Toonami Rewind

English-dubbed anime on a western cartoon block.
Where we still can't be safe from rerun marathons.

Rei best girl

TTGO playing before Rewind instead of Regular Show


And fuck the network.

On a more serious note, does anyone know how to deal with a toothache that keeps you from sleeping?

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Last Toonami of the year will be brutal, god damn.

teen titans go taking up regular show reruns before toonami

dbz kai marathon in the beginning of december meaning no sailor moon r and naruto

They're really testing my patience.

Also they're gonna be showing episode 45 of Sailor Moon two weeks in a row.

I don't understand it. You have the perfect excuse to double up on Kai but don't take it.

You go to the dentist. I had the same problem earlier this year and the tooth needed to be pulled. A tooth infection can literally kill you if left untreated you know.

it's the image i made


Next week is the last week of rewind, then.

little girl panty hour cancelled because of teen titans go goodbye

We had a good run.

Do kids even like TTGO? God this is awful.

back-to-back christmas marathons

hope musclegirlbro has something in the chamber

I mean you can always huff Sailor Moon R copium like I am.

who the fuck asked for a marathon of DBZ

welcome to toonami
december always has 2-3 marathon nights

Saw the dentist a couple days ago for an emergency appointment, prescribed me...I think it's called "amoxicillin" for a week.
Wait list for tooth removal is a year and a half, and I don't have the power to book my own meetings and my mom is unfortunately antivax and once told me it's perfectly fine to live with wisdom teeth.

one of these days it has to be a sailor moon movie. i mean sailor moon season1 is ending soon

Hey so does anyone have relevant mp4's to post?

Toonami doesn't get movies anymore unless it's literally given to us like some of those DC movies were.

and once told me it's perfectly fine to live with wisdom teeth

it is as long as you have a healthy, normal-sized jaw
my wisdom teeth have never caused any problems apart from mild pain while they were growing in

Bothered, dehydrated, unhappy, out of my lane, distracted, floundering

I actually wanted to see the dub, so this isn't the worst schedule.

god damn does jason have a hate boner for good scheduling?

Tonight! On Sailor Moon!
We finally learn the full details of the fall of the Silver Millennium and the Golden Age of Mankind, and Kunzite refuses to die like a bitch!
Then, everyone fucking dies! I'm not shitting you, that's even the name of the episode.

Yeah that will stave off the infection at least. It will still hurt until you get it pulled unfortunately. Eat pain killers like candy I guess.

what? he was talking about musclebro

Demarco doesn't do his job anymore. He just panhandles on Akihabara like some black punk begging people to buy his mixtape.

Mashle marathon

Most watchable marathon in a long time. Fuck you doomer.

God, TTG having 400 episodes shouldn't be depressing but it's presence has done the worst for the network

What about next week? Is there a marathon for Thanksgiving weekend?
Is it Demon Slayer?

he has no impact on scheduling, he just trades blowjobs for licenses

drifting cats

Usagi's sexual awakening

merry christmas, huh?

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Mashle isn't funny.

So what's the plan going forward, anybody gonna host watchalongs on a streaming site on Fridays? Or are we all going our separate ways


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Why even have any opening to the Dark Kingdom left lying around

It's not the marathons themselves, it's the shows they chose for the marathons.
The main block is a given due to the lackluster premieres we've had, but there is no good reason for rerunning Kai again.

Kingdom Hearts?

On a more serious note, does anyone know how to deal with a toothache that keeps you from sleeping?

have you considered dying

toonami is kill

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why does this episode feel like its leading up to the climax?

i'm sending you to africa

i dont wanna go there!

lmao what

portal to hell is in some random restaurant

they stole this from american dad

How does Usagi cry so easily?

reverse plot armor, bad guys are always idiots

Kunzite's attitude has gotten back to being as righteously angry as he was a dozen episodes ago. Oh filler.

The dub has already been playing on the regular lineup as a rerun.

she’s retarded

Ow my knuckles

damn i must have these on VHS or something because NOW im remembering most of this shit as it happens

he misses zoicite's bussy

did she say "long-legged beings"...?

Okay how many titles does Queen Serenity have?

Fucking Moon elves.

Wubba Lubba DUB-DUB

where am I


Sailor Moon was an isekai all along

Literally, Moonmen


She's the perfect size

sure, why not

Fucking Mickey Mouse ears on the earth.

I hope to god the Lions win this year's Superbowl so the city stops being a sick man.

literal ancient ayylmaos


it's great to see "usagi" dance in a white dress

Because this is 3 episodes from the finale.

Femanons will never have a dreamy romance like this

Nah, nowhere near as good an excuse as "because I've thrown away my past".


he doesn’t believe there’s space queens on the moon

lol fag

Wrapped the cape around her while he went for the kiss.


That shit just flew over her head, she just really wanted to fuck that guy

sorrry, my erection just knocked over some chair

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shooting mist at an exploding castle

that's completely in-character for usagi



Well that was easy

I'm not sitting through an hour of garbage every week to get to watch R&M. Marathon is better.

fuck the moon

You saw it too.

reminds me of that tragedy…

the Dark Kingdom destroyed the Moon Kingdom

but the cats who know everything about the Moon Kingdom didn't know what the Dark Kingdom was called until a few weeks ago

are they stupid?


Stop using bad memes.

why did Serenity reincarnate the Dark Kingdom also?

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it was an earnest question

How would we know they were good if we didn't have an evil to contrast them with?

It does seem very likely that Rewind is ending given that there's been no official acknowledgement of the December 6th schedule.

I swear this show has wired my brain to focus on seeing panties that may or may not even exist.

I hope my Jaggies finish bottom of the league. I was hoping we could go 0-17 but those dreams are dead. Always next year

are they stupid

Do you post "WHAT WAS HE COOKING" templates on meme template subreddits?

that male wipes commercial

i think i'm going to puke
i guess i should just be glad it wasn't a woman shaking her shit-stained ass in public since they already have commercials with red liquid for periods and commercials were they openly talk about pissing themselves in yoga class

why have commercials become genuinely disgusting? i'm trying to watch a pretty girl anime god damn

Mashle is good.

That's the main reason most of us watch Rewind, don't worry.

i don't have a reddit account

Read this in Zach's voice

another wrist attack



Rewind thread hiatus until it gets a decent show back.

TOM is now canonically gay

Thanks, Demarco.

The most dignified the rose throw has ever been

Fucking hard to miss, brother.

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There you have it, the evil bitch's motive was being jilted

What did I miss?

Beryl is the queen of Earth

Endymion is the prince of Earth

Beryl wants to marry Endymion

wouldn't that be incest

well she's dead, that's the end

It usually is.

This wouldn't have happened if Endymion had taken the hagpill.

she's a usurper

Is the Queen also voiced by Michelle Ruff?

Serenity just wanted to have sex.

serenity wife

I do that with CG animated films, also to see if they animate the boobs bouncing

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So Beryl is just the queen from Snow White?

Well nobody else mentioned it, so I wasn't sure if I was the only one who noticed.

I wanna seren in her tities lol

welp, that's it, that's our show. the Moon Princess is dead. good night!

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did endymion say that? i thought he just said she was the queen of earth

No, Wendee Lee. They do sound incredibly similar though.

I thought they said Metalia was the Earth Queen.
Beryl was the sorceress.
Like a backwards Aladdin.

no, Queen Metalia is an evil spirit who was summoned by Queen Beryl

she's just a sorceress. she used the power of Metalia to take over the Earth and declare herself Queen

i kinda want a mini moon queen onahole. ya know, earlier in the episode when she was in that little ball talking to usagi

He calls tuxedo mask a dreamboat and Sara says to not let sailor moon hear that. That's it, was just a gag playing on usagi's jealousy

I have no idea why Serenity didn't just do this before Metalia laid waste to the kingdom.

all those dead sailors

serenity dies on a cross

dead cats

i'd just like to eat my breakfast

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So Steven Universe ripped off the queen character to make Rose right?

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wait so they actually are just talking cats??? i thought they were humans/moon elves who reincarnated as cats...

Were those eggs a reference to 2001? Lol

Ah, Konata

you tell me

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The bar just keeps lowering

Wonder if any of those other people that went with would suddenly just remember, "Oh shit I'm from the moon!"

I can't understand it. Anon Babble watched all of Steven Universe before even a single episode of Sailor Moon.

Oh, so that's why he wears the tux.


anyone else kinda remember a guitar riff or two whenever the sailor scouts used their weapons and attacks?

Rewind isn't ending. It's just becoming as bad as the main block.



Wait, so we we're seeing the cats in the past AND the cats in the present up until now?

I miss when the grossest commercial on TV was just the pepto bismol commercials where they sing about diarrhea. Now it feels like there's 20 rivaling that at all times.

At least we don't have POOPH anymore.

enemy damages their clothes

he's deranged!

Woman moment

Usagi your comebacks are awful. Get better material

Yes, and it was really easy to tell which was which. You might want to get your brain checked if you were having trouble.

lol what a gay

i think that time luna was humanoid for like 10 seconds was forgotten/retconned

That was your takeaway from that, Moon?

we're getting the shitty original Japanese soundtrack instead of the US one

Don't remind me of that waist of time.

"How dare you make our outfits slightly more revealing than the already are!?"

"No! My cape! My only weakness! NOOOOOOOOOOOO"*explodes*

so 3 episodes left
1 now
and the last two in december?

You can't make me yell out refresh ever

Should have tricked him into working at a internet help site.

Just throws the boomerang back at him.

He dies.

heal the cats, dummy

oh good they remembered the stuff about the sunspots

Usagi with soulless eyes

Someone's gonna fap to that

The 'battles' in shoujo manga are a joke. The girls sit around taking hits until they arbitrarily decide to woman up, then they do one attack and the baddie dies instantly. You gotta take it for what it is

That was an insanely lame out for Kunzite.
Feels like the show's writing has been decaying pretty fast after Zoicite died.


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el goblino

What is Anon Babble's favourite Seinfeld episode?

Death of the sailor guardians

Press F for the Guardians

then they do one attack and the baddie dies instantly

Can dish it out but can't take it.

Ah like a woman.

As many as Daenerys Targaryen does.

Gotta wonder why beryl never sent out the dd girls in the first place since they absolutely destroy the sailors

is kunzite actually dead? that's how he really dies?

so in the DIC dub they condensed this episode down into one episode from 2, be prepared for the brutal deaths of the scouts instead of them just being "kidnapped" like they were in the dub

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Wouldn't be the first time

The girls sit around taking hits

woman behavior

So I'm not the only one who noticed that

Wendee "Got so butthurt at being recast for Yoruichi she cancelled herself after already winning her skullduggery" Lee as Serenity

Okay so that affect is just a generic maidenly voice.

i cant wait for reis dead eyes to be an OP image

Shinji is getting bolder by the day.

Damn, I wanted to draw Usagi going Super Sailor Moon in response to the other senshi dying like how Goku goes SSJ for the first time for this episode, now we get news the block is dead too so I won't have time to post it ever

mars dies in this episode

so much for best girl


Sailor Moon Dies In Magma!

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How many Mazinger shows are there?

damn they had flat screens back then?

defending VA racial quotas

Funniest part of that whole push is that nobody said the quiet part out loud: 99% of anime characters are Asian, so the entire industry is performing in yellowface by their own admission.

ancient moon secret

Anon's apartment.


Didn't they ironically, have to go back to Wendee, like a year or two later

A fucking lot.

That episode title is from Mazinkaiser (2001-2002)

i can't believe they all die because of the curry

Rear projection screen.

The sailor thighs are giving me a boner.

I'm not defending her, I'm laughing at how she already won behind the scenes until she got butthurt at people lovebombing her recast.

Ami cute in that outfit.
Would kiss.

if we survive this, i will whore myself out immediately

women heroes

so much for the final battle being important, they just off Kunzite's ass and go back home

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anon please contain yourself

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I'm holding outf hope for R, but you could always post it in the Saturday threads.

i don't follow dub VA drama what happened

they can teleport now

I'm gonna be a slut


Nothing bad is gonna happen to us

Someone didn't see the title

I love you Ami.

teal jeans

Good lord

people meme Yoruichi as black for so long that the dubbing studio starts to genuinely believe she is

"Don't worry guy's we're defiantly not going to die."

Episode title: The Sailor Scouts Die

Please don't talk during the transformation.

Lazy cats too concerned with their own hides than the fate of the world

That's it, no more Shittenou.
They don't even come back as rock ghosts like the manga.

Royalty likes its incest

I like how you could tell they had a lot to squeeze in this episode from that.


the first half of R sucks but the Black Moon Clan is the best arc they did

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Moon Tiara Stardust is another power that appeared in one episode and never again.

At least Usagi's crying making her magic hairbun jewels emit attack waves in episode 1 was canon in the manga.

now who's gonna fix that

speak for yourself you have more bodyfat

god damn for a split second i thought she was going to mention fire power but she went savage

That transformation sequence was an entire minute wasted. If they really cared about time, they wouldn't be cheaping out like that.

Hot monster sluts!

Summoning the Sailor God Saiyan

I think it's the crater with the purple smoke

Good job Ami

DD girls

mmmm nice

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Based. Sailor Mars always.

My big stumbling block is how to do her hair. Big spiky twintails will look goofy, but having her buns 'pop' like how Trunks' ponytail does when he goes Grade 2 would make her look too much like Venus.

Don't... there's a bomb... in my...

The real Tuxedo Mask could never be so un-prettied.

You can tell their evil cause they have visable cleavage and NO skirts

Last couple weeks of Sailor Mars block…

It was a good run

There's a BOMB in the lasanga

Usagi you ditz


were him and jupiter ever in the same spot?

Ami would have been better as a cyborg.


this is a filler episode, don’t expect quality

Greeny is the prettiest.

her personality is so dry she basically is one

Bringing out the classics

And Mokoto is the first to go


so they won't die? good news... right?

Boom, goes the dynamite

An actual team vs 5 people

Makoto's fine
Just needs a little warming up

This episode proved Sailor Mars is the strongest fighter bar Moon’s plot armor

damn even Jadeite put up a better fight


Bracing for Utena anon having a strong opinion one last time

King Yemma

I can't believe Mako is fucking dead...

Here lies Makoto

She never scored.

Who's Utena Anon?

My wife is the first Sailor Solider to die


It was actually only 1 episode later.

And there goes the most talented Sailor Scout. Also known as the REAL best girl. Sorry Reifags.

Sailor Mars is the strongest fighter



Oh right, I finally know these characters now.

Might be obvious, but you could always have the twintails flare outwards in a crescent shape.

did they do the play episode or was that later?

Cope. You couldn’t even make a decent Makoto thread like… ever

Should I even bother with doing a Rewind thread in two weeks?

That's not until R.

usagi is such a tard god

We're both widowers, anon...

I don't want to see Ami and Venus die

ami slap, but nice enough to still apologize

good lady...

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It's gotta look 'super saiyan', though. If it's too smooth it'll look like her normal hair.

So how did DiC write around this scene? A fakeout death AND a slap?

good lady...

That's why I love her.

There's always PGSM for more top quality Sailor Mars episodes

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I want to fuck Queen Beryl.

ami panties


Shometimesh a woman deshervsh a good shlap


holy based


they cut the last two episodes down to one, cut all the deaths, and just said that the scouts had been "kidnapped" by the Negaverse

That's genuinely hilarious
Be even funnier if she only had a single line

i'm no pig...

how about a baked potato?!

i might be a potato...

exhausted sigh

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baked potatoes don't roast, they bake, it's in the name

They really couldn't, they tried but I knew they were dead.

Yeah, I was imagining something like Hakos Bael's hair, only longer. Or maybe have it curve upwards for extra comedy points.

If only Ami had learned any actual attacks

Ami is dead.

I could have saved her boys.

Farewell,Ami... You weren't my favorite, but you did good.
And there goes Venus. I really need to read Codename Sailor V.

This is like that Scooby Doo episode where they have to leave Velma's friend behind and she gets shot by World War II Nazi robots point blank in the face against a rock, and Scooby realizes it from his sonic dog hearing.

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welp my sailor moon folder is officially 90% panties, 5% hurt teenage girls and 5% baryl


Everybody's Dying

Minako, we literally hardly knew ye

Venus fucking Murdered that one


Maybe if she was a robot

Sailor Mars best girl ever

Based. She's a born fighter.

scooby doo mystery inc went places

Don't forget how the entire town is eaten by monsters in the last episode

Man those last few episode of Mystery Incorporated were fucking wild

So this is all just a dream, right?

Robots can't harm humans anon.

Man the storyboards are collapsing, they had to hide a total lack of in-betweens in that one shot by using a fade effect

the villains didn't even do that, it was just a weird natural disaster

Well, by process of elimination, Usagi is the best girl now. No, I'm not that petty..

this episode's entire budget was spent on the backgrounds

I don't think the dd girls are human in any capacity

Thousand yard stare Usagi gave me a boner

ok so wait
jupiter fried one of them
ami just broke a jewel on ones head and that deactivated her and not killed her
venus headshot one point blank
rei just killed two

that means one is still alive

Usagi Tsukino wake up, wake up Usagi

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Jupiter killed two

friend ghosts

don't do this

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Yeah right we all know you were gay

No jupiter killed two as well.


Rei went out like a champ. Truly best girl.

Pantyshot on the dying girl

Not as bad as the one in Highschool Of The Dead, but still

guys, this is a little too heavy for a friday night

oh wow this episode is fucking cheap

3 attacked ami. So Jupiter took out two prior

Watercolor ghosts?

why didn't Mamoru get the Heavenly Kings as his spirit guides?

Well that's our show.
All the Sailor Scouts are dead.

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they all fucking died

What the fuck.

I wish I was a ghost.

Definitely best girl ever. Sailor Mars fulfilled her duties as a Senshi like no one else.

yeah that was a new episode to me

no bumper with "sailor moon will return in x weeks"

bros im scared
does that mean i get to enjoy a thanks giving dinner with the finale?

they get better probably

One more week to go

Despite the premise, I want it to be serious, lol

didn't you see the episode title, those don't lie

This episode was really stupid.

Season starts with 1 Sailor Scout and it's gonna end with 1 Sailor Scout

Well I'm off to watch the last episode via piracy. Not worth waiting until next week and sitting through a rerun.

Too late, Mamoru has been, Steve'd

they're repeating this episode again at 5 and the finale is at 5:30

Sailor Mars fights until the very end and pretty much saves Usagi’s life, taking out two enemies at once. She’s based like that.

Do young Gohan's SSJ hair with but also twintails.

Thanksgiving is Thursday anon.

you do know you can jerk off to them on the internet right?

Welp, block is over. Laters

Either I have no idea what you're referencing, or I do know and you're referencing Yugioh Abridged despite the entire internet long having shunted Abridged shows from its sight.

And thus ends the Sailor Moon (featuring Sailor Jupiter) hour. Up next, Naruto and Toonami's Golden Goose.
Why they didn't use the marathons to air the Land of Waves arc after getting skipped, I have no clue.

well turkey sandwiches then

It's always a treat when we see senshi attacks without the stock animation.

Sailor Venus had best hair, most emotional security, best death scream

Ami is my wife.

That las Fire Soul from Sailor Mars was absolutely BASED.


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This is the greatest proof that Sailor Mars is the soul of the team. A born fighter, and in this episode she showed how strong her friendship with Usagi is, and how much she cares about her.


This character's mouth is moving too much

Just make the VA cough it's in character, right?

Why is Kai getting a marathon? Why not just air 2 episodes of Naruto and 2 episodes of Kai until they get another show?

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Watching episode 46 now.
So when did the show change up OP visuals and why is Viz/CN too lazy to swap them?

I'm coughing a lot myself right now


half way through, and CN ain't got the budget to edit the other OP

hinata's line this episode was worrying about the proctor's health

a nice change of pace

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I just reported you to the Federal COVID-19 Task Force. A federal agent will be at your door shortly, thank you for your dedication to stopping the spread

exams are only twice a year

all villages use the same exams

only five or six teams are even allowed to have a chance at passing

so there must not be very many chuunin or jonin in the world, right?
like 30-40 per village?

Just yelling about the curse mark in front of everyone


I doubt I have covid, it's most likely pollen allergies

Naruto is for boys, Sailor Moon is for men.

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Why didn't Kakashi also seal Anko's curse mark?

They are yelling like 12 feet across from each other and neither side can hear them

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Found out they're airing Sailor Moon Crystal nightly on Canadian TV.

Pretty wild hearing the dub voices on Canadian TV since Canada hates anime

Really great Sailor Mars block this week. Although they should have definitely not cut the ending. 45 and 46 are meant to be watched one after the other.

can't take any chances

The script limits her, but Sailor Mars is really incredible. I started watch Sailor Moon a short time ago. Mars is my favorite.

is this woman the reason hinata wears a mesh top or are they coincidences

Well, at least Sailor Mars has much more time to shine in the anime than in the manga…

kishimoto just likes mesh tops

Most ninja wear mesh, Shikamaru does, Temari does, even Naruto has a mesh undershirt

Did we ever find out what this "old me" was Kabuto was talking about?

I think he just means getting violent or sadistic

That song is too good to use on a Mountain Dew commercial.

Temari sex

The racist self

You Uchiha, or as I like to call you Uchiggers


orochimaru's sound ninja disguise looks a lot better than the crossdresser grass ninja outfit that for some reason becomes his standard outfit
that said... that's really obviously orochimaru's face, right? why is no one investigating him

All red-eyed people please leave the store now.

god this minecraft movie is gonna suck ass

The Minecrap movie looks like it will be so bad it's good.

I wonder how many people are actually gonna watch the minecraft movie

I like his sound disguise better than his actual design.

that's what i said...


Lee and Hinata awkwardly watching Sasuke and Sakura have a domestic argument

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I'm an avenger

Bitch, you ain't part of my team

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Still can't believe the dead ninja Orochimaru was impersonating, Shiore, was apparently (male).

Hold on, they may be on to something.

This was the very moment Naruto fell in love with Sasuke.

"Your one of the ones I wanna fuck the most!"


Naruto, You're one of the good ones.

Can he say that?


I'm not just talking about his outfit. I like the more human look with a snake-ish presence still there instead of the pale ghoulish look.

oh, that's fair
i would agree with that too

the PAIN won't go away


I wonder how many people got that tattoo irl.

"Sasuke that mark could kill you."
"Yeah whatever"
"Also we'll have to stop the match."

It would be a really awkward time for Sasuke to get a boner right now.

sucking him off right there in front of everyone

Kinda gay desu

spurned for a younger, foreigner woman

goes apeshit and sells soul to the devil to destroy everything

Was Endymion the first passport bro?

If Bort comes back, it will be on the main block.

I think even the Faggitman wouldn't dare to try that again.

Finished watching episode 46.
Man they learned they were renewed and didn't change anything about how the finale played out. Not sure if that's integrity or laziness, though it's probably the latter given this is Toei.

I wouldn't put it past him.

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He dared to put One Place back on the block despite being removed for the same reason.

I didn't realize before, but there basically were zero breaks between seasons in the airing of the Sailor Moon anime.

They were pumping out 40+ episodes a year for 5 years straight. They include a preview for the premiere of Sailor Moon R at the end of the Sailor Moon finale because it aired 7 days later.

it's literally how the arc ends in the manga

Goku went from just a few thousand to over 180000 in a few weeks

I wonder if Toriyama regretted creating power level autism.

4 senshi die right before the final battle

I don't think that happens in the manga...


is 46 the season finale?

usagi('s dead friends are)stinky

I don't think an actual number is put on anyone's power level after this arc.

I wonder if they voided their bowels upon death.

Takeuchi was literally surprised at how the anime ended this arc.

Princess Naoko: “What’s more, near the end of the first arc, I had planned to have her arms and other parts torn away and have her die.”

Editor Osabu: “This isn’t some joke here, NO WAY! This is a girl’s comic!”

Princess Naoko: “However, my manager rejected that idea vehemently and it ended happy-happily without any of the Sailor Soldiers dying.”

Editor Osabu: “You absolutely, totally, CANNOT kill anyone!”

Hey Fats!

hey fats



Man the mangaka couldn't have any fun.

Go to bed

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t. fats

t. fatty fatso

Superhuman moon physiology when they're transformed, probably immune to that indignity.

There is a lot of new Kai animation in this ep.

Kai is my jumping off point but have fun, there's definitely more coming. All the cute guardians dying was rough but at least they all got to be heroes.

Since next week might be our last normal Rewind schedule (no one seems comfortable assuming it's just an ill-decided holiday break for a secondary block that might not survive doing one regardless,) I'll try to continue that dub compilation of Hinata's lines throughout next week and share it Friday. My source of HD rips of these episodes have since died though so it'll be a little blurrier.

There wasn't much interest a couple years ago but for the other anon that likes Hinata still hanging around, I'll give it another go and see what I can do by then. This is as far as I got before, it's a little past where we are now (even though I already forgot skimming these episodes entirely.)

Goodnight everyone, stay warm because it's frustratingly cold now and there's no waifu to keep you warm with her big soft chest. See you next time.

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Nail deserved better.

watch abridged

I was thinking something like this.
I'm not an artist just a shitty photoshopist.

Why is Bulma freaking out about a dinosaur on Namek when they have dinosaurs on earth?

Pocket sand!


not making her hair drillbit upwards

limited.. resources?

how handsome

Isn't Gohan is like 5?

She's thinking about Goku?

Both Goku and Bulma at times mention being interested in one another

Quite the shame nothing came of that outside of hentai


Ginyu x Goku doujin where?

Bulma wondering, What if I'd married Goku

Honestly that would be a interesting what if


Whoops didn't mean to quote anyone



sucking on laser beams now. every time i look at dragonball it's some retarded looking thing i can't believe people take so seriously. like that time vageta slid down a gigantic monkey's back. or maybe it was krillen, already forgot.

I forgot about that ability.

Was fun, see everyone tomorrow

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Bye bye, see you soon!

regular medical scans would catch the heart thing

she can dragonball it away or use science to treat it

androids will barely be a thing

trunks wont happen

time travel wont happen


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blocks over

Well that was fun. Sailor Moon was brutal this week, but at least we got to see the girls act cool before they went, well except for Usagi. Naruto was actually pretty good this week too and DBZ is always a nice watch. See you all tomorrow for the normal block.

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See You tomorrow anons.

Had to look it up, geez Chi-Chi was forcing a 4 to 5 year old to study that hard? Fucking Japan

Sailor Mars has much more time to shine in the anime than in the manga

All the characters are more developed in the anime but yeah you are right

megumi smeeeel good

That's it. Now back to Pokemon.

Sailor thighs keep me going through the week.

great Sailor Mars block this week

Next week it's gonna be better... just pity that it will be the last

630+ posts

We are so back.

anon we lost 8 thighs this week how the fuck are you still standing

The memory lives on.

episode where they try to get Ladybird pregnant

Alright this is worth watching.

I'm gonna breed her


We're on Mistress 9's page 9 of death here.

Sailor senshi deaths did a number on the bump limit.

The thighs may be gone but they will never be forgotten.

I could've saved Sailor Mercury.

Hank reminds me of my dad since he also loved our pet dog more than me.

Remember what I taught you.

A, A, B, A, C.

What's the deal with Venus's attack showing two crescent moons instead of the symbol of Venus?

Was that part of the red herring in the manga of V seemingly being the moon princess?

Which Sailor Scout likely has a narrow uterus?

RIP Megumi33 SMA.

Only one man could have, and unfortunately he wasn't either of us.

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Chi-chi likely reasoned that Gohan would need all the help he could get since his father wasn't the brightest bulb. That said, later on when the fate of the world was at stake, wanting him to be a lawyer or some shit proved her to be none too bright either.

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How does Bill know that?


The problem is that Naoko has good ideas with Sailor Mars and the others but then she doesn't develop them...

Jupiter, she wants so badly to be a housewife and mother but will simply never have the raw fertility of Sailor Venus.

Invincible Fight Girl is honestly not that bad.

It's honestly not that good either.

rei stinky

Yea, it's worse than bad. It's a show that tricks people into thinking it's ambitious and unique by just cobbling anime tropes together from Dragonball, MHA, Naruto, etc.

For all of 2 weeks before it's all over.

She's your dog, not your wife.

Based Sailor Mars poster

peggy, how would you ever get stuck in a truck?!

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sakura stinky

Yes, but probably Sailor Mars had the more difference in development between manga and anime

Sailor Jupiter is the best girl of all time!

my balls stinky

For me, it's Ami.




what the fuck is dale watching with this guy? swanky monotone robot porn?

Kind of a picture for ants.

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Sailor Mars best girl ever.

Absolutely BASED

The thread won't survive much longer so go watch the west coast broadcast.

I may not be able to make a proper Mako thread... but at least I'm not insecure enough to samefag to my own posts over and over again.

Sailor Mars best girl

Windows XP in 2013


Too bad we won't reach Burning Mandala... that's my favourite Sailor Mars attack

Sailor Venus will never give you a hairjob

How silky do you think the Sailor Scout's hair would feel?

I WILL marry Sailor Mercury.