Opinion on Luz's character?

Opinion on Luz's character?


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She's a gal with issues.

Caramel cheeks

Needs correction.

Femmina bella

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qt patootey, wish I had a gf like her when I was young

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Belos should have plapped her.


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her sister is better

I liked her. Getting a reality check on what an issekai does to your family, and how running away from some problems didn't guarantee her any peace -- yeah, that was actually pretty good.


There are only two things that could possibly enhance Luz's beauty: Becoming a wolf, and being pregnant. Just imagine waking up next to her every morning. You run your hands through her incomparably soft fur and she greets you with a wet kiss from her large velvety tongue. When she sits up and the sheets come off, you get a view of her enormous belly and her eight bountiful breasts topped by onyx black nipples. It is well known that the number of nipples a mammal possesses is equal to twice the average litter size, meaning she would produce no less than four children with each litter. Even in the mid term of her pregnancy this would push the size of her belly beyond that of any human women. Fortunately for her, her bestial strength would lessen the discomfort of hauling around so many pups every day. As she climbs out of bed, you now see her derriere, plumped by her pregnancy weight but also supported by a foundation of great muscle underneath. While you take your morning shower together, you're treated to the greatest sight of all: Her juicy spade shaped pussy, onyx black like her nipples, glistening in the wet. One look and your mind is already frantic, your mouth salivating in anticipation of its taste. Truly there would be no better life.

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She should have called Eda ma'am.


Lord help me, I can't stop myself from fapping to spunky brown girls ready to destroy my fragile ego

Best ending.

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Why didn't Beloser convert them to Christianity? Why did he make up his own bullshit religion

Cause the show was written episode by episode and there wasn't a plan.

Opinion on Luz's character?

There should have been a scene of Luz getting gaped, to symbolize her coming of age as a woman.

She's cool

Half cringe, half based.

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shes a woman, shes only gay by choice so you dont need to fix anything. just tell her.

I need to tongue her belly button

I miss the old luz, not that Chicano going thru gender transition that we got now.

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This. Everyone in the show deserves to be raped by a crowd.

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Dirty dyke


shes thicc


Imagine THIS being your daughter

He's an ugly ratlipped Dominican tranny from a flopped canceled shitshow
Kek Luzer is a troon. It really explains why there is nothing but an off model fanart spam of this hideous revolting freak show of a mutt.

Hey, so I’ve recently been thinking about running a Titan Trapper story on Anon Babble.
I wanted to ask if there’d be any interest in that sort of thing, and get a rough idea of how many people would participate.
From there, my next question would be whether or not people here would be pissed off if I shill for the quest and post thread links to it.

Lastly, regardless of anon activity, what time period do you guys think it should be set in?
Waaaay before the events of the show, during the show, during the ending time skip, or after the time skip?
My gut is to do it a few years prior to Luz arriving on The Boiling Isles, but I’m not too sure…

I love her most near the ending of the show, I felt more in tune with her journey then her beginnings, felt fun.

Now, with that said, I'm leaving the thread before/after the T*ibefag appears.

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super sayian frog show

The events of his story begins as a child, if you watched the show you'd use your 2 IQ and realize he wouldn't know it on a deep enough level to educate anyone on that shit.

Strange balance of being fun and quirky without becoming annoying.

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Frogchads got a full fledge high quality made artbook detailing the kino world of Amphibia

Meanwhile the Owl House on top of getting unceremoniously canceled, they only get a shitty, ugly, and poorly made off brand McDonald's $0.99 toy as a consolation "prize"

even ToHfans are making fun at how bad Owl House funko pop looks like

Ohnonono Owlxirs. The frogs are laughing at us again. I don't think Dana Turdrace can take any more of this humiliations. Kek

made for cuckqueaning

To be fair, Amphibia has good designs compared to the designs of the last season of the owl house.
The designs are horrible, it's like someone said "well, they canceled us, what does it matter if the designs aren't attractive?"