
series ended with jinx leaving piltover to the west

riot said they will be making seasons about other regions

lightcanon is one of the most popular ships, with lux being one of the most popular lol girls with jinx herself

next season will be demacia, with a fresh out of the water jinx trying to fit into demacian society, only for her to bump into the most unlikely person, lux herself, from then they will get closer, and you can even put ezreal there as well since he's being ther

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coalburner character

No thanks

Id rather have a season of Braun being Braun.
No real drama or political shit, just Braun doing awesome shit, some light hearted fun, and eating delicious food.
There is also some hyped invasion that he just folds it in the most stupid way possible because he was around and saw some people needing some help.

>series ended with jinx leaving piltover to the west

Didn't she fucking die in an explosion and huge ass fall?
Is this cope or did I genuinely miss something? I just finished the last episode like not even 10 minutes ago.

I'd assume the Jinx "glitch" at the end >implies she's on the airship?

does this pairing have some sense in the lore or it's just in fan heads?

Was that really what it was? It just said The End, and didn't really have the bright colours Jinx uses.


Lux is for ezreal

that's what I took it to mean, anyway

It would be fucking hilarious, The lore is already dead so we might as well eat it's corpse while it's still fresh

I thought it was obvious she escaped but I could be reading it wrong.

There's no chance they'll be making S3 unfortunately. They're not getting much of a financial return from the series.

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It's just fags wanting Jinx to be a lesbian. Lux has always been paired with Ezreal.

Sounds incredibly fucking forced. This is why shippers/yurifags should not write stories.

I don't think Arcane was ever about making money directly

Jinx is definitely not dead. That was her ship at the end.

Have we really reached

lulu was driving the cart!

levels already?

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That's AU Jinx.
Our girl is wet for daddy.

it's not made completely obvious, but there are plenty of hints

Anon, Riot had two major lay offs recently just to maintain their ridiculously large profits. It is obvious Arcane exists to make money with people who don't play League of Legends.

You got a saurce on that?

Lightcannon is pure copium. Even in the Star Guardians AU that gets brought up Lux is interested in Ezreal.

how much monetization of Arcane is there outside of League skins? If it was designed to be a money maker, they would've made it for cheaper and shortened the production cycle

It is obvious Arcane exists to make money with people who don't play League of Legends

I hope so.
As someone who has long, long since given up on League of Legends. I have to say, I quite like most of everything League of Legends that isn't the actual core, real League of Legends game.
It's a really cool universe with cool settings, cool characters, cool storylines, concepts, and ideas.
But fuck LoL. I never want to play that game ever again.

Like I even quite liked the maybe not so remarkable AA games like Ruined King and whatnot. But I can't stand playing real LoL.

This ship only existed for the Wild Rift trailer, I love WR but it also screwed up the perspective of Jinx and Lux

I pray that we get a S3, but just seems unlikely

Arcane was always meant to strengthen the brand and to reach beyond the already captured League audience.
Arcane as an animation project has been an insanely expensive per minute production and has been in no way profitable and maybe not even particularly money efficient in its production.

it's just a bet that the production would strengthen and widen the reach of the brand enough that it could maybe indirectly turn a profit in the long run through other projects by keeping the brand alive instead of just riding the currents of wherever the original game takes them.

Black guy gets cucked by white woman


Arcane was always meant to strengthen the brand and to reach beyond the already captured League audience.

Then why make it animated? Why not live action?

It's endgame with these writers

did they ever explain what unmentioned crime Singed did that got him booted out of the academy?

Then why make it animated?

My guess? Again, brand strength.
Maybe that sounds contradictory. Live action has broader appeal, as much as that sucks to admit.

But League of Legends is not at its core live-action.
Like you can have stuff like the Fallout liveaction show be a huge success or whatever. But imagining Fallout pivoting away from games and other media to legitimately being liveaction primarily is silly. Fallout is at its core videogames and the videogames and to a lesser extent the closer derivatives downstream of that, is the Fallout brand no matter the success of the liveaction show.

While LoL's media and cinematics have had all kinds of styles throughout the years. Fortiche has been with Riot forever. Throughout the years an overlap between Fortiche's style and League of Legends has been established.
So I suppose it's just more "honest" to do Arcane with animation, and in Fortiche's style at that. However Riot wishes to branch out from the core of LoL, and with whatever styles they'll implement, you can bet at least most of it will more resemble OG LoL than liveaction.

All that said. They apparently have liveaction projects planned as well. They just wanted to hit it big with an animated project for attention. Which was honestly a good idea as a bridge between established fans and normalfags, since a liveaction project would have likely done way less to galvanize the already captured fans of LoL the way an animated project by Fortiche could have.
And now that Arcane has already bridged LoL fans and normalfags, even if just partially, a prospects of a liveaction project actually being successful is way higher than before Arcane. And well, that in itself is probably an answer to your question as to why make it animated.

Jinx's story is over. The most we’re gonna get from her in Arcane are random cameos or subtle hints that she's still alive, like her leaving monkey graffitis. Also, if they animate Demacia, they’ll most likely pair Lux with Sylas or fuckass Ezreal, but yurifags aren’t ready to accept this.

It's Netflix. It'll be about Braum before he's Braum, and at the very last second of the episode, he finally gets his shield, but he doesn't use it. Meanwhile, the rest of the show is about rando side characters fucking.

I want a Braum show too but not from Netflix.

So another forced ship like SettPhelios is coming because riot likes money?

It will be misery porn with tons of Yuri and Yaoi and you would like it

Lux has treat Ezreal like a nobody on their voice lines

I assume its keeping Ori on a vat tank

The voice lines were meant to be a gag regarding the retcon of old canon. The guy who wrote them was going to write an actual storyline of them meeting in the current continuity. However, Riot refused to allow any form of progression with their characters. Besides, their canonicity is still fucking questionable because Riot is slow as fuck with updating voice lines and other material.

it is massive cope, barring a return in the next iteration of Arcane, wherever it is, she is dead as far as anyone knows and anything otherwise is people coping with the shit ending.

No. Riot has never really entertained Jinx x Lux that much compared to Lux x Ezreal, which eastern audiences really like.

I know, but once the twitter mob start shipping characters from the same sex riot will make it canon

It's pretty popular though, and it did make a profit for basically being passive income/a skin seller. We'll get a third season but it won't be arcane

Sorry my friend, but Jinx has eyes for one man.
Lux will be a good friend though.

another lesbo fiction

Fuck no. They can be friends but god please not another shipper fanfiction.
The next show will probably take place in Noxus and Ionia anyway so we won't see Jinx again until we get to Demacia in like 10-15 years.

yuri trannies really are that low iq

Was there any confirmed champion death aside from Ambessa?

Everyone's ending status




Bitter sweet victory:




Where the fuck did they go status:








I never thought I would forgive them Jinx getting Ekko'd but


I forgive them.

Everybody besides Ambessa got the no body explosion treatment so no

if the production costs were as high as they're rumored to be, I'd be surprised if they've turned a profit even off skin whales

This timeline she's not a coalburner.

There is no evidence to disprove Ekko and Jinx having sex before they came with the airship to fight against Noxus.

Jayce loses because he loses Mel, goes insane and homo.

he won because he got his boyfriend back after that HOOER tried to steal him away

I feel bad for Ekko anyhow.

Riot rakes around a billion per year don't they? On top of nextflix funding, skin sales, and other profits im sure they make some. The real issue is probably the fact that they pretty much ruined their publisher potential with cancelling riot forge on top of the extremely slow release of

riot MMO


It's more mismanagement somewhere that's causing a lack of profits

evil ex

she felt so out of left field as a traitor, why the hell was she trying to convince Cait to distance herself from Ambessa earlier

We never even got a motive lol, the squad extras should have all been removed from the script, I don't know what they were thinking with this

Introduced solely to add an affair plot to cait and vi's relationship

Literally completely ignored by both cait and vi when they get back together

"I was seeing someone" "Cait shut the fuck up I don't care"

Turns out that she was a planted traitor for Ambessa

IMMEDAITELY kills herself before doing ANYTHING

What the fuck was the point?

some mild-emotional-investment death fodder for the finale, I guess

the point was to highlight how badly season 2 was written

Is Singed going to Noxus with Orianna?

why the fuck would he? He got what he wanted and is gonna spend time with his daughter doll

kek you better stop calling attention to this ship because from now on it's gonna be a witch hunt. One day you'll wake up to see a new Valoran Town season announced and guess who will be added to the main cast.

So don't push your luck

jinx's hero journey reached its conclusion, it's unlikely she'll appear again, except maybe as a cameo, or as a mentor for one of the main characters, but with a minor role

they could continue arcane plotline in noxus but the arcane plotline with hextech is over, they could very well do that under a different name, the only things that could carry over is vi, cait and mel since everyone else is dead/checked out

honestly vicucks madlevel is batshit insane tonight, fortiche nailed it again, in confrims Jinx is superior sis to Vi

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It's funny how interracial ships are always the most hated ships on the internet

The Leftys would always rather the girl be with another girl and for the black guy to be with another black character, and the right side of the internet hates it because seeing a white girl get BLACKED makes them feel like cucks

Let's see what they say in this watch party.

Season 1 was simple, but deep.
Season 2 is complex, but shallow.

Most cucked character


people like you are the whole reason it's hated

We never even got a motive lol

She supported authoritarianism in act 1, so the jewish writer decided to punish her.

2 minutes in and it feels so cringe.

Vi got the better ending, ViFags are rewatching the sex scene while Coalburnerfags are crying over her death

ViFags are rewatching the sex scene

I'm watching the scene where she hugs Jinx

leaks confirmed Jinx will be dead

it's not

leaks confirmed boy saviour will be related to Jinx

it's AU

leaks confirmed lesbian sex scene

it's shit & awkard

leaks didn't confirm Silco & Singed are best characters again cuz definitely leaker doze off thanks to it's obnoxious writing

You can't make shit up like this, total vicuck death

She’s not dead numbnuts

Did they call the waitress' band the Chem Sisters Is that some strange Chemical Brothers reference?

this level of Cope


on the internet

Anon Babble is not "The internet"

Twitter has become Anon Babble

but Ekko

Only happened in an AU. Jinx still doesn't care about him.

but Ezreal

Established rivalry between Jinx and Ezreal in two AUs, so potentially what they might go for in the future. Love triangle makes future lightcannon semi-canon a possibility at least.

blatantly asspull retarded fan theory to cope

honestly vicucks madlevel is batshit insane tonight


Why are people saying Jinx is alive? Did I miss a scene?

cuz blacked posters are brown, just like (you) jeez, go back to india

it's just mentally ill people coping

blatantly asspull retarded fan theory to cope

Like Jinx being alive lol


They'll be making the Freaking Poros GAY!

sigh can't believe pull this agian for low iq yuritrannies

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the people insisting jinx is dead have to be trolling, right?
people aren't that actually illiterate, right?

Right before the explosion you can see a purple flash of light beam away indicating Jinx shimmered up and blitzed out of there.
Caitlyn figured it out and smiled when she looked at the remains of the grenade. They never found a body so she was checking the blueprints of the tower for vents Jinx could’ve used to escape.
The final scene shows an airship flying away from Piltover before it cuts off with the typical Jinx schizo tweak frames.
In episode 1 Powder said she always wanted to fly on an airship.

Feels so good not to care about any of these charatcers, bros, Can't imagine how pissed off I would be if I did

The amount of people that didn't get the obvious hint that she was alive has convinced me that most people are just retarded and actually do need things spelled out for them. You can't talk down to your audience when they're dumb as nails, I guess.

jinx would fucking hate demacia tho

I imagine she would run into Lux while Lux was in exile, so not exactly Demacia.

all the more reason to go on a massive vandalism spree

Vi so retarded, Cait had to trap her in a jail cell to fuck her

Cait doing her best not to become a Nazi dominatrix and then they give her an eyepatch.

I'm actually a bit surprised by the lack of shit Mel gave about Jayce's death.
Weren’t they like together or did the writers forget about that halfway through the season?

Lux isn't exile. She's the governor of a small city of Mages now. J4 released all the mages and made Lux their leader. She's not meeting Jinx, and Lightcannon lost multiple times in Alt Universes.

LightCannon shippers need to off themselves already.

Vicuck status

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no time to focus on that with all the other shit going on

give her a random ass eyepatch

not her signature hat

Why were the creators of the Arcane series intent on not faithfully following the original designs?

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Sacrificing your chance at true happiness in another reality

Your mentor sacrifices himself to get you back.

One of your childhood friends becomes a fucking fed

The other you think is dead

Now your stuck in a decaying nation with no relations

Goddamn what the hell did Ekko do to deserve this?

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The hat would look kinda goofy in this grim scenario.

I mean it isn't so bad anon. He does get a literal time travel device.

Goddamn what the hell did Ekko do to deserve this?

Being an unnecessary DEI addition to the plot

Straight male.

It's an Alt Universe timeline thing. The writers don't care.

what the hell did Ekko do to deserve this?

He's literally responsible for the whole thing. He gave Vi and Powder the tip to steal the magic rocks.

Getting in the way of another lesbian ship with Lux and Jinx. C'mon anon you know the priorities by now.

Yeah this shit was sadder than all the shitty ambiguous champion deaths.
Being Ekko is suffering.

Maddie’s pussy got unsecured though. Fallen muff.

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no mention of Jinx wanting to fly airships since episode 1

Jinx purple light is a blink and you miss it moment

Last scene was played 100% straight as Jinx and Warwick tragically dying as Jinx embraces him like a father figure

no mention of Warwick afterwards

It is completely fair to miss such a detail with the way the presentation completely fails to transmit this information successfully, and the “death” scene being so intense also tells the audience that this is real. It’s not the fault of the audience for trusting what they see at face value and not obsessively analyzing every detail.

What is the alt universe Powder doing right now?

everyone liked Jayce/Mel

God you people want the most boring fucking shit.

Not existing


I don’t want her involved ever again

final message is to abandon things to move on

but Arcane cant abandon Jinx because she’s too popular

Especially if she ends up jinxing others and making champions backstory. She should not have that kind of power outside Zaun.

The most important scene for Jinx being alive is Cait looking at the duct schematics while holding the remnants of a jinx explosive. That one is pretty in your face.

timeline where Vi died

literally everyone else is happy, Piltover and Zaun relations are excellent, true utopia


seeing them happy at the party was really sad

That's because they couldn't blame it on Ekko, the true culprit that kicked off all the shit


You have no idea where Lux's story currently is in the Arcane canon, it's definitely not that far advanced if they ever want to tell a story with her.

Lightcannon lost multiple times in Alt Universes

Not really? Like most relationships in League, they're simply undeveloped. We don't even know if Lux is alive in Star Guardians.

Is hextech supposed to be linked to the void instead of rock scorpions now?

true. i like the theory that she fucks off somewhere far from the big cities and lives as a mountain hermit so she can't ruin anyone's lives anymore. at least she has the voices in her head to keep her company

Knowing that in the "real" universe that neither of them had the luxury of dancing like this. They were thrust into violent and desperate lives before they had any choice in the matter. So seeing them like this was incredibly cathartic and pulled on the heart strings. It felt very similar to the Berserk ball room scene.

Vi trying to rape Jinx

scared Jinx left her in prison and Vi rapes Cait instead

scared Jinx moves her ass to Demacia and get raped by Lux for next 3 days nonstop


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Vi went on her knees for Cait

Called herself dirt

She knows her place. Also Cait has a mole

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Anon if you were emotionally moved by the big League of Legends ad then you are underage

Jinx repeatedly tells Vi to get the fuck away from the ledge

Vi fucks around and screws everything up again

Jinx decided to just fake her death at that point because her sister is clearly too retarded


These lesbians are vicious.

I also cried when Vi abandoned Powder.

slut shouldn't have gotten her toes out

If Ekko wouldn’t have tipped off Vi the burglary never would’ve happened and Jayce's research probably never would’ve been successful since he only managed to break through with Viktor.

Ekko is to blame for all of this and that’s why he has to suffer the most by seeing the future that could’ve been without that one mistake he made.

Caitlyn examining the hex gate blueprints, specifically highlighting the cooling ducts, is supposed to be your hint that Jinx could have escaped. It's not much, but that's what that scene was meant to convey, in my opinion.

SG, Jinx lost
Porcelain Protector, Jinx Lost
The FUCKING Valanite skin, Jinx Fucking LOST
Battle Academia, Jinx fucking lost

In the Main fucking Game Lux knows Ez but doesn't know who this Lightfeather person. LightCannon lost the only reason why it still gets pushed is because you shippers are fucking crazy.

I need sauce. Hate this powertripping fandom whore, but this is twisted if true.

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LMAO no fucking way she said that


LOL she was having fucking ptsd flashbacks of the warden raping her while they fucked?

It was adorable and hit me in the feels.
Reminded me of my last years of highschool before everything went to shit

This show needed way more time, I can't believe episode 7 got wasted on shipping nonsense

Jayce and Viktor obliterate themselves out of existence because hextech bad

Ambessa gets cucked by the black rose so hard she drops dead on the spot

Mel now has magic niggo powers and inherited Ambessa's shit (for some reason) but UH OH SWAIN EASTER EGG

Heimendinger just obliterated himself

Jinx jihads herself to kill mechavanderick BUT ACTUALLY NOT TEEHEE

Cait's bull scottish dyke brained herself so she's back with Vi

That's it? That's the ending?

women gets creative control

show gets ruined

how many times must this happen


Genuinely tilted at how Vi and Jinx parted. Or rather, didn't part. Death to ambiguity writers

You know I never quite got lesbian hate, but now I just feel revolted.

Honestly yeah the lightcannon morons are getting uppity when they really shouldnt be

Now be excited for the Noxus show where we get gay Swain and his lover Darius fucking each other in the ass while Mel gets more sheboon powerups.

Are you mad because you wanted to see 2 dudes with huge cocks fucking?

Why did they bother making Caitlyn Hitler when it didn't matter?
Why did they introduce the concept of Jinx being a symbol of Zaun independence when that never gets brought up again after its introduction?
Why did Noxus need a full frontal assault on Piltover when Viktor just walked into the Hexgate room single-handedly anyway?
Why did Viktor try to laser Jayce's head off when he wanted to evolve him?
Why did all the glorious evolution organobot people die with Viktor except for Warwick?
Why did Noxus, in a victory so complete they were standing at parade stance, not notice a Zaunite army?
Why did Isha have to exist to give Jinx a reason to be suicidally depressed when she has 3 dead parental figures and an estranged possible-sistercidal sister to justify those already?
Why did they only give a dialogue-less shot of Sevika as a Councilor to wrap up the Piltover-Zaun storyline when that storyline was about 50% of S1?
Why didn't anyone ever bring up that all the Councilors in S2 died or went missing extremely quickly under different circumstances?
Why did they revert Mel to being a Noxian heiress when she very clearly dedicated herself to piltover in season 1?
Why did they have that scene of Mel going into Leblanc's retarded red void to do something (?) if Ambessa just died anyway?
Why didn't the Noxians help Ambessa when it clearly wasn't some kind of honorable duel?
Why did Jayce only try shutting down the hexgate during the attack when he clearly had a ton of time to do so beforehand?
Why are there so many shots of the main characters eating hexcore/void addled food?
Why did they spend so much time on Sevika's new arm when it is never used again once?
Why does Ambessa not die in situations where she should 100% be killed like 4 times in one season?

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Jayce becomes an unhinged hobo and blasts off Viktor as soon as they face each other.

He's suddenly calm and well-adjusted in arc 3.

What was the point?

Vi prison trauma

I wonder why

No. Lightcannon is mainly being used to shit on Timebombniggers

It's not cope you're just retarded
Jinx literally escapes with the airship at the end

The whole internet is the racist website I'm on right now

Vifags and caitvifags won the hardest

did you want her to wave at the screen in the end? fucking retard you need lobotomy

Why did Heimerdinger try to immediately use the "experimental" wild rune device to leave the timeline when it was so unfinished it literally killed him to use and Ekko+Heimer were under no time constraints that would rush them to use it?
Why did they never bring up Heimerdinger again when his sacrifice saved all of reality?
Why did we establish over three scenes in act 1 that Caitlyn is weaponizing air vents to use Zaun smog to gas people when in the finale it's established that the Enforcers just have regular effective toxic gas grenades anyway?
Why did the chembarons plan around having an armed goon take the stage during Mel's speech but not use that opportunity to try to kill her?
Why did they not show Caitlyn missing Vi after they separate a single time while Vi got an entire new goth redesign to show how broken-up she was?
Why are the Firelights involved in the Zaun riots with Jinx as that figurehead when Jinx personally murdered a bunch of them?
Why did they have Singed exposit in Act 2 that Viktor's void power is finite and is fading when 1. there's no way he should know that and 2. it ends up not mattering or coming back anyway?
Why did regular human beings throwing regular javelins at the chemtanks during the memorial attack kill them when it was shown repeatedly that even guns couldn't scratch them?
Why was Jinx more mentally stable and in good spirits in S2 after her life goes to shit than she was in S1 before her life went to shit?
Why is Vi so broken up about Jinx "betraying" her and locking her in the prison cell that she punches her hands bloody on the wall but when she's freed she doesn't even attempt to find Jinx and instead just scissors Caitlyn?
Why did they include a short scene of AU Clagger giving AU Milo a look like he's secretly attracted to him during the party when that's the last time we ever see these two characters and they're functionally stepbrothers?
Why doesn't anyone care that the Council and Cait sold the city to Noxus?

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It would’ve been better if Vi figured it out that Jinx actually faked her death but since she's so fucking dumb they had to give it to Caitlyn who doesn’t even bother telling her.

Jinx is voiced by Ella Purnell

Jinx is paired with Ekko

Ella is Maximus in the Fallout TV series, both black men


gay sex canon

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Jinx's story is over.

No, it's just the beginning.

Something something Heimer in Bandlecity

Also Cait has a mole

two actually

Previous thread

But that scene is so short that it’s fair to miss it.

At least half of these have direct answers. Stop being a faggot.

Nah Singedbros won harder.

waaaah muh sister

Cait shows up

haha I am horny now let's have sex

She also voices Gwyndala on Star Trek Discovery where she ends up with a black-coded black-voiced alien


If she had been on her own cell then fine, but it’s also the place her sister was in, and hours after she went to KILL HERSELF.
Not to mention her hair brands were probably still there. It’s gross.


uh huh, troon.

Sounds like she's being targeted. Or she requests something.

That last fucking forced "sacrifice" by Jinx just because Vi is a retard who wouldn't listen

No wonder Jinx bailed the city, I wouldn't want to be associated with this dumbfuck either.
Hope Jinx has a merry holiday season in Ionia or Shurima, which is where she is headed based on the direction shown in the show.

Jayce, Viktor and Heimdinger are fine. Necrit’s stream had an animation director confirm they’re not done with Heimdinger.

We won’t see Jinx for at least 10-15 years until the Demacia show comes out.

she had most likely pissed on the floor at least once too

troon out of nowhere

Ah, you're shitposting. Continue as normal then.

Youre retarded

Black fever

She's adorable

its just vicucks crying because jinx won

This.. this isn't my daughter. Was I wrong?

I can't believe what happened to this show. S1 was so good and S2 ruined everything. It's crazy.
It's like they fired everyone that was involved with the first season and a bunch of amateurs showed up and said, "Hey let's just do whatever."
The slow-mo, assassination of characters, all the dumb music videos...

So did Act 3 fix this season or its just people are in their denial stage trying to make it seem like it fixed the season?

How come anyone like this season? In S1 vander and the rest dies- it was heart moving.
Skye died, shocking.
Silco killed - again shocking and making Jinx go mad.

S2? Isha dies- noone cares.
Heimer dies - noone cares.
The guy with shield dies - noone cares.
Maddie dies - noone cares.
And so on.
The writing, pacing and everything in S2 is utter shit. Characters have no emotions. The plot makes no effort of making viewer feel anything. Ot is pure fanservice, especially with lesbian drama.

PS. Why anyone still posts on Anon Babble which is as shitty as S2 of arcane with 15minutrs wait to post.

The Z drive's gone man. That shit blew up after he overloaded it and threw it at Viktor.

mfw there was no slow mo or music videos in season 1

Where else would she pee?

Building a new one when you have the hex crystals ought to be easier.

the climax for most of the characters is pretty good, but getting there wasn't very believable due to overly fast pacing of prior acts

Gave alt Jinx a reason to use the hextech crystals

Jinx is always seen blowing shit up with said crystals

The perfect timeline gets indirectly doomed

Ekko is the WORST time aspect

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Gotta ask before i forget

Now that the show is over? What caused the piltover/zaun war in The intro of season one, what happened between vander and silco that made vander drown hm?

Why do vi and jinx have colored hair? Is it natural or dyed to be that way?

Why is Vi so broken up about Jinx "betraying" her and locking her in the prison cell that she punches her hands bloody on the wall but when she's freed she doesn't even attempt to find Jinx and instead just scissors Caitlyn?

Depends on how long it was.

Cait/Vi was good in season 1. Feels like their relationship didn't do much, if anything, in season 2, besides the fanservice.
Season 2 did a lot more for Jayce/Viktor and Ekko/Jinx.

jayce shooting viktor at sight

but lets him walk past him literally next to the hexcore

ambessa just staring at mel deliver her one liner and the magic attack when the runes are literally next to her

literally every mel scene is a snore fest of screaming

silco character assassination + people believing what jinx's version of silco would never say is true

le cycle of violence but thats okay with mel ignore her plotline

wasting time with ambessa /AU and introducing time travel devices that degenerate the plot

drastic change of tone from grounded political struggles and what progress really means or stands for

le ending world threat with magic

literally all of episode 9 and act2

vander being a walking corpse with the only relevance of giving the girls to "save" him, no conversation, nothing, just walking their dog

isha plot device

all the shipper stuff crammed in that came straight from ao3 (not even good, jayce x jinx would of gone harder)

this was awful, next time my friends want me to sit and watch slop together i will just turn my brain off and nod while sticking to VNs/books

Sister is dead

Father is dea

Literal cuck

Vi is such a loser


This show ruined the characters in the game, because now they're all essentially just snapshots of tiny moments in their lives, instead of their current moment. Especially Viktor, he was only Viktor for like two seconds.

jinx somehow got a happy ending & move to prime pussy

while vicucks settle with vicious looking chink

What a ending, 11/10

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Cait and VI

Bad and disgusting

Lux and Jinx

Cute and funny

Look I like lesbians, but we’re not gonna get lucky twice over.

There's no body visible on screen, but there was a purple streak leading away from the detonation as the grenade explodes.

All Caitlyn was able to recover was a fragment of the grenade.

She pauses ponderously over the schematics that show air vents leading outside from where the grenade went off.

The show ends with an airship sailing off into the sky, when the show started with Powder saying "one day, I'm gonna ride one of those."

Unless we get another season of Arcane or a new show that confirms or denies Jinx's death, there's enough "evidence" to cause her fans to think that she's still alive, but not enough to convince her haters that she's not dead, which means that arguments over whether Jinx is dead or alive will rage on until the death of the internet.

CaitVi relationship in S1 was written well. In S2 they're just toxic, abusive, don't communicate, and somehow still end up together. But the writers just gave the shippers a fanservice sex scene so they wouldn't complain about that.

You cant do the crazy shit you see in this show with live action

Hextech has to do with whatever the fuck Wild Runes are

Brackern are no more, World Runes still exist.

Hate this new lore.


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didnt heimer help him?

why can't anything nice happen

Sure, but they were working with scraps of the stone.

I can agree with this. The ending was satisfying enough, but they bull rushed through the character development during part 2.

It's like 20 seconds. Sure, for an ADHD zoomer who has his face glued to a smartphone even when he asleep it's quite a short moment, but not for someone who has at least room temperature IQ.
the post fells like irony but you never know these days

they should've never killed Cassandra.




Forgot about the dying tree stuff. Is old home and purpose is essentially gone now.

I want to hug her dammit

Act 3 has one of the best episodes of the show and the ending is mainly satisfying, but the season overall still feels like a letdown.

There's nothing explicit about Z/P besides the fact that the Zaunites live in a shithole and Pilties have done nothing but dump garbage on them forever.
It's implied their hair is natural. Their mom had purple, so Jinxs ended up blue and Vis' pink


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Jinx sails off into the sunset with a pussy clogged full of sticky gluey Warwick cum

Because they need Powder's help and they'd have to explain some shit to her if they're still working on it after the innovator festival. Also because Ekko wouldn't want to go back if he got that powpow pussy.
Same reason they don't bring up Isha
Because the cruelty of using the vents against the Zaunites was the point
Because it was planned by Ambessa, who doesn't want Mel to die
Because Caitlyn was focued on revenge + fucking Maddie was probably her own way of coping
Same reason all the Zaunites work with the Pilties despite the years of oppression
it matters and comes back when Victor lets Singed hook him up to Vanwick
Noxians are built different? idk actually
The joys of motherhood
Because she's a horny idiot and they really needed to make the timebomb shit in epsiode 7 have a payoff
Same reason that jilco and vijinx scenes are so sexually charged
Pilties are retarded, Zaunites are just happy to have a seat at the table
tldr its a bad show

then he might not be able to build the zero drive again

Warwick's and Viktor's kino designs forever ruined


Vi cucked Maddie, not the other way around.

Ekko fucking lost everything jesus christ.


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Previous thread

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Heimer isn’t even dead

wherever Jinx is she must also blow shit up

keep coping vicuck jinx is alive on her way to ionia

Why is Orianna naked in this scene while Singed is leering at her from behind?

The post better be irony because you’re sounding like a rick and memey fan. It’s completely fair to miss such a detail, especially when the scenes before that acted like the deaths were for real. The ending undermines said sacrifice.

I think the "it was supposed to be 5 seasons ermagerd" it complete bullshit and I believe the writers when they said they intended two, but another season was definitely necessary inbetween the start of season 2 and the end of season 2 to make these character arcs believable.

Warwick's champion teaser trailer for the rework is still the best Riot has ever put out, watch that shit to appreciate his peak

Riot can (and will) make a $500 or $250 skin the Chinese will buy

SG, Jinx lost

Incorrect, unless you mean she lost because Lux might be dead

A bunch of skins Jinx's not in

If Jinx isn't there to compete with Ezreal it doesn't count.

the only reason why it still gets pushed is because you shippers are fucking crazy.

If it worked for timebomb then it could work for us.

yeah, I can't believe they wasted an entire episode on fanfic land when there were already so many holes in the season
made me cry too

Warden's prison view

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Thats okay the show forgot about that too

i am the dirt under your nails cupcake


best episode of the season thougheverbeit

I've played League since Season 2 on-and-off, not really addicted but it's something to do when I want to watch something in the background or just talk shit and waste time. Often times I fall off and quit for months to years just because the state of the game is usually terrible, though I still play TFT at work on mobile. I hate Riot too, I think they treat their artists like total shit and are a horribly managed company. Their recent look into AI slop hiring is certainly not doing anything for them either. They can't manage one fucking game, they can't keep their lore coherent or spend the bare minimum ten minutes to write a bio for some ancient champions like Shaco, and they shit out a ton of unique models for TFT and Wild Rift but refuse to update the oldest champs in their base game.

No matter what though, no matter how pissed off I am at the game or the awful fucking company behind it... I just can't bring myself to hate the characters or setting, and I will always come back to projects like Arcane or those Riot Forge games.

What is wrong with me? I should be jaded and hateful like the rest...

Shame Fortiche implemented pure sex and all of these will just fade away, thanks to California

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Incorrect, unless you mean she lost because Lux might be dead

Lux is attracted to Ezreal and Jinx could do nothing but seethe. She lost.

Her death was stupid and mean-spirited

He is the one responsible for everything that happened so it’s only fair that he suffers the most.

Vi, while you were gone, I got married..!

I don't care

The fuck are you talking about?
1) There are like 5 "shimmmer" lines in the explosion
2) Vanderwick is holding her by the waist, no way she escapes that grip
3) Caitlyn is not smiling at her escaping, she hears Vi singing and runs over to her
You are retarded, she is dead

This is awful. Why did you put that idea into my head.

fanfic land

Interracial land, you know a French company made it when the only heterosexual relations they show are interracial ones

All the Isha stuff was the only major part of the show that came across as stale. As another anon put it, it seemed like they realized that having Jinx be depressed alone for multiple episodes would be pretty boring and decided to throw in a rat without a voice actor then kill her off just as quick

Whoops, wrong picture

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I want to hug Jinx while we're both wrapped in her hair cocoon

The part where she inted and fed was the most realistic scene in the whole show

this kid ever show up?

There's a strong implication that the whole bridge massacre was started by Silco throwing a molotov at the Enforcers.
Vander then tried to drown him since Felicia, Powder and Vi's mom, died in it, and Vander totally was in love with her.

jinx bombs herself

is still alive


makes all ekkoniggers and visluts have tantrum because jinx played them like a chad


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Viktor's base skin was never kino. There's a reason literally everyone uses Creator Viktor, or Deathsworn if they want something different. His base design looks nothing like a robot outside of the arm on his back, he looks like a shitty Doctor Doom ripoff wearing hockey pads.

There wasn't even any urgency, it's not like Jinx was seconds from death and nobody else could save her. Warwick had a whole army of guys attacking him. Little retard.

Even if we were in different realms, we'd be together

One timeline without Jinx, one without Vi. Powder is a genius and already has time machine blueprints.

Vi and Jinx's parents

she did not even get a proper funeral lmao

I feel like there's a million screenshots from this show that would be 10/10 wallpapers

I let femmes top me

Not canon kek Vi is top

She didnt give them to Ekko and Heimer for a reason.
The point is she put them away because they killed Vi.
Thats why she has them in her hidden "Vi" stash. At least thats how I understood it.

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All three of them, and her husband.

im kinda on board with this. the explosion had pink in it. the grenade had blue and pink arcs shooting out

I don't think there was anything to bury

Xitterbitch samefaggot spotted. Stay retarded anon.

Typical set up. They're childhood friends, Lux doesn't realize how Jinx feels and she's too tsundere to tell her.

You can't be mad about how relationships are portrayed in the series if you're going to insist on headcanon.

probably true, and that's a very sad reflection of season 2, when the best episode reads like a fanfic

ooh, what if everything worked out and nobody died except Vi and every problem is solved and even Silco is here and he's a good guy now

Dude she NOW has a reason to use it, to travel to a universe where Vi is still alive to get her back somehow, or maybe even try and go back in time right before Vi's death and prevent it.

Jinx purposefully put them away in the box because she knew they’re too dangerous and has to move on

She tells Vander and Silco she's pregnant and they're both 'in the know'.

Both kids get the best traits of their fathers

I never liked TimeBomb but the scenes of them happy in the AU were really sweet so I'm coming around to it
This show is a miracle, its actually making me less racist


Heimer was there to help patch things up. No hextech to accelerate the divide between top and bottom. Silco found the letter in this universe.

this is so shit i still can't get over it, waht the fuck were they '''''''''thinking'''''''''''' bro

explicit zoomed focus on ducts for at least 2 seconds

explicit focus and monke head for 5 fucking seconds

I missed the purple light because it's literally 2 frames long before the explosion, but holy shit how braindead you need to be to not look at the screen for whole 2 seconds (now, that's not a fucking irony, 2 seconds is unironically a shiload of screen time) when you're watching the show you're invested in?

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I don't think that's what's implied, but we will never know who is right.
More AUs to make up in our heads I guess.

Here's your next champ for the next show bro

Seeing them, and they're not locked away or anything, is a total chekhov's gun though.

not dead

Heimer was the reason why it was a happy timeline, he was there for three years and made it his goal to make shit work out this time.

Vander is such a hypocritical douche. He talked big but he was willing to roll over for Piltover and tried to kill Silco for actually daring to fight. I bet Vi and Jinx's mother would be unironically disgusted with him for being such a coward who does nothing to improve the material conditions they fought for.

powder in s1: im gonna ride one of those things one day

jinx in s2 finale: literally rides one of those things (airship)

cait literally finds half the bomb that exploded

that means she investigated explosion

she didn't find jinx body


she looks at computer for pipes map

figures out jinx escaped through vents

jinx listened to silco's advice and walked away

you have down syndrome

How could they possibly make a compelling story about this little blue bitches?

How many deaths from S2 you can name that WEREN'T stupid and mean-spirited?

Riot will give her a side cut in the last episode.

You have cope addiction
Jinx will never appear again

Why did Heimerdinger try to immediately use the "experimental" wild rune device to leave the timeline when it was so unfinished it literally killed him to use and Ekko+Heimer were under no time constraints that would rush them to use it?

Because Heimerdinger realized the importance of sending Ekko back to his timeline and was prepared to sacrifice himself to do it since he knew that Ekko would never willingly allow a sacrifice even though it was the only way to make their dingy scrap device actually do the trick successfully. Heimerdinger probably deduced that actually making it safe would take far too long, and that it was actually more important to send Ekko back already than to perfect the device however long it'd take.

It goes all the way back to S1 when Heimerdinger kept denying Jayce and Viktor the progress they so desired. Demanding that they'd take it slow and work out all the kinks -first-.
In fact, when Ekko is first reunited with Heimerdinger in S2 we can already see a shift. With Heimerdinger happily humble-bragging about how much he has -already- accomplished.

After being dismissed from the council and leaving to explore the slums, and getting some first-hand experience and observations of all of that suffering.
Then later meeting Ekko and the Firelights and the sanctuary that they had desperately carved out for themselves in spite of their dire situation and lack of means. We can surmise that Heimeridnger's perspectives started to change.

It's both character development and character growth.
When we finally see Heimerdinger again in S2. Heimerdinger has finally realized that even though he doesn't age and time will always move forward. Sitting on your ass is not a virtue and doing what you can do in the moment can be gold worth.
While it took like a whole season for the lessons to have an effect, Heimerdinger took lessons to heart from all of Viktor, Jayce, Ekko, the slums, etc.
TL;DR Heimerdinger changed and it makes total sense.

Lot's of promotional material links those two, they are at least friends.

Maddie was a character created purely so the viewers could hate her

Fucks Caitlyn and then is revealed to be a spy

I hate how the writers' intentions for this character bleed into her so hard that she ceases to become a real character, rather she's literally just a script.

All thanks to Silco. Silco is real chad here. He had 2seconds screentime and still carried the show.

conveniently forgets to mention she came back only because she loves her sister

Runs past Jinx on her way to suicide bomb VVander

Montage plays

Still running

Montage keeps playing

Still running

Montage finishes

Isha has run past half a football field of chaotic combat to reach VVander

Jinx nowhere close by, not in danger whatsoever

Isha blows herself up

She died for the writers to be able to justify depressed Jinx with "fuck me" hair. F


That’s fine, she’s just not dead

gets stabbed once


shits herself and dies

Warwick's champion teaser trailer for the rework is still the best Riot has ever put out

Link it.

yordle women having sex with human men for 9 episodes straight

Pretty much this, why else was she looking at those blueprints of the exact place where jinx blew herself up with warwick.


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Ever heard Carmack's take on story?

There are like 5 "shimmmer" lines in the explosion

There is literally only one line Retard,

I haven't seen S2 yet but absolutely every scrap of footage I've seen posted here looks ridiculously gay, what the fuck happened

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This, the explosion is entirely blue except for that one single streak. You are either blind or retarded. Maybe both.

So is Ekko blowing up the Z-Drive on Viktor what caused everything to get fucked? Except this time it was fine because Jayce came back from a timeline where he talked to Future Viktor and Present Viktor saw it.

Jinx moved to Ionia where she worked in an orphanage for kids whose parents died in the Noxus-Ionia war

She spent her days fixing their toys, doing their hair and painting their nails


Wow, I am glad it all ended on such a positive note!

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jinx after I nut in her mouth

Is this what male viewers were meant to think seeing this scene?

Well yeah, they'll probably can this franchise before the Demacia series

Lead writer got swapped out between S1 and S2 for someone whose claim to fame is producing mediocre Young Adult novels

Ekko's conclusion is so fucking sad man fuck my life. He loses everything in the end, even his fucking tree home. Now he has to go search for a place to protect all the orphaned kids (which is now a fuck ton thanks to the war) in Zaun with all that trauma in his head. The complete doomer route for the hero.

Will they still let me over... if I cross the line?

Well, will you? Do you forgive him?

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Jinx hinted as alive by somehow getting in to a hextec gate coolingpipe and the ending doing the jinx thing

warwick can generate his head getting blown off, he will be back from this explosion most likely too

victor&jayce are on a NOTgay quest in the arcane/void/etc..., no homo!!!

embasa 100% dead

heimerdinger 200% dead

you're on Anon Babble where people will circlejerk and exaggerate certain aspects

He's such a non-character that it barely even registered to me



Stay crying Vibitch, keep samefaghing.

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the whole series is a time loop made by viktor why he and jayce create and destroy hextech

isha didnt matter and no one remembers her

the world would be better off if vi died

the black rose achieved nothing

jinx got a dyke cut, made googly eyes at ekko, faked her death then ran away

ekko made out with jinx

vi and cait fucked

ambessa died

heimerdinger died for nothing also

posts a ridiculously gay reinterpretation of an existing high test character and design

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It’s what black viewers were invited to visualize.

the french

He didn't lose his tree home, the writers just forgot it existed.

I'm so blackpilled, I need to write some Isha fan fiction to cope with this.

heimerdinger 200% dead

Nah, he's got a chance. He could have been magically fucked up the same way Jayce & Viktor were.
Also he's a Yordle. Even if he did die, supposedly they just wind up back in Bandle City. That's the whole point of Vex, she wants to be able to die but when she tries she just winds up back in the cheery Yordle town.

forgive him for what? he did nothing wrong

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heimerdinger 200% dead

When the show started I wrote here "LMAO they added Ambessa to the game just so the ycan say "See, champions can die!"
Thats what they did.
Nobody else is dead.

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Wtf Riot used to be based

Love that the retarded leaks where 100% true but i still loved the ending somehow for some reason.

new vik is taller and has a girlfriend. checkmate.

It's so blatant how she and the mute girl are "plot devices" meant for very specific plot purposes
Season 1 never had this issue
How the hell was the same writing team involved

lmao. go back to Anon Babble tranny



I liked the ending from the leaks and happy that it was real

hey if she was headed int eh direction of piltover she would have been going to shurima/targon
otherwise its ionia/camavor

i can't believe the leaks were real, everyone was saying this looked like AI
why did it go like this

I feel so fucking bad for him.
Actually sacrificed everything to save everyone.
Fuck man.

Weird how there is so much cuckoldry towards the end of the show.
Both Silco and Vander loved Vi/Powder's mom
Obviously Vi got MADDIED
Mel lost her BF to Space jesus
Ekko technically cucked his AU self
and most importantly
Viewers who expected a well written finale, that wraps up all plot threads got cucked by Riot!


Fuck off with Demacia I want to see Noxus VS Ionia, the whole "Mage racism" plot of Demacia is the most retarded shit riot created

Saddest part about Warwick's character change is that there's no parallel with both Vander and Warwick protecting Zaun from the criminals there.

I havent watched the show yet but im going to go somewhere with an insane amount of spoilers

Either you're 40 IQ or werent going to watch it in the first place

Isha is a better character as a cute shota who gets to dick Jinx btw

Anyone got more screenshots or fanart of GLORIOUS EVOLUTION Viktor?
I want to add some to my folder. Honestly I really love the look. I hope it's his base form for his VGU, but then the question would be what's the Legendary Skin.

victor could have ended the timeloop at anytime by letting jayce die as a kid in the snow but he is such a faggot that he saves him everytime.

Shut the fuck up Demacian retard. Sylas is peak.

All right anons
Rate Act 3

Can you imagine the empty laugh Jinx must have had there, barely surviving that. Realizing Vi thinks she's dead. Realizing she can just leave it all behind now.

trailer this good

for fucking LoL

>gas your citizens

imprison peaceful protestors and rioters alike with no trial

allow a foreign power into your government, leading to all out war in the heart of your very populated city

still get the girl

your greatest enemy (jinx) and competitor for vi's affection dies

keep your riches and property

keep control over the under city's air by birthright

only punishment- 1 missing eye

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Best act of the season

This happens so often when there's leaks that I just stopped paying attention to them altogether even if they are true. Every single fucking time, without fail, leakers end up being utter dog shit at describing events and always make things seem as bad and nonsensical as possible.

Then the thing comes out and it's good. This happens so fucking often I don't know why people go full doomer the second they get leaks that sound bad - watch the fucking thing first, don't listen to some faggot troglodyte telling you otherwise.

This is sexy. It's unironically like in my porn.
I like it.

To be fair the writing on season 1 was completely scrapped at one point because it wasn’t good and they completely restarted

I saw the leaks and S2 seemed ridiculously gay so I waited to see if it's actually ridiculously gay to avoid committing six hours of my life to ridiculously gay shit

Ez/Lux/Jinx could easily be the new Mel/Jayce/Viktor

WHY couldnt we get the ending of the two sisters reconciling?
Everything else was full misery, have Jinx leave that fine buy why like this? Why without a word to Vi?

your traitor ginger slampiece shoots herself in the head.

Was actually a very funny scene.

Heimerdinger dies

winds up back in Bandle City

He probably hates it there, since its so magical and full of whimsy instead of hard science.
Honestly the whole anti-magic stance the show has doesn't make much sense when Yordles ARE magical beings.

So, like, are they just going to leave it all there like that?
Or will Riot put out some quick BS story where they're like "Oh, uh, Jayce and Viktor are in their gay magic dimension adventure and wouldn't you know it, Heimerdinger wound up there too so he can be with his pupils as they all work to head back home VERY SLOWLY."

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Missing an eye is a pretty big deal FOR A SHARPSHOOTER

Except here it was far worse than the leaker could've even described

Well, the girl she got has low self esteem. If Vi lets her trauma spill over, Cait will be forced to find a new one. Maddie didn’t follow all the steps correctly and got dumped for it.

His lore is so dogshit confused now

Jayce discovers that hextech will lead to a cataclysm

Thanks to a wizard, he returns to the main timeline and fights against Viktor to prevent him from overdoing the hexcore shit and causing the disaster

Uses mind-meld to convince Viktor that hex fuckery is going to fuck things up

Viktor, now properly aware and convinced of the dangers, brings Jayce along to a journey into the multiverse

BUT Viktor also time-travelled back to save Jayce and his mom and gives Jayce a little shard of the arcane, putting Jayce on the path to develop hextech in the first place

BUT Viktor was also the mage who showed Jayce the horror of hextech fallout in the alternate timeline and brought him back

Why the fuck didn't he just let Jayce and his mom die in that blizzard?
Alternatively, if Jayce and his mom died in that blizzard, nobody invents hextech, all this bullshit doesn't happen, and Viktor doesn't turn into a time mage who can go back and save Jayce and his mom.
S1 had style and substance. S2 only has style. This shit is a fucking mess.

Act 1


Act 2


Act 3


The orange lines arent shimmer, you can clearly see jinx's pink shimmer eyes that stand out. Jinx's shimmer speed has been emphasized the entire season. Everytime she uses it her eyes draw a pink line through her trajectory

Then the thing comes out and it's good.

because its a bad show.

She'll be fine. You think all that money can't buy or research a cyborg eye?

So, like, are they just going to leave it all there like that?



Sure, but in a bandle city of a different reality.

Riot makes a billion dollars and puts a billion into their production value and ads and videos and everything else. It's hard to justify a game that requires an hour per match and relies on 4 other retards to not fuck it up, but everything they do is pretty much top quality.

Honestly, Isha was fine (still should've been a boy though) because we actually got to see her spend a good amount of time with Jinx. Her death and everything afterwards is the thing that's actually fucking bad, that's makes her lose her entire character.

nah i want to see demacia civil war

Cyborg eyes don’t exist

act 3 ep 1


act 3 ep 2


act 3 ep 3


Why did you screenshot my post without permission?

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Holly fuck such a obvious giveaway when you see it combined with the whole cait looking at the hextech pipes stuff for no reason related to the plot.

anons want Demacia plotline

are you retards so eager to see them ruin Garen, Jarvan and Sylas?

If you gave even one episode in act 3 anything above a 5 you're fucking braindead

I hate how everyone is treating it like it’s nothing when that was what her whole character was about being a sharpshooter who never missed

your traitor ginger slampiece shoots herself in the head

I love the English language.

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leakers end up being utter dog shit at describing events

Who do you think is leaking shit? Definitely not anyone who wants to see the thing they're leaking succeed. The only thing you'd get out of it is being a malicious faggot and attention.

You thought that Viktor was Jesus but it turns out it was time nigga. Sacrificing everything to make sure people get out on the other side.

Shhe probably planned it

if a bish crosses the very fabric time and space just for me, it's a wrap. I don't care what color they are

they really played us all for fools, didn't they?

Have you fags never used a gun before? Do you think people aim down sights or scopes with both eyes?

the moral of story : just kill it or run away from your batshit insane family

unironically this.

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Doesn't WR have a lot of profit?

i'm flemish, give me a break.

I dislike Jinx's shaved head in her final look. I wish they kept her messy short hair.

the alternate dimension were cool and completely removed from the plot line

WHY couldnt we get the ending of the two sisters reconciling?

There was literally no scenario that Jinx comes out ok. She's fucked up on shimmer, her psyche is completely shattered and can't even hold together in moments of peace, she killed half her own family and tons of other people, etc etc etc etc

Were they gay in this universe?

confirming yourself as braindead

You made this really easy for me

or both.

last 5 seconds of the ending give us the camille origin story

came out of nowhere.


Act1: 7/10
Act2: 6/10
Act3: 8/10

Act1: 5/10
Act2: 6/10
Act3: 9/10

I firmly believe this.

we actually got to see her spend a good amount of time with Jinx

But we didnt? That's why they had to hit us over the head with the pre-death montage to ram through the emotional bond that barely existed

Jinx saving Isha from thugs scene

Jinx and Isha watching Sevika kill Smeech

Isha present at Jinx + Sevika's ambush of Cait + Vi


Jinx LARPing for the bug vs bug fight

It's barely more than 10 min of screentime together unless you count the time Isha just follows the camera in the background without any interactions

She won’t get her sight in that eye back it was a very important if not the most important part of her character

They had to make sure we knew that our universe Jinx was a lesbian since Vi was there to traumatize her into forever needing female validation.

her little drawer of "what could've been"

Because I can, deal with it.
Now where the hell is this scene from, because it sure is not from that final explosion.


Not really, unless you count touching another man's shoulder to mean you are a couple.
Which fujos do.

I have some french speaking friends, but still, fuck de walen.

it was already confirmed ever since cait name dropped singed family name

reminder if jinx successfully suicided in the burning scene vi wouldnt have given a shit

S2 act 3


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The Jinx Ekko scene.

why exactly did amanda go from being a writer to one of the heads?

Where do you guys get this info from? On the wikipedia page for Arcane it shows she wrote one episode for S1 and two episodes for S2 + 1 collab episode with multiple writers

Why didn't Ekko's theme play when he was fighting Viktor

Thats how I understood it too.

Now where the hell is this scene from, because it sure is not from that final explosion.

its from Jinx's suicide attempt in the last episode

Short hair is sexo. I hope at least we'll get some fan art of it, maybe even blender pron if we're lucky.

Must have missed that.

its not like the story is canon anyways. she's basically retired and so is vi.

i dont know who lux is but i do know that everyone who brings her up is a retard and should fuck off back to their moba containment general

The weak stuff in the arc was the black rose stuff. But that was minimal.
Otherwise it resolved the show's plot threads splendidly one after the other. And it was largely very satisfying even if there was some dumb shit in-between.

Jinx cut her hair short because Warwick kept biting it and getting it tangled in his big wolf teeth when the two of them are fucking

Act 2 was rough as hell because of all the timeskips. I was genuinely hyped for Caitlyn's dictator arc, and Isha did nothing for me emotionally, even if I understand they needed some kind of humanizing element to give hope to Jinx before sending her back into despair mode.

I'm amazed that Act 3 managed to stick the landing for the fates of the main cast.

Stop looking at your phone when the plot happens dumbo

I'm not sure why people think Vi doesn't know Jinx is alive. They never found a body and she knows her sister.

Act3: 9/10

Nobody believes this not even you

For me it's
Act1: 9/10
Act2: 10/10
Act3: 8/10

Act1: 6/10
Act2: 5/10
Act3: 8/10

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If a lot of fans ship something hard enough the creators low key drop some extra bait to keep them hooked.
And that's what's going on.

Lmao vi is such a whore. Also reminder if jinx hadnt come they wouldnt have won the "war". Jinx saves the day as always.

she was promoted as executive story editor. she was still under Linke/Yee but had more input on the overall story.

who tops?

theyre getting rowdy since their rival ship got actual screentime so.
if riot releases more and more timebomb, which they inevitably will to please arcane secondaries they should eventually all kill themselves.

Act 1 and 2 felt like they were pace for a 12 episode season. Act 3 felt like it was given the highest budget but also the sloppiest execution

Ekko faces down the fate of the universe itself against a godlike being

Saves everything

Ends up losing his waifu and is alone in the ending despite being THE PERSON that saved it all

Why does this keep happening?

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So who was the executive story editor before her? Did they get fired or sidelined or what

The two timeskips could have been done a bit better, i agree on that.
Could have saved us a lot of retards asking what the fuck is going on here.

I know her from watching Valoran Town.

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My nigga Jinx x Lux had more supporting content than timebomb before yesterday's episode drop

The next series, if they ever make one, will probably be Demacia with Lux learning magic. Very early Lux before all the rewrites also has a crazy schizo personality similar to Jinx.

Valoran town is way better than it looks desu

Arcane as an animation project has been an insanely expensive per minute production and has been in no way profitable and maybe not even particularly money efficient in its production

Most of the money were for communication and ads.

Please someone make a webm of Jinx trying to repeatedly commit suicide

They never found a body

She set off a hextech grenade, if she died there wouldn't have been anything left. Isha was just a smoking crater.

Oh right, it was a nice scene all in all.
Now speaking of devil

this red line is a no-no, otherwise you're a mincemeat

pull it like x2 above the red line

just some blood streaks here and there

now this was a bullshit moment.

jinx: vi im gonna go kill myself

vi: nooo *eats cait pussy*

It still does technically since Powder isn't Jinx. But they've won the fanservice war, for now...

You lost. Jinx is straight, cope and seethe

Why tf was Ekko promoted to protagonist in the last act of the last act of the last season? It's like making Ant-Man the one that kills Thanos instead of Iron Man in Endgame

Tryndamere said most of the budget went towards specifically the character animation

why is vi built like a twink, if you cover her head she looks like a man

S1: act 1 9/10
Act 2 10/10
Act 3 10/10

S2 act 1: 7/10
Act 2: 6/10

The Jinx stuff was handled beautifully. Vi's part in it all as well.
The Ekko stuff was also splendidly handled and actually made him a cool and heroic character for the finale.
The resolution to Jayce's and Viktor's had a very satisfying resolution.

It's all really strong stuff.
Even if the Black Rose stuff feels kind of forced. And even if Vi's and Cait's romance is terribly written.

I fucking hate this haircut that are on every fucking black men cartoon characters.

Pretty much agreed desu.
1-6 were pretty slow and sort of meandering, but somehow they managed to pull off so many emotional beats in episode 9 that all else could be forgiven

non hextech reality powder is about to fuck up her world by creating her hextech version while getting dicked down by her boyfriend ekko.

all this why jayce in that world is dead and viktor tied of aids long ago.


Jinx was never going to be his waifu, only Powder.

That’s not the question. The question is, “How gay were they?” The answer is extremely. I know Vander loves Silco’s tan lines from when they had a great time at the water that didn’t involve drowning attempts (or toxic contaminants)

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It would be better to show jinx to reflect what happens when you inspire children to be terrorists, they die meaninglessly because they are children and can't make decisions rationally, but no prison sex better.

I think it was Ash Brannon. that guy is underrated by the retards here but I think it was definitely him that was responsible for the characterkino of S1. I think he simply moved away. Arcane was perhaps too long to produce to retain actual good writers beyond the Riot employees.

npc opinion

All the tech wizzes left though. Jinx is on a blimp, Heim is respawning, and Jayce is dimension hopping.

Which characters do you think there will be a continuation of?

-I vote for Jayce and his crazy adventures in the multiverse
-Viktor becoming Rize
-Mel vs Black Rose in a Noxus sequel
-Jinx, if she is alive, goes to Demacia or Bilgwatter

You can bet while Ekko was with AU Jinx he rewinded his time with her 1,000 times. Better to have love and lost and all that.

inb4 some retarded writer at riot make a story about AU Powder going to the 'main' timeline and getting attached to their Vi

Honestly, this was a bit retarded

oh we are friends now again because ???

these two retards actually think the consensus is it was bad

Holy fuck lmfao

What's with french obsession with white girl and nigga couples?

It felt overly cheap to let ekko save the day with a timebomb that didn't have consequences.
Its also an autistic nitpick but I thought it was dumb as fuck that he could paint a perfect depiction of Vi on a billboard for powder to see

i dont know what was the purpose of half of these characters.

Bro even reddit hates it, imagine having less taste discerning than fucking reddit

The writers are mostly american/english-speakers.

It’s the consensus on Reddit

Shows that's sometimes the best people get everything taken from them
And the worst people get everything they wanted
Life is unfair and you should do the moral thing because of your character, not because of the reward in the end.

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All. Fuck I'm so happy I won't have the see Violet the whore anymore.

ekko is the protagonist of 1 episode and is a mere plot device otherwise. not sure what show you watched but it wasnt arcane.

Silco read the letter in this universe

his comeback is he agrees with reddit

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no orianna

no twitch

no warwick

cringe dialogue

cringe monologuing

cringe nobody characters

music so trash people stopped caring about it

zero idea of what we’re supposed to take away from Cait, Vi, and Jinx’s storyline other than sex

way too much potential left on the table

I’d rate this season a solid 6/10. A good rough draft, far from what should’ve been the final product.

Then the thing comes out and it's good

That makes sense actually.

He literally did what the protagonist usually does

So, by the end, was Ambessa just completely nuts?
Her plan made no sense. She got nothing from helping Viktor aside from dooming the planet. She literally seemed like she'd rather kill Mel over things when the whole point was she wanted to save her legacy/family.

Was she just ultimately a rabid dog that had to be put down?

There’s nothing more French than white woman with black men. If you watched French movies you’d know this

Why tf was Ekko promoted to protagonist in the last act of the last act of the last season?

Because it was absolute kino.

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>no orianna

Retard you literally see her in the reflection

This time it was worse

these threads have been nothing but a battleground for Reddit/Xitter/Discord raiders and tourists.
really says a lot about modern Anon Babble ard Anon Babble in general.

Reddit hates it, I abhor it, you're on the far end of the taste spectrum

I for one don’t mind the use of multiverse/time travel here. I’m not going to bias another series usage of the tropes because Marvel fucked it up. It was cleverly used and gave Ekko the screentime people wanted from him.

The whole Zaun/Piltover conflict was solved in 5 minutes
1 and half season of buildup, just to throw it all away in one episode
Stellar writing

Mel vs Black Rose in a Noxus sequel

This seems like the more obvious one. I could see them bringing Jinx back in another land, but if they do it too soon then the ending of this show loses whatever impact it has.


most unambiguously virtuous character

literally saves the entire world

is left (self)cucked and sad


most unambiguously evil character

cause of 90% of the misfortunes in the series and almost dooms the world

gets everything he wants without consequence

What did the frenchies mean by this?

You being brown doesn't make it good writing

pretty sure no one knew what viktor was gonna do except jayce

Obviously I meant an active presence. Not some mirror reflection for a split second.

I guess he’s a polymath. I was slightly triggered by this, Fortiche had all the know-how in the world to make a more believable stylized version. But at least the depiction of Ekko’s artistic ability isn’t isolated to that, he does have great drawings in his notes as we’ve seen in that episode.

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No one fucking wanted it, not even the creators of the show, otherwise they would've incorporated him in the main plot from the start instead of asspulling him some relevance in the eleventh hour

I am not brown. But Ekko dunking the z-drive onto Viktor at the end was awesome.

The french are known for fucking foreigners in general really.

Isn't that what being a hero is all about? You don't do it for the fame, glory, or the rewards. You do it because it's right.

that doesnt make him the protagonist that makes him a plot element, in the end all he did this season was show up in act one for the express purpose of getting written out of act two and get a spotlight to start act 3 and then have his one cool moment in the climax
ekko is a protagonist but not THE protagonist

makes Jinx get over her depression when no one else could

comes in the save the day with her

saves the day AGAIN by throwing the time run at Victor when everyone else was incapiated

he's more of a protag than Vi

I only accept it because they bridged it with Jayce so perfectly. Without that it would have been overly indulgent fanwank

There was pretty much no rush with staying in the alternate universe. Ekko could have grown old with AU Powder and then returned back to his universe. Imagine giving her up.

look up this Reddit "hate"

single post that says the pacing was too fast with significantly less votes than everything else

Yeah real nice consensus you two fucktards got going on

look she is on the refelction at the end of a series that might not comback for like 4 years.

whoopie fucking doo

I wasn’t teasing you, I enjoyed that sentence.

It was established (or at least assumed by Singed) that Viktor's powers were finite and running out of fuel.
A charitable interpretation might have been that Ambessa thought she could control Viktor or that Viktor would run out of fuel before he could pose a threat to her ambitions or something. To use and discard him, even if she ultimately underestimated his god-like powers.
But she also had those anti-magic runes. Maybe it could shield against Viktor's tricks too.

Unironically the best song of S2. Not a high bar, but still.
The Beast was the second best. It's so nice to hear Misha doing music without his gayfaggot band.

This is so fucking gross

Ambessa basically had nothing to lose. The Black Rose was after her for fucking a Solari, she was too spooked. But it seems she counted Mel on defeating her given the Noxian soldiers stood in battle arena formation and obeyed Mel after Ambessa died.

Linke said on twitch stream right now that the next regions will be Noxus, Ionia and Demacia

It was cleverly used and gave Ekko the screentime people wanted from him.

the only people who wanted it were yumes and timebomb shippers

vi didn't go to the funeral scene
cait is checking the blueprints of the tunnels holding jinx's bomb and smiling
vi is whistling the tune that powder used to hum
yeah, reading the comments to arcane is really disheartening. Imagine people having the same level of understanding for things like politics or economics or scientific issues.
No wonder the world is so shit and so many people fall for scams.

heroism is not protoganism

ekko cucked his own non hextech version


Heim was there for 3 fucking years

Ekko still managed to get back to his time

Holy fuck you're right. I gotta imagine though that the longer you stay there the more tempted you are.

Plus unlike us I think Ekko would care that he is basically puppeting himself and stealing away another's life. Not me though other me is just gonna have to cope.

the problem is giving a shit, singed never gave a shit, just allowed himself to be used because he wanted viktor magical bullshit to save his daughter and promptly vanishes as soon as he gets it avoiding all consequences

You couldn't find an image that doesn't out you as a shitposting spic?

Lmao. Lol even. Jinx considers him the best boy. There's way more evidence too. I might post some.


What did the frenchies mean by this?

No idea. But it's kind of cool/funny and I think I like it.
Shit must suck for Ekko though. He saved the world / made it a better place. But he also gave up his perfect timeline and lost the love of his life, twice.

The mage rebellions too close to PnZ thematically anyway, they definitely need to hit another region before going to demacia

She's a minor plot thread that ultimately doesn't need to be there in the first place. Why would she need an active role compared to fucking LeBlanc where we actually didn't even get to see her true self?

implying he would'nt have given it all up the second she let him nut inside

Man Arcane S2 reminds me of HotD2 in a bad way. The way the 1st season seems to be setting up for wider political ramifications only for the 2nd season to not only fail to deliver but to laser-focus on lesbian drama and shipping to the detriment of the rest.

I mean, they were trying to explain what Ekko did as what future Viktor wanted all along.

When he drops the hex crystal to kid Jayce over and over there's different runes on it

Viktor tried this cycle over and over with different runes hoping for something to change

Finally, this iteration it did, purely cause Ekko was able to reverse the Acceleration rune into a Rewind rune

Used it at full blast in Viktor's face to pull him back enough to see what was happening in that moment instead of thousands of years later

Viktor then accepts they have to stop this and uses the Acceleration rune himself to warp him and Jayce to a whole other dimension/time

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shitposting spic

odd thing is only spics like you would like that kind of gaijinslop

Now your stuck in a decaying nation with no relations

he still has the firelights. And he has Vi. Why would he hate her after he's seen the good things that come from zaun and piltover working together?

I mean. Seeing that wall, I'd assume Ekko had a part in the painted firelights mural we saw in season 1.
If so then it'd make sense that it'd be in the same style.

That isn't incorrect anon.

HOTD s2 was way wayyy worse though.

She's a minor plot thread that ultimately doesn't need to be there in the first place.

that is half of this season

The mage rebellions too close to PnZ thematically anyway

As one of the rare anons who REALLY REALLY wants it to be Damcia, I do agree with this sentiment. The "oppressed underclass" dynamic might grow stale. Though they can have it be fresh if there isn't an underclass and instead it's more like being a jew in Nazi germany. Being oppressed and being hunted are different things.

From the Necrit stream with Arcane's co-creator, when asked about future projects he said the following:

When we were making Arcane we saw Reddit threads asking which region would be the focus later. And pretty much all the top-voted directions are the ones we are exploring. We are investing quite a bit on Noxus, Iona, Demacia...

We start with character stories, but Im very confident we are investing in the right stories because those are the answers we saw in the threads. We know the characters our audience likes and play a lot. We are looking at regions with a lot of fandoms.

Necrit stream.jpg - 1652x763, 213.21K

Truly disgusts me on a visceral level.

no u

Anon, your image literally says Idiocracy in spic speak.
You can't deflect this shit.

I am not brown


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Vi won’t fuck him

fuck i didnt even catch the runes until you mentioned them, just ignored it as fantasy mumbo jumbo
good eye anon, or bad eye on my part

I'm calling it. The reason why they left Jinx's death ambiguous yet is because they want to do a live action Arcane movie.

It's no coincidence they conveniently created a live action division just recently.

I bet they even want Ella to play the part


We are looking at regions with a lot of fandoms.

Also, more lesbians on the way. The people have been very vocal about it. They aim to please.

I think it's really obvious that whatever comes next is going to feature Noxus. In an already over-cramped season the writers made sure to shoehorn in Black Rose teasing constantly, hints of political turmoil pre-coup, as well as Swain's ravens

I just saved it from goole search, idk, looks like spics rent free in your head

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Choosing the most prominent areas with the most champions

Whomst could have guessed

Died of cringe during that scene

Fuck that. Not only is "evil empire led by three white dictators slaughtering Asians to manifest their destiny" contrived and already too close to.PvZ, do you really think they wouldn't censor the shit out of all the rage and war Noxus brought to Ionia?

we're doing the things Reddit like

it's already over before it even started

Then why was she still on her knees bottom carpet munching???

its really not ambiguous

If you know you know

The fact that you watched more than one episode of House of the Dragon makes your opinion mean precisely fuck all

can clearly see two english ones

pics the spic

i-i-i'm not a spic I swear

Sure, pedro.

Don't give up Lightcannon sisters!

We are looking at regions with a lot of fandoms.

Ionia it is
and rip Ixtal (and it would be the most appropriated region for them to make stories)

It was surprisingly comfy

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Arcane II will soar to new heights.

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Don't get me wrong anon, I still like S2 I do think Vi and Cait got too much focus and that it was rushed but I think it's just on the upper side of average rather than pretty good like S1 was.

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the birthday episodes were sweet

These motherfuckers couldn't even use all PnZ champions, they would just gut something like Ionia and Nexus that have a shitton of them

We know the characters our audience likes and play a lot

I applauded Riot for Arcane with using unpopular champs and not giving them the skin treatment. Hopefully they will maintain that. Unfortunately season 1 of the next show isn’t going to do well if it’s anything like season 2 of arcane.

It's ok to be selfhate spic bro, such thinks common in shitskin
also Idiocray is good, it depicts america in 2500 contaminated by shitskin spics like you

There are literally no other lesbians in league other than the 2 on another fucking continent. There will be no more lesbians in future seasons, put that through that thick skull of yours.

they want to do a live action Arcane movie.

Geez, No

Oh do you person who willingly watched more than one episode of House of the Dragon?

That's a good point. It's probably more likely because just like P/Z, Demacia/Noxus is a very easy bad vs good setup they can play with


what does it mean

It's ok to be selfhate spic bro, such thinks common in shitskin

Explains why you keep acting like you hate shitskins. But it ain't really self-hate with you deflecting acting like you're not the spic.

Every fiber of my being tells me this is disgusting and wrong, white man's instincts.


Why exactly is the AU world so nice? It seemed like in that world Silco never even became a crime lord?

I have no doubt they'll do Noxus' invasion of Ionia because it's basically one of the few pieces of existing LoL lore that isn't one of those "and then nothing changed and status quo continued :)" situations, and is also the background to a shitton of characters.

The issue is I also have no doubt they'll fuck it up by pulling punches. It's like Fuhrer Caitlyn this season. Act 1 ended with her being set up for a villain arc. What we actually got was

Enforcers doing weapon searches, no different from IRL airport screenings(all this during active terrorist threats)

Arrests of rioters and people imitating the fashion of a terrorist

They didn't have the guts to have Cait lining up Zaunites against the wall. They even delegated the actual abuse to Noxian troops so Fuhrer Caitlyn gets to keep her hands clean.

They hinted at Noxus too heavily this season for them to not do Noxus, but I'm 100% certain they'll pussy out on actually showing their brutality. Inb4 they retcon the Ionian Gassing as well

sure carlos
now go back to mexico

No u again

Yep. Concession accepted.

One of the biggest flaws with the writers is that they’re redditors and pride themselves on some sort of egoism cuz of that. CaitVi’s execution was pure Reddit and never should’ve went the way it did.

Aren’t you just being jealous?

I think so, or at least it was clear Ambessa's best years were behind her. She was terrified of magic and how it can change the traditional modes of war she herself mastered. Her finally coming to terms with this and being proud of her daughter's growth was the best she ending she could ask for.

They would just make it a Garen x Kat fanfic

until a body is shown either dead or alive, it's ambiguous

No, it's a cartoon.

Was a scene of Powder groping Ekko without consent really necessary?

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Oh they actually had Jinx leave for lightcannon fanservice then. I know it'll be slop but we need to get ahead of timebomb again so I'll take it.

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What way should it have gone huh?

Weird that Reddit is shitting their diapers over season 2 then huh?

because heimersinger had 3 years to fix everything in retrospect

Jealous of bad writing?

It was pretty implied that Ekko didn't want to go back anymore. Heimer is the one that started the machine and then there was no way back

Isn’t piltover supposed to be the good? What kind of person thinks the drug ridden crimesite is the good side?

why do yurifags always draw girls like men?

The next season can't feature Noxus after this shit. I'm already so fucking sick of black and red, it's hard to describe it. No one wants more fucking Noxus. No one is asking for it. No one is going "waow, my favourite part of Arcane was the Noxians." No one wants it.

Anon, i'm just done watching, that jayce&viktor ending, fuck that was really, really gay.

so ishas death is ambiguous? warwick?

Did Hamburgerhelper even know about the shit with Silco? I just took it as Silco and Vander reconciling due to the loss of Vi, connecting the relevance of the flashback on how Vi ended up with her name.

It's genuinely just fanfic-tier fixfic AU writing where things simply are better without any examination as to why.
Silco was ready to kill Vander's adopted kids in S1 but one of those kids dying in a failed burglary causes him to do a 180 degree turn on his push for Zaunite sovereignty?
Piltover runs an apartheid government with a massive oppressed underclass of peasants who live in a polluted underground shithole. We're supposed to believe that one(1) single Zaunite kid dying in a failed burglary horrifies Piltover society enough to cause them to turn things into an egalitarian utopia?

shitworld Ekko is probably a virgin

golden route Ekko probably does all sorts of freaky shit with Powder

he's just lucky she didn't give him an under the table footjob

Even the caitvi romance is too messy and kino for them, the zeitgeist seems to be it was too toxic, violent and not wholesome enough

wumaos taking advantage of Arcane ending to shill their chink ripoff show ITT

fuck off chinksects

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I love chinks, they wouldn’t put this timebomb shit in their show no siree

15minutrs wait to post

we rich on ebt with Anon Babble pass

So all the retards that were shit talking timebomb here were actually yuritrannies shipping lightcannon and now they're having a massive cope meltdown?

I apologize to you Jilcofag. I know you're also probably seething as well but I was wrong about fighting against you when in reality we had a common enemy instead.

Season 1 never had this issue

mylo and claggor exist solely to traumatize powder, what the fuck are you talking about

what kind of doomer cope is this?
I'd understand someone who doesn't like both seasons. or someone who thinks they're both mediocre. It's a matter of taste.
But people acting like season one is a masterpiece and season 2 is crap sound absolutely delusional. It has the same strengths and the same weaknesses

You say this as if Riot itself isn't 100% owned by Tencent and they didn't shove in a chink song during Isha's death to pander to Winnie

People just dislike cuckshit

Ekko looks 14 to me.

Ambessa’s eyes didn’t do the cartoonish ded-eyes thing like the woman Vi very pointedly saw die did

She’s alive (like Isha)

Ekko and Jinx do have an episode where they interact and even build a machine together.

Cope faggot. You won't be free of them anywhere

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They told you to your face that timebomb was only possible in an AU and Jinx left to meet Lux. Cope.

What does this has to do with Lux? There's also a blue artbook, so I guess the pink one represents Vi, the blue one Jinx, and green one Ekko.

yurifags are self inserting trannies (delusional)


zoomers never watched gits, not even psycho-pass, which Urobutchigen virtually admitted he ripped off famous cyberpunk novels, you think too highly of them

Silco and Vander likely reconnected over the death of Vi, Heimerdinger eventually arrived in the body of his alternate self and set about improving things instead of just letting time pass him by, and Season 2 is significantly more liberal than Season 1 and believes that incremental change is key to making society better, not revolutionary action.

prefers white women with a black guy over 2 white women together

Shit opinion





I think everyone can agree that act 3 saved s2 even with the prison sex
act 1 was pretty good on its own but fell flat with no follow up on the Caitler thing in a satisfying way. act2 well...
ngl I didn't think about Isha once in act 3 so there's that

S1 act1 - 7/10
S1 act2 - 8/10
S1 act3 - 10/10

S2 act1 - 8/10
S2 act2 - 7/10
S2 act3 - 9/10

its moreso that 3 years ago heimer is still the head of the counsel and silco wouldnt have been able to make such huge power moves against someone who knows whats coming
its all retarded time travel shit anyway so its never gonna actually make sense

make fun of it if you want but without a body, writers can easily bring any of these characters back and they don't have to explain shit

I don't like either ship

Because the original leaks were described like shit, I kept saying that even if they sounded bad they'd probably do a decent execution.

For example, "Caitlyn wears an eyepatch" sounds pretty shitty, that + preview makes it look like Ambessa just kicked her ass whereas Caitlyn fended off pretty well and willingly sacrificed her eye to get the runes off Ambessa so Mel could finish her off. That was badass.

If they wanted to pander to Winnie they’d have made it less gay

I'm sure Ekko had time to tell him about silco while they were hanging out before being zapped into the hexcore

i need cute jinxwife

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shipfaggotry, ignore them

Singed unlocked the Argentina ending and got away with everything

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Acts 1 and 2 felt bad because they left virtually all the answers for act 3.


Ekko is time, Jinx is bomb. Timebomb. It sounds better than Ekinx or Jiko.


Lux is light, Jinx is cannon. Lightcannon. It sounds better than Lunx or Jix.

Go to bed, Ekko. You did enough for one day.

Jinx left to meet Lux

kek you're gonna push this shit for the next five years? Sounds like you have a long road of coping ahead of you

Can someone explain the ending? The montage is pretty easy to understand, and there's this hint of Jinx having survived. That I got, but I don't understand the dialogue between Caitlyn and Vi.

What does the "are you still in this fight, Violet" mean? Like tf are they talking about? The war is over and they're rebuilding Piltover.

go back to Anon Babble

I want to creampie Maddie after she headshots herself

Pretty much.
Blackrose&isha was the weak link in season 2.

Amanda DID said that. There was today another livestream with NSAF streamer for episode 8 and later Q&A.

sex scene happening in the prison cell was meant to both be a parallel to the scene they met, as well as a show of vi reclaiming/overcoming etc etc her trauma and past

this was part of vi asking, what does she want, rather than what does she do for other people

vi has started to process and reclaim her trauma

I smile. Riot literally said the more you beg, the more likely they are to make it real.

Anon spends his time finding things on Reddit to post here instead of just engaging in discussion

So if timebomb won that means Lux will be paired off with that white dude if they go to demacia next

S1 act1 - 7/10

nigga you wot

Then that’s not maddie anymore, now is it?

youre technically right but youre realistically extremely wrong, arcane is not dc comics

She’s too autistic to ask her whether she wants to continue being with her

he thinks a modern western production would be physically capable of pairing a white man white a white woman and that it wouldn't sooner self-immolate especially when a lesbian pairing is on the table

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Going to have to be more specific, there's a lot of white dudes in League.
Not Garen, because he's her brother, but I can see some sort of toxic relationship with Sylas maybe.

Good luck begging. It was easy for you when timebomb was small, now it's the most mainstream Jinx ship.

i need cute jinxwife

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So basically she's asking her whether their jail thing was a fling or if she actually wants to date her and shit? Why can't she talk like a normal person?

bruh I guess Caitvifags ate good.

Pretty much. I don't know why yurifags are blind to this. Lux is always tied to him in alternate universes, including Star Guardians and Valoran Town

There’s no lesbian pairing on the table, Jinx is for the blacks now, they know if they pair jinx off with anyone else there’d be riots in the street

"I'm the dirt under your nails" is the phrase they decided to end 3 years of Arcane with

I hate Riot incompetence so much.

I need cute jinxdaughter

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undercity's gonna eat you alive

What does the "are you still in this fight, Violet" mean? Like tf are they talking about? The war is over and they're rebuilding Piltover.

they're rebuilding Piltover

she's mostly asking about that. Vi has been led from one crisis to another, and now she can technically do whatever she wants. There's no family to save anymore. She doesn't have to help rebuild or help manage relations with Zaun.

She has far more connections to Jinx

There was pretty much no rush with staying in the alternate universe.

From whose perspective?
If anything Heimerdinger finally learnt the real weight of the fact that humans don't live for centuries.
Even disregarding the fact that it would become more and more difficult for Ekko to leave the longer he stayed. How old would he be by the time he could do so "safely"? Would they even iron out the kinks within Ekko's lifetime?

When Ekko finally woke up in the AU and was reunited with Heimerdinger who had already been there for some time already. Heimerdinger, unlike himself, was boasting about how much he had already accomplished within a short period of time.
We can surmise that Heimerdinger finally learnt the value of swift action. Character growth.

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I thought you bucks learned your lesson when they made Gwen trans in Spider-Verse, they don't give a fuck about you, their goal is pissing off white men and sucking up to queers

that anime doomed at least 2 genrations into cringefest

Gainax should have ended before ttgl


economic powerhouse

large "police" army

have guns

hextech wunderwaffe

gets their shit kicked in by zaun drugged up poorfags and noxus tards with crossbows.

Lol, pilties get fucked.

She wants to know where Vi stands regarding their situationship thing, hence Vi's response about not being able to get rid of her.

jinx's story is complete. If she appears again it will be a cameo.
Viktor and Jayce also have completed their arc, although their fate is unresolved so they could appear again but I doubt it.
Mel vs BlackRose was just started in Arcane, so there's a whole storyline for her and she's connected to other lands outside Piltover, so she's very likely to appear again.

She’s pretty awkward when it comes to that stuff, guess she just wants to know wether vi wants to stay and continue to “fight” at her side or dip out and leave to do her own thing

I'm sorry that you're too depressed to appreciate things, but the rest of the world doesn't live in your hate bubble.

Caitlyn is coercing Vi to enlist in the military.

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the rest of the world doesn't live in your hate bubble

The irony of this post

"are you still in this fight, Violet" mean?

She's humming the song Jinx sang
I understood that she somehow blames herself for everything that happened with WW/Jinx (am I too delulu?)
I don't think she knows that Jinx is alive (I'm sure only Cait knows, Vi must suspect?)
Caitlyn asks if she's going to keep brooding over this for the rest of her life? bcs there is no one left for her, then she says: "I'm the dirt under your nails"
I don't know

Whatever you say these whole Jinx animation were top-notch and I'll rip off it to my manga which will be made after my retirement, wish me(sperg) luck

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she had no idea what Viktor was capable of.

Yep, that sane Powder will sacrifice everything to try to bring Vi back from the dead and it's all that bastard Ekko's fault, who gave her the means and the hope.

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but holy shit how braindead you need to be

nowadays the audience expects to be spoonfed spoilers, all the while denigrating the source material. Its a narc thing

100% but all at once it flows

only wish they'd spent a little more time on Ekko intervention from Jinx's perspective, would have been interesting to watch but they just show up all tuned up for battle
ep7 was Ekko's 'intervention' but we dont really get to see Jinx snap out of it in ep9. no time I get it but still would have been nice plot


ai ai ai just make jinx, lux and ekko all fuck each other

it feels weird, viktor and jayce were my favourite characters even before arcane but now they are done plotwise. what do i do

you admitted to using reddit, the bubble website, and that other anon just stated their own opinion

Cait doesn't know, what with lack of confirmation, but she is holding out on the hope that her hunch is right.

But Mel is too uninteresting a character to be central to a future season , literally who is out there who’s like “who’s your favourite character?” “Oh it’s Mel “ there are probably more people out there with Singed as their favourite character than Mel

the only people who hate it here are Anon Babbletards who hate that it made a brown guy a protagonist.
that should tell you everything

No, she does not. You can make some comparisons but Ezreal has been tied to her for a long time.

Honestly I'm surprised that Jinx doesn't paint her toenails

I cried when Jinx fell down :(
I love Jinx :(

Cait was ridiculously hot in every single scene she was in, hottest cartoon character of 2024 by far


What reference am I missing?

just make all the white women get blacked

Uh huh

I'm seeing hate for S2 across the internet, including most major social media sites, whereas the anon claims it's not happening and that I'm the one in a bubble

Ekko = time
Jinx = bomb
It's a romance ship.
Now, enough spoonfeeding.
Fuck off.

thanks for mentioning Spiderverse where it's pretty much a given that Gwen will end with Miles. Goes to show your cope isn't strong enough, try a little bit hard

I don't know how we believed all this time that Vi was a virgin. Look at how she ate Caitlyn completely. This girl must have had a hard time with one of the recruits girls

if you hate my shit writing you are racist

I've heard that one before

Timebomb is fucking fanservice and you know it

sure, next time dont use reddit as your example

More importantly now that jinx has been removed from the lux cup there’s no one else to rival Ezreal. He’s basically the only one left in the running

some of LoL's ship names have the RWBY format

The bottom virgin Vi allegations were always so retarded. She literally spent 7 years in prison where that kind of shit happens all the time.
I feel vindicated that she wasn't a bottom, God those were awful times.

"even reddit" implies a range of places

I feel like people who didn't wait to binge watch the season likely have a worse opinion of Act 3 than people who binge watched it.
Having to wait a full week after Act 1 only for Act 2 to not answer Act 1's questions and to not answer its own questions. And then having to wait yet another week to get any answers at all.
Must have sucked in comparison to watching the full season in one weekend. I am guessing.

I really liked the season even if it started off kind of weak.

What better example is there for what normies think?

he's a genius scentist artist an athletic fighter a war hero charismatic and attractive
he won't have any trouble finding someone to fuck

So Ionia will be next? It has the most champions and popular with Asians. Yasuo and Ahri are also like mascots.

French music playing as a white girl racemixes with a foreigner

This is truly peak frog globohomo

Arcane was just an insanely complicated match of League set in Piltover

Ambessa the broken top laner wins every fight easily but loses to a fed ADC/Support

Jinx loses every single 1v1 but carries teamfights

Viktor is useless early game but ends up hard carrying before completely throwing the final teamfight

Ekko can only gank with his OP ulti

Literally the opposite happened lmao

real Jinx and Ekko deconfirmed forever

Jinx on a ship to Demacia

throw ezreal in there and its golden

She literally just bottomed, in prison the one who gets pleasured is the top, the submissive one pleasures the other

Not really. Outside of Star Guardians and Valoran Town they have never interacted ever

Also, if you approve Lightcanon in Star Guardians, then you indirectly approve timebomb in Arcane because they both start from the same place (childhood friends).

They misled us with the kiss scene, making Vi look like a puppy. Vi devoured Caitlyn like it was Jericho's slop, no shit Caitlyn wants to keep her around.

Sure, but he only desires the sisters

The entire show is fanservice, what's your point?

Vi was a top through and through. She took the lead in every single aspect.

So Caitlyn is a cheating bitch AND a domestic abuser? Damn

the prison sex was truly the most revolting thing I had to put up with this season

Lol, nobody knows what your talking about because nobody plays that shit game.

There is no proof Jinx is going to Demacia. She might end up in Bilgewater or Ionia.

not really, its been teased that ekko had feelings for jinx since he came out in the game and it was natural to explore that aspect of how their relationship in a timeline where she doesnt go batshit

Viktor scaling kek

There were years between season 1 and season 2. So most people already forgot that stuff. Making his character less apparent.

Too much rap

Powder always loved monkeys

People somehow surprised

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Thanks for this trvuthnvke

well you missed a bunch of easter eggs and references but whatevs.

deconfirmed forever

He literally talked her out of suicide and was in a relationship with her in another reality. Even if jinx is going to demacia, all lux will be is a friend while they tease her still loving ekko

Jinx and Ekko spent days together building the ship dude. When we saw them again they were all over in each other paints. No one else was like this. No other firelight or Sevika was painted. Only Ekko and Jinx were painted.

So you're gonna convince me that nothing happened during those days?

Go ahead. Throw me your strongest cope. Don't hold back!!!!

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Jinx is going to meet her real OTP Ziggs

Dare I say, kino?


Well, that's what drugs do to you.


If it devotes an entire episode to a ship because of a single voiceline from the game then yeah I'd say its fanservice.

That shit has no fucking place in the overall Arcane plot, imagine if one episode was dedicated to Jinx dreaming about marrying Lux after seeing her once visiting Piltover while tons of plots are going wild and unresolved in the background, it was forced as fuck

thats a good one


nobody plays one of the most popular games in the world for the last 15 years

yeah dude

There should be some limits to shit taste.

Continuation after arcane is in works for while- next series is already in development for about a year +-

Noxus, Ionia and Demacia are getting shows and are next steps into this cinematic universe...they pick each setting to explore diff sides of Runterra

Team set up the arcane s2 finale in ways that will impact Runeterra forward

They view each season as rival to big things like GoT, so they aim always higher

Hextech is not gone, but the core/annomaly is gone

Heimer is not dead and others character might came back to life

Arcane was not originaly canon when first planned, but they switch the plan after s1 feedback

They always wanted to tell story about Vi, Jinx, Viktor, Jayce and setting of Zaun and Piltover

Swain is teased to looking into arcane history and demon origins

Timeline is not established yet for the show

Piannist is teased to be Jhin

The arcane is their version of magic. Arcane does not originate of hextech. The arcane is one viewpoint interpretation of magic.. each region sees it differently

Under the right circumstances arcane can be recreated- aka hextech

Viktor will be explored on later shows confirmed- he is more than just human or arcane user now...he is something special

Other champions from Zaun and Piltover will be brought up to Arcane timeline

Viktor and Jayce are confirmed to be bromance- like very good friends who die for each other any given time

Warwick is still split between human and wolf. One side will eventually win.

Shimmer is invention of Singed to see how far he can take human body

Cost of Arcane is not 250 mil, but it was still expensive

Zaun is designed in way of multiple zones on top of each other..more deeper you go the scarier it gets

House of Medarda will play part in future of Runeterra

Glorious Evolution robots are inspired by biblical angels without wings

leaves him forever


Go ahead. Throw me your strongest cope. Don't hold back!!!!

She just lost a kid, get real.

Sounds gay

all lux will be is a friend while they tease her still loving ekko

There are more diversity points to score if they make jinx bi and let her kiss lux. Even more diversity points can be scored if they acknowledge that jinx has two hands and can be lux's gf AND ekko's gf.

What the fuck were they thinking? There’s basically no definitive ending. Half the cast just poof disappears. Singed fucks off after act 2 only to appear for a split second in the act 3 epilogue. Cait doesn’t put on the sheriff badge following her mentor. And what the absolute fuck happened to the dream of Zaun??? Sevika, LMAO, shouldn’t even be in the council because the undercity is supposed to end up an independent state. Vander and Silco’s dream? The whole reason this thing started. Hell even Viktor could have picked up the mantle since he literally saw their vision.

the point of the alt reality was showing how completely opposite to real reality everything was


Ziggs is pretty much confirmed never existing because his origin is tied to Heimer who is fucking dead

In fact they should have used that time on caitvi instead of using it on jinx getting blacked

>real Jinx and Ekko deconfirmed forever

It's both. Confirmed that they probably did have have feelings for each other at some point, and if things went mostly right, then they would've been a couple.

it's French-Belgian thoughbeit.

Warwick is a smurf

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Vi is feeling triumphant and decides to visit The Last Drop for old times sake

It's just a pile of ashes

Ekko has to explain the suicide attempts happening while Vi and Cait fucked

>Continuation after arcane is in works for while- next series is already in development for about a year +-

I had read that they are planning more Runeterra shows.
But where has it been stated that they have already been working on it for a year plus?

Betraying a black dude for a white girl actually loses you diversity points, that’s only allowed the other way around

dead or getting blacked, doesnt look good for our girl


So are these confirmed info already or are you making up some shit here?

Singed fucks off after act 2 only to appear for a split second in the act 3 epilogue.

And he fucking won. He took his prize and ran with it.

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remember that even in main universe silco and vander each in their own way were trying to improve zaun and get better relations with piltover.
In piltover too there were people who cared about zaun, like the kirammans who built the vents to make them breathe.

In the AU Vi died during the robbery, which means Vander didn't have to cover it up, leading to no conflict with Silco and thus Vander doesn't die and doesn't lose the respect of Sevika and a bunch of other people.
This itself helps zaun of course.
But also Vi dying means that Jayce gets arrested, or he died in the explosion too, and so no hextech and no hexgates, so Piltover doesn't progress economically much faster than Zaun, so they are on more equal ground.
So basically Silco managed to get a deal similar to what he got at the end of Season 1 and everything worked out for the best.

Still, I think it was a bit forced. It would have been better if the AU came from Silco actually dying when Vander stabbed him and Vander managed to built a lasting peace with Piltover without Silco's interference.

okay so you dipshits dont know what fanservice means
AU plotline isnt just "muh ship" its worldbuilding and character exploration
just because its not well written doesnt mean its fanservice

going somewhere else to be the used good's of someone else

what a weak cope you have my friend
yeah and she had to choices, kill herself or stay with Ekko, guess which one she chose

come on you can do better than that

Ok, what about the other champions of PnZ?
Urgot? Seraphine? Zeri? Camille? Ezreal? Zac? Renata? Blitz? Mundo?

Stromae is literally the child of a black guy and a white woman too

league content creator had an interview with christian linke in twitch, necrit is the user

What the fuck were they thinking? There’s basically no definitive ending.

In case their next projects bomb, they want to be able to recoup their losses with a surprise Arcane Season 3.

And what the absolute fuck happened to the dream of Zaun???

That was just Silco's dream. In the end, she's happy with getting a seat at the table of the oppressors, rather than freeing the oppressed from oppression entirely. Incremental change and the stability of the status quo matters more than justice and liberty.

Bro even reddit hates it

we have to like it then

Viktor and Jayce are confirmed to be bromance- like very good friends who die for each other any given time

I know what I saw. They are homosexuals sucking and fucking in every universe.

What does burning a piece of paper symbolize?

angry anons are spamming hate threads on reddit that barely get any attention

See see even reddit agrees with us that season 2 was bad

man it's pathetic. Just go take a walk, it's really good for your mental health

watch several reactors

not a single one can put together

No wonder the original leaker said Jinx died.

But now he has a daughter again, so he’s going to be undone.

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the point of the AU was to show Ekko that forgiveness is the way to go. Literally the theme of breaking the cycle of violence

This came full circle when Jinx accepted Ekko back into her life

But they liked season 1 and we also liked season 1

watch necrit interview with CL, he literally mentioned all of those champs except ezreal zac and renata

Glorious Evolution robots are inspired by biblical angels without wings

Runeterra has actual heckin biblically accurate angels though. can't wait to see them.

Mourning the dead.

Assuming this isn't bullshit. Maybe we'll see a <30s teaser or something at the Game Awards?
It's the exact kind of thing Keighley and his crew would love to put on stage. And Arcane has already been featured the show before.

Piannist is teased to be Jhin


Powder doesn't turn into a piece of shit when bulldyke Vi isn't there to beat the shit out of her

It's the little things

the episode moved too quickly by that point after jayce and viktor had their homoerotic end of evangelion lightshow

Not if it's a women ditching a man for another woman. Gay marriage was legalized half a century after interracial marriage.

the Caitler thing

there was no Caitler thing

The AU should have had Noxus turning the city into a puppet state, maybe the prom gets interrupted by a Noxian raid or something. Even without hextech, Piltover is a pretty valueable port and colony and it would make Noxus more relevant in the main timeline. Anything to add more friction to that universe.

No the point of the AU was confirming Amanda's shipping delusions

He’s gonna help Noxus because some Ionian lowlife teenage boy is gonna be trying to seduce his daughter away from him

I mean. Provided how things are it's more than likely true. But it's literally

lelouch was the cart driver!



she liked Ekko so much she immediately left to go as far away as possible


That’s just because it included gay men, if there was a way to just make it legal for lesbians only itd have been legal a century earlier

the r/leagueoflegends sub is mad

of course. riot will have to respond

it was impressive on first watch because it's the first time animation like that has been made.
But it was mostly character introduction and setting up plot elements, and a good part of these characters were just plot devices to turn Powder into Jinx.
It's well done but doesn't reach the peaks that Arcane reaches in other parts

Got me good


why did we need worldbuilding for a make believe place in the last act.

character exploration

"Powder would be chill if it wasn't for the trauma" isn't really all that riveting.
It's not actually a very good reason for Ekko to reach out to her.
"I lost sight of making the Undercity a nice place to live" is a made up problem when the whole point of the tree village is that Ekko is focused on helping people live, not just survive.
there's nothing of substance here except ship baiting

Pizza Hut gave us Code Geass

Riot gave us Arcane

any other cases of soulless megacorps giving us unexpected, transcendent kino?

The point of the AU was to keep the Reddit crowd interested, they consider it the best episode by far

s2e9 opening was misery kino

only one paper

heimer is dead...

Out of love she spared him the awkwardness of having to tell their children that he's going out to get milk and a smoke.

Jinx without Ekko

did anyone thought arcane originated from hextech? i thought it was obvious hextech is just the name of the tech they made out of the crystals which tap the arcane which is the primordial magical bullshit of runes and the crystals are harvested from the stupid scorpions in the desert

Ekko knows where is Jinx's hideout only because he went to the AU. not even Vi would have found her there.

Why are they mad?

We see Silco and Vander being best buds again, and Silco literally say "The greatest thing we can do in life is to find the power to forgive". Huh, Ekko actually learned a lesson from the guy he hated the most.

directly appealing to cucks

How low the show has fallen

and he grew up without a father. the jokes ar writing themselves at that point.

so worldbuilding in the au doesnt count but ship baiting in the au does?

So the Powder stuff was completely superfluous shipping fanservice by Amanda huh

Why did Ekko even hate Silco? They never created a good reason for that , just “hur dur Silco’s bad because … he just is okay”

It was the best episode of Act 3 by far, it had a sensible pace, strong emotions and a good narrative. Episodes 8 and 9 were pure MCU slop that were rammed down our throats as fast as possible.

The only bad things anyone has to say about Episode 7 is "dimensional travel is bad," to which I have to say it was handled far worse in Episode 9, and "ew black boy kissing white girl gross."


that face jayce makes when he realises he is at the exact same spot alt univ jayce died.

Peak kino.

Jilcofags on suicide watch


unexpected, transcendent kino


It's a lore subreddit and Arcane is considered canon now. This not only fucks with stories of Zaun/Piltover legends, but also legends from other regions.

I honestly wish we got more Ekko and Heimer. An unlikely duo, but a welcome one.

New thread

I think jinx just wanted to stage her own death and start anew somewhere else.

have you seen the shimmerheads in S1?

Reception to the ending is thoroughly mixed

Then he'd hate Jinx too

black rose wasn't bad by itself, but it was mostly a set up for a new series and a way to get Mel out of the way so she couldn't influence Cait so it didn't really fit.
Isha was nice, she had good moments with Jinx, but she felt like a character destined to die from the beginning.

All in all it wasn't a bad arc, it's just that Act2 was just a set up for Arc 3 so it doesn't stand on its own.

Ultimately Arcane shouldn't be watched as a show in 2 seasons but more like 1 long movie.
If you watch it all in one go and consider it a single thing rather than multiple different acts, it makes much more sense

His dad died in war lol.

he sold drugs to the community anon

because he was fucking Powder

Fuck Vi man. Left her sister to kill herself to have sex.
And then she poked the fucking machine werewolf and Jinx had to bail her out again
WTF man I am so fucking mad

ew black boy kissing white girl gross."

Which is completely reasonable criticism that nullified all the good points of the episode, making it the worst episode of the season

*on Reddit

I thought it was really satisfying as an Ekko fag personally. My GOAT is now a completely lost doomer, that's sick.

they literally are openly saying it in this thread

Because Silco is responsible for orchestrating the events that killed his carer, Benzo, and the events that led to all of his friends either getting imprisoned, killed or twisted by Silco, and Silco's also responsible for turning the Lanes from a comfy salvaging community for the downtrodden, into a seedy drug den full of exploitation and horror, with most of his community being transformed into drug addicts.

Silco ruined his life, the lives of everyone close to him and his community.

he does. he tells Vi that Powder is dead.

But anon, I sell drugs to the community

yeah, and he did hate Jinx. He was prepared to kill her, and didn't care when he thought she died on the bridge. the AU episode exists to make him not hate her.

Did we even see Cait in this AU? If she died, Cassandra would've banished Jayce.

and "ew black boy kissing white girl gross."

Objectively true

They showed us a universe where VI is dead and everybody is happy.
VI is the problem.

did you miss the part where silco was a violent drug lord who killed all of ekkos friends?

You're allowed that opinion, senpai.

Maybe. There has been several hints at them being friends again or something more in LoL, TFT, and Arcane promos over the past three years.

Probably no Bridging The Rift for season 2

They filmed some stuff

-Christian Linke

who killed all of ekkos friends?

That was Jinx

As it should, it wasn't a GOT disaster but holy shit they did drop the ball.

I'm posting here along with people who hate the show specifically to avoid being in a bubble.
but nice try

Nah, Ekko said it was Silco

You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. Did ekko not realise silco was doing it for the greater good for everyone living in Zaun? So Ekko just hates Silco because he’s too dumb to see the bigger picture?

Did you watch S1 while half asleep, anon?

Benzo was more of a father to Ekko than a simple carer.

From Ekko's POV, Silco

killed Benzo (Ekko's adopted dad)

killed Vander

killed Claggor and Mylo

killed Vi

stole Powder

introduced an addictive drug into an impoverished area purely for profit

turned a pub into a faggy nightclub

sends Enforcers after the Firelights

He literally sees her killing them in one of the episodes

do i need to explain to you why its silcos fault and not powders or are you just pretending to be retarded?

Runeterra nigga dont give up on their girls that easy.
We will see them meet again.

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People really think Jinx fucked Ekko after giving 0 fucks about him enough to not care if he died in her suicide then just agreeing to not kill herself and bury the hatchet for the sake of helping Vi?

She kept her suicide bomb btw, so she was probably still going to kill herself. The fakeout death just gave her an opportunity to really start over. She's let everyone in Piltover and Zaun go.

Lucian is so fucking lame


I know you are, but what am I?

Lucian has my utmost respect for marrying a black woman, apparently the only black guy in fiction with this superpower

she was jus following orders

Didn't work in Nuremberg and it won't work now

Ekkos got at least 2 other potential love interests so I think he'll be good. Hell Zeri is practically Jinx without the trauma already

You bring up a good point. Why didn’t Ekko and Jayce have sex at the same time as Vi and Cait? Everybody wins

is that an excuse to not look for her?

Cait Jinx is gone and she looked like she was gonna kill herself

but you don't know her secret base Vi

oh yeah, you're right. Wanna fuck?

what ???

I mean. Provided how things are it's more than likely true. But it's literally

>lelouch was the cart driver!


tranime spicnigger not only illiterate but also braindead

Imagine my shock

I always thought Riot blatantly invented Zeri so that Ekko could have a nonwhite love interest and keep his literal monkey paws off their cash cow

Why didn’t Ekko and Jayce have sex

that's actually a really good question

She was a child soldier though, that's significantly different from a regular adult joining the SS

Sometimes I feel bad for black women with all these fictional black guys being taken by white women

kek you're talking as if Jinx planned her death. It's a stronger cope but not quite there.

Fuck I meant Ekko and Jinx

Be the change you want to see. Waifu a fictional black woman.

You'd have a point if there was any sign of it actually working, but it didn't. Instead, Piltover got more powerful while Silco and the other barons just got to exploit worse-off Zaunites for their own wealth and benefit.

How well did Vi perform during sex. Do we think she was better than Maddie?

But Zeri is white too?

She's Filipino
Or whatever the fuck the Runeterra version of Filipino is, since they have their own Brits/Chinks/Africans/etc.

No no, lets explore this.

gtfo to owlhouse thread

Just rewatched ep 9, Maddie’s betrayal and death were so lame. Why didn’t she just kill Caitlyn instead of knocking her out and dragging her to Ambessa?

Also, tf did she mean by “I enjoyed your warmth”? Was that sarcasm because Caitler was an icicle to her or meant the sex was good?

Lmao Jinx going to Demacia to meet Luxanna confirmed

Ambessa wanted to monologue so Maddie was ordered to bring Cait to her

i dont quite understand the future timeline, why was it in a state of rot and decay when we see the machines are perfect?

they didn't fuck for the entire night. plus Vi didn't plan to follow Jinx again even if she went out normally. they already were beyond that, hence her surprise when Jinx came back to her instead of the opposite in the final fight.

If you search Arcane in the catalog, and there’s an arcane thread, the mods usually won’t let us make another one. So we will have to migrate to whatever existing thread there is, which is this one:

IMG_1643.jpg - 1576x1576, 616.5K

She was clearly very good, the best even

The Ekko x Jinx dance song is the real big song everyone is listening right now

Lux is one (if not the) most popular female league of legends characters, she will 100% get animated.

Cait doesn't think about that ginger anymore

Good enough Caitlyn wanted to keep her around

fuck off, I'll migrate to the Ekko/Jinx one

Idk but you just know Vi has eaten pussy before

She will, as will Ezreal who is one of the most popular male characters

that will never happen lol

Implying the most voted region wasn't Ionia

you really don't know League fans

Episode 9 was written according to Rule of Cool, don't try to apply logic to any character's actions during that episode.

Doesn’t have Arcane in the title or body blackedfag. Doesn’t show up on the catalog.

He was presented as the biggest Jinx hater to date at that point. So yeah.

This thread it's on page 10 FUCK.

New thread

that's stupid, timebomb wasn't even big when Zeri was created

I think Jayceviktor kinda kino, just made another thread for Jinx, have fun

Stop making threads without the show title in the fucking subject box

You couldn't make any more obvious that you never watched Code Geass when it was airing.
It's an apt comparison for many reasons. Something you probably wouldn't even deny were you actually there at the time.

How many time has passed between the war and that ending?

the real new thread

vi is top

Ekko doesn't know Silco that well, so how he supposed figure out that flooding the lanes with shimmer was for the sake of an independent Zaun? Was he supposed give Silco the benefit of the doubt after he kickstarted the worst day in Ekko's life?

Doesnt matter. She will probably go to all. They said they will explore multiple regions

The most popular character is Ahri and is not even close

ambessa had no reason to get there without hextech

another love triangle but the dykes always wins

the point of the AU was to show what could have been, how most people aren't inherently good or bad but are influenced by the conditions and environment they're in, give Ekko a motivation to try and save Jinx again after he had given up on her, give him his Z-drive, get some Heimerdinger character development, show the viewers that the situation in piltover/zaun is not hopeless and they can actually make it work and improve their lives.
Maybe actually watch the show instead of reading the leaks to find stuff to get angry about

silco broke the whole kitchen to make his bedroom better

Idk, maybe he wants to buy her fancy cloths?

only issue I have with the new viktor is the mask thing it had, I'd rather it had something closer to the original mask
or get rid of the face beneath idk


Man, a canon "Teenager Powder that grew up alright" was not what I was expecting.

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Okay, and how many people lost their lives bc of her poor leadership?

