Previous thread Honestly I'm so sad about all this that I don't know what to think. I love this show so much and its ending devastated and bothered me at the same time.
Arcane: We Won? Edition
Vi just did what Jinx wanted
If your sister told you to jump off a bridge, would you?
CaitVi bros we won....
its another fart. smear the feces interracial couple get it out of your system & then leave well enough alone
everything before the cait vi sex scene was good, legit retcon it/remove it and give arcane more time. We need a runback for a season 3 dude this ending was only good compared to the greatness it could have achieved
Lol no way this is canon anymore, GG fortiche for fucking Riot over
It was better than the "Ekko rewinds time to undo everything and Vi gets amnesia, forgetting Jinx is her sister" ending
Instead of a rushed S2, if there was a third to better develop the script, would the ending be more easily acceptable or not?
Eat the rich!
Did Season 2 retroactively ruin Season 1 to you?
Will you be re-watching Season 1 in the coming years?
Will you be excited about the next show, whatever it will be?
I don't care anymore
More like Riot fucked it over by forcing this to be 2 seasons when it clearly should've been 3.
I guess the suits really want that fucking Ionia show to pander to their Chinese players but this was such a clusterfuck it completely killed the momentum for any sort of cinematic universe they're trying to establish.
So what the fuck happened to Jayce and Viktor? Did they got thrown in another universe?
Did Season 2 retroactively ruin Season 1 to you?
Will you be re-watching Season 1 in the coming years?
Will you be excited about the next show, whatever it will be?
It depends
Was Orianna a gift from Viktor?
their literal only hope is a redo
Maybe in a few years, but I won't rewatch S2 fore sure
it depends, maybe i'll just watching for Fortiche animation and not expect anything from the story.
After her repeating it many times, yes
Did Season 2 retroactively ruin Season 1 to you?
The one good thing about S2 is it actually made S1 look better both by comparison and also by the added character moments that gave it even more depth
Will you be re-watching Season 1 in the coming years?
coming years?
Will you be excited about the next show, whatever it will be?
Probably not if this is the writing we can expect going forward, but the animation will still be a spectacle
It was super gay of them to cheap out on the deaths
Heimer died
No her probably got ported into another dimension again
Jayce and Victor
They are somewhere
Lol no body
Invulnerable werewolf
Ya really think a fall and an explosion is gonna kill him?
Why did they bother making Caitlyn Hitler when it didn't matter?
Why did they introduce the concept of Jinx being a symbol of Zaun independence when that never gets brought up again after its introduction?
Why did Noxus need a full frontal assault on Piltover when Viktor just walked into the Hexgate room single-handedly anyway?
Why did Viktor try to laser Jayce's head off when he wanted to evolve him?
Why did all the glorious evolution organobot people die with Viktor except for Warwick?
Why did Noxus, in a victory so complete they were standing at parade stance, not notice a Zaunite army?
Why did Isha have to exist to give Jinx a reason to be suicidally depressed when she has 3 dead parental figures and an estranged possible-sistercidal sister to justify those already?
Why did they only give a dialogue-less shot of Sevika as a Councilor to wrap up the Piltover-Zaun storyline when that storyline was about 50% of S1?
Why didn't anyone ever bring up that all the Councilors in S2 died or went missing extremely quickly under different circumstances?
Why did they revert Mel to being a Noxian heiress when she very clearly dedicated herself to piltover in season 1?
Why did they have that scene of Mel going into Leblanc's retarded red void to do something (?) if Ambessa just died anyway?
Why didn't the Noxians help Ambessa when it clearly wasn't some kind of honorable duel?
Why did Jayce only try shutting down the hexgate during the attack when he clearly had a ton of time to do so beforehand?
Why are there so many shots of the main characters eating hexcore/void addled food?
Why did they spend so much time on Sevika's new arm when it is never used again once?
Why does Ambessa not die in situations where she should 100% be killed like 4 times in one season?
Just why?
By making lifes of other even worse. Fucking based
Did Season 2 retroactively ruin Season 1 to you?
Will you be re-watching Season 1 in the coming years?
No. Deleting it off of my hard drive right now.
Will you be excited about the next show, whatever it will be?
No, lmao. Fool me once. I am not going to bother with another League of Legends viral marketing slop.
When I saw Orianna I literally screamed "SINGED YOU DASTARDLY DOG YOU'VE DONE IT AGAIN"
not canon
Did Season 2 retroactively ruin Season 1 to you?
No. I don't give them that power.
Will you be re-watching Season 1 in the coming years?
Will you be excited about the next show, whatever it will be?
If they don't get the original writing team back, I will have zero interest in it. S1 was art first, product second. It's success made the greedy sharks move in and shit the bed.
singed the best character in the show doesn't even show up in the epilogue
I waited 3 years for this anon
Why did Viktor try to laser Jayce's head off when he wanted to evolve him?
I saw that as Viktor actually lazering the roof they were going to barge through
Timebombbros...we won
At what cost though
Season 2 had some pretty good moments but a shit ton of plot holes that I'm assuming were glossed over due to the 9 episode format
actually, that's ekko
So Jinx Disney dies by falling?
If you think about it, this whole world was there just to break Ekko's heart.
Just finished watching and it was Kino, you guys doomposted for nothing
Bro, he was literally there talking to his new daughterbot
Do you think she has pleasure protocols?
Don't worry, its just bait for her to return one day and they can have a sappy reunion.
Wish I was lobotomized like you
Will riot refund what I've spent on the now dead Jinx and Ambessa champs?
Breathe with your nose
Anyone has that tweet of amanda saying she was proud of how they wrote caitvi or something like that.
Well, most of us were sure that S2 will be shit back in 2021...
It was overall a very good show across both seasons but S2 was a let down by it's own standards.
Not even the writers know
Jinx needs help
nah I gotta FUCK life is about FUCKing so go die Jinx
Great writing. Clearly written by coomers.
She somehow survived and goes to live happily somewhere somehow
never did anything for politics or power
never did anything out of greed or lust for revenge
never made enemies, acted calm and offered people who had the upper hand what he could to secure alliances
dropped fire dialogue any time he opened his mouth
managed to achieve his dream and bring back his daughter
Visionary. Rolemodel. Inspiration.
Kino is dead. I agree
heard it was a massive letdown from the people who watched leaks
decide not to watch the show until all episodes are released and word-of-mouth is out
word-of-mouth confirms that it is indeed, shit
no desire to watch it now and my initial reception of season 1 remains untainted
Wew, dodged a bullet there.
Viktor really tried to pull an Ideon there
No way this Viktor is the one of LoL, or even Jayce, or even Jinx, did they got some copycats? Alternate clones?
why do good timeline haters need everything spoonfed to them?
Vi will use magitech shit to impregnate Cait and have their own Jinx
Yeah I will still get excited for next product and consoom
Did Season 2 retroactively ruin Season 1 to you?
No. While it's rushed and all over the place, I really enjoyed second season. I will watch it again many times.
Will you be re-watching Season 1 in the coming years?
Yes, together with season 2
Will you be excited about the next show, whatever it will be?
It depends. I am not a LoL player, I was not excited for Arcane, but it was incredibly good, so I joined the hype. Let's see first what this project will be.
it was pretty cute ngl
and then they smashed
for the first time
They can't grasp that events play out different in an alt timeline where a major character dies at the start.
The best scene of s2
We posting WINNERS in here? This season 1 lackey made it all the way to the top of the ladder.
Jinx evaded justice and escaped this shitshow with her dream vehicle
Singed evaded justice and outplayed everyone, achieving his dream to bring back his daughter
What's the moral of this show's story?
... not like this
Why did Viktor even needed Ambessa's help or her Noxian troops to reach the hexgate?
He was pretty much already in demigod mode
S2 wasn’t that bad what the fuck are you guys mad about
Ending was unsatisfying probably due to leaks..but some scenes were so meaningless. Caitvi had no real reconciliation and they didn’t fight together as ‘piltovers finest’. Mel and black rose side plot was boring. Isha died for nothing. Cait/Mel vs Ambessa was boring. The war/fight scenes felt very underwhelming, Ekko’s parts were the only interesting ones. This show should’ve been longer with more emphasis on the sisters and P/Z. There was too much focus on ambessa, reviving warwick, and victor magic shit. Act 3 besides ep 7 was disappointing.
Remember when the Silcofag here insisted that what Silco did to the undercity was it's industrial revolution and made everything better and you needed to break a few eggs to make an omelette, and Vander was leading it to poverty?
And then episode 7 shows that if Vander stayed alive and Silco didn't do any of the shit the undercity would be a paradise?
Without even fucking saying a word btw
Sevika my beloved.
S2 was bad by S1's standards.
So they could tie the two plotlines neatly together in one little bow, because they're hacks that should've given us one season for Warwick, one season for Noxius and one season for Viktor
And this, anons, is what you get when you u restructure your whole company around AIslop
Why did they bother making Caitlyn Hitler when it didn't matter?
It did matter though. She had to speedlearn warfare from somebody and she did.
who cares
that you should never get invested in anything related to league of legends.
I won't, be surprised if the later half of the show was re-written by ChatGPT. I know thats not how animation works, but it would sound believeable
I get why people think Jinx is alive, but why do they think she’s going to get with Lux? Is it literally cus of that one music video and nothing else?
Dammit. What the fuck they've made with Jinx in act3. The whole act 3 she looks hotter than before. I don't get it...
Did Season 2 retroactively ruin Season 1 to you?
Will you be re-watching Season 1 in the coming years?
Probably. But I think for a while I'll be avoiding it, I'll be too sad thinking of What Could Have Been
Will you be excited about the next show, whatever it will be?
No. Even it has a solid first season I won't be baited and switched again. Riot can fuck off. And fortiche is dumb as fuck for hiring Amanda to write their newest project. I was going to watch that when it come out until I saw she was the script writer
Can't believe this show made me like a butch pajeet
Ambessa was just a distraction
it's just shitposting
Its fun and cute
The problem isn't the sex in Jinx's cell, the problem is the shitty dialogue, lack of proper reconciliation and Vi not giving a shit about the fact that Jinx was going to kill herself.
can't come up with any new hit games
piss their players off with excessive powercreep & $500 skins
fired half of their staff
jumped onto AI slop
now kill the potential of the cinematic universe with this season
lmao, what the fuck happened to Riot?
So for people who actually saw it, unfortunalty this is not a doompost but a theorypost.
Was Swain helping Leblanc the entire time? Swain and Leblanc's relationship can best be described as "enemies with benefits". The raven/crow led Mel out of Noxus and was around for a lot of scenes.
They could've at least shown that Hextech-less universe still would've had some strife and oppression. Making it a paradise is almost unrealistic.
Why introduce character and plot elements that are nullified soon after with no payoffs or consequences?
The new writers want to nullify the audience. What characters go through, the audience goes through. Narcissists see a way to bully and preach, psychopaths see a vector to brainwash people, fanfic writers see a shipping avenue etc.
The real goals of the writers this season were:
Clean the slate, separate the characters, introduce alternate dimensions, universes, timelines for future markets
Remove problematic characters, like Mel or Maddie and alter or remove their problematic romances; Mel x Jayce in favor of homosexual pairings for Jayce.
Make sure the two cities are in Hollywood Kumbayah type situation at the end
Pave way for Riot's new MMO
Cram the material of 3 seasons into one
Save on budget (recurring models); S1 had a lot more unique ones
she was cunt hair away from getting body snatched but I rooted for her getting a seat on the new council, very nice
they gotta make her a champion, c'mon rito, show some effort
hiring Amanda to write their newest project
You can't be serious.
The problem isn't the sex in Jinx's cell
But its still a GIGA fucking problem and highlights how bad this shit went down.
you needed season 2 to confirm for you that mass producing drugs isnt the best option?
Are official connections not good enough?
Idk how they’ll go about handling noxus. Singed doesn’t really have a reason to help with the invasion of Ionia anymore, and that’s the catalyst for 80% of league’s lore.
I’ll be honest. I wouldn’t mind sweet little Orianna coming in as a Dues Ex Machina to stop Viktor. Kinda like Jinora in season 2 of LoK.
Heimerdinger was working with Vander for 4 years in that timeline.
Yeah that part was poorly timed.
Bye sis im gonna give a vague statement about killing myself
Jinx! my beloved crazy sister! no! I'm so sad I'm going to punch this wall for the next 2-4 hours
Vi, I Cait, have come to see you
Cait I am sad. Sister is gonna kill herself.
I will let you out
Thanks Cait, although I was moments ago sad about my sister committing suicide I have now decided to fuck you
What? I approve but your sister
Tonight you're my sister Cait
100% this
They need to make the show as hugbox as possible
Doing away with nuance and wrong think are bonus checks but not as important.
she cared, it's why she was there in the first place to try to save her and when she got locked in, despair that her sister might kill herself
sex as a device to numb the pain, cait kinda put the moves on her, vi just wanted to feel not shitty in the moment
Mel x Jayce is nowhere near as popular as Viktor x Jayce, so I don't know why you're shitting your diaper on that.
in Vi's defense she didn't knew Jinx was going to kill herself
Without hextech the topsiders wouldn't be able to completely abandon their working class. The miners, still valuable to society, have the leverage to bargain for better conditions, improving conditions in Zaun.
S2 was bad by writing a decent story standards
It's so fucking over
I thought Anon Babble was supposed to hate League of Legends, and yet you're all watching a LoL show like unironic Redditors.
It still had air-quality problems from that one convo with Mylo and Claggor plus Heimerdinger, who should still be head of the council in that timeline, had a lot of time to help improve things
Its just shipposting
If Jinx ever gets a canon relationship, it will be coming back to Ekko
She is the designated BLACKED sister
Vi is the designated gay sister
Gotta keep that diversity rolling
It still felt like they thought "We need to have a CaitVi sex scene, we'll just shoehorn it in here" and that's where it ended up. Totally didn't fit the mood or pacing.
what exactly is shocking you?
Singed is a wanted criminal now and Cait would definatly want his fucking head for everything he did
Daughter is also an abomination at worst, a curiosity at best to people
Swain has interest in Hextech, whether its potential use or misuse
Singed can easily head on over to Noxus and take Ori with him. I would fucking love to see Singed decide to travel Runeterra with his daughter while he still lives
That one fishine doujin was better than this
Are people thinking she’s alive cuz Cait was looking at that map at the end? I guess suggesting Jinx slipped into one of the side tunnels?
It's 1 anon. Yeah Jinx is stuck with Ekko now since that is the ship they decided on and the one Amanda prefers.
Because S1 was good against all odds.
Also you're posting on Anon Babble who the fuck do you think you're fooling
Not a true value. Especially when people can be manipulated so easily.
Was Jayce justified considering what we saw of his AU
He wasn't demigod mode until he picked up the mcguffin from the hexgate room. He needed a distraction to get in there and stupid noxus bitch obliged.
It also appears that he was using the sex robots to restrain/convert people while he did his plan, and he certainly didn't have enough of them to subdue an army.
What on earth are you talking about?
We just had some schizos talking about AUs and their validity last bread. Go back
Real answer
No, they're not - not anymore.
Riot doesn't even know their own lore.
You're trusting an Alzheimer patient to remember shit.
Fortiche made Arcane, not Riot
Frogs are known for hating AIs
I thought Anon Babble was supposed to hate
Yeah. You did. This is a site where the quality of authentic opinion sharing was possible and even favored until reaction/botposts took over (based, cringe, cuck etc.)
Lol they sure did.
It is
no webm of the last episode? It had some good action scenes
Arcane was commissioned by Riot. Next time, they'll just AI the entire show.
What do you guys think the next season is gonna be? They have to focus on a popular champion, so my bet is demacia with a focus on lux.
Reminder that this literally happened
Have you forgotten about first arc of the second season anon? Vi was a part of Cait's team and they were looking for Jinx for weeks if not months with no results. Vi knows that if Jinx doesn't want to be found, it's a waste of time to look for her.
partly, only because he needed to back in time to blast young viktor instead of jesus viktor to end it.
Popularity of a certain pairing should not affect its creation or writing. If the artists wanted ponyfucking, that's what they should pursue. Likewise, if ponies are extremely popular, a character should not be replaced with a pony. Popularity is a shitshow.
You're ignoring they had a Heimer from the original timeline there for 3-4 years.
Just like when Jayce/Mel sex scene happened while Viktor was hurt, you can’t be that surprised, anon
My girl irl
I'm Cait
They're so based for this
Fortiche and Riot are more than just collaborators now
The exact tunnel Cait saw was the air duct. Then she gave a small smile in a "you made it out, didn't you" sense
Then when Vi says she's with Cait for the longhaul we get the zoom in on Cait's eyes, meant to indicate she's having an internal struggle. In this context, its whether to tell Vi that there's a chance Jinx survived.
Then we get the shot of the airship. Tying in episode 1 of Jinx saying she was going to pilot it and also implying that Jinx left PnZ after wrapping everything up. She already made mention that there was nothing left for her in PnZ.
Ekko is the real loser. Left the happyverse before he could utterly wreck Powder's holes and leave his alt self with raising the kid. He then comes back, saves the girl, saves the day and then fucking stays alone because he wasn't there for Jinx in the final fight.
Vi operates only through her reptilian brain, and is driven by base impulses.
Kind of sucks, I really like her in the game.
cait, i dont give a fuck i just wanna sex :(
Next season will be 9 episodes of sweaty backbreaking baby-making mating press sex between Viego and Vex, while he calls her Isolde the whole time
Layoffs soon, then
is she less impulsive in the game?
Did Season 2 retroactively ruin Season 1 to you?
Will you be re-watching Season 1 in the coming years?
Maybe not in its entirety, I don't really do that, but yeah.
Will you be excited about the next show, whatever it will be?
If Fortiche animates it, then yeah. I can separate the narrative mess of this season from my appreciation for an animation studio operating at the top of their game. I'm a sakugafag, this isn't my first rodeo.
As an actual timebombfag, this episode was nice, but the way Ekko talked Jinx out of killing herself at e9 was super fucking bad. I don't buy it at all. It felt like he was trying to talk to Powder instead of Jinx, basically doing the same Vi did, but somehow it works with him but not her? It doesn't make sense.
It should've been a tough love moment, coddling her has proven to not work, like, fuck they could've literally fought again and that would've been more convincing
Viktor didn't need an entire season to himself. 3 seasons with S2 focusing on Warwick with him building his faction as a B-plot that leads to a proper S3 with the Noxian invasion would've worked more than well enough. There's just too many shit going on this season.
You say this now because you do not like the results. If you like popular thing, and they lean on the popular thing regardless of their original vision, then you'd have zero issues.
I call bullshit on season 2 being planned. I think they had various vague ideas leftover from season 1 that they had zero clue how to execute or simply got lost in the sauce. At the very least acts 2 and 3 went through major changes. How did they fuck up Warwick so bad. Just look at pic rel, you can even make out the snout. It’s unfortunate this season didn’t live up to the hype those initial teasers gave.
I'm more of a poppy plapper myself but good pitch.
The whole AU is suppose to be a message to Ekko that he royally fucked everything up by giving them the tip. The same outcome happens if even if Vi doesn't die meaninglessly in Jace's lab. The mission never gets to the boiling point of enforcers stomping around in the under city if the gemstones never go missing. Showing meaningless strife that goes nowhere in the AU wouldn't serve the same purpose as showing Ekko what he could have had if he wasn't being an idiot.
I expected her to die since S1 tbqh
Better ending for her than I thought they would give her.
Kek vi is a cuck queen
You underestimate me.
Sesbian Lex
No chance of AIDS
They get away with this easier than Singed
God truly has abandoned us
In the game she's just another waifu with the "im a cowboy cop" angle
She wasn't even hinted to be a lesbian until like 2019
Ranking plotlines
Jayce/Viktor: A+. Carried the season. fumbled in the middle due to Viktor's turn being rushed in favour of screentime for the boring doggy hunt and "please buy ambessa skins/get excite for mel as champ", but nailed the landing.
Caitvi: C-. Strong start, but wasted by having them link up again out of neccesity with little reckoning for what Cait did to Vi. Vi feels so desperate to get her back to the point of
literally handwaving the thing with Maddie. Their big sex scene happening when Jinx was probably killing herself hundred time over as Ekko tries to stop her is also very funny, not in a good way.
Jinx: D+ Wasted too much time on the big boring dog hunt. Her character feels like it's being ping-ponged by having shit thrown at her. her going from suicidal to leading the charge feels unearned. The genuinely strong dynamic she shared with Sevika in act 1 felt wasted, and her dynamic with Isha, cute as it was, feels like a narrative excuse to get her to rock bottom in act 3. Her big sacrifice moment feels like it's driven out of her wanting to run away from her problems, unchanged from where she left off S1.
Ambessa/Noxus/Mel/Black Rose: D-. Please get excite to buy ambessa skins and get excite to buy mel skins next year.
Ekko/Heimer/Jayce: C. Episode 7 feels like the only singular episode this season that doesn't feel like it's on a mad sprint to the end, works in a vacuum, feels bad in relation to the rest of the season. Contrasting Ekko and Heimer's pleasant dream with Jayce's nightmare is very effective. Punished Jayce carried act 2.
Piltie vs Zaun: F-. Absolutely washed. Wasted the strongest overarching plot thread established in S1 for a boring "threat from the outside" plotline. Silco's revolution was amongst the highlight of S1, and the fact that Zaun finally got the seat on the table not because of anything he did, or even anything to do with the aftermath of S1, but just because they helped when Noxus attacked feels fucking bad.
This and Powder talking about wanting to ride a airship in the very first episode.
does advice from a dead person really count when it's actually just you talking to yourself
Amanda is a great editor but a terrible writer. She rightfully helped season 1 become what it is but they misrewarded her by letting her become the lead writer for season 2.
Guys, could you please recommend me an animated show that has a good satisfying writing and good animation too? I need to detox.
lol the ME is so mad right now
They had the ideas, then they fired the team of writers, thinking they were better suited for it.
Is there a name for this trope for when a story begins with grounded themes and concepts and ends up in cosmic scale clusterfuck?
Gurren Lagann syndrome
It was almost certainly planned or in the mid-process thereof, but Amanda came in and cleaned house.
If you know the person inside and out that you'd know exactly how they would respond to something, yeah.
I liked it, I’m going to miss Arcane.
yes, cringe
jinx moves her horny ass up to rape Lux
ekkonogs coping seething malding dilate
Honestly? it could be worse, I'm glad Jinx got happy ending, still mid tho
as Ella said it's 5/10 at best
Watch Valoran Town for comfy if you want more League IP + can stomach chink voices. There's engsubs on YT.
They didn't earn this scene.
you guys put too much fault at her, you realize the person who thinks jinx should always suffer isn't amanda right? its linke, he was also the guy who pushed the whole time paradox/anomaly who couldn't properly be explained in a 9 ep. season
Silco would never say that though
Act 1 felt like a proper setup for a story that followed S1, if a bit rushed. It's everything after.
They had ideas for season 2, but they only started working on it after Season 1 realeased and was a critical sucess.
The Arcane project was almost canned like 4 times due to the money investments so they weren't sure if Riot would pony up again.
The writers left all these plot hooks to create mass appeal since despite saying they hate them, people are drawn to cliffhangers.
When they had to write season 2, they knew that making season 3 was risky due to the time it takes to make 1 season so they opted to wrap everything up.
Thus, we get multiple rushed or merged plotlines.
you know jinxbros, the chicken is gonna come home to roost
Unironically don't know if jinx can be my waifu anymore. Cuckfaggots won.
Had a dream one day of finding an IRL jinx gf, but that dream may be faded away now. Don't know who could replace her
yeah I can see that. numbing sex is a bit darker than I'd imagined they'd go
but all around it is a pretty desperate situation everything considered impending doom, dread blahblah, I get what they where trying to express
I liked Episode 7 a lot because you could honestly disconnect it from the entirety of Arcane and it works as a short story of Ekko fucking with his z-drive and accidently porting himself to an AU where shit isn't fucked.
But its still a GIGA fucking problem
The difference was that I interpreted that to be a negative character moment, it was Jayce's allegiance shifting and being enticed by Mel, distracting him from his work. This time it just didn't make sense because the implication was Vi cared more about getting laid than saving her sister.
Power creep
That's irrelevant to anon's question though.
riot gives us a lesbian sex scene before a yordle sex scene
It’s official, shortstack chads are more oppressed than actual gay people
if you want more League IP
Not after today, no
Havent you ever had a moment where you think "What would X say if he sees me now?"
Post webm(s) you fucking faggots
Oil and Water
Cycle of grudges
Gas attacks on Zaun
lol who cares Noxus is invading and that cool tech that made Piltover rich is actually evil so let's all just hold hands and sing kumbaya. Seriously imagine if we actually saw conflict between Zaun and Piltover after the occupation instead of a dumb protest at a statue, show an Enforcer checkpoint get slaughtered by offbrand shimmer freaks as the people of the lanes poorly recreate Singed's masterpiece.
S2 felt like bad fanfiction of S1 they accidentally animated instead of the real script
Introspection would just lead to drowning
I was about to ask you if it's really a good aending for her, knowing her sister vi thinks she's dead. But that way Vi can't ruin Jinxes life again like she did many times before, so I agree, it really is a good ending for her.
this, what the FUCK was happening in those last 3 episodes man i lost track
Zaun vs Piltover class struggle, combined with the story of 2 sisters who are tragically evolved to be enemies
what the fuck
Well it got me to delete league so that's probably good in the long run
What was the point of killing Jinx and reviving her with shimmer again
Huffing your own farts
Jinx moves her horny ass to rape Lux
Ekko follows for his alt-tweaker aesthetic squeeze
Ekko meets Lux
Ekko cucks Jinx by turning Lux into a snowbunny
Que either one of following, possibly all three:
A: rehash Vicuck plotline verbatim
B: Jinx suicide-bait part 2
C: EkkoPimp arc with Poly triad begins
Ekko pimps out Jinx while he and Lux hump like bunnies.
She wasn't even hinted to be a lesbian until like 2019
really now
The series jumped the shark so hard it's more funny than disappointing. Whatever show everyone thinks they are watching is subverted for an 11th hour ass-pull. Viktor actually won a million timelines ago and the whole show is about him saving himself from boredom.
Season 2 makes more sense as JayVik fan fiction that was begrudgingly reworked into an arcane show.
Hahaha Jinx likes bbc in all timelines, whitechuds lost!
Left the happyverse before he could utterly wreck Powder's holes
naw, bro hit that like it was the first time, but also for the first time
that's why he needed to try to save Jinx prime too, to get that ass again, but for the first time
LoL Jinx is a copycat and not the true Jinx
Jinx is literally on her way to fuck the whitest girl in League canon though
BLACKED chink spamming again
glad Ekko won't show up again, ty Fortiche, I was too harsh
Arcane is not Canon. (Even though R*ot is trying to tell us it is)
After watching this total flop, I will simply interpret Arcane as some weird spinoff from this point forward.
So it doesn't matter.
(This is how badly I'm coping with this disaster)
Cause he didn't.
Jinx's voices are her subconcious thoughts manifesting. Mylo is her self loathing, Vi is her survival instict and Silco is now her maturity.
Jinx knows the story of Silco and Vander better than anyone alive because she knows what Silco thought and now that Vander wanted to apologize. Her and Vi coming to peace and raising Isha gave Jinx the crucial level up she needed to think more clearly.
But in the depths of hoplessness she thought to end herself to break the cycle, but Ekko told her that living is the path she should follow.
Silco told her what she thought Silco would say if he knew what she was thinking.
I'm talking about S1, they made a big deal about how it was Powder dying and Jinx being born and then nothing came from it, she's exactly the same as she was in S1
again this shit, the moment she was released they planned her to be caitlyn's pairing, they just didn't do it at first cause lesbians weren't popular but alot of rioters already liked them together
Doubt it's all just Amanda honestly. Though she played a large part in this being shit.
What did she do
what does jinx fix this week?
The credits are surprisingly vague about who actually wrote this shit
Wonder why
It's 100% on Amanda, everything she said in interview and docs had anons predicting this shit would happen years ago
Did you guys like it?
How did Riot's execs even give this script a pass?
mmo quest where you have to meet older hermit Jinx in her mountain retreat
How did Jinx survive? Did she use her shimmer boost to release from Warwick's claws and jump into the ventilation or what?
Singed was behind it all
browsing Anon Babble recommendation charts
it's either shit or already-watched
Guess I should move eye to space opera slop
it's a hard scene to understand if one has never fucked to numb pain or as a distraction
it's not about just getting ass, it's about feeling anything other than what you're feeling right at this moment
they show this when Vi cuts off Cait & says "I don't fucking care" meaning she doesn't want to feel what she's feeling rn and just wants to be distracted from it all
Because it's completely unnecessary and just ship pandering for the sake of ship pandering.
Its terrible writing + coomer slop
Art was great, animation was good, and it had some moments.
Act 1 was good, WW was introduced well
Everything with Viktor jumped the shark.
Something in the au verse?
I know Lee and linke are bad writers, but them being bad doesn't make Amanda magically any good. And so Penelope of Sparta will be full of her whedon-esque stilted marvel dialogue and shitty romance
canon is worthless to begin with my faggot frog.
In comics, shows, books canon is just storyline that will sell the most or that the author likes the most.
Arcane will be canon until Riot decides it's not. Probably because it fucks with their universe in several irreconcilable ways.
Enjoy what made you happy and reflect on what made you upset. It's a story and it's only merit is HOW it makes YOU feel
Notice they only said that shit about CaitVi and TFGraves in 2022 when it;s hip to be gay. writers always backpedal to "that is how it was intended" when they see an oppurtunity.
The “character is pretty much alive but we’re gonna tease it to spark conversation” trope is as tired as the haircut character progression one
She is extremely stupid then
At least have act 2 focus on the escalation of the piltie vs zaun conflict and frame all the interpersonal drama around that instead. There's so much shit to be milked there too.
Imagine if the pit fighter scene wasn't just a montage, and was a real scene where Cait leads a raid or something and Vi sees how quick she rebounds with Maddie. There's good drama to be farmed there. They can also pile up the angst as Cait's betrayal not being only a personal against Vi/Jinx, but also Zaunites as a whole.
That Sevika fight scene was incredibly effective in setting up the dynamic between Sevika and Jinx, both people who were left devastated by Silco's absence in different ways. Act 2 could've focused on Sevika trying to force jinx into the mold she thought Silco would've wanted her in, with Isha throwing a wrench in the works.
Victor's plotline can be kept mostly the same, with motivation being framed more to his whole zaunite background. The whole "in the pursuit of perfect, we forgot to do good" scene being the bulwark of it. Jayce coming out of his arcane trip can also be framed as a personal betrayal on his part to do any good at all.
Ambessa and Mel's plotline could've been reworked into something that's actually relevant to the whole conflict as well. It's not that out of line for a massive imperial force to meddle and exacerbate in the class conflict of smaller sovereignities. Rather than framing it as some magical battle against a weird cult that feels like it's made for people who keep up with every league cinematic and voicelines that comes out.
The only webm that matters
We saw bits from Season 2 in the Making of series they put on youtube, like we got to see Cait's dad depressed on the couch a few months after season 1. I think they had a solid idea and a ton of scenes for episodes 1 and 2 of season 2 but the rest were in early development. Fallout of the bomb, Vi drinking herself to near death, the attack on the memorial, Cait descending into Zaun to hunt Jinx, and the Chembarons going to war were probably all 99% done once season 1 came out.
All 15 of the heimerdinger mains watching this must have blown their brains out. Maybe the greatest humiliations ritual I've seen for a playable character viewers are suppose to like. He does fucking NOTHING but look and talk like a pompous ass for 2 seasons and dies in a random throwaway scene after a random gore shot. Nobody cares that he's dead by the end he's just gone.
This felt so out of place. Like the writers didn't know where else to put that scene so they crammed it in right after the depressing goodbye.
Fuck me the pacing in this season was horrible. From the sheer amount of content they could've made act 1 and 2 into a whole season and act 3 alone could've been the final season. I wonder why they were so desperate to end the story with this one.
Does someone habe the webm of vi and caitlyn making out? like the whole thing?
When did you know this season would be a disaster? For me it was when they introduced the “jinxers” in episode 4
He didn't die. He just went poof like Jayce and Viktor.
They'll all come back at some point when Riot figured out what to do with them.
Vi ruins everything and gets her waifu and no punishment in the end
Jinx deals with VI’s messes the whole story, gets screwed over at every turn, and has to become an outcast
What’s the moral of the story?
in 2020 vi had lines about having dates with a girl and she already had a valentine skin with fiora, arcane just made caitlynVi more popular because the animation is really fucking good. I mean say wathever you want about them being together but they do feel like a real couple interacting at the end of ep. 9 and that is all on fortiche
After reading people's severely mixed opinions on the leaked episodes. Glad I didn't bother watching this season now.
He’s not dead he just got teleported to another timeline. Yordles can’t die you retard.
Did Season 2 retroactively ruin Season 1 to you?
Honestly, No.
It feels like entire different anime cuz story editor changed
It happened offscreen
it just happened okay?
Powder shouldn't have followed to the factory.
**the lines were in wild rift and LoR not league, but the fact that they worked together and she was the closest to caitlyn just made it a better setup
.....So Arcane is not canon then? with Heimer and Jinx dead
I think a third season was really needed. In season 1 there'd have been way more time devoted to Vi being an Enforcer, more focus on Ekko and Jinx's relationship, they wouldn't have cut away from Warwick cornering Jinx in the prison or attacking Ambessa, Maddie would've gotten more development, etc.
Heimer deserved to show up after we all assumed he was dead because yordles are magic bullshit then instead of the retarded golem plot he should've rallied the noble houses to drive out the Noxians as an uplifting reflection of Ambessa's speech at the end of episode 3. Remember how the city has a ton of fucking cannons that they used to stay independent for centuries.
You're on shift
Cait is going to be away for a few hours
Door in is locked
Jinx is practically catatonic.
Would you?
VI dies
Everyone else gets a better life
Everyone else dies
VI gets a better life
What did Riot mean by this?
Vi gets amnesia, forgetting Jinx is her sister
I think we can safely say act 1 was planned since the teaser that came out a week after s1 ended featured a voice line that’s in s2e3.
Bandage and clean her fingers? Yes.
The JRPG syndrome
If they make Swain gay I’m going to multibox inting games for months
No, I'm not a jew
Can someone explain what happened?
I feel with the time travel/alternate universe, nothing made sense?
Did anything make sense?
Explain each ep simply in a couple sentences?
It feels like they took all plot and threw it out taking a dump on our faces. Worst show in 4-5 years.
I gather people like the smelly dump on face.
Did they really need this level of story scaling? It was fine being relatively grounded.
You can see her shimmer boosting away right before the explosion. Faking her death was her way to break the cycle.
Now Riot just has to figure out what to do with her character in the future. Same with Heimerdinger, Jayce and Viktor. They're all in the ambiguous box for now.
They're not dead though.
No league champ died thoughtout the whole show. Jinx is TEASED to be alive just as much as she is TEASED to be dead.
Heimerdinger didn't disintergrate, he popped out of existence which means he could have gone somewhere else.
Same with Jayce and Viktor. They left together to go somewhere
but they do feel like a real couple
Did you mistype, or have you only experienced cardboard pantomimes of relationships?
They have a bit more life, but it still feels very off.
yeah but why would piltover care? why would piltover let zaunites into academy instead of keeping them in mines? hemier did this?
Would you have left this world too, anon?
Gurren Lagann syndrome
since AU exists literally nothing matters anymore and anything can be canon
In retrospect, everything to do with Nox was unnecessary and just complicated things really
Heimerdinger didn't disintergrate, he popped out of existence which means he could have gone somewhere else.
Heimer was taken to the Riot MMO's newbie island.
Ok but when do they become champions in the League of Legends?
Is that season 3?
I'm the dirt under your nails, Cupcake. Nothing is going to clean me out.
Caitlyn looks conflicted. Is she planning on not telling Vi about Jinx possibly being alive? Maybe afraid that she might look after her sister?
This was one of the reasons why season felt a bit off, there is NO way you can solve cait/jinx/vi plotline AND warwick AND viktor at the same fucking time in 9 episodes, no way. Thats why Caitler gets redeemed pretty quickly (i mean she fucking forgave jinx), Vi forgives as well and the whole anomaly fiasco is just there
None of this made sense
It must be shit otherwise I'm retarded
Buddy, if you can't follow the show then you're actually just dumb. The people who didn't like it also followed the plot and got everything. You are just dumb
Yordles can die. Yordles can die in Arcane. The arcane writers have never played the game. They do not care about vex's stupid short story. They don't even know it exists.
It's in the documentary.
She explicitly states what SHE wants to happen. Not Christian or another rioter. The writing was on the wall. In hindsight it's pretty interesting to hear them discuss S2 vaguely.
Lotta bathwater indeed.
It really does, it's hard to believe the same people made these two different seasons. The animation is still great, but a lot about pacing, writing, editing and story boarding has changed. Clearly not everyone from S1 was there for S2
Ep 7 - Jayce experiences months of hell. Heimerdinger disappears in a flash of magic never to appear again to help Ekko
Ep 8 - Jayce takes over the city because he's chad thundercock and probably fucks Mel a few times offscreen
Ep 9 - Jayce and Viktor disappear in a flash of magic never to be seen again and Singed wins
Rest is lesbian slop.
Jinx is alive you can see her blue shimmer super speed flash enter a ventilation shaft right before the explosion.
Where's my nigga zac?
Where's Twitch?
Anime Kinos for washing it up this nonsense
The Heroic Legend of Arslan
Record of Lodoss War
Gallery Fake
It’s okay guys they aren’t dead
but also this is the end of the series and you’ll never see them again
Why bother
Name one yordle that died in arcane
When did you know this season would be a disaster? For me it was when they introduced the “jinxers” in episode 4
last time Anon Babble had so much traction was during hazbin hotel. Would you say it was better than s2 arcane?
i feel like she doesn't wanna give her false hopes, Vi just lost her dad and sister (basicly her reason to live for s1/s2)
Wtf were they doing? They overcomplicated the hell out of it for no reason, how could this possibly be canon to the lore? This just screams alternate universe. Why release Ambessa instead of Mel if you're just gonna kill her?
women comes in
ruins everything
tale as old as time
This stupid fucking retard went back because of his tree gang although he literally had everything he ever wanted in this timeline.
building a happy family with the girl who loves you? No way fag I rather want to crawl around in the shit and piss stained sewers of my garbage timeline where I have to fight for survival every day
Absolute dumbfuck.
She is extremely stupid then
part of her character, if you hadnt noticed already
Is that supposed to be Ekko? Why does he look like a girl?
Riot will never shill seraphine to western fans again after her disastrous release and her launch lore.
Yeah, they breed men and such horrors into this world too.
is the League of Legends Jayce and Viktor from a timeline where he decided to go through with the Hextech presentation?
Why did the did exec allow her to fuck up so much shit? Weren't they keeping people like her on a tight leash with season 1?
Female writers didn't understand the messages of season 1 and why Jinx's attacks were just part of a larger conflict that had been brewing for centuries.
Amanda reminds me of the WB executive that wants Nicolas Cage Superman to fight a giant spider for some random reason
dis nigga zesty
Just finished watching and it was Kino, you guys doomposted for nothing
same old same old. All of Anon Babble was shitting on s1 arcane, only to call it a masterpiece 3 years later (while shitting on s2). Give it another 3 years
So many missing moments and dialogue that could’ve happened between characters..Caitlyn and Vi needed to have an actual conversation. Same with Jinx and Vi
He has hope again that he can save his timeline from all the shit its going through.
I'm literally re-watching it right now. Masterpiece.
I'm a HUGE fan of Avatar, but I have to admit that Arcane win this. Top 1 animation.
Will you be excited about the next show, whatever it will be?
Why did the did exec allow her to fuck up so much shit?
I'm starting to think the Reptilian narrative is correct.
It's a shame really because Ambessa was an interesting character.
looks like
how come they didnt fuck his character up
Not if she is LUSTING after my BBC that hard. We’d have cute mixed race babies.
No one fucking knows.
Ekko is a good boy that's why. He felt guilt about he own universe and the fact that he was cucking his own alt self.
this whole sequence was pure kino
Scienbro supercut when?
he thinks they won't release mel too
Arcane 2, or as I like to call it, Arcane: Folie a Deux.
One thing I haven't seen anyone talk about is how fucking creepy Hextech Warwick looked. Seeing such a savage beast looking dead in the eyes but also pristine and uniform in an unnatural way was a cool idea.
kek, it really is.
No I'm expecting them to, I just don't want them to start killing off characters that makes it so you can't continue their story without time fuckery or resurrections.
Why even respond if you're just going to act like a faggot
They like hugged. Could be friends?
jace and victor disappear.
So the town and show is basically "empty" worthless now?
So in metaphor did the planet basically blow up, with the "friends hugging" only thing left?
So is Vi the top or the bottom?
don't knock up this 11/10 petite
LMAO Ekko is definitely zesty faggot
And this, anons, is what you get when you u restructure your whole company around AIslop
no anon. All studios are a money sink, they rely on cheap power like student henchmen, that work for free. Idealists who dont value money end up like this
Too soon
Didn't want you to get lonely and an hero
The Many Saints of Arcane: Folie a Deux
gg wp
I don't get the hate, maybe it's directed at jinx and vi but Jayce and Viktor had a really good closure. Viktor's character was all about GLORIOUS EVOLUTION and Jayce was just piltover hero trying to stop Viktor, after viktor realised glorious evolution is pointless then they both have closure. Bootstrap paradox was unnecessary though.
lore don't matter anyway, the main characters in the game are already from different universes
Vi is trash
masochistic bottom bitch
As a longtime Caitvi shipper, I'm fucking pissed at how indulgent the writers were with it. The series was already rushed as fuck and DID NOT need that obnoxious fan service sex scene. It kind of ruined the rest of the show.
sticking it in crazy
Sure. I would comfort her
Blitzcrank never invented in this timeline
reduced to a "crank it!" reference
Warwickbros, how are we coping. Dead and about to regen into his actual wolf mode? Saved by Singed? Cutting ties with anything league related?
What a fucking shitshow. Amanda deserves an award of the most fucked up writer ever. 2 dudes did a better job with a kids show (Korra) than this bitch.
So Jinx flies to the west where she will without a doubt meet Lux, right?
Dunno but the question is: Virgin or not?
I liked it, I’m going to miss Arcane.
I can finally move on with the rest of my life, dont really have any shows that Im waiting on currently
Bottom. Haven't you seen her face? "Is it ok, mommy? Can I go down on you?"
Why did Silco have to die?
this shit is so rent free in my head I deadass want to make a whole ass fanfic/comic where the writing, ending and payoff is better than what we got.
I'm so unbelievably numb from this shit that it's unironically giving me the same feeling as those shitty mobile ads that make you want to download the game and beat it yourself except this time I just want to make like a comic or some shit and show what Arcane could of been and I bet a lot of others do too. Maybe this was Riot's plan but probably not because they're retarded. Fuck this, I'm picking up the pen
season 3 is already confirmed right.
dude got pranked when they told him there would be another season after season 1... there would be two
im not crazy some sort of ceo type said this in an interview right?
Virgin, did you see how she fumbled? Cute.
Imagine impregnate Jinx before stabbed to death, worth it
hahaha ok
No S3, but they're making more LoL shows that will follow other plotlines
Don't forget she also wrote Godzilla tv show which is an absolute slog of a show. Good thing Godzilla X Kong was kino and kept the IP's momentum.
real warwick fans have given up long ago
Am I the only one that finds it weird that throughout the entire fucking show the only person to use the word "love" is Singed of all people? Jinx and Vi never say it to each other, Cait and Vi never say it to each other, Jayce and Mel, Viktor and Jayce, none of the parents to their kids, none of the kids to their parents. For a show about love and loss they are strangely adverse to it.
There will be more shows set in the same universe but Arcane is done
Vi fingered Caitlyn's pussy so she's the top.
It's over...
So what' left for season 3? More lesbians?
Best character shows up in e9
Did Season 2 retroactively ruin Season 1 to you?
Not really, but Jinx's climax in season 1feels hollow now
Will you be re-watching Season 1 in the coming years?
probably not
Will you be excited about the next show, whatever it will be?
Fuck no
Vi? A Virgin? I don't think so
None of the characters in Arcane have anything to do with League outside of sharing names and initial designs.
and will be lower budget
She licked it. And sucked on the clit.
Virgin? Girl made Cait cum in like 5 seconds
Is that a bartender guy?
Jayce and Mel
He doesn't loves Mel
He is doing it for his waifu Jinx
7 years in prison
not just a prison, but a prison for both male and female inmates
Hell no
This dude being Viktor kinda retroactively ruined this scene for me.
They said they won't continue Arcane stuff and move on but considering Jinx is still the game's mascot I wouldn't put it past them to make her go to Ionia and she'll get roped into being a freedom fighter against Noxus or some shit. The next show is 100% taking place in Noxus/Ionia conflict, that much is obvious
Wants to make a fanfic
You fell for the psyop, congrats.
It’s implied Viktor and Jayce love each other so much they disappeared together to be boyfriends in some au
rape Vi to death
everyone got a happy ending
a Warden-Saiviour
Well yes they did. They merged together and became Varus.
everyone is dead except the dykes, bravo
they killed jayce because he was straight, they also had to make his death gay just to spite us, notice how jayce and mel show no affection towards each other in act3 or season 2 in general even though they're lovers and aren't in bad terms with each other in the slightest while they shoehorn gay sex scene randomly in a completely unappropriated moment
That sex scene was bizarre. It was way too overindulgent and kind of tasteless.
shit maybe they really did plan it then
they used the mobile ad method
Season 3
It's not releasing this decade. I'll be too old to enjoy it
Arcane is not canon to LoL.
That device can't be
It was Ryze, the master of runes.
The hexcore, however, didn't want to be in timelines where Ryze could stop it. Therefore, a crude scientist had to be remodeled, and entire timelines corrupted for its survival.
Made up of Frogs, Women, Troons, and Chinks
This is a question?
Why did Caitlyn look unsure of herself in the final shot when Vi said she's wants to stay together forever?
Bastard never even thought to keep count...
It's about Jinx
I would have greatly preferred if they just had a close moment instead where they could talk and reaffirm their bond. Instead we got whatever smut fanfic this is.
t. Caitvifag.
he's doing well in the alternate universe too
realistically ryze would've show up to stop a cataclysmic event that wipes out the world involving magic
She misses the ginger poosay
Jinx is alive and isn’t sure to tell her or not
Heimerdinger's song was my favorite this season, sovlfull
Sometimes people who have lost their closest one unintentionally just have sex with no reason, there was also thesis about it, too bad I forgot everything
I give it 1 year tops until Arcane is declared non-canon
yea that moment was kek-worthy
No shit. Cait has 2 eyes in LoL.
they could of just said it was like young ryze or some shit to explain why he'd show empathy and save Jayce
What was Sky talking about when Viktor was like, "I'll miss our talks", and she says that he "won't." Is it because he's becoming ultra herald and won't care about how he felt about her or anyone?
That's how I interpreted it but he clearly still has some feelings about Jayce.
Do the writers even realize how much they shat on Vi by implying that everything would've been just fine and prosperous if she just died in the beginning?
INB4 all-around update removing her eye for all skins
Inb4 retarded course of action
They're women, Anon. Think about it. Think about Amanda.
Sky might of been like a represenation of Viktor's humanity and in her ejection from his psyche it was literally Viktor discarding his humanity
It didn't take that long for SoL to be declared non-canon.
at long last I see that human emotion is useless
oh nevermind
ryze = viktor
Yep. Anyone expecting an actual followup is unfamiliar with Riot. Ruination was only 3-4 years ago and it already has like 4 different canons. They cannot commit to lore at all.
Can't believe Loris died
I'm sad
Amanda saved this show. I kneel, queen.
misread because I'm a fuckbrain, but yeah you're right
there is no shot that was victor the way he is waving the runes around and teleports jayce and his mom away is no way reminiscent of slow moving robo viktor
I like to think they dunk on Vi on purpose because otherwiseI just don't even want to know what they were thinking
kinda shows that only viktor could best viktor
Vi deserve to suffer. Even Jinx realize this by faking her death and making her sister scream in pain
Next one will be Valorant definitely
you know, lol is slowy dead
Literally who? The guy who had like 5 minutes of screentime in the entire season?
The ending could've been kino if Vi were the one to figure out Jinx lived. As it is it gets the feeling of Cait figuring it our and keeping it from Vi, which is sickening.
become a god
get bored
go back in time to stop yourself from becoming a god
Cait pussy immediatley causes her to forget though so it's fine.
Jinx with the blue torch and the firelights fight
she was foreshadowing Viktor falling for Jayce
Ruination was only 3-4 years ago and it already has like 4 different canons.
That's because Ruination/SOL was a shitshow of mischaracterization and outright forgetting key characters existed in a storyline that's been dragging for years while Arcane is basically a retelling made canon. You're right though they can't commit.
they changed it to be viktor when they were writing season 2, they obviously had ryze in mind in season 1
When the mutie was introduced, it was clear they had no idea what they were gonna do with Jinx character
the moral of the story... just abandon your family
ty riot
good advice tho
I just realized how often Vi screams with no audible audio in the show
God of Wah
holy shit caitvi was so bad this season what the fuck happened?? their relationship was written so badly caitlyn didn’t even apologize for shit vi fucked caitlyn while knowing her sister was going to off herself their relationship didn’t made me feel the same way it did in season 1 am i the only one who feels like this? i can’t believe whatever the fuck was going on with jayvik the non-canon ship was better than what caitvi got and i don’t even like yaoi or jayvik this is crazy
The one feels fair. One of the thing season 1 did good (and some parts of season 2) was showing how people will inevitably make big mistakes and ruin shit and have to live with the consequences. Vi wasn't a bad person but Jinx and Silco were right, it was her decisions, her emotions and her violent nature that led to the creation of Jinx and most of the show's problems. The alternate world showed how the world would be in a better state with Vi's death, but the point is that thinking like that is a foolish thing to do. What's done is done and you just have to live with it.
Riot made Arcane shit so that the ingame lore looks better by comparison
thats the christian lore basically
Because Vi would probably drag her across Runeterra on her quest to find Jinx who willingly fucked off for her own sake.
maybe we'll get a reunion in a show that's released in like two decades or so.
The last act ABSOLUTELY got rushed to Hell by RIOT. Everything just speeds by at mach 10. Nothing has time to sit and revelations just drop out of nowhere.
This was terrible, the conflict used to be so grounded, and it ended with Super Saiyan Victor fighting Jayce in the middle of Instrumentality.
What the fuck was happening? How the hell did we get here?
Like, what happened to the story about the misuse of technology and power corrupting? This was utterly disconnected from the themes of the story as we knew it!
Also, why didn't Ekko / Heimdigger / Jayce all end up in the same place?
I already posted it.For me that scene is just pure kino.
"Mortal gains godlike omnipotence, loses their humanity and then regrets it" is a tale as old as time, in this case Viktor gained the lucidity to see what he had lost.
Watching Spider Verse 2 rn and wow... writing is... just cringe fr
With Arcane S2 being shit, there are no good western animated shows left anymore
what if they were 10 million iq'ing it and making arcane 2 mid so that autists would start writing fanfiction to try and do it better so they can hire new writers since they laid off all their old ones
(They'll probably end up laying these new ones off too.)
Vi were the one to figure out Jinx lived
I don't think she has the mental capacity to understand diagrams of Piltover's buildings. It had to be Caitlyn, since she's the one who understands security and everything.
but then become a god anyways
and repeat
Fake Yordle
Is Smeech even a Yordle? I always had the impression that him and that one old hooker granny were from a different race.
Yeah the two most dangerous things in the city at this point should've been Warwick and Blitzcrank. Also we should've gotten Blitzcrank and actual hextech from Viktor instead of magic metalguy shit.
Gay sex would've prevented everything
Can't wait till synthetic man shits on Arcane
I like Invincible.
God of what? What is God's purpose if he has no worshipers? It's just boring.
confirmed yordles but they're probably so detached from bandle city that their links to the spirit realm are void (or some bullshit)
writers forget they're supposed to be making a video game tie-in, not a lesbian shipping fanfic
they forgot what superpowers the heroes had?
Not the first time it has been done in a cartoon
God that was peak
I miss this Arcane
Was this written by ai? What are some of these quotes
They actually could've added Camille and Blitzcrank if they spread the content of this season over to a 3rd season. The events of act 3 alone feel like they could've been their own season.
our boy made it
gay rape could have solved jayce/viktor
lesbian rape could have solved caitlyn
incest rape could have solved jinx
agp rape could have solved jinx
Jeet made this?
I think there are, but I'm seeing is a lot of not-focusing on the story. Tbh, anytime a writer or creator starts to hype their product on social media I get worried. It's like they're trying to be seen themselves. Like, amanda right? saying if anyone hates the ending blame her, that just feels so attention seeking
and this shit. All they wanted was a parallel to this poster so they made the season 2 one that has nothing to do with the storyline. it's just like an old school fall out boy song title
maybe we'll get a reunion in a show that's released in like two decades or so.
And this is why ambiguous endings are objectively shit. They could've resolved the whole thing here, maybe have Vi chase down the blimp on foot and then decide to let it fly off into the distance, and then pan to Jinx waving goodbye.
Now you have to wait for some MCU tier garbage in 20 years when they decide to revisit this fucking plotline.
Win-win situation. What did he lost? Nothing.
This world is over. Even if Arcane S2 couldn't succeed no one other show are worth to watch
I wanna say how I feel about Act 3 but I just can’t find the words
I tried to put my arsehurt over my daughterfu dying aside and work out why Act 3 feels so unsatisfying and it suddenly dawned on me.
League of Legends is a less sophisticated rip off of Dora
Arcane winds up being a less sophisticated rip off of Dragon's Blood
This is the worst poem ever written.
The only one to get a happy ending is the guy who made the plot happen
Singedbros, we made it.
Why did they do a fakeout death for Jinx
an hero yourself Dota fucking sucks
Guys who was that random enforcer who showed up out of nowhere and kept getting screentime until the end?
he deserves it for outplaying every midwit in the show
slops like this should be called as k-toon faggotary, can't stand this art style
Yordles respawning in Bandle City was an extrapolation of some vague hints sprinkled throughout multiple forms of media. We assumed they respawned in Bandle City because Vex says they can't die, and Teemo says back to Bandle City on respawn.
Here's the thing though. Teemo's respawn is a game mechanic. Ezreal calls himself a god when he respawns. He is not a god. Alongside that, Riot may have entirely forgotten what they wrote for Vex. Heimerdinger may very well be dead in Arcane.
Now I laughed hard.
you gotta find something else anon. stop being so dramatic and take a day out to look up shows, new, old, everything
Isn’t he supposed to be in Noxus
gg to the heimer fans then. Nice writing Amanda.
Come on now.
Okay, I think this is where they land for this season on the "Who fucked up the most" list.
Literally flawless. Everything he did worked out and he got everything he wanted in the end.
He did fuck up sometimes, but he reversed them so he ended up making everything right.
He was a full on beast most of the time, so not really like he could fuck up personally.
Her one mistake was following the tranny's lead on Amara leading to the Black Rose getting her assistant and all that. Otherwise she did everything right once she got her magic.
Jinx, Isha, Sevika
All share the same mistake of trusting each other which led to some temporary hardships, but in the end they all got what they deserved. All of them.
Lots of fuckups, but at least one success in giving Viktor the succ
Lots of fuckups, but he was right that they shouldn't have fucked with this shit in the first place so can't say everything wrong
TONS of fuckups, but she did good with getting her family together again temporarily and letting Jinx out to Jinx herself saved everything even if it was retarded
Viktor, Ambessa, Leblanc, Cait
Need I say anything?
honestly trial of the grasses scene was kino, shame it didn't get attention it deserves
Honestly I think people oversell how bad season 2 is. I'm not gonna jerk Amanda off and say it's kino, I just think it's kinda average. So no, not really.
Riot may have entirely forgotten what they wrote for Vex.
I mean they entirely forgot about Renata and she was release just after Arcane ended
season 1 setup a really good intro to season 2 with Jinx fully going mad and killing the council
season 2 handwaves that away ALMOST INSTANTLY and makes Jinx more normal
They clearly jumped through about 5 seasons worth of shit
Ekko doing "im gonna take over this body and manipulate powder into making me a weapon/way home" but also leaving out an entire plot point that hes responsible for all of this, just one line from powder going "you tipped us off about the job"
Vitktors plan makes zero fucking sense
the rest of the cast gets like 5 seconds of screen time per episode and they are all just 1 note PUSH PLOT FORWARD people
"Jinx just has to keep suffering because idk i guess she just does ok"
too cowardly to commit to a real ending and just left shit out there to come back to in ANOTHER THRILLING TALE OF ARCANE
clearly a setup season for more stories
this entire thing was dildos and YA gay shit for netflix
If S1 wasn't so stellar, people wouldn't be as bitter, definitely.
The best way to attract white girls as a black man is to look a bit zesty.
I have first hand experience.
People are doomposting because it's so fresh. I'd be interested to see how S2 is viewed in a few months time once people have properly dissected everything that happened, because a fucking lot happened.
what does this look tell
Who would just do that, invent another zaun mobster with a robot arm who was literally never mentioned before when Sevika is right there?
What happened to the whole "heavy is the crown" and Macbeth references? What were they for?
Jinx wasn't nearly psychotic enough this season. It was nonstop mopey and trauma dumping with her. I thought she'd turn to League Jinx.
Niggaanons is this true?
when all the equations were solved, all that remained was fields of dreamless solitude
there is no prize to perfection, only an end to pursuit
That hit too close to home. Stop pushing people away from you.
S1 9,5/10
S2 6.5/10
People wanted Silco and Renata was their "answer" to that
craving my dick (6" in both thickness length)
Yeah I had a feeling it was him too but I wasn’t sure have they confirmed it somewhere yet?
The only way to attract whites is to look like a faggot.
Vi remembered him
Where are the high quality webm(s). The fuck happened to this board?
it's obvious they were going for her arc but backed out last second. as with most plots this season. them saying this was always supposed to be a two season show is such a damn lie.
Isn’t he supposed to be in Noxus
anon he IS already in Noxus, far away from all gay drama he needs not
season 2 handwaves that away ALMOST INSTANTLY and makes Jinx more normal
I don't think that her starting point in S2 is too bad. If anything, the end of S1, when she "chooses" to be jinx, is where her schizo settles down and she becomes more lucid. I've never viewed her shooting at the council as a moment of her losing control or anything like that.
I don't think the consensus will change much. I think once it's all set and done, it'll be viewed as a messy season, albeit with good, individual moments, that tried to cram in 2-3 seasons worth of stuff into 1 season.
is your dick a cube?
Over the Garden Wall
Wakfu Seasons 1 and 2
Gushing Over Magical Girls
Silco still depicted as independence activist fought for zaun
Jinx got a happy ending (stop stick in her shitty sister)
Vicuck sisters... our response?
them saying this was always supposed to be a two season show is such a damn lie.
Yeah but why not make it 3 seasons? Riot is the boss, why wouldn't they want more skin promos for LoL?
Dying of Arcane aids. Jinx will try to save him somehow so maybe soraka will heal him or someshit. They bot return to zaun cuz of Urgot or something too.
When Viktor got dimensionally schlorped all his robots got sucked up with him
Except Orianna, who gets to stay with Singed and doesn't look messed up at all
The universe literally won't let this man lose.
enough for powder tho
Sorry but caitler was abandoned in episode 6
Because Riot is a greedy ass company. For them, it was the more logical decision to expand the series and focus on other lol regions and they sacrificed Arcane for it. People blame the writers, but it was nearly impossible for them to wrap this all up in one season.
I want to emphasize, the AU where Vi dies is not just a good timeline. it's literally THE PERFECT timeline for almost everyone. THE BEST timeline possible. All possible with the removal of Vi. I find this hilarious.
Got to leave the city. Other than that; >Vi
Was useless this season. Like the writers hated her, only kept around for relationship drama.
Stolen to another time to be used as a crude tool for plot.
He wasn't in this season. Hexcore hivemind was boring.
Loses her eye trying to be like Vi.
The saddest of all men.
Was a nuanced mentor in S1, now is just a comic relief enabler. Hinted to know all about the timelines.
Villain of one season crammed into the story of other threats.
The great enabler, a good character, with plenty of stories. Not sure how Noxus gets him or his tech to their plans now.
Without the Hexcore shenanigans, could have evolved towards the game version.
Too sexy to be shown here, or they won't reveal the Visual update. Very, very disappointing.
We don't even know if Singed gets disappointed or relieved.
The hexcore hive is the issue.
Jinx doesn't die
but she also doesn't part with Vi properly
This is unfettered ass, thanks shippers
actually true but at the same time the mf literally uses realm warp and its better explained to be ryze with some sort of plan rather than viktor time looping for the luls
This was super cute. Felt so bad for Ekko, but I gotta admire him. I wouldn't have had the strength to leave.
Lets hope he finds someone in the prime universe too - be it Zeri or maybe a sappy return of Jinx some day.
>Silco still depicted as independence activist fought for zaun
That's pretty brave attempt in 2024 he's white, old, also ratman
I feel like they so could have wrapped it up better.
Act 3 was so disappointing I feel so depressed bros I don’t even know where to begin
in an attempt to fix lol lore they made it even more convoluted
Lmao at at yall just going on and on bout the sex scene a few months ago. And now that's it's happened yall are angry. Couldn't be more hilarious.
Deep down I wanted them to make it work too anon.
But I would be slightly pissed too to see Ryze revealed, and him only having 30 seconds worth of dialogue. If he's going to be revealed, I want a whole episode.
jinx is so done with her shit, gave vi multiple warnings to get off the platform and she didnt move
What’s crazy is how much this season reads like a wattpad
excessive caitvi to the point that it demolishes the characters
maddie self insert
isha oc
Ekko travels to an AU where everyone’s alive and he’s dating Jinx
”you are the wolf now”
fucking Sevika joining the council (whatever happened to zaun independence lmao)
Jiinx had enough of the dyke drama and left
even the trannies that were looking forward to it thought it was shit
I mean a spent mana gem, like what danger would that pose?
Kino line not gonna lie. Viktor had some amazing dialogue.
"How am I doing, mommy?"
Is that what the kids use now days? Use to be ao3 and ffnet
seems like the "ending they had in mind from the start" was the airship parallel
Try expected
trans son
wait but if Ori is some half mechanical half magic lifeform, couldn't she just grow whatever genitals she wanted therefore not making her trans?
the only way it could work is if the rune was like inert or something and ryze gave it as a memento not expecting it to spiral into what became of hextech (young ryze naiveity maybe?)
Then they could have Ryze foresee that saving that boy all that time ago sparked a fire within him that could very well cause the second coming of runic warfare leading to his involvement in the PnZ conflict
They probably should have given themselves the caveat that characters have to become their game selves by season's end
Immeasurably baffled at the fact that they didn't have ambessa fight vi. Like at all. How they possibly missed the opportunity to have one of the most kick ass fight scenes i cannot understand. The writers truly do hate vi. The animators too i guess.
True, his daughter is now an abomination.
Age and patience... Both I have in abundance
He was right about everything. He just bided his time until it was time.
Riot, please give him a VO update to include some of these kino lines.
I wanted the sex to fucking mean something. I wanted it to be good. But it felt so out of place.
How hard would it have been to beat the big bad, then have sex while basking in victory?
No instead we get my sister is dying let's fucking. Gave me awful whiplash. The whole sequence felt surreal.
ao3 and ffnet got kinda overshadowed by wattpad as it's the place that's got a higher userbase now
They are interchangeable
Watching ep 7 gave me flashbacks of watching S1 all over again
Where the hell was Ryze? Arcane shit happening and he never appeared
TP cooldown
Heimerdinger becoming a country singer while waiting for Ekko to wake up
I wonder if that's something he always wanted to do but couldn't find the time until now.
Not a bad idea.
I'd assume young ryze would make mistakes, so that's believable.
LJ too if you were a fujo. Ah the days of capeshit fujoing.
all part of da plan bb
now retards will think twice before fuckin wit da magic
AU universe Jinx was perfect. Nice to see Jinx being a normal, caring girl.
Why did they revert Mel to being a Noxian heiress when she very clearly dedicated herself to piltover in season 1?
Why did they have that scene of Mel going into Leblanc's retarded red void to do something (?) if Ambessa just died anyway?
i think that leblanc was trying to drain information about noxus out of ambessa - the red stuff coming out of her ears.
mel was trying to kill ambessa, but that doesn't mean she wants her nation to be compromised and defeated by the rose either (which is one reason why she ditches piltover and goes home at the end to rule - if she leads the noxians, she can at least try to keep them in line as opposed to letting some rando step in and do exactly the same dumb shit as ambessa because warrior's honour or whatever).
once leblanc was kind enough to restrain ambessa for her, she took her out to save noxus and demonstrated she was no easy pawn for leblanc to mess with. she'll have to try harder than that.
another reason she ditched piltover was the noxians were probably public enemy number 1 for both zaun and piltover - we see scenes of the enforcers breaking down the barriers the noxians erected in zaun. her soldiers are death cult dipshits that would never accept surrendering and facing trial/executions, so better to get them home before they get scapegoated by both sides and get killed that way instead.
the other reason is because jayce is dead. with him gone, what else is there for her personally in piltover?
he got retconned out, no joke they gave his one scene in season 1 to viktor
I would have so loved this. Like have Ryze give Jayce a spent rune or mana gem or whatever as a souvenir, not realize that that would fuel his inner fire leading to hextech. That would have been awesome.
Looking for the inspiration rune, he doesn't give a fuck what happens to piltover, he's seen cities fall in his lifetime before.
I wanted romantic sex. Not softcore porn.
People's dislike of season 2 is directly proportional to how much they like champions that got retconned out.
Ryze gonna get retcon into Future Enlightened Glorious Evolution Viktor.
So ive been seeing people post this and genuinely, am confused. Vi gave no indication that she thought jinx was gonna off herself. Yea it was kindah sudden but not for the reason everyone keeps stating. From my pov anyways. We don't even know when these events take place in relation each other.
What the fuck? I always thought Wattpad was almost exclusively low effort self insert fanfic and OC.
hilarious how randoms on Anon Babble can think of a better story than this shows writers
ZiggsBros, what happened?
Isn't Ezreal foreshadowed to eventually gain the inspiration rune? Or was that retconned
I wish my main is in Arcane
43% DomVi
Be lucky you got even that
Realistically, Vi would have fisted Cait's cake hole and then drug her cunt across Cait's face until she came
stop coping about heimerdinger survival lol, we know yordles do not age cuz they are beings of pure magic but we never knew if blasting a yordle's brains out with a shotgun means they die
Vi being stupid is already established a million times over, but she can't be so fucking stupid that even if she didn't realize that Jinx wasn't going to explicitly kill herself, she was 100% going to do something drastic.
ao3 and ffnet also had that in abundance. It was the discord to ao3 + ffnet's skype
Jinx is always perfect.
It’s ruination all over again. The best way to handle canon is not to touch it. They gave skarner a whole vgu so their industry plant Seraphine wouldn’t look like a psychopath.
I'm deadass gonna write this shit now. Riot won they psyopped my autistic ass and now I'm gonna make a whole ass webcomic on what season 2 should of been
I'm not joking btw I'm a fucking game dev with art and writing skills (+ a bit of music) I'll literally make this work even if its to satisfty my own view
Just finished watching. My favorite part was the insanely competent Noxus soldiery. Holy fuck, every fight they're in you can just tell why people fucking fear Noxus. The enforcers in ep 9 got fucking destroyed and it wasn't even a proper Noxus force, it was just Ambessa's gang of retards.
I think Act 1 was good. Episode 4 and 5 were okay but something went horribly wrong after Episode 6… in Act 3 the vibe of the show l abruptly switched I think in part the AU stuff had something to do with it I think we needed more seasons so the switch went more smoothly because there are times I felt like I was watching a different show. I know they are different champions but it didn’t worked because it felt rushed. The writing this season wasn’t good. The dialogues were bad. Characters didn’t felt like themselves the whole vibe of the show was off. There are so many things I wanted to see. This was supposed to be a prequel. I wanted to see these characters becoming closer to what they are in the game and all I got was misery, death and champions aren’t even remotely close to their LoL counterparts. Arcane is canon. Lore is ruined. So many champions like Camille Renata Blitzcrank Dr Mundo Zac among others don’t even exist I don’t know man I hate this
godspeed anon
Smeech died just fine, so I would say they are perfectly killable. Teemo's line in the game about going back to Bandle City is just the same as every other champ vowing revenge when they die ingame - just revival fluff.
I don't even know if they are truly immortal, as the likes of Heimer, Smeech, and the hooker all look pretty old. They probably do age, just over thousands of years like elves.
Heimer blips to bandle city and meets his long lost brother who after learning about hextech immediately uses it for ziggs stuff
ziggscane then ensues. Invest in ziggs stocks now
fucks everybody else over
gets his daughter back
doesn’t even have to flee to Noxus
True. This show was made for the general public and not for League fans.
Don't know about blacks, but it's true for white guys as of late.
Silco you're suppose to be dead
Don't half-ass it, then.
By that I mean don't promise this and then fuck off because tummy hort to you forgot your tranny meds. Commit.
Prove you can do what Riot/Frogs couldn't.
i found it dumb how they were waving their flags around in the middle of the battle
it should have been easy to do both though
I will buy all his skins
1. Sorta. IIRC, they switched writers so that's makes sense.
2. Nope
3. Depends on who's in charge of the writing, I'm not trusting S2's writer.
Jesus christ, how they managed to fuck up this season so badly
AU bullshit that requires Helmet/DK to die to undo
The Ancients/Anomaly end the world in one of the AUs
Singed/Invoker willing to throw the world away to get their daughter back
Luna/Caitlyn becoming war criminals
Mirana/Mel had hidden golden magic powers
Isha/Lina an hero to try and save everyone (futile)
Viktor/Terrorblade and Jayce/DK mutual destruction ending
Oriana/Filomina shown to be alive in the final scene showing that Singed/Invoker won
So fucking goofy
I just don't understand why someone would ever prefer to use Wattpad over something like AO3 to host their fanfic on. Zoomers are so strange, especially the fujo ones.
I'll make Jayce saying he won't fail mean something.
I won't fuck it up, you have my word. I'll release it on twitter. I'm not gonna post my account but if you ever see someone doing it you'll know its me because I'll leave a calling card to the fact.
Hear me out, lets pretend jayce and Viktor didnt just vanish randomly.
In this timeline, Viktor now continues to try to make the perfect fusion of machine and humanity that keeps their free will. (Like his old lore)
They need to revert the lore so Hex crystals are just Skarner poop.
mental illness does what intelligence dont
Best character is an anime original
Glad the studio is done pumping out League of Legends slop and can make something actually soulful
or maybe not twitter. I mean how do you make a good fancomic and get it seen by everyone realistically? I guess I'll have to figure that out.
tfw my JG main is Vi, and after S2 I refuse to play this dyke any longer.
Edgerunner should be 20 episodes at least but braindead trigger cut it half
Arcane should be 3 seasons at least but braindead Riot cut it half
zoomersloppas shill it to gut
weeping obnoxious zoomzoom ost
what's wrong with this generation
If you just want to punch shit in the jungle, play Sett, Voli, or Udyr.
unironically mogs the last few champs riot has put out
singed gets his own cunnybot
he fucking won
Ryze doesn't give a shit about stupid countries politics when he's busy trying to save the world from actually ending. For Ryze to insert himself into Zaun/Piltover/Noxus politics is like the equivalent of calling the Justice League to help a child get her cat down that was stuck on a tree.
Seems the writers didn't have the budget to get Vi and Caitlyn a new pair of clothing at the end. Kek
Sett is pretty fun, but I thought about Ekko or maybe even Talon.
What happened to Kino?
you just know they stay naked most of the time, they're kinky as fuck
Sett's a fag
I felt nothing in the last episode. I dont even know wtf happend.
Edgerunners got done dirty because CDPR started absolutely hating it once they realised that Trigger was gonna have creative freedom of it and they hated the sexy characters and Reb so they forced them to have a short season and kill off everyone.
The way this board reacted to the ending, you would think it was like Attack on Titan's finale.
I liked Arcane's finale, although the pacing from S2 episode 6 and onwards seemed a bit rushed.
Still, the animation and art design of the show was incredible. You're gonna see a lot more projects try to emulate Arcane's style (just like they did for Spiderverse years ago)
reminder that they're somewhere out there chilling in space watching over everyone AND having daily gay space sex
Ambessa was killed by a broken heart
The flagbearers are an obvious signal for Viktor's sex dolls to leave them alone, which they do. It's not until Viktor does the whole assimilation thing that they get targeted, since at that point Viktor has basically won.
Act 1 was paced as if season 3 was planned. Acts 2/3 feel like they had to compress after being told to end with season 2.
You thought episode 7 seemed rushed too?
Diversification of your advertisements
Post everywhere, but key it to the platform. E.g. post Bluesky for the meme but don't post anything you put hard work into.
Make use of your hashtags; they're the only thing reliable since all things google has been turbo-cucked by glue-eating AI and techbros.
Consult Anon Babble regularly both as sounding board and lokey as engagement promotion.
Don't tummy hort or an hero
Don't burn yourself out.
Neither are that much like Vi but Ekko is fun and pretty rewarding to play, especially if you can sync up his ult burst and bubble.
Can't speak on Talon, only ever played him in like Season 2 mid before he had the asscreed wall jump and could silence instead.
On a technical and artistic level, Arcane is an actual 10/10. The issue is that the writing is done by some Californian nepo baby for a chink phone game.
having daily gay space sex
Does Aurelion Sol watch?
Episode 7 shows the importance of focusing on 1 to 2 plotlines
It's like God of War Ragnarok all over again.
Fuck man.
no retard they had contact them with draft but Trigger cut every shit half and made it to "muh stupid zoomer meets girl & simp her to death" it isn't Cyberpunk any more
I'm genuinely gonna take this advice man, I won't let you fags down because I know you guys wanted this shit to be as good as I wanted it to be.
I mean hey on the bright side Riot will give me a whopping 2 riot sheckles for it maybe and on the hopium side maybe even offer me a job
There were too many plotlines when Vi v. Jinx and PnZ were enough
The fact that both the discussions here and on /lolg/ are devoid of any obvious bait and "you guys like this? you're gay" stuff proves that everyone really liked this show, even if season 2 was all over the place and the last episode was bad.
S2 wasn't great, but Arcane as a hole definetly is worth remembering and praising.
you know that's perfect description of this show.
Call game Ragnarok
Ragnarok is a minor skirmish
fuck me man
Talon is fun as hell if you build him like anything but an assassin. Building him like an assassin is moot because at that point play blue kayn
source : I main both kayn and talon
You're a fag, Sett is the coolest character in the game.
I didn't like how they presented the events - with Ekko and Heimerdinger off in some alternate universe while Jayce was suffering in another one. Coming hot off Episode 6 and Jayce's actions, it felt a little jarring.
Yeah the writing kinda flopped a bit towards the end, with the power of friendship saving the day etc.
thats his daughter you sick fuck
Don't ever forget what the took from you, we could have had so much more.
Fucking companies and wanting to rush shit out the door instead of practicing patience.
No I mean he's a literal fag. He chokes on Aphelios' dick in 2 different universes
kek based writers, AU accurate
Trigger was gonna have creative freedom
they left everything at discretion of Trigger and what we got was stupid tiktok edit version of GITS, game is unfathomably better
I am straight and I would still fuck aphelios in the ass.
Remember that window the enforcers threw the miner through? The attitude problem between Piltower and Zaun wasn't around in the AU.
Maybe it's on purpose as a form of protest against a producer
people are now saying they think act 1 was paced fine, it's just acts 2 and 3 that were rushed
Only episode 7, out of all of S2, didn't feel like they tried to condense an entire other season of content down. E7 is the only episode that feels like it's cut from the same cloth as S1 of Arcane.
straight men do not understand a relationship between a man and a woman unless it's sexual
I believe it, he seems like he could be fun as a bruiser with his modern kit with how much sustained damage you can milk out of his passive and Q if you stick to someone and brawl
Maybe I'll pick him up if they fuck up Viktor's Creator skin in his VGU. He and Kha'zix have been my mains for a long time.
Everything up to the ending stuff is great. Problem with edgerunners is that it feels like either CDPR or Trigger wanted to make this version of Cyberpunk feel a lot more depressing/sad than it actually is. In the actual game people die and stuff but most of the game is focused on action and the cool stuff happening, even V's endings aren't as bad as people make them out to be. For Edgerunners they really wanted to force this shock value style "NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS EVER" and it just doesn't work because stories with forced depressing shit will always suck.
CaitVi kinky sex
Yep. And that’s because episode 7 is purely character driven.
good take
What exactly did they mean by this scene?
Only episode that doesn't feel camfucked
Only episode that wasn't extant in some form pre-cleanout
his favorite pastime
Punished Cait
Here's another solid clue that Jinx survived. Look in the upper middle and you see Jinx's Shimmer lightning effect along one of the pipes right before the explosion.
Episode 7 is just a fucking filler episode to let the black negro time travel against the final boss. It was fucking stupid as shit.
What is your reaction when you saw Caitlyn's bare nipple on Netflix? She is an innie btw.
That you should prioritize having pussy instead of your suicidal sister
Caresses painful injury
Passionate needy kissing
The meaning?
Lesbians are sadomasochists and the slightest drop of pain sends them into rut
Enough to ignore sister going to kill herself
Enough to ignore sister going to kill herself
Innie what?
No matter how you spin it it's cancer.
Option 1, Vi is selfish and remains on an unstable ledge until Vanderwick revives and tries to kill her, prompting Jinx to self-sacrifice and save the idiot
Option 2, Jinx knocks Vanderwick off, saving Vi and choosing to disappear, which is anathema to ''this story is about sisters'' they peddled in S1
Honestly would've thought the ending is a 10/10 if they just had them part properly. As it is it's a 3/10 for me, at best.
that's hand you retard
You are the ADHD-riddled zoomer that Arcane S2 was made for. I hope you enjoyed it at least.
Kept ya cucked, huh?
Cait i dont give a fuck
done durty imo for the greater good cause they had to kill Vander the man completely for Arcane plot to work
I doubt that fall kills him, he's the Hulk with that MCU jump, mf'er is literally bulletproof
Singed alive there's always the option
frankly they succeed in feeling bad for Jinx
*travels to a different universe to stop your parents from having you*
IDGAF about this coal burner whore
Sometimes moving forwards means leaving a few things behind.
Don't hate Cait but If there was a woman like Jinx go after her asap to have kinky intimate lusty soak incest lesbian sex with her without looking back
all these people with legit complaints and you come in mad because an alt version of your waifu kissed a black dude
She was the giver so she’s the top
Hands don't look like that. Fortiche were trying to sneak in Caitlyn's nipple shot on TV.
So who the fuck was this?
Okay, but, like, in the end, what is Hextech? What are the hex crystals?
I get it, we got some time loop thing so Viktor gave Jayce the rune. But then where did Jayce get the Hex Crystals that led to the whole hexcore stuff anyways?
literally me (I'm chink)
Doesn't look like a school shooter so can't be Jhin
He's just a Piltovan pianist. He closes the piano then goes to join the enforcers for the war effort.
He's the one that pulls Loris' body out of the chair and fires at the cocoon.
Get parried retard
He kinda looks like one
Would've been kino if Vi figured it out and saw her off, ending their storylines.
Right now it's a shitty fucking set up for a spinoff with Vi appearing in a post-credits of the trailer to get spergs going.
Hextech? I'm writing yuri smut ova hea
In an alternate universe, you're sucking black weenies too.
because of his tree gang
a man of great conviction
Her knuckles were raw, its her hand
"noooo it's my onahole ;("
The hexcores did go missing, Powder had them in the drawer in her Vi shrine.
I think the suggestion was that Jayce died in the explosion as well and they simply didn't know there were hexcores, let alone that they were missing.
Why would there be such an emphasis on someone insignificant - he can't be some random.
wow! another time-travel dimension-jumping bullshit ending! so exciting!
seriously why is it so hard for writers to stick to a single universe?
abandons his mother and his girlfriend to have magical adventures with his twink friend through space but without telling anyone anything to make it seem like you died in battle
ummhh...he won? Riot is going to forget about this plot, this is at the level of the ruination event
Vi appearing
I meant Jinx, my fuck up
Sometimes heroes rise up from hardship bro its not that deep
Idk. He looks like someone I'd want to beat up.
and his child
I assume the logic they went in for Arcane/the new story version of Runeterra is that magic exists either from people born with it or from weird natural elements that you manipulate, so hextech is probably literally just high quality crystals gotten from mining and augmented by rune stuff to have magical properties.
Jhin is apex school shooter phenotype.
That's because he's the phenotype of the hype man that makes the shooter think it's a good idea. He has the "I wouldn't say no if I got ass-raped by Urgot" pushover look in his eyes. Couldn't be the shooter.
Not Jhin
You'd focus on a group of Piltovians to represent civilians rising to war - maybe him at the forefront of the group.
Singling him out as a individual doesn't scream "random piltovian worker becoming a hero".
New thread
Across the Spider-Verse
Deadpool 3
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
I think it's become a crutch trope to easily explain things when time (or effort) is at a minimum. I'll be glad when that bubble bursts
caitlyn i dont give a shit that im a cuck i wanna fuck HARD NOW, DONT talk about jinx, i might become even hornier knowing she's blowing herself up
What did Vi meant by this?
Jhin is a chad, chads don't shoot up schools - chads bully kids into becoming school shooters.
It really makes absolutely no sense that she was a traitor in the end.
Unless she became one AFTER getting wrapped up in Ambessa's takeover. Like, there's no way Ambessa embedded her before all that.
it's just acts 2 and 3 that were rushed
S2 starts a bit all over the place.
S1 ends on a huge cliffhanger. And S2, as bold of a move as it was, didn't really pick right back up from the cliffhanger very much. Instead it immediately widened the scope and started focusing on the wider, less explored fringes of what was seen in S1. And then only briefly goes over what transpired at the very end of S1 as it moves forward with quite a lot of threads all at once.
I mean it took until the final 3 episodes of S2 before the show even acknowledged that Mel's powers was what saved the council from complete annihilation.
So S2 certainly starts off with a somewhat sudden pace shift. And it could be said that it maybe meanders a bit.
But the first three episodes of S2, for all of their flaws, are super necessary for the middle three episodes of S2 to have so much weight with all of its Jinx focus.
And both the wider scope from the first three episodes, and the the deeper Jinx & Vi dive of the middle three episodes, were all super necessary for the resolution and climaxes of the final three episodes to tie together with Viktor's and Jayce's plots.
I wouldn't shy away from the claim that the first half of S2 isn't too strong. But the first half of S2 was effective in strengthening its latter half, the latter half of S2 is extremely strong imo. It ties together all the events of S1 and S2 really well and has a very strong finish as the arcs are all resolved side by side one by one next to each other. It was extremely satisfying.
suggestion was that Jayce died in the explosion
idk why that didn't cross my mind. my first thought was he halts all research after witnessing first hand how dangerous it is, so the research is never furthered
but him being killed also explains the non-existence of hextech. would have to watch again to see if Heimer alludes to this, I know he says HT doesn't exist but dunno about Jayce is dead part
How did Vi pay for all that booze?
twink bussy is on another level
Women writers don't know how to write exes without demonising them. They have to justify that they don't deserve the protagonist.
Only ep I really liked, even if it makes no sense within the season
Where is THE Jilcofag?? He normally has great takes on the writing, I wanna hear his opinion on this dogshit season, I AM SUMMONING
by seeling flowers
While I agree that E7 felt like the only episode that wasn't running on a full sprint, I think people are more accepting of Act 1 simply because it mostly deals with the aftermath of the attack on the council.
It felt like an actual sequel to what happened in S1, compared to the rest of the season.
Imagine if Silco spends months not approving of their relationship and acting like an asshole to Ekko and both Jinx and Ekko assume its because he's black but then Jinx confronts him and Silco actually just hates Ekko's haicut and drip.
this season in a nutshell.
le powerful
Jilco rent free in vicucks head even after 3 years
LOL jilcochads can't stop winning
Vi dies
Silco visits Vander instead of kidnapping him because they lost a child they were supposed to care for.
Vander apologizes to Silco for betraying him.
Arcane resonance across worlds infect them with Viktor and Jayce's gay
Good timeline happens.
Shrimple as that.
reminder that Silco is gay (canon)
weird existential god stuff at the end aside, Jayce and Viktor's story is so good for larger scale lessons, such good quotes spread in it too.
Unironically I agree. Great quotes.
nah I hate Vi, I am a jinxfag thus wanna hear his based opinion, Vicucks wouldn't care about the story lmao
Will some Fortiche animator ever leak the their nude models?
It's pretty much the only plot thread they nailed at the end. People wanted more concrete explanations about what the arcane is, what happened to them, yada yada, and I get people who really want that capital L lore stuff, but I think the emotional climax of their reconciliation works well enough without it.
The final episode was a fucking for the most part, but they got to go out good, all things considered. It's the few times this season where their intended big "emotional" moments actually hit for me.
Heimer says to Ekko that Jayce doesn't seem to have gone to that timeline, but given that he was waiting years for Ekko to "turn up" the only thing that would explain why he didn't expect Jayce to turn up eventually would be if he was already dead.
I think Season 2 really excels with Jayce/Viktor/Hextech story line. The Jinx, Singed, and Noxus story lines obviously didn't get the same attention - there clearly wasn't enough time.
The annoying part is how the jinx vi caitlyn story would have also been nailed if they just changed some small stuff about it.
It started off weaker but it did pull of great at the end.
It took a lot to set up Viktor as a villain and to develop Jinx to the point where she was less one dimensional and less silly-silly-randumb boxed. But with that out of the way, the second half of the season was extremely strong and no less great than season 1. Season 1 just got rolling sooner. Since characters like Silco and Vander took the reigns immediately.
for me the first act and the last act of this season was well done with the last episode especially. I think a lot of people here just overreacting as usual
On the contrary, I think Jinx got more than enough attention. It's just that they just kept flip flopping with her.
She starts out the season directionless and suicidal after killing Silco and half the Council, and she ends up still being directionless and marginally less suicidal I guess? assuming she's alive. And even then, taking intent into account, she still probably let go of Vi's hand at the end intending to die still.
As for Singed, I don't know what he would do with more time either. I think considering his role in the story, they did the best with him as they could've.
Noxus on the other hand, shouldn't have gotten nearly as much focus as it did. Like, Ambessa and Mel spends most of the season dealing with a threat that's supposed to be continents away, that doesn't matter to anyone else but them, and doesn't even really factor into why Ambessa decides to stay in Pilt in the first place. It could've been cut entirely.
In reality the only things that are bad with season 2 are the pacing, some of the cait vi jinx decisions, and noxus taking way too much of the limelight
for a 2 season run with amazing animation, acting, music, fight scenes, characters and stories, that's not bad at all.
As for Singed, I don't know what he would do with more time either. I think considering his role in the story, they did the best with him as they could've.
Seeing his daughter at the end was kino.
so great yes. set up ambessa as the villain then kill her off via leblanc black rose fuckery and leave the show-only fans confused af. never explain wtf they mean by the arcane. make the whole series based on a fucking time loop with viktor killing himself over and over via jayce.
I'm just happy that it is canonically confirmed that if Vi was dead, literally everyone would be better off. Singed probably found a non-warcrime way to save his daughter even.