According to Ostertag Disney passed Neon Galaxy due two main characters being trans...

They're over represented at this stage, really.

Why does everything have to look the same god damn even if there weren't two trannies for MCs I'd still hate this just based off the copy and pasted beanmouth art style.

They all gave up because they found out what kids are actually watching

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beanmouth calarts

Even if didn't had any trannies it would've been automatically shit for that reason

Who the fuck is the audience for these types of cartoons, it can't be boys because boys want silly shit or cool shit or cartoons that do both like and it can't be girls because girls watch shit like Monster High and Winx Club, who is even gonna want to watch this?

noah z joneschads we are so back

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It's all a game really. Getting a show made isn't about making something that kids want to watch. It isn't even about making something that parents want their kids to watch. It's about making something that a handful of out of touch middle managers are convinced that parents want their kids to watch, it's like several degrees of separation from something that'll succeed. That model just can't compete with YouTube.

Looks like CalArts Jem and the Holograms

For emotionally stunted 20 and 30 y/o millennials that want to treat their cartoons as self therapy sessions instead of something actually good, and they wonder why cartoons are dying lol

It’s for Twitter users/Bluesky users

Ah for people who will pirate the show anyways

On one hand, I sympathize with those who struggle to create within the restrictions and greed of Hollywood.

On the other hand: industry animators couldn't make something that actually appealed to kids if their life depended on it. How do these people manage to be so profoundly out-of-touch? Why is everything they make so edgeless? Did they forget about what they themselves liked to watch as children?

they'll tell you that society actually changed and moved on and you're too immature to see it and you need to grow up, and when kids don't watch it they'll say it's because YouTube exists and is an unstoppable force that they cannot compete with (as proven by the fact that they made the PERFECT show and kids didn't show up), and when they all lose their jobs it's because ChatGPT exists.

Pass em up
They pathologized edge as they were going into their careers to take out the competition and after stigmatizing them as “mentally ill” or “assholes” proceeded to make fluffy formless derivative fantasies that people can’t engage with

Is Disney back to being the conservative company again?
With all the cancellation of the quirky brown girl shows, the Moon Girl episode getting banned and Inside Out being made less gay. Is Disney done ditching short term profit?

hmmm an actually fun silly cartoon show or DEI slop?

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I will absolutely take another Pickle & Peanut over some lame Steven Universe or Owl House clone any fucking day of the week.

Fish Hooks and Almost Naked Animals were kinda lame. But P&P is fucking hilarious and I think Noah's humor has started to find its footing. If he delivers another show with similar writing, I'll totally be on board for it.

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how does this guy have three shows

I wish quirky gay brown girls and wacky/edgy stuff could co-exist in peace, but it seems like moderation doesn't exist, it's always either one or the other depending on the generation.

P&P was mostly joel trussel's doing. noah just made the characters, but joel really molded the show into his own image.

the show looks a lot more like this bumper joel did than anything else by noah.

Did they forget about what they themselves liked to watch as children?

Not if they were edgeless as children too

The Noah Z. Jones show is Dog and Frog, right?

You'd think the networks would each engineer one golden goose of a show to keep the channel afloat and fund all of their side projects, but they're either delusional about it

What are you talking about? Everyone loves Teen Titans Go and Modern SpongeBob!

or thinking along the lines of

We don't NEED these hateful trash cartoons. Everyone is happy that that era is over. These are for kids!

Anyways, they're kept afloat by the respective parent company's film branch

There is no audience, the creators just hope they can use a pre-exisiting media platform to push their propaganda on kids whilst also producing some self-serving fantasy for themselves.

If pushed, they will vaguely gesture at the 6-12 girls market.
Demography seems to be an entirely lost, unspoken aspect of modern creative media because acknowledging its importance would directly contradict DEI. The result is becomes unspoken, then eventually forgotten. Streaming has accelerated this process since you can obscure the effect of ratings driven by advertisers targeting certain markets.

Meanwhile in Japan you can pretty much divide its anime/manga industry into broad categories where the demographics are clearly notified. They aren't necessarily binding in terms of where appeal can be pointed, but it means the concept of appealing to an audience is an ingrained and recognised part of the media language from the very start.
You can't just produce self-serving garbage because who is it FOR? Nobody? Then we won't fund it.

He’s not just an animator.
It’s most likely because some boomer exec or their children loves his books and he has a damn good track record too

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This looks cool WTF

So which ones are the trannies?

Nick has Spongebob/Loud House
Disney has Big City Greens
Cartoon Network idk

Seem to be Indigo (outright said) and Coral (needs to take a medicine, probably space estrogen)


Knew it was Indigo the moment I laid eyes on her. I assumed the other one would have been the guy on the far left, thought he was non-binary or something.

all poc, all trans. wow.

Just put it on Youtube and run ads on it. Most parents aren't gonna let their kids watch that shit, and Disney is probably the least lucrative place to air stuff these days

This just sounds like Jem and the Holograms. There was even a modern reboot(in comic form) where everyone's queer so even that part doesn't really make it stand out.

That's genuinely surprising.
You'd think, instead, Disney would be against straight, white protagonists.

In fact, what WAS the last Disney animated series with a white, male protagonist? I think Gravity Falls from 14 years ago.

Wonder if contemporary Alex Hirsch hates himself for putting so much focus on whites in his TV show.

get used to the future, anon

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Why is everything they make so edgeless?

Because that’s the only shit that gets greenlit these days, ya dingus.
The problem is execs. There are plenty of animators that want to make cool edgy shit.

There are no veterans to pass down actual skills anymore at Art Schools. They pay money to make connections.