

Literally just bring back James Woods.

Hugh's good, but he lacks the sass for this role.

If it's not James Wood's voice coming out of that mouth I don't give a fuck.

Why are jews so obsessed with making everything live action?

Is he gay enough? That's the ultimate question for the role of (specifically) Disney Hades.

Another Disney "villain" movie where they whitewash the villain

Why should I give a fuck if they get the OG or not?

just use james woods

They literally want to snub him. Fuck Ritchie, fuck the live action remakes and fuck Disney.

Even if they got James Woods, I would still pass it up if they plan on making it for the TikTok generation.

Because normies watch that shit

I think it would be funny if Hades is the narrator and it ends up being a parody of Maleficent where you can tell Hades is obviously lying, like portraying baby Herc as a demon just to justify killing him.

Wanna bet Hercules is going to be a black fraud and Meg will be a much bigger badass than he is

They ran out of ideas awhile ago, and the modern middle managers are obsessed with replacing all white heterosexual norms with "modern" shit by race and/or gender swapping all of America's mythological heroes.

Doesn't James Woods have a contract to always play Hades?

Hercules was a descendant of Andromeda, who was black in greek mythology

He's too busy doing coke

No coked out Hades chimping out on Zeus

This is another Robin WIlliams situation. Just like Williams was way too iconic as the Genie, James Woods is way too iconic as Hades.

One thing I actually respect Disney for doing is casting Will Smith as the Genie in the live action Aladdin movie. Somebody working on that film knew that there was no way anybody trying to copy Williams, or echo Williams, could ever live up to him. So they got Big Willy in to do his own spin on the character, and it basically worked. You'd need to do something similar with Hades. Don't try to just make the same character because you'll inevitably get compared to Woods and fail the comparison. If you HAVE to have live-action Hercules, then their take on Hades has to be something fresh and new.


Honestly there's something absolutely insidious about live-action remakes that I can't quite put my finger on. The idea behind them seems derisive to me. Or condescending. Maybe a little bit conceited as well. The idea that the original animated version would somehow be better if it wasn't for all that animation in the way. Like the animation was a flaw that you seek to correct in the story, and not what made it work in the first place. Honestly live action remakes just smacks of insult to me, even if I know that it probably shouldn't. Realistically, I know that the answer here is that all these live action remakes are because Disney is out of ideas or is completely risk averse, or both. So they take the safest path and repackage IPs they've had for years to try and resell them as new. If that all sounds really cynical, I suppose it probably is. But on just about every level, I am uninterested in live action remakes - Particularly on a conceptual level. I feel I have to remake this point again and again lately since the topic keeps coming up.

Until these companies really truly fail at making something they will not collapse or reform.

Well, look at Wish and Lightyear.
Lightyear was trying to retool their Toy Story IP, but Wish (As I understand it, I've seen neither) was an original idea aside from some references near the end.
Both those failed, but then the live action remakes continue to do well for the most part. Evidently that's what people want. Suppose that makes me out of touch. Oh well. I can live with that.

Pretty good actor that can play a bit scummy characters with a heart of gold. So, fine pick i guess
If I remember correctly, they said they wanted to do a good guy Hades story like Maleficent so Woods would be out of place

I sure can't wait for people defending fucking Zeus when he and Poseidon are some two of the most asshole gods of ancient greece

If I remember correctly, they said they wanted to do a good guy Hades story like Maleficent so Woods would be out of place

But that's precisely why I WANT James Woods to come back. The one thing that could salvage this live action abomination is if it's Woods going full used car salesman trying to convince the audience that he's the good guy when he's clearly not.

Unfortunately, this is not a case of executives being out of touch, normalfags really do think of live-action remakes as improvements on animated movies.

I don't think it was a contract, he just really likes Hades and plays the character whenever Disney asks. Hence the animated series and Kingdom Hearts.

He's a MAGA Republican now. There is no way they will hire Woods to do a damn thing with Disney ever again

why are live action slop threads allowed here?

Trump won the popular vote. It's time to put the woke away. Bringing James Woods back is the perfect way for Disney to do it.

Studio execs and Producers always had this thought process of "Legitimizing" a cartoon or comic by making it live. Cartoons are meaningless kiddy shit that mean nothing to a studio or their film history unless it's made into live action film with actors.

Disney has a history with Republicans attacking them over petty bullshit, it's not just they said a meanie word on Fox News.


They deserved it, and deserve more of it. I hope someone attacks them again in the future.

Just like all Disney remakes, I won't watch it no matter what they do, so they could make Hades a woman, for all I care.

He's a MAGA Republican now. There is no way they will hire Woods to do a damn thing with Disney ever again

Nobody else can do hades, the buzz around the movie will be that they should've hired james woods.

Maybe you are in the wrong place. I think you need to be on TrannySky with the rest of the bleeding vagina fags that complain about conservatives.


What part of that post is a complaint. It's just the truth.

Hercules live action

Can they fucking stop already? None of these live action remakes hold a candle to the source material.

Republicans cannot read. If they did, thet would know how tariffs work.

See, that WOULD be funny, and entertaining, but Disney ran out of people with talent a long time ago.