That's cute.
That's cute
Multidimensional niggers are coming for your white women and there is NOTHING you can do to stop it white boi
stealth BBC thread dont reply
Fitting for the content of these two franchises, honestly
White girls just prefer them, you know.
I think they’re trying to push something onto us
It's gross, actually and entirely artificial and forced. You only think it's wholesome because you have bad taste.
hahaha of course not just watch your movies and be good okay?
Never was a fan of Jinx and Ekko being together, mostly because Jinx is my Waifu
You can argue the Sunflower ship is forced (guess what it's not cause every Spider-gwen comics has her getting backshotted by Miles at the end, even having children with him in some universes but whatever) but getting mad at Timebomb?!!!!
When it's been Arcane's most popular ship online? And the story WAS build the way it would eventually happen?
This is a sad timmycel cope imo. get over it.
Sony robbed though. Gwen should've kiss him in that scene. Thank god Riot did the needful.
love it
"I hate aesthetics!" screamed the plebeian.
"Art should be narrow and monochromatic as my worldview!"
How boring.
racial cucks
outside of Anon Babble
Wrong board
Sticky butts?
I wouldn't put it past the developers of Spider-Man 3 vidya deciding to make it more like the movies again.
Miles mentions to Peter that he and the deaf chick broke up offscreen
a wild Gwen Stacy appears
Well, Cindy Moon is gonna be in the next game, so they’ll probably try to push her and Miles together
Need more content like this
What do you mean by that chuddie?
Ekko and Powder are right side up.
muh aesthetic
Just say you're into cuckshit and get it over with Jacob
Interracial couples are cringe and shit.
Reminder that Jesus loves you and you should marry and have children.
Bello sai solo tu
Con i tuoi occhi belli blu
Bello sai solo tu
Voli con me lassù
Bello sai solo tu
Fai amare me di più
Sai amore solo tu
Notice they only bring up "muh aesthetic" when it's a black male and a white female but never when it's reversed.
This is a superficial comparison. There are many layers of problems with the spider-verse pairing, while the timebomb thing is just a what-if. They're established childhood friends in both timelines, and this is the one that didn't go to shit. Meanwhile Gwen Stacy had to be pulled from her own universe and have her major connections severed with the character whose identity Miles stole to be paired up with him. The only person Ekko cucks is himself.
I want it to happen just to spite gwenschizo.
I want Gwen to be known as nothing but a tranny, a coalburner and a goblin fucker.
I would throw it in the retard's face until he commits suicide.
supergirl and whos that supposed to be?
Aren't those three things already all she is?
Yeah, but the more it happens, the more it stays in the public consciousness.
It's a Gwen-65 and Gwen-616 are the same argument again.
Falls apart at slightest scrutiny, but despite that it's constantly brought up. Why is that?
Hailee was literally a place holder character to bridge Miles move to Harlem. She got elevated to love interest when Dan Slott somehow managed to convince Insomniac to swap Gwen for his OC Cindy Moon. A decision they probably regret with the scrapped DLC plans.
Gwen-65 and Gwen-616 are like main universe Jinx and alt universe Jinx
I'm a descendant of the Spaniards. The urge to racemix is in my blood.
Who?white men?
giving Gwen's Jinx/Powder hair color
not giving Miles' Ekko hair color
just take their women then
That's Coraline and her gay friend
So we're gonna act like that white man and black woman doesn't happen 10x more in media than bmww now?
We're really gonna act like this is something new?
Ching Chong Ping Pong
So we're gonna act like that white man and black woman doesn't happen 10x more in media than bmww now?
It doesn't
Watching the racists break down and turn on the show is beautiful after the disgusting amount of JINXposting that ruined the board when S1 came out.
disliking bad writing makes you racist
Here we go again
No, but monkeyposting in a timebomb thread does.
I knew to trust my guts not to watch this show. So it's another multiverse crap?. Alternate realities and shit?.
The real reason Spiderverse 3 gets so many delays is because they're taking the time to beautifully render the scene where Miles gets gaped by Gwen's girldick for the first time. It's both beautiful and stunning, everything that Miles' fans want.
So true, dalit.
What the fuck are you talking about?
You didn't watch this show because you knew it'd be another attempt to make a multiverse franchise.
I didn't watch this show because I know that everything related to MOBA games is inherently shitty.
We are not the same.
Good thing I'm now white nor black. I'll just sit here and watch and enjoy how you two kill each other in the next race war.
this, look at them pretending now HAHAHAHAHAHAH
What the fuck are you on?
So Jinx will never see a white penis in her life huh?
Wybie won the Cora-bowl though. Laika confirmed it.
Why does this media pairing make white incels so insecure? White girls, both real and fictional, do not owe any of YOU sex, they are free to choose their partners and date outside of their race. And yes, on average, Black men are much more masculine, assertive and strong-willed than white men.
MAWS Kara, my beloved
On average, black men are more homosexual than white men. They just don't call it gay.
Stop believing what your porn tells you, dalit.