It keeps happening

It keeps happening

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sinking the sequel because you want to pair the black guy with the main female protagonist

Spiderverse 2 is no where near this bad desu, a step down from the first for sure, but the gap in quality between season 1 and season 2 of Arcane is catastrophic

It's even weirder and more specific than that

both girls are popular punk white girls

both were made to be independent female icons based on existing characters (Harley Quinn without Joker and Gwen without Peter)

both had the black guy pairing shoved onto them by the '''white''' creator of the black guy character

both black guys are Gary Stus who can do no wrong and aren't popular but keep being pushed as mascots by their companies

both use the multiverse to show it's the only way for the girl to avoid a doomed fate

both were hailed as animation masterpieces

both had tight and grounded first entries while the sequel was an incoherent rushed meta mess

I'm probably forgetting some

What was even the point of jayce shooting viktor the first time? why couldnt he just talk? This shit make no sense.

Spiderverse 2 is the probably the worst adaptation of Spider-Man in history with "Spider-Man" somewhere in the title

Spider-Man Across The Tollboth

Spiderverse 2 is no where near this bad

It's unironically TLJ levels of bad with how badly they fucked the entire IP over just to prop up Miles.

I guess I meant more from a storytelling perspective, though I agree, conglomerating spiderman into this almost hive mind that is collectively all wrong in order to prop up the one Actually Good spiderman, Miles, is retarded, but Arcane season 2 narratively is a complete fucking mess that falls apart completely by the end

Nothing happened in ATSV.

BTSV on the other hand...

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the gap in quality between season 1 and season 2 of Arcane is catastrophic

we know who's to blame: the ass progressive liberal fat white girl.

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are xey also a trans

So it’s definitely a fetish thing, right? It happening once is whatever. But it happening twice? That’s a pattern.

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Why are white liberals obsessed with interracial relationships?

both girls have tooth gaps

There was literally:

A white lesbian banging an asian chick

A latino guy banging a black woman

but you guys draw the line at the black dude just kissing a white girl?
What is up with black men that makes people so angry?
And before you guys pull the “actually all racemixing is bad” cope,we all know that no one here feels disgusted by white dudes doing it.

He's that stupid/blind

I dunno anon. Maybe it's certain people glorifying black men for no reason other then their own self hatred? And black losers jumping on the bandwagon?

There was literally no glorification of black men in this show.
At all.
Literally just 1 black dude on screen.

Show? You thought I was talking about the show?

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No the future is genocide of inferior korea


Lmao if only, it's impossible to list 5 young male black characters in the main casts of Anon Babble shows in the last two decades that didn't have a white female romance interest

Name them

readings hard the post.

Name what, 5 recent black characters that DIDN'T have white female love interests? It can't be done, americans are fucked in the head

Name the black characters that have white girlfriends

Bow from she-ra
Gus from owl house
Norville from Velma
And these are just from the top of my head of recent stuff.

its not the americans

Gus from owl house

Had a white romance interest in one episode

Norville from Velma

Had a white ex

Contrary to what the creators said, this really needed to be 3 fucking seasons.

Fear of being cucked

It's the perceived intent on why it happens and the force of the counter-reaction by the higher ups. If it weren't for that, no one would care.

It’s gross.

Fear of being cucked

in order to being cucked 4chins losers need a girl of their own to begin with

The stupid haircut

They're under the expression that race mixing is the only way to be free from racial prejudice because everyone will have mixed babies/everyone will be a mutt.
Despite the fact that African Americans are notorious for hating mixed children.

It's more complicated than that. They have a story starring a black guy that they want to tell. If both the guy and his love interest are black then it becomes a black story and the whites won't go see it. So they cast a white girl, or a hispanic girl, or even the rare asian as the love interest instead for crossover appeal.

It's been like this for decades in live action.
See Will Smith movies in the 90s and 00s, or anything starring Donald Glover.

Then don't make a story starring a black guy, both Miles and Ekko are completely superfluous to their respective franchises and could've been omitted

I'm a khv but I had a dream it had a gf who got impregnated by my coworker. That feeling of despair was the closest I've come to suicidal despair

I used despair twice in the same sentence but whatever

That’s the second Insomniac game.

Too many women are bleeding heart types who think that shit like that and peace on Earth is possible. These are the types to see good where there's none in dogshit dudes, thinking they can fix them. Their feelings fuck their lives up.

It is absolutely a fetish. That's why they throw a shitfit whenever people meme that Gwen is trans. It ruins their fantasy.

i don't care how browns intermix and asians are honorary white
while pairing black man with white woman is peak jewish degeneracy.

It's probably that cuckold fetish brainrot fusing with culture war brainrot. The more you try to understand the worse it gets. I swear that everyone became 20x more schizophrenic after and during the pandemic

Reacting to culture war ≠ inciting culture war

You think it'd ever get this far if most people saw it for the psyop it really is?

Libby Folfax

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LoL fan

not being a cuck

You can only choose one.

Of course this is what you losers complain about. Even though Ekko has a crush on Jinx in the game lore, and BTSV already set up a romance between Gwen and Miles
God you losers should all neck yourselves.

Harris lost.

Really the only thing that matters if it feels organic or not. I don't know about LoL but wasn't Jinx and Ekko an established ship? They're also childhood friends and Ekko was implied to have a crush on her so to me that's pretty believable. The thing with Miles and Gwen is that everything about them is so parasitically attached to Peter that people will start to resent it, nevermind the fact that the multiverse shit just strains everything about the setting.

BTSV already set up a romance between Gwen and Miles

But why them two? Gwen was Peter's GF.

Why fuck around with Miles when she could have any of the Chad Peters that exist? Maybe find a Peter that just lost his Gwen.

Because I need to-I mean MILES needs to have the snowbunny gf no i am NOT indian dont say that saar

From a meta perspective the MilesGwen ship is a bit creepy, but in universe she just might not have had those kind of feelings for her Peter and all the other Peters she has seen are much older men.

Spider-Verse part 3 is rumored to be delayed again

suddenly the board is being spammed with nigcel propaganda again


Why exactly is Timebomb a problem? Looking at this from someone who's not even informed in LOL lore, it just looks like a normal relationship with no BS applied. It's not saying one race is superior or another is inferior or even insulting in general, just two people of different racial backgrounds in love.

This just seems like yet another excuse to bitch about stupid shit. I can't help but think this stems from you all self inserting so damn hard that you believe these characters are yours, thus why you are quick to bring cuckoldry, racemix = bad or "ThE JeWs ArE TrYiNg To ErAsE Us! wHiTe GeNoCiDe!!!111" when the guy your waifu is with is black.

Good point, dalit.

He's a good guy and she's a murderous psychopath and they're looking for any excuse to pair them together no matter how little it makes sense, you can tell it's fetishistic

Interracial hetero is disgusting (Lumity cute tho)

men of you race fucking women of other races is seen as conquering.
the inverse is seen as being conquered.