What are some "lame" superpowers that are actually very broken?
What are some "lame" superpowers that are actually very broken?
Being able to instantly learn any language. Seems dumb until you realise you could talk to aliens, could talk to computers or create a code that makes a giga computer and then all the stuff that comes with it. Tech and stuff.
If you want an example from an actual show, then Misfits had a guy who could control milk and he nearly wiped out the cast.
Shut the fuck up Douglas. You and your powers will never be cool.
then Misfits had a guy who could control milk and he nearly wiped out the cast.
What bit is 'eh'? The guy had the power to control milk. He got angry other people got way better powers, so he made sure they all ate something with diary in them and then he controlled it and killed them. He didn't succeed because one of the other people with powers was lactose intolerant so didn't eat the diary infused product so was able to beat him.
Misfits is a great show, I recommend it. Got a bit... Heroesy... In S3 but it still a good watch. I can't really remember much about it, mind, like, specific scenes and shit.
His power is actually quite depressing. He will die alone and forgotten because no one will remember who he is. Can't establish any lasting relationship because no one is aware of his existence. Even more grim whenever he have a medical issue and no one is there to assist him.
everybody just happened to be lactose intolerant
What? What part of my explanation doesn't make sense?
Guy can control milk
Guy is mad other people have good powers
Guy makes them eat products with diary in it
Guy then controls the diary INSIDE THEIR BODY to kill them
Guy fails to kill the 5th member of the group because they were lactose intolerant and didn't eat the diary laced product he had given them
What part of this is difficult?
Are you tired, drunk, high or fucking retarded?
I think that he was just making a joke anon, an alternate scenario
>Guy fails to kill the 5th member of the group because they were lactose intolerant and didn't eat the diary laced product he had given them
And he could also rewind time, so the gang just killed the supermilkguy before he attacked them
I always thought this power was fucking broken, Imagine he could do literally anything and people would forget it right after. He could walk past any sequrity because they'd forget after; he could steal or do quite literally anything to anyone because in the end they'd forget. Is there even a crime if the victim does not remember?
The danger is he gets locked up in a cell and forgotten about
who's that again
If he kills someone and no one remembers he was the one who did it does the victim magically come back to life? If he steals some money and no one remembers he's the thief does the money magically get returned?
You're such a fucking tard.
It's kinda funny and ironic that the milk guy was more of a threat to them than the guy who bought a lot of superpowers for cosplay Jesus.
They literally killed the multipowerred guy right after they sold all of their own superpowers.
He could walk past any sequrity because they'd forget after
Unless some triggerhappy idiot kills him instantly he sees him. Would the smell of his corpse also be forgotten?
Anyone with sufficient telepathy and heighten senses would remember him. Any dramatic action like theft or murder would make the individuals in the proximity of the incident become aware of his existence. Walk into a secure setting surrounded by dozens of armed guards and security cameras? He will go undetected. Attempt to steal something from the secure settings? The moment someone notice something was stolen/missing, they would become aware of his existence. Attempt to murder someone in the securing setting? They would become aware of his existence either as he is attempting the murder or after he already committed the murder.
His power is great for espionage and minor assist here and there. Not that useful if he wants to play a critical role in anything.
good lord these are the ugliest human beings I have ever seen
Turn on your monitor
Isnt that an episodr of Garfield?
That's a surprise considering that you have looked at yourself in the mirror.
You both must look like them if you respond so butthurt
No one can remember if he's not in their view.
Xavier had to give himself a psychic alarm clock that reminded him that the man existed just so the man could have some thing close to a relationship.
is there even a crime if the victim does not remember?
That is one rapey line of reasoning, anon.
every power can theoretically be broken
i like that comic of a guy who can learn any language being about to fight well because he can read body language
They straight up stole this from Background Pony and did it worse. Fucking hilarious. Fuck Marvel.
Being able to talk to metal and ask it to do things for you
Any shapeshifter is effectively immortal. Got a hole punched through you? Just shift to a form that has all your organs. Someone instantly destroyed a vital organ? Good thing you shifted into a form that has two of everything. Got blown up in a giant explosion? Lucky you were in the form that's two yous miles away connected by an infinitesimally small string.
There was a character in The Filth who could deduce a person's diet, habits, and daily itinerary from the smell of their farts.
That’s assuming a lot of extra stuff about the nature of shapeshifting.
For most everything you’re describing the shapeshifting has to be an almost instantaneous process, and have pretty much no limits on energy or mass.
What you’re describing at this point is less like a shape shifter and moreso someone with complete control of matter using just thought or will, who also seems to be leaning on some pretty heavy pre-cog powers as well
Being able to control diseases and biological conditions.
No one thinks that’s a weak or lame power
Controlling disease is a lame power because you can just get aids and do that in real life
getting a disease is not the same thing as controlling it
Then why was Infectious Lass in the Legion of Substitute Heroes along with Double-Header and Antenna Boy?
I was imagining it more being prepared than anything. Eating a ton, gaining weight, and using it for the extra biomass. Then always be in a state where no injury actually matters.
X-Men Legacy 300
March 12, 2014
Background Pony
November 9, 2012
Just as good as I remember it being.