Arcane S2 Act 3

Shiptease EzLux for over 14 years, at first directly with a journal sketch/IC Q&A sessions and then indirectly by shilling them in a billion different skinlines

Leave Ezreal's character completely stagnant for 8 years upon his release, rework him, turn him into a complete dickhead and leave his story stagnant for another 6 years but with the promise of 'he'll develop into a better character bro trust me'

be an explorer character who has 0 relevance in any world events or storylines

now Jinx is going to fly halfway around the globe to fuck the character he has a crush on

Is there a more cucked character in both a literal and meta way than Ezreal?

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Someone explain to me what happened

Kino happened

Caitvi intense lesbian tribbing scissoring sloppy make out sweaty sex session

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they essentially tried to fit in 4 seasons of tv show into 1 season of tv show and everything is all over the place
also they turned it into a young adult novel there's literal multiverse fanfiction in the entirety of episode 7

literally a guy named Kino in the show

when you're right, you're right

So why did Heimer die? His death felt the most pointless of them all.


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they actually had sex in Jinx's cell

holy shit lmao, I thought it was funny when the leaker said it, seeing it in action is downright hilarious
poor Vi's all kinds of fucked up in the head

Why is Arthas in the council

What Internet wanted for a VERY LONG TIME.

MUCH overdue.



the guy she told you not to worry about

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Characters die with no confirmed sequel or Ekkos time reversal doing everything people thought it would and it doesn’t match up with in game canon. It seems like a worrying dead end.

Firelights Ekko simply has the exaggerated swagger of a black teen, sorry Piltiezaun!Ekko

viktor gets mindbroken by himself

all borged hobos receive brain damage and die

except for orianna


very ugly, unpleasant. a smelly particularly foul odor

Even the sex was so mid.

apparently viktor was the mage that saved jayce and ultimately led to the creation of hextech. then he decided that hextech was bad so he sent jayce to kill a younger version of viktor. then he decided it was good again so he went back in time to start the whole process over again. also he waited until jayce and his mom were almost dead because hes an asshole.

gets cucked by himself

even when Ekko wins

What did they mean by this?

Probably because he's not actually dead, both on account of the fact that anyone getting blipped away by the anomaly could plausibly just be in another universe, and the fact that yordles can't die

American fanfiction writers replaced the original writers.
Therefore, these two were always gay. Mel had to be written out of the story. Mel also became a non-character.

you know if you read the vex short story it kinda sounds like when vex says they cant die its just from old age
but idk considering smeech died idk

They even inserted the le cheating to drive the story bullshit into the lesbo relationship. Atleast they're consistent lmao


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They tried to do this thing in episode 6 where seeing his peaceful commune burn made him realize humanity is inherently unstable and capable of great harm, so erasing humanity would create an entirely peaceful world with no suffering, but they had a few episodes to pull that arc off so like everything it's insanely rushed, it's also implied the arcane is corrupting him, and when Skye "dies" again he's supposed to be losing what little humanity he still has left

Jinx is so obviously alive im fucking dumbfounded why the "leak" was that she dies? You guys really are brain-off retarded when consooming huh?


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I don’t think she died but they didn’t give the audience any good indicators she’s alive.

Yeah jinx is "dead" but honestly feels like she is more obviously alive even than other characters with ambiguous "deaths" like viktor jayce and heimer

cucks himself instead of staying in the AU or going back in time and killing Vi who was the whole reason why everyone in the world is suffering

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Uh huh. Tell me more, retard. You lost, HARD

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Just woke up.

Who won? Who lost?

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Listen to "Fancy Clown" by Madvillain. This is literally what the idea of getting "cucked" by a better version of yourself is in a song:

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The perfect time to kill Vi was too far back. Better to body snatch your alternate self and plow his gf like his Urkel ass never could.

Vi and Jinx story should have ended with season 1

Post webm of the Jinx ryona so I don't have to watch this shit pls

but they didn’t give the audience any good indicators she’s alive.

Cait literally pauses on a schematic of the air vents while toying with the cap of jinx's bomb and smirks.

that's pretty bloody obviously a sign she's alive.

I’m assuming if it continues hextech just blipped them all and they’ll be back. Or something will happen with time lines again, theres still some hex gems if I didn’t lose count and Powder has that bag of shards in the alternate timeline. They went to some lengths explaining how this was just the beginning and mentioning the rune wars.

Was it schizophrenia?

I don't know guys, I thought this season was really good. Yeah, the pacing feels rushed, but better for a series to have 2 very strong seasons than 5-6 seasons of mid quality with some strong episodes here and there.

See you guys in 3-4 more years for Jinx and Lux lesbian sex series

Jinx outplays the justice system and fucks off on her dream airship

Singed gets his daughter back and is not punished for his numerous crimes

Jinxchads and Singedchads, I kneel

Please watch more shows

Did you not watch the part where it is clearly shown that someone HAD to operate the machine?

The whole scene with cait holding the monkeybomb head, a piece to jinx's final bomb, immediately tells you that they found the remnants to the blast. And the fact that she's examine the hexgate blueprints and highlighting the air ducts right around where the explosion would have happened pretty clearly tells the audience that she has severe doubts jinx is dead, or couldn't find any evidence to be conclusive like her body, and so is looking for other explanations. I got that on the first watch and right away figured they were trying to tell us she survived.

But if you actually go back to her "death" scene, there's a pretty distinct pink straight line that shoots across the screen right before the explosion. It's different from the electric squiggly blue hexcore explosion lines following it and feels explicitly like jinx using her shimmer dash, presumably to the air ducts cait is looking at.

It does not fucking matter if she's alive or dead. Arcane just destroyed all the work that people put into these characters throughout the years. Nothing from LR or LoL is worth anything anymore. Like tell me how the Cait in Arcane cane become the Cait from the card game if she's missing an eye?
A bunch of story beats were fucking pointless. Isha had to die I guess in order for Ekko to save Jinx and convince her to fight, which she already was going to do anyways! Vi doesn't care about her sister killing herself. The Black Rose amounted to nothing and didn't even have to be inserted into the plot. I'm not even going to tear into the Viktor Jayce mage bullshit. And apparently Vi dying makes Silco a good guy.
It's sad just how much work, and time, that went into the franchise was completely destroyed like 4 hours ago. So much money and time and labor into the trash. Completely spent. And before you say anything about canon this or that. Idc. But why did Riot even make that statement if there is no canon and it's all multiverse shit?

Topcaittruthers... our narrative...

Leaker wasnt too smart.
Or maybe just wasnt invested in the show.

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What does Caitlyn pussy taste like? When Vi goes down on Cait, she makes it look like she was eating a 5-star dinner course at an expensive restaurant. Does Caitlyn pussy really taste that good?

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Despite being a Jinxfag I am very baffled by her survival at the end.

They effortlessly wash away all her conflicts with Vi and Caitlyn to a ridiculous degree.
Isha made her giga suicidal and she gave up on everything.
The Silco scene is basically herself telling herself to kill herself.
She genuinely goes through with it and kills herself and is only alive because of the Z-Drive.
She does not talk to Vi or make peace with Isha’s death. She is never given a good reason to keep going.
She somehow manages to survive the fall, the explosion and WW.
All this an OFF CAMERA she somehow finds a reason to keep going and start a new life alone despite the whole series showing she has no reason to live without her family.

It all seems very confused. Lacking direction and commitment to any serious plot. I’m not saying this doesn’t work but the writers sure did not do a good job establishing how it could work.

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What did you feel when you saw ekko kiss jinx on screen?

You have shit taste then.

Thanks anon, I was thinking that last shot of the airship felt like a weird one to finish on but now it makes sense.

I believe Riot and Tencent is bleeding money and can't fund more seasons that's why they compressed every story arc into 1 season. Their announcement that Arcane will only have 2 seasons coincides with the year that Tencent lost a lot of stock value and League of Legends couldn't even properly make a cinematic season intro. They'd have to use UE5 rendering of summoner's rift instead of a mini movie like we used to have.

the only timeline Powder is happy and mentally sane is with Ekko as her lover

jilcocucks keep losing

tell me how the Cait in Arcane cane become the Cait from the card game if she's missing an eye

damn don't care. I don't need all my lol ip related games/movies/tvshows/comics/cardgames/lunchboxes/beerbrands/toiletpaper to be some monolithicly united super fandom with one single unchangeable version. They changed stuff, get over it cause i for one liked a lot of things that they changed.

Yeah. Well I un-installed already so whatevs.

she's smiling because she knows there is NO way she could've survived and Vi will now have nothing to distract her from spending the rest of her life eating her pussy.

Lux can sit on my face, respectfully.

Who won?

Timebomb shippers, but pyrrhic victory.

Who lost?

Everyone else.

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I already uninstalled in Season 4

True. Silco is the bane of Zaun's freedom.

Boredom, but now I'm laffing at bbcucks

I wonder how riot will react to fan reactions. I won't say much because I obviously have no way of knowing, but I feel like things might get explosive.

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When do we start mailing death threats to a certain jewess in minecraft?

was this whole timeline just a vehicle to explain how ($$)Teenage Powder($$) arrives in League of Legends?

people are loving it on xitter and leddit, that's all that matter to them

ship flying away

where do you think she's going? Who's "across the river" for her?

And also i've been fucking talking into the void the last week that season 2 has been pretty explicitly about the losses we suffer and endure, and then being faced with the choice to use it as justification to sow further loss or to let it all go and learn to move on. It was a nice surprise to see that i was actually catching what they were putting out and not completely reading into fictitious themes.

Really happy in the beginning but then i remembered what show i was watching and got immediately filled with dread because everytime something good happens in the show something terrible happens.

Name 3 better animated shows

Idk I checked reddit and the league sub is on fire very mad

"I thought I wanted to give magic to the world.. Now.. all I want is my partner back"

"Why do you persist, after everything I've done?"

"Because I promised you."

shit made me more emotional than any other moment in the series. I don't care about the damaged chick or the dykes or the time negro.

I dont think we are meant to see her again for a long while.
She will shop up whenever it's needed so they generate hype again, because she is SUPER popular.
Could even be back in PnZ at one point, but I think we will see her somewhere else first.

Would love to see her in Ionia, its a place of spiritual healing (and chemical warfare)

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Seriously though what was the point of making Viktor the mage?

NTA but I've enjoyed wakfu, A:tla and Ben 10. Heard Metalocalypse and Xavier renegade angel is good too.

It's finally over

Basically future mage Viktor was bored of his timeline so he engineers a reality where he and Jayce end up in eternal gay heaven. Homo shenanigans ensue

Jayce and Viktor were the only good parts of this season / show
I couldn't gaf about the dyke / sisters drama

Too bad they were just supporting characters in their show

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Complete garbage aside from Nox


Legit good, but first season is a borefest.

Ben 10


I also thought it was really good and don't really understand the vitriolic hate. And honestly, i can't imagine there being enough unexplored here to fill out 27 more episodes of plot or even 1 more season. It was jam packed but what did you really so critically miss that you needed a whole 9 more episodes to explore. Jayce Vik fuck scene?

and chemical warfare

Well Swain already has his demon which means the first invasion already happened so Singed isn't going to Ionia.

They might shuffle events around

and Warwick

Ah, but you forget.
Singed cant lose.

Why would corin go gas random in Ionia now?

That was solid rough draft of a season. If only they bothered crafting it into a final product. A little bit of everything felt off.


Way too much corny/cliche stuff happening especially with no name characters.

Jinx and Vi story hamfisted at the end. One can make the same argument for CaitVi.

Warwick completely wasted

Big opportunities for Orianna (beyond that last tease) or Twitch to show up

no point on teasing Jinx still being alive if this is the end and we pretty much aren’t going to see these characters again

Edged the black rose a little too hard. It’s risky but they could have revealed Leblanc and delved a bit into Noxian politics as well as Mel’s Solari heritage.


episode 7 was all around great minus that weird French song

Viktor remains kino despite every other plot thread kind of shitting the bed

Maddies death was kino but her turning around and being a villain felt like Sister Sage saying everything in The Boys S4 was planned when it’s obvious writers were throwing shit at the wall. They should have at least put in a single hint that Maddie was a baddie.

where'd you learn those moves?

Subtext. AU Ekko can't satisfy Powder like Prime Ekko can. Prime probably ruined their relationship. When she's with AU, she'll be thinking of Prime.

Why couldn't we have just gotten a show where we see all the actually cool champs doing actually cool shit that happens in lore like Nautilus fighting off AN ENTIRE INVASION BY THE BLACK MISTS SINGLEHANDEDLY instead of watching vi eat cait out while jinx goes on a Muslim Pilgrimage

So cringe

Its funny

Reddit appears to have mixed feelings

Now that the dust has settled, who was Piltover/Zaun's biggest fuckup?

who cares

even reddit doesn't like it


Half of those guys might be us.


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lmao bruh I've been waiting for the stream video to load for a few minutes but fuck it I'm not even watching this shit

Easily Vi

They made the Arcane too dangerous and corruptive and it ate every other storyline, fuck having Sevika on the council and some bullshit bittersweet ending to the city conflict. The end state of the show should've been Piltover as a hub of ever expanding magitech and Zaun rebuilding itself continuously through augments and chems. Why the fuck would anyone touch hextech again in this setting after it killed thousands and caused the creators to implode.

On account of the mind rape, erased individuality super-collective, and existential world ending threat? Heimerdinger. Fucker should of shut this shit down when he had the chance.

go back to r.eddit nigger

Inferior korea is gonna get burned

Captura de tela

shit quality

Shit crop

"The perfect post does not exi-"

I mean, you guys are the ones constantly talking about what they're doing like you live there or something.


for season 3, i want


Old Swain before the fujo rework



Capable of upgrading the Z-drive by himself to a dimensional teleporter in mere hours

Spent the last 3 years bumming around doing nothing

What the fuck was his problem? It's like he doesn't give a shit about humans at all

Lives a completely different life where she is a (mostly) sane and functionning member of society

Still show off her armpits to the world

God I love this slut

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He enjoys chillin and learning banjos and hanging out with friendly people

Not as good as s1a1, but definitely better than the rest. solid second place. You can go suck a fat nigger dick like powder.

Uf Arcane writers touch Shen I will cry. I don't want anyone who worked on this show anywhere near him.

It's just your typical "grab my hand emotional scene" with a final explosion

I overall liked the season despite the clumsiness of some of the writing, but yeah, Vi going immediately from breaking down over her sister running off to kill herself to aggressive scissoring with Cait in said sister's trash and excrement-filled jail cell was very incongruent.

everything else made me laugh or cringe.

Arcane is very different from the Runeterra we’ve come to know. When wild runes were revealed in act 1 I assumed it meant Hextech was “incomplete” and the legendary professor Heimerdinger would figure out the last missing piece to it the boys couldn’t figure out. Nope turns out Hextech is forbiddentech and shouldn’t exist whatsoever.

She’s really cute. Hope they don’t ruin her by putting her with Ekko.

Is this how Game of Thrones fans felt?

Singed took his own supply of Viktor Arcane Juice. They are separate instances, body of the Arcane without the hivemind.


What the fuck was his problem? It's like he doesn't give a shit about humans at all

Nope he doesn’t. He’s a yordle.

So Vi becomes the piltover enforcer without her iconic gauntlets? Why?

What women and fujos and twitterniggers tend to forget that BROTHERHOOD and CAMADERIE is much more powerful then any dyke or faggot relationship. That's why LOTR with Aragon promising to Boromir and Master and Command are kino movies

This is nowhere near as bad

Didn't Vi have a ring on her finger?
The shippers really did win it all


literally not a character

What's the message of this? Let mentally ill people die and have sex with mentally normal people

Is there a Dunkey cameo?

Who do you think voiced ekko

a leash would be more aproppriate for Vi

implying she actually died

Pretty sure the story tried to hammer into everyone's skulls without actually stating it that Jinx lived. Cait's final scene is looking at ventilation ducts of the section of the gates that exploded then we get a skyship flying off into the distance.

And god bless my fellow frenchmen

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do we assume they fucked before he peaced out
or was it just a first kiss do over?

Too far? My bad

They could've been happy.

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Keep saying it

Ekko and Jinx definitely fucked before he left.

no how do you think she's not ending up with ekko
they kissed onscreen

Why do people say Vi is a cuck? Isn't Maddie the cuck?

your gf kissed a girl one time like a year ago

you think she's finally getting over this girl she didn't even date with your support and love while working hard as leader

turns out, old flame has to call her "cupcake" one time and your gf will betray the army she's been working with and fuck her in a dirty prison cell

eil5 why they just vanish after Jayce puts the shard in Viktor's hand?

something about breaking the cycle Viktor started w/ Jayce in s1e1

imagine if some random guard didn't get the memo from commander caitlyn that she was using the cell to fuck her gf

Top comment on the top post on r/warwickmains. Those poor bastards.

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I liked Victors redesign, his torn in half face was creepy and scary. His arc though was cringe, as was the Ryze retcon

So can we expect Riot to fire all their writers again?

mod has a meltie, pins his own comment

LMAO this gon be good

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singed mains, fags everywhere, timebomb

Yep. Riot writers were too ambitious trying to tie every magic system into the Arcane. League lore was more fun when Hextech was just crystal batteries powering weapons so Piltover can fight Zaun who use chemtech. I don't even think what they did with whole revamping of the lore just to fit Arcane is even worth it in the end.

Jinx basically killed this kid.

i can respect that riot has sacrificed the clearly old kino design for the noble pursuit of excising furries from the community.

for the media illiterate who didn't get it

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nice headcanon


what did Viktor mean by this?


seething luxfag lol

Amanda takes over for season 2

Ruins the lore

Absolutely amazing. I can't wait for Swain to be ruined.

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Why the fuck would anyone touch hextech again in this setting after it killed thousands and caused the creators to implode.

Bro made it clear in S1 that he has a warped sense of time as a Yordle when he was like "cool invention, Jayce. Maybe we can actually roll it out for production in a few short decades after it's been tested or whatever."

isn't she still suicidal and depressed?

how do people not get it when it shows her scribbly psycho effects as it cut to the credits

where do you think she's going?


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Hey, retard, everyone got it you stupid motherfucker. You are captain fucking obvious. Does dressing yourself in the morning make you feel like a fucking genius.

kek why he crying unless he a WW main, everyone else literally won

Swain is gay for Darius.

Amanda ruined half of League's lore

LMAO imagine reading this shit for a decade!

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weapons can't be unmade and they are always used

The dangers won't stop the ambitious

im never getting invested in a show ever fucking again, i caused this pain and dissapointment to myself

she wanted to get the fuck out of there and start anew, which is basically the same
a restart on life, if you will

It's a lightcannon shipper
Probably mad that Jinx got with Ekko

Hot damn that was good

ekko was cute in that universe

expect complex story arc about Cait's zealot fan drawing her away from Vi and the complexities of real love and encouraging comforting but unhealthy despotism

get fanfic shit instead

He looked gay. But I am gay so I would so fill his twink butt with cum.

Heimer steals the body of his alternate self just like Ekko

kills himself twice over

Did they think about this very much? This is murder. Along with Ekko smacking lips with Powder, these are extremely unsettling body snatcher plot points.

l-l..lads.. do you think if I were to be a shota and had the Z drive I would eventually sleep with any woman?

we all know Lux is for Sylas

oh yeah, makes sense

Maddie was a Noxian honeypot though

Looks like a Necron from Warhammer

oh no! now Glup Shitto won't be able to acquire his Jelqatron-5000 to fight Lord Aidsfield!

"lore" fans disgust me

May these writers never touch other LoL pairings ever again

no body, no death. It looked to me like he simply got blipped away to another AU.

can't they just have a scene where demon crow man shows up and says "hey, help noxus do a warcrime or your freaky doll gets thrown into a trash compactor"?

Just yordle things, you seem to forget they live forever and he has seen the end of nations so fucking around for years and nothing to him

LoL fans upset because Arcane broke the lore

Arcane fans upset because LoL broke the lore

This series tried to be two things and failed at both.

can somebody explain to me the maddie stuff? maddie was against the invasion to begin with... so... was she always on ambessas side? or did she change her mind later? im booboo th fool bc i though she genuinely cared for cait

Viktor never touched Singed's daughter. Singed's plan this whole time was independent of the war. Whatever he needed from Viktor and Vander, he was able to use to give "Orianna" a body.

So it looks like warwick mains are pissed.
Viktor mains are split 20/80 most dislike it
Lore fans are pretty mad
General league fans and show-only fans are more evenly split
Shippers are happy
That's my report from what I've observed.

The crow got the crystal so I think they will retcon it to Ionia getting Hexteched rather than gassed

she was a Noxian agent to begin with. she was never from Piltover

We had all the warning signs since the first season. To me it was this stupid website that made me stay hooked to it.

Viktor, Jayce and Singed carried this show so much
The dyke and sister drama was boring as fuck

suspicions confirmed, Ekko cucked himself

so what was her deal when she told cait to call off th invasion in the bed scene?

Jinx will make Lux worse
t felt good because it's AU Jinx and not main Arcane Jinx. Episode 7 was pretty cool when it comes to Ekko/Jinx stuff

In the Sylas video game, Lux tells him to fuck off even though he begs to team up with her multiple times and thinks he can manipulate her.

I just finished act 3.
Is it just me or was this really bad?
Like act 2 was 10 times better and felt more like an ending.

Everything in act 3 felt anticlimactic or pointless, none of the deaths or reveals hit.
But I see everyone is praising it and saying it was 10/10 and kino and best thing ever made.
What am I missing?

And that's another thing I fucking hated. Why was Maddie, who was a noxian spy, trying to get Cait to betray Ambessa? Worst spy ever.

to test her

That's dumb. You don't need to test her loyalty. Ambessa would want more control not less. Dumb loyalty tests is how you lose control of your subordinates.

reverse psychology

ngl im a little bummed out cait wasso passive in the sex scene, oh welll, the twitter vi self-inserts are gonna have a feast

Kinda spelled out in season 1 his sense of time is fucked, but also I kinda feel like it's made clear he was waiting for Ekko before making any moves on his own

Bro Maddie was enthusiastically joining in the Noxian chant. Pay attention

Wait so where the fuck are the Noxians in ep8 while Piltover and Zaun team up? Did Ambessa seriously bring all her forces with her to Viktors commune deep in enemy (Zaun) territory? War commander with decades of experience btw

Reminder that during the behind the scenes of season 1 actual Viktor was accidentally shown so all this metal jesus statue shit was not the original plan.


Singed OMEGA won holy chad

Cait won

Vi Won

Jinx neutral - at least she lived

Mel neutral - won some, lost some

Ekko neutral - city is safe but didnt get the girl

Jayce lost?

Viktor lost?

Heim unknown - might respawn

Ambessa lost

Warwick really fucking lost

Yordles are like elves from lotr, when they "die" they respawn in valinor/bandle city, so for all accounts they're inmortal

But I see everyone is praising it and saying it was 10/10 and kino and best thing ever made.

What? We've been shitting on it for 5 hours straight now

yeah, it's just telling cait something that fit her cover

you're needed in the other thread

if Maddie was too quick to be 'ambessa is great, do what she says, I love noxus' it might have blown her cover.

I liked it.

caitvi lesbian sex on screen

mel sexo

jayvik gay sex (inside the hivemind)

viktor won

singed won

jinx finally died

What's not to like exactly?
What did you want?

Honestly, Vi was still a bottom imo. Cait got to look down on her. Also, there was a part where Vi had to go on her toes to reach Caitlyn. Not gonna lie that was cute.

We don't even know that anymore

vi mega lost, they wrote her so badly this season

It is strange because she was definitely speaking to Cait about defying Noxus control and how if Cait was skeeved out about any of it, she should just tell them to get lost because Piltover looked up to her, not Ambessa.

but it was just reverse psychology

Eh, don't think about it too much.

I really liked this episode.

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I mean people outside of here, I just came here after I watched act 3 but as I was watching I saw notifications from X and imdb of everyone praising it saying it's top 2 show ever made.

Then why say anything at all? She can be quiet.

Pretty much.
Maddie being a traitor and dying is kinda cheap and absolutely boring. Would've been much more interesting if she was genuinely just in love with Cait to a fault.

Same, it was comfy as fuck.

Maddie being a traitor for Noxus will go down as one of the dumbest twists of all time, this was some Hans Frozen tier shit, why the fuck was Ambessa paying this woman to eat Cait out and tell her "Don't listen to Ambessa! You're the one in charge! Do what you feel is right! We follow you!"

good writing that makes sense

He's still trapped though, wouldn't he end up in AU Bandle City? I guess you can headcanon he just recreated the device and hopped back to the main timeline

She was always a spy

Are we supposed to side with Jayce? The writing truly confuses me.

What didn't make sense?

No one fucking knows dude

buhhh why undercover operative not being honest

guys pls


shell always be a bottom in my heart

That's just concept art and ofc they had no design for something they had only conceptually on paper.

I thought it was cool desu

They had such a kino way to introduce Warwick and it ended up being shit

So wait, did Jayce just tell Viktor that he didn't need to cure his leg or his cancer because it's what made him who he is and made him unique and then Viktor was just like yeah you're right?
Did I miss a scene somewhere?
What was that?

I liked it alot, just wish there was more

i didnt notice jinx was alive LMFAO


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Viktor himself sided with Jayce
Frankly, I'm not sure why Jayce didn't immediately lead with that revelation when he came back.

total dyke death
jesus fucking christ

They definitely changed the original plot. Ryze was supposed to be the one that showed magic to Jayce.

I liked it.
Cry me a river.

we overestimated the writers, our bad

Maddie was Ambessa's spy, assume from s2e1 when she introduces herself to Vi

it's why Ambessa knew to decoy Viktor's cocoon, Maddie leaked the battle plans to Ambessa and sabotaged the bomb she handed Fishbro

I appreciated a break from OH THE MISERY.

You missed Viktor seeing the fucked up future Jayce was in and an older version of himself saying "yeah that glorious evolution shit was stupid"

"Jinx" is trending on twatter with 200k posts, she broke them

What was the point of his character?

shows up

does nothing


agh, whatever, whats done is done, were never gonna see cait and vi again

I think Maddie was starting to fall in love with her

I don’t think the missed it more like they didn’t even watch it

Act 3 was much better than act 2, at least that fucking kid didn't hog more screentime.

Plus the less time we spend with Vi, Jinx and Cait and more on Viktor and Jayce the better the show is.

He won...

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As a Ryze main I don't even care, they would've made him a nigger probably

I fucking knew they wouldn't explain why Hextech would ruin everything. Just "everything ends up being really bad trust us" as if it's a guaranteed outcome and the AU Jayce went to didn't make any specific mistakes.

i gasped when he died, was rooting for him

Vi has been my League main for years and I hate what they did to her in S2.
She is such a fucking loser simp holy shit.
The cell sex shit was beyond retarded, I was sure the leaks must be fake or exaggerated or have made up shit inserted in them because THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY she just fucks Cait while Jinx runs off, convinced all her loved ones are doomed to die if she exists.

Like what the fuck.
And in the end we dont even hear her talk about Jinx at all, she is STILL just simping for Cait who GASSED ZAIN, then HIT HER and then REPLACED HER WITH MADDIE within weeks, while Vi was going through a breakdown, all alone.
Why is she a loser simp? She was always so forward, forceful and confident.
Absolute character assassination of my main.
All the solace I have is that at least I am not a Warwick or Viktor main because WTF

Might be pound for pound one of the most useless noncharacters of all time

But why was it stupid?
They never explained what happened.
Why did it go bad?
If Viktor is alive and is basically a god who can go into any timeline surely that was worth it since he can just go be a god and save all of them like he did with this one?

What was bad?

they made Viktor a god only to be undone by Jayce's bromance, guess that's kinda shit ending if you want the Machine Herald ending

I have to imagine in the original draft, Ambessa swung Maddie over as a Noxian agent after that scene where she notes that her and Cait are a thing in episode 4. Probably using Maddie's insecurities in Vi's shadow (her intro is her thinking Vi is a legend) as Cait's partner as leverage.

This would have been in the version of the story where Maddie, Steb, and Loris were actual characters and had things to say and do about the Noxus military occupation.

and you faggots wanted these retarded frogs to do Demacia next?

Yep. It was clearly Ryze based on the previs art

Mostly just to give Vi a friend who isn't her gf or her sister for that period when she'd burned bridges with both.

something else, why was cait talking abt some guards or whatever the fuck when she went to get vi?? whay was vi so excited to hear that lol

Ekko can't travel back more than 4 seconds because it will kill everyone except when he really needs it, then he can and nothing bad happens to him


All they need to do is not cram two seasons worth of content into one again

kek fishbro outlived him, I thought for sure he'd get his neck snapped by the cultists

you're kind of dim, aren't ya

Are you theorizing or was therre actually "an original draft"?

rich girl was hot and such a sweet talker, Vi never felt anything like it.

written by americans. stop rewriting history mutt. frenchs only did the animation and it the most kino part of the show

I got it, I understand why it was this bad.
It's non committal whiplash.

mel decides to fight her mom

no wait she decides to forgive her

no wait she gives her up to black rose

no wait she's saving her from black rose

no wait she's dead actually

repeat with jayce viktor

noo you're dumb i must kill you

no wait you're still in there

nooo my partner died

noo let's do this together!


it just can't decide what it wants to do and keeps going back and forth which is just infuriating

He's basing it on badly it fucked up bystanders (Heimerdinger). Seems they simply didn't have the time to do more testing before he was thrust into life or death combat.

all the stories in season two sucked, im fucking glad they didnt spread this lesbian drama and blacked shit over 5 seasons man

it looks cool to me but they didn't even do anything with it or his dummies other than *there's no way you beat 100's of them*

he gets it then just gives up, was anti-climactic in that sense


>mel decides to fight her mom

>no wait she decides to forgive her

>no wait she gives her up to black rose

>no wait she's saving her from black rose

>no wait she's dead actually

retard, she was using her mum to get revenge for her brother. she wanted both her mother and the black rose sorceress dead, and managed to do both.

bro he gay
the writing was on the wall since the start

bros before hoes man

Thankfully I've become so used to ignoring things I don't like S1 is the only thing that exists.

Vander is ressurected as a mindless beast

no wait, he's sane now and wants to go back

no wait, he's a mindless beast again and dies

no wait, he's ressurected and he's even more mindless now

no wait, he dies again

I'm not even going to go into how many times Vi and Cait had a falling out only to literally kiss and make up again. There's a joke about lesbian relationships in there somewhere.

what did this shit even fucking mean??? are they dead? one with the arcane??? in another universe???

built for ekko

the moral of the story is to walk away from revenge except for mel who should embrace i?

I'm now convinced that everyone who has a problem with this show is just shitposting or literally didn't watch it.
Ya'll have the shittest taste I've ever seen jesus fucking christ.
It was perfect.

It's just Rick and Morty. They're having more sci-fi adventures in another AU.

It's just a theory, but they're on record saying they rewrote S2 a ton of times. My personal paranoia is that they had 3 seasons of content, made a bunch of cuts because they were afraid of what they wrote when America was peak anti-cop, realized they only had like 2.5 seasons of content with all the cop stuff taken out, and then condensed as much as they could into 2 seasons for budget reasons and so they could get moved into the other stories Riot wanted outsude Arcane

same with jinx

they didnt even give us one damn fucking scene of them actually having a conversation, not one

That's just your opinion.

no but some of the criticism is overblown whining

Maybe for you EkkoxJinx faggot monkey worshiper maybe for you

heimer's eyes 'xploding was funny idkw

Yes, i agree, i just would like to know what happened to vander tbf, i guess Singed will take him and give him a full wolf wolf

I'm a caitvi fag and I didn't like the sex scene, it felt so much like forced fanservice.

Amanda joined team in s2 and they said that she only took the leader position of writing with s2 and then Christian also said that he threw all his ideas out when Amanda impressed him so it's most likely all about s2 indeed.

Vi has a gratuitous gay sex scene while her sister burns herself to death


i mean sure but this thread is all just whining faggots
it's unreadable

It has been since the beginning

The biggest one to me was Caitlyn becoming a dictator but not doing anything even remotely questionable, not to mention evil, on screen. They made it so ambiguous that you might as well think Ambessa did everything bad to Zaunians and Cait dindu nuffin. She also wasn't really tormented by anything from that time period. This whole "Heavy is the crown" tagline and Macbeth refernces lead to NOTHING.

that makes so much sense and it pisses me the fuck off

Sevika bros, we can't stop winning


it was just two women getting naked and autistically grinding at each other

Viktor: Jayce I saved you. Go make Hextech.

Viktor: No. Wait. Hextech is bad. Destroy it.

Viktor: Now hextech is good again. I'll go back in time so it can happen still.

gets to bang viktor and mel

Jayce? winning


this was such a missed opportunity to make caitlyn an actually interesting character and not just vis gf lol

I agree. The writing clearly suffered a drop in quality, namely everything Cait and Medarda, but holy shit people are whining way too much. You'd think the entire 9 episodes was just Cait and Vi scissoring each other while Ekko and Jinx make out in the background listening to some of this schizo bullshit.

how low does your IQ need to be to enjoy S2 and especially act 3?

sex with sane powder

We see Orianna, instant kino

Sigh. I hope she doesn't stick.

singed won

vi won

cait won

jayce won

viktor won

mel won

ekko won

sevika won

jinx lost


It's why the Dead Vi timeline is the good timeline.

Why did Maddie look so disappointed watching Caitlyn here? Makes no sense her being a spy for Ambessa if she's sad that Caitlyn followed through with the arrests.

don't post my wife lucy on this wretched board
r1999 unironically had better writing than this shit

jinx lost

she got to fuck off on her own airship and leave all the zaun/piltover bullshit behind

she double won.

slight correction I wanted to write ep 5 instead of S2 lol. She was there from s1 but as a normal episode writer and gaining influence in the writing room.

They could cut Vander's entire screen time between him attacking Jinx and him attacking Jinx and Vi in episode 9 and we would've lost nothing

He would still be hostile

He would still be mindless

He would keep his wolf-like goblin design

He would still die at the end

Vi and Jinx's relationship wouldn't change

We'd save at least an hour of screentime

I hate this fucking show

Jinx leaves her old life behind to head to Demacia

Will likely meet Lux and becomes BFs

Ezreal about to score 3 girls now, those being Lux, Kai'Sa, and Jinx

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do you know what acting is

i need concrete proof jinx is alive and escaped
i dont care ONE BIT for that bitch-fucking bitch Vi

Viktor snagging everyone by the mind

sends 3 probes to Vi, Jinx, and Ekko

Ekko doesnt get snagged

Is Viktor racist or something whats going on here

wait she's not dead?

REEEE why isn’t everyone falling over themselves trying to save a psycho terrorist for the millionth time

Get fucked, Jinxtards.

Imagine if instead of some bullshit battle at the tower we instead got Heimer giving a speech about conviction and protecting your own in the rebuilt council chambers while Enforcers sink the ships using the cannons from Season 1.

Very important moment.



This dogshit show is the biggest psy op there is. Actual proof that zoomers are low IQ retards with zero taste.

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the timeskip really fucked this up.

Ez and Jinx would unironically make a cool duo (not romantic, I dont need to watch some love triangle drama slop when she returns to PnZ and Ecco sees her with another man/woman, I am good on that one)


Isn't she a bit too old for him?


So writers forgot that AU Powder should be a schizo too? It's hereditary. I expected a scene of her taking meds or something.

Lux, Kai'Sa, and Jinx

worn out demacian free ride for everyone cock hole stretched out over a mile

a literal bug

and a blacked psycho freak

ezreal can't stop losing

ep 9 was pretty hurried, I think act 3 overall pretty good and act 2 didn't make much sense without seeing act 3

I like how they did Ekko's episode, but I like the sciency build it stuff. Jinx ending was really good

Id go with 8/10 overall and I was definitely down at 6/10, 7/10 before


I think the message of ep 7 was that a world without hextech was a utopia but the fact that Vi was the only one killed off was kinda... lol

lux and jinx will bang each other, kai'sa is destined for tentacle rape from a giant manta ray

maddie was really that bitch, were she real, shed be an oscar deserving actress

guys the blacked coal burner bitch is actually alive

hang yourself
can't you see? We lost


I loved it

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viktor and jayce shippers are the most annoying pathetic rejects imaginable
actual fatherless freaks

This is all I cared about.

i didn't even notice this frame when watching

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youre so fucking cool

act 2 was pointless imo

Death would have been a mercy for her, she is now literally immortal yet not human anymore.

he was unconscious from the crash, viktor couldn't sense his mind

wtf me neither

Very good final episode but the last thing I expected was for Jinx's fate to be abruptly left on a seeming cliffhanger? I suppose they did so deliberately to avoid killing her off for good / keep people interested in future shows. But I've never felt this way after a show has ended, a total paradox of being satisfied by parts of it but not knowing if I was unsatisfied by others? I suppose I'll have to digest it but S1>S2 still.

I don't believe she was acting

heh they cut away before the good stuff

Ekko prob helped her recover from the shock of Vi's death and that's how they grew closer.

they blurred the nipples :c

you expect time travel and au to make sense?

any Demacia series would inevitably revolve around Sylas since that's the only conflict they have there

every character fucked over

final episode is random war with literal who faction no one cares about

all these characters you don't care about die

oh no...

Ok. Well she gave the go ahead to hate her if I didn't like the second season so that's what I'll do.

Comparing Jinx's final words of S1 to VI's final words of S2 is night and day. S1 was clearly a freak accident. Riot needs to fire Amanda Overton before she completely destroys their next show. If this was the intended ending from conception; then all the writers need to go.

the show was pointless misery porn and dyke softcore porn

It was just an ad to shill her skin.
Actually, a lot of the characters got insane makeovers over the span of this season.

Goth Vi

Punished Jace

Arcane Viktor

Arcane Warwick

Butch Jinx

They didn't make the season deliberately bad just to shill the skins, right?

Wow... deep...

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Silco becomes good and Zaun becomes not a shithole after the failed job, it's that simple

Vi has no nipples.

she was the writing boss in s2, it's all her fault, it's good for a leader to take responsibility since she had it all in the palm of her hands

i hate amanda so much that i want her to ride me

that's fucking retarded

i mean everyone else outside here loved this show and it got a 10/10
so no they won't
it's gonna win all the awards and they'll keep her making more

She was smiling when she was about to shoot Caitlyn. Woman is nuts.

most ppl liked s2, i feel crazy for being dissapointed lol, whatever, time to block half of twitter

just go next and leave this vile rotting dog shit to be forgotten forever
just go demacia/noxus next i beg you

Isha's death sequence was very well done, but in terms of writing... this definitely feels like a character that would've been scrapped if there was infinite time to rewrite the story. I get Jinx's character arc from finding she has people to protect in her hometown to losing them again that drives her to the brink of despair once again. Condensing this all into one mute girl just didn't click emotionally, just my personal opinion.

I'm quite satisfied with how they wrapped up everyone's story by the final episode. Singed actually succeeding his goal to revive his daughter in some way made me very happy.

Maddie is innocent. non ginger yt women (jewish) happens to love killing off all gingers and replacing them with niggers for some reason

i was looking forward to viktor's skin the most but he looks like a fucking abomination
i wanted a cool arcane corrupted robot
i got a monkey faced skinny goth clown

thats kinda hot

Unless we see a dead body she isn’t dead, also take a look at what cait was looking at. It’s so on the noise that she is alive

Because there is a time jump between the job and when Ekko is there? It's pretty clearly shown that in that time Silco just grew to forgive Vander and they became allies again.

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and she is still the bottom.


The job means the job in jayce's laboratory
The hex gem exploded there and killed Vi
Vander and Silco reconcile and work together to unite Zaun and fix shit

They retconned her. She fucking tried to nailbomb someone in the first episode despite being in a better position than AU Powder (Vi lived) at that point in time


literally who

that scene unironically got me like pic related

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it's time you go back to twitter you fucking newfag

geezuz anons
she shimmer zips her way down one of the vent ducts in the fall
no body found only part of her explosive device which caitlyn retrived at the bottom

caitlyn looking at all the duct work in the hexgate blueprints while fidgeting w/ jinx's device and puts 2+2 together that jinx escaped and smirks

last frame is airship that powder said she'd fly on one day back in s1e1, leaving piltover for a new life

chinks are calling the ending disgusting, S2 is gonna get retconned

Jinx with Lux yes!

It's clear you're not a league fan


Because that's the timeline where we saved her

S1 bros where did it go so wrong?


are you black? otherwise kill yourself

chinks are calling the ending disgusting

LMOA who cares

Not him but wow i'm a retard, thank you, now i understand, should have been obvious because we didn't get a burial moment with the body

Sorry but Ezreal will get blacked by K'sante

what about it
it getting corrupted was just a way to let jayce, heimer, and ekko know something was up so they'd go down to the anomaly

hang yourself nigger

im chink reading xitter

I loved Season 1 and nothing in S2 changed that. It doesn't retroactively ruin S1 to me, I think it's the only season I will rewatch. Never got invested into larger LoL lore. MOBAs are not really my genre so I didn't try that either. love playing casual Valorant though, hopefully the movie is better than Arcane S2

Bro he was like days away from kidnapping Vander and exacting his revenge when the explosion initially happened. In the main time-line Vi being alive was the only thing that saved Vander. Wtf?

I don't play your faggot ass game.
Is that the strong black woman country or something?

I definitely would've liked a lot more time spent on the Piltover/Zaun conflict that they unceremoniously glossed over with a couple timeskip music videos. That would've helped me see Jinx's slow recovery from "I'm da Joker baby" to the much more calm Jinx we see in season 2.

Arcane ended there.
There's no second season.
Kino never died.

i dont know LoL lore, but i see tons of fanart about Jinx and this Lux. Is something canon or just a stupid ship made by fans?

K'Sante is gay anon

i liked act 1/2 of s2 tho
just act 3 was disappointing

Ekko's BBC fixed her shizo

Anon please go back and rewatch S1, Silco only puts his plan into motion after hearing of Vi and co's successful heist. In this timeline, if the heist failed then Silco would've reacted differently.

lmao why

yep turns out avrage consoomer didnt like silco

i'm not engaging with a faggot like you, keep complaining that the show is shit

she must have done something wrong, which caused the explosion to be worse than. Also Jayce also is dead...weird enough we didn't see Caitlyn in this au...oh no.

is there anything so undoing as a daughter

mommie Mel

Chinks don't use xitter doe. Post some Bilibili or something that I can run through a translator. It would be insanely funny if this show ends up killing their interest in the game

It's 90% of their playerbase

jesus christ, I'm reminded of some game event that had the story fucked up because skin sales took precedent. The writers had to work backwards and it clearly showed.

The stories I can think of for Demacia are either Mage Rebellion AGAIN for like the 4th time, or a retread of Arcane where you substitute classism with xenophobia.

There's probably a story to be made about J4's increasing paranoia, xenophobia, and mage hate after his father's death, the circle of nobles attempting to wrest power from each other through influence on him, and how the proverbial circling of the wagons around central Demacia has left the various settlements on the border to wither under Noxus imperialism or Freljordian banditry. Basically, that one book by the Warhammer writer starring Garen and Quinn, but much bigger.

vi knows her sister is about to kill herself

her priority is having sex with cait in a prison cell her sister was locked

vi also spent 7 years in a prison


Dont worry, black men in League have tackled worse situations than that to get the girl.
I believe in /ourguy/

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It's 90% of their playerbase

no that's south korea

I see chinks are happy. lmao Weibo is celebrating.

Fan ship and since timebomb is canon now it will never happen


Powder... My beloved...

Why the fuck should I care about what chinks think?

canon jinx never gave ekko a whiff of pussy and she let the cuck think she died when she fucked off. little bitch boy even burned a slip of paper thinking she was dead.


Vi and Cait's storyline in S2 was fucking awful, the sex scene was awful.
t. Yurifag.

They ruined my perfect twink :(

expecting something from the french



is a literal AU

I think the initial reveal didn’t do him justice. He looks much better in later camera shots.

What a meme scene. This show looks too good because of Fortiche but it's as low IQ if not lower than the Fallout show.

Oh, that's a neat nod to his original design

notice the split human face

vi also spent 7 years in a prison

She lost her virginity there

I don't know about you guys, but i get a raging boner whenever this bitch is on screen, damn i would smash that GILF pussy so bad

Can’t wait for the skin in lol

I genuinely can't believe an ekko/powder episode was the best shit we got off S2

absolutely kino design
alien and unsettling

No dude that's not. Not even in terms of revenue.
It's literally China. It's 75% of their total revenues and way more than that as their total playerbase.

without hextech the divide between Zaun and Piltover is not as overwhelmingly pronounced, and with Silco and Vander organizing the gangs they were better able to carve out and protect their territory. its clear Zaun has also invested in educating its citizenry. we don't know exactly how they managed it, but nothing suggests it was some peaceful bootlicking affair.

When Maddie was about to shoot you could see a flicker of emotion in her eyes showing that she was not that cold

i like her hair

jinx X au powder selfcest when?

so is lofter. I'm seeing more chink caitvi art than I should.

the sex scene song mentioning america was a poor choice

The huge size of his nose(and the human face) kept bothering me through the whole scene

What lesson did the writers try to teach us with this character?


Big EZ cock is reserved for Zoe and Zoe alone.

Fallout show was better. The Ghoul guy was cooler and more based than anyone in Arcane. And also, the frog waifu was acting better there.


And maybe he dropped it, maybe seeing Vander distraught by Vi's death inspired him to put aside his ambitions to reconnect with his brother. It's something the show didn't stop to explain but it's not unreasonable when you think about it. If anything it shows how close Silco and Vander were.

most of the advances in shimmertech were implemented to counter hextech, a lot from Jinx's inventions. the profits from shimmer also came from exporting it through hexgate smuggling routes.

It was more memorable than s2 Arcane but come on, the Fallout show is utter dogshit.

? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?
The fuck you mean.
Silco wanted to go full on Bin Laden with Shimmered up soldiers.
None of this shit makes sense.

spend like 1 second indoctrinating her


This season is so fucking dogshit it is unreal
everywhere you look it's garbage

war preparation scenes always suck ass and was a waste of a few minutes

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He won so hard it's not even funny.

I don't know about you but I was excited to see Mel get added to the game since they announced it and was waiting for season 2 to see her fight or what kind of abilities she'd get.
And this was the biggest piece of shit ever, she just needs to stand there in place like she needs to take a shit with both her hands outstretched forward and just sends some SLOW AS SHIT yellow piss blasts that do nothing and make shield that can't even stop her mom slowly putting a dinky knife through one.

That was easily the biggest disappointment of all for me.
She does not look like she'll be fun to play at all.
Just like a shitty discount Karma 2.0

Fallout show was better.

Fuck no, even if you're a Bethesda fan it's still bad. But if you played the first two games it's abysmal

I have said it before - Singed was the ONE character with a focused goal, ready to do whatever is necessary to achieve it.
And he did.
Morals didnt matter, friends didnt matter, physical strength didnt matter.
He did what he had to, and he won.

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This was so hot

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Vi dying probably ruined Vander, and maybe he decided it was finally time to bury the hatchet and he reached out to Silco. We know now that Silco knew Vi, so maybe it was enough to work towards peace

I don't even know who they were or what their purpose was. I assumed it was something only LoL fans would get.

It proves Ekko and Jinx loved each other/romances persist across universes/there is precedent now. Get fucked ig

People behind this show are actually retarded.

Supreme robot cunny

before arcane

so hextech is magic and science combined? okay!

after arcane

so hextech is this magical space cancer time travel mumbo jumbo alternate universe juice mind control mutant fuel

this is not confusing at all and a very big upgrade in the lore actually!

drooling retard paycheck thieves

why are only blacks allowed to pine?



none of this happens in AU, after VI dies in s1e1, Jayce stops his research

Vander and Silco reconcile their beef from when Powder and Vi's parents were killed, which happened long before s1e1

they were presumably still mad at each other but VI's death likely brings them to reconcile over the bridge incident, likely at the funeral when both learn she's been killed in an accident. Zaun unites under them and creates the good outcome

Morals didnt matter, friends didnt matter

In fact I think he succeded because he didn't make any enemies and wouldn't attach himself to any friends.
Truly, he is a sigma male.

Because Vander's kid died and Silco didn't have to escalate his work with Singed. Instead, maybe, he visited Vander trying to get him to join for vengeance only for Vander to knock some sense into mentioning Felcia. Then maybe Silco found Vander's letter and finally understood Vander still missed him too and felt guilty for hurting him.

Sad abused puppy dog Jinx is so cute.


bro if you want to bitch about something that actually doesn't make sense bitch about jayce not shutting down the hexgates and starting the dismantlement of it while they were preparing for the assault instead of after it started

she cut her hair just like in my japanese animes

shimmer clearly was void in season 1, wonder why they decided to write it out of 2 and replace it with the oilslick virus

yeah man they really ruined the robust and intelligently crafted lore of the assfaggots game

You go back and rewatch season 1 retard. Silco was always planning his revenge. He had a network of spies keeping tabs on Vander including Sevika and Deckard. This was all before the explosion.

is that the peak blinders guy/>

This was an ideal lengh
Why did she buzz cut it further in the final episode?

She deserves a better life...

anon, league is not canon

accurate LB behaviour

he's still under there. apparently

apparently Vi dying makes Silco a good guy.

God that was kino

maybe this happened

uh maybe that happened

well maybe THIS actually happened

lmao even
Everything is fucking off screen, vaguely implied at best, and you have to sit here and make excuses for this dogshit writing, LMAO
Season 1 was a solid, tight story. Season 2 is absolute dogshit garbage with muh AUs, time travel, some fucking faux deep garbage philosophy with Viktor, forced dyke shit. It's just fucking awful.

Why are people saying viktor and Jayce are gay? they are simply ultimate bros
also it feels like Fortiche got mad Riot wanted to make arcane canon and did an huge fuck you to them
Like it's entirely impossible right now for arcane to be canon unless they completely erase the lore of lol, multiple characters cannot even exist with the lore from those last 3 episodes. There's also major shit like Hextech not existing anymore, or Cait losing her eye. Ambessa also is a champion in LoL when she is dead here.
Why would this Jinx, if she survived, even becomes the Jinx of LoL ? She has no reason to become a crazy ass murderer anymore. What the fuck even happened to Jayce and Viktor? does it mean LoL Jayce and Viktor are different dudes from the ones in Arcane?
At best it's one of the alternate timelines that happened.
Listen to his song, he basically says "don't give a shit about what happens in the past and their repercussion and do what you want to do"

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Why would Silco feel bad about her death when he was going to kill her in season 1? Marcus even saves Vi, explicitly saying that if Vi went up to Silco he'd kill her.

kissed in a sewer, fucked in a holding cell, moving up in the world

im aware

It's simple, Slico wasn't a bad person when he was born and grew up working in the mines. He cared about Zaun he cared about his friends. Maybe seeing Vander, one of his closest friends in shambles after losing a daughter, finally made him remember what their goal was in the first place. (to make a better future for the children)

It's kino actually

this is what fr*nch people were the most proud of and thought of as their crowning achievement of this season

Yikes. Really makes you think.

lmao.webm - 1280x544, 3.89M

Silco was always planning his revenge. He had a network of spies keeping tabs on Vander including Sevika and Deckard. This was all before the explosion

And it was dropped after the explosion in which Vi died, because we can assume Silco actually did care about Vi and Powder both, and it was enough for Silco to change his goals. This is the man who said "Is there anything as undoing as a daughter" you know.

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I'm glad blue fish survived and Maddie got brutally killed that was pretty based

Why are people saying viktor and Jayce are gay?

ppl on the internet are mentally ill fatherless rejects of the society who refuse to seek psychological help they need

They fucked up by hiring writers who never cared about the game. Bringing Amanda on board was a mistake.

I watched the entire act 3 with my friends, when Cait and Vi's sex scene started, everyone made this face at the same time, even those who didn't see the leaks

ohhh kek, The only good scenes in S2 are the ones without females

It was nice, actually.

American empire couldn't collapse soon enough.

forgetting everything about arcane and engraving this image in my brain

Blue fish dude living was completely unexpected but ngl dude was a fuckin trooper this episode, on the front lines getting hit by the gray and shit

Ender Game vibe at the end lol.

Silco actually did care about Vi and Powder both

He was literally going to Kill them. Just stop dude.

Yeah, the lore is completely fucked.
Better to just forget and pretend like S2 never happened.

Powder/Jinx always liked moneys

Falls for Ekko

What did Amanda mean by this scene's framing?

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it also leaves open the possibility of her fixing that dimensional warp gate

Bro no scenes come close to fairly average scenes in season 1, the writing fall off is fucking insane

the french song was on episode 7 thoughbeit

Arcane is an altverse.

im glad its over so i can go back to superior violent lesbian media (the locked tomb book series)

how does this make you feel?

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This. That was literally the promise he and Vander made for Felicia. Deep down that Silco was still in him.

Ok but Orianna looked mega cute

of all the scense you chose the one with the weakest dialogue in the season?

Powder's going to fix that dimensional portal and join Prime Ekko and Vi, and Jinx will travel the world now that she has nothing left tying her down

tumblr trash

hey mom and dad there's this really good show about this game I like and the new season is about to come out!

dont care about sister killer

I think about the Viktor scene from S1 where he drops his cane and outruns the boats in the harbor and feel like there's no way it came from the same show or writers.

She tried to blink but could not even close her lids properly anymore.

He was literally going to Kill them

Irrelevant because in this new timeline something else killed Vi and he got to see the aftermath. He got to see Vander grieve. You're still not understanding that this alt Silco is essentially a totally different person to who we know because the timeline unravelled differently.

I sighed and skipped it/sped through it, yet people are praising Riot for it...

Watching some Better Call Saul reactions to cleanse my mind. I've given this show too much attention

shield bro though...he was a good man. I'm kinda glad the piano guy honored him by finishing the job.

arthoe self insert

Don't presume everyone is as insightful as you are, they need to leave it ambiguous and a lot of people would just view the airship as a metaphor for general freedom for Piltover and Zaun

Any viktor scene clears the dyke drama easily

S2 is exponencially more enjoyable if youre not a league player

Imma main Ekko.

Singed got away with EVERYTHING

What's the moral here? Be a degenerate criminal?

I'm a yurifag myself and I made the same face. It was pretty nasty and undeserved IMO. But add Vi knowing Jinx went to kill herself, it just makes the whole scene disgusting in that context. Sister of the year.

better call saul

overrated reddit capeshit liked by the same people who think arcane is "peak"
Sopranos and Wire are better than anything Vince has ever made

I don‘t see how playing League matters when the game‘s lore is constantly getting retconned.

I felt the opposite. The shit with the Black Rose and Mel was almost incomprehensible if you weren't aware of deep LoL lore beforehand.

and underage

Silco. saw. Vander. and Claggor. and Mylo. die. and. was still. going. to. Kill. Vi. had. Marcus. not. intervened. And he still. almost. killed. Powder.

Hard work and perseverance pay off

I know Viktor likes machine but he really tried to pull an Ideon at the end

goddamn right he did, and he even saved his fucking daughter

Silco's initial plan didn't work because without the manhunt for the kids he couldn't cut a deal wih Marcus so Vander and Grayson were able to deal with it before things got out of hand
there, happy?

He was merely doing what others wanted and used it to his advantage to revive his daughter. Honestly, I give him a past for just being a scientist doing his experiments.

Singed getting with everything is the only part of Season 2 that stuck with the show's original theme.
Singed is responsible for an incredible amount of the horrible shit going on in Zaun - arguably for most of the conflict. But he did all in the name of research to save his daughter, kind of like Silco willing to sacrifice peace with Piltover for Jinx's sake.

Because of the flashback in ep 5 of Felicia Vander Silco. Felicia's death is what drove them apart and Vi's death brings them back together, when word of it spreads in Zaun, funeral or whatever you can make up in your head.

Wanting to kill Vi scene is way after the heist and one could weave all kinds of theories as to what exactly happens since they don't explicitly say or show, you just know they forgive each other and create a better Zaun together

Seems kinda split honestly. Some show-only fans are complaining about things getting introduced that they're not familiar with like the black rose.

The nigger mom was such a shitty villain. Like holy fuck.

i start a war because uhhhh le pride and some unknown faction that got introduced 3 episodes before the show ended I guess

Amanda said we would love and hate Maddie but she's such a non-character that i can't feel anything towards her

why the fuck did they suddenly have sex in the fucking prison, what the fuck was that

Right? both Ekko and Heim should have stayed in the nice AU

They don't even call Singed and Warwick by their game names, what's the point of subtitling them like that?

true actually, forgot about the black rose stuff
i can absolutely see that being confusing

All happened after he put his plan into place and was committed to seeing it through, after he had crossed the Rubicon. You're not accepting that the timeline diverging so early changes fucking everything.

This. Faggots who defend S2 are retarded.


t.Vi in Season 1

never did anything for politics or power

never did anything out of greed or lust for revenge

never made enemies, acted calm and offered people who had the upper hand what he could to secure alliances

managed to achieve his dream and bring back his daughter

dropped fire dialogue any time he opened his mouth

I loved him

dream.png - 1920x811, 1.14M


did /our/ guy win?

did_he_win.png - 1671x713, 2.28M

Just kill Vi because clearly she's the keystone or the lynchpin to all of the suffering.

No Vi = Everyone is happy
No Vi = Orianna is alive, Singed is happy

get to ep9

noxians are attacking from the shores on ships

wait how? you're telling me Piltover didn't take care of the ships while they were separated from Ambessa in Zaun? They just let the Noxians regroup for a massive attack? Holy shit this is actually GoT tier

Do you even need to ask my dude? He is THE biggest winner of S2

Why did they shoot at noxian ships with wooden boxes ahahaha

For distraction pretty much. Vi was distraught and, like Cait did with Maddie, she used sex to ignore her problems.

only the caitvifags cared cause their precious ship. went maddie got domed all I thought was 'welp she dead ig'

singed is such a unexpected gem of Arcane
what a turbochad

you know she's just the nastiest, kinkiest bitch, you can see it in her face, she's probably got all sorts of twisted sex shit in her basement

Holy shit that's a good point lmao

So ekko totally fucked over his AU self right? Like theres no way AU Jinx doesn't fuck around with the hex cores in an attempt to save VI now. Bitch is gonna be the machine herald in like a year tops.

What a complete bastardization of beloved characters

when he was going to kill her in season 1

That was only after the explosion. It was very clear his original plan was to recruit her.

havent watched the last act yet, is she a robot? or some arcane cancer slave like the commune?


takes a certain IQ to be able to imagine alternate timelines, it's no wonder the smoothbrains can't understand, but it's not their fault either

The leak image was real...

what if she meets Viktor?

Yeah this season killed whatever momentum they had for establishing a cinematic universe. Don't have any interest in anything else they do if the pacing continues to be this fucked.

There were some kino moments sprinkled in there like Vi hugging Warwick and anything with Viktor but the season overall ended up being a huge mess. And because of that it doesn’t feel quite like we got closure with any character and are left unsure how to feel about the ending. Go back to any individual Silco scene in season 1 and you immediately feel the difference. I think 7 is the only episode that’s overall good.

Viktor and Jayce were pretty consistent through and through but Vi, Jinx, and Cait did not have a real plot whatsoever. Things kept changing on a whim with them and act 1 feels like forever ago. Warwick was wasted, Singed was half wasted. Loris, Maddie, and Seb had no reason to exist at all. A little too much corny and cringe stuff like Vi escaping the Noxian camp and focusing on that random Jinxer. You can criticize anny aspect about this season from character designs to dialogue.

S2 writers seriously thought Vi and Cait dyking it up was the cornerstone of the show

Whatever. I can't get passed it and I'm not going to. Silco had fucking Sevika under his thumb. Sevika at that time was not only a regular at Vander's bar, but also one of the heads of Zaun. He was already committed to getting his revenge even before the explosion. He just didn't know how to go about it.

Episode 5 was the best of the lot. It's almost a season 1 episode given who all the focus was on.

I would use Ekko's Z-drive to cum inside her again and again and again

Silco had fucking Sevika under his thumb

Later. After Vander makes it clear he wasn't going to do anything. Sevika does not paint me as the type to be a spy.

take care of the ships... how?
Piltover doesn't have a navy

Anyone has that tweet of amanda saying she was proud of how they wrote caitvi or something like that

The latter but disconnected from the arcane and just revived in a horrible body.

all they had laying around, don't have a standing army with artillery like the Noxians but they did have plenty of empty crates from all their Hexgates import/export activity. kinda clever to use empty shipping crates in that way

watch american classics

immersion ruined

Silco had no attachment to Mylo and Claggor. What's your point there? He only ordered them dead once they literally blew up his drug empire in his face. This season re-contextualized his interest in sending Deckard to watch the sisters by making him close friends with their deceased parents. In season 1 he admitted he wanted to recruit Vi (NOT kill her) but got Jinx instead. There's enough there if you aren't being stubborn. It's also just a fucking cartoon.

5 was good too, I love emo Vi. I was inherently lumping it in with 4 where I have some pretty nasty nitpicks.

Use the giant hextech cannon, even seize the ships since Ambessa pledged the army to Caitlyn so they'd listen to her since the Noxians up there have no idea about what happened in Zaun. Even if they had to resort so a full frontal attack it's better to do it then while the Noxians are split rather than let them regroup.

Piltover doesn't have a navy

What do they eat
How do they trade

Do you honestly think Ambessa told her own troops to listen to caitlyn in any capacity? She's a fucking puppet

hex gates, retardo
which means they have airships but not ones that are armed
Piltover has enforcers which are basically a peacekeeping/police authority, but they don't have a standing army, nowhere close

Sorry Ms. Kiramman. I was the one that deflowered Vi.

I’ll be honest. I wouldn’t mind sweet little Orianna coming in as a Dues Ex Machina to stop Viktor. Kinda like Jinora in season 2 of LoK.

Cant wait for everyone to clap for Jinx saving Ekko from something 5 years from now and them getting reunited because the shipping must continue.

You mean extremely erotic robobody?

Watch show based on the premise of Jinx and Vi

it turns to shipping shit that relegates their relationship into irrelevancy

I'm so fucking mad

What I can't get past is the ESL pretending his shitty opinion matters

Vi and Jinx's storylines were entirely about their sisterly bond in S2. What the fuck are you talking about?
Jinx only had an edgy phase in Act 1 because she was mad Silco wasn't talking to her but then she becomes a big sister to Isha and Vi joins them later.

the city is massive, surely they had ways to feed the people before hexgates


a shitskin borned in english speaking country thinks his opinion matter

when you're right, you're right

didnt they KILL KINO tho

What did they mean by this?

time shenaniggans its his special power





which one i should try?
