everyone will come to my funeral
Arcane : Uttershit Edition
The Noxian
Called it. Arcane Tourists, go eat shit for ruining league of legends.
Jaycebros stay winning
She actually fell down a well and died
Why not link the previous thread
It's not that bad, sure
But it's mid-10s marvel slop tier while S1 is Sam Raimi's Spider Man tier
And what's certain is that Riot intervened in Fortiche 'bout Warwick and Blackrose
Slop next coming forward will be even more bad
This is a corporate drama has been repeated thousands of times over the last decades
Shippingfags? fuck them, cut out their uterus and shoving it in their eyes, they're blind, don't listen to them
There's only disaster awaits, should have forseen it
anyone else get a chub from watching the viktorbot fight or was that just me
That's like saying the Germans ruined the Soviet Union.
One of the worst things I've ever watched and I'm not joking. Christian linke, Alex Lee, Amanda overton, kill your fucking selves
Heimerdinger vanishes/stuck in AU
Jayce and Viktor "disappear" to the shadow realm
Jinx corpse MIA
Yeah none of these characters is actually dead. They'll come back in other shows at some point.
Glorious evolution? More like a glorious flop.
No, Commies ruined the Soviet Union.
don't care eat shit and die
cute and canon
Exactly. LoL was shit long before this.
I loved this episode
I pray league of legends will never touch my main and convert him as a faggot. I PRAY
Not watching any more shit from riot ever after this slop fest
The amount of pussy juice lesbians will squirt out to that scene will make the world reek.
This shit is so ass
What happens to the AU?
holy fuck just bring me back to legends of runeterra.
Damn I wish after watching this shit
It just keeps on existing, probably.
writers gave the ability to explore what if scenarios in an ep
the dedicate it solely to BLACKing jinx and showing how the world is better of without vi
No, LoL was awesome until the Commies invaded Riot, turned it into Riot Games, then made everything gay.
Commies are awful.
Jinx leaving kind of makes sense. There's nothing left for her in Zaun. She can't maintain a stable relationship with Vi because something goes terribly wrong every time she gets close to doing so, her former childhood friend(or potential crush if shit didn't hit the fan?) has more concerns than just her and she did more than just burning that bridge, and if she manages have some kind of deep bond with someone they end up dying. She left an environment that was no good for her, even though she had to leave some valuable people behind.
Episode 8 alone should have been an act and a half to make it work. Also the sex scene is fan fiction level bullshit.
forced yuri sex scene
damn E09 really bad, it's killing me
the world would be better off if Vi had died
Do you rike?
Wait so how exactly does Vi dying stop Silco from seeking revenge?
Equality and prosperity for all of Piltover and Zaun
Because Vi dies
I mean it's real, all she had done is pure cringeness toxichair landwhale tumblrtranny tier dialogue & shit, she should have been raped to death in prison
We’ve all lost too much
KEK. I hope she never gets a fucking job again and has to live under a bridge. EVERYTHING sacrificed for shipshit and niggers
Should it be the other way around with Jinx being the one who should've died and everyone happy?
Arcane Season 1 masterpiece. Arcane Season 2 = 4 seasons worth of stories compressed into 1. The question is why do it? Is Riot + Tencent going bankrupt?
Forget the Great Man Theory. This is the Shitty Lesbian Theory.
There will be waves of Timebomb NSFW art of Ekko fucking Jinx in a few days.
Ohnononono Jilcosisters, WE LOST!
But why would Silco care? Wasn't he gonna kill Vi when they first met? Didn't he almost kill Powder?
Jinx isn't a real character in the end, sadly. Why the fuck would she try to appease Cait? Nothing Ekko did was convincing as far as a reason she would listen to him to not kill herself. She burns down all her past homes and Vi doesn't notice? How did Ekko even know where her lair was? Very stupid.
Is everything ok with it? I want a world where everything is perfect (including Vi being dead) to continue existing
it was always meant to be
maybe vander gets heartbroken enough that he does something stupid
maybe that knocks silco out of being similarly stupid
still fucking dumb but maybe something along those lines
Vi stealing the gems destabilized the hierarchy in the undercity and caused Silco to accelerate his plans.
In the AU that didn’t happen and Silco probably found Vander's letter at some point.
jilco rent free in vicuck's head 3 fucking years
oh boy what a joy
Unironic shot from the show
At least Singed is happy with his daughter now, I guess. Leakers probably missed it.
Silco's eye is fully dead here. Shimmer saved function at the cost of black sclera, orange pupil, eventual degradation. Not sure if he'd think it was worth the tradeoff.
Honestly? probably? maybe? I still don't understand what they did with hytale, the game that everyone was betting on being the second coming of minecraft, the literal gaming jesus that fucked up game design so much that even games about boats now a days are about cutting trees and crafting items and they complete kill the project after acquiring the company.
There is a chance they actually saw how big the series was and decided to ruin it on purpose because they have an long history of doing exactly that.
So, this lil nigga basically died for nothing?
Local Man ruins everything and gets rewarded
I hope these fags never come back but they probably will when the Void is introduced.
Season 1
Master piece
Why do midwits think this? The only thing Season 1 has going is the Visuals and Music, and that's just daggling keys in front of a baby-tier form of storytelling. The story itself is MEH.
I thought they said they had all 2 seasons planned out and written from the get go?
I wish to erase the second season from my memory, so it wouldn't loom over the first one like a spectre of gay.
well at least someones was happy with there daughter
so i had this insane vision and then this robot appeared and uh we kinda gotta team up now and defeat this great evil that will wipe out humanity!!
why the fuck would anybody, piltover or zaun, listen or care about this? how much of the surrounding city even noticed viktor doing the whole hivemind thing?
i rewatched season 1 a few days ago so i could refresh my mind on it and it's insane how much better it was in every way.
the fix-it fic's best ending relies on vi dying
Vifags how we feeling?
Can't believe waited 3 years for pure marvelslop tier garbage & shipping faggots eating slop like Schweinhund, Anon Babblechads were right, Anon Babbleckroaches, hey Hiroyuki please delete this entire board
Silco is busy getting his ass railed by big daddy Vander's 12 inch cock
I am the dirt under your nails, Cupcake. Nothing's going to clean me out
Kek. Vi's last line. She's a loyal dog till the end.
ther whole role was to de-villainize Jinx
average vicuck
Cait is the top
Didn’t see that coming
Jayvik nation how we feeling?
To be absolutely fair Timebomb fags, there is some evidence that supported the ship.
I have quite a few complaints, but my biggest one is just... why are they spending so much time, even since s1, on cheesy romances? I get riot is riot and wants to promote LGBT, but if we're being real, cait vi progressed from enemies to friends in such a short amount of time. Riot REALLY wanted it, because they also ignored the most obvious thing in the world... a sisterly relationship between them, which would just be FAR better because it mirrors silco and vander and vi and powder/jinx. It baffles me the decisions they made. And don't even get me started on the time travel BS. Why did we have to do a marvel-tier twist with time travel? Why couldn't we just leave the mysterious mage from season 1 a secret, or have him just be ryze, which would make a lot of sense, and build that up later? Why did we have an entire AU as fanservice to make up for the fact that the show is misery porn and kills everyone? So many questions... How did it turn out from being a near-perfect masterpiece to just something good? I expected perfection. This is the most disappointment I've ever felt toward any sequel, ever. And I was pretty disappointed these past few years. It's honestly impressive. Every time, riot makes something amazing, and then they mess it up. Every time. Every game. Everything they touch. It's like a curse LOL.
world is better off because you're dead
not because you did something later in life that was actually bad or anything, it's just that the world is a better place, unimaginably so, without you in it
Riot's been cancelling a lot of projects lately. Even the card game was unsustainable.
Clearly they were lying.
Jinx goes to kill herself
they have sex in a meantime
Reinforces Vi as a terrible sister
Hey Vi, I cucked you
I don't care
Cheats on Maddie
Reinforces Cait as a terrible partner
They're both awful people and this scene is what all the brainlets won't be able to shut up about. This is how Arcane will be remembered. It's fucking awful. Ruined the whole show for me.
The sex scene had to good setup nor was it a good payoff. Narrative speaking it goes out of nowhere, and feels like it was inserted by a horny teenager. It's so tasteless it honestly makes me vomit. They just threw it to satisfy the shippers and nothing more.
Caitvi was given no time to reflect on their relationship, or how they both changed in season 2.
Moreover, it is framed as a pure lust and not love. It's low and dirty and destroys human spirit. Just like real dykes.
I feel like this every day, anon
This is the last line of the show. How we feeling bros.
If Jinx actually left Piltover where would she go next? I don’t think any of the characters except for Mel and maybe Singed will appear in the next setting.
Ekko Jinx was literally predestined since Ekko's champ trailer.
Jinx always liked monkeys
people surprised she fell in love with Ekko
What was the reason for making Vi’s existence the cause of so many bad things? they homo and himbophobic?
The leaks were true
Even the caitvi sex scene in Jinx's prison cell
Even the cringe dialogue during undressing was real
This writing is so incredibly craptastic, it's unbelievable.
I hated Isha when I watched the leaks but she grew on me because she's such a cute little suicidal retard
Is it true that Ekko has a cloaca?
it's even worse than spiderverse 2
burn all western writers to ash
Holy kek.
How did the SAME PEOPLE produce unimaginable kino that was season 1?
You're right, Vi should've had sex with Jinx instead
oh nonnonononono
Ionia. Riot been pushing Ionia hard the last couple of years so IF they make another show it'll be there and Jinx might show up to find herself.
I knew Vi was a dumb fuck, but they've made her a horrible piece of shit with this decision.
I don't care how much of a "druggie that you've tried to help multiple times" the show made Jinx out to be, Vi literally left her in her darkest moment to go scissor with the woman that abandoned her multiple times.
It's over. She prefers da BBC.
Vi and Cait were always gay, never a sisterly relationship.
Better version
Butch Lesbians causing chaos in the world
Jinx becoming a mother through Isha cured her
I'd say the writers are based and redpilled
it was pretty good
i liked the fightscene, I can forsee the roboviktor dom scenes in the future
I wanna see what happens in e9
Heimer’s in S2 for 30 minutes then just fucking dies
Heimerbros… why’d they do this to us…
Jinx's dirty feet look so lickable...
The question is why do it? Is Riot + Tencent going bankrupt?
LOL isn't cashcow now, Koreans are poor, Chinks go bankrupt
The only one who's actually dead here is Ambessa. You can’t tell me Riot won’t pull out Jinx, Jayce, Viktor and Heimerdinger again for other shows in the future.
He was too pure and not sexually/racially diverse enough for that rotten world.
I wonder what happens next.
Yordles cant die
Jinx had sex with Ekko btw
The Fr*nch Fucker who was the lead writer didn't lead season 2. They got a secondary writer to lead. Her claim to fame is being a HUGE YA novelist for crappy love Triangle stories.
Yordles don't die. He's back in Bandle City right now.
Yep. Wild Rift also got mogged hard by Mobile Legends in Asia. They are bleeding money and they are just hiding it.
its GoT S8 all over again
thinking about not even watching the last 3 episodes just like i did with GoT
did he always smile when this happened
or is jayce being a freaky frog again
I have a feeling they'll retcon that so they can die
Oh, that explains everything.
I can't even watch through fucking dogshit episode that 7 is
Heimerbros we’re so back
imagine I would be gone mad to blacked
lmao what? Is that even English?
so what was the last airship?
all it takes is an apology to forgive the guy that tried to strangle and drown you
Battered wife syndrome fr fr
So basically Hemerdinger is dead but not really because League but I guess goes insane mad SCIENCE mode, Jinx is just.. on vacation for a while? or something? before coming back and doing more Jinx stuff Because League. Jayce and Viktor will be back and back to fighting in the gayest way because League.
I don't think it needed a whole other season but like 3-4 more episodes. Plot just got too big for an 18 episode show.
ESLKing I kneel.
Jinx heading to Demacia
Mega when
The last glimmer of talent leaving Riot and Fortiche
exactly thought in that way but there's zero evidence
another nonsensical schizo babble
Uhh, is this a meltdown?
League champs don’t have to be alive or physically in runeterra, there isn’t the Institute anymore
She's straight though.
League is now just "What Ifs" rather than the old lore.
So Warwick isn't dead?
Not even reddit likes it
Oh no no no
At the time, no. After S1, yes. Ekko's symbol got slapped on some official Jinx art and merchandise, Ekko or Jinx got referenced in official art that was centered around one of them some times, and there some animations where they are on good terms(2 animations for Team Fight Tactics) and this . There's a lot more, but yeah. Now if only they put that much effort into their relationship in the show.
Its Jinx because dear friend across the river plays
Just a cool shot because we have never seen her interact with this ship before
Maddie really is a traitor
How convenient. No need to explain anything to Vi.
God, they were so desperate to make Cait look like a good person, fucking cringe.
Are they gay
Jinx leaving with her latest invention, which allows her to detect the biggest, blackest dick (and take it without consent)
Wait he was already microdosing shimmer when the explosion happened. Why is his eye just normal blind?
Speak English, please.
bro, let's kill Vander so we can bring him back as Warwick
actually, let's turn Warwick back into Vander
alright, let's kill Vanderwick off so Jinx loses her new little sister
wait, let's bring Warwick BACK, but as an alien hybrid this time
ACTUALLY, let's kill Warwick off so Jinx dies in a heroic sacrifice
I just wanted a steampunk werewolf massacring shit, how did you fuck the one thing EVERYONE was looking forward to?!
Where? I want to witness the meltdown.
Caitlin and Vi were always implied, anon
They were probably the first of all the gay couples in League to be hinted at
Warwick is not a pretty girl like Seraphine so Riot will never listen to his mains or care about what they want.
The Blacks and the dykes have won. An unlikely team up, but a successful one, nonetheless.
its just an AU, they hate each other in lol
I'm so glad we’re done with these shitty characters. Vi and Cait are by far the worst ones.
At least the other characters who "vanished" or "died" without confirmation can appear again in other settings at some point.
Vi and Cait can scissor each other in Piltover as much as they want in the meantime.
This is not even close to true, they were a buddy cop duo
AU Powder only fucks Ekko because she doesn't have Vi to obsess over. He simply filled that void. Main universe Jinx still doesn't care about Ekko.
I cannot believe people who made Season 1 could've made this shitty second season
They retconned the entire hextech crystal lore and took a giant shit on the Skarner mains
Just so that Seraphine mains wouldn't be upset
Maybe he agreed to stop shimmer production after reconciling with Vander. And if he stops taking it the discoloration goes away, but it also stops working? Idk.
But why does it seems that caitlyn cannot stand maddie in act 3? she seems annoyed that maddie even touches her
Wow, this bozo is really having a meltdown.
Jinx will fuck Ekko now.
I thought it was great am I wrong?
Uhhhh sure anon whatever you say lol
at least people won't take care shit to lol or any next riot universe tranime and faggots will be entered to camp called Valorant
She is forever tainted. Once you go black you never go back
Wasn't he gonna kill Vi when they first met
No. There's more than a couple moments in Act 1 where you get the feeling that Silco wanted to recruit Vi, not kill her. Even when shes fighting off his goons, you can see him appraise her.
Plebbit mods are gonna have to work overtime to contain the anger, lmao
nope always gay. Since Vi's debut.
Caitlyn character arc is rushed and dumb, ep 3 could be literally erased and she would still be the same
oh he mad
And that dynamic isn't popular with shippers?
Was the fucking dance laggy in 4 fps? Was it a reference to his power?
Even when Silco literally says he's going to Kill Vander and all his kids
Even when Silco orders his men to kill Vi
Even when Silco makes monster Deckard fight Vi
Are you serious? Why is Silco friendly in the au?
Don't ask questions just consume shipper slop and then get excited for terrible dyke "sex"
Exactly, they made it look like Ambessa was a tyrant and committed all warcrimes, not Caitlyn
Because he always wanted Vander to love him.
heimerdinger basically killed au heimerdinger by refusing to go back to the main universe
ermm based???
It's just another artsy sequence this season is full off. They couldn't even do first person Warwick vision right.
You must really like Timebomb, like we all do.
I have no words...
the little gasp at Ekko bringing up the murder attempt
very cute
as much as you fuckers like the meme but caitlyn hitting Vi while the writes knew that caitlyn would be redemeed was the most retarded decision that exists
True actually. Pretty weird how they changed out the intro disk showing the sisters for a romantic pair. Jinx wanting to fuck vi confirmed in many ways
All buddy cop duos are gay fr fr
Show about sisters
Vi doesnt say A SINGLE thing about Jinx after she sacrifices for her
Last scene is just Vi and Cait flirting
No wonder the AU is so much better with Vi dead. She is an ungrateful Piltie lapdog.
Vi made Caitlyn cum in this very spot.
>Even when Silco literally says he's going to Kill Vander and all his kids
Yes. He even mentions it later in Act 2. He talks about how he thought Vi was "the prize" but Jinx was more than what he ever imagined or something. Hell he probably had Deckard keep an eye on the kids for Vi.
>Even when Silco orders his men to kill Vi
>Even when Silco makes monster Deckard fight
After the explosion. Deckard looks back and Silco gives the order "Kill them", almost implying the original orders were something else.
They just threw it to satisfy the shippers
As a Caitvifag I am satisfied and your blabla won't change it. Shippers got their decade old ship canon, the best feeling ever.
jilco rent free in vicuck's head 3 fucking years
Caitvijinxsisters in shambles while Jaycebros remain intact
It makes the scene more emotional knowing that they're sitting in vi and cait's combined piss puddles
Does Ambessa really die in episode 9?
Your sister is suicidal because her kid died
She runs off to kill herself
You have sex with your GF instead of going after her
Her sister kills herself to save you
Last scene is just you cuddling with your GF and you never mention her again
What did Amanda mean by this?
go rewatch season 1, i just rewatched a random 5 min clip ( jayce giving speech) and it was so fcking kino
Whomst amongst us desu
hey vi, while you were gone you're a cuck is that ok?
i dont fuck a fuck cupcake
It was already canon before Arcane, retard.
KYS, unironically. I liked Caitvi before s2 and I'm appalled at how things turned out in every way shape and form. Not just with caitvi, but including them. Get some taste, dyke
I've always thought that Arcane was about two sisters and their relationship, but apparently not.
Timebomb winning BIGLY!
She left, she dgaf about him.
Amanda forgot about the first season's whole thing being family
ruining league of legends
nigga that shit was ruined by the 3rd year.
Butch has no soul, it's not even unironically or by accident, she definitely wanted to say that
Honestly some of the reactions about Jinx leaving feel like massive cope from lightcannonfags.
Amanda forgot about the first season's whole thing being family
They're a family now.
Pic totally related btw.
If anything this shitty writing taints the entire ship. LeoDia is now top one
In some ways vijinx won I guess. Makes the love triangle explicit when vi fucks cait in the exact same spot her sister was in and makes the choice to not follow her. Also intro record in ep 7 replacing vi with ekko, the nigger she kisses... SUS
are you fucking surprised that Vi choose Caitlyn? do you fuckers even play league? Ekko HATES her because of it.
Will this be a Ruination 2.0? Find out in the next few weeks.
So glad Jinx left to have a better life away from these bozos.
Lux is dating Ezreal in the canon LoL lore, like what?
The maddie being a traitor leak was true
Wow. Bravo, Amanda. Your writing fucking sucks.
She'll keep getting better and better gigs, while we're stuck shitposting here. Feels bad man.
Is this true? What's the name of the writer of the 1st season and what happened to them?
Wow Sky was real after all Jayce ruined it all for his schizo visions baka
God I hope Amanda never touches Leona and Diana.
BASED Ekko is so lucky
No she isn't. She canonically finds him annoying.
I'm going to miss our talks
No you won't
What did she mean by this
Yep. They're both straight. I was just commenting on some reactions that started popping up about Ekko x Jinx.
You sound mad that Jinx doesn't give a shit about anyone in Piltover/Zaun anymore.
Honestly guys S1 was the only good western media last 5 years and it's time to pack it up and move on, at least glad S2 completely barking up my last expectations for Western, no more time to waste, finally I'm free
so is arcane canon now? they rework caitlyn again to give her 1 eye? and ambressa is surely dead, then how is she in league? there are some logical things here that doesn't add up, if arcane is canon
imagine wasting your time for spamming BLACKED in FRIDAY night, KWAB
this shit is so ass
I need a webm of Maddie's head shot.
This is worse than Marvel. Marvel puts 3 movies of slop into 3 movies of screentime. They crammed 3 seasons' worth of dogshit into 3 episodes.
so is arcane canon now?
Warwick mains in shambles
Idk anon. Ekko and Jinx happened. Amanda doesn't even know Lux exists.
Mel ricocheting the bullet into Mel's fucking skull
from behind closed doors where she definitely couldn't see what was happening
How did this show turn so fucking STUPID?
Some DC shit happening here
Eating cop pussy is all that's needed for peace
Yeah it clashes with so much shit in LoR that released AFTER season 1 of Arcane.
so why exaclty piltover and zaun are chill with eachother in au? why piltover decided to stop exploiting zaunites cheap labor in mines? wasnt that the whole point of slico and s1? to show things are not that simple? This whole season feels like twitter fanfic, ingnoring all underlining politics that made s1 so good.
What was the Point?
jayvik sisters/sissies won
Is LeBlanc dead?
S2 ruined Caitvi for me
Vi is such an amoeba, I fucking cant stand her. Like what the fuck are you doing?
And Jinx just dies and thats it, we are never even shown Vi grieving? She is just cuddling with Cait?
Right as her sister showed Vi how much she loves her and is willing to die for her we are never shown Vi react or talk about any of this again WTF is this shit.
Cait was literally doing more research on what happened to Jinx than Vi. I am losing my fucking mind. Jinx might have died in the show but Vi is dead as a character, absolute assassination
There was no fucking point, there's never a point
do you guys remember vander? he was so cool
this is power of female writing
Don't think about it too hard, the writers certainly didn't
In-universe explanation: Vi died and it was all that was needed for everyone to wholesome chungus 100
IRL explanation: S2 got handed to a writer who mainly wrote Young Adult booktok fiction
*Maddie's skull
gas your citizens
imprison peaceful protestors and rioters alike with no trial
allow a foreign power into your government, leading to all out war in the heart of your very populated city
still get the girl
your greatest enemy (jinx) and competitor for vi's affection dies
keep your riches and property
keep control over the under city's air by birthright
only punishment- 1 missing eye
Hottake: Arcane season 2 was written under the presumption of a Kamela Harris victory, so it was necessary to have pro-statist propaganda instead of anything rebellious or anti-status quo.
I will never quit Anon Babble.
Why were these last 3 episodes so fucking rushed?
They try to show every character for like 30 seconds each and it ends up looking like a montage instead of a tv show with proper scenes
arcane isn't canon, they're going to retcon it after the normies catch on and start seething. just leave Anon Babble and forget it existed
Ready player one
No sex is free of member berrry writing
this shit was so ass
Not everything is about American politics, nerd
Normies don't care.
now everyone will know that Jinx has canonically taken Ekko's dick even if in an au
let's bring Silco back to have him spout bullshit his character would never say
Fuck off, Amanda
Create two timelines
One where Vi is dead
The other where Jinx is
Connect the two with Tutorial NPC (Heimerdinger)
This was the setup for their MMO.
Jinx is definitely not dead. That was her ship at the end.
Everything IS about American politics sadly because we own you.
In an AU. With Powder, not Jinx.
S1 was infested with lib writing too, none of this is out of nowhere. No one in the writing room was ever radical.
Oh I understand now. Cait was actually Samira this whole time. That's why it made no sense.
get hot GF
get the best ending
Ekko is really the protagonist of Arcane
because we own you.
You're cattle-branded. You're not even owned by free people. You own nothing, and you're still not happy.
Welp, time to rewatch the first season so I can erase all hints of this out of my memory.
Yea this is the weirdest part about it, all those characters now gone from the "main" universe. I like Orianna's retcon as Singed finding a way to replicate the glorious evolution without stealing her mind though, I think Jayvik ended up being the best executed, shame both are gone for now.
Hey still happened. Jinx is straight. Why would she go fug lugs?
Vi literally got the best ending, she has a rich girlfriend who is willing to do anything for her and 90% of her problems just got solved by either disapearing or dying
Le pseud social critique
Doesn't change that American culture is hegemonic and Hollywood faggotry + the slavish devotion to elite politics seeps into everything.
He will be made gay and retarded
She's always been bi.
what the hell did i just watch? seriously? WTF?
Maddie, I kneel.
Don't think about it. The writers certainly didn't.
He's right about American politics affecting everywhere else. We are the British Empire of the modern age–the sun never sets on our military bases.
I don't trust their writers with Swain anymore after this shitshow
I hope third season never happens
i have insider leaks for the ionia season where it shows swain rising to power and him and draven fall in love
Never mind she just fucking died.
getting into the story
another fucking song starts
this shit is getting as annoying as joker 2
She can be the secondary protagonist.
That's the masochist conspiracy. They'll pay taxes and they'll drag you to do it with them; or else!
I cannot believe this was written by people who wrote Season 1
"In the end Mel, it was your arcane that triumphed over my vision. Take my crows and defeat the black rose, for me, for Noxus, for runeterra!"
I've noticed that there's VERY few anti-status quo media at all, and when you do get it, it always ends... Interestingly.
Joker 2 shitting all over Joker 1 and anyone who liked it
Law Abiding Citizen
The message of all media, more often than not, is "be a good goy and don't rock the boat".
great pol is here...as if this shit show wasn't bad enough.
American golemization and abstractification of everything is truly a blight of global and species-wide proportions.
Guess the Red race was truly important for humanity. Wiping it out was a disaster for the human race.
So Jayce and Viktor live somehow?
Why was she so suprised by Cait's tits? She couldnt stop staring at them. Were her nipples brown instead of pink?
for starters swain would be accompained by female character, preferably black that is actually pulling all the strings.
Holy fuck that was bad.
I dont even know where to start
I hope this guy gets a good voice actor
Yup. It's all about controlling and redirecting rebellion rather than advocating any change. Arcane season 1 was very late 2010's politics, while this is very early 2020's politics.
Yo eyepatch Cait with that hair is hot af
quick dilate away
ok wth was that final
this was even worse than anticipated
So do they all just... die? Still watching ep 7.
LeBlanc, who is now black
Kill Vander 3 times, brutally mangle him at every opportunity
Kill Jinx 7 times
Heimer twice
That's pretty crazy
well Cait has a big set so.
What the fuck was episode 7???
Wasted 40 minutes of my time
do you have media literacy Anon Babble?
She was just surprised that Cait was actually a twink the whole time
puts Caitlyn and Vi into this pose
puts Ekko and Powder into this post
What did they mean by this?
Holy fuck, Viktor's "machine" herald design is fucking ugly. Is it just me or the animation was horrible in ep9 especially when machine herald, viktor's robots and warwick appeared?
even ledditors hate it
Ambessa should've just executed Cait herself instead of this ceremonial slop written solely for their Avengers Assemble moment to happen.
its over for riot
singed/orianna storyline just disappears
viktor story turns to cringe garbage and no doubt they are going to ruin the actual game with this new garbage depiction of him
warwick story was nothing
caitlyn and vi walked around tunnels for 3 episodes before doing nothing until they had the most forced and unsexy sex scene in film history
ekko and heimerdinger appeared for like 8 minutes before despawning until the final episode
teemo hat child is forced for a few episodes then dies offscreen for no reason
putting in a garbage alternate universe filler episode when the plot was already feeling absurdly rushed
nobody cares or ever did care about mel or ambessa
Amazing how everything went back to being kino after Isha died
Implying any season 2 episodes were good
Maybe episode 1. Maybe.
Thief shouting "Catch the thief!"
Imagine my surprise
Why didn't the noxian soldiers help Ambessa?
nicht basiert
Does anybody have a clip of Maddie killing herself? I lol'd
Piece of popular media(vidya, cartoon, film, book) exists
The revolutionaries/rebels are good
"They're too good"
The revolutionaries/rebels are good *but there's a scene of them killing orphans and puppies
It was their day off.
Shut up Frodo
Idk. I guess they get immortal time powers to go around and fuck everyone and everything until the cum on every inch of Runegerra
Fucking trash ending. I cant believe my eyes. I dont give a fuck for the horrendus dyke shit, Jinx dies and doesnt even get acknowledged at all? What the fuck
nah, s2 is thrash
Honestly this ending was perfect for the story. Love that they had the balls to end it the way they did. Just go in, tell the story, and get out. The fact that some of them died surprised me, but looking back on it they had no other choice. You can't have a universe in where all of these characters live side by side in a sort of limbo, they told a great story.
they pulled a Wakfu
admittedly not on my 2024 bingo card
Amanda wrote ep 1.
She's was just released on League and she's already canonically dead.
Oh no no no no no, the players who bought/invested in her will be so pissed.
Honour duel bro trust me.
Nothing new desu. A decades old pattern at this point. It's more notable to get media that acknowledges that our structures are not salvageable and must be dismantled completely.
The only good episodes of season 2 are 4 and 7
literally only existed because of each other
died in each other's arms
where were you when fujos won and jayvik became canon?
I am a subhuman. I cannot believe that this is real.
To ask the same question again before the episodes aired.
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to introduce time travel, alternative universes, time loops and paradoxes in the last 3 episodes and to end on that note?
Post link, retard. I want to taste the delicious ledditor tears. HAHAHAHAH.
the bitrate is gong to shit with that final Jayce Viktor sequence, blu ray fucking WHEN??
Lib shipfag
They're on strike.
the players who bought/invested in her will be so pissed.
Damn, my condolences to all three of them
Riot's animation budget ran out.
all the imdb ratings for s1 were high 8s and low 9s
all the ratings for s2 are low 9s to mid 9s
i dont normally watch tv shows is this normal?
Her skull is weird, it creeps me out. Like evil guy from shrek 3.
wasting your hdd space on this garbo
cmon anon
It was meta. Very much so.
At the very least the message isn't pro-hive mind.
Took steps to setup their MMO multiverse
Jinx / Vi written to meet even in different worlds
Problems erased hastily; including Maddie
Too Amerigolem; but at the same time, mocking it
The Hexgates stand for the tech revolution altogether, but also the Internet, AI (Hexcore) and the loss of humanity therein
Heimer is connecting the two timelines where the gang is destined to meet.
Cyberpunk 2077 (DLC) suffered the same fate. Amerigolem infestation.
"We have to somehow manage to cram 3 planned seasons of this show in 1, what's the plan people?"
"How about we waste an entire episode on a pointless alternate universe just to see Jinx get BLACKED?"
Whoever directed this is fucking retarded.
ENJOY product, capeshit, leave be
iam a yurifag but they are def winning with this one, sex is boring in comparison
what the fuck did i just watch? it felt like a dyke's wattpad fanfic and i was disgusted the whole episodes. i did not enjoy what i was watching one bit, what a trash, waited weeks for chatgpt writing.
ngl I cried bros
i could never like her because i think she looks like Ava from Borderlands 3
imagine spnding whole fucking episode on jinx getting blacked, and not have a single scene where jinx talks with silco in au.
Ambessa had 3 opportunities to kill Caitlyn but she stood there staring at her daughter rather than finishing the job. Jobber.
why maddie even exists?
My hecking /gloriousevolution/ was wrong???
How Vitkor was defeated
Viktor wasn't unhappy... he was EXTREMELY TICKED OUT
But seriously though I was tearing up at the climax and the leak weren't as bad as they made the Act out to be. This has Act wasn't as bad as episode 6 but it's still so weird to Mr despite enjoying most of what I just watched. That hivemind scene genuinely gave me extreme Evangelion/Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 vibes. I fucking love this messy masterpiece and am excited to see what's in store next
The reviewers don't actually care for the lore. All they see are lesbian kiss and pretty animation. That's a 10/10 for those retards.
caitvi won
timebomb won
jayvik won
zaundads won
Shipfags won, anyone that cared about the political themes lost hard. Mixed feelings if you're both ig.
Jinxfags in such disarray they’re trying to make the only straight men gay
download the HEVC|265 VERSION they didn;'t release a 265 srgb color space this year but use MPV it has the spline HDR tone mapping by default which looks better than the official sdr
multiverse slop
AND time travel/paradox slop
AND revival from death slop
I love when the stakes get completely removed. Nothing matters at all
for target practice (her own)
at least we got one cool shot from it
That just makes you a faggot. Why do faggot men have to announce that they cried at something? Did you cry because it was so shit? Did you cry because you liked it? If it's the latter you should kill yourself and a faggot crying does not represent a good story, it represents your emotional volatility.
lol exactly jinx died and nobody gave a flying fuk
jinx dies
vi: NOOOOOOOOOOooooo… *fucks cait*
"Caitlyn, my sister went to kill herself. Let's have sex right here"
"No, I won't go check on her even after we're done"
Caitvi won
Timebomb won
Jayvik won
Truly are the good ending from a kino series
I stopped caring about IMDB when they removed top 1000 votes and when I've noticed during their own show, the rangz of powa thing that they're manually deleting bad reviews and forcing a certain inflated score
She has a perfect 100% hit rate
Bitch is too good She never misses
Wait until you find out that's true for our reality as well.
Okay, I think I'm pretty comfortable saying that S2 was entirely written by a bunch of huge Jinxfags. It felt like a fanfic and she didn't even kinda feel like the character she was in S1.
ww main here, cba with this fag sensitive shit
spoil me about what happens to ww/vander its all I care about ty
if by cool you mean, new inferior desing of viktor then yes, it was cool
Fuck off retard
Singed was the only parent who got a happy ending with his daughter.
Jayce dies
Viktor dies
Can we stop bringing people back from the fucking dead thnx
Where's the people will get tired of Noxus guy at?
You were wrong
Don't forget that characters schizophrenically change completely without justification or reason as well.
Halfway through the final episode and checking the bar to see when this shit is over. Utter slop.
You're not my real dad
UWUs for Viktor
holy fuck, I want that still in 4k RIGHT NOW
Even lightcannon won since Jinx leaves piltover & zaun.
Tbf what character does she have that isn't tied to someone else? That bitch lost Silco and she was going through the motions lol
No one's ever really gone
Silco is busy with his husband Vander.
Episode 9 ends
Evil Viktor gone, evil Noxians gone, world is safe
Zaun gets one(1) seat on the council of Piltover so Sevika is nice and easy to get out-voted on anything
No more Singed to make shimmer, no more Jinx, Zaun has zero leverage
Everything is back to status quo
No real Jinxfag would ship timebomb.
Silence, troon. Don't you have some blacked cuck porn to goon to?
Okay, so use that. She doesn't have anything to lose so naturally she should just go full rampage.
There were so many cool shots in these last 3 episodes I swear to god
out of NOWHERE
Whatever sauce S1 had is gone.
So obvious they're trying to set up stories with other LoL characters with the multiverse shit because S1 was so strong and self-contained.
Holy shit, I'm so glad I started watching Arcane just a month ago. I can't imagine how much it must have sucked to wait three whole years only to get Wattpad fanfic-tier writing.
This season was almost indescribably horrible and everything about it is repugnant
Who the fuck watched, or made, Season 1 of Arcane and thought the way to improve it was turning Mel Medarda into an "empath" throwing meaningless gold magic missiles around? Why even bother introducing Warwick if you're going to spend the 6 episode span he's in the show pissing on the character and wasting it? Why even bother killing Caitlyn's mom if Caitlyn won't seem to care? Why pull the Caitler storyline when it ended up again not mattering? How could you watch Season 1 and come to the conclusion that we should forget the Piltover-Zaun conflict that was unresolved and the cornerstone of that season's conflicts?
It's so fucking bad.
same, I was about to say it
league exists
she literally becomes the piltover enforcer
hextech is gone too
singed LITERALLY cannot stop winning
Bro I'm pretty sure most of them do. Lux doesn't exist in Arcane so she doesn't count.
Latest strategy is to throw a lesbian in front of the trope to district people. Like jangling keys in front of a baby
new warwick design is a downgrade
new viktor design is a downgrade
s2 is a steaming pile of shit
arcane flew too close to the sun
I watched the first season over the last few days, kinda regret it now lmao
out of NOWHERE
Ekko should've just stayed in the AU. Arcane universe is shit anyway.
law of identity over ... multiverse
nah come on fuck off, this is beyond retarded
Literally existed only to provide a shock value in Episode 4
They ruined jinx character ,fuck you amanda. And fuk u timebomb dykes, 40minutes wasted on fanfiction
Never becomes wolf and dies for nothing.
I'm happy with the Silco appearance in all three acts desu
BPD girls that wish Ekko was their boyfriend don't actually care about Jinx they just project into her.
Dude... S1 was so fucking kino...
How did they manage to fuck it up so bad?
Piltover didn't need hextech to oppress the shit out of Zaun, the power inequality between the two societies is so high that even in the past, Zaun's ability to have breathable air relied on a Piltover noble family
10 years after "canon" ends it goes back to how it was before lmfao. Amanda really put all her Young Adult slopping skills into the script for this
So what I'm assuming happened, is all the seasons initially planned were speenrun though because Riot wanted to introduce more champions into the Arcane universe to sell skins and shit instead of the same 10 champions.
That's why he deserves to get Powder
He has a responsibility towards his people and is ready to sacrifice a perfect life just to help them
What happened in wakfu?
Warwick mains that watched this season will wish they were Urgot mains (because Urgot was spared from being involved).
Eh don't try to weasel into the winners circle
imagine having the creative potential of fortiche at your disposal and you waste all the artists hard work on this writing.
Piltover and Zaun seem to be in a better place than it is in canon lore lmao, not sure what you mean.
Jinx's curse was so bad that she killed the show
if you cut out mel season 2's pacing wouldn't have felt that bad
child sacrifices themselves for two fucking idiots who die anyway
Bad call, Isha.
||they fail and """lose""" but there's a similar time travel plot device that lets them go back and win instead||
would've been cool to show the struggle
Ew just looking at her dyke face makes me want to vomit
lol exactly jinx died and nobody gave a flying fuk
Jinx knew about the multiverse because Ekko told her.
design downgrades
Yes, and writing downgrade.
Injections, writing staff changes, and more direct archonic control. Oh well, the old world croaks and the new one cannot be a repeat.
ekkonogposter never gets (you)
based Anon Babble, how delightful
why is there a song every 10 minutes
Sir, the last act of season 2 just dropped.
haha this singer sounds like Donger
it is Donger
fucking lost it
still a better song than most of this season's
Well was it worth it though because it didn't end well for him. Ekko should've went back further in time and just killed Vi. Because she is the cause of all of this suffering.
I take it Jinx was always a mentally ill person pining for affection she'll never get. Which is why she felt so aimless after Silco died. Like sure this season may have needed a few rewrites but I get what message they were trying to convey with her.
He won
Kneel, Anon Babble
Writers took the haunting the narrative thing literally lmao
Speaking of, was Jinx not schizo at all in the AU? Does it not trigger without (even more) severe trauma?
funniest part is only one who gets happy ending is devil of this series singed :D wtf are creators trying to tell
Okay, Vi literally did jack shit for the finale, and honestly for most of the second season. Was there someone on the staff butthurt that she got all the good fights in the first one?
Basically the only worthwhile thing she did was go down on Cait.
Wait how is it a prequel? Vi can't use her gauntlets anymore now that hextech is gone.
Trump-sama, please nuke Califronia please nuke Califronia please nuke Califronia please nuke Califronia please nuke Califronia please nuke Califronia please nuke Califronia please nuke Califronia
shieldbro also kicked the bucket
Can't believe fishbro survived.
Does he die?
I-I kneel Singed-sama... you truly were the gassiest of them all...
just finished episode 8 this is all over the place. was this show supposed to be longer originally and was then cut? whats the reason behind all the skips?
Yep. Vi is trash and according to the AU the world would be better without her.
Isha wasn't a character.
Her motivation didn't exist, her actions meant nothing, her sacrifice was for nothing.
She was a plot device introduced to make Jinx sad, even though Jinx had just lost the one person that cared about her and could've had a whole character arc based off of that.
Isha's character is like the talent of this season's writers - nonexistent.
Did I miss an ending scene or something?
Jinx literally bombed herself like Isha and no one cared, she didn't even get a statue or anything. Not even mentioned in the ending. Fuck that ending was so cringe and disgusting
S2 Average Score
Main game Lore is changing to fit Arcane. Please look forward to Vi rework.
Reminded me of the fairly odd parents parody of "It's a Wonderful Life", Timmy wishes to never be born and literally everyone's life improves.
That's not his daughter. Singed is an old man stuck in the past and gaslighting himself
his name is steb, nigga
Heimerdinger's song was kino. And unintentionally comedic.
If I knew my girlfriend imprisoned my sister after all the shit we just went through I would've broke it off with that bitch right then and there. And then they go and FUCK in the prison cell? Out of everything, what the absolute FUCK was that?
Californiafags think they are the glorious revolution, but they are the ultimate golems. They're even telling us themselves.
it wasn't as bad as it was made to sound, JayVik was weird ngl
the no dead body ending leaves room for Jinx to have survived kamikaze jump and have fucked off on the airship in the final frame which is a call back to s1e1 "one of these days I'm going to fly on one of those" implying Jinx is on it.
Ekko gave Jinx a reason to start over fresh, even though he mourns her. nu-Jinx lets Vi move on with Caitlyn
Oh wow that's true. Bravo Riot. Bravo Amanda.
I see thanks anon
I feel like Acts 1 and 2 should have been season 2 other than the last episode of act 2 and the entire Mel subplot and third act could have been in season 3 for much better pacing
He should've just raped Vi to death desu
commit unforgiveable crimes against life and god
never see justice for your demonic actions
Based Singed.
No Jinx dies. So he wasted his chance to have a perfect life.
Morally speaking is it wrong to steal the life of alternate version of you?
Maddie's betrayal was sabotaging the bomb the Enforcers were gonna use against Viktor
The """sabotage""" relied entirely on one(1) single nail stuck in the timing mechanism that looked like it was about to fall out already
And it didn't do anything because it turns out Viktor wasn't even in the cocoon at all
What the fuck was the point of this character? Oh yeah S2's lead writer is a YA slopper and YA novels are used to having characters introduced as romantic rivals purely so they can be revealed as villains and killed off 5 chapters later.
because they wasted ep7 on trash and they had to fit everything for the rest of their dyke shit, eliminating jinx because she has no lesbian partner
S2 is so bad that my urge to kms just killed itself
I took it as the world being better without hextech, but I take your point.
gets introduced in S2
stoic, steadfast, firm, capable, loyal
actual turbochad
dies before everything goes to shit
character has established goals
character tries to accomplish his goals using means that are authentic to his characterization
character does accomplish his goals
Singed unironically is Arcane's best written character.
everyone dead or mauled or missing
he not only survives but gets his daughteru
Let's say you from an even worse life steals your life..
Yeah, they outright showed Caitlyn looking up the blueprints of the place and found a bunch of side ducts that she could have gotten into.
I still can't believe the final time that both the character of Sevika and the entire Nation of Zaun plotline were relevant was the prison break episode where Warwick shows up
It all just gets forgotten
This character who had a three minute expensive fight scene of her using a gacha roboarm to beat up a gerbil...they just didn't wanna write her anymore
This. Vi should be bukkake'd by every prisoner in Stillwater.
f I knew my girlfriend imprisoned my sister after all the shit we just went through I would've broke it off with that bitch right then and there
You see anon, you're a decent human being with dignity and values. Family matters to you.
Vi is not like you, she's a piece of shit human being, if she could be called that.
jayvik won
Amanda made this unironically realistic, There's no such thing as loyalty to women, she embodies women for themselves and this is the result
What was this scene about?
U didnt miss anything,it was just pure trash. It was so trash I started laughing , I couldn't believe the cringe fanfiction dialogue and plot
Zaun saved the day in the battle through Jinx and Sevika leadership
The sex scene genuinely seemed straight out of The Sims…I was excited for it, then I got weirded out.
I threw rotten fruit at my laptop at the ending.
He was in S1
We zoom out. It’s revealed that everything is taking place on a snow globe on The Warden’s desk.
Cait figuring out that Jinx might not be dead.
So how does she have 2 eyes in LoR?
Jinx is alive, potentially weedwick too
truth nuke
I love how he would've won regardless if Vitkor reshaped Piltover and Zaun into a hivemind dystopia or not lol
Are Jayce, Viktor, Jinx and Heimer actually dead or is it ambiguous?
Can someone make a webm montage of jinx killing herself over and over? I don't want to watch this shit, I'm just here for the suffering porn.
There are ducts in hexgate that she could've escaped out of
Same with season 1, Vi is a useless bitch who always chooses wrong. She's the real jinx.
2-3 more years
The sex scene genuinely seemed straight out of The Sims…I was excited for it, then I got weirded out.
The mage is actually an AU/time traveling old Viktor
WHAT A LOAD OF BULLSHIT. Where is Ryze, why was he retconned?
Vi should have been put into one of those hentai ryona/snuff machines where the girl is upside down with her head in a bowl or bucket and guys fuck her pussy and creampie her and the cum eventually overflows, trickles down her body into the bowl, and fills it until she drowns in the mix of sperm and piss and sweat. All while some faceless NPC rapist-san is still using her holes and comments on how tight she gets as she's asphyxiating. This, CANONICALLY, leads to a better life for LITERALLY EVERYONE IN THE WORLD.
literally everything with jayce or viktor, literal stars of this act
singed being happy, he deserves it
(some) parts of e7 like seeing milo being funny and jinx being happy
terminator warwick surprisingly
jinx's hair matching vi's at the end, it was cute
the lesbians, seriously what the fuck happened
timebomb, these fuckers interacted like twice it felt so out of left field
why did they give ekko his star guardian butch lesbian haircut
where was sevika
what was the FUCKING point of the side characters outside of deathbaiting
vander pander
yellow karma- I mean mel
ambessa, wtf happened she was good in s1
leblanc design, I get you didn't want her to be a whore but wtaf
and then we zoom out and see that the multiverse is inside a bag of a giant alien...
kino, i say
Unless you're a timebomb shipper I'm surprised to see that someone rated this episode that high.
you guys need to not take things seriously...
b...bros... next one will be good
no way fag go fucking kill yourself
Uh bro Sevika led the fight (she had no voice lines and did nothing)
Shut the fuck up you disgusting ghoul
one (1) seat at the oligarch's council
Zaunbros we lost...
I'm a caitvifag and I didn't enjoy it. They ruined them in S2.
Based 16th-century Peasant-Anon. I kneel.
I don't even get turned on looking at it—and mind you, I'm straight
why was he retconned?
Writers get excited over an idea and roll with it.
Give it up to the real winner of Arcane.
He got away with EVERYTHING.
I liked the ending.
I took it as Cait looking for escape routes
Jinx may have took after her "death"? Who the fuck knows, I'm just coping at this point, cause there's no way she's dead, right?
why did she forgave Jinx so fucking easily
You’ll take your token representation and like it, Zaunite scum. Be happy you’re allowed your little “independence”
jinx: im going to suicide
vi: noooooo
cait comes
cait: where is she?
vi: who cares? *fingers cait*
i hate that whore
Yeah Blitz ain't Viktor's robot no more
gets mad about me saying what literally happened
He shakes the snow globe, chuckling.
"Like that's ever gonna happen."
Camera focused on the background, where five shadows are rhytmically moving on one of the walls
We can only hear male grunting and Vi's gagging as we fade to black
She has a big heart.
yeah some of these posts are getting borderline nuts.
They seemed way more intimate during their S1 interactions than Act 3 of S2, I don’t know how they messed up so badly with the writing.
Me too. Ever since I read the leaks I thought it was really based
Got away with everything he did
What did the writers mean by this?
They're all ambiguous. Jayce, Vik, and Heimer all possibly slipped into the arcane for more multiverse shenanigans just like how Ekko and Heimer first appeared in the Powderverse. Jinx seems to have died but the epilogue shows Cait finding some side vents in the tower blueprints, suggesting she could have used the grenade to shove herself in the direction of one of those to not fall to her death.
S2 ends with Zaun effectively totally disarmed(no more Jinx terrorism, no more Shimmer from Singed, chembarons got smashed up by Caitlyn's SS squad) and Sevika in a cuck chair
how did Ekko even know where her lair was
c'mon anon did you even pay attention
Ekko prime in Ekko AU's body practically lived wit Jinx in the AU, hung out with her in the lair w/ the Vi shrine, 3 of them build the anomaly machine in there
ofc Ekko prime knows where her lair is, it's the same exact place in both timelines. when he swaps bodies back into his own and gets sent back, he knows exactly where to find Jinx prime.
Singed little proxy farmed his way to a happy ending
I don't think Jinx died. I think she listened to what Silco said here.
I think it's also how you can go from Arcane Jinx to the normal crazy happy go lucky Jinx. She's free from the cycle of hatred. She chose to walk away.
i cant believe he won
I think Vi is the dumbest bimbo butch to ever exist. But she still won. Actually Caitlyn's kept woman.
Orianna looks qt in this, wtf
I hope she gets a visual update ingame
I like the body but the face is weird. Also he has a weird 3rd arm just because lol (yes I know it's in the game, but If you don't know that, it's just there).
I still can't get over good guy Silco. I don't think it's ever going to happen. It's just a weird mental block that makes me unable to watch episode 7.
I hate multiverse shit and I've never been a timebomb shipper, but I'd agree with that anon that the episode is an 8/10.
The episode has an actual narrative with solid pacing unlike 8 and 9
leblanc design
Am I agonisingly retarded? Don't tell me the person Mel first met on the chair was her design.
Why didnt she tell Vi then?
Like why is there 0 mention of Jinx after her "death"?
It was a perfect setup to make Vi's purpose finding Jinx, just like in the old lore, but because she wants to be reunited with her, not because she wants her jailed.
Jinx betrayed her for the 100000times so
Did they explain this? Was it Viktor who did it, or Singed who reverse-engineered it or what?
Vi and Jayce fucking die
things go better for literally everyone
why does Amanda hate them so much
Vi's pussy and mouth
be one of 2 (3?) main characters of this entire show
have about 10 minutes of screentime in the entirety of the last 4 episodes of season 2
they did her so fucking dirty it's actually insane
singed won
caitvi won
sevika's a leader
jinx is alive
Well, idk about you guys but I'm pretty satisfied with the happy endings we got for these characters.
“Enjoy prison cell sex” Will be taken literally and said as an insult now
Me neither, and I’m a lesbian. When I saw it I immediately looked away because of how cringey it seemed to me. The location, suddenly making out, then Vi eating Cait out…? It was so out of place, I would’ve been better off without it.
Arcane's magic was getting viewers to take a cringy MOBA seriously and give a shit about the characters.
This season slid back into slop. Too many cooks, too many songs, too many interests dragging the story in different directions.
So season 1 being so kino was a fluke?
jinx and warwick are alive, they will appear in other regions.
There’s so many skins they can be making from this, Riot is gonna be rolling in money to fund another show.
Thank God Vi and Cait stay in Piltover meaning that they sure as shit won't appear in other shows for a long time.
The other characters who's "deaths" were not really confirmed are much better than these two cunts and actually have a chance to return at some point in other settings.
I didn't like Act 1 or 2 that much relative to season 1, but I thought Act 3 was great desu. If the "What are we, some kind of League of Legends?" angle was gonna happen, then this is one of the best ways they could have done it. Very spectacular. The french win again
There was no reason for Maddie's existence. Zero.
nah this is a cope,they were rushed in plot but ngl i've never seen a animation feel like a actual couple. In the last scene they really feel like a couple
best part is, it was probably never the writers intentions. They probably wanted happy ending for zaun and piltover but women just dont get how politics works.
when she turn evil, and why?
Wait so Powder figured out that Ekko wasn't her Ekko before the hextech time travel happens, right?
lives and gets a rich gf and gets to be a house zaunite
She won
Because it's a big "might be", and one of the most fucked up things you can do to someone who believes a loved one has passed is to give them false hope.
Jayvik won
Caitvi won
Lightcannon lost
MelJayce lost
No. Different writers or didn't have glowie guns to avert.
They hate the butch and tell em they should not exist. What was the reason for showing how good everything would be if vi had died? Homophobia
And it was supposedly Vi’s season.
She was clearly significant in the Caitler story arc before they abandoned it halfway through
jinx probably think it's better that way (not reuniting with anybody who loves her anymore, or some shit like that) and cait's most likely gonna tell vi eventually, i guess
I cried. She's so happy here.
i assumed the black amorphous blob woman was meant to be more of a 'canon' look for leblanc because they didn't want to make her actual outfit
I would have liked it without the ugly nigger kiss
As a child Jayce had his and his mom's lives saved by true magic, a relic of a bygone era. This wondrous experience into the metaphysical and the all-powerful inspired Jayce to attempt to turn the arcane into a force that can be exploited for good, setting into motion the events of the show
This is the only time magic is ever seen in S1 and it's the most impactful thing period
Uhhh Viktor is a time traveling alternate universe traveling wizard who doesn't use magic that looks anything like what the mage from Jayce's childhood used but shut up
Viktor time traveled slash alternate reality hopped to Jayce's childhood and presumably waited until his mom almost died of frostbite before showing up to give him a magic crystal
Viktor's reasons for this alternate reality time traveler time loop bullshit is uhhhhhhhhhhhh ummmmmmmmmm aahhhh uhhhhhhhhh uhmmmmm don't worry about it
Magic is all over the place in S2 and doesn't matter at all in any way btw
someone please post a screencap of the sex scene
Them fucking granted more white males in the entire series and CaitVi is decimated out of existence
Tell me why are we hating this AU
What the actual fuck did they do to Ekko's hair at the end holy fuck why would they do that?
I liked it. You're just a sheep walking among your own kind if you think it was bad.
I mean it cant be just Viktor, because all the Viktor bots shut down. Singed must have perfected his formula using Viktor
Because Jinx was literally Jesus this entire season and if you don't forgive her you're a bad person.
It was so cringe. Jinx anounces she will kill herself and Vi doesn't give a fuck, claims Jinx betrayed her (? dunno what the fuck that was about) and proceeds to eat Cuntlyn's pussy. Disgusting, but what do you expect of whores? Reminder Vi is the reason Jinx "died"
I'll see you guys when the Noxus arc airs. It's gonna be unbearably kino with the champs they have.
Ekko is very cute and pretty desu
They had the ending in mind from the start. Everyone in that fucking writer's room gets the wall
imagine being Riot who thinks normies would consoom next goyslop gladly while even big turds like starwars flopped
Fucks sake even after everything. After all the bullshit Vi pulled in S1, I was glad at this moment
This makes my gay Vander/Silco slice of life fan fic canon
Act 1 was mixed, it seemed like Fortiche was unsure of how to pick up where they left off
Act 2 was the weak point of this season and it made me pretty concerned about where things were gonna go
Act 3 was pure, unfiltered kinography
No, it was an intended bait & switch
Season 1, get an actual writer and you're praised for a rare synthesis of good writing and good animation in a vidyagem show
Huge positive attention, fanbase, etc. Everyone knows Arcane as "that show that manages to break the video game adaptation curse"
Season 2, get rid of the original writer and hire a shitty Young Adult novel writer for much cheaper
Have her pander to shippers, the pond scum-swallowers of every fandom
People still watch and convince themselves it's good or that it isn't THAT bad because S1 left such a positive impression
People who point out the drop in quality get dogpiled by the shippers who have been riled into a frenzy by the pandering
Wait seriously? It's not too outlandish.
This season is doing great lmao
She gets her soulmate and lives in luxury. How is it dirty?
These niggers will do ANYTHING but give him the mohawk because the mohawk makes him less generically niggerly and we can't have that can we
I have zero faith after this season.
The only reason I'll watch it is because they showed Jinx feet, which means they'll probably show Briar feet
There'll be a lot of comparisons to the Palestine situation this week.
Literally comically stupid nation
This, I am very satisfied where things left off
imagine the amount of jayce's cum inside viktor's ass right now. the celestial sex must be nasty
Don't know if I want to see another hollywood kumbayah get together to win an unbeatable enemy type endings.
Jayvik scenes were kino and that's all that matters
randomly giving Mel magic so that she can not be totally useless (she is, outside of killing side characters no one cared about) in the final act
legitimately why not just have her die in Jinx's attack and serve as a motivator for Ambessa, is it just meta shit regarding broader Noxus and the Rose / Swain?
Singed, true to his self from LoL, just outruns all the consequences of his actions
that was the worst writing ive ever seen in my life.
Unironically yes. I'm satisfied with the payoff. The journey was rocky near the end but I'm happy with what we got
it's a bit dated
then again, fucking mel was walking around in a black jumpsuit half the time so idk, maybe they wanted to push that she's really old and inhuman
cool, now hang yourself fag
Correct and Ekkopilled
I knew we had no fighting chance but I still think it would've been cool for mel and jayce to be a thing after everything they went through.
only because they expected S1, who'd want to watch another shit after this catastrophe
anons pretending to like the ending so they don't have to admit they waited 3 years for slop
They diddled us, anons. admit it
Most Noxus champs are evil assholes or maniacs. They need to balance this shit out with another side just like they did the Piltover/Zaun thing.
Maybe Ionia.
So.... is all of Hextech deleted from existence now? No more Hextech?
Are Camille and Blitz deleted from lore?
Silco alive
targeted political violence and clever negotiations secures Zaunite independence with full assent of the Piltie council
Silco dies
Zauniggers actually volunteer to help fight for Pilties, get shit on, and are left with a single seat on the council
Hahahahah ok
They have a VU planned for her, but aren't ready to show it.
lolfag here
why is warwick looking so retarded?
Yeah but it has the main man DRRRAAAAAAAVVEEEEENNNN
god damn, Vi actually ate that pussy
Something something women in the refridgerators, anon
The raven at the end finds the gemstone in jayce's hammer
did you even watch the show?
Episode 7 is good because it has what the rest of Act 3 lacked.
It was the only episode that genuinely felt artistic instead of like mostly generic Marvel slop.
It was the only episode that felt like it had proper pacing and like it wasn't hideously rushed.
It was the only episode with tender and touching character moments that didn't feel forced or underwhelming.
To me, Episode 7 felt focused and passionate, whereas Episodes 8 and 9 felt rushed, slapdash and almost angry with the subject matter, as though the studio just wanted to get the whole project over and done with.
Please look forward to their LoL reworks.
It was bad because-- Because... it just is okay!!!
Ekko and Powder were absolutely adorable together and I am glad AU Ekko lived instead of getting us a miseryslop ending there too.
Too late already feels like I won, all I wanted was an ending where Jinx left.
get out of your bubble. It's very positively received. I'm not convinced we'll get another season this high budget, but if we do, people will flock to it.
Nigga they went full multiverse. Arcane is noncanon now
They're not pretending, it's brainbroken shippers who exist purely to play dolls with fictional characters. All they care about is when their favored pairings get screentime together, the rest of the show could just be a 2D sprite of Vanderwick saying "powdah" for 40 minutes on a loop and they wouldn't mind
Man episode 8 was absolute horseshit, except maybe the last bit which is just a setup for ep 9.
Awful dialogue, pacing and while I'm even the type of person that doesn't mind sex scenes even I felt it was forced.
They could just as easily do Frejlord. That's a setting already full of conflict not wholly unlike the whole Zaun/Piltover stuff.
Cait groomed her.
Because some retard on the team said that he needs an expressive face
Writers literally could not help but slip in that if Milo and Clagger were alive Clagger would have gay fuck-me eyes for Milo
Milo and Clagger were functionally brothers adopted by Vander
what the fuck is this season holy shit LMAO
Normies eat up slop, gush over the taste, ask for seconds
Many such cases
Season 2, get rid of the original writer and hire a shitty Young Adult novel writer for much cheaper
Egotists manage to push themselves to positions where they don't belong. They view it as a competition.
Helping others is a hive mind, btw
I apologize for giving you the benefit of the doubt, I should've been shitting on you from day 1
My friend hasnt watched s2 yet, how do I convince him not to?
disneytards said this shit for decade and end result is doom, hope you niggers burned alive
Season 2 is Vi's season
look inside
no Vi
??? did i watch the wrong show? she barely appears other than that forced lesbo sex scene
Can't wait for Annie to destroy Leblanc's academy for the lulz
Animation in episode 9 might be the best I've ever seen. If only the writing wasn't complete soulless fanfiction garbage, what could have been
and ambressa is surely dead, then how is she in league
my take is LoL is now Runeterran fantasy football league, you can conjure any champion past or present, dead or alive
Ambessa dead, not sure prob and the 3-eyed raven is 100% Swain escorting Mel back to Noxus
perhaps they revive Ambessa's fallen body with Mordekaiser type magic in the next show
is an option or just leave Ambessa dead and Mel the Medarda leader works too
Jinx uses a grenade to blow herself up with Warwick
The "no body found" copers are on suicide watch right now. She's FUCKING DEAD.
you can hear the moans and plaps reverberate throughout time and space.
thing starts good and keeps getting better
introduce time travel/multiverse bullshit at the end
creativity is dead, its the same fucking slop, marvel ruined cinema
Fuck this was trash. Im going to sleep. Badnight fucking whores.
Something something women in the refridgerators, anon
Sad Isha noise...
This one here is the single most grounded scene in the entire season 2. Where they show that those things are actually massive and heavy but that magic made them basically float or weight less.
Hextech isn't gone but considering they'll focus on other regions next the chances that Camille and Blitz will appear are next to zero.
Good I hope she's fucking dead so they can't ruin her any more
ekkonogposter never gets (you)
based Anon Babble, how delightful
I didn't understand what happened to Viktor and Jayce. Do I need to play the game to know?
WW shielded Jinx's little body from the explosion with his bulk. And then cushioned her from the fall once they hit the bottom. And then dragged her to his cave in the mines and plaps her and knots her and fills her with litters of his pups for the rest of time
That's no Warwick. It's some weird hextech Galio.
so can we all admit that maddie cuck memes were fucking lame?
It's not a good look. They truly have the worst fucking timing for their you gotta turn the other cheek messaging.
The BLM protests were fresh on people's minds when S1 came out. The Palestinian Genocide played out when S2 aired. Lesbians winning can't cover the stink of the show's politics.
It's an amorphous, gender-ambiguous child, nobody gives a shit
I don't mind Jinx "dying" but Warwick randomly coming back to life was a really dumb way to do it
Because Fortiche are incompetent that animating animals, and can't into wolf snouts. Or perhaps it's just laziness.
Jinx pulls out a grenade
we dont see her pull the pin
camera cuts away then cuts back to an explosion
cait notices air ducts exactly where the explosion was
Youd have to be a retard to think she died
Exactly. Cait's grinning cause she's finally gone and turned to powder. Now she can finally have Vi all to herself.
Remember that every League match is now just a "What If" scenario. They did away with all the old Rift lore.
Feel however you like, was just combatting the narrative that this season flopped
The two highest grossing movies of the year are Disney owned xd, you even have troons beat with your amount of delusions
They’d probably make Riven the main character.
Maybe a subplot about Katarina and her Demacian bf.
Timebomb is a based ship
lol is just a holy grail war
so fucking true
right, should have said disneystarwarstards whatever it is
Katarina and her Demacian bf.
Bro they'd cuck Garen so hard shut up
pretty much, yeah.
She's alive
no, she's immortal. Mel just stopped her from taking over Ambessa's body or whatever she was going to do to her
LB probably reappears in future shows
They’re all going to be gay as fuck and you know it.
Even Swain will probably take it up the ass.
Fortiche can't animate wolf snouts apparently. That's so stupid.
CaitVI status: LEZZED
JayVik status: POZZED
EkkoJinx status: BLACKED
The two highest grossing movies of the year are Disney owned
And how many expensive flops do they have in the same time-frame? Disney is dead because they disobeyed Walt's antisemitic wishes; to never have kikes on the board.
listen to Silco's self-establishment speech
*kills herself*
What on earth is the reason for the existence of that scene?
Entire series ends not once giving a reason for Warwick to be named Warwick
Really makes no sense for them to call him Warwick in the subtitles when everyone who watches that doesn't play league only know him as Vander.
Imagine using Maddie's still-warm body right after the fighting ends
You Just Know some Zaunite thugs dragged her off into a dark corner the moment the shooting stopped
Cait probably had to panic for 24-48 hours when people reported Maddie's corpse was missing, thinking maybe it was a fake and there's an infiltrator loose
Imagine her relief when an enforcer finally reports they found Maddie's body ten miles away from the place of her death, stripped naked and all holes gaped
gay love literally saves the day
still can't believe. i love winning
Literally everyone thought he was gonna be the 1st one to die lol
So did Jayce and Viktor just go poof into nothingness?
They’ll probably come back at some point right?
what was her problem
another bear/twink couple
Fortiche did you know some bears like bears and some twinks like twinks? >the cycle ends when you walk away
No it doesn't lmao lol you will be kept in chains until you kill your jailer
A majority of Season 2 doesn't have a reason for existing.
silco tells Jinx that she can "walk away"
Jinx does literally that and flies away in an airship at the end
You cannot be this stupid, anon.
I'm kinda excited ngl, they teased it so hard that I can't get it down now
I just wanna see him and LB do the nasty
To cause Jinx suffering
I'm sorry for doubting the leakers. I don't respect you, but I'm sorry.
We fucking finally saw a female goat.
All the characters who died in the show find themselves using Summoner’s Rift.
Turns out the actual LoL game is the afterlife, an endless series of battles against each other as commanded by toxic rude Summoners, truly the worst form of hell.
probably went to another universe? tho since they're the arcane now i guess they must be like gods just traveling together
Save Vi so you're 'even'
Fake your death so you can leave that shithole town behind
I think that was the point
im gonna be real, S2 was pure dogshit
S1 did not deserve this
i used to hope theyd make more shit but after this stunt i hope i never see a fucking thing from them again
I enjoy yuri, but not at the expense of plot. When it comes to Caitvi I wanted a well-written kino romance that would be entangled with the main plot. Not this rushed shit we got in this season. Season 1 handled their relationship so much better.
Ambessa's sex slave
fucks Cait
probably fucks Ambessa
her problem is she gets too much pussy
"In the AU Silco and Vander are still alive"
"Ok let's make them a gay couple"
"In the AU Claggor and Milo are still alive"
"Let's make Milo a useless flirt and bad with women an-"
"Uhhh isn't that homophobic?"
"-d so he's left with Claggor"
Big W for goat furry lovers
I've been a ba-a-a-a-ad girl
do not want to sound like im coping and sorry for cross board posting but she might be alive
best parts:
-ekko and heimer
-jinx and that little bit of silco
the rest was shit
Conversely, Lesbian love ruins everything, kills sister
You can't make this shit up.
If Maddie and Jinx were gonna die anyway they should've been raped to death by Noxian troops or those two-headed wolves Singed found
this shit was so rushed it felt like i watched the highlights of 5 seasons packed in one.
Another episode of "Any warm interaction between men means they are gay"
Same people who ask why men arent open with their feelings, why they dont compliment each-other and why male suicide is so high BTW lmao
You are either a stoic lonely rock or you are called a fag
Always remember that you can simply walk away
YES our LIFELONG fight for freedom will be lost and result in having a Token Zaunite on the council still led by rabid Anti-Zaunite capitalists
YES poison will still be pumped into our air and water
YES our children will grow up deformed
What did they mean by this
nigro what fucking relationship? the problem with arcane is that there were too many stories to be told at once, jinx/vi/caitlyn could've had a whole show about it without focusing on hextech stuff. Their relationship, which was the purpose of the characters being released in league, should've had waaaaaay more attention than s1 and s2
RIP Heimerdinger
This arc was good! I feel bad for all the leakfags.
Can someone explain how Vi dying causes the socio-economic, political, military and even infrastructural imbalance between Piltover and Zaun(which has lasted for multiple generations at this point) to get fixed?
Powder probably rides Ekko into a shrivelled-up husk every single night.
he just skipped E09 intro
fucking retard
Where is the reaction videos
you don't understand we couldn't spend more time on the piltover zaun conflict because we needed more music videos
Such a waste. We never even learn why she betrayed Cait. At what point she became loyal to Ambessa? Who knows. Waste of screentime anyway.
And it mostly existed wholly within just one act in Season 1.
At least Sevika didn't fucking die I guess. Although they did murder her character
everyone thought the leaks were fake because there was no mel
reality is her scenes were so boring no one bothered to leak them
can't make this up
Nigga he's in Yordle City right now
He was the Silco of this season.
Season one writers understood revolutionary struggle for nationalistic goals, season two writers do not, at all.
who's powder?
Considering the other bullshit going on, Powder in the AU is probably aroace transbian and insists on calling her relationship with Ekko a platonic nonpenetrative situationship.
So why did they make Jinx's death so ambiguous? Either confirm it or show her fucking off in the end.
Why all this "is she or isn’t she?" bullshit?
Just look at how bad she fucks everything up in season 1.
Jayce and Viktor spirits merge together and become Varus - the gay lovers residing inside a Darkin archer
It's not bad. It's disappointing.
They crammed too much into too few episodes. It is disconnected. I get the urge to do most things the writers did; aside from the kumbayah "Zaun joining the Pilties" bs. There wasn't time to set up stakes, and the multiverse already took most of those away.
Viktor's character was betrayed. Can't be the cool cyborg doctor when every poverty ridden drug mule has cybernetics. They felt like they had to take it elsewhere. Unfortunately.. it was the
They animated the WW kino. They must have been ordered to not do that this time around.
It just works, I guess. Vi is literally the Jinx here.
It would anger the Jinx mains.
The godawful haircut certainly supports this theory
Season 3 hook if Riot throws money at Fortiche again.
Another lesbian to add to a list of on screen dead lesbians
responding to blatant bait
come the fuck on how pathetic can you get
it's my fault for trusting the french and netflix
What was the line Amanda said would make us go: “Oh, I get it”?
To not offend Ekko-fans.
Americans can't write black female characters for shit.
No it doesn't lmao lol you will be kept in chains until you kill your jailer
It did for Jinx. The entire show keeps trying to show you how the cycle of hatred between Silco/Vander, Vi/Jinx and even Piltover/Zaun repeats itself mroe out of inertia than actual hatred. Even the Piltover council was ready to give Zaun independence without a fight until another part of the past derailed it and continued the cycle. Vander's letter to Silco not being read is also another part of it.
You're free to think otherwise but the show is consistent in presenting what it wants.
Yeah it's weird. Maybe Ella Purnell demanded a pay raise for future appearances but Riot declined so they "killed" her character. Other Powder/Jinx in the future will be voiced by a different person.
And how many expensive flops do they have in the same time-frame
Don't know, you tell me, retard. All I know is that they earned 3 billion dollars off two movies in 2024, does it have to be 4 billion? 5 billion? I don't know what kind copium you have to be huffing to think near-monopoly disney isn't making ghastly amounts of money. Worst case scenario they just axe the studios under them that are under performing.
Friendly reminder that episode 9 made a billion
Friendly reminder that Captain Marvel made a billion. Your culture war shit is meaningless, you just got warped by your youtube algorithm and unfettered internet access.
Look at LeBlanc’s lore
Geez, now this is silly just how deep her involvement is with the entire League universe
Jinx dies and doesnt even get acknowledged at all
it is heavily implied she's on the airship leaving Piltover behind. c'mon use your brain, they picked a Powder call back to s1e1 for a very specific reason
hey guys what if we made caitlyn's dictator arc 3 episodes long and redemeed her by calling her a cupcake?
yeah, sure
"Media literacy" is the new phrase retards have co opted to try to dunk on people they don't agree with
Don't blame this on the French, their job was animating and they did a good job on that. Animation and the Singed subplot was the only things that stayed good through this shitshow of a season.
If anything, feel pity for them having to waste their talents on this young adult novel slop.
Mel kills Ambessa. Leaker also thought jinx died. Leaker was just vague and shite desu.
fuck i forgot im not in the Anon Babble thread, just take a look at powder's first line on the show and youll see
Never have children.
If Orianna is alive, that means Viktor is still around, right?
don't have netflix
awkwardly waiting for torrents as everything crashes down around me
Season 1
Season 2
Cringe Kino
Men shouldn't care if other people think they're gay. If that's keeping them from being close to their friends, that sounds like a skill issue.
First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.
Probably “you can walk away”
that bs she said to jinx that she gave up on killing her cause she was starting to hate herself, desu the whole jinx/vi/cait conflict is literally dead, its impossible to even exist anymore
Just finished
Silco hears how one of his old friends daughters died horribly
feels bad, maybe finds that note
reconciled with Vander
turns out the two of them working together managed to fix things
main universe Heimerdinger also decided to fix the imbalance between the two cities since he appeared a few years earlier than Ekko did
Later we will talk about the tremendous ending they gave us... I don't have simple words
Maybe? Warwick and Orianna were still active even after Viktor vanished, unlike the other husks.
KWAB. Waiting for torrents? I literally watched all episodes on Twitch.
the world is better for everyone if Vi dies
What did they mean by this?
Orianna design is kino
Why she looks like a kid?
Enjoy raising a quitter
Vi dies
I guess no one gets in trouble for the explosion
Vander stays running the lanes
Silco makes up with him eventually
They work together to improve Zaun and I guess Powder grows up to help with that
It's a bad show
Torrent has been up since Act 3 was released though
The magic rocks don’t get stolen meaning the undercity and it's hierarchy don’t get destabilized by topside through high enforcer pressure.
Silco doesn’t accelerate his plans and stays put so he might end up finding Vander's letter and forgives him.
They work together for a better future through diplomacy like they always should’ve.
Most likely Viktor's gift to the Doctor.
I'd rather let them be their own person rather than force my goals and regrets on them.
The problem is why they didn't just make it 3 seasons while you head up sequel in final chapter?
This will reek of pseud but the worst part of this season is being the only member of my friends group who catches on to things degenerating into a mess. My main group chat is already full of NPC-tier
omg it's sooo romantic
retarding the Cait + Vi scene at the end.
This missed me off so much. They made Jayce's inspiration for hextech into a fucking time loop.
the mage who looks nothing like Viktor's fucked up body inspired Jayce to pursue hextech
but hextech is actually really dangerous, which future Viktor aka the mage would have known about
Viktor inspires Jayce to create Hextech only to then tell Jayce to destroy hextech and kill the then current Viktor only to jump backwards and time and now hextech is good again
Make up your fucking mind you stupid crippled man.
Jayce's new research is probably banned in advance by Hiemerdinger. He has good reason aside from his future knowledge, that being VI's death.
kek they never even said his name did they?
Loris at least got a shout out before he got merc'd
Because the french are based. Way too many 20-somethings in LoL. It's time for a robo-hebe
why didnt jayce's mom appear at all in season 2
pls don't have revenge on us
t. increasingly nervous jewish writers
The undercity was already getting shit on by Piltover BEFORE the explosion and BEFORE hextech
derp, didn't see them due to too many results. Cheers
because she is?
Doing this when your sister has just basically spelled out she's gonna off herself is fucking insane, idk how Vifags recover from this level of character assassination, she doesn't even try to look for her or anything, it's fucking ridiculous
The problem is why they didn't just make it 3 seasons while you head up sequel in final chapter?
Because Riot is firing everyone in favor of AIslop. I won't be surprised if Season 2 was written by ChatGPT
shit was at the end for the funeral thing
they will like it, the animation is still good so s2 will have a really high rating. What lesbian couple will be the next in riot list?
Viktor disappears
All the Viktorbots die
Singed's daughter still alive somehow
heimer on the banjo was not on my bingo card but I want the song
But what about Noxus? Their entire thing is conquering the world
Surely LeBlanc and the Black Rose won’t have some backup plan
last scene has Cait inspecting the schematics of the tower while playing with one of Jinx's old monkey bombs
she pauses on the air ducts with a smirk
Jinx survived
how long do you think maddie spent thinking about this one liner
i am French and WE LOVE Timebomb here.
Get fucked.
Anyone mind explaining me how Viktor became a dimension hopping time traveler? This is the one part of the arc that sucked the most cock.
Also, I'm glad Riot opted to have main character deaths. Best choice for making an actually good story.
Honestly the worst part about this final arc is that VI has no tits. Her chest unironically looks like an MTF.
Crucify all caitvi fags
Burn all caitvi fags
Kill all caitvi fags
Cut out their uterus & balls before shoving it in their eyes
Optimus out
Anyone mind explaining me how Viktor became a dimension hopping time traveler?
Archon invasion because he merged with the hexcore.
Based FrenchCHAD
Singed is a professional motherfucker
i am French
Go back to Africa
even Piltover/Zaun repeats itself mroe out of inertia than actual hatred.
No it fucking doesn't. Hatred was never driving the exploitation, that's a complete, wilfully ignorant misunderstanding of how and why exploitation and underdevelopment occurs.
Singed foresaw or noticed Viktor's method was just hiveminding
Between all the events happening, managed to find the time to reverse-engineer Viktor's brand of tech, WITHOUT using hextech
At some point during the final battle while all the bullshit was going on upstairs, Singed was cooking chems downstairs
He can't keep getting away with it
hey jinx i know you killed my mom and drove me to becoming a dictator BUT your sister is so hot that i forgive you
hahaha she's alive how silly is she
Its dumb, the smirk was fucking dumb
Riot writers were too over ambitious. They could've kept it simple and vague. Dropping bits and pieces of world building every season. But what they did is literally blew their load in season 2. Even if they make another League story there are no stakes anymore because you know it can be undone and there are multiverses intersecting each other with no side effects.
Jinx aint dead. We know Jinx travels through regions. This series was about the sisters and how their relationship ended. Now Jinx will finally be able to be insane next seasons.
Based. This means more content fag, eat the slop and enjoy it.
I hope french get nuked in the future
Consider the following:
Yes French people love black cock we know.
Sorry chuddy, the current Hollywood cultural hegemony is incapable of imagining a butch dyke who isn't a flat-chested muscle hound
...or North America, South-America, the Carribeans, Oceania... Pick your poison.
ITT we pretend that Piltover Zaun relations didn't improve drastically with hextech getting phased out, Zaunite seat on the council, head of piltover militia in bed with a zaunite, and greatly heightened camaraderie because of the Noxus invasion.
The most annoying thing about doomfagging is when people take it too far and start making retarded criticisms where it isn't due.
Based. Ekko finally got some after a whole decade of foreshadowing. Lets go rito!!!
So epidose 7 implies that AU jinx has the other hex crystals and will build her own time machine to save AU vi
The end of episode 9 shows cait looking at blueprints and showing possible escape routes for jinx/vanwick to survive
Hope or cope?
Heimer has been there for like 2+ years
Same with Warwick. Why was Warwick still alive.
In the games he literally gets away from helping Noxus in gassing Ionia (aka fantasy Japan)
This was HOT
that's exactly what Caitlyn was doing. looking for the body, which was never found and like a lil sneak Cait doesn't seem to tell Vi? left ambiguous
then again it's not Cait's fault if Jinx slipped away, she kinda tried looking ig
I am afraid she is for black men only
im still pissed that maddie exists, why the FUCK did ep. 4 exists if this is what they were aiming for? is it literally to show how fucking big of a simp Vi is?
Closer to 4.
they are retards jinx was never dead
The real answer is the Heimerdinger with a new outlook on the relations between topside and undercity was there to smooth everything out because his head wasn't buried in the sand this time.
Basically everything is in OGverse Heimerdinger's fault for being a shit leader
? So the Viktor that caused the apocalypse went back and time and dimensioned hopped to save himself by helping jayce? Retarded.
This is the last season with Zaun & Piltover. No more of these characters.
martian queen my beloved
Noxus militia
invited in by Pilties
Zaun NEEDS independence. They're now incorporated into a broken system destined to oppress them regardless.
you can still save Legends of Runeterra
if you buy the battlepass and the champion bundles
you just KNOW ekko is fucking jinx with his massive BBC right now
and like a lil sneak Cait doesn't seem to tell Vi?
An anon pointed out that without concrete information it's nothing more than false hope which would be a fucked up thing to do to someone who lost not just one but 2 family members.
samefagging this hard
least cringe ekkonogspammer
Ekko: Maybe its all about finding someone to build a better world with....
Jinx: way ahead of you, faggot
literally leaves "little man" behind
Me when the writers said oppression is ended by walking away
Does it imply that? I thought it was as simple as Powder refusing to make use of the hextech crystals because of the trauma that they put her through, meaning that the potential for hextech is there, but she's got it locked away.
Jinx needed everyone to think she died so she could 'walk away' from Zaun and the cycle of violence.
Never said piltover was good.
Shut up silco
you mean she became star guardian
captain kiramman
At the start of season 1, Piltover didn't have hextech and Zaun was only beginning to develop Shimmer
Silco pushed Piltover to accept Zaun's independence at the end of season 1
Now Zaun is still under Piltover's rule except Zaun got to have a single vote on the council AKA they're gonna get outvoted on anything. And they don't have Shimmer anymore now that Singed has sold his services to Noxus instead. Jinx is gone too so they don't have a pocket terrorist either. All the political leverage Silco had is completely gone
It's Vi wearing enforcer clothes, not Caitlyn in undercity duds
In 5-10 years we'll be back to Enforcers cracking Zaunite skulls on the pavement
i want to see them having gay space sex i want to see jayce pound that god damn twink ass
Jinx or Lux?
Ekko niggers are so cringe
Why did they bother making Caitlyn Hitler when it didn't matter
Why did they introduce the concept of Jinx being a symbol of Zaun independence when that never gets brought up again after its introduction
Why did Noxus need a full frontal assault on Piltover when Viktor just walked into the Hexgate room single-handedly anyway
Why did Viktor try to laser Jayce's head off when he wanted to evolve him
Why did all the glorious evolution organobot people die with Viktor except for Warwick
Why did Noxus, in a victory so complete they were standing at parade stance, not notice a Zaunite army
Why did Isha have to exist to give Jinx a reason to be suicidally depressed when she has 3 dead parental figures and an estranged possible-sistercidal sister to justify those already
Why did they only give a dialogue-less shot of Sevika as a Councilor to wrap up the Piltover-Zaun storyline when that storyline was about 50% of S1
Why didn't anyone ever bring up that all the Councilors in S2 died or went missing extremely quickly under different circumstances. Nobody even says that the black chick with the neck gear was the only one still there
Why did they revert Mel to being a Noxian heiress when she very clearly dedicated herself to piltover in season 1
Why did they have that scene of Mel going into Leblanc's retarded red void to do something (?) if Ambessa just died anyway
Why didn't the Noxians help Ambessa when it clearly wasn't some kind of honorable duel
Why did Jayce only try shutting down the hexgate during the attack when he clearly had a ton of time to do so beforehand
Why are there so many shots of the main characters eating hexcore/void addled food
Why did they spend so much time on Sevika's new arm when it is never used again once
Why does Ambessa not die in situations where she should 100% be killed like 4 times in one season
Why did Leblanc think it was a good idea to try and recruit Mel in the same conversation that she smugly says she murdered Mel's beloved brother
only saving grace of the 2nd season
i like how he doesn't even bother to show up to the final battle
How long till Riot makes Arcane noncanon due to the backlash? Will they attempt another show with new writers?
She left those she loves behind to not hurt them :(
Sevika could just as easily be the Zaunite ambassador to Piltover instead of a councillor
i like ep7 only cause ekko cucked his AU self
jinx moves her horny ass up to rape Lux
ekkonoggers coping seething malding dilate
LOL, at least they didn't shit up one thing
Oh my god guys!
Go look up the death scene right now, when the bombs explodes you can see a pink shimmer flash escape the blue cloud of the bomb
Ruins your show (by making everything else look worse by comparison)
How does he do it?
I wished she used her human form, but then again this portrays her actual threat level as an immortal schemer
She had huge chunks under her bed because of it killing Vi, but her time with Ekko and Heimer no doubt opened her up to the potential that hextech has.
can someone explain how Vi dying stopped hextech from being created? I can see Jayce getting sent to jail for his experiments leading to a death, even if it was the death of a young theif. But surely Victor would have still seen the potential of hextech.
No bro you don’t get it bro, it’s a GOOD thing that Noxus is still an exploited vassal state
We gave you one whole seat on the Council, isn’t that good enough?
Our Sheriff has a House-Zaunite that she parades around sometimes who is literally described as dirt under her nails
Who invited the Noxians in the first place? Ahhh… ummm… look we need to move forward and walk away!
jinx is a mastermind who tricked everyone into thinking she changed just so she could escape freely
He literally got on everyone's way and ruined every other character's life in some way.
Ekko is not only an amazing inventor, master of deducing, math whizz but he's also a talented painter
You retards can cope all you want, but ekko liking jinx was teased a long time ago.
Will you watch their next show with Amanda being the lead writer?
after the show makes it clear she like Ekko with him even saving her life
two celestial bodies getting it on.
Stop noticing things. The lesbian couple got together and the fujos got thrown a bone with Jayce and Viktor. Progressivism and the right side of herstory WON.
Nothing good will come off her being around Vi while she's in a relationship with Caitlyn.
She'll go somewhere else but we’ll probably won't see her in the next setting.
It’s a multiverse. That means it being canon will not negatively affect the game
Why is Viktor evil for no reason what the fuck
Btw, when Jinx "exploded" there was the colors things. Arent those the fake explosions?
Caitlyn finds part of the explosive that nu-Jinx used to kill BeastWick, but there's no body at the bottom of the hexgate tower.
She's examining the blueprints to see where Jinx might have gone, implied she's on the airship leaving Piltover
WWbros got fkd the worst cause he prob dead ig? Vander's mind for sure is
Drawing up schematics means being good at drawing
"Let it rot" is a massive movement in China. Just ghost the entire system if you can't revolt.
Most western countries are seeing the same thing, since rioting doesn't work, and none are willing to pull the trigger on politicians yet.
The Noxians all left though.
Besides, Ambessa invited herself in. No one in the council did.
Le hexagonal core man
the exploitation
The exploitation that Piltover doesn't even know it's doing. They just see Zaun as a slum, there's no hatred.
It's very obvious if you just observe how Heimerdinger and the other council members talks in S1.
Can you imagine a world without Vi?
One sided liking =/= retconning characters to have them fully revolve around one another
Nah not interested in the brain vomit of a multiverse enjoying subhuman woman of the chosen ones
So how many Noxian and Ionian characters will be gay in the next show?
At least half right?
Why isn't Cait going after him? She knows where his lab is but he's just chilling there with Orianna. Asshole's not distressed or on the run or anything
Even they hate it
Oh boy!
worse they come back as Varus
no one cares faggot, jinx still manipulated him and escaped
Timebomb got an on-screen kiss.
I don't think lightcannon can compete with that.
Arcane S3 happened
it's all Lux scissoring Jinx for next 3 arcs
seething vicuck trannies can't even spam ekko thanks to it's Demacia
Ahhhhhh /ourgirl/ finna be happy
Correct he's also a good sculptor as he's sculpting his own masks.
he's with the noxians and not producing shimmer in zaun anymore
CaitVi wins but do they really with that sex scene KEK
there's gonna be so many memes of that goin downtown part
Liberal democracy realism is a hell of a drug
Why Vi and Cait did not change clothes, I mean, cmon writers that's lazy? Lol
Ok now, am I the only one that thinks that the end sucked?
All that war for nothing... and alot of plot hole's left unexplained.
The second season was all over the
place and was squeezed and packed in a tuna can.
It was a bit disappointed for me.
He isn't evil
His goal is to avoid pain and strife and contradictions in the world, but unfortunately that would also mean that you'd have to remove the humanity from it, rendering it into an emotionless wasteland
Wasn't evil. He wanted everyone to be perfect. Did you not watch ep9?
Do you not think that the reason they never got official is because she was insane? You guys are retarded. Look at their childhood fight. I hate BBC shills like everyone else but this one isn't forced.
As if Jinx cares for Ekko "I only need seconds" Little Man
Vander's mind for sure is
why would Warwick fags care about Vander? WW is now a cool werewolf monster with no gay feelings and shit
not mentioning the world without vi is canonically utopia, someone in writers really hate vi, lol, they just went full in damage control
Faggots I fucking told you Jinx was still insane and schizo. She played everyone.
Actually after the explosion weakened him Jinx subdued him using her shimmer-boosted tard strength and wrangled him onto the airship with her. Unfortunately for her, this time he will finally mutate into Warwick instead of their weird anthro furry Vanderwick we've been forced to look at all season. When IT wakes up, its first instinct is to rut. Jinx gets bowled over and fucked into the bulkheads and knotted and bred repeatedly while their airship blows off course. They'll never be found again.
Now Zaun is still under Piltover's rule
Just like literally everyone else on the COuncil if they don't agree with the majority? Can you point me to anything that states that Zaun alone is as populous as all of Piltover? You'd have a point about only having a single seat if the representation is inadequate for the population.
c'mon anon, they imply she left Piltover on the airship. get a grip
who was the one enforcer who kept getting focus in the final battle, the guy who shot the cannon?
Holy shit the visuals, this was god tier
They crammed lots of stuff together for a hollywood fake kumbayah ending.
World without Jayce too; a world where Heimer fixes his mistakes.
No reason to kill her out of everyone there too. It just had to be one of the kids to die for Jayce to get his research canceled.
Ekko Chronobreaking constantly to turn seconds into hours
No the reason they never got official is because the guy who made Ekko tried to make his shitty character more popular by attaching him to an existing popular character and there was obviously internal resistance to that idea until they let a retarded shipper write their 1/4 billion dollar show
Ekko has impregnated Jinx's fertile womb with his nubian seed. Jinx is pregnant with Ekko's child.
Why did Isha die, literally no reason
For him, but the other party only gets the seconds.
I'm sorry but this was so fucking hot, Cait was so hot
I kneel Amanda
evil smile
what the FUCK was maddie's problem
this nigger watches 140p or some shit
poor one out for my nigga loris
Why did a stupid kid do a stupid thing
One of the great mysteries of the world.
So time travel is like your consciousness going back in time and overtaking your old self?
didnt see lest again
Idk if you're ESL or retarded or both, so let me put it in the universal language of the greentext
Zaun ruled by Piltover
Piltover's council is 100% Piltoverians
Piltover's council can vote on things that affect Zaun
Piltoverians vote for policies that benefit them and keep Zaun an impoverished and oppressed source of low-wage labor and exploitation
Zaun ruled by Piltover
Piltover's council is 90% Piltoverians
Piltover's council can vote on things that affect Zaun
Piltoverians vote for policies that benefit them and keep Zaun an impoverished and oppressed source of low-wage labor and exploitation
Why did they introduce the concept of Jinx being a symbol of Zaun independence when that never gets brought up again after its introduction
She rallies zaun in the final battle
Why did Noxus need a full frontal assault on Piltover when Viktor just walked into the Hexgate room single-handedly anyway
Magic shit, no one really knows wtf Viktor does or is capable of
Why did Viktor try to laser Jayce's head off when he wanted to evolve him
He didn't.
Why did all the glorious evolution organobot people die with Viktor except for Warwick
Singed fuckshit. The mutation must survive.
Why did Noxus, in a victory so complete they were standing at parade stance, not notice a Zaunite army
Same reason that no one noticed the noxian army roll up to viktor's cult camp
Why did Isha have to exist to give Jinx a reason to be suicidally depressed when she has 3 dead parental figures and an estranged possible-sistercidal sister to justify those already
Time wasting
Why did they only give a dialogue-less shot of Sevika as a Councilor to wrap up the Piltover-Zaun storyline when that storyline was about 50% of S1
The final battle and leading up to was also about Piltover-Zaun relations
Why didn't anyone ever bring up that all the Councilors in S2 died or went missing extremely quickly under different circumstances. Nobody even says that the black chick with the neck gear was the only one still there
Because it was wartime under kiramman banners
Why did they revert Mel to being a Noxian heiress when she very clearly dedicated herself to piltover in season 1
Something something leblanc bad
Why didn't the Noxians help Ambessa when it clearly wasn't some kind of honorable duel
Why wasn't it? She could've simply commanded help.
Why are there so many shots of the main characters eating hexcore/void addled food
Why does Ambessa not die in situations where she should 100% be killed like 4 times in one season
Same reason it happens for everyone else
Lmao, that was actually kino. Jinx escapes in the white plane thingy she said she'd ride one day. So what region do you think she's traveling to?
Vi chose Jinx you dumbasses
I assume you don't play League so you probably don't know this but Riot has asked players who they ship Jinx with. And since they've gone ahead with the Timebomb kiss you can guess who won the popular vote.
I don't get it
27 Hours to write the last line of the show
So now you're just gonna make this shit up? Look at Ezreal. Its literally Riot ezreal's self insert and he made himself simp over lux. And you think Riot would stop ekko from doing more? Why? Unbelievable.
The exploitation that Piltover doesn't even know it's doing.
Every exploiter knows exactly what they're doing. They can pretend it's because the poors don't pull them up by their bootstraps, but the ruling class is always quick to use thugs to put any dissenters in their place, to lobby for looser workplace safety regulations, to union bust, to pollute freely, to pay its workers as little as they can get away with.
You cannot walk away from that. The ruling class don't hate you, but they don't see you as fully human either. And they never will because it would mean giving up their palaces. Only under the threat of force have people ever won any lick of freedom.
The utopia thing also doesn’t solve the Noxus problem. How does stopping the Hextech research lead to utopia when there’s a warmongering country led by an Illuminati headed by an immortal shadow lady nearby?
This ain't real life bitch it's a story and things happen for a reason in them which makes them fun to watch. Isha blew herself up to save Jinx but Jinx an heroed anyway
Jinx is made for Ekko's BBC
She is traveling to demacia where she will fuck lux
Vi chose jinx
thats why when Jinx left and said "you should be happy with her" she ran away to find Jinx!
Stop fucking coping bro, Vi choose Caitlyn
this thread
Sex with Jinx
Rutting, fucking, seeding, breeding
Pregnant Jinx walking around with a big belly
Jinx complaining about the weight of her swollen milky C-cups
Extra-hormonal Jinx constantly begging for sex and insisting it's not going to bother the baby if you do it gentle
viktor too, actual drooling mutant retards making these designs
Back to Piltover probably. Just laying low for a little while I guess.
You cannot walk away from that.
A lone man can't, but millions and billions can.
Gandhi's revolution was a major success in terms for freeing a nation from colonial powers.
Now, India might have been better off being ruled by the white man, but that's another topic.
you could have saved her
I thought I'd hate the AU Episode but it was my favorite. Slow paced so the characters actually got to talk to each other I feel like that's been missing this whole season.
xhe thinks chinks gonna consoom bmwf
this website has broken your brain
gtfo gooncave
So Caitlyn kinda let Jinx escape, I dod not get that part, anyone can explain?
Magic shit, no one really knows wtf Viktor does or is capable of
Also, a distraction. At no point did they show that Jayce had armed escorts. If Noxus left Viktor to do his own thing without that whole dog and pony show Piltover could have thrown manpower to assist Jayce in shutting the thing down.
He's ment for gay furries to enjoy. Sorry straight man.
Not everything can be a happy soap opera where nothing ever happens.
the only good episode is the AU one§
funny how caitlyn had a more meaningfull conversation with jinx than Vi
Lux is busy getting her teenage holes piped by a 60 year old Noxian Grand General.
Tipping your hand, sissy.
none are willing to pull the trigger on politicians yet.
Except japan
Shinzo I hope you're rotting as a worm in this life
India didn't "walk away" from the British Empire. What the fuck are you saying? Did you finish high school?
all these vicuck seething
she gave up on killing Jinx because she loves Vi more and she doesn't like to prioritize revenge over peace
Benzo's shop had masks
India didn't "walk away" from the British Empire.
It pretty much did.
Jayce abandons his hextech research at the scene of the explosion where a starving Zaunite girl is killed, her little sister weeping beside her
it's shown that Powder kept the hex rocks from that day in Vi's shrine so Jayce never gets a chance to turn them into stable hex gems
that's just a side-detail but mostly Jayce just thinks his work is too dangerous to pursue so he stops
Wow that means hes also fucking with morgana.
Don't be a retarded. Read the lore, Lux doesn't even know his real name. Its one sided moron.
buildup their fight for the entire arc
there is actually no fight
fuck you too
And Vander's bar had beer.
Well whatever you say anon.
She literally left Piltover dumb bitch. Next series' region can't be Zaun or Piltie since they said they'll focus on other regions. Jinx is going somewhere else which will be the focus of next series.
Nigger eradication in Chinese movie posters is the funniest shit ever. You KNOW the original Western publishers and studios and shit sign off on those posters. They themselves know it's le racisme or whatever but the chinabuxx are too good so they sigh and order the intern to photoshop the nigger out. Then they cope by having their PR guy post a #BLM on their official Twitter account when the appropriate month arrives. It's so hollow it's incredible.
Concession accepted
Pretty clear AU was written by original writers but definitely for a later season.
i want to have sexual relations with amanda overton wherein she is the aggressor
You think the India's decolonization was non-violent? Who was your history teacher I need to slap them
jinx go to fuck the shit out of Lux
vicucks in damage control
They had space sex which was unironically way better
lmao walter jr looking ass
the ingame cyborg version is SO MUCH better and theyre gonna ruin it with this shit
jinx literally saved her life and pilties, jinx did nothing wrong and deserves freedom.
Cait is number 1? lol yeah that eyepatch is gonna have a lot of backlash.
Jinx gets the best ending, Silco shows her how to break free from the cycle he couldn't
any screencappies of Vik mask upclose?
I didn't know she was there. It wouldn't have made a difference but I didn't know
How could she not have known
I don't like CaitVi either but I somewhat liked how sentimental and bold this scene was. It's blowing my mind that we have a full frontal sex scene displaying women with their tits hanging out without any of the harsh censorship in between them. Not even fucking most videogames like TLOU2 could've gotten away with this. Hell I don't see ANY WESTERN ANIMATED PRODUCTION getting a way with this in current year.
I still remember the S1 threads, how badly we all wanted more.
Reminder to never get excited for anything.
Can't wait till they add a Batman Returns-tier patch where we see the back of Jinx's head in the ending.
Lee Sin
Master Yi
ourgirl jinx surely luck as hell
she gets even better waifu than ugly bong in the end
At the end of the day, Timebomb won, that's what matters.
best character
maybe they will give us traditional viktor as a release skin
Not at all. Ekko & Jinx being official and hinted is perfectly in character.
Ezreal and Lux will not live happily ever after.
Image whatever you want.
Discord ass spoilers
If your point wasn't so poignant, I'd tell you to kill yourself, faggot.
I want the uncensored version
Full frontal
not even a single exposed tit
Even HBO was more adult with this stuff when they did Gen Lock.
Amerimutt education unironically
Back in HS we learned that Gandhi's peace marches made people sympathetic to him and raised awareness and that's why India was freed
Basically the same terminology we use today for useless protests. Raising awareness
Ummmmm sorry Anglo chuddy did you know you're actually OPPRESSING us when you loot our subcontinent?
Oh my goodness my dear sir in the century of British rule I didn't realize we were here for exploitation!
College is a meme but if I hadn't gone and taken some non-CivEng courses out of curiosity I'd still think the above probably
I mean sure, if that's the adventure you want for them, it's left open-end on purpose
You missed Udyr, hes bisexual. Hes gay with lee sin and straight with sejuani's mom.
*tears Vi's hymen in your path
all AUs carry the same weight
It's blowing my mind that we have a full frontal sex scene displaying women with their tits hanging out without any of the harsh censorship in between them.
full frontal sex scene
without any of the harsh censorship
Anon we literally don't even see nipple. Remember free the nipple and how women wear tight see through clothing all the time? Its a heavily censored sex scene
Craziest shit ive seen in a while. And the fact that it nullifies jinxs revolutionary shit or whatever. No damn point to anything
remember s1 threads?
Cait and Vi are just friends you retards
China will censor the kiss
They've broken up on the sewer
Maddie is the new Vi
Caitlyn will fight for noxus
It should have been on the bed with Caitlyn pinning Vi.
another deflection
Double concession accepted
The CANONICAL path to a happy ending for EVERYONE is if she'd been arrested earlier at some point and this guy had quickly raped Vi to death
oh nonononono
cativifags GTFO
cause they never get werewolf WW and he's canonically dead unless they revive him with Singed, which is not shown
So Caitlyn kinda let Jinx escape
yes, she knew Vi would try to free her and left Jinx unguarded.
trooncord spoilers
Interracial stuff is just wrong either way. It feels wrong it looks wrong and the output is wrong.
Yeah. Season 2 killed my excitement for the next League story. The same thing that happened after Endgame when they did time travel and multiverse shenanigans.
I'd say the ones that are canon and got a full series carry more weight than the afterthought ones made up by a lunatic writer for one episode
LeBlanc is still continuing her scheming
I 'member
so why silco told jinx to walk away? there is no way silco would have said such a thing, especially, in jinxs mind
it all adds up to 0
what am I looking at?
They made Jinx more Chinese-coded in the AU for a reason.
Chink hair buns and haircut
Chink incense
The crush line wasn't much though. Their relationship in LoL never got explored. She was also far too insane. Ekko x Jinx got promoted after S1.
this bird is FAT
but fr I can see they wanted to pair ekko with jinx but afraid to do it in original universe only because chinks hate it to gut
Because the writer changed between S1 and S2. Both in-universe and irl, that's not the real Silco.
unironically, best episode of the season
what the fuck do you mean? caitlyn literally explains to Vi she left jinx unguarded and tells to jinx herself she is tired of wanting to kill her
I agree. It was visual masturbation.
Fuck bros Mel is giving me jungle fever. I want to bleach the fuck out of her
What was the significance of the crow? Why the fuck did it have 3 eyes?
This is probably as full frontal as Netflix will allow. Still bewilders me though.
shame there will be no porn of s2 at all
Kayn is confirmed bisexual as of his lore writer.
its a mage of the black rose
definitely felt rushed in certain areas, but overall, it felt like a pretty decent send off for the main cast
Punished Cait
Vi... is the most static character ever, lmao
Viktor & Jayce adventures in the multiverse
Ekko surprisingly had a lot of involvement in the finale, my hero of all time
Jinx heavily implied to have escaped and rides off in an airship
Season 1 was still better, but this was a fine sequel.
It's Swain's demon, Raum.
Her black nails. Again, she’s an immortal sorceress that’s been part of the creation of Noxus and is a known schemer
of course he had to die
that Bob Dylan song was a red flag
all AUs carry the same weight
What about the old universe where Hex crystals are just Skarner's poop?
The one where the champ has their powers and is probably the real one
God I loved episode 7, even if it was filled with cliche story beats.
ambessa killed one of them by accident during the fight.
Not even close. The AU was filler. Did nothing besides create the Z-Drive.
Swain, but he shouldn't even have his demonic powers yet, so its probably the demon he made a deal with.
fuck that was kino, idc about the dykes. so we will see jinx is other regions. KINOz.
Yeah shame, anyway ourgirl jinx is luck as hell
I see where you're going with that but it's just coincidence. Riot had Ekko and Jinx on the table for ages. Might as well give that fan service on a meaningless AU episode.
those are the only universes where camille and blitz exist so yes
Will be incredibly cute to see
Same, the music choices were fucking fantastic and the story itself was paced really well. Whoever directed episode 7 and 4 needs a fucking raise.
equally meaningless like the next multiverse next to it, another question?
Not gonna lie, it was sooo hot seeing Jinx and Ekko kiss
so how does swain have his demon if the noxian-ionian war hasn't happened?
but he shouldn't even have his demonic powers yet
pretty sure he should. Ionian invasion happens over the act 1 -> act 2 timeskip most likely
this jinx is surely ugly as hell also butch-like no wonder femcel obese virgins like this version
I feel like Jayce and Viktor had more chemistry than Vi and Cait this act, and I don’t see the two as a potential couple. I was quite disappointed with how they handled their relationship, but oh well.
Ekko prime takes the shards of hextech crystals from the scene where Vi died, he makes the mock up of the anomaly machine with it
fast forward to the end after the dance, Ekko prime gives AU Powder that disc with the shards of hex-crystal shards to her as a memento of their time together before he fucks off back to his own time, giving her AU Ekko back as he leaves
Only AU Powder will ever know that Ekko prime existed and that disc is how she will remember him, she puts it in the drawer next to the hex rocks she stole the day that Vi died, another memento of what could have been
Just shut the fuck up already. Riot already committed to timebomb with this show.
For the slow down syndrome retards with no comprehension skills: Jinx is alive and escaped like a chad.
gayness must be hereditary for them both to be dykes.
It means Noxus is still keeping tabs, as that is the demon that one of their generals is in a pact with
it felt like being drunk on wine, feeling comfy and playing sims 4 with cheat codes where everything is perfect
It doesn't make sense to give a community that might be only 10% of the population more than one seat you retard.
Yep. It's over.
Cannon is multiverse time travel cope or something.
Warwick design? Butchered.
You thought his face would be blasted off and he'd become full warwick? Nope. Sorry pal. Enjoy your weird half robot fucking Vander ape thing.
Victor design? Butchered.
No cool robot man for you chud. Take this weird colorful hexvoid man thing.
Along with all of this stupid looking puppet servant things.
Jinx dead, but maybe not?
Don't care. Still fucking stupid. Plus ruined because they had to appeal to cucks.
Kill off Ambessa even though it felt out of this place as fuck and now seeing her in game will just be strange?
Yep. Sorry kid. Deal with it.
What a fucking disaster. It's baffling how they managed to drop the ball this hard.
First season is a solid 9/10.
After that, the quality, the pacing, the choices, writing, everything just slowly goes down the drain.
And it's unfortunate because I've spent so much time on the game, but now this?
I didn't even care about the lesbian shit, everything else is way worse.
All they had to do was fully stick to the source material but after season 1 it just feels like some spin off written by fucking idiots.
Noxian army is survival of the fittest to the point of comedy. In any case, it worked out, since Mel promptly took her place. The strong replaces the weak.
Only because Powder was hot.
the bit with Cait examing the Hexcore's schematics even shows her looking how there's all theses ducts and shit out of it, it's really obvious she made it out and just.. let everyone believe she's dead so she can leave all this bullshit behind for a while.
So you’re telling me Vi dying on that first mission PREVENTED JINX'S SCHIZOPHRENIA
Kinda feels like the writers just wanted to avoid talking about the nuances of mental health.
Shit writing. Shit writing for every character.
jinx is explicitly into guys
This has been retconned since skarner's rework.
Arcane hexcrystals are the canon now.
What makes you say that? Singed didn't leave piltover that time did he?
You think someone as fucked up as Jinx wouldn't be into girls as well?
Jinx pulls the pin
Vander tosses her away and tanks the full blast
Jinx dips out of town to Bilgewater
Arcane S3 is set there and full of pirate shenanigans
If not, I'm fucking gone. No jinx, no me.
samefag ekko nig
Ekko randomly gets promoted to main character at the very end after being an irrelevant background character for two seasons
I'm never trusting westerners with my entertainment media again
Different universes, dumbass
Our Jinx is getting LUXXED
I wanted jaymel reunion sex so bad. But instead we got rushed grimey dyke prison sex. oh well
Every exploiter knows exactly what they're doing.
Except here they clearly did not. Heimerdinger is the picture definition of someone living in his ivory tower. Unless Heimer was secretly some super evil villain who loved to make Zaunites suffer, he was there for hundreds of years but never even discovered how much the Zaunites were suffering.
On what planet do you live where rich people make up a bigger portion of the population than poor people?
If Warwick is alive he better look like an actual wolf. I thought Viktor’s Glorious Evolution would’ve made him look like how he’s supposed to
who cares what reddit thinks
He just did his part, like everyone else.
Stop being so fucking racist
India was a Dominion territory so no, the British were always just a resource parasite for India.
Everyone but you knew this would happen anon
he's a champion you reject
how is he a background character?
Its just to subvert expectations. And he happens to be a nig. Really annoying.
Also, how the fuck did he manage to create the Z-drive despite not knowing shit about hextech? Writers got lazy with him and just made him smart.
yeah shame, I need kino to wash up this memory any recs?
So if I'm hearing this right, Ambessa started it and got fucked because of it. They never give anything away about it but that must be for the next show.
No body, no death. The french went with the slightly subtle storytelling to let the audience know she's fine.
Heimer is unrealistic and we all know it.
And besides, the other councilers were shown to be corrupt and Heimer the only unaware fool.
how is he a background character?
By having 5 minutes of screentime across 12 hours of the show
Warwick randomly coming back to life was a really dumb way to do it
To be fair Warwick’s plot relevance seems to be he regenerates and Singe undid all the work Viktor did retaining Vander’s identity. I didn’t like it but it made sense
Anon if anything Zaun has the higher population over all. Poorer areas tend to have more people than richer ones. At the very least its near even considering its two cities on top of each other, you can't have 90% rich and united over a bottom 10% pyramids dont look like that
He looks weirdly like Galio. Could be a hint into Demacia being where Jinx takes him.
Jinxbros we're eating good tonight
and i can't put my penis in your college degree
so why you sharin' all this information with me?
wait so is the jilco poster now posting lightcannon because ekko and powder kissed? is that what's going on?
well now you're just spewing lies
there are many issues with season 2
ekko helping to save the day is not one of them
I am extremely pleased that they showed him succeeding. I don't think Orianna's in-game lore is tied to Singed, but presumably she'll leave him to live out her own life.
Singed didn't leave piltover that time did he?
No, but this is also not old lore. I doubt they'd be teasing Raum without it being from swain
The 1% are called the 1% because they're 1% of the population.
Ekko randomly gets promoted to main character
For one episode.
he didn't see Valorant Town
And these aren't some hypothetical AU versions lmao
desu every single character that's a champion that maybe died got an easy out of it, kind of a consequence of turning the show into official lore.
the other councilers were shown to be corrupt
And also unaware. One of the councillors even discouraged strong action because zaunites 'were their constituents too'. The council's crime was ignorance. The show has made it very clear on that front.
That's what Salo in S2 was about. That's when you see a Piltover that genuinely saw Zaun as an enemy.
Ridiculously rushed already
Add an entire episode of filler
brother they deleted the canon after season 1. all of runeterra is now fanfiction.
all they had to do is stick to the source material
praises season 1
Why are retarded faggots like this
nigga it WAS the holy grail war
look up what a summoner is and why there are summoner spells in league
It's absolutely an issue that can only be overlooked by people familiar with the game, from a standalone narrative standpoint it's abyssal dogshit
for 20 minutes of AU plot shenanigans they really did a good job of not making it filled with logical holes, only one I can think of is where is Ekko's prime's body while he's inhabiting AU EKko, anomaly just re-creates it ig?
it's best they didnt try to over-science explain, the rest worked for the narrative
cute and canon
What the fuck was Sevika doing this whole time??????????????
I think Riot was too ambitious with the Arcane magic system. At first it was interesting because there is a limit but by the end of Season 2 they can pretty much do anything and there is barely any cost. Funny thing is, they've been dropping bits and pieces of that lore in the game but nobody cares. People just want to min-max the runes.
The story of Jinx is concluded. Next show is about the other character who ventured off: Mel.
Jynx literally commits suicide to avoid the forced nigger ship
bro even in valoran town lux us romantically attracted to ezreal
That's just a guess. THe only clue we have is the chembarons saying 'even together they outnumber us 4-to-1'.
Even assuming he was only talking about their gangs vs Piltie cops, that's still an acknowledgement towards Piltover being significantly more populous.
this. what the fuck were they thinking?
irrelevant background character for two seasons
gets into a life and death fight with the poster child of the series and beat the breaks off her until she attempts suicide, leaving her a charred near corpse that leads to her getting shimmer warped, resulting in her kidnapping Vi, Cait, and Silco, resulting in Silco's death and Piltover 9/11 attack
Jinx always wins.
The writers cannot lift from real world issues and expect people to be happy when they come up with bizarre fantasies to justify why their oligarchy (which caused immense in-world damage) doesn't deserve to kneel before a guillotine.
vicucks come to an end in Redditover
Jinx is alive as well and moving on to next season (KINO)
only one I can think of is where is Ekko's prime's body while he's inhabiting AU EKko
Think of it as Quantum Leap.
It's also one of the ways people can see that Heimer actually died. Ekko split out of the AU body but Heimer disappeared entirely.
All Piltovians are !%
becoming the boss of zaun
That was solid rough draft of a season. If only they bothered crafting it into a final product. A little bit of everything felt off.
Way too much corny/cliche stuff happening especially with no name characters.
Jinx and Vi story hamfisted at the end. One can make the same argument for CaitVi.
Warwick completely wasted
Big opportunities for Orianna (beyond that last tease) or Twitch to show up
no point on teasing Jinx still being alive if this is the end and we pretty much aren’t going to see these characters again
Edged the black rose a little too hard. It’s risky but they could have revealed Leblanc and delved a bit into Noxian politics as well as Mel’s Solari heritage.
episode 7 was all around great minus that weird French song
Viktor remains kino despite every other plot thread kind of shitting the bed
Maddies death was kino but her turning around and being a villain felt like Sister Sage saying everything in The Boys S4 was planned when it’s obvious writers were throwing shit at the wall. They should have at least put in a single hint that Maddie was a baddie.
Jinx is getting blacked in the AU
Ekkochads won
So how did Ekko get the time travel watch in S1?
becomes mute ever since ep4
joins council
He didn't time travel, it was metaphorical
The writers cannot lift from real world issues
Which real world issue? What real world country did Christian or Alex say Piltover and Zaun are a reference to?
I feel like you're just ruining shows to yourself but giving into these cultural marxists commentators.
Indeed, thought it would be bad night but not at all
it was just a regular watch
Black rose not ambessa probably leblanc.
No hiemer just saw the future and only that. Guy is to old to care about whats happening in the present.
I doubt they'd be teasing Raum without it being from swain
This was just fan service, but I'm sure Riot is just doing this then later subverting the expectation. This case being its just Raum not Swain.
At first it was interesting because there is a limit but by the end of Season 2 they can pretty much do anything and there is barely any cost
Not sure what you mean? Mel's magic literally comes out of nowhere, just like lux, morgs and kayles.
Also, I'm pretty sure piltover will find a way to deal with wild magic to have their progress city. It won't be piltover if they didn't.
gets into a life and death fight with the poster child of the series
Yeah that came out of nowhere too
and beat the breaks off her until she attempts suicide, leaving her a charred near corpse that leads to her getting shimmer warped
Now that the series is over we know this had absolutely zero consequences on the characters or the plot, that whole sequence was a completely pointless waste of time
resulting in her kidnapping Vi, Cait, and Silco, resulting in Silco's death and Piltover 9/11 attack
She was on her way to do that anyway, you can cut Ekko out of S1 fully and not lose anything, and he's already barely in S2
I’m just wonder where the hell is caits dad? He didn’t like vi in the beginning of the season. They just copy and deleted his model from the story?
But that bridge fight though
that's a nod to his game ability and foreshadowing to what he accomplishes in season 2.
Pretty easy way to wirite it as just have it be a side effect of his regeneration. All the SHimmer and stuff was able to save him but he mutated even further.
but Heimer disappeared entirely.
No. He went back too.
I have seen what Arcane can do
He was there from the very beginning. The birth and end of Piltower.. it's all his project.
Viktor is merely his assistant.
Just ... buy skins, just hit your parent's cc. That's all they want.
Fuck you as a human being, fuck your intellect.
best ending of all of them imo
with the smirk, even Caitlyn admits defeat to a superior adversary, the criminal mind always one step ahead of the law
I don't get why?
We see what happens in the future
We get introduced to the timebomb
We know Ekko will try to help
At the end of the day, he only provided a chance for Viktor and Jayce to fix the mess
It's not like he was the one who magically fixed everything going back in time and killing Vi
it's gonna focus on Katarina and Casseopeia and will be a retread of the first season in an attempt to get back the fans they lost
tell me im wrong
Social Marxist propaganda where the female leads are lame and gay or race mixers.
Make everything gay.
Shit on the legacy of the first season and make total non-sensical slop.
I think the show just works better as one season as I dont even understand what the fuck the point of season 2 was.
Ekko giving Jinx the big black cock treatment. Jinx is addicted to Ekko now.
I refuse to believe Shen is gay. He is a psychosigmatic schizosexual eye of twilight who murders or banishes ANYTHING which presumes to express pathos in his presence.
maybe its considered animal abuse if he has a snout.
from you chud
They don't let anybody have the good designs. Do you think troons, kikes and lefties have a better Arcane somewhere with good designs? Nah, they want a golem world for golems.
Jinx alive
Vicucks finished
Silco was right
Surely S2 was disappointing but it could be even worse, now I'll go back to Anon Babble, sleep tight, vicucks
The 1% refers to the elites, whose interests the council ultimately represent.
And Piltover as a whole can't have more people than the undercity. Underdevelopment always benefits the few at the expense of the many.
No. He went back too.
He didn't leave a body though. Without that you're basically saying that either
- that universe never had a Heimerdinger
- prime Heimer killed/incapacitated his AU counterpart and replaced him
- Heimerdinger is out in the multiverse inside the AU Heimerdinger's body.
lmaooo will they really make jinx travel to demacia and have dyke show with luxanna?
I don't get the part with Cait looking at the pipes.
Yeah that came out of nowhere too
No. They were enemies and met on a battlefield.
Now that the series is over we know this had absolutely zero consequences on the characters or the plot
Jinx being shimmer infused, killing silco, and bombing the council doesn't matter... you're definitely not a retard.
She was on her way to do that anyway
Objectively untrue.
I am everywhere, IAMEVERYONE!
Shes too crazy to be with ekko in the main timeline.
Milo was hitting on a nigger bitch. Not gay but close to it.
He's superfluous to the overarching plot and barely in it
anon thinks season 2 is better than season 1
I cannot imagine having this level of brainrot
No Marxist came anywhere near this liberal, delusional, anti-revolutionary script.
I was pumped thinking that it was because he would finally delete his Emotions32 folder boy was I wrong. Fucken fujos
Dont think she could have realistically gotten a better ending considering all the killings and terrorism.
They will bring her back some day years from now, for now my sweet princess can rest.
Heimerdinger is a magical realmhopping Yordle already. His memories of the Arcane in s1 were from those alternate timelines. He also knew where Jayce was sent.
degenerates are so warped that they think these two men who are like brothers are gay for one another even though one of them literally hits on a chick in the same episode
We were talking about representation here. The council represents all Piltovians.
Not everyone in Piltover is a councillor. There seems to be an abundant middle class that the show doesn't explore, wedged between the upper classes of the high houses and the fissure mining underclass of Zaun.
Only good parts of the last episode were Vi getting sexily pinned down to the floor and the bullet ricochet.
I’m just wonder where the hell is caits dad?
The Kirramans are a matriarchal lineage
Cait's father can't say anything because she's the one who gives the orders
His only job was to pass the Kirramans key to her bcs Cassandra is dead. Period
reading comprehension moment
No. They were enemies and met on a battlefield.
No, the show just expects you to care that the main character met a minor character and know that there's supposed to be some history behind the two, they never interact in the show before that
Jinx being shimmer infused, killing silco, and bombing the council doesn't matter... you're definitely not a retard.
All of that would've happened without the shimmer, the shimmer altered absolutely nothing about her character and was a puzzling detour when the show is looked at as a whole
Objectively untrue.
apparently youre not the strongest reader
jinx escapes to find lesbian partner and avoid black nigger
Nothing gets me going like the idea of fucking in a filthy prison cell just after my sister told me she's going to kill herself and an invading army is going to blowing the city to pieces any second.
yeah funny enough a lot of the reasons S2 is weaker than 1 is that... it leans way heavier into the audience being familiar with the source material and takes a lot less time to explain things for those who aren't.
So stuff like the Black Rose, Singed is just like ??? unless you already know what the hell is going on there.
S1 was clearly written as an AU, S2 was written with the new idea of "Arcane is canon now" it's part of why they gave everyone who was a champion who might of died an easy out too.
No Marxist came anywhere near this liberal, delusional, anti-revolutionary script.
Calm down. Not everything needs to be revolutionary propaganda. Lenin and Stalin both liked cowboy films.
stop coping, she won
all you can enjoy is ugly gookgirl with retarded teeth
just like your life
What reason does Jinx have to go to Demacia of all places?
no hextech
no noxus looking for hextech
She has part of the bomb, which means she investigated the area, but found no body.
She is trying to figure out what happened, and realizes there are these pipes, through which Jinx probably escaped.
She gives a "well played" smile and leaves it at that.
Vi when you were gone i had se-
I dont give a fuck cupcake, im a proud cuck, i live to serve you, i dont care how many lay beside you as long as im with you, also fuck my dead sister xD
She figures out Jinx is alive as she escaped through the pipes.
The council represents all Piltovians
And America is a democracy
Oooooooooooooooooh and the airship at the end is probably Jinx getting out of dodge?
Riot's directors are promising a lesbian couple at the center of every season, at the crux of every tragedy, and that's a guarantee you can count on!
Back up plan is ionia. Can't wait to watch it!
Because the french are obsessed with dyke relationships.
they never interact in the show before that
Ekko was the one that gives the details leading to Cait and the gang stealing the hextech jewels waaaaaaaaaay back when they were kids.
Its the same (type of) ship Powder says she will fly in EP1 and "dear friend across the river" starts humming as the ship flies into the distance.
Americans wrote this show, retard
the show just expects you to care that the main character met a minor characte
He's an established character and all of episode 7 is about their history and Ekko's opinion of her.
Cowboy films didn't rely on class warfare to drive its characters and settings
Don't pick tough subjects if you're going pussy out
Riven x Irelia chads here we go
Can we, just, pretend like it's the first time?
Ekko mourning Jinx during the funeral rites
I hope The Boy Savior can find happiness again.
They did the fake out because Ella Purnell was asking for increased talent fee. If she changes her mind old Jinx will come back. If negotiations fail the next Jinx will have a different VA. Riot will justify it by claiming it's from a different universe.
can someone explain how Vi dying stopped hextech from being created?
In the prime timeline when the explosion occured in Jayce's apartment the council were ready to exile him or have him institutionalized. They only showed mercy because Heimerdinger and Mel had pity for him. If a kid died in the explosion it probably would have evaporated their good will towards him.
Not "probably", it was, unless you're a xitter retard with no comprehension skills. I'm pretty sure the retards are having a virtual Jinx funeral as we speak
Based based based
Caitlyn and Vi get one hell of an ending, fanfic level.
They reconcile, make out, have sex, both survive and they basically move in together. Maddie is barely an inconvenience. Caitlyn lost her eye but let’s be real, she’s a rich bitch she can either buy herself a cyborg eye or rock the eyepatch like a pirate.
Vi lost her sis but gets to be with Cait and chill for the rest of her life if she wants to.
The most popular cowboy film ripped off a popular Samurai film that was pretty much all about class warfare though.
Fuck yeah so she's alive. Well played Riot, I'll be back for S3 afterall.
damn so it turned out riot was pandering to jilco chads, kek, one of the greatest twist
still ain't gonna playing it
S1 was clearly written as an AU, S2 was written with the new idea of "Arcane is canon now" it's part of why they gave everyone who was a champion who might of died an easy out too.
Yep, Arcane should have never been canon, but I am glad that despite Riot retroactively insisting that it is canon that the story didn't end in a bastardization of the lore that was. Things did at least move forward.
same result either way. french people are woke not retarded.
hell yeah. leave the sane bitches for the straight characters.
S1 was clearly written as an AU
Arcane writers knew the lore but not the details, plus league games retconned each other all the time. Look at the ekko game, orianna's dad and singed aren't the same person there.
Cowboy films didn't rely on class warfare to drive its characters and settings
Cowboy films of that period were mostly colonial propaganda about the need to conquer the west and subjugate the natives
That's not an interaction between Jinx and Ekko
He's an established character
He's not
and all of episode 7 is about their history and Ekko's opinion of her.
And it comes out of the blue, you could put Heimerdinger in his place in those scenes and it would've made the same amount of sense and had the same amount of setup
I need kino to wash up this memory any recs?
She wont be in S3, they will conclude it here with her unless they need her years down the line to revive hype as their projects lose steam.
She is BY FAR their most popular character from the show.
Ekko isn't an established character
Yes he is. He has multiple scenes in act 1, act 2, and act 3. We know his goals, history, and personality. He's an established character. You're clearly just being difficult because you realized you're really retarded.
it was literally on the game, i knew that they were endgame the moment act 2 came out and no VGU were set up for Vi, there is no fucking way you can retcon her being the piltover enforcer
Arcane season 1
watched 3 times
When I saw the ship at the end I stood up and APPLAUDED. Fucking KINO Silco is always right. Fuck YOU VIFAGS HAHAHAHA JINX IS BACK NEXT SEASONS WHILE YOUR DYKE VI ACCEPTS BEING KEKED
Started ep 8 and while at first I was like: "meh this is a fucking Mel episode so boring" it hook me so strongly after this... I feel the same way I felt watching the first episode three years ago... I really want to see a pure mage season.
The lower classes outnumber the middle and upper classes, it's why violence was and is always used quickly and ruthlessly to discipline labor.
That's not an interaction between Jinx and Ekko
That still makes him part of their little gang of runts and you'd be retarded to insist that they don't interact at all.
Breaking bad/ Better call saul. If you're looking for animated shows, most of it is dogshit. Probably Castlevania if you like gothic fantasy.
Fucking KINO Silco is always right.
Honestly I thought it would be even far worse, at least they didn't shit on Silco, it's great trait to Babylon we live
Lmao, Mel's fight battle reminded me of clash royale mage, so cringe.
AU Powder with hipster buns is cute tho
Yes he is. He has multiple scenes in act 1, act 2, and act 3.
Minor irrelevant scenes
We know his goals
Irrelevant to the plot
No we don't
and personality.
If bland is a personality
He's an established character.
He's not
You're clearly just being difficult because you realized you're really retarded.
No, the show just expects you to care that the main character met a minor character and know that there's supposed to be some history behind the two, they never interact in the show before that
s1 ep 4, Jinx reappears fighting the Firelights, an anti-shimmer gang lead by Ekko. the Firelights then fight Jinx again, this time with Ekko, in ep6. Then when Vi finally meets up with Ekko, they primarily talk about Jinx and how she's 'changed', with Ekko having gone so far as to add Powder's picture to the mural of people 'lost' to Silco. Every interaction Ekko has in s1 somehow revolves around Jinx, either directly or indirectly.
but you know this and are just seething.
she should be 9 months pregnant
Netflix Castlevania
suck niggerdick and die man
Everything about Ep7 is cute.
Its one of my favorites and provided much needed positivity to the whole season.
And you're pretending this reaching is meaningful enough for the audience not initiated into LoL, because..?
she's not part of the next season. Jinx has no reason to be in the ionia and noxus conflict. unless they want the lightcanon fans and force her into the Demacia conflict.
Jayce and Viktor went into the Arcane, they're not dead.
Same for Heimer, who is, let's not forget, a fucking magical Yordle.
Jinx is explicitly alive as shown by the zepplin shot
No season 3 with these characters. Show runner's choice.
Oh please. tell me a good american animated show thats adult. Everything animated now is dogshit.
cut Ekko out of S1
Vi's gang never raids Jayce's place, so no hextech, no tragedy at the warehouse, Jinx doesn't have to prove herself to Silco by stealing a hextech gem, the sister don't get split up on episode 6, and Jinx never become a shimmer mutant.
Try harder.
throwaway tell don't show scenes
Yeah like I said at the start, badly written addition to the show
The point is that declaring Season 2 to be Marxist, which is what did, is an idiotic claim when Season 2 abandons the Marxist sentiment that Season 1 had.
The plight of the working class trodden beneath the boot of Piltover is forgotten and all is forgiven, with Zaun being given just a single seat at the table after the oppressed and the oppressors both magically overcome their differences in order to fight against a great threat (which was helping the oppressors do their oppressing until a week ago). The AU in Episode 7 makes things even worse, as it implies that Piltover and Zaun would've eventually gotten over their differences and peacefully united and just talked things through, but any radical action just makes things worse for everyone. Revolution, bad! Incremental change, good!
Season 2 of Arcane isn't leftist in any sense. It's as centrist and middle-of-the-road as you can fucking get, with some token gay shipping shoved in there because that's all the left cares about, right? The left doesn't care about the distribution of wealth and the downfall of the wealth-hoarding elite, all it cares about is the pretty lesbians!
If the representation is nonsense anyway, then why whine about the one seat? Isn't it pointless even if they're given more seats because le 1% controls everything anyway? So your outrage is disingenuous
so they warped viktor into some french faggots evangelion oc?
he thinks the show is intended for people who don't play LoL
At no point anywhere in the show is Vander named Warwick and yet all of his related subtitles call him Warwick instead of Vander.
My flatmates have unanimously agreed that if S3 comes out and Jinx isn't in it, they're not going to watch it. None of them play the game, they just love Jinx as a character that much it's basically their reason for watching it at all. I know they're not the majority of viewers but I'd imagine a lot of other people probably feel the same way. I know I do.
mma stick to WHR all night (living in worst koera) it was good run brehs,
see you in three years If there's any chance
of course not you vicucks, go to hell
You do realize the info about Jayce's place could come from anyone and isn't an inherent part of Ekko's character in any way, you could make the Yordle prostitute give them the info and disappear for the rest of the show and nothing changes
In the AU Jinx has no specialer relationship with Silco over Vander, from her perspective he's her father's brother who had beef and reconciled.
The episode is from Ekko's perspective so it would be very weird to have a random scene with Jinx having a emotional payoff scene with a Silco she doesn't even care that much about.
True. Silco's appearances in all the 3 Acts were pure kino. His water burial, the entire episode 5 and this prison appearance that gave Jinx the freedom she needed.
Why the fuck would they waste 250 million dollars to make a show for people already hooked on their product? To boost Netflix subscription numbers?
Oh please. tell me a good american animated show thats adult.
Ergo Proxy
b..but... it's japane...
stfu tranny japan is honorary America
Irrelevant to the plot
him giving Vi Jayce's address is irrelevant to the plot btw
No we don't
He becomes leader of the firelights and founds a refuge in the undercity under a giant tree. He fights against silco and his gang, the people that die are memoralized in painting... That's all stuff I made up because we don't know his history btw
If bland is a personality
For arguments sake, sure. Thanks for admitting you're retarded.
It's cute how hard you're trying.
powder is actually happy and mentally sane in this AU when she's receiving Ekko's BBC
Jilcocucks keep losing
To launder money and because mobatards will buy anything, like a $500 skin.
I rea;lly, really like episode 8, episode 6 and 8 should be the norm.
Oh I don't think any council seat is desirable. The council shouldn't exist at all. Zaun needs to be independent. Piltover needs to execute its oligarchs.