world" plots
introduced multiverse cancer AKA extension of the previous point
Quesada said “you can’t give Peter kids because it’ll age him, why not have it be Norman Osborn’s kids?”
God damn it Quesadilla is such a fucking hack.
Mrte than you could ever imagine. I'm 56% he's a literal mossad agent.
It's also worth noting that they're not just mostly Peters, they're all 1994 Peters with slight, almost minute details about their lives altered leading them on a different path. (and the unnamed actor, possibly supposed to be Leo DiCaprio brought in by mistake and felt more like a joke than anything)
It's an entirely different beast compared to
what if Spider-Man was a shrimp
what if Spider-Man but he's a gay black man who's Green Goblin's lover
what if Spider-Man from the writers' childhood for nostalgia points
Basically even with a plot like this Semper and co. had a level of restraint and respect for the story they were making when approaching this concept instead of bombarding the viewer with easy shallow nostalgiabait.
Does it even matter? The public is generally unaware that Peter Parker is currently traveling the world, running a global corporation, and claiming Spider-Man is his bodyguard. They just know him as a friendly neighbourhood superhero.
Incredible how a Sonic comic created a ripple effect that affected cape shit forever
a random issue of USM will outsell the 1000th anniversary issue of ASM by twice as much
learn to troll properly or be quiet, we have enough of your kind as is
They're right thoughbeit. Most people don't read Spider-Man comics and don't follow what's happening there; the last good Spider-Man comics were written before the Secret Wars and the whole Black Costume/Venom saga, which had a devastating effect on the character; and JMS' run was mediocre at best, even if we exclude Sins Past and OMD (I re-read it recently and my opinion is quite objective).
If JMS' run is "mediocre at best" then anything Slott ever made is literal carcinogenic sludge.
my opinion is quite objective
Nah, you're just a retarded faggot.
Not as much as Anon Babble likes to claim desu
Fucking Mephisto