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Toonami Hours Update
Toonami Drinking Game
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Toonami Hours Update
You didn't watch Toonami Rewind and now Sailor Mars is dead! Are you proud of yourself?
daima balls
Weren't you jerking DeMarco off about this schedule weeks ago when it was announced you flip-floppy faggot?
Hey Anon Babble how was your week?
I hope you guys like DBZ.
And for the Rewind watchers out there, the 4x DBZ schedule is official
And for the copers among the Rewind fans who said it would only be one week, it’s not. Kai is likely the only show on Rewind for all December
So I heard the Kai marathon will be reruns of episodes that already aired on Rewind except for the last one.
Yes, CN is officially so fucking stingy that they won't even marathon Kai reruns properly.
They are probably close to the episode cap and in order to do 4x episodes all month the first week has to have some reruns
Hello fans, we are here yet again for another installment of “Worst Toonami Performances of All Time!” Last week, We started Mashle and it turned in a decent first week performance, aided by a strong night of IFG. This week, ticked down in its total a little, but hit a huge 0.12 in the demo. I honestly can’t say the last time the demo went that high. Surprising to see on a kids show. Anyway, Mashle is staying consistent and One Piece still isn’t charting because of the rerun in front of it.
12:00a - Invincible Fight Girl 204 0.12
12:30a - Mashle 176 0.10
1:00a - Blue Exorcist (r) ?
1:30a - One Piece ?
2:00a - DBZ Kai (r) ?
2:30a - My Hero Academia S6 (r) ?
3:00a - Rick and Morty: The Anime (dub) (r) ?
Current top 10 worst lead ins
1. Blade Runner - Black Lotus 141 0.05 (1/29/22)
2. My Adventures with Superman S2 141 0.07 (7/6/24)
3. Ninja Kamui 141 0.07 (5/4/24)
4. Housing Complex C 146 0.05 (10/8/22)
5. My Hero Academia S6 148 0.07 (2/11/23)
6. Demon Slayer: Entertainment District 157 0.08 (1/20/24)
7. Rick and Morty: The Anime (sub) 158 0.08 (10/5/24)
8. Ninja Kamui 162 0.10 (3/2/24)
9. My Adventures with Superman S2 164 0.08 (7/13/24)
10. Demon Slayer: Entertainment District 164 0.08 (1/27/24)
Five digit premier club
1. Naruto Shippuden 69 0.02 (1/29/22)
2. Naruto Shippuden 70 0.04 (2/24/24)
3. Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village 76 0.04 (10/19/24)
4. One Piece 78 0.04 (3/12/22)
5. Naruto Shippuden 79 0.03 (1/29/22)
So, nothing new for the rest of the year. Disappointing, but not too shocking either.
For the first time ever, Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] makes its way to cable TV next year! Stay tuned for updates to witness the heart-wrenching drama and adrenaline-pumping action in this epic battle royale!
not that toonami is named but who else would air it
wtf why
What do you expect from a guy so desperate for attention that he tries to be multiple generals' icon for Toonami, Fox sunday threads, and wrestling?
Burnoff since it's over. We had a good run.
They either can’t afford to renew Sailor Moon for S2 this late in the year, or Rewind is a bust and they don’t plan to renew it and are just burning off what’s left
Delphisage here. I don't know if I'm going to bother with Rewind threads for the rest of the year if they're all going to be Kai marathons. Depends on my mood.
Seriously, for the love of decency, CN. Either stop treating cable like a battered housewife or just shut down Toonami entirely so I can move on with my life.
Is Toonami General prepared for Fate KINO?
I like Invincible Fight Girl
how DARE you
If you won't I will or someone will. People just want to hang out and talk about crappy cartoons.
Hope the week has treated everyone kindly.
Meh, not a whole lot going on.
Did get a fair few new, good pics of my girl the last few weeks.
How goes for you?
Man, post-christmas marathon of garbage. And the pre-christmas marathon is your usual "We just start airing this, so here's a rerun of it."
UBW gets on US cable before Deen Stay Night or Zero
The fuck is this nonsense
The only thing I know about this franchise is its fans are another unique brand of cancer.
Couldn't watch Toonami last week because I got sick. What did I miss?
Not DBZ reruns they don’t. Every week the threads grind to a standstill once SM ends
1.) sailor moon ends next week
2.) december always has reruns, something about holidays and shit
3.) it feels weird getting a new show early december, taking two weeks off for new years. we did that once like 10 years ago and that was it
4.) build anticipation when new years hits and a new budget for the year comes
no chloe no thanks
Funny or not funny?
Mildly amusing... but I'm kinda already tired of Mash's constant deadpan gimmick.
I don't want my OPs to be a roost for people to post nothing but waifu picdumps for Anon Babble characters.
It's so unfunny that it wraps back around to being funny.
That won’t work for Rewind. People will just drop the block. We already know it’s not getting new shows so there is no motivation to get hyped
I dare you to tell somebody that Shirou is a boring protagonist.
Idk, are there any networks you could see trying an anime block in the new year? Fate is pretty old and boring for a Toonami pick
if we get the doom tree arc there will be promos for it, dont you fucking worry
Lol no there won’t be. Regular Toonami barely even gets promos anymore
saturday rewind anon is here right?
And? That won’t bring people back after taking a month off. The block was already on thin ice
I just looked this up and it sounds like they're talking about a movie but the comments say it's a series. I still don't care or know anything about Fate.
Oh fuck! Quick, if we all meet up in ONE HOUR for some sort of... "Rewind Rewind", maybe we can turn back the clock and save her! It's too late for Nephrite though
I've started watching Gundam: IBO. 10 episodes in so far.
Reading the Toonami threads about it, it looks like most people just left the thread or had no idea what was going on. How come?
there's no schedule for January is there.
how come the original SM had Molly have a relationship with nephirite, but not in the manga or crystal series? also sucks that both the crystal movies couldn't have been seasons to fully flesh out the characters.
Shit was fucking boring
There's two Unlimited Blade Works animes. One was movie in 2010 made by, I dunno, probably Deen. The other was an actual 26-episode TV show in 2014 that helped cement Ufotable as one of the most popular anime studios with normies. It's why we have Demon Slayer.
Her problem?
Welcome back. It went by really fast, honestly. I've been hanging out with a ton of friends this week. Hard to believe the Mike Tyson fight was only last week, that's how many different things I've managed to cram in since then.
Lack of cream puffs.
How does demo work, WTPAT?
So how long is Mashle? I don't want an A1 show stinking up the block.
Invincible Fight Girl has been decent so far.
i personally dont get the whole "im totally going to change my viewing habits because of the holiday season" thing you are pushing. toonami and these threads have been going on for like 13 years or so. every fucking december we go through marathon seasons for the holidays
It's actually pretty funny, I've definitely chuckled a few times.
24 eps if we get both seasons.
Didn't the manga come before the anime? It was an addition for the anime, right? That was pretty common back then.
Season 3 is confirmed so 36 by the time we get 1-2 done
Creator seemingly didn't want to do a female character even when coerced by an editor so it sounds like even some simple cute scenes with her are few and far between, then the creator decided since he's a gag mangaka that the only thing he could reasonably do with her is exaggerate her into being an annoying bastardization of a love interest by the manga's end.
How goes for you?
getting ready to move for a new job. last day in 2 weeks
current job most likely wont be able to get a replacement in until mid february at the earliest. looking forward to watching it implode
fiance just confirmed pregnant
Yes, the Saturday block. The 6 month old nostalgia block for normalshits won’t survive taking a month hiatus. The autists here will stick around, but the normies will think it’s cancelled and disappear
i always figured these fights were staged
theres no way some bitch youtuber isnt getting his skull shattered like glass after going up against a legit world champion boxer
Shigeo will always be the superior autist
Why do I feel like by January I'm going to be seeing you post "BOOM! And you doomers were doubting Demarco. APOLOGIZE." if it goes back to a normal schedule?
Lack of cream pies
A world champ who is pushing 60. If it was peak Mike, Paul would have gotten destroyed
The best time of the week has finally arrived! The dead holiday weekends were known but expected. It just means calm rest with family. It may not even be worth participation award those weeks.
Because you are a schizo who needs their meds
It's definitely staged to make both parties happy. Clearly, neither boxer wanted to find out what would happen if they actually fought.
yeah but again, promos. normies will see them eventually
I spent all day at a con and barely talked with anybody or got pictures taken
I dunno why I get excited for these things and then they turn out mid every time
Andy feet soon?
muh promos
Promos don’t get people back into a habit. Watching anime on cable is retarded, and taking a break from doing so puts into perspective what a waste of time it is
I really wish mods could find a way to block people saying this as spam filtering.
To be fair... you have to have a very high IQ to-
Ah, congrats, I suppose.
Was way too cute how she said Usagi was right and she regretted not kissing him
The whole episode made me tear up. Wasn't expecting that when I know they are all okay in the end
I hope so.
Is this the most brutal Toonami Gold in the blocks history?
"Toonami Gold"?
I mean there was the Fena marathon that had the all time low for ratings. I wonder if this will break it. Some other turds like Black Lotus had marathons too I think.
The award you get each week for watching the entire block start to finish
You think people can pay attention in these threads unless they're constant flashing lights and explosions to bitch about?
this is what twink superman and black girl naruto gets us
I made more notes for my hypothetical webcomic, I have one less pillow to sleep on, and I learned some stuff about Kamen Rider and Shakespeare.
If it was coming to Toonami they would have said that
Not sure why it wouldn't also be on Hulu, since Hulu got SpyXFamily as it premiered.
Who else could possible air it?
no king of the hill tonight before toonami because of a (literally) shitty bob's burgers marathon
they're even airing the episode where they tell the story about "diahhrea'ing all over the earth as everyone watches it beautifully"
fuck that garbage show, cancel it already god damn
anon you got that backwards, its hard to break habits, its easy to form habits
I mean wasn't it only a matter of time? Wasn't it stranger that Demarco hadn't picked it up yet?
I don't know much about fate other than it's a gacha game and king arthur is a girl. Do you need to play the game to understand it?
the one time I remembered about rewind the thread ended up in Anon Babble. I'd give up
syfy bringing animondays back?
Plenty of other networks. Fate autism will bring ratings
unless they're constant flashing
A few weeks ago S1 episodes were airing and it’s genuinely jarring how much the show changed into a retarded poopfart kids show from how it started
So next episode of Sailor Moon has Usagi naked the whole time?
Dude we've been having nonstop Rewind threads on Anon Babble the last six months. None of them got moved or deleted.
No? That’s like saying it’s strange he didn’t pick up Fairy Tail. Yea, it seems like Toonami material but the window of relevance passed a long time ago
He's pretending to be smarter than everyone else.
Even in S1 there was an entire episode about animal anus art being hung up in their restaraunt by Gayle. And I think even the first episode had the cow shitting and them using its on-screen scat to make messages. It's always loved doing that sort of thing.
UBW is from way before the franchise got turned into gachaslop
Unironically this
Comedy zone. Open with care. You may shit self laughing
Ami's little smile when they use the spell to show her crush
I don't know much about fate other than it's a gacha game
Surely you jest. You've been around long enough that just by sheer osmosis you should have picked up that it was a VN long before gacha meant something other than an actual physical vending machine. I know that there's 9001 different versions of Fate and at least one is a gacha game, but the original, so far as I'm aware, was a VN in the early to mid 00s.
Does YTV still show anime? They showed Pokemon and Gundam Seed Destiny despite CN dropping them.
You haven't countered my point. Comedy series and shitty light novel adaptions seem to be the only time dumbasses pay any attention.
well this is in my history so i dunno.
not like it matters now.
There will be, MHA S7 will be on it, and copium addicts will spam APOLOGIZE APOLOGIZE like they did with Made in Abyss.
Dude, Fate was always slop.
bros im freaking the fuck out over here anyone else seeing like 4 hours of bobs burgers
Because this block airs late, we want fun and engaging content, not boring dreck for people to pretend they are smart for enjoying
Because it’s a Bobs marathon till midnight retard
Everyone laughed at "God is dead, M'am" last week. I just wish the creator liked Lemon more and didn't get desperate with jokes for her later from what I've heard. It seems like a fine show though, I've chuckled at it more than Pop Team Epic if nothing else. It helps though that there's a bit more of a solid ground for a series like this than an anything-goes non-characterization formula of PTE.
hmm. perhaps I can purchase or procure some profiteroles for a perfect pairing with pumpkin pie for my panksgiving party.
Everyone laughed at "God is dead, M'am" last week
Until somebody brought up Rick & Morty. Then it became unfunny.
Everyone laughed at "God is dead, M'am" last week.
Did we ever figure out what he meant by that?
why doesnt demarco just air the shows people want to see?
dragon ball is gay
Is that not Mashle?
I'm more curious if it was based on something in the JP script or if the dub writer just decided to make him a sacrilegious shithead on their own accord.
He can't afford them.
I know most of the memes like unlimited blade works, you lost me, it's a lion, and the sheer amount of amazing tanned girls. However, I also know there's like 20 different series, like one with the girl who got bodyjacked by a goddess and the one with the albino little girl and her clone, and I've never really touched the series.
he meant god is dead
Yea but there are 5 other slots full of garbage
Prisma Illya on Toonami when?
There's slop and then there's gachaslop.
I just watched last weeks broadcast on DVR cause i missed last week, does anyone else tape toonami? I actually still have recordings of the animatrix when it was airing, man alot can change in just a few short years
Could be better, could be worse. Racing around trying to secure supplies for Thanksgiving while holiday depression is nagging at me.
Still feels wrong to celebrate Thanksgiving with friends of the family even two years out from mom passing. Don't really feel like being bothered with it, but I can't back out now.
Glad to see you're back, though. Congrats on the new prospects, by the way.
Did you forget the endless Black Lotus marathons already?
I mean middle-aged women still watch and DVR shows on TLC, to the point that TLC says outright in adverts to "set your DVR"
Congratulations man
he'd just be buying books for a library that's on fire.
Isn’t this show filled to the absolute brim with UUOOOOHHHHH?
Not that I play mobages (because I hate them all), but I've heard gachashit actually has better production values than most modern anime.
No, that's prisma ilya, not infinite blade works
UNLIMITED Blade Works, you fucking secondary-to-be.
I have no idea who is lying to you then because that’s not true in any way
Oh shit-on-a-stick. If UBW comes to Toonami, it's going to be nothing but angry arguments with Fate fans calling everybody secondaries.
Fifteen minutes
I heard the pay and hours for gacha workers is like twice as good as most anime contractors.
I don't tape it, but I record it like a child would, with my phone propped up on a table and zoomed at the screen because I don't have a DVR/capture card, or a VCR. I don't remember when I started doing it, but it was well after AS Toonami's heydey. Probably like 2020-2021. And because of that shitty method it's just stuff I'm personally interested in looking back on, not everything.
You should back up your recordings and share them online, like on
people love broadcast archives like crazy
I guess Rewind is dead. 1 week ok, but even if they get something in January, I'm not gonna bother after a month long break. If I never see Kai again it will be too soon.
Fateshit on the block is going to spawn such great, wonderful discussion
Mods say generals are forbidden on Anon Babble.
Hello shitposter. Had to support your claim somehow huh.
Will it be better engagement than what Gundam Unicorn and Origin had? Cause the whining about politics talk the time got real old real fast. If they want something that's more braindead they could beg for Seed, though it does take 4 episodes before they even leave the space colony. And it's mostly one sided fights in the first episode.
Definitely not Toonami. Way too much fanservice and way too old.
Well yea but that doesn’t mean gacha games are higher quality, it means gacha games make more money
thx bros
Uh oh you gonna seethe?
Fate comes to Toonami before Raildex
Any show with excessive dialogue, outside of Food Wars for some reason will be boring here
honestly the fact that its a general thread isnt what bothers me i just hate AI stuff in general, surprised Anon Babble as a platform hasnt done any AI stuff at this point, they seem ambivalent to it in general
Fate is actually fun and has good waifus. Gundam is boring slop
That was my first post of the night, but tell yourself whatever you need to.
100% of what I know about this franchise comes from doujins.
Damn, the spammer is really active tonight. I guess he has to make up for not being able to fill the thread with bullshit last week.
The first episode being an hour of exposition will be ratings poison
What are you doing for Thanksgiving?
Hate to break it, but Fate is also filled with exposition AND having to explain what you're seeing and why at times.
Schizo moment, meds needed
Probably. Unicorn was a bad show with a terrible edit that was also totally impenetrable unless you're a longtime Gundam fan. The Origin was a great show screwed over by an awful timeslot and CGI mech fights. Fate UBW is...while it's got SOME issues with impenetrability (it's the second route in a visual novel that requires you to have played the first the whole way through, or in the anime's case watched Deen Stay Night first), it's a way more straightforward show to comprehend. Sadly Shirou is the exact same kind of dipshit protagonist as Banagher, but at least it's in a setting that's a bit more amicable to his preaching.
probably going to be beside myself as my family dissolves over the election results
I hate how uncreative it is. As generic as Black Clover. Stole the setting from Black Clover. Stole the MC from Mob Psycho 100. Stole the face cracks from Dr. Stone.
Nigga I'm from a thread that was banned under the pretense of being a general. I'm saying this for your own good. Remove general from the title and the standardized op.
Blame Crunchyroll
The entire website fell to Anon Babble cancer after Gamergate. I imagine the mods just let the Anon Babblecoin evangelists overtake the site because it was good for traffic and they thought the Pink Wojaks were funny.
im probably going to spend it alone
my dad is on his last legs and i cant get him into a home due to money and novacancy in places i can afford and he went to the hospital earlier today after a second day of not eating or drinking
Mods say lots of things. They let us have Toonami threads when Toonami is on out of respect for tradition. Outside of that, they leave us to fester in anarchy.
How old would you say a show has to be to be "too old" on a block that is currently airing Blue Exorcist for the second time and pretending in episode promos as though it was airing it for the first time?
look up fate just in case that was hinting at a toonami airing
all the characters seem shit regardless
At this point I should just assume I won't like any character on a new pickup so it's a nice surprise if I do.
Probably just seeing immediate family. We don't really do much of anything but the most important thing is seeing each other and hoping for no bullshit.
Thankfully I don't have to deal with that. I have like 5 family members I only ever see and we were all on the same page about the election.
What was your favorite show on Toonami for the past 5 years?
Fuck this week went by fast. I could have sworn we all did this three days ago, four tops.
Gotta give me a list mac
Demarco explicitly said he doesn't want older shows on the block. Legacy reruns are obviously exempted.
I finished Zero and I could never make it past ep 2 of UBW, I'm well aware
Legacy reruns are obviously exempted.
Not exempt for repurchasing the rights thoughever.
you know what yeah probably assclass, premise was solid, plot was consistent and pace was good. the blonde one was best girl
We've had these threads for a decade, there is no problem.
I wish the japanese would just reintroduce narrators. They are so damn bad at exposition.
Made in Abyss was by far the most... unique shonen I have ever watched. It gets credit for that at least. Besides that, the last 5 years have been a slog of never ending generic trash.
Also it's got that Jojo habit where it will just break its own rules whenever it has an idea it thinks is cool.
Nobody ever said faggitman was smart or made good decisions.
We had narrators in HunterxHunter, especially during the Palace Invasion. I recall a bunch of people here hated it.
This is year 12 of this general. Stay mad
do you remember when we aired hunterxhunter?
Moderators are hypocrites. This should not be news.
Crunchyroll is not the reason Demarco won’t shop from Sentai
i always bring a cheese, cracker, and sausage tray to my parents'
Are you running away?
I won't deny that it was padded to hell because of it just being a shitty edit with tons of narration to help segue or bridge the story being broken up from its original OVA format, and everyone will have to get over the mobile suits being CGI because it's just cheaper and faster to do than hand draw and maintain visual quality and intersperse hand drawn frames/sets like Witch From Mercury or even Build Divers.
The alternatives are
-History class for the nth time
-Unprompted exposition dump on a character who already knows the info
-A character asking a question followed by a long answer broken between the one answering and the one asking to make it seem like a back and forth
Just put a damn narrator in there. The alternatives are braindead.
the final frontier
these are the voyages of the starship enterprise
Sentai doesn't have anything worth airing.
I'll be honest, I wasn't here for it.
Sentai has plenty. For whatever reason the Faggitman won't work with them.
...You know, I imagine if AGE got a non-ASEAN dub and got onto Toonami, the people here would eat it up and have no idea how awful it was.
Made in Abyss isn’t shonen
What magazine does it run in?
Narrating entire fights instead of animating them is a little different than narrating current story developments
Why is Minako so much more sexualized than the others?
turn yourself into a real sailor
I did not watch AGE with Anon Babble when it aired, but holy fuck I could not stand the first and third generations. Asemu was the only one I could tolerate and even that was testing the limits when it came to all the bullshit regarding the Vagans.
with my sister, brother-in-law, grandfather, aunt, and cousins
I'm asking seriously. The genre of a manga is determined by the magazine it runs in.
Not an argument when the block only has 3 premiers and one of them is One Piece
Don't care. It's shonen in all but name. They even had a fucking training arc in the forest ffs
All Sailors are sexual.
Here is your opponent.
My mom became an Amazon on Monday morning, having her left breast (and the large, malignant tumor in it) cut off Monday morning. I had to get up at 3:30 AM to go to the hospital with her, though I think they just told everyone having surgery to show up at 5:15 AM regardless of when they're having surgery. I've been taking care of her since, which, aside from normal stuff, includes tending to a drain that's sticking out of her armpit, a surprsingly tiring job, and it seems to have gotten clogged yesterday. We'll be going to the doctor on Monday if it doesn't clear up.
fiance just confirmed pregnant
Isn't that getting something rather out of order?
Quite possibly nothing at all. My sister probably won't be coming, neither my mom nor I is likely to be up to the task of cooking a turkey and all the rest of my family that I've seen in the past decade is dead.
Yes, does she know what Bleached raw means?
For me it was the other way around. The second arc was a slog.
3 premiers is plently for a dying block on a dying channel on dying cable.
Well, it'll be the second without my aunt who usually organized and hosted the year end holidays...
My sister is ghosting my mom, so no idea if she's going to...
Yes but
Mbrandon will teach her
Is there anyone here who was around for Deen Stay Night? That was apparently one of the most influential shows of late 00s Anon Babble.
What did they mean by this?
ok the most fucked thing about invincible fight girl for me is that my name is michael so its SUPER WEIRD whenever i hear clancy brown just shout my name randomly
Isn't Fate basically Pokemon with historical figures? Most of them genderbent?
I looked at the Wikipedia list in descending order and basically the only things I've even liked in general were Mashle (so far it's fine), Lycoris sometimes, Ass Class usually, Paranoia Agent since I hadn't seen it before was alright, Dr. Stone usually and Demon Slayer.
I don't know when Food Wars finished its run to know if it makes the actual 5 year limit but I assume it doesn't. If anything it'd probably be up there too even if mainly for Megumi. My answer is probably Demon Slayer since I think I got the most enjoyment out of it and I do actually like Tanjiro, even if Kimetsu isn't usually the kind of series I'd go out of my way to watch. If I had to rank them it'd probably be
Demon Slayer = Food Wars > Dr. Stone > Ass Class = Lycoris Recoil > Paranoia Agent
The really satisfying stuff with Megumi was roughly on par for me with the satisfying stuff with Nezuko and Mitsuri, but I feel a bit more enjoyment out of Tanjiro's best scenes than Soma's. I enjoyed and disliked about the same amount of stuff between AC and LR. PA was just "interesting." I can't rank Mashle but I'm guessing it'll be between Recoil and Agent. It'd be blasphemous to put it above the girls show even if I might think it'll be more "consistently likeable" than some shit Recoil pulled.
The only thing I liked about this was the way the announcer had to say "SSSS" and when the MC got stabbed randomly. Otherwise it was a tame pacebreaker which was nice to relax from but I didn't really care about anything happening. I think the long haired girl had to bathe a kid once?
Was 5 premiers 6 months ago. Cope
I hate Gene.
Isn't that getting something rather out of order?
nature is on its own schedule
Wait, yeah Food Wars would be on there since it's just showing the debut years and presumably OP meant any show airing in general in those years.
tfw Food Wars aired 60 years ago
I fell asleep last week before Toonami started. Did I miss anything good?
It’s Toonami, of course you didn’t.
speaking of sailor venus, she's the real reason why sailor moon existed in the first place
Long time no see, Brock, the last couple of weeks were fine, but this week was boring, and not worth greentexting, but with Black Friday and the rest of the holidays coming up work is gonna be extra shit (at least until the last 2 weeks of December when I have time off). Too bad the block will suck cock during the holidays. I might watch the Mashle marathon, but fuck ending 2024 with Rick and Morty.
Older than what though? That was essentially the question, after all.
A bunch of people here, or anywhere else, will hate anything and everything. You get more than a few dozen people together and you're likely to find them having very strong and mutually exclusive opinions about whatever they might have any opinion about.
Half the reason I didn't remember for my ranking that Food Wars S5 literally aired last year is because to me it feels like a couple years or more already. But I also just woke up. It really doesn't feel like S5 aired last year.
breaking in my new stove. looking forward to speeding up the process, its very efficient.
Nobody remembers her show.
the block always tends to suck in december
good time to catch up on the back catalog
You mean HER show.
Good time to watch the december watchalongs on Anon Babble.
I do. She was sexy and so was the blonde bimbo. They both stink but of course only megumi is ever talked about to smell bad
is it even possible to have reincarnations from your past life to look exactly like you? how long ago was princess serenity in the moon kingdom before they were reborn?
I like Steven Universe and She-Ra.
Can't wait for Anon Babble to tell me this show sucks fermented donkey cock only for them to be wrong like every other time (Mashle, Zom 100, S5 of Food Wars)
Only thing worth watching for and she barley had any screentime. I'm really glad with such a shit MC the series floundered, and I usually don't care about the main protagonist's shit levels but he was off the chart.
puppetfag btfo
why are the scouts arguing with sailor moon
Dude something is wrong with you if you thought Food Wars season 5 was good.
But all those shows except Mashle did suck tho
Probably jealous of how cute, kind, and sweet she is.
Mashle is fine so far, S5 of Food Wars still had some stuff to offer that wasn't ruined from speedrunning the competitions (I cared about not getting to see Megumi win challenges and how passive they used them more than the meme guy that season) but Zom really was garbage.
what was the previous episode of sailor moon
random thought of the evening, when you lose a key on your keyboard, you will learn how to type out words that do not use that letter, guess what key on my keyboard is disabled.
Mashle sucks.
Yeah, of course. I look exactly like I did in my past life.
mercury attacking usagi with a book
Kicking Usagi's butt!
Kind of boring Minako focus episode, her surrogate big sister (who NTRed her) got transformed by Cuntzite.
So what kind of image should I use for the last real Rewind thread of the year?
minako's tragic love life
The Sailor Scouts being dead
I like Makoto's outfit here
Nobody here cares, ask your faggy Rewind friends on Friday
Finally got a couple days off this week now that the boss is back from medical leave. Celebrated by spending some of that overtime pay on a pistol I've had my eyes on for a while now
wasn't there an ami lookalike in codeame sailor venus? and why didn't crystal get season 4 and season 5 only to have movies?
Stop liking evil hippie nerds
Her show sucked.
....Pistol for what?
I'm sure he's posted a snapshot of it somewhere on Anon Babble.
we will never see how the sailor scouts relationships with the four dark moon generals were like before they were turned evil
It was frustrating to look forward to Minako only to slowly discover they just had jack shit to do with her. There really didn't need to be this many main characters on the team beyond marketing a big group. You only really have 3 archetypes but 5 characters.
Usagi and Minako are the nice happy ones
Ami is booksmart, also very kind but stands out for her intelligence when it comes up
Mako and Rei are both brutish tomboys quick to a temper "but with a heart of gold in the center"
And then Ami falls behind and Minako barely got a focus episode, so it's basically a mix between Usagi and the homewreckers.
thsi was reis last panty shot before she died
But Zom 100 was ridiculously bland.
Every once in a while anime companies realize they can make a shitload of money off movies and release a whole bunch of them instead of new seasons. Most recently it happened in ~2019. Every time it happens it leads to the death of the industry for a few years before they figure out that they need currently airing stuff to maintain interest and hype in the medium.
What about next week, 11/30, and 12/14, please?
Mashle is funny
Mildly amusing... but I'm kinda already tired of Mash's constant deadpan gimmick.
He sure is a lot like a certain character from the horse show, eh?
Minako definitely gets shafted the most. Ami has the most distinct personality, and Jupiter's man-chasing gimmick is funny. Minako's entire personality is "empty slate" from the start, so when you combine that with a late join time and a lack of screentime, you get predictable results.
To be honest, Sailor Moon could have just been Usagi and it would have worked.
Being American with a slavic glock
Not yet but since you mentioned it
god i wish i was fat, bald, and old enough to suck on their tongues
I don't think that was the case for Crystal. It wasn't very well received. They probably just wanted to get it over with than make more seasons.
you know how the first video game in a series is the groundwork and shit gets better in game 2?
just wait for doom tree and s for the girls to get better
Well at least it's not a JIDF model
Why do Nips like that tongue sucking thing anyways?
I am unaware of the thing you're referring to.
I support your decision. I love DBZ, but fuck showing up for another round of repeats. I can do it on Saturdays, but I'm not going out of my way for a marathon on Fridays.
Not much. Coworker got fired a few weeks ago over some kind of complaint, and works been slowing down as expected as the year winds down. Hoping to change the Thanksgiving shift to a morning one so I can visit family later in the day instead of black Friday, but if not, I'm fine. Otherwise, things are pretty chill
It was worse than bland. It was annoying.
MC's love interest is an asshole who chastizes him for ever doing the right thing because "statistically it doesn't make sense to put yourself in danger, you're a retard to care about anyone else!"
he still chases her, wants to get her on his team, and to be with her
actually good blonde girl with big tits gets introduced, is an actual nice person even when having to deal with zombies
suddenly exaggerate the tomboy as a tsundere, give her a stupid backstory as to why she's an asshole, and also draw her tits a bit bigger to compensate for being awful and clearly inferior to girl 2
everyone buys it
pc screen flickering
its just my pc screen
not the lights
.not the tv
its ganna die isnt it
Back at ya, fucko
How do I know you're not Puppetfag?
They already got me for a maglula speedloader last month. Will probably also try to get a Jericho in the next year or two but I'll have to go secondary market since they started nickel and diming with nitride barrels
reboot pc
15 minute post timer wait
nani da fuck
Just hit it until it works.
Nobody cares, pupetfag.
Why are there so many AIDS meds commercials on [as]? Do any of you have AIDS?
this one-off thread got mislabeled as a general
that means an ANNUAL thread that happens EVERY WEEK for the last 10+ YEARS is at risk
The fuck is this Chewbacca defense level autism?
Its not just that channel. Comedy Central, FXX, MTV...
Does AIDS make you shit yourself? If so, the maybe some here do since nobody can seem to go a week without crapping themselves
It's the "young" late night thing.
Up late means you like to Party, which means sex which means STDs which means AIDs meds.
"Old" channels get ads for that not pissing the bed thing and Medicare.
I genuinely have no clue, I find it kind of offputting. There's nothing particularly gross about it, it's just weird.
Like many mangaka, the love interest and the MC pledging his love to an office whore who just got done fucking another guy for the 100th time indicated the creator just had a lust for getting belittled. The poor guy made Beatrix like his heart was trying to give him an out, a choice to be better than he was, but he just couldn't change.
She makes for a good transitional character too. Going from liking ungrateful, cunt tomboys to a nice gal with a body that accentuates sexual dimorphism with those huge tits, because Beatrix still fights and uses dangerous weapons, and still has muscles like Shizuka had abs. She's got the conventional strong girl appeal but the sweetness to back it up. But people like Haro can't change. Tragic.
Usagi's sexual awakening
Happened when she was like 8, probably. The girls in this series are way too horny.
the fact there was a moon kingdom and everyone is wearing casual wear where did it come from? how advanced were they.
You could almost accuse Naruto of ripping this off until you realize they're both just ripping off superman
This character from Haro's other work also sounds like she might be shit but I never read it.
Ed Asner.
did anyone catch that minako lookalike at the ball? also just hold old is beryl?
i had this weird dream where i had a small house but it has a massive underground but the end of the dream we left for some reason but there was nothing around for miles
how the hell did the earthlings get there? i don't think naoko planned far ahead.
At LEAST 16 (too old).
tfw no virgin dad
funny how king endymion is basically earth himself.
God you people are stupid. If the weeks aren’t listed than the schedule doesn’t change
looks like chibiusa wont be born
Alice in Borderland looks like it just had another Shizuka, they both even seem to dress the same.
Thank god.
sailor moon has so many timelines it's not even funny at this point.
Lads should I finally buy a PS5? The Black Friday price looks pretty solid
moon kingdom
you think NASA would discover them by now
Sailor Moon is a Christian anime.
They have, but they're keeping the slutty underage girls for themselves.
This time of year AS has a hard time selling ad space
The last aids medication they advertised for years ended up giving everyone who took it super cancer
Go for it. I did.
come to think of it, i don't think any of this was even gonna happen in codename sailor v. also where were Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune at the time? not native to the moon kingdom?
Less that one hour and thirty-eight minutes until Toonami starts, what have you been doing to pass the time? Played some Helldivers before my connection to the server shit the bed, so planning to do some AP grinding for Intermission so I can steamroll the VR bosses and finally complete Chapter 2 on Hard Mode and finally remove Remake from my SSD. Also finally got Kallen, had to get a refund and reorder her as FedEx decided to lose her and the dumbasses who shipped it fucked up the tracking number I was supposed to use. The underboob is really nice.
There is nothing wrong with your crush taking cock
fighting the urge to make soup of something 90 minutes before starting to drink
kind of bizarre hearing kunzite saying that
Seems like every week of Toonami this week has either been aids meds or boner pills.
Strangely I don’t recall ever seeing a political ad
but by saying you'll never say refresh you said refresh
stream spammers get the rope
That one ad for Friday Plans boner pills has taken over every network. How do they even afford that many ads when their boner pills are so cheap?
just how old is the moon kingdom? they stated they've been there for a thousand years and yet no matter what evil comes past or future, there is never peace. meanwhile serena takes over crystal tokyo.
can't be worse than those commercials seen on news channels. have you noticed how commericials lately take five minutes or more?
You think we'd tell you when we did?
him and Rei both died thinking of the boys they'd like to kiss
Is this headcanon or did Toei intentionally make it so the Sailor Scouts die in order of popularity
If a commercial is longer than 30 seconds outside of the Superball, that means the ad space is worthless and got farmed off to some long form commercial
How do they even afford that many ads when their boner pills are so cheap?
cable ads are dirt cheap
Ami my wife
what was naoko thinking wanting to kill off her scouts.
The Sailor Senshi Die! The Tragic Final Battle
talking during mid transformation
My work has a TV on the floor we have on during the day and that commercial has aired so much it’s become tradition to narrate it out loud, including an inappropriately loud “BOOM”
speak for yourself, you have more body fat
How cheap? Can I run an ad during Toonami about what a faggit Demarco is?
for me it's the pink one with short hair
Who else shows anime anymore on cable TV?
Cute and Funny
I lived long enough to see all of Toonami General become Fate secondaries. Read the visual novel. It's on steam now, in English, you have no excuses.
Crazy bitch
Nobody. Unless you count Disney airing toyetic slop in the morning hours.
Doesn’t mean someone can start though. Remember Chiller? Any idiot can make an anime block
no one as far as i know, unless disney is still airing whatever they air on disney xd if that still exists
Just how I like them. Imagine how she would treat your wiener
wasn't there a time traveling situation at the end of the season?
Disney Channel Fate/Stay Night
lmao I'd actually want to see how they censored it
Mecha-Ude on Toonami when?
ow ow ow ow ow i'm eating japalenos and i just scratched my foreskin ow ow ow
disney xd
i remember they had doraemon and pokemon there for sometime, but then contracts expired and disney just shits out their garbage dump.
Wait, haven't I seen this character somewhere....
SyFy used to.
you'll never be slapped by mercury
i saw bits of hocus pocus 2 and it was terrible the moment it even aired. all the live action trash on disney is is terrible. walt disney wouldn't approve of this.
ow ow ow ow ow i can't tell if i'm urinating or not ow ow ow i bet this'd feel awesome while jacking off ow ow ow
SyFy might try to bring back Ani-Mondays.
My current season anime watch party is watching this and while it had a solid start, it's fallen off. Too many characters, too many plotlines, it feels as though it lacks direction and isn't sure what it wants to do.
Ami just pulling brand new applications of Bubble Spray attack out of nowhere. It's a water shield orb now?
man i remember watching gurren lagann on that channel during my senior year in school back in 2008. i recall that one time i had an exam the morning before and stayed up till 12 or 2 for the final episode.
Ami's the best and smartest so it makes sense
It’s strange how Disney gave up on cable anime right before starting to get exclusive rights to anime projects. Not that I think Bleach or Heavenly Delusion could air on Disney, but given their infinite money you’d think they would create a home for it
replaying the fear games
and remembering how much i hate some of the fights in the third dlc
minako wont remember any of this
aahhhhhhh owowowowowow it's getting worse ow owwwwwwwwwww
wouldn't it be better if they were turned in ice
It really needed some extra oomph. Fight scenes lack impact because people just get smacked around a little and are fine later. They even go to school with some of their enemies, so it has a wacky Saturday morning cartoon vibe to it, but without much thought given to the characters or humor.
I will say that the snotty little brother character wound up being a lot better than I was expecting. But then after that flash of really good characterization he just fades into the background again.
Maybe if the fights were more visceral, the action more flashy, or it had more fan service. Anything to make it more memorable.
Disney hates what they don't own. How Doraemon and Yokai Watch got on there I have no idea (their owners paid a pretty penny, I bet).
usagi we're all dying in order if i don't go die too it won't make any sense
i watched this anime about a cat
Japanese Sailor Venus's death scream was something else.
Why the fuck are people actually watching IFG?
Mindbroken Sailors are hot.
why the fuck do you think
what else am i supposed to watch
Jupiter dies using her overwhelming strength and power to take down two enemies simultaneously
Mercury dies exploiting a weakpoint only she can analyze
Venus dies sacrificing herself to save the Moon Princess, the only one who can save the world
Mars clings to life out of such pure spite and stubbornness she can kill one last monster
Everyone played to their strengths.
Yea, nobody is jerking off to a, you know… ahem spearchucker
they don't even own it anymore and with streaming services everywhere, anime is on many services.
Usagi's had her last BUN HEAD moment.
She's serious and determined now for the serious finale.
to think at one point we would have had an american live action and cartoon version of sailor moon. and that's terrible
Grinding away on Horizon's FFXI server.
It it even possible to netflixify sailor moon? It's so deeply rooted in shoujo magazine culture.
It would have been 1990s kids tv live action, not 2010s-2020s netflixification.
Where is the r34?
I wish it existed so we could see how bad it would be.
come to think of it, endymion's senshit just turn into crystals meanwhile the sailor scouts were reborn as normal human girls. naoko made a mistake to not give them civilian forms. Nephirite was the closest adapting to human society
Yes, take away all the Sailors promoting true feminine values against the villains plans. So
"How dare you toy with a woman's heart who just wanted to dance with a guy!"
"How dare you break the heart of a girl finally finding her true self as a lesbian in a world already against her! You'll pay for this!"
The only spearchucking she's doing is chucking my spear into her pussy
When will Andy fuck the muscle shota?
Will Andy fuck an 8 year old
How old is Andy?
Sailor Mercury in a wheelchair
This is some vintage Magic School Bus / BK Kids 90s PC diversity.
Also underage, so it's totally okay!
If the wheelchair turned into a mech though that'd be fucking rad
I wonder what the last cartoon to have a wheelchair kid in it was.
Guesses as to what the fuck her problem is?
You realize the original series already had lesbians in it, right?
how old is Andy
No one can come to an agreement on this. I don’t even think the creators know.
shitty holiday marathons means we can't get fight girl over with for an extra few weeks
and it'll inevitably be in the rerun slot too. why is there a stipulation that the block always has to suck in some way?
But Invincible Fight Girl is good!
why is there a stipulation that the block always has to suck in some way?
because demarco is trying his best to kill toonami
They weren't preaching about how lesbian acceptance is nearly impossible to achieve like Netflix does and would love to do to an iconic magical girl show from Japan.
Are you retarded? It’s doubled up on 12/21 specifically so it all ends this year
Too bad he sucks at his job.
Miscounted so yes, I am retarded and thought a few were being heldover.
Still pissed about the rerun slot it'll get. Them already wanting to marathon Mashle makes me wonder if they're saving a marathon for IFG later. They always want a monetary return on the production spent that way.
It's funny how that Cowboy Bebop Netflix show got memoryholed.
made to MAKE me money
The only reason they chose Mashle is because it just started and it’s easier to justify it running less episodes to make room for IFG to finish
It's for the best. Same as all live-action trash.
You wouldn’t just go out and prostitute a flat chested black girl, right anon?
it looks like you're getting hit a lot... ummm maybe try nooot doing that!
it's like they intentionally made 2 shitty boys to hang around her just to get on her nerves because of how annoying they are
What do you mean? People still bitch about it all the time, and it’s always brought up during discussions about One Piece as a shining example of what live action should NOT do
a shining example of what live action should NOT do
Which is weird because you'd think we'd have plenty of examples already, Dragonball Evolution and the Death Note adaptation just to name a couple.
i ate my toonami snack already
Still doesn't explain why they can't at least have half of the schedule be Naruto.
Does anybody remember that youtube video of Wonderweiss firing his cero, but they replaced his scream with Mordecai and Rigby doing that "OHHHH" thing?
I like it.
If you're good during the holidays, you'll get the Daima dub in mid January.
b...but muh daipa
It's literally better than GT and Super put together, one of the best DB products.
Hey, the Japanese movies were okay. At least, that's what I've heard about the two that are actually based on the actual story.
obtain more snacks
Evolution is ancient so that’s not a good reference point. And really the lessons from Evolution were taken to heart anyway. Bebop didn’t make an Evolution style mistakes
My biggest worry is if we do get Daima, it'll be an open invite for the /dbs/ schizos to show up.
If I eat any more I’ll get diarrhea
Gotta love how people were confident that Mike was gonna beat Jake Paul before the fight, and now that he lost they play the "muh old man" card. Losers.
If they haven't in the past why would they now? They prefer their own general.
I know nothing about Fate. Is there any reason why they'd air this season in particular?
Maybe you're the one being mid.
The filler episodes about the sailor senshi's love lives actually turn out to be a bit important for the impact of the finale
watch toonami from your viewing toilet
Well, they're technically not marathons since they're episodes that have never aired on Rewind before. It's just what the regular schedule is going to be.
Because it's the only decent looking one. DEEN animated Fate/stay Night was awful with QUALITY that would make OG Mobile Suit Gundam blush.
fine fuck it gas station frozen pizza it is
Is there a highly specific doujinshi you were thinking of where that happens?
7/11 has a ready to go pizza that's basically Little Caesar's
You can still kill yourself before you are old kek
Staying home and consuming a bird and a cylinder of that good shit.
No, that will ruin the block
You mean how the Japanese moon princess idea is from
Inhaling Megumi's stinkiness
This. Unbelievable how uncultured those retards here are.
At least spring for Red Barron's
DeMarco did it
Back to the anime mines once more. Hope everyone's been good busy, and not bad busy. If it's been bad, here's some cute to brighten your night.
Brock, it's been too long. Was worried bout you. My week was both bad and good. For starters the increasingly lowered temperatures are wreaking havoc on my hands. They've been drying for about 2-3 years but this is the first time they actually cracked open and bled. Been applying creams and lotions like crazy. A friend gave me her recipe for a hand "mask" involving olive oil and sugars. Helps out a lot. Plus I might have jury duty soon, which is never fun.
Good stuff has happened too, though. I saved at least 3 Thanksgiving dinners by pointing out to mom, one aunt, and one great aunt where they could get big fucking peckers instead of the little 10 pound turkeys they could only find. Now they is thawing. Plus me and my brother ended up checking out some Game Boy retrospectives, which got me to go into my storage and find all my old portables. At first I was devastated and thought they were dead but turns out all my AA batteries are duds. All Game Boys are operational, even if not at 100%. New rechargeable battery for SP, got them all cleaned and polished. It's gonna be a fun upcoming couple of days.
Those jelly donuts surely look strange
They shit this place up during the entire original run of Super
Damn. Sorry to see you and your families are going through it. Wish I could offer more than condolences and prayers, but here's hoping things get better for you.
Anyone have a screencap of the assclass finale when everyone freaked out over the kids giving the money to the government?
Because this one is animated by Ufotable. The others are done by DEEN and have some of the worst animation on the market
Bro that’s gonna give you mega diarrhea what are you thinking
Why are they such assholes to Jerry?
maybe you need a humidifier for your room / workspace
AssClass was a pleasant surprise.
Queen Serenity was promoting earth men racemixing with moon maidens.
Beryl was just trying to stop Endymion from dilluting his virile earthman seed.
Beryl Did Nothing Wrong.
Because Jerry is an unemployed bitch
Oh shit dude, congrats. That explains a lot about why you haven't been around. I was a little scared but turns out it was for a very good reason.
Going to my aunt's for a very, VERY big thanksgiving. Since there's been very recent losses and tragedies in the family, lots of people want to get together and spend more time as a group. And I can not blame them. Already got ingredients lined up for my own contributions, mainly pie. But I will also be helping with turkey because those fuckers are big.
Everyone from earth is a two-faced asshole
Yeah sounds about right.
Just got home from more grocery shopping. Every time I think we're all ready, there's more stuff to be bought. Thank god for lists.
Not a bad idea.
Unless the source I'm looking at is wrong, only the first season and the first movie are animated be Deen.
Remember, you can't be a husband or father and post on Anon Babble.
try to post from phone
get 15 minute timer
fuck it, i'll wait it out
3, 2, 1, Get Captcha
New 15 minute timer
deserved and worker as intended
That's what you've been saying every month for the past 12 years.
Until you learn how to use a PC like a civilized person you will continue to suffer.
says who
The Fate route is only 1 season, and the recent Unlimited Blade Works series was split into two cours so near the same episode count, but split apart.
Where's the new thread?
She could've been a gag manga-ier version of Megumi where he played up the meekness for fun but in a loveable way, but the mangaka took the easy way out and just decided to exaggerate the "I like the MC" part by making her a shitty psycho yandere type. For as lighthearted as Mashle is it feels like the Megumi option would've fit better, with her frantic meekness just confusing the stoic Mash.
But psycho types probably are more popular in the modern age than the Megumi types. Regardless, I've just always hated the juxtaposition humor of having a nice character "actually be kinda insane??" whether it's a western or eastern work.
Three minutes away? We are only on page 3.
Yes but soon I’ll be right
Thanksgiving weekend means missing sailor moon finale
I'm gonna miss that meatball head.
This happens to me too, 3+ times even. It makes posting while out impossible, but it never actually seems to hamper the people who use their phone intentionally to spam. I still see tons of low quality spam with phone filenames, yet I can't just ask a fucking question or agree with someone posting something I like for once if they've done it and I'm not home. Then the thread dies before I can get hme and appreciate someone posting something good for once.
i cant use a pc when im stuck in traffic tho
Do the right thing and abandon your family to watch little girl cartoons with internet strangers.
So the cookie is tied to a specific IP and gets invalidated if your NAT IP changes, huh.
I have no interest in doing Thanksgiving with family, so I'll just be doing household chores and catching up with my backlog.
gonna have to catch the restream but goddamn was it nice to have this friday off for rewind
You could use a remote access program like Anydesk or something to control your PC from your phone while you're away and post like that.
Put your ThinkPad in your passenger seat.
Good to see you, Robinbro.
Crazy, my hands used to crack really badly during the Winter too before I started moisturizing more during the Summer and Fall. It's crazy, but it adds up.
Kudos on rediscovering the love of Gameboy too. Nothing like 32-bit fun to put some pep in your step.
tfw Dragon Ball turned 40 earlier this week
Looks like I should be taking a leaf out of your book for next year. 32-bit is nice but my old GBC is also a treat to hold in my hands.
This 15 minute post timer sucks ass.
That is indeed a very cute Robin.
Yeah, the cold, even though my prefered temp, can wreck some havok, especially given the lower humidity.
Glad your handhelds all still work.
The moon worshippers had it too good for too long. The Dark Kingdom has a right to defend itself.
Anon Babble knows a lot about sucking ass
All you have to understand is that because of -reasons-, once a generation a small group of wizards gather in Japan to participate in a contest to win a wish from the Holy Grail.
This is because the presence of the Grail allows them to tap into a lot more mana than usual, and summon heroes of myth and legend to fight in a battle royale.
The events of the first Fate are the 5th Grail War.
The events of the 4th Grail War are shown in Fate/Zero, which was the only time things went roughly according to plan, and the wizards fought until there was one left.
The 5th Grail War is part war, part dating service. Like, half of the participants are fucking their summoned heroes.
I despise the cold, which is funny because most of the fun stuff happens when it stops being warm. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. But I still hate it. Cold is the temperature of death, there's a reason bodies lose warmth once deceased. At least it's a good excuse to stay inside and bundle up with some hot cocoa.
Jealousy of the dadbods.
You sound like a pussy bitch.