Arcane runic cosmic shit

Sooooo... what was this shit all about?

Aurelion Sol solos this fool

Final Evolution

Don't fuck with ye olde magic

So if Hextech was so bad and corrupting, even more so than normal magic, why did Future Victor even give past-Jayce the crystal to inspire him to create Hextech in the first place?

now now, don't go ask too many questions, just enjoy the spectacle

machine herald gets replaced with alien goo herald

viktor just suddenly decided to turn into le eldritch horror, then gives up just as quickly

3 years of hyping warwick + foreshadowing

we get 5 minutes of action with the shittiest redesign imaginable

he gets btfo, turns into a mecha faggot then gets btfo again

3 fucking years

for this


Best part?
People will eat it up

Riot declares Arcane is the new canon, starts rewriting characters stories around it

then pull this bullshit of killing characters

It just doesn’t make sense.
Like I know the actual LoL game isn’t canon to the lore, but they all were using still living characters, making some of them canonically dead makes no sense.

killing characters

jinx survived
heimer wasnt shown permanently dead, he just disappeared
snoutless warwick was literally shown to be immortal
who else from the cast died?

Making Hextech a city destroying threat less than a decade after it's invention was a retarded decision.

I do feel like shifting to this supernatural cosmic threat kind of made all of the relatable social and political commentary completely moot.

Yes no idea why people think jinx is dead, they showed fist looking at the hextech gate vents and you see a small pink light of her zipping away

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ruins the lives of countless people

committed dozens of crimes and more

gets away with it all

even gets his happy ending with his daughter

The true winner of Arcane, what a madlad.

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Ori doesn't give a fuck about him. Also his wikipedia list of warcrimes has only just begun. He still has to gas all of Ionia

This is my crackhead schizo theory as to what happened.
The hexcore that Viktor was creating in season 1 had 4 runes on it, Precision, Domination, Resolve and Sorcery. The only type of rune that is missing from it is the Inspiration rune (like in the game where you pick your rune loadout) that coincidentally has the exact same color/similar pattern as the rune that appears at the end where Jayce uses talk no jutsu.
When Ekko's Z drive blows up, Viktor reacts by saying that "this device can't be", because the rune Ekko made it with in episode 7 is the rune that Jayce was given in his flashback (Acceleration -> Inspiration), which in his corrupted hexcore logic can't exist - because the hexcore itself is flawed by not having the last rune, which causes all the corruption to spew out.
At the end they use the bracelet that Jayce has to imprint the last rune into the hexcore (by placing it in Viktor's hand, since he literally is the hexcore at that point, it's even shown that the symbols get engraved on the mind-palace-galaxy-space), which causes all the yellow ghosts to come back and merge with it to create the fully realized Hexcore that doesn't make the Arcane go fucking crazy and spew out corruption into the city with some satanic wild runes, thus completing their work together ("finish it together"). Then for whatever reason everything gets sucked into the rune and it poofs (probably teleports them to some unspecified location, since Jayce used this rune to create the hexgates).

You put more effort into this than the writers did.

Whatever the fuck is going on with Jayce and Viktor

Also, Ambessa. But even beyond characters show in the show, characters like Camille are gonna need a massive fucking lore change to justify her existence, and every character in Arcane is probably gonna be older than her. Not only does Arcane fuck up a lot of the lore for worse, but now champions are basically "snapshots" of the characters at a certain point in time (in some cases like Viktor, literally like five fucking seconds) rather than their current iteration with a story to continue. The only benefit to this is that League doesn't need to restrict themselves to characters who are "currently living" as new champions, and they can pull from old historic figures if they really wanted to. However it's not like Riot was really hurting for that, they already had so many options. So overall? Shit change from Riot, making Arcane canon is the stupidest shit imaginable.

I do believe that the whole Not-Human Instrumentality Project was too much, they should have stuck with the class war until the last act with Noxian hag and her minions being the final boss.

Straight from the Arcana skinline btw

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Im right there with you anon. Im wondering if this is how Star Vs fans felt. Except this is worse since we have several years worth of other canon to compare it to all for it not to even matter and tie into none of it.

Hextech wasn't inherently evil, they were just using an insane amount of power teleporting skyships in and out of the city all the time, building up the anomaly as a cost. Also, if this is a timeloop story and not just a timehopping Viktor making sure this timeline doesn't fuck itself too hard, Viktor would have needed to seed his own existence.

Oh wow you're fucking right actually, I'm looking at the season 1 hexcore and the Inspiration slot isn't there but the others are, but then again, why would that even corrupt anything in the first place? Why are, what should be the World Runes and their symbols, be relevant in Hextech at all? Why would missing something involving the Inspiration rune do anything? This shit is still confusing even if you understand the lore, that whole rune tree shit with Precision, Domination, etc is World Rune territory with Ryze himself having found fragments of said runes with their respective colors and shit.

This is prob the most frustrating part because we were led to believe that this would be the new foundation of lore going forward and it already feels like its being treated haphazardly. We already had a bunch of problems causing huge lore snafus that they had to haphazrdly retcon like the entire Seraphine situation. So much gets retconned or disregarded it makes one wonder wtf that lore and story head bitch is even doing. Feels like they dont even attempt to keep it straight. And as you said, these are decidedly not all the champions from Piltover and Zaun, so wtf is going to happen to them? How can Blitzcrank even exist now? How can Twitch or Zeri or Ezreal or Mundo or Zac and so on? This goes doubly so for the champs that are much older than the current conflict and have lore predicated on that and yet arent so much as alluded to like Camille and Renata Glasc. Did Zaun even gain it's independence as a separate city-state? Sevika on the council sorta implies they chose to settle their differences and remain once city. MAKE IF FUCKING MAKE SENSE IM SO TIRED OF CONSTANT RETCONS.

It's crazy too, because Riot was actually getting to a pretty good place with the lore, even if a lot of it was "non-canon" through spin-offs, but it helped clarify stuff and solidify characters. Then this shit dropped and it ruins everything.

Sort of I guess but I still have the bad taste of whatever the fuck the entire Ruination event was meant to be in my mouth. Also Convergence doesnt matter at all officially now.

Leagues lore was purely functional to explain why champions were in game and it existed. Ever since they let that fuck head Anthony Burch retcon everything its been a house of cards that falls apart if you try and do anything with it. Arcane is what you get when someone tries to use the foundation of Burches bullshit to rebuild it into an actual long form narrative. Then a bunch of retarded ass writers working for Netflix who want the show to be taken seriously start changing things they don't like or killing characters because the show needs to be serious.

"Hey guys Viktor's icon doesn't do his design justice"

the icon is better than the final design

This is what happens when people believe they're more intelligent and talented than they really are

they were just using an insane amount of power teleporting skyships in and out of the city all the time, building up the anomaly as a cost

this is headcanon, they never explain why the anomaly happened or what it is

It's in-universe headcanon, that's literally heimerdinger's theory.

Viktor and Jayce's stories are the only reason to watch this imo

Agreed, though it would have benefited from more time to breathe. Very well done despite how rushed it was, makes me depressed to imagine what could have been.

Anon, they literally retconned the first scene of the show. You're not gonna find any answers.

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Wait what did Anthony Burch do. Also I can theorycraft that this sort of ending is why a lot of the lore writers left prob in protest.

Fuck off tumblr fujoshis

Implying Jayce & Viktor is gay shit instead of brotherhood just makes you look like a absolute cock sucking flying faggot

Uhhh, viktor gave himself a facelift so he wouldn't freak young Jayce out, um, yeah, that's totally what happened, it was definitely planned from the beginning! No retcons here, nuh uh!

Viktor had to be bald there I mean it only makes sense right?

The writer work for Riot games, they were hired by Riot, contracted solely under Riot and collaborated solely with Fortiche studio which is contracted by Riot games which also owns a large percentage of the studio.
Netflix is just a distributor because they care more about REACH as a form of advertisement for their games than about bulkier profit margins from controlling the distribution chains.


now champions are basically "snapshots" of the characters at a certain point in time (in some cases like Viktor, literally like five fucking seconds)

This has been the case for a while now, Riot's just quiet about it cause they know it's retarded. Look at Taliyah; her ingame version is 14, but she's 21 as far as the canon is concerned for short stories that she's in.

Even yuriniggers can recognize the Jacye/Viktor stoyline had more charisma, why can't you?

"Patience is a product of age, both of which I possess in abundance."

He played them all like a fiddle.

So was Viktor ever really in his right mind after waking up or was the Arcane just half-piloting his head around for season 2? I didn't understand his sudden turnarounds between wanting to die, wanting to be a healer, to wanting to erase all freewill.

Was the Sky he was talking to really Sky? Or was that the Arcane wearing her face?

Literally all he had to do was never put himself in the spotlight and let people think they had any control over him, and know when to get the fuck out.

i definitely caress my bros from behind like viktor did to jayce in front of his gf
and then caress his face
and then choke him out
and then spend every waking moment talking about being partners again and loving to see him
while wearing the stupid fucking blanket he gave you even after coming out of a cocoon with a brand-new body
and then hugging each other naked in the arcane
and then choosing to spend the rest of possibly ever with him
these are definitely bro-coded and brotherly actions, nothing gay whatsoever and you're a blind fujo if you think otherwise

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It doesn't matter at all that she le didnt le die le see! Le she le escaped le!
She is effectively dead because she's not with Vi
Literally the only thing people cared about was Vi and Jinx reconciling and fixing their relationship
Her "leaving" and "surviving" is shit writing because no one fucking cares about that the ending is identical as the one where she does die. There's no difference at all and it's just so they can say

s-see! We didn't heckin kill the champions! P-play our g-ga-

I'm not going to play your shitty retard game

It was funny

We do a little trolling

He was in his right mind, but he was deeply misguided in his ideals. Skye was definitely real, and she was holding his humanity and flawed ideals together.
His initial idea was noble but wrong, he wanted to "heal" these people by replacing all their flaws while trying to keep them "good humans". After it all fell apart, instead of realizing that he was wrong to think he could wipe all the evils away, he doubled down and decided humanity was the issue and if he removed that, it'd be perfect.
As such, he had to part with Skye, as she was an emotional core for him. Hence her saying he won't miss her when she's gone, as he won't have emotions anymore.

Skye was definitely real

This nigga would be easy pickings for the hexcore

the show explicitly states right before jayce echo and heimer get warped that them fucking around with hextech so much basically "angered" the arcane.I haven't played LoL in years and I know the lore is dogshit RN, but personal theory goes that the Arcane is a sort of life-force with very vague set of laws, you don't fuck with it too much, it doesn't fuck with you. Mages use the arcane, but they use rituals and spells and shit. They respect and fear it. Imagine a primordial force so inconceivably vague that it permeates the entirety of existence but demands you play by its rules otherwise it gets butthurt and throws a bitch-fit. That's basically what hextech did. It hijacked the runes and abilities of magic and the arcane, but didn't play by its rules. It's like counting cards in the mafia age of las vegas, sure you might hit it big, but eventually the dealer's gonna notice and you're gonna get thrown out and get the shit kicked out of you

side note: why the FUCK does 4chin make you wait 850 some-odd seconds before making a post?

It makes you wait to try and prevent spam by touists and bots who shift their ip a bunch

I agree, but then the final Act fucked everything up and made it too gay. But unironically they were the best part. The only thing that was left unscathed by the end was Singed.

Absolute madlad, good for him