Will Arcane mark the start of the lesbian fatigue among normies?

Will Arcane mark the start of the lesbian fatigue among normies?

Why is it always lesbians and never gay men?

My friend said because they want women to become lesbians and then to get with trans women

Because they're not as marketable. Hot girls have universal appeal.

Because gay men are already over-represented by OPs.

Has your friend's egg cracked yet?

Normies don't know what Arcane is

CaitVi is the one thing "normies" liked about S2
everyone agrees the writing was ass compared to S1 and just cares about the lesbians

I hope so.

The only lesbian fatigue is from throwaway lesbos that show up out of nowhere like they do in Star Wars. As long as there is development like in Arcane the fandom won't get tired of it.

I will never get tired of it. I'm trying to convince riot to make Evelynn and Vayne a thing.

"Normies" will never not find lesbians hot.

Yeah it became really played out.

Because companies hate money and don't know how to design attractive men anyway, so fujos just watch sports and mecha anime and spend money on bad mobile games.

Fags use dykes to get their foot in the door: DUDE GIRLS KISSING IS HOT WHAT ARE YOU, GAY?

Fags complain year later only girls get the gay rep slot.

As with AIDS it's entirely a self-inflicted condition.

Is your friend named "Anon Babble - Politically Incorrect" and his address is "boards.Anon Babble.org/pol/"?

gay men:

women are happy

men are repulsed

gay women

women are happy

men are turned on

it's simple.

speak for yourself

This is the way it is for the grand majority of men.

basically this
if lesbians are cute everyone would be pleased but gay dudes are disgusting no matter what

They find hot chicks kissing hot. Not actual lesbians.

there is no agenda

there is no purpose

there is no push for anything

they have no goal in mind

go back to sleep

neck the dykes
gay men:
woman are turned on*

I've never really met a guy to say "Oh lesbians, that's hot", and yeah, in all honesty I find that shit boring, the idea is that you want to fuck them, and if they gay then not really a chance.

fags are desperate for jayce+viktor

this, I'd like some ffm shit
that would actually appeal to me


normies still liked them, check reviews, the xitterfags only found the sex kinda missplaced but if you check out the non-song sex scene is over 800k views

Because they can convince men to like it becausr two women is hot eh fellow red blooded men, and ignorant girls and women can be easily brainwashed into thinking they are bi/lesbian by media and social 'ly enforced propoganda and allow them to get away with rampant lesbian rapeb' assault pedophilia all in the Internet of turning them lesbian/bi/trans.

All women are bi
Woman raped assaults girl she orgasms she is actually les/bi and wanted it
Clitoral orgasm is the only way for women to orgasm
Sex is rape
Hey sex bad/
Children are bad and should sacrifice them to ;lesbian cult through abortion
Lesbian rapists and pedophiles dont exist or it's not bad because no penis

All lies and propoganda pushed and normalized by the sick cult. And most of you reading this post believes in these s uemtifivally and culturally proven to be fucking insane lies.

There's an actual book on it.

The woke majority has already started to turn on LGBT stuff because they want to give into islamic culture fully, there's a lot of retarded leftists on instagram especially that are now anti LGBT despite still calling themselves PC because of Palestine. I fully predict that over the next five years we're gonna see a full cultural 180 shift where the majority will become moderate normal people again and the hateful groups will be the woke extremists that are gonna keep acting like 1990s conservatists.


It's a white guy thing, white guys love lesbians for some reason.
Even ugly lesbians, just the idea of a woman being a lesbian turns them on for some reason.

Yep I have already seen people wishing that the real gay couple of Arcane ended up being Jayce and Viktor, they are starting to notice that Lesbians are always okay while gays just end up being bromance

Because the male stress response to seeing two men kissing is the same as watching maggots

They want women to be infertile and hate men

It's #1 show on Netflix. Sorry fag, your beloved IP is normie tier on the level of big bang theory now

Outer Banks was also #1 on Netflix and had far more views overall than Arcane, but I doubt you know what that is.

I know what it is precisely because it was ranked high on Netflix for a few weeks. Outer Banks is now normie tier too.

You underestimate how many people play League of Legends

The fact that one singular research has this big of a chokehold on anons is so fucking hilarious. Literally took one research, never even glanced at it or critically examined it, and use it as a word of gospel.

You are not stressed out about seeing pictures of dudes kissing lmao. You are not thinking of maggots.

You overestimate how many of the people playing LoL give a fuck about Arcane, or LoL's lore to begin with.

It makes it really obvious who you are when you try create this narrative of being pro Islam.

Lesbian porn is the second least [popular porn with white men beaten out by trannies and faggots at the very bottom.
They have to litterally put dyke porn on straight male porn searches, straight male aimed ,media, and convince women bumping clam is less violent and scary and immoral then het sex.

We all read that paper from Harvard on how to [ush and normalize homosexuality and to indoctrinate children.

Nah, it will be Trump who will outlaw them.

fujoshit featuring effeminate men could easily go mainstream. hazbin did it

two bara men going at it is still pretty unmarketable though. closest that got to being popular was dio from jojo.