Public domain slop claims another

Oh no they took a character and made a non-official horror parody that anyone online has already done!

Words cannot describe how little of a shit I give

this looks fucking terrible
even creepypastas have more creativity than this

Literally their only marketing strategy is retards like you crying and wailing and pearl clutching about “ohhhh le desecration oh the humanityyyyyy”
Fuck off

Public domain slop claims another

Don't like it, don't watch.

The only reason people make movies around IPs is because they're valuable. This schlock would not get 1% of the attention it has if it didn't use Popeye.

The only thing that's wrong with IP laws is that it takes too long for them to enter the Public Domain.

Kids that grew up with Harry Potter should be able to write their own Harry Potter books when they grow up.

But with characters that are 100 years old, like Popeye, no one gives a shit about him. He's just e meme meant to be milked.

People were really upset Genndy’s Popeye movie fell through newfag

These retards fucked up, they could have done Popeye as the protagonist slapping the shit out of horror beyond mortal comprehension instead and I would have bought a ticket

I don't give 2 shits about corporate shills. Corporations should not even be involved in the creation of art. Their role should solely be to distribute it.

I wasn’t because I know popeye is an old guy who smokes a pipe actually punches people in the mouth.

No one gives a shit about Popeye. This is a B movie with a budget in the six figures. You can't expect state of the art CGI.

Popeye as the protagonist slapping the shit out of horror beyond mortal comprehension

The Death Battle fight really did brain rot people's perception of what Popeye is, didn't it?

How fucking cheap are these movies that they can shit out low budget slasher flicks the second an IP hits the public domain?

Better than Terrifier

No one cares about old characters only new characters that came out a year ago

It should be a government mandate that zoomers have to watch cartoons that came out before 2010 before they can post their opinions on the internet.


You're shit under my shoe.

Budget is probably in the ~$100,000 range.

Zoomers like you are worth less than the mud on our shoes, none of your cartoons are worth even half a second of animation from a single Popeye animation.

Oh nooooooo!

Who cares.

Go watch your bean-mouth troon propaganda

Imagine getting so wrecked by an insult that you use the same insult to fire back. Tsk-tsk.

I'm calling you pathetic because you're worshiping what once was a corporate property.

I don't worship shit. I watch what's good and ignore what's not.

If you don’t care about the condition of society eventually you’ll be living a shitty life surrounded by ugly garbage with 99% of people doing the same, like communist countries

If you think a low budget horror movie nobody will see is at all affecting the "condition of society", I want to live your life since you've clearly got zero actual problems.

Don't give the namefag attention.

Imagine being so shit at banter that your only response is

nuh uh ur not allowed to do that

>DC movies ruin Superman

It's fine.

>Slasher movie ruin Popeye

Someone please stop them!

So many cropo cocksuckers on this board these days.


>Public domain slop claims another

Don't like it, don't watch.

The only reason people make movies around IPs is because they're valuable. This schlock would not get 1% of the attention it has if it didn't use Popeye.

The only thing that's wrong with IP laws is that it takes too long for them to enter the Public Domain.

Kids that grew up with Harry Potter should be able to write their own Harry Potter books when they grow up.

But with characters that are 100 years old, like Popeye, no one gives a shit about him. He's just e meme meant to be milked.

Commie talking points to seize the unearned.

Patents, yes. Design patents, books, characters, etc. are like Worchestershire Sauce, effectively trademarks, so no.

Trademarks are perpetual, as long as they're renewed.

Patents need to expire to allow for future innovation. A company can't patent a technology for all eternity, that would be anti-competitive. Even then, patents take too long to expire.

But as far as IP and copyright are concerned. 20 years is more than enough. In fact 17 years was what it originally was before Disney lobbied to extend it.

Commie talking points to seize the unearned.

Look, it's the author's life + 70 years. The only one you could argue earned it was the author. His children didn't earn it, they inherited it. The corporation didn't earn it, they bought it.

Let the kids have their Harry Potter and Star Wars.

A crossover between them would be entertaining to see.

It's called embracing what's put on your plate, anon. If they're going to go retarded with Popeye, might as well go so stupid it gets amazing

In fact 17 years was what it originally was before Disney lobbied to extend it.

No it wasn't. It was life of the author+50 years before Disney started sticking their nose in it.
Prior to that change back in the 1800s it was 28 plus a possible extension of 14 years if the author was alive after 28.
Which was a revision to the original 1790 US Copyright act that allowed 14 years plus a possible 14 year extension.

I mean, unless you're in some other country Disney wrote the laws for. Which I can't rule out.

yeah we used to call that "based" little zoomer

What? All the Gen Xers and Millennials on Portal of Evil were calling McFarlane's Oz cringe back then

kek she's Olive Oyl

olive.jpg - 971x750, 86.05K

Mfs are upset that anyone can make a Popeye thing now.

Bruh 332.png - 942x597, 478.91K

Someone is actually doing that.

wiley mouse.png - 742x579, 877.02K

Shit looks cool.

Dollar store trash rots on dollar store shelves. No IP has ever been tarnished by parodies or third-rate ripoffs.

Should've been Popeye kicking cthulu's ass as a horror movie or something

At least the new comic's been faithful more or less.
And Olive looks almost fappable

no one gives a shit about him. He's just e meme meant to be milked.

That’s not true. There are still plenty of die-hard Popeye fans today, even if he’s not as massively popular as he once was. You’d be surprised by how many people still love him—Chester Illinois, is a great example of this devotion. Plus, we’ve had two threads just this year that hit the bump limit! The only ones who seem to reduce Popeye to just a meme are Reddit and Twitter fags who constantly post that one scene from Popeye the Sailor Meets Sinbad the Sailor.

extra extra.png - 827x617, 562.24K

I can't imagine Death Battle has that much influence or was the first introduction to Popeye for many people.

No, we are upset that the Popeye stuff that we are getting is shit.

popeye is the villain

not the hero

Really lazy approach. You could make a public-domain Popeye movie about him fighting monsters and it might be cool. Anothe DTV slasher sounds like a snore.


I don’t mind if they radically change aspects of Popeye or his world—after all, that’s the whole point of the public domain: taking a work you didn’t create and reimagining it however you want. But is it too much to ask for those reinterpretations, especially the ones that get the spotlight, to actually be good?

muh Death Battle

You got your brain fried by that, nobody mentioned it until you. I just want to see cool retarded shit.

Free marketing thread, ew