Comic Book Weekly Bestseller List - 23rd November 2024

1. Ultimate Spider-Man #11 [100%]

2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Naruto #1 [57.4%]

3. Wolverine #3 [56.3%]

4. Wonder Woman #15 [52.5%]

5. Exceptional X-Men #3 [37.1%]

6. Batman and Robin: Year One #2 [35.3%]

7. Storm #2 [34.6%]

8. Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu #2 [33.7%]

9. Batman: Full Moon #2 [33.0%]

10. Phoenix #5 [29.5%]

USMgods.....I kneel.

damn USM outselling every other book by half the copies is a feat

Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu


nature is healing

2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Naruto #1 [57.4%]

How hard will next issue tank

a lot

See you in a few years when you regret spending $5/issue on a story that didn't go anywhere. . All this set-up is going to lead to a disappointing conclusion just like always.

Which is why I don't support or buy USM

Weren't you claiming that it would be canceled with issue #6?



See you in a few years when you regret spending $5/issue on a story that didn't go anywhere. . All this set-up is going to lead to a disappointing conclusion just like always.

Are you referring to 616? Because 616 have been like that for decades. Been like that longer than most of us been alive.

Been like that longer than most of us been alive.

Speak for yourself.

He must be confusing the two, because he sure as hell isn't talking about 6160. Things actually happen there unlike in 616, where nothing ever happens.

Yeah, I don't understand haters going "nothing ever happens". Just this month alone, Ben confirmed he knows Peter's secret and we have the latter starting to have insecurities about the superhero business, we have the mutants going public and finally, Tony fucking died.

Meanwhile, literally nothing at all happened in ASM since Dead Language shat the bed. In the last 40 or so issues of ASM, literally nothing happened! LITERALLY NOTHING HAPPENED.

It's just the Polish Child Rape Guy getting angry that there's more talking than punching, which does nothing for him because he literally can't read what's in the text bubbles. His tumor laden brain can only stare bug-eyed at the pretty pictures.

im not reading USM anon

Why do I prefer Ultimate, anons? *chuckles* It has things that happen. Good things that happen, you wonder? Bad things that happen, you might ask?

*smirks* It does both. It has all sorts of things, things that happen. And you know what the best part is? The things that happened won’t ever get turned into something that didn’t actually happen.

That can be a scary thing if you’re an ASM bro, or Polish. People just don’t feel so safe. But me? *laughs, before lighting a cigar* I like a little danger.

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Oof, ouch, not looking good for the X-Men's Polish fans.

Based copypasta, makes schizos come out of the woodwork

But anon... they finally caught Tombstone

Why do I prefer Ultimate, anons? *chuckles* It has things that happen. Good things that happen, you wonder? Bad things that happen, you might ask?

*smirks* It does both. It has all sorts of things, things that happen. And you know what the best part is? The things that happened won’t ever get turned into something that didn’t actually happen.

Lol you types said the same thing about Renew Your Vows and we saw how that went. Here today, gone tomorrow. take my word it for things will be no different this time, Once hickman leaves other writers will start to crap on Ultimate and that will bring it'd demise in no time flat.

He got free the next issue!

Ultimate is selling way more than Renew Your Vows ever did hehehe


Hi Dan!

I hope the Gwenschizo dies a sudden and violent death so that these threads may finally know peace.


Things happened in Renew Your Vows also and and we saw how that went. Here today, gone tomorrow. the same thing will happen Ultimate.

Ultimate is selling way more than Renew Your Vows ever did hehehe


Doesn't matter marvel does not care so they will cancel it anyway,

He got free the next issue!

But anon, I'm sure that this somehow still is important. Somehow

I just want to talk about spider-man. It's a sad rule that if a topic of discussion exists on Anon Babble, a schizo will always stick to it

I hear they're cancelling X-Men because Absolute Batman is doing so well actually sorry man

Damn... Batfags are going to finally kill off the X-Men, and Spiderfags are going to kill off everyone else

I think you need to check out the solicitations the february 2025 showed 23 X-Men books, while spider-man is only getting 6. or 9 if you include spider-gwen, spider-boy and venom.

not looking good for spider-man fans is it,

Quality over quantity nigger. There could be a hundred Spidey books right now, but the only one I give a fuck about is USM and the occasional mini by JMD.

Anyways I want to see MJ get into a really bitchy catfight with her sister Gayle next issue and also reveal that Gayle's loser ex-husband is Ultimate Paul. Maybe make it so that Gayle also wants to sleep with Peter, and that's why her marriage with Paul broke down.

I'll be proposing such a scenario with Tracy Scops later on at least, maybe it will catch their interest.

trying to force spider-man fans vs x-men fans

claiming X-Men 23 books is a good thing despite fans not buying all of them

Yep, it's a Quesada-era Marvel employee in desperation mode

Right now X-Men has more Quality over Spider-Man that's why they are pumping out so many X-books. while spider-man descends more and more into oblivion, heck they are even turning ASM into a X-Men book get ready to see it renamed into amazing X-Men.

• With Spider-Man now DEAD, it’s up to the X-Men to win the day and save the universe.
• But why are they fighting EACH OTHER?!?!
32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99

Er um um the X-Books are better that's why they're selling less

This is deeply pathetic, Polish Child Rape Guy.

This is deeply pathetic, Polish Child Rape Guy.

stop being off-topic and spamming that's not what this thread is about asshole.

It's just that arguing that having more books that still sell less is somehow an example of superior quality is deeply retarded. It's more retarded for you than usual, and you're retarded enough to be called the Polish Child Rape Guy!

Frankly if I were him, I'd call myself a better name than "Polish Child Rape Guy." I'd go with something like "The Polish Guy Who Definitely Doesn't Fuck Kids" or something. But then, he's retarded and I'm not.

If that was was true the then they would not be pumping out so many X-books. spider-man fans are just upest that x-men are doing better.

fuck off with the spam retard.

Naruto fans and Ninja Turtle fans are able to accept their defeat with grace and equanimity but not the worst and most hateful X-Men fan, the notorious Polish Child Rape Guy!

It's true. As a Ninja Turtle fan, I accept defeat and learn from it, just like Master Splinter taught Leo, Donnie, Mike, and Raph. But the Polish Child Rape Guy, in his petty arrogance, will never learn and grow...

Why are their hair orange when MJ have them red and Peter brown?

Genes are weird

Spider-Man fans, Naruto fans, and Ninja Turtle fans all know how to accept responsibility and growth. But not the Polish Child Rape Guy. He's a disgrace to all X-Men fans it's why they hate him there.

He probably only has sex with children because he's afraid of growing up.