I forgot how much I loved this movie. Why is it so overlooked? The animation and plot was so good.
I forgot how much I loved this movie. Why is it so overlooked? The animation and plot was so good
Maybe because the movie largely deals with permanent TF. I have no other guesses.
It's just one of those movies I guess. I still love it.
I don't know when I will watch the sequel, but it will be before 2026, that is a promise.
I haven't seen it but I assume it's nowhere near as good as the original. They never are.
Bambi 2 was fucking great, watched it earlier this year.
Because once the animals open their mouths and start talking, the actual writing quality falls off a cliff.
it's ok I guess
talking animals bad
saying that on Anon Babble
There might be something wrong with you.
The moose are the worst offenders. Everyone else was fine.
mystical indio stereotype
And that's a good thing.
"You did WHAT to my mom?"
I agree, to suggest the uncivilized american indians had mythology and beliefs, is very racist.
Also has one of the best Disney songs ever.
all that work to help the cub
nope you stay a bear
biggest middle finger before chicken little fox thing
killed her ass dead
He chose to stay.
The meese were voiced by two funny guys in my country's dub. Guess I got lucky.
Koda's mom gets killed
Koda ends up spending the entire movie befriending and helping his mom's killer
They should have given that idea some gravitas. I liked the movie too but there's an even greater movie buried in there somewhere and it never came to fruition
My brother and I love this movie. I'm not even American but this movie ignited an interest in native Americans in me.
i really loved this movie when i first saw it but its been so long that i dont exactly remember why
did he really kill her ?
Yes, on top of the mountain before becoming a bear himself. Nature loves extremely ironic punishments I guess
this is the first i've ever heard of it, and honestly i'm very glad this is the case because it looks gay as shit.
first time hearing of a Disney animated film
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You've... never heard of Brother Bear before??
Give it a watch. You'll either love it or not think much of it.
I thought she just fell off a cliff or something
I wish this they kept this unaltered instead of adding a song
It’s native kino
Why is it so overlooked?
No Kingdom hearts level.
I always loved this movie. I get that the Moose are kind of annoying but they aren't in the movie very much and the rest of the time it's a very soulful movie with beautiful animation and in my opinion, a good story and message.
I also like the setting and the focus on native american mythos and culture, much better done than in Pocahontas. I was surprised to learn that most people don't like this movie and it didn't do very well, it was one of my childhood favorites along with Emperor's New Groove.
I really like it too. It's got nice animation and songs, plus some intense emotional moments.
Somewhat agreeing with what this anon said: I liked the movie well enough as it is. However, I also feel like the premise is intriguing/fucked-up, and there's potential to do something even more with it.
Koda's mom got killed with a spear. Kenai's older brother did die by falling off a cliff (or more precisely, it was a collapsing ice shelf).
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You've... never heard of Brother Bear before??
You were born after 2005.
That scene would genuinely have made the movie so much better