Cartoon Network in 2017
Cartoon Network in 2017
And people womder why CN was killed
we didnt know how good we had it back then
Streaming killed cable!
Cable killed cable
whiny faggot general
This made me lol not because it's true but imagine being such a nigger that you think like this
All companies that can't sell themselves die. Cable forgot what it meant to sell itself and wondered why nothing changing let the money well dry up.
They say kids went to Netflix and YouTube, but I remember going to Netflix and YouTube instead of watching 9 hours of Johnny Test, Almost Naked Animals, and The Garfield show and I remember coming back when the good shows came on. They forgot to make the good shows.
Imagine defending a channel having it's entire schedule consist of nothing but a single cartoon, even paid shills aren't this spineless.
it's how G4 died
This. Cable was going to greed-stricken shit long before streaming came along. Constant splitting of channels and movement of still-airing programs across different TV packages you would need to buy to maintain access, poor adaptation to the times in terms of tech, and a deluge of utter slop content outside of prestige channels that many didn't have access to outside of when those shows would go on streaming, etc.
And despite all of that, the price was universally terrible, it was awful value and that's not even the channels' fault, but the provider's instead. If I could have paid $30/month for cable TV with a good amount of channels, I would have in a heartbeat - but I certainly wouldn't pay over a hundred fucking dollars just to have ANY channel that doesn't suck shit when I can pirate or stream for free with slightly less convenience. Cable had the opportunity to get way the fuck ahead of the game and just didn't bother trying because they were happy to coast by completely ass fucking their customers. The blame doesn't lie with streaming and the ability to "watch anything whenever", it doesn't lie with commercials (which some people actually liked even), it lies with greed and stubbornness.
ding ding ding ding
I'd go back to Cable TV of the 80s and 90s in a heartbeat. Streaming sucks shit. But it's better than the alternative.
You fix greed by enforcing antitrust laws and allowing a private right to sue over it. Sure, the government might be slow, but when companies and private individuals get fucked they band together to run the scammers out of town. That's the real story of America they don't tell you -- the American dream lives and dies on giving the charlatans justice by any means necessary.
Never forget.
Reminder that G4 started as an internet thing, then broke into "real cable" by buying and devouring TechTV, then died and slinked back to the internet leaving a TechTV-shaped hole in cable forever after.
I hate G4 for what they did to TechTV.
Post what the schedule block looks like here in 2024.
Weird how everyone left for streaming and cable died. Wonder what made everyone want to drop cable...
Somebody post modern schedules of CN and Nick.
That's how I see it. Streaming did not do anything right or attract viewers. Cable just did everything wrong and caused people to leave.
I don't know if I have ever seen a company get to that degree of lazy and complacent and assume they literally could shit in a box and customers would eat it up every time.
A lot of companies have fucked up over the years and lost customers because they did not think they needed to try any longer, but god damn...cable really fucked up so well they annihilated a medium that went on to hurt every single major studio afterward. That's an impressive levels of Don't Give a Fuck until they lose millions of customers in a very short span of time.
There's easy ways to make your own tv channels. Only difficulty is downloading all the shows you'd want to cycle through. I made a few that emulate the variety those decades had. I just love the "turn on the TV and see what's on" mentality when I get home from work.
But that's liberal communism spawned from the dirty hands of radical leftists!
Anyone breathing a word of
is decried as the most anti-American fucking traitorous monster that ever lived. And usually results in a new election cycle where the Corporations get their own stooges into government positions to deregulate even more shit because if we try to control the unmitigated greed and anti-customer bullshit, it's also called radical leftist communism on every single news outlet.
Only until people hit back. Obama only failed because he wasn't willing to take on the big interests and call them out. Also controlled opposition like the Tea Party is now in control, so they'll lose on that angle of anti-Washington purity as institutionalists.
Hot take:
This schedule is no better than the 2007 schedule.
Cartoon Network died well before the CN Real era.
The importation of Canadian leftovers has left an irreversible shit-stain the schedule.
the schedule in question:
What are you talking about?
If you exclude Toonami and Adult Swim, a vast majority of the cartoons on that lineup suck.
EEE, Billy and Mandy, and Courage were the only saving graces.
the shittest shows on the schedules blows any modern cartoon out. you're telling me ben 10 isnt worth your time? hell i would rather watch camp lazlo now more than ever. either you're a fag or a master baiter, either way eat a dick
Ben 10 isn't worth my time with its infantile story telling, shit writing, and canned action scenes.
There's a reason why I prefaced my post with "hot take", you sub 80 IQ manchild.
Cartoon Network was never great, they just got the leftovers after iCarly ended and Nickelodeon fell off a cliff.
saying hot take doesnt excuse you from being criticized you sub sub 80 IQ manchild, also this isnt twitter you dont have to say hot take before you say stupid shit. anyway have fun watching the 400th ttg episode or whatever kek of the creak has
Doesn't take much to make someone this ass-blasted. GEG
At least there was some variety. If you don’t like a show, most days you just come back a half hour later to see what’s on now as it might be something you do like.
If you don’t like Teen Titans Go in 2017, you get half an hour on Friday where it’s one other show and that’s it. Don’t like SU either? Too bad, no CN for you.
What about the Cartoon Cartoon show? It played random episodes of ended CN originals.
Would a shareholder lawsuit have been able to uncover the email chain that led to this mandate? This is the kind of move everyone down the chain of command would have to be too embarassed to brag about on call.
the cable companies do suck but I feel like the reason they upped the prices so much was because the companies that own the channels (Viacom with MTV Nick and Comedy Central, Turner with TBS TNT and CN, etc.) charge the cable companies a buttload just to distribute their channels to the masses. or something like that.
Retarded zoomer
This is coming back at the end of November, TTG is marathoning all 399 episodes for their 400th.
The horror.
would nick still exist if spongebob never existed?
I wonder what Stephen Hillenburg's ghost would think of this.
Kill yourself
I was wondering if anyone was going to mention this. It's like a quiet rebrand that I haven't seen anyone talk about. The top corner of the channel says "Non-stop Spongebob. All Day. Every Day." and it's already been like this for a few months. This is seemingly the first time one of these kids channels has outright ventured into this territory but there doesn't seem to be some press release of "Nicktoons becomes the official Spongebob side-channel!" or people acknowledging it at all.
It's because while the average cartoon fan cares about Spongebob, they don't care about Modern Spongebob. And since there's no other cartoons that'd interest them besides maybe Loud House, nobody bothers to check Nick's channel at all anymore.
This one bothers me immensely. I remember when I didn't have the Nicktoons channel at my home and I could only watch it at my cousins house. Back then the Nicktoon Network was so much unlike regular Nick, with unique bumpers and unique shows like Kappa Mikey. It really made it unique and interesting. Now Nicktoons bacically is the SpongeBob channel. While SpongeBob was my favorite show (back then), I had other favorite shows also, like FOP, JN, etc. Only having one show run nonstop would make anyone sick of it, like anything else one would become sick of it through long repeated exposure.
I truly hate this. Cable has been down the toilet recently and this is NOT helping at all. Nicktoon was considered a "graveyard channel" now is a "void channel", a void that's yellow and absorbent.
used to wake up summer morning every day and catch invader zim and avatar followed by my life as a teenage robot and other cool shit
now nicktoons is just the spongebob graveyard
boomerang probably met the same fate huh
classic nicktoons was great
reminded me of adult swim with strange bumpers and shit
also loved the shit out of classic boomerang, really hate the change that happened there
maybe it was just because i was a poorfag and didn't get much chance to watch cable but I'm really nostalgic for both of those and shit like cn city