Death Battle

Talk about Death Battle and Death Battle accessories in this thread.







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Batman made kryptonite rain.

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I don't know about all that but toddlerCHADS cosmically won, cosmically

I just want to have fun, but Jannies and Sonic/DB make the whole thread low quality

Who is she for?

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I want her to vore me

Human on Cosmic Tape Worm pregnancy


she is for chris griffin from family guy


What a dead thread.

We should fix that... Oh wait, I'm probably the only one who actually cares about these threads. Still haven't been proven wrong about that fact.

We're just two ESLs waiting for the americans to have their third Mcdonalds breakfast and then come here.

Dragon Ball needs a big win already to raise moral.

what if they had goku fight invincible (and lose)

Feed Batman to Hercule

Bowser won the fight as Dry Bowser, even though he literally has to die to do so

this means that dying doesn’t mean losing the fight so long as you have a post-mortem form that can continue fighting

making Force Ghosts (who can still use all their powers via sequel scaling) a definitive wincon

Invincibros, you’re done

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Buu vs Kirby rematch with modern research
inb4 "Kirby is le multiversal void god because... H-he just is okay chuddy?!"

Here we go again.

Popeye: I ain't just hungry fer spinnach... I want YOU.
Spongebob: Me? I'm not on the menu, silly! Bahahaha!

Markbros, we need to hide our HERO so that he doesn't get MINDRAPED by CHADke...

Your reddit meme was never funny

Omni Man gets solo'd neg diff by Anakin Skywalker after he just fought Obi Wan on mustafar

Mark vs Gohan will happen when Invincible season 2 drops.

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Sundisk scaling surpasses all!!!
I mean I don't think kirby is multiverssl but isn't fat boo not that strong? Sure candy beam might just win but what's stopping kirby from absorbing that?

wanting Buu to be humiliated again

Ellie vs Clementine. Who wins?
golf is not allowed.

What was even the argument for Kirby winning his fight against Buu, did he get multiversal scaling or was it a hat trick with his ability to absorb anything?

turdy seething about breakfast

Just eat breakfast, mmkay?

when Invincible season 2 drops.

...It already did.

Nah, Gohan will fight Boruto (Boruto wins btw).

Season 3 then. I don't really follow Invincible.

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Gohan is for Boruto.

dimeless Burritofags trying to bag some respect in these halls

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We don’t care about Naruto’s Son in these threads.



Boruto vs Gohan. It just makes the most sense.

Ellie deals with a rougher scenario but in a 1v1 I'd give it to Clem. She seems smarter and better against humans. Ellie jobbed against an emaciated woman who was starved for weeks

Sadly the most likely candidate for the next DB fight is Cell Vs Metal Sonic and apparently Metal stomps

makes most sense

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they threw the frying pan

Why wouldn't Metal stomp? Cell can't even move in stopped time.

nervous laughter

Anime feat of him flipping a frying pan into the sun or something. I forget if they also played up Star Rod which they should have because that was the actual best reason for beating Kid Buu

Gohan stomps Burrito tho.

So? Do you prefer to see him stomped by Mark?

Nah, Boruto crushes Gohan.

Gohan also stomps Mark.

Kirby can inhale attacks comparable to Buu's planet destroying attack, and his inhale can even brake the 4th wall as shown in Triple Deluxe (the most recent game)

Kirby is objectively physically stronger and more durable based on what was shown in the Kirby games vs DBZ. The Warp Star can function like Instant Transmission giving him a better speed. Kirby can split an Earth-sized planet in half with a punch and shrug off planet sized explosions whereas Buu takes damage from just about everything.

If they redid it, Kirby would absolutely crush Buu as there's been a decade of new Kirby games where he now has:
An established power level - Infinity
Mind Control - the ability to convert enemies into friends using hearts and summon a whole gang of homies at will
Stronger abilities from Forgotten Land and the ability to do stuff like stop time
A gun.

Mark is for Jon Kent, beggar.

Mark can't even beat SS2 Gohan.

Dragon Ball LOST. You don't get to move your guy to the championship; you get 'B' pool.
Mark fights Jon Kent, as he deserves.
Gohan gets Boruto, it's his destiny.

Dragon Ball LOST.You don't get to move your guy to the championship; you get 'B' pool.Mark fights Jon Kent, as he deserves.Gohan gets Boruto, it's his destiny.

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why did they give Kirby anime stuff but not Buu anyways?



Let people have their fun, man.


Hey! Kill yourself!

I come from the future, in 10 years from now Boruto's first Death Battle episode will air.
Jodio Joestar Vs Uzumaki Boruto. It doesn't make sense now but in 10 years that MU will be like Giorno vs Joker but actually debatable

Sorry, but I cut your future off two years ago.
Gohan will fight Boruto, as properly suits him.
Mark gets bumped to Jon Kent.
Dragon Ball LOST. Deal with it, fags.

destroys your verse

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Gohan flicks Borutos head off, Jesus Christ why do Narutards want to humiliate themselves so badly. Why don’t you go ahead and explain how he wins, let’s hear it.

Boruto hits Gohan really hard and he dies, like every anime death. Boom, done.


Gohan, Boruto, Jon Kent, and Luke Skywalker will face off in a battle royale where CHADke GAPES their minds in the first attosecond

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…SPEEDBLITZES that mind rapist

fagon fag fags still thinking they belong in a championship match after LOSING four (4) straight matches to their PROVEN SuperSUPERIORS

My fucking sides kek

Okay so you’re shitposting and know that Boruto gets raped, got it.

"No Grand Stars?"

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Yoda lost the fight against Mickey despite becoming a force ghost.

Boruto SLAMS Gohan motherfuckally and kills him. No diff.

Because KH characters have existence erasure, soul/intangible destroying attacks (aka their basic weapons), and conceptual destruction. Why would becoming a ghost matter.

Felt called out enough to reply


I kinda want them to do Sonic vs Goku just to see what kind of cesspit these threads become

These threads wouldn’t survive regardless of whip wins.

DaB fans are too demoralized to spark any discussion. Gohan needs to be fed Boruto to even have a win.

How can you say that when these threads went into full meltdown mode when Bardock lost to Omni-Man?

World of SNOREcraft

I hate Borutards so much.

He thinks Borutofags actually exist in these threads

Anime Kid Buu is stronger then Buuhan despite it making no sense but it's a consistent thing the anime says and anime Buuhan was going to collapse the universe by screaming

Bardock would have been perfect for that if DB wasn't biased as shit and they completely detached the narrative to give Nolan the win.

Emet is for murdering Archbishop Rhea

Gas vs Infinite will save Fagonbros

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Triple Deluxe

The most recent game

What the fuck do these two even have in common?

Fodder villains obsessed with becoming “the strongest”

They said Buu was only planet level and not even FTL. They didn’t really address how Kirby would even kill Buu but just said he would because he can inhale attacks. They also let Kirby have all his power ups but didn’t let Buu absorb anyone.

Jeez that connection sucks, if they're gonna go with manga shit they should do Moro vs Tirek instead.

Who can possibly stop this team?

Haven't been in Anon Babble in a while. Thoughts on Bowser vs Eggman?

To be fair, even if they did the fight today Kirby would still stomp based on the stats they gave DDD even if you gave Buu the whole “he’d destroy the universe with a scream”.

I mean, obviously there’s better MUs, but we’re looking for an easy Dragon Ball W here

Modern Buu scales to current Goku. He’d rape Kirby.

Everyone loved it from what I know and some people consider it to be a top 3 episode to even top 1. Only some sonicfags cry about it here and more of xitter but it's funny, I think a janny went on a powertrip after finite jobbed

They bring Touhou in so Goku can finally win one

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Only people who really disagree with the results are Sonicfags, everyone else saw the Bowser win coming and most consider it to be a good episode.

I think it's because of this particular fest they used. Also it's even more sad when you realize that is a regular Yoshi not our main star child Yoshi that was born alongside the Mario cast

Dobson stomps

Doesn't kirby have some pretty good feats now too? besides the void termina meme and depending what DB gives him doesn't kirby have his mech thing and can top time. Also modern buu scaled to goku? He only sleeps all day and definitely not as strong at this point.

Goku either has to beat a literal who from a franchise whose popularity peak was ages ago and is now mainly known only by weebs and imageboard users or he gets curb stomped by whatever bizarre scaling this random Touhou girl has

Either result would be pretty funny.

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a franchise whose popularity peak was ages ago and is now mainly known only by weebs and imageboard users

Goku will fight another Dragon Ball character?

Nigga, Buu fought Goku evenly after training for the ToP and played a major role in beating Moro in the manga.

There are too many Mexicans and Latinos thanks to all of South America for DB to ever become a niche series kept afloat by autists, though it helps that the baby diaper show and Sparking Zero are out so that they have something new to talk about.

sleep weakening a magic-powered toonforce character (who had been sleeping 1000 years)

had to be written out of the ToP so he wouldn't go and absorb jiren

galaxy-level to universal to omnipotent minimum

Daipa is flopping real hard as we speak.
DBfans live inside a bubble but in the real world Dragon Ball isn't all that relevant.
Friendly reminder The entire franchise was dead and buried before super came out

The TOP was skinny buu and he immediately returned back to fat buu, But I forgot about the moro arc lol, did he even do anything note worthy there anyways, even then wasn't it grand supreme kai controlling the body so it's kind of inaccurate to say that it's really buu?


Omnipotent minimum

Jerry the RAT, cooked that day

who could take out Super Bass in Death Battle


does 0 damage

jobs to 1 hit


all this in less then 30 seconds

WTF SUSSY BAKA IS STAR LEVEL??? Fall Guy sisters are we cooked??

Man, how does Japan still come up with new anime for every single season? Dragon Ball, Bleach and Re:Zero are the only things here I really recognize, everything else is new to me.

Shadow's victim.

Kirby only gets timestop via Team Kirby Clash and Team Kirby Clash Kirby isn't mainline Kirby as it takes place in another universe

Success breeds jealousy.

Hulk broke Multi-Eternity level chains


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He did better than Infinite at least



Oh, it's Boruto, needed to look at the hair again to see it.

give her a challenge Anon Babble

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Gaara Vs Toph is still the worst

Flippy from Happy Tree Friends

Gaara Vs Toph is still the worst

It was released around the same time as Scout, Bowser, Bayonetta, and Tifa's episodes, which were also wrong. They really didn't know what the fuck they were doing or didn't care. Even if they still get matches wrong, such as Bardock's, the first 3 seasons are still the worst because these had streaks of incorrect episodes. Naruto vs Bleach is still one of the worst-handled rivalries to this date. Of course, no need to bring up Halo vs Doom at this point.

That was the first time I coped hard becuaw3 of death battle.


My mans got the bad luck of being from "Phoning it in, the video game."


Stop talking about Infinite like you know him like I did.


femdomtard with mommy problems came back again

It's all so tiresome

Alright. I got a match up.
Chris 'Party Boy' Pontius vs 'Hard Gay' Razor Ramone

BITCHara coping and seething over STACYoph’s win

I know Infinite well
He told me about how scared he was when the KING summoned a Thwomp on top of him

Toph won because of a blurb on a DVD extra that directly contradicts the way her power is stated to work in the actual series

I still can’t believe the fanbase defends that verdict. Or maybe I SHOULD believe they defend it; these are the same people who say Yang vs Tifa had zero issues and wasn’t a RWBY V3 ad when the DB crew THEMSELVES admitted the verdict was wrong.

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He's never coming back anon, Sega wants to pretend he doesn't exist

Really? My relationship with him was stained. Much like the ground under Thwomp was.

It wasn't even a DVD extra, it was a nicktoons thing that never made it onto any DVDs and got a bunch of shit wrong

if they just used the Chibi shorts as justification then Toph winning would've made sense

King Boo Illusions =/= Infinite's illusions
it was stupid to act like they're the same thing.

Non-canon, it's like using Archie feats for Game sonic

Kirby is le multiversal void god because... H-he just is okay chuddy?!

That...wasn't an illusion? King Boo just took a thwomp from the wedding and warped it above Infinite.

So what will be the apology match for sonicfags from death battle?
Either Cell getting fed to Metal Sonic or Archie Knuckles winning against Piccolo or getting swanked enough to beat Juggernaut?
I personally want Metal to come back because his fight against Zero was hilarious bad if not in top 10 worst Death Battles ever.

Archie Knuckles beating Juggernaut with the power of Penders

You’ll get Ken Pendere vs Chris-Chan, and you’ll like it

So what will be the apology match for sonicfags from death battle?

Wasn't this the apology match for Bowser vs Ganondorf? Sonicfaggots already got two apology matches, through Ryuko and Trunks.

Did she turn into a giantess??? Is that her asshole?

Needs Archie wank to to deal with canon Piccolo

Give the match to the guy that's been carrying Sonic all these years.

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Rouge vs Morrigan?

Cell vs Metal

Nigger, that was already a sort of an apology. A prelude to what was coming for Sonicas.

This was the heavy dose of reality after Silver vs Trunks.

*Archie Silver

Metal deserves to win against Cell simply because he carried Eggman BUT because Eggman is a shitty leader he died and his army lost.

Why do you need an apology match for losing fair and square?

neither was the blurb yet they still used that
no she just blended all that shit

Soniggers don’t deserve an apology. We need Mario vs Sonic 3 so we can all laugh as Sonic dies for the third time.

Composite Sonic will beat Composite Goku, and there will be a great wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Bunnie can beat Deathlok..I believe in my waifu.

Nothing in Archie scales higher than Jump Force Goku.

Except Composite Goku stomps SHITnic between fusing with real people, Jump Force nonsense and Heroes. Not even Archie wank can measure up.

I thought they based it on Toph 'Holding the weight of the world' nonsense from the comic?

Penders talks to Sonic. He's more real than Goku.

I just like the episode because a little blind girl beating a grown man like Gaara is hot as hell

The blog said clem
Anyways an ellie L is balanced out by a Joel W

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Bejitabro btw

The worst is probably raven vs jean

Archie Sonic messed with the narrative once so they can finagle that. There's also goofy Fleetway stuff

Kenny literally scales to constellations. Joel gets fucked by boat god

Nah, Jean's feats suck. She's a fraud who got by on flowery language for too long.

I've been thinking about the Ash vs Yugi death battle and the more I think about it the less of a chance I see of yugi actually winning it. Ash is literally superhuman compared to Yugi, that kid can throw logs like nothing and carry pokemon that have outrageous stats. On top of that he gets burnt or shocked by his pokemon all the time. What the hell is Yugi supposed to do?

have Dark Magician attack him? besides Yugi has already endured similar shit thanks to Shadow Games

Ash or Luffy will be the characters that will either future proof or fraud check toon force.

heart of the cards

summon Exodia turn 1

one-shot ASS

Ash has survived all that. Ash even tanked an explosion from Mewtwo.

Yugi has already endured similar shit thanks to Shadow Games

I cant remember any shadow games that would be comparable to anything Ash has endured. Most of the damage I remember is purely mental damage or inching closer to death by standard physical means.
Thats gonna be Luffy's job for sure

What the hell is Yugi supposed to do

Ash can't summon Arceus. Yugi can summon his setting's Arceus. GG

mental damage

It's soul damage actually

Which one comes first. Yugi has more hax than Naruto so he might do it first.

From what I remember the deciding factor in the Pokemon vs Digimon battle was the fact that Tai could actually throw down while Red just kinda hung out. I'm pretty sure a similar situation is going to play out for Ash vs Yugi

Two explosions?

No that was 'a' factor alongside with pokemon being heavily reliant on guidance from their partner while Digimon can still function alright on their own. Greymon and his subsequent forms just massively outclassed Zard

This is actually a compelling argument. Slifer would straight up murder any of Ash's pokemon.

It's soul damage actually

Close enough

Having the one Zero fight be against Metal Sonic instead of Shadow should count as a felony.

It wasn't a deciding factor, it was a bonus.

Why would he need to summon Arceus when Pikachu already has scaling to it.

when Pikachu already has scaling to it.

Pikachu fucks humans too? What a slut


By the way Killing Ash won't do much because Gengar can just use his spirit and fight along side Ash and Pikachu as ghosts


Atem could just card them.

who wins this

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I dont know who left is so Im giving it to the gypsy

Just put em in a stone or monster reborn Gengar

Does Ash not reset every season? Which Ash is the strongest?

Journeys Ash is the "strongest" but not because he's the actual best in terms of strategy or whatever, but because literally everyone else had to play retard so Ash could pull a win.

Gengar kills Yugi as a Clefable

Lore wise it'd be Journeys as that is when he became the world champion

Strategy and performance wise I guess it'd be between Kalos or Sinnoh where Ash only lost because he got thrown against Mr. "I have all legendaries" who solo'd the whole league with just his Darkrai until he ran into Ash

Worst Ash has got to be fucking Unova where he lost to a fucking giga dumbass who thought it was a 5v5

Ash, surrounded by all his Pokemon dead at his feet, begins charging at Yugi

"It's over Yugi! You mastered games but I've mastered battles! And I wish you gone FOREVER!"

Ash readies back his fist as he closes the gap, knowing that he will certainly win in a fistfight with the duelist


Ash is flung back by a burst of energy as Yugi reappears in the duel armor of unity

Ash is momentarily stunned but prepares his fist again

Yugi catches the punch before striking Ash with his sword, incinerating his body and leaving behind only the namesake of the boy once stood there

skibidi toilet character
he's a chad

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Unova Ash

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Journeys since he beat Cynthia whom most of the fanbase consider the actual strongest

>Kirby can inhale attacks comparable to Buu's planet

This was done under as special circumstances with the aid of special fruit he likely won't have on him in a true random encounter.

An established power level - Infinity

I forgot that powerscaler nowadays just take completely baseless statement at face value.. What makes this statement valid but statements about Frieza being able to destroy the universe or nappa being boundless or Buu power being endless not?

All the strongest feats are in Alola.

bruno veloassqueso

get a real source, please

Kratos is not a person, he's an idea. And ideas are bulletproof.

Sinnoh was massive horseshit and screwed Ash over when he played smart

Big scary Darkrai

Ash pulls Sleeping Guts Heracross Megahorn

Darkrai survives it

Tobias Darkrai was level 100

Brown criminal logic.

Archie Sonic as a verse needs fraudchecked hard. Powerscalers rely on insane amounts overly generous interpretations of words like zones to reach their conclusions. Ultra Sonic is basically featless other than minor elemental summoning and a single instance of portal creation. The Sonic that reverts the Super Genesis Wave isn't even the original Archie Sonic and the only reason he was able to stop it was because it was made of Chaos Energy/Chaos Control rather than him being able to exercise a precise control over reality.

coping wallyfag seething about how their win still isn't enough



seething about a verse "needing" to be fraudchecked

the verse in question lost its first outing, with it's MAIN CHARACTER

its either a wallycuck or a trunksfag

I used to think Archie Sonic could blow up the speed force dimension.

Lucky. I just used to think.


Got literally negdiffed by base Shadow who was shitposting

Did Infinite write his own intro?

This is the ultimate power! None can stand against me! Reality bends to my wilL!

Wait, is that a rock with a face? AIEEEEE!!!! EGGMAN SAMA SAVE MEEEEEEEE!!!!!

The thing with Infinite is the game purposefully sets him up as a huge threat but then no it's literally all just smoke and mirrors, he's a little bitch whose entire motivation is Shadow beating his ass so hard that his mind is broken, and Eggman TRAPS and BETRAYS him in the real Phantom Ruby that actually controls reality.

Broly? The Strongest

They clash trying to help the same person. How do the SF deal with Xavier before the world goes to shit?

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All personafags sneeded by Gold Experience desire to feed home.

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Jojofags aren't sending their best it seems

Goji Chronic

This guy is one of the dumbest powerscalers I’ve ever seen on JewTube. This is the retard who put DCAU Superman at multi-solar system level and said Rexy from JP beats King Kong. Dude is a retard of the highest order. Not surprising he thinks Infinite is unironically stronger than Solaris.

Doctor Green? The pedophile.

On the topic of Kirby, Mario vs Kirby could be a ton of fun. The general whimsy of the two series match one another and Mario has technically used the star rod once in Mario Party 8 and rode a star thing, though it's a bit unequal to Kirby who does use his equivalent more often. Both have a lot of that "star" iconography and whatnot, if Wario and Dedede can throw down I don't see why Mario and Kirby can't.

No one wants to see CHADrio gape Kirby, though. He should slay the blue rat again instead.

No I want to see the battle of the children of the stars.

Is the deterioration of vs debating due to the lowered standards for math, science, and critical thinking for the English speaking world?

Zero vs Metal Sonic existed because of Wily vs Eggman since Wily didn’t get his actual best robot in that fight.

The fuck’s Gengar supposed to do when Envoy of the Beginning or Gandora erases it from existence?

Probably. Also because of Seth the Programmer gaining so much popularity between 2017 and whenever his scandal happened.

Sonic getting bullied is funny but I don’t want Mario to be the Superman of vidya in DB (beating up one guy). He should absolutely fight someone else, and Kirby is right there.

I'm so happy with the respect they gave Metal, man. He is truly the GOAT. All my FUARKING VILLANS got to shine. (Except for Eggy, wish he got to do more.)

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Magician’s Red used Ember!

It’s super-effective!

This. Also, tons of views.

Sonic stomps Mario though

You should at least be angling for Sonic vs Kirby, if you want to remain relevant. Don't turn Sonic into the Goku of vidya, always getting beat by one guy. Kirby was right there.

They just had Bowser wipe his ass with Eggman and Mario is stronger than Bowser by magnitudes. He’d gape SHITnic.

They just had Bowser wipe his ass with Eggman

This is one od their closest episodes yet

Mario is stronger than Bowser by magnitudes

Sonic is also magnitudes stronger than Eggman. The difference is that Bowser is roided out in hax while Mario isn't



They literally said Bowser’s way too physically strong, has vastly superior hax and army. The fuck you mean “close”, you retard?

Sonic is stronger than

Sonic has needed help beating Eggman many times. Also, Metal Sonic got spanked, in case you forgot.

This is one od their closest episodes yet

Lmao no the hell it was not.

The difference is that Bowser is roided out in hax while Mario isn't

You realize that 90% of Bowser’s wincons came directly from items and scaling that Mario himself has or also scales to right? And the stuff that he doesn’t directly have (Kamek’s negation and swapping) can be replicated with other moves (Super Mario Maker and the Snag Bag)

Would Sticks be able to beat Eggman in a death battle?

She can beat my cock with her schizo badger pussy if you know what I mean.

Mario is stronger than Bowser by magnitudes

In what canon works is this statement reflected? Isn't Bowser's str stat usually max'd and his particular advantage over most other competitors?

Mario regularly beats the piss out of Bowser with his hands and abilities alone. Why wouldn’t he be stronger? Even in the RPGs he fucking boxing Bowser.

Infinite being a gigantic jobbing bitch is the funniest fucking thing and the fact that people are actually upset about it is even funnier.

Nigga, I’m gonna be honest with you, I don’t think you’ve ever played a Mario game in your life if you need evidence of Mario being stronger than Bowser. Mario has been beating Bowser’s ass since the 90s.

I cant remember any shadow games that would be comparable to anything Ash has endured

Near the end of Battle City he was almost erased from existence.

Lick the guy playing the cards, duh.

Uh, pokebro, Yugi has immunity to soul manipulation. It's a little weird how you keep trying to push this when you've been shot down over and over in past threads. Gengar isn't doing shit to him.

He's never beat the piss out of Bowser. You get Bowser to break something and fall into lava. Or he grabs him by the tail and tosses him into his own bombs.
In every single game they compete in, Bowser is the big and strong one, while Mario has balanced stats. It's pretty damn obvious you've never played a Mario game, poor.

The fuck does using the move lick to paralyize a person's body got to do with 'soul manipulation'? It's a fucking statis effect.

Oh no I actually read all of Archie Sonic. I just dislike the dishonesty around the characters that ends up having people only caring about Archie Sonic in so far as much as they can wank it off a handful of moments.

He's never beat the piss out of Bowser

Imagine saying this unironically and saying that someone else hasn’t played the games. In Odyssey alone he’s beating the shit out of Bowser with a goddamn hat.

I think what that anon means is that Mario can beat Bowser but it's never by overpowering him through brute force. Mario wins by using his skill, speed, abilities and quick thinking (and sometimes with the help of his bro). Mario has super strength of course but power wise Bowser is above perhaps everyone in the Marioverse.

Suggest Mario vs Kirby

Sonic out of THIN AIR

Mario WARPED you.

Mario literally beats Bowser’s ass 1v1 in most games, wtf are you on? He literally throws Bowser around like a child in Mario 64. Mario even beats down Fury Bowser in his super saiyan cat costume thing.

It’s the other way around. Bowser is the one who needs amps to be a challenge to Mario.

Mario WARPED you.

I will never get tired of DBS posting, topkek.

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Mario in that game can't confront Bowser from the front, swinging from his tail is his way around that. Bowser has always had higher physical strength than Mario.

No, this anon is correct. In most every Mario game, Bowser is defeated by wits and skill, using things in the environment provided for Mario, conveniently.

Don’t trust your lying eyes

Going by this logic Mario is weaker than a goomba since he needs to jump on it to kill it.

No? Because when Mario jumps on it he beats it easily and that's through physical power. Bowser being physically stronger was how they managed to escape in the end of Odyssey.

Who has better transmutation?

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What's the explanation for Bowser not just using reality warping on Mario with the Wonder Flower or Dream Stone? Or hell, even turning him into blocks since we know he can do that.
I swear it's so easy to forget Bowser knows how to use magic because he doesn't use it in a lot of games, namely the sidescrollers.

I don’t know what kind of weird cope this is. Mario has shown time and again he’s far too strong for base Bowser. Bowser has been straight up beaten by characters WEAKER than Mario like Daisy and Peach. The only times Bowser is a match for Mario is when he has an amp like the Dream Stone, Wonder Flower, Fury, etc.


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You're literally full of shit and you even sound brown. All the canonical materials clearly state Bowser is physically much stronger than Mario. At this point, you can only be a retarded sonikek falseflagging this obvious retardation.

Why is Captain Atom there? Firestorm is the matter transmuter.

Mario has shown time and again he’s far too strong for base Bowser

You are clearly drunk on linear powerscaling. Bowser doesn't become 50x stronger like a super saiyan form every time he gets a power up. Base Bowser is never outmuscled by Mario. Stop thinking of things in terms of versus, it was never all about numbers.

Mario LITERALLY boxed Bowser at the end of Odyssey and beat his ass.

The only coping brownoid here is you.

You're literally full of shit and you even sound brown

racism in these sacred halls?!?

Mario LITERALLY boxed Bowser at the end of Odyssey and beat his ass.

Using a hat specifically made for Bowser, and then possessed Bowser using his strength to escape in the end you mean?

What? Does Bobobo have shape-shifting or transmutation?

Feeling called out, pedo?


Just like any other Mario power up?

his strength

More cope, huh? He clearly did it as to not leave Bowser behind since Mario couldn’t carry his unconscious ass and Peach at the same time. There’s literally nothing that says he needed Bowser’s strength to escape.

Captain Atom can also manipulate matter, though it is rarely shown.

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CHADrio needs variety in his opponents list, beating up a blue hedgehog for all eternity would get stale.

They only send to another dimension but Gengar can cross dimensions

… in the laundry folding contest.

He's kinda known more for outright reality warping at the quantum scale. Firestorm has always been the matter transmuting guy.

Duh Mickey purchased Yoda so he owns him.

I don’t think Eve and Edward can transmutate people

Infinite is random nobody civilian level, and always has been

Sonic stomps Mario though

base mario wrecks Sonic
1 Grand Star Mario gapes Sonic's entire verse.

He clearly did it as to not leave Bowser behind since Mario couldn’t carry his unconscious ass


The more important question is, who here can reverse or is immune to transmutation attacks?


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On himself which leads him to counter other transmutations
although I may be missing some. does putting Lambda in a videogame counts as transmutation? You become computer code, no?

Ash's entire strategy relying on one mon is going to look silly when Yugi converts him with Change of Heart

Fight king boo and infinite effortlessly win

Dream Stone?

He got interrupted by Starlow and Peach

From my understanding, Firestorm cannot manipulate living tissue in his current incarnation. Additionally, he needs to have a clear understanding of the properties of both the material he’s transmuting from and the one he’s transmuting into. This is a limitation that some of the others on the list don’t seem to share

What's the explanation for Bowser not just using reality warping on Mario with the Wonder Flower or Dream Stone? Or hell, even turning him into blocks since we know he can do that. I swear it's so easy to forget Bowser knows how to use magic because he doesn't use it in a lot of games, namely the sidescrollers.
TANKrio would tank all that. Bowser knew fighting him man to man was the only way.

That then would be Captain Atom.

Sonic PRIME? The original? The one from the Genesis games and Archie comics? My KING and HERO? A worthy foe.

GAYMEnic? The worthless jobber killed by no-dime deviantart OCs on MULTIPLE occasions? Whose creators haven't made a good game in over a DECADE? Who canonically never APPEARED in the Genesis foundation of the franchise? KEKKAROO!

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Pikachu and Greninja can Rudy mind control at least

Yes but after eating the dream stone fragments I don't see why he couldn't just try again.

I wouldn’t classify that as transmutation—it’s more circumstantial. For example, King Boo can trap people in paintings and turn them into art, but that’s just a side effect of his sealing powers. Similarly, trapping someone in a comic where they become one with the medium and turn into ink isn’t the primary effect of the ability. If someone is transported to a world that changes their physiology and then reverts them to normal once they leave, it’s the place, not the attack, causing the transformation. However, if Bobobo first turned someone into computer code and then trapped them in a video game, that would qualify as transmutation.


Iconic franchise with numerous groundbreaking titles

King of Nintendo and platformers

The only majorly successful video game movie

Is such a CHAD that he helps his enemies if they need it

Has a hot princess gf

Has saved the entire universe multiple times

Rides a dinosaur

Has some of the most iconic villains in gaming

Doesn’t need to say anything to prove that he’s cool


Floundering franchise that still hasn’t hit the same peak as the 90s era of games

Has 2-3x as many bad games as good ones

Cringe fandom

Terrible cartoons

Has two movies yet both combined made less than Mario’s

Awful writing

Sonic actively runs away from girls like a gay

Doesn’t care about anything other than running fast and having an adventure, who cares if the world is about to end

Shitty jokes

Trash villain

Ripped off Dragonball shamelessly

Needs constant validation that he’s cool

Hasn’t been a rival to Mario since the 90s, the fandom has yet to mentally recover still

Mountains of furry porn

Only thing he has is autistic fanboys who wank him in battleboarding

Mario is immune to transmutation in base?

what if the fight happens ina boat and Joey isn't there? lol

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Terrible cartoons

He thinks AoSTH isn't YTP KINO

If someone is transported to a world

I mean the punchline was that that wasn't the case

I think Firestorm can also overcome being transformed by breaking his fusion.

jobber frog


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Pikachu is stronger than Horahkty by orders of magnitude. Ash being the literal pinnacle of the Pokemon battling world means Ash can get almost any scaling he likes now, with Cynthia straight up stopping a Spacial Rend and Cynthia being weaker than Leon who is weaker than Ash.
Ash has it in the bag. Heart of the Cards will never win against the bonds Ash has with his Pokemon.

I think what they're saying is that WITHOUT power ups, on a flat plane with no lava or endless pits or bombs to tjrow him into, Mario loses. The minute you give Mario a powerup or any environmental hazard he can use against Bowser is when he wins

*Brain Control, CoH was Bakura’s card

Pikachu is stronger than Horahkty by orders of magnitude

Now this is not even bait

Yugi can summon his setting's Arceus.

It's worse than that. in-game Arceus is merely an avatar meanwhile Horahkty is the facto Goddess of the setting

Mountains of furry porn

As if Mario isn't the most cucked protagonist next to Link and Fox. There's people online that ubironically say they prefer Peach with Bowser over Mario. No one is saying that with Sonic and Eggman.

Plenty of fags who ship Amy and Sally with Shadow. And please, Mario cuck porn barely exists compared to Link.

Sonic doesn't have his own princess tho

I thought the punchline of sending him into a video game was that his polygon attacks were too advanced for the CPU to handle, so they wouldn’t work there.

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It's not bait, Dialga and Palkia were also avatars yet even with those avatars they were going to reset all of reality, which is far above Horahkty by orders of magnitude given Pokemons setting as we know know.

SUPER MARIO KUN? The character from the foundation structures of Bobobo, Popeye, and Arale. The hero who possess both Limitless strength AND extreme GAG/Toon force abilities. One who can LEAP out of Fiction itself if he so deems it. One who has went through all the adventures of the original game Mario too? A worthy advisery to be called Mr. Videogame's longest running manga (still ongoing)....

Gentlemen, what do "we" think of "this manga"?

that was the hajike. beauty is the one reacting to its punchlines. Beauty was watching the fight then Bobobo and company stepped outside of the screenless monitor

What is Smash Bros

Sonic Archie comics? dead
Mario Kun manga? The ACTUAL longest comic based on a videogame franchise.

Princess Sally.

FRAUDga and CHUDkia were


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Mario scales to Bayonetta now


Man, the Kengan fellas are reaching some real nadirs, huh

Sonic is in Smash Bros too...


Sonic does beat Goku tho


Too obscure. Nobody would care. They all-ready did Galactus, too, so...

You want to fuck Tina, don't you?

The most recent tournament just ended like a wet fart, I think it mindbroke "us" something heavy because we had to deal with 7 shit fights in a row. The threads feel so low energy now and we still have to deal with Raian vs Gilbert or whatever other FILTH SandroBITCH has cooked up.

She's 16 she's half a decade out of his age range.

Doctor Green doesn't like girls after they go through puberty.

Majority of Peach's porn is with Bowser instead of Mario. It's a rarity if artist actually have then fucking.

That's so mean.

After seeing the full scene, I’m more confused than ever. If the TV was fake all along, then either Bobobo can create alternate realms of reality that others can view and travel to through a "window," or... I don’t know. To save myself the headache, I’ll just say he likely has some level of transmutation.

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Not to mention one can force SMT scaling for Bayonetta and Sonic.

I'm thinking about doing the Spider vs the Steel Claw since I've gone on a British superhero kick.

gets sniped from orbit

or is killed when the planet is destroyed

And for the records, its "universal" as in he can turn most things to gold, not that he can turn the whole universe into gold.

Hulk was choked out by a Snake twice. Just regular Snakes. Goku was hurt by a bullet and nearly killed by a laser.

How would you even know this? Think someone just outed themselves as a cuck fetishist gooner.

Why does he look like Black Adam?

Godzilla died after sniffing a fart.

He finds anyone from Pokespe fuckable

I shouldn't imply you have shit taste because some Anon Babblefags may rape my ass but you indeed do have shit taste

After seeing the full scene, I’m more confused than ever

usual reaction. You are welcome.

force SMT scaling

In the gacha, Sonic is a videogame and It was given form by the usual smt stuff that summoned him. All He did was outsped a fodder Hell Biker and run all over the place. not even a 5 star demon.

In Hulk's defense, being choked out used to be his kryptonite. It was such a known weakness of his Malice used it on She-Hulk and went "Yeah hulks aways fold to this move."

For the same reason Springheeled Jack had that look. It's all based on stage representations of Mephistopheles.

Pokemon girls are too old for you huh?

In Hulk's defense, being choked out used to be his kryptonite

I know who is getting choked next

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I specifically mentioned Pokespe. FOOL

Small air passages.

Try flexing your throat to increase its size.
That's how.

Reminds me of Saitama's sneeze. It's too retarded to be taken seriously.

Why are you such a gross pedophile?

The Snake should not have the strength to affect his world/universe ending muscles though. You can't push a building down because you are not strong enough, for example. ITS. BAD. WRITING.

What muscle do you use to push back against a choke?

Why do you eat Dog Shit and Rape Cats?

So, you're telling me Giorno could beat Hulk?

Lost your trip doc?

But how is a Punch or a Kick or an attack able to affect the target so strong they can destroy the Earth twice over or the universe?

that's how you sound.
the issue is when retarded writes do not realize the consequences of some of this restrained feats and have to cope with retarded shit (like speed force), or simply fail at physics like in your pic

Buildings don't have muscles yet they are completely unaffected by you pushing it. Just take the L man.

That doesn't even make sense. Archie Sonic never experienced the Genesis games. At most he goes through an alternate take on Sonic 3 and Knuckles.
Additionally Classic and Modern Sonic have been reestablished as being the same person, but it is admittedly weird that they tried to say they were different at one point.

Hulk is naturally pushed down to the surface of the Earth by gravity until he kicks against the ground. You take the L. The human throat cannot exert a force on its sides.

furry avatar

Why do you care what this faggot has tot say?

uh. your laws of newton?

Sonic is either gay, cucked, or buff in porn. This isn’t a debate that you wanna have.

Shut the fuck up you literal pedophile. You were retarded and autistic enough to brag about masturbating to Gwen Tennyson so just shut the fuck up forever.

Unaffected by you pushing it

Go to bed kid you have middle school in the morning.

overusage of "toon force".

The hell are you babbling about? No one cares about that porn-addicted clown anyway.

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s-shut the fuck up

this nigga fears the law so much he is shitting himself after the mere mention of the laws of newton. kek

porn addicted clown

What did he do?

Eggman builds his robots with free will so they can feel the torture he forces them to endure.

You're going to wish you had a fear of the law when your desktop gets leaked.


You were retarded and autistic enough to brag about masturbating to Gwen Tennyson

Uhhhh based?

Bowser didn't even win with toon force, they just said that the seriousness of a franchise is not indicative of the scale of feats.

Your neighbors would curbstomp you in the street if they knew about your sexual orientation.

Scorpion also got turned into a skeleton too by Ryu


is this a vtuber?

Coomer that’s addicted to lolis

Nothing he has to say is worth listening to.

Spectre could use his debut episode to send the entire SMT multiverse to hell and he still won't be as cool as King Boo in this moment.


He's infamous for always making references to porn or sex or having goonerbait thumbnails.

the entire SMT multiverse

are you implying SMT only has one multiverse, and that equivalent of metatron would not job to any of the Messiahs?

He talks about porn

That doesn't make him a lolicon.

I never even said lolicon in my post you imbecile. His use of the term "loli" when talking about kids is telling though.

oh no he wants to fuck a catgirl

You promised me he was into little kids what is this nothing burger?

He is a lolicon now



Doc you admitted to gooning to Gwen. You're not some kind of victim of slander.

So what will be the apology match for sonicfags from death battle?

But Shadow Vs Ryuuko already happened

You're not some kind of victim of slander.

the JOKE is that I can tell you who is a lolicon and who isn't
I'm not slandering anyone

that just sounds like versus debating in a nutshell, my man.

But Shadow Vs Ryuuko already happened

Also Trunks vs Silver. Sonicfags don't want to understand that this was Bowser's apology match for his poor depiction in season 3.

Him just saying look at this loli doesn't make him a lolicon. Do you have him going full DoctorGreen and saying something like ZAMN I WANT SOME TEN YEAR OLD CUNNY or is it literally fucking nothing?

They’d kill me if they knew I was straight?

Why do you think Nux is a lolicon? Is this a game recognizes game thing?


That infamous Youtuber

Both are hateable. Don't know which side to support. But yeah, toon force is just an argument autists often use to force a nonsensical win.

the real question is what mario character will get a pity W after mario loses mvs3?

i'm fucking shitpusting, you dense anon
I ain't clicking that video. I just saw the thumbnail and based my joke on the fact that he is using a seemibgly quirky anime avatar
yes. you are in a woke neighboorhood

I don't think he's going to lose it unless they use Archie.


BvE just confirmed that Mario would beat Sonic again.

unless they use Archie.

Nobody cares for comics. No matter how much DB tries to brainwash us, I'm never supporting Sonic comics.

I'm still baffled how you can miss the point of Sonic so much you make him a literal king

I think someone unironically using "toon force" as an argument is the fastest and most efficient way to detect if he is a legitimate autist. No mentally healthy person would use the phrase "toon force" unless it's to make fun of it.

black men

Shut up Otto

I am more confused than ever

Welcome to Bobobo

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All black men look alike to you huh?

progressively becomes more realistic

He's crossing his arms... into our world...

Sonic's not winning unless you give him Archie wank, and even then he'll probably still lose since Mario will get Mario Kun wank.

You aren't wrong, but it doesn't change the fact that I dislike it as a rhetorical strategy.

The fuck is toon force? I skip most Death Battles.

One Google search later

Oh, my goodness. There are people using jokes and gags to determine if a fictional character is stronger than another one. Pathetic.

Might as well have Pink Panther clear everyone because he interacts with real people. I mean, if we are going to take jokes or meta-sketches seriously, that would make Kamen Rider Zi-O, Ichigo, Build, Spiderman, and Nega-Chin broken, since they go around meeting their creators. The last one even kicked his creator's ass.

What about all those Square Enix games in which you meet or beat CEOs, Toriyama, or devs? Shouldn't we also consider those in a power-level debate? That's more amazing than Toonforce. Or what, some jokes/gags/sketches aren't allowed in these debates but toon force is? Because that would be hypocritical.

scaling Pikachu to the Creation Trio and Arceus

that's retarded

Darkseid is allowed to use BFR to beat Thanos since the IG doesn't work outside of his universe

Flash's opponents aren't allowed to travel outside of the universe where the speed force can't work even if they've shown the ability to hop across universes and timelines

This double standard always irked me.

According to W101, Bayonetta scales to her creator, Kamiya Hideki, but I don't recall anyone in the game or battle boards community ever relying on jokes, gags, crossovers, cameos, etc., to calculate her powerlevel. If we take seriously the segment of Bayonetta fighting in Platinum Games' offices while destroying merch of other games and real-life mascots, that would give her a feat that puts to shame the toon force.

Or is that even too ridiculous for toon force autists to take seriously?

We literally had Frieza destroy Megatron last season.

I like it how the animation director who worked on the series for over fifteen years is not a real source According to power scalers but vsbw and reddit respect threads are.


Porn has WARPED your MIND

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Wasn’t there a comic where Barry Allen traveled to the Marvel universe to race all of THEIR speedsters, and he STILL had the Speed Force?

1. DC bias
2. They will never fraudcheck 'slower than a bullet' Flash even if they already featured characters who can soundly beat him like The Doctor

Buried Alien is a homage and can't be the exact same character as Barry Allen because of copyright. Also, the JLA/Avengers crossover supersedes that.

not even a proper G1 Megatron that needed to be wanked just to make the fight seem fair

It wouldn’t matter because Barry generates the SF every time he walks, Wally doesn’t need it, Thawne is the same as Barry with the RF, and Zoom doesn’t even use it.

Meant to say the RSF

Wouldn't that just be running away? Darkseid could actually beat Thanos, they still have to actually beat Flash

What the fuck

I bet it’s that same fag who said he hates Bowser because of cuck porn, like as if that shit is canon or has any basis on the character itself.

The non-existent hand


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He does it all the time it's hilarious
Sonicfags are all braindead you haven't the slightest idea

Proper G1 Megatron doesn't exist.

That would've been really useful when Wally went to Earth 616 and got pelted by an anti mutant mob.


Isn’t this guy a fucking turbo coomer. And I don’t mean the meme definition of the word.

When I say that he “doesn’t need it” I mostly mean that he has other powers, like the fucking chair I forget its name and Manhattan powers that are basically as good as the SF.

Like so much

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The salt from both Dragon Ball and Sonic fans this year has been delicious.

Getting dunked on by the trans

Sonicbros…our own people…..

The episode made Metalfags too cocky.
Let's have him fight Amazo.

this is your average sonic crybaby

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They're fucking on the down low aren't they?

It's becoming quite clear pokefags need a major humbling. At least Db and DCfags have some feats to back up their scaling. All pokemon has is lorewank.

She literally doesn't even know who he is, he's just obsessed with her and pastes his wannabe-anime avatar on top of her videos pretending to be in them

Triple Deluxe was the most recent game of the time of the death battle episode.

Oh. That's...different...


Palkia and Dialga getting ready to destroy and remake the universe (solo too in the games) is “lorewank”?

True. People need to ignore whatever degenerate nonsense people think about characters. All that matters is the character in question and the series they're from. Anything else is optional fanworks/discussion or SCHIZO BABBLE.

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Really? That's disturbing if true.

It's just your average Sonictard desu. They can't tell reality from fiction

So, outside of Cell vs Metal Sonic and Archie vs Dragon Ball fights, what victories does Sonic actually have left?

...before getting stomped by a 10 year old with fodder, cementing them and the pokemonverse as eternally fraudulent.

You did the meme wrong, dummy.


Why does he look like the villain from Meet The Robinsons?

By this logic, all marvel characters lose to any opponent that can BFR them to Earth 1218

I can accept this.
Any character who can BFR their opponent to fortnite solos most popular IPs btw.

people are now realizing the mario series has toonforce

wow, slow or fake fans.

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He's got a few

Bandanna Dee or Susie Haltmann

Sage or Metal Sonic

Nina Cortex

Princess Morbucks

Tron Bonne for some reason?

Knucklesbros, our hero can't even fight PICCOLO without Archie scaling...

Sonic needs the Justice League crossover to come out so they can have DC scaling.

That upscales Sonic to paper level+ which makes it stronger than Pokemon according to DC

On one hand, enjoyed the death battle because of Infinite getting taken down like a bitch and Metal Sonic being an absolute Chad

On the other hand, felt like Sage was weirdly nerfed, Eggman has way more giant mechs than the death egg robo and Egg dragoon, Sage could brought in more shit

Also acknowledging Super Neo Metal Sonic from the IDW comics but not the metal virus made this fight seem biased, Egghead could have unleasehed the metal virus (or Wisp mind control canon from Sonic Colors) and destroyed Bowser's "loyalty" card in mere minutes. Hell, that's how nearly every other mario villain from Cackletta to Count Bleck beat Bowser. Basic manipulation and mind control.

This is pretty much every death battle, isn't it? There's always a glaring plot hole despite the research.

Death Battle themselves admit they don't even take their verdicts seriously.

So did Doctor Doom destroy that Earth when he fought the Beyonders then? Doom > Fiction?

No, he can't.
Sad thing he, he is still one of the better Piccolo fights in terms of animation.

They addressed the metal virus, did you even watch the video? It got countered by Bowser just altering reality.

Sage was nerfed

They addressed that too. They literally said that she had no reason to know everything that Bowser could throw at them and her information came from the Ancients, which would have no info on Mario shit.

That Earth was destroyed during the incursions but I'm not sure if it was from the outside or inside.

Eggman has way more giant mechs than the death egg robo and Egg dragoon, Sage could brought in more shit

That's just a case of 'only so much you can animate in time', same reason the Koopalings didn't show up or etc.

but not the metal virus made this fight seem biased

They acknowledged it through? Same with mind control, issue is, Bowser's minions can also sometimes resist mind control through their sheer loyalty

Ah shit, I am retarded. I fucking missed it. Yeah, I guess this death battle was actually better than their usual standard.

As if Mario isn't the most cucked protagonist next to Link and Fox. There's people online that ubironically say they prefer Peach with Bowser over Mario. No one is saying that with Sonic and Eggman.

T. Cucknic.

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The Metal Virus is just as easily able to backfire on Eggman himself, they're not guaranteed to start attacking the Koopa Troop and will just attack indiscriminately.

He has a machine that controls them.

Sonicuckolds want to talk about NTR

Meanwhile Sonic is actually cuckolded in several pieces of official media

Machine that lost control of them almost instantly.

What the fuck is wrong with Penders?

B-But Mario is a cu-

ENTER one of Sonic's MANY bulls

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What we need now is Sephiroth vs Bowser.
Or Dragonlord if you wanna go for something more fitting, but nobody in the west gives a shit about him.

Read the comic. The Metal Virus would backfire IF the actual Zavok and Deadly Six showed up. There isan argument for Eggman going dull retard and bring both Deadly Six (through the conch) and the Metal virus BUT the main issue is that Zavok himself would most likely hate BOTH Egmman and Bowser. Once Eggman loses the Conch, Zavok would turn the whole Death Battle into a three way death battle royale, and that would just be plain messy. Their are alot of things Death Battle did wrong with this fight, but not having any of Eggman's former minions, that would easily betray him, brought into the fight was a good call. Starling, Chaos, Shadow, Gemerl, Dark Gaia, etc. You lose the whole point of Death Battle at that rate.

As in Dragon Quest 1's villain?

Dragon dude who kidnaps a Princess, pretty obvious to compare him to Bowser.

Dragonlord is for Medeus

Dragonlord is for Chaos.

I don't think he's at all fitting for a death battle. The one and only time he gets screentime is his final boss fight which is very brief, he'd last a bit longer in Builders 1 but there's still not enough to go off on. He doesn't even keep the princess in the same area as his base, she's locked in some midgame dungeon with a dragon as the guard.

Throw in Paul as well.

DQ characters should get Arale scaling because of that crossover.

Godzilla gets toonforce scaling from Dr. Slump

Hulk is finished

CHADrio gets the romantic affection of almost every female character in TTYD btw.

He shows up in a few other games as well, through not really in a plot important role.
Also in one manga that takes place in-between 3 and 1, he shows up as a minion to a different Demon Lord.
Through yeah, personally I'd want him to fight Maleficent (no KH).
Jack has much better options I think.

Goombella doesn't like him that way and she's the best TTYD girl THOUGH

Goombella was the most down bad for Mario across that entire cast. Her last lines were all about wanting to tell him "something".

This cover indirectly made Sega kill Archie and caused the most powerful Sonic feats and scaling to be noncanon btw

Goombella doesn't like him that way and she's the best TTYD girl THOUGH

this anon was completely blind during ttyd

Sonic's Ultimate Harem is canon according to Sega

Are we making a new thread?

My bad, it's been ages since I've replayed TTYD, Gamecube broke down years ago and I've been too busy playing other games to dig around for an iso of it to emulate on Dolphin.

Between this episode and the One Minute Melee its pretty much a given that Metal stomps Junior to this crowd.

ash tries using z moves on yugi

magic cylinder

gets the full force of his attack straight at him instead

this is gonna be digimon vs pokemon 2.0, just you wait fellas
you're all making fun of sonicfags now but pokefags are next level salty
they needed lucario vs renamon (a digimon roughly only equivalent to agumon or gabumon in terms of level) for runback

Jr shouldn't be put that far behind Bowser, he fought him for two weeks straight and then just kept going as they weren't close to done. Over 800 fights in which they were practically dead even.


Blocked or deflected in any way

Lol. Z-Moves ignore that shit entirely. It straight up would not work.

I found it hilarious they essentially had to put an adult full boosted pokemon against what is essentially a kid by digimon standards.

Renamon vs Lucario

Fight Mayweather effortlessly loses

Ash uses [move that specifically bypasses counters, protection, and damage reflection]

Yugi uses [move that is explicitly a counter and damage reflection]

Metal sonic dies 2 seconds in

kek ultra jobber

Lol. Z-Moves ignore that shit entirely. It straight up would not work.

Magic. Cylinder.

I miss OMM

Bowser destroys mecha sonic and saves jr btw.


Also YuGAYOhtards when you hold Yugi to the same standard of Pokemon logic:

OMM just goes of vibes, so of course Metal wins, since he's way more intimidating.
An episode based more Jr. himself would have him put up at least a decent fight if not win.

I really like bowser jr. Like his character development in Bowser's junior campaign is great and kind of shows how far bowser has grown from partners in time. I like he's a kid who really wants to impress his dad and how kamek is like a mentor to him and think both are very underrated.


Playing by the rules

Nigga's a top decking cheater lmao. He'd force Ash to play by rules but have no problem fucking with them either.

Obelisk? Scales to infinity.

Kamen Rider Zi-O since they go around meeting their creators.

When did that happen?

nah, Ash broke Brock's gym sprintlers he's a cheater too.

Yugi cheats

Ash responds by saying “fuck you” and telling Solageo to bark him into the fucking sun

ashfags so desperate they need to give him pokemon he never even caught

He achieves the exact same result with Gengar or Snorlax, Sol would just be less humiliating.

New thread

Skibidi Toilet won.