Is the edited version of this image of meme on this website now?

Is the edited version of this image of meme on this website now?

13.jpg - 1988x3056, 1.68M

What kind of question is that? Do you realize how weird and specific and expectant that is to ask?

Do you even know what edit image I'm talking about ?I'm not uploading it I hate getting banned .

buddy literally what the fuck are you babbling about

why dont you ask Anon Babble

Link it, retard.

OP I ask this not as an insult, but as an attempt to understand you and your actions better:
Do you have autism?

I got you


i dont get this joke

No one will edit so that she is just flashing her bobies?


file.png - 480x360, 134.48K

I don’t even know what you’re trying to ask

Seriously, Kamala's tits and ass make me diamonds.

it's been done

post it

Search the OP image on desuarchive and find it in a thread the original page is posted.

Pretty sure it's on rule34 if you want it so badly, my man.

did you reply to the wrong post

read thread

cruise archives

found booba

Wow so difficult
It's fucking hot though damn


UNF Kamala is the hottest girl I've seen in my LIFE

you need to get out more my dude

If no one can pick up what you're talking about, it's not a meme. Lurk for 2 years before posting, faglord.

Khxk.gif - 320x240, 368.61K


I was talking about this image. See

That's an edit, not a meme, douche nozzle.

And then the edited version of an image can become a meme of itself.

People had to guess what you were talking about. That's not a fucking meme. Shit, if you wanted that image so bad you could have googled it apparently.
Your excuse for engagement is retarded and you should kill your self.


I have the image saved on my memory stick. I didn't need help searching for it and one person wanted to know exactly what I was talking about and uploaded the image while I was in bed asleep without any clarification from me besides what was in the up. And just because not everyone knows immediately what you're talking about doesn't mean it's not a meme whatsoever. And the point of all this was I was asking is the edit qualification as a meme on this website.

No you literally requested it in your OP because you can't speak english and someone fetched it for you.
There are also boards for requesting and asking retarded google-able questions, and FAQ and Anon Babble for western cartoon porn. You'd know that if you weren't a lazy peice of shit that likes to shit up the board with your trash threads.

garfield22.jpg - 600x543, 142.77K

No you literally requested it in your OP because you can't speak english and someone fetched it for you.

No I can speak English just fine is sometimes my speech to text program being stupid but it does not ask for the added image of the image I provide it was asking the question is the edited version of the image a meme on the website now.It was not asking for the actual image.

I don't care if you don't have hands or you're some kind of nugget, not an excuse to make a shit request thread. Also, you have eyes, don't you? Proof read your garbage before posting.

is the edited version of the image a meme on the website now.

That's a stupid fucking question. Why would that garbage become a meme? Do you even know what a meme is?

Bart's blue haired friend with glasses from the Simpsons that plays fall out boy in the radioactiveman movie episode

my speech to text program

Bruh zone.jpg - 1440x1140, 347.41K

I've seen this anon pull this shit for over a year and keeps saying this and never fixes his problem. It has to be a shitposter or turbo autist that will never get a hint.

This can’t be real

See Also it was because of kamala's law the event that happened in Marvel during covid hit in.