How thirsty was she for super cock?

how thirsty was she for super cock?

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She is like Elon with twitter. Just talking shit because have a platform
Anyway the episodes with her were pretty lame, one my least favorite superman villain


Leslie x Clark

Leslie is so god damn cute it's unbelievable
Excellent design and excellent voice

How many times has she kidnapped him already?

She's a lesbian.

If she's a lesbian, I'm super ma'am.

to quote a thread from a while ago

"clip from Leslie's podcast goes viral when during a rant on Superman, her pants ride down low enough to see the S-Shield womb tattoo peeking out the top"

When is she gonna notice he lets her?

She knows, she's like what they got going on. Bit scared to move on to the next stage

fuck off DC writer

short black hair

exposed tummy

goth makeup

total bitch

I want her to ruin my life

God damn Bruce Timm is a fucking genius.
Who knew you could perfect any woman just by giving her a thick bottom lip.

Ha ha ha! ooooh boy. After last night... let me tell you. heh heh heh... <whistle> man alive. Intense amirite? <chuckle> Left no doubt. heehee. I wish I could tell you more. <snicker>

I like her. She didn't just antagonize Super man but Clark Kent as well.

needs a baby belly NOW

Does her carpet match her drapes

the moment her character design was ruined

I'd fuck both

Who animated this? It looks really good.

i like the pic where she puts her hand on sups who is against her ass

This one?

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Smallville did something similar. Using Superman or Kryptonite as a conduit to give people powers.

This is extra fun when you know there's an Elseworlds where Superman is Frankenstein's Monster.

Wasn't this comic made by the creator of Livewire? I'd say extremely.
I often wish Livewire would have taken off instead of Harley. Sure there would have probably still been plenty of butch lesbian needs no man shit over the years, but there would have also been plenty of Superman arcs with her and a clear mirror to old news Lois.

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Why is he running at normal human speed?

Why is regular ass lightning hurting him?

Electric Damage bypasses Normal Defense. Superman's Special Defense is lower than his Phys Defense.

She's his first female super villain sexpet. She is supposed to Lois Lane though.

Needs fire hose correction