Has anyone else noticed that during Season 1-4 of Bob's Burgers that one of Louise's Eye was more bigger/smaller...

Has anyone else noticed that during Season 1-4 of Bob's Burgers that one of Louise's Eye was more bigger/smaller than the other? But in Season 5 came you can see that they're now both normal size.

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This is Louise in the first season who can you she have a larger eye.

And this is Louise in the fifth season where both her eyes are equally the same size

And this is Louise in the fifth season where both her eyes are equally the same size.

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Did the original actress get pregnant or something?

he would say something like that

Nah, one eye is still a LITTLE bigger. The characters were more off centered at the start, but changed as time went on. It's a metaphor for little imperfections in people.

It had something to do with the animation software or something last time I heard.


Yeah but how did you know from the change in eye design?

Look at this one and they both look equally the same, I zoom in don't see a difference.

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It's there, but it's veeeeeery very slight. Notice the pixels.

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Funniest Gene-related thing I've seen in literal years

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There's something about how crude Bob's Burgers looks that I've always been a fan of. It complements the writing and variety of character quirks really well. The style did grow more uniform over the years, but it thankfully never became unrecognizable,

no I haven't noticed actually

you haven't?

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I love fancy cartoon promo art so much y'all

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It has some underrated animation sometimes. Also Jon is great in an improvisational role but when he locks in he's even better.

Maybe she had surgery.

Tonight's episode is finally gonna be the beach episode.

You might be onto something here because It sometimes feels like they gave her a lobotomy.

Hope we see some of Louise's female classmates in swimsuits too.

How cute, Louise tied her Bunny Ears around her to keep them from falling off.

Yeah it'd be great to see somebody like Jodi or Fifth grade Megan in the background so to start training the audience to expect them more often.

Louise tied her Bunny Ears around her to keep them from falling off.

Yeah it's adorable and maybe we'll get a look of a wet hair look Louise?

More kids in swimwear.
Louise with wet hair.
Show everyone with bare feet.


it'd be great to see somebody like Jodi or Fifth grade Megan

Or Harley, or Kaylee. Would love to see those two in a swimsuit.

I'd give up the holiday episodes for more beach episodes.
Harley is so cute, she needs to be in the foreground more often.

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finally see Courtney's bare feet

Harley in her swimsuit with a wet hair look

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No future stories with Chloe Barbash as a troubled 13-years-old slut

troubled 13 year old slut


I think you mean successful.

She'll be straight-A student and a captain of cheer squad, but also depressed.

Depressed from what, being adorable and desirable while also loved and admired?

Wait so it wasn't intentional? I thought it was to signify that she's insane

I thought it was to signify that she's insane

Louise isn't insane, sure in the early seasons of the show she was a mischief maker, causing trouble for fun but that can be viewed as them trying to make her this show Bart Simpson, which she kinda is but the difference is that Louise's show doesn't have a status quo which reserves the character back by the end of the episode, Louise mature and shown grown throughout the series while still keeping the mischievous part of her character.