Arcane : Pure Sexo Edition
Arcane : Pure Sexo Edition
FUCKK, how many times do I have to remind them to post the previous damn thread?
Anything this board said about this scene is 10x funnier, but I’ll take it.
Loses everything
To save everyone
I would have stayed
What would happen if Prime-Jinx and AU-Powder met?
Coal burner general
Maddiefags on suicide watch
horny Vi trying to gaperape Jinx
scared Jinx abandone her in prison and assmad Vi rapes Cait instead
scared Jinx moves her ass to Demacia only for get raped by Lux for next 3 days nonstop
let us instead do this once again as partners
now all i want is my partner back
but you were never broken viktor. there is beauty in imperfections
in all timelines, in all possibilities, only you can show me this
doomed yaoi hasn't been this delicious since Evangelion
Dad, smell my finger
AU Powder would suprased her because Powder is more mentaly stable while Jinx is already broken. But in the end they will be friends
Episode 7 of S1 considered the best episode of the season
Episode 7 of S2 considered the best episode of the season
We can't stop winning timebombbros. We won life.
Animators of Arcane almost always nimate certain particular emotions to visibly convey highlight characters` role in the plot
did not animate at least fucking 3 seconds of Maddie`s hesitation to blow Kait`s head off
She deserved better, her story unfolded so badly plain
She was dead to us the moment her dykery was revealed.
I can't fucking believe we won't see her again
English is not my first language, sorry for braindead sentense, pals
Me if I was in Ekko's shoes (I am morally weak)
Any further corrections?
Isn't Episode 3 considered the height of Season 1?
You can if you play the hit game, League of Legends™
Honestly at this point I'm going to assume anyone who actually thinks Jinx died there is too autistic to fully enjoy media
social media
Immersion ruined.
Maddiechads can do no wrong.
There's a French server somewhere that has a full big budget ten minute render of Cait and Vi eating each other's pussies and assholes and then tribbing and squirting all over each other and then holding hands with explicit finger interlocking
on front of caitlyn
Ekko proved his chaddness with victor and jayce
he really gave up perfect timely solely missing vi but had perfect piltover and sovereign zaun.
Perfects dimensional travel and time loops
He comes back dies multiple times to convince jinx to not kill herself
He then brings zaun with him to take down a immortal arcane army with jinx
Gets crushed under rubble still has enough adrenaline and drive to fight the big bad
Gets ass handed to him who knows how many times to get to victor
Proceeds to go over time loop limit
Throws the equivalent of a quantum nuke into victors face
Tanks the arcane tearing apart around him still seems perfectly fine
But anons said he'd only be in the final 3 eps so he wouldn't be relevant, he's becomes one of the heroes of piltover.
Just watched episode 7.
Man, Loris dying is a bit of a feels bad. Wish he had gotten more development/screentime.
the signs pointing her to her living are quite easy to miss dont pretend like they aren’t
Thank goodness the warden was dead or else he'd have gaped both sisters.
She gave Cait super AIDS and now Vi will die as well
she was a suck-up that was easily persuaded
got what she deserved
I am a Anon Babbletard but I like Ekko.
He is a real man through and through and got handed nothing.
Even his fucking tree is probably still fucked.
ekko ends up with zeri
jinx ends up with lux
ezreal ends up cųcked
Really her betray came out of left field and doesn't even fit. She was telling her to not trust ambessa and to leave zaun, why would she suddenly be working for her?
It feels like they felt she'd be poorly received and had to die and be a traitor for the dyke ship to happen. I still love maddie
Do you think Cait mentally compared how well Vi ate her out compared to Maddie?
Who do you think was better?
i dont quite understand the future timeline, why was it in a state of rot and decay when we see the machines are perfect?
What exactly do you mean?
Her betrayal was part of the theories yet no visible hints were given prior to Act 3. Plus she is extremely cute and was serving her counrty good (on surface).
Am I wrong?
Real reason Ekko left
The best spies make it look like they're not working for the enemy.
Maddie ate ass. Vi doesn’t eat ass. Therefore, Maddie was better.
Heimerdinger made lots of S1 mistakes.
But did he do any S2 mistakes? No. S2 Heimerdinger was exceedingly based.
Main universe Heimer died
he died while skinwalking in nother universe's heimer and got him killed as well
Uh heimerbros?
Caitlyn never let maddie eat her out
hey sis, you should forget about me and fuck that cop
Why would she say this? Wasn’t jinx supposed to be homophobic?
dimension hopping
time travel
alternate timelines
In the end singed was the better father figure
It's fucking Hilarious how good things turned out Singed. I kind of love it.
Episode 7 got it just right.
Episode 9 fucked it up.
The show only truly excels at visuals and animation, everything else ranges from above average/borderline mediocre (storyboarding) to outright horrible: the direction overall felt very amateur: from dogshit and tasteless seudo-MV montages to the general narrative.
I wish studio's technical talents weren't wasted on Riot slop
Ekko already has an ingame buff when Zeri is on his team, but after going through that alt universe shit with Jinx, she just feels like the side bitch.
Isn’t Caitlyn literally the last of her line? Is she gonna adopt or are they gonna use Ekko as a sperm donor LOL
You fags are forgetting Demacia is pretty close to Noxus.
What signs? I miss her.
He just landed in some other universe somewhere.
Maybe a good one. Maybe a bad one.
They just canonized skin lines
*scene where heimer connects the machine ... Silence he is gone ... But then ... White out... A beautiful field and then ... A portal ... Heimer falls to the ground and looks around... Then ... A hand reaches out to him*
Heimerdinger! We have been waiting for you , welcome to Fortnite™
*Shot pans out as we see it was batman and goku next to him as we are shown the og fortnite map*
Not even the yurilovers are happy with Caitler's rushed arc and reunion with Vi
Unless Arcane has completely rewritten how yordles work and is willing to completely fuck up another champion's backstory (Vex, the goth yordle who is depressed because she can never die), yordles are immortal and indestructible and Heimerdinger is just going to respawn in Bandle City.
loves coalburner
hates hot rich lesbian
Trannyhands made this
He was waiting in Piltover for YEARS and didn't figure out the way home. I count that as a lot of mistakes.
Also he made the portal back by himself and shittily to the point where he had to sacrifice himself to get it to work.
He was better than last season (which was "Did Everything Wrong") but he's not that much improved.
Sad. Zeri is awesome.
Not canon to the show if it was never mentioned
He's fucking dead, Jim
True and really I just love time in cool ways, my only dislike is that the 4 sec rule was broken without any down side. Even if it was just his eye exploding or an arm getting disintegrated in time/the arcane would be enough.
But I do have a soft spot for the "I made time travel, shit the amount of energy it takes, I can only do small jumps, or time is too linear" shenanigans forcing the hero or villain to be fucked. Like Nox from wakfu, pretty much bro got the perfect ending he deserved after years of raising himself and living in a declining undercity
Now all ekko has is potential time sickness since we saw him bleeding just looping to much to save jinx
Tons of injures from getting hit thrown around and crushed
His tree is probably still dead as we see some aspects of the arcane rot still showing on areas
Jinx is "dead"
He's not even the leader for zaun
Vi seems to have gone full piltover
most of his fireflies ran away or are dead in the battle
Ekko chose suffering to create the one good timeline.
Heim in only one mistake
Whoops, I forgot how nice to him I was back then. I guess he was right when you look at the grand scheme of things
I guess we got the good ending variant of Jinx
Love deaths like that, sudden and unglamorous. Wish he had more screentime to make it even better
So caitlyn and vi will become the piltover duo know right?
It was 5 months, anons, 5 months of making fun of how Virgin Vi was. Now how do we feel knowing that he dominated and ate all of Cait's pussey?
The scenes of him saving Jinx from suicide was pure kino
I mean but even off screen come on anon
just built different.
Everyone is playing checkers while he is playing chess
Jinx won
Weirdly, I don't disagree, I just wish he didn't feel like an extra.
It is not about 'mediocrity or greatness', it is about proportions and composition of the mentioned criteria.
Arcane is KINO rank material.
I actually think they did it pretty well fits the series and wasn't to overpowered or show ruining. It really worked for what it was trying to do and helping to add the stakes and add a level of tragedy to it and what the arcane truly is.
Honestly, I feel like the whole thing could use some novelization to flesh out the side characters or something.
But nope, we need a book about the past rise of the dumb warmonger that died in the third act instead.
vi's face before raping her to gut
But the show is now the canon of the game, so if he's fucking dead in the show, he's fucking dead in the game, which means yordles can die, which causes Vex as a character to implode.
Arcane has reached 1.22M tweets as of this hour. It hasn't even been a full day yet.
Which songs did you like the most? I liked Sucker and Stromae's
This is the hottest scene in the entirety of the show.
Doing it in Jinx's cell right after she said she's going to off herself basically
So how much hardcore and nasty sex did they have after Vi thought Jinx died in the war then?
unfulfilled because they obviously just tried to throw a hot lesbian sex scene to placate yurifags without any actual good writing or buildup to it. On the other hand women love trashy sex scenes in their media so maybe the writer change is to blame. Probably both.
now I get it why fujos like joker batman yaoi porn, heh
gets to cuddle caitlyn every night on her big piltover bed
has autority to do anything
her job is gonna be punching people
She won?
Yep definitely also liked how it went, and remembering how his timeline works he definitely felt those deaths and the after effects of the loop.
I do wonder what's next for the world they've said they want to do more just not focusing on jinx. I wonder if they did who'd be the next champions also can someone tell me if mel is a champion?
So, how many years and unceremonious and unsuccessful side-projects do you think it'll take before they trot out Arcane Season 3, despite their promises of only two seasons?
I think we'll get it in 2032.
Episode 7 made me feel like I am wasting my life
Fuck man
That's not Viktor dying
I want every single
ugh stop complaining, warwick will obviously look like a full wolf in act 3
DUMBASS to suck my fucking cock, you shit eating snakes.
I mained Ekko for a long time now and never gave a shit about he past implications of Ekko and Jinx being together, but now I kinda do after episode 7 lol. Zeri's fine but she can't be Powder.
How long was Ekko in the alternative universe?
Got away with working for the enemy and remade his daughter somehow
This man suffered no down-sides
Also he made the portal back by himself and shittily to the point where he had to sacrifice himself to get it to work.
He was waiting in Piltover for YEARS and didn't figure out the way home. I count that as a lot of mistakes.
I suppose you could fault him for not trying. But by Heimerdinger's own accounts, it was not just unlikely but inconceivable.
Even with his centuries worth of knowledge, he couldn't fathom how it could be done.
But we learn that S2 Heimerdinger didn't let that stop him. He has a short moment after he and Ekko are first reunited where he boasts about how much he has been able to do in a short amount of time. It's a distinct recharacterization of Heimerdinger. Clear character growth.
Maybe Heimerdinger could have spent all his time trying to build his own dimension-hopping device. But instead of spending potentially forever on that task, he chose to do things in the moment and achieve things and help where he could. Without taking decades or centuries.
I don't know. I think S2 Heimerdinger was really cool. Even when he sacrifices himself, my clear reading is that he was doing it out of respect for Ekko's time. And that's kind of awesome of him. As sad as their separation was.
Mel's going to be a champion yes; she was the subject of a recent survey that had pre-production shots of her ingame.
ezreal and lux are together
literally luxanna to ezreal interaction in league of legends:
"are we supposed to be dating or something? we've never even talked"
l m a o
Vi had the best ending and that's all that matters
Marcus did nothing wrong. He was the most human character of all.
Everything happened because of him
I already know her bitch ass is going to be an annoying shield bot support
nothing wrong.
bruh I guess Caitvifags ate good
Random and out of place sex scene in a cell
No love confession
No Piltover’s Finest fighting side by side scenes
No apology from Caitlyn
No proper conversation
No Sheriff Caitlyn and Enforcer Vi
“I’m the dirt under your nails” vs the yaoifags getting “there is beauty in imperfections, they made you who you are, an inseparable piece of everything I admired about you” for their non-canon ship
But right Caitvifags ate good
(Wrong thread so I’m resending it)
5 months of making fun of how Virgin Vi was
just you
Sucker is clearly the best song of the season. I also quite like the crown one
alt Ekko? He looks like he can do 5 min max. The Main Ekko however? 1 hour minimum, with multiple rounds of course, max being 9.
I'm not a zoomer so they all sucked
Anyone else feel that the whole Hextech/Jayvik storyline was totally disconnected to everything else?
Why use the title 'Arcane' if it doesn't have anything to do with more than half of the story?
I like how Jinx tried to dodge this brainwashing but Warwick caught her and she got trapped.
How the fuck did Ekko avoid this before he used his zdrive on victor?
What was that about?
I wonder if they did who'd be the next champions also can someone tell me if mel is a champion?
Not currently. They literally just made Ambessa a champion, but it could very well be that Mel gets to be one later on. Mel's plotline + The six eyed raven that appeared (majorly relevant to another champion in the lore) very heavily implies the next show would/will be set in Noxus. Potentially their invasion of Ionia, which is fantasy Asia with spirit magic. If that is the case it would mean more Singed, but Singed's story ended in such a way they'd have to rewrite a rather major aspect of the event (Singed inventing fantasy Napalm which is then used on civilians)
I'm so fucking mad.
wasting life
zoomer taste only getting worse, even boomer boards like Anon Babble mma full of ytp in next 3 years there's nowhere else for oldman to go except Anon Babble
Was the final battle because of the arcane, or was it because of lesbian sex?
people will tell you "but it works" but it jsut put more fucking problems by being a solution.
Timeshanenigans have lmitless potential and is what makes it boring and terrible.
Ekko should have died at the end imo, but no way Riot would kill a popular charatcer.
Well they didn't want to animate her hiding it somewhere else
best episode so far
ambessa honestly seems like the most retarded character to me. she just stopped making sense with the start of s2
Next series spoilers Ezreal rapes lux and jinx comes to rescue
Implying anything in P&Z is the best Runeterra has to offer
to make me throb
I fucking loved it. They don't need a big love confession to deliver a passionate sex scene.
I prefer the dirt under your nails line to the “it was dumb of you to want to be healthy and not be limp, being sick and handicapped is actually so cool” probably because that is utterly retarded
It wasn't going for him in the first place it looked like; his z-drive or how he got back likely made him imperceptible to whatever sense Viktor used to hook people up.
S1: Wow I really want to be part of this world, can't wait for that Riot MMO
S2: :|
we won
Never. I genuinely don't believe they'll do a continuation of these specific characters, but obviously they will do more set in the universe.
That ending was fucking trash. I can't believe the leaks were actually right.
Jinx didn't die to save Zaun. Didn't die to give back to those she had killed. Didn't die to honor Silco's memory. Didn't die beating the main enemy. Didn't even die saving herself and finding value in her own life.
Compare their first kiss to that felt like it didn’t make sense and they just write whatever but then again the whole writing of the show was ass
Normies don't give a fuck about the rest of Runeterra (they probably don't even know that the world is called that), they just want more Arcane and more Jinx.
how so? her aim was to takeover piltover to get a weapon strong enough to combat the black rose back in noxus and she stayed true to her goal till the end
Wait singed is a game character? also I mean he has his daughter but I'm sure he's not welcome in zaun or piltover so he may go there just to find a new place.
And here I was told the French were based
ends up looking even worse with is polished metal face
I’m a normie and all I want is more caitvi
They really bungled the Maddie reveal. So she was just sleeping with Cait and telling her to disobey Ambessa as some sort of trick? If she was supportive from the start it would have been better. She literally shaded Cait for giving the Zaunites reason to rally.
What they should have done was make her betrayal more sudden and insidious.
She see Cait talking with Vi and gets angry. During the fight, she betrays Cait and delivers her to Ambessa in the hopes of being on the winning side. It would have been like 8 times more believable
best episode of s2 so far
new piltover enforcer crew kinda exists or something i guess idk? then they get killed or something
zaun vs piltover is deleted from the plot
ambessa dying... makes the noxus soldiers leave i guess?
viktor was evil... because he just was, chud!
alternate universe plot relegated to one (1) episode
black rose is just a "kill ambessa" mcguffin
maddie is a traitor i guess
this was all a time loop for whatever reason
jayce HAETS teh viktor!!!! but then he wants his partner back or whatever
sky has to die because... she just has to!!!
viktor is "corrupted" by his 'final form' for some reason even though thats just him after realizing people suck ass because jayce killed him for no reason
heimer... dies? i guess?
vander v3
jinx kills herself i guess
for the cool parts
swain mini-cameo at the end, god bless that old man
orianna cameo
This season was... kinda ass
Damn, what a letdown
I legit wanted to alt tab and do something else by episode 3, things got so sloppy
Are you retarded or do I need to tell you that their love of Arcane and Jinx started with the introduction of Piltover and Zaun to them.
Ekko the absolute chad in arcane
Lore subreddit on suicide watch
Lol get fucked fags. Lore is meant to be enjoyed in the moment, not powerwanked into oblivion
Normies didn't give a fuck about Piltover and Zaun before the show was made so what's your fucking point?
Is funny how Riot tried to push this but they keep creating EzXLux skins, make up your mind already if anything Ezreal deserves better
Cites outdated joke voice line about an old retcon that barely means anything now
Fuck off.
Lux is based and will cockblock both of them.
Why are people saying Jinx died if its alluding to her leaving on an airship?
Normies don't give a fuck about the rest of Runeterra
I mean who the fuck knows if the future projects will be successful. But that's the whole point of them making them isn't it?
Normalfags didn't care about Piltover or League of Legends before Arcane either. But here we are.
le ebin 'member vander??' v3
it was ass
i have no idea what happened
I guess they existed just so you would feel attached when they finally bit the bullet. Kinda like band of brothers where a named character can suddenly just die
Fish dude was a fucking chad. Got the job done and didn't say a single word.
I dont understand why people say Ekko lost, he still has his firelights and his city didn't get killed. We even see his main bat bro live to have a kid.
Lore is meant to be enjoyed in the moment, not powerwanked into oblivion
What does this sentence even mean? The show massively changes parts of the lore that have nothing to do with power wanking. If anything it massively powerwanks much of the main cast, who are mostly meant to be above average but ultimately "regular" people.
Jinx arguably cared less
they had maybe 10 minutes of screentime combined
if its alluding to her leaving on an airship?
It's alluding to it as much as Code Geass was alluding towards Lelouch being the cart driver.
That is to say, a lot. But with nothing of it being substantive.
That's because it was new, without anything to compare it to.
But now everything that comes after this point is going to be compared to Arcane.
Expectations are higher. People have attachments to Arcane and its characters now, and will be disappointed if they don't get to see them again.
Honestly this betrayal was pretty retarded in general, it just feels like an excuse for the fans to abandon the Caitlyn Maddie thing for Vi. Like, "Hey, I know Caitlyn being with Maddie has made a lot of you guys sad, and that Caitlyn cheats on her with Vi as they fuck in a dirty ass cell is kinda messed up, but hey! She was actually a Noxian secret agent this entire time and is about to blow off Caitlyn's head with a last second frame of her smiling. See! All better now, enjoy your Caitlyn Vi ship!"
They're phonewatchers
jinx goes off to kill herself
next scene vi's gets over it in a second and randomly decides to have steamy sex in the gross prison her sister who just went off to kill herself was in hours or minutes ago??
jinx literally kills herself because of her stupidity
next scene she's cozy hugging cait
it's like they deliberately made it to make lesbians look evil
I just want to see ziggs in the future
you mean xitterfags and tiktoktards? because theyre retarded and have the comprehension skill of a 3 year old
The absolute balls of saying Silco did nothing wrong when he is the reason everything bad ever happened in the first place. Had he never been an asshole or stopped at any point (like the AU proved) none of this would have happened
They could have shown Jinx squating, then the screen fades to black where we hear a clinck sound. Next she's picking up the ball with brown flecks.
This. Maddie plotline was extremely plain.
why was she evil? when did she defect
I just finished act 3. There needed to be another act. Having the entire "war" happen in a single episode was lame.
Oh nice good for her though not a big Mel or Ambessa guy, they both feel like examples of bloating to me. Like all her magic ruins arcane as fact of the matter was arcane was always about magi tech and how man tries so hard to evolve they destroy everything in their wake because of emotions and ego.
Mel being instant mage and being recognized by the arcane and freely using magic without any restrictions made the whole message muddied. Ironically Ambessa was right "these people go against our values, we believe everyone is equal on the battle field" but they are not they don't suffer any down side to using magic. Mel absolutely won, she always hated her mother and her smothering nature she always saw jayce as a way to get weapons and look good to her mother.
She now has instant no downside magic
A unique bloodline and connection to the arcane
Is stronger than the black rose users
Leader of Nox
Has a place on the council of piltover
Mel literally is the only true winner of arcane
a single mistake
she's literally a monster. Caitlyn was right. She may have changed but that doesn't amend her wrongs, big wrongs
Silco did everything right. I'm not sure whether he lost or not.
And I'm here to tell you that the lore in other regions outside of Piltover and Zaun are mostly straight up better.
codegeass schizo again
Timeline-wise I don't think that's Swain yet, but I could be wrong. I think it's just the demon that he signs his pact with later doing its thing.
She didn't even die, to me that's the worst part.
Definitely God of War Ragnarok vibes
Imagine watching this jewish degeneracy of a propaganda slop.
It's not dominating when a Women is on her knees. Vi was in her natural submissive position, eating Cuntlyns unwashed cunt.
who was the one enforcer that kept getting focus in the final battle, the guy who shot the cannon? was he a character we'd seen before
jayce had a het relationship
viktor had a het relationship
Surely no one but shitposters and falseflaggers would unironically claim that Jayce and Viktor were actually gay, right?
Surely even unrelenting fujos would realize that they're just constructing fanfiction headcanon, right? Right?
I'm honestly upset that I even watched this
I've rewatched season 1 a few times but I'm actually upset at season 2 for existing
Reminder that Vi being alive is the only thing that doesn't turn Silco gay
Figured. Because you know damn well when they do a new series in a new region, Jinx will pop up to cause chaos. She's not only popular, but the flagship character of LoL
Because it's an allusion, not a confirmation.
Until Arcane S3, if we ever get to see it, there will be an endless fight between Jinx-is-dead doomers and Jinx-is-alive copers.
Basically the same shit that Mel went through between S1 and S2.
have insanely good show
make everything about being gay
have insanely horrible show
>Leader of Nox
noxus is lead by a triumviate or however you say it with each member representing one of it's 3 tenets, so no
ambessa was a general or something
The frame of her smiling is so cringe when you put it like this, like some wattpadd shit
Not even caitlyn hates jinx anymore, keeping seething
Why will that matter to the normies who just want to see more Jinx and more Caitvi scissoring?
Wait singed is a game character?
Yeah, he's a fairly evil mad scientist. He kinda just did things in the lore for no other reason than the fact he loves science and is also completely, unapologetically, evil
zaun or piltover so he may go there just to find a new place.
I mean he may move, but he has no reason to keep doing twisted science now.
funny thing about skin line shipping is that pulsefire ekko and ezreal have a thing going on
Because le*bi**s are evil
And Jinx is alive, retard
On her way to her dyke adventure in the demacian magic realm where she will prove not all le*bi**s are evil whores
It was a mistake to call it a war lmao it was just some small invasion, Riot has done small cutscenes that feel more like a war than this
NGL the Wasteland song made me relive some dark places
Jinx feeling like she just needs to get away from everyone and just end it because she is a burden and no matter how many times she tries to change, it never works.
Glad they gave us some cope in the end.
But season 1 was also gay?
finale turns into multiverse sissy hypno bnwo cuck fantasy
This shit makes no fucking sense. Maddie was shown as a young patriot policeman that clearly was not just a soulless pawn of some foreign wanna-be Roman Empire unit
This sucks ass. They should have given her at least 5 more second of character development, cause this shit is nothing but poor storytelling
Was he not the musician we saw playing piano, also the guy playing violin in the first season, that everyone thought might be jhin
Name one bad thing Jinx has ever done in her life (apart from killing Silco). Unanticipatible outcomes from well intentioned actions don't count.
shut the fuck up, you're mentally ill don't reply
this season was a solid 4/10 is why
can someone explain Mel's subplot? it was really badly told, apparently she has Solari powers now? what's with the thorn chains? and the shapeshifter, who's she, her sister? how did Ambessa died, exactly?
a friend is telling me it's related to LeBlanc, somehow? I don't like her in the game so I don't care about her lore but I know a bit about the Solari thing
Where’s Sheriff Caitlyn and her partner? We didn’t won shit. These people didn’t even want to give Caitlyn her Top Hat which is like a very iconic part of her character, they instead went and gave her an eyepatch, we already had a champion with an eyepatch Samira
It's not like there's any kind of information that says she was never a Noxian at all. She just showed up in the show.
Having the "war" take up an entire episode was lame.
she was a spy from the beginning
From the start bro.
You literally see JInx shimmer-speeding away from the explosion
You're assuming that she wasn't paid off from the very start, which is the assumption that you're supposed to make after the betrayal.
The more pressed you get the more shippers post
they did a montaga of the zaunites joining up as volunteers for jayces defence. the dad died at the gas attack and the pianist was at the cannon.
To me the biggest failing of the ending is that it doesn't solve anything, it just says "ok its solved"
Piltover vs zaun? shut up heres sevika in the council its SOLVED OKAY
Hextech being... LE EVIL??? shut up dude here viktor was le bad all along and he died thats good ok SHUT UP
jinx vi and caitlyin's whole deal ? QUIET BIGOTED CHUD look at this EPIC SEX SCENE
it's pure nonsense
rest, retard, pls go be schizo somewhere else
S1 was already sloppy crap with every female acting toxically masculine, only silco was cool
Meant as the origin for these champions
Ekko does get the Z drive
Heimdinger dies (or not?) before getting to make machines
Jinx is no longer crazy
Vi is with Cait but not shown to be an enforcer?? Does she even have the gauntlets anymore?
Cait I guess is back to her old post so it lines up with the game
Viktor and Jayce fuck off to gay space and away from the regions THEY ARE MEANT TO BE IN
Ambessa is dead
Singed is not pure evil yet
Warwick is ??????
The biggest failing of the ending is it completely fails to connect the characters to the game despite being proclaimed as canon. There needs to be like 10 more stories in between the finale and the games for them to line up. Even if you are making new canon, only 2 (maybe 3) of the characters are in a position similar to the games.
Really, the biggest criticism I see online is League lore experts melting down over how this could be canon, and I think that is the biggest fuckup of the season.
Was she a spy when she convinced Vi to join Caitler's death squad? What was the endgame there?
You should rewatch Part 2 but this time actually pay attention to the huge amount of attention given to all those things
The only thing that was enjoyable this season was Singed. He kept getting away with it, which is a key trait of his character at this point.
why was she evil?
there wasnt any reason for it
we don't know anything about 90% of the characters they shoved into season 2
shes just evil and a woman, shrug
tfw there will be zero porn of s2 characters thanks to writers
California, Nuke, When
we wuz magical sorceresses and shit
Noxus has a branch of their military called war masons or something, they're advance scouts and combat engineers, and there's actually a story of a one infiltrating piltover. probably the inspiration for her
Blacked is a very french thing too
Holy freaking kino
this was the start of it, after s2 end caitlyn can before the sheriff and Vi will become her partner, they just ditched the stupid fucking top hat (which is retarded btw) and they can easily go back about the eyepatch
is that your biggest concern?
What was the endgame there?
Foment dissent within the enforcers for having a known Zaunite criminal among their ranks. Didn't really payout though considering that Cait drafted the lot of them for a task force that would have very little interaction with the rest of the enforcers, spending all that time either down in Zaun or in the vents.
MMO is going to be a mess
Riot can't help themselves about retconning the lore every 2 years
No everyone in PnZ that wasn't in the series needs to be rewritten because they're in a limbo
when did she defect
Probably never. She was probably under Ambessa's influence from before she even became an enforcer. Loyal until the end.
At least that's the only way I can suspend my disbelief around the fact that Caitlyn and Vi just so happened to coincidentally actually be both be gay in spite of the statistical anomaly of that being the case. That Maddie, the junior enforcer who just happened to be picked as one of the members of Caitlyn's tight knit special forces squad. Would also somehow turn out to be gay, giving her a readily available lesbian to rebound off of.
That's insanely unlikely.
The flamboyant gay / butch lesbian stereotypes and places like gay bars etc, all exist because gays have had to really signal themselves being gay, or they would statistically never find another gay person to be with.
Every woman Caitlyn's age within Caitlyn's circle just coincidentally being gay is just ridiculous. Therefore I choose to believe that Maddie was always Ambessa's pawn. So when Ambessa realized that she had a lot to win from one of her pawns lezzing it up with Cait, she put Maddie to work on it.
So they're gonna tell me that Jinx bomb, that pretty much killed her in that bridge scene, now just tossed her to the ducts? Is that what these idiots are implying? Also
Always with you sister
And then she fucking disappears without telling anyone? She would rather cause grief to her sister than telling her
Hey sis, I approve of you and your lesbo chick but I'm going to go out there and do my own stuff so just don't mourn me okay, bye
which is a literal fucking letter, she doesn't even has to be there.
Honestly Jinx surviving makes this ending ten times worse. At least dead there aren't this many stupid plotholes.
welcome xittertard we all noticed this yesterday already
Vi's death leads to gay sex which turns the lanes from a slum to a thriving community
Would she kill herself if she knew the only thing keeping people miserable was her?
They made sweet passionate love on jinx's lab floor where her virginity was loving taken
How does this make you feel
I am talking not about 'she was not paid from the start'
I am talking about INTENTIONS. She should have been paid for pure spying for the promise of good future for Piltover/its citizens. Be fooled due to being young and patriotic.
Instead, we got 'I swear my allegiance to the Noxus flag and kneel my fucking entire Piltoverian life for the superior nation of Noxus' Wtf????
Fighting a violent oppressor using the means you have available isn't wrong.
Sure, but what exactly was Maddie's goal in convincing Vi to join the death squad? What advantage was there over letting her drown herself in a bottle?
They'll never make me switch on best girl
the leaks were true
the cope was for nothing
Jinx? Blacked.
Lesbians? Won.
Singed? Based.
Warwick? Absolute dogshit, I don't know what the fuck they were thinking with that whole subplot.
Warwickfags on suicide watch.
Jinxfags on suicide watch.
Hiemerfags on suicide watch.
Jaycefags on suicide watch.
Maddiefags on suicide watch.
Viktorfags on suicide watch.
Ambessafags on suicide watch.
They just butchered everything. The writing, the pacing, the general direction, the design choices. And in the end basically just the cucks and dykes won.
I am done with this shit.
Arcane being canon is the best possible thing that can happen to the lore of Piltover, Zaun and their characters
she was never from Piltover, she was a Noxus agent working deep cover
So did Singed actually make his daughter immortal??
It was the best fucking pairing all along! If we need to sacrifice Vi to get this then we shall
that giant black woman
the one handed brown woman
All of these are basically written like men, shit writers
Moral of Arcane story?
Jilco always wins. They will be back next series,
So this is what to much porn does to the brain
Wait WHAT are they married??
True winner of the Arcane: League of Legends™
Maddie was shown as a young patriot policeman that clearly was not just a soulless pawn of some foreign wanna-be Roman Empire unit
It's called a cover story. Spies and Undercover cops have that shit. Makes it easier for them to infiltrate the shit they're infiltrating.
The more I look at Viktor and Jayce closure the better it looks compared to the girls all that with less screentime, not even talking about timetravel shenanigans just the way they actually communicated with each other instead os just crying and repeating suicidal words
it's entirely conjecture, it's made so the mentally ill people don't become upset and keep going "omg she's alive" even though it doesn't matter in the slightest, hell they can even bring back ambessa if they wanted to
Honestly. I think I'm done. I'm not even gonna read the previous threads from when the episodes came out like I often do since I watch them late.
This was just downright... bad.
I'll pretend I never watched this and forget about it in a few days, goodbye.
I actually liked the show overall, but as a Warwick main I've been exposed to a level of seethe I never thought I could experience
I thought it was obvious? It's been a while since Jinx's ""death""" considering how calm Vi is.
How does a kid from The Lanes become Piltover’s Enforcer?
I guess we’ll never know
It's likely this And even if it wasn't, people get turned against their country literally all the time IRL bro.
make a better love story in 40 minutes than CaitVi in 15 40 minute episodes between two seasons
Don't tell that to Blitzcrank fans
this is retconned
Yes we do know. It started and ended in Act 1 (thank god)
pander to the scum of the earth (shipfags, twitterfags, leftists, women, trannies, faggots, dykes)
show ends up being garbage
wowie wow who could have fucking thought
best girl
dies from her own bullet
This dude dicked down Vi hard at some point and it's canon in my mind.
Anyone can edit that
I never got the Timebomb ship now but after this episode - damn they were adorable together.
tfw all my mains are Bilgewater and Shurima characters
the one Piltover character I like, Viktor, is only shown in his true form at the very end, and with a questionable redesign
yay I guess?
I don't see any ring
Honestly I watch animations for only animations, kinky characters, in furtive, that's why I have zero interests in anime, shits too obvious, not artistic, anime eixsts for brown, modern cartoon exists for trannys, old cartoon & Jinx, Silco exists for Patrician
Warwick fans on suicide watch
Blitz fans on suicide watch
I should have picked an actual lane to play...
Somehow all those Noxians didn't notice those Zaunites sneak up on them
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter
There are people ITT who didn't notice it
And then she fucking disappears without telling anyone? She would rather cause grief to her sister than telling her
Jinx is a maniac who unintentionally ruined a peace deal between the elites and the poor which caused class war strife, shit she didn't even want to lead because she didn't care about any of that by then
Leaving with everyone assuming she's dead is the smartest thing she could have possibly done, everyones safer that way
good lord
Hiemerfags on suicide watch.
Nah. Heimerdinger was absolutely awesome this season.
season 2 isn't well written just roll with it
Welp that's enough League for me, back to Dota
S2 Heimerdinger was really cool
he had some redemption in my eyes.
Felt some autistic urges.
Thoughts? Anyone you think needs to be moved? I think I got all the champs (including Mel who will be a champ)
good lord
yeah cope more harder
Thank God I'm a Ekko main, I liked season 2 but If I cared about Warwick I would've been mad lmao
That's not his daughter and he's going to abandon her when he figures it out
Im tired of our sweethearts getting blacked bros...
So were Vander and Silco gay? I can't be the only one who noticed that.
To someone who has like sub 15 hours into League of Legends from when League was a brand new game.
What were the hints about Vander being Warwick?
I know people predicted this way back during season 1.
But on what basis?
warwick, viktor and singed were what kept me hoping. at least singed didn´t dissapoint (aside from never actually fighting)
You know Viktor also kills Blacked Jinx universe right?
The amount of people coping about Warwick saying "He will look like a wolf in the last 3 episodes of the show, have faith in Riot bro!" will NEVER not be funny
Yeah it'd be one thing if she said "hey this is the only way caityln" then got decapitated by Ambessa basically a betrayal of naivety
But I mean plan wise it doesn't even fit as she just happened to be picked with Loris but loris wasn't a traitor. So what Ambessa planted a naive rookie spy thinking somehow she'd get close to the literal commander of the guard their are tons of officers she'd never meet or talk with. How'd she know things you really can't even predict?
Yeah her and loris were kind of pointless as both died meaningless under developed deaths. I mean might as well have just shown Caitlyn and vi with a bunch of masked enforcers instead of a covert and tightly knit team of 4.
she was never from Piltover, she was a Noxus agent working deep cover
It takes entire police academy and early life devotion to become policeman in Piltover, probably.
And she was an officer, thus, alumni of the academy/courses.
She sincerely helped Piltoverians and risked her life to save Piltover leadership in Act 1.
She should have betrayed Piltover due to being fooled that she would do good for people around, not due to 'Fuck everyone, Noxus is supreme'
Can`t fucking believe this shit
He was awesome but barely did anything. He was comic relief, helped Ekko with science and then died. You could have cut him out and barely notice a difference.
The line where he says that being with Ekko was the first time he truly felt alive would have hit harder had he had more than 2 scenes with Ekko. But no, its all Caitvi and Jinx shit.
I want to protect that smile.
My only sweetheart is Jinx, not Powder.
it was a theory that the show people saw and went "wow poggers!" and made real
Mostly minor stuff that was all but confirmed with the final shots of S1.
Vander is called the Hound of the Underground was the biggest one. Then when he gets kidnapped by Singed there's a shot of his big fucked up half-transformed body hanging by chains, and he's got the same huge claw on his hand that Warwick does.
xitterfaggots seething him over 3 years
make him gay, xitterfaggots now crave for him
many such cases
obviously not but that won't stop you from repeating that over and over every day for years to come
Long term partners, yes that’s obvious. But married? I don’t see it
I don't understand why she wanted Vi to join the enforcers. Because rewatching that scene now makes me think she definitely had ulterior motives? What were they??
Viktor got a reddit upvote for a face.
every female is a lesbian or basically a man
the only straight one gets with the only black guy
Switch Jinx and Vi around.
Ekko should be right with Mel. Mel lost her friend, boyfriend and her mother. Ekko lost his maybe sorta not really girlfriend and his mentor, but saved his city and kept his friends around. He didn't get a bad end just because he didn't bang.
How'd she know things you really can't even predict?
that Kiramman girl is a known rugmuncher
I know, I’ll have my attractive female spy enter and get close to her
Seems logical
Would you choose to forsake happiness just to save others from annihilation?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and it just ends
i'm so fucking mad
Deserved good end
Heimer not being completely undeserved
Jinx being that high on deserved
LeBlanc/Black Rose agent being that high on deserved
Are you on crack
Ambessa, I’ve “uncovered” valuable intel about Caitlyn.
She has two moles and does not shave down there.
They always kinda gave me ex-lovers or maybe something more than friends that went left unrealized since season 1
Regardless of how better it is, Ekko knows this isn't his world and it would be immoral to stay around, robbing real Ekko of any autonomy. Its already fucked up he danced and kissed Powder and stole that from his alternate version.
his redesign is really fucking bad because of the weird uncut penis face
should've just made it a mask instead of having his face halves awkwardly sit there
>xitterfaggots seething him over 3 years
Are you retarded or just a liar? He's been the number 1 thirsted over character since day fucking 1.
Jinx is still safe
Ahahhaha Ekko cucked himself
Wait then how could she just summon ships? without idk, having to talk to the triumvirate? She must represent 1 part of it or something as otherwise the level of respect and loyalty is non sensical. She basically led her people to ruin for her own childish family drama?
I mean maybe his daughter needs tune ups or he needs to be paid somehow. Easy ways to send him back or maybe he goes john wick. Someone kidnaps his daughter realizing her connection to the arcane or threat she poses.
He goes batshit again, trying to save her.
Wtf was this season. They had greatness by the balls and blew it.
The line where he says that being with Ekko was the first time he truly felt alive would have hit harder had he had more than 2 scenes with Ekko.
Maybe so. But even recognizing that, I really enjoyed seeing Heimerdinger climb down from his all but literal ivory tower, reconnect with people, and actually realize the value of time and to actually be someone of action to help people in the moment instead of everything being a larger project with a payoff sometime in the distant future.
He became down to earth, helped people more directly, and was very much enjoying doing it too. A huge improvement and a very satisfying journey to see him walk.
What were the hints about Vander being Warwick?
It was from back when he got a VGU (visual & gameplay update) in 2017
Those come with new voice overs and lines. He was given some to explicitly tie him to Vi and Jinx's story.
To Vi:
"Zaun needed you!"
"Who taught you how to punch?"
"The fear in your eyes. I've seen it before."
To Jinx:
"You were there..."
"Let me forget..."
They were subtle, but it started to paint the picture that later got turned into Arcane's story.
Arcane isn’t the main universe. The league of legends universe is the main universe
It's not like it was the first time they kissed in that universe.
Wasnt Powder blacked before she became jinx?
AU ekko dicking down powder all the while she is thinking about timetravel ekko
Dude cucked himself.
silco's coat was inside vander's
Back when Warwick had his rework he got Jinx and VI special interactions saying shit like "let me forget", so people went "yeah if this guys is related to Jinx he will turn into Warwick" very fast
It was all his fault. He doesn't deserve happiness.
They are literally brothers dumbbitch
they had to shoehorn in fag shit please understand
In hindsight I think I would have preferred an episodic champion of the week format with an overarching plot but they probably would have just ended up ruining a bunch of characters instead of a few
she had a few ships and some troops, noxus is like 20-30 times larger than piltover
she's not a ruler of anything, she's just some kind of higher ranked military person
swain is canon because of beatrice watching everything with her little raven eyes so noxus leadership hasn't been retconned
half moon signifying other half
no moon
not like this...
Fishbones is the only man jinx needs in her life
Jinx likes BBC
I mean but she had a gf how do you know her gf will break it off with her. Also again their are tons of beautiful girls in piltover how could you make maddie stand out as a officer she even is shown to be a bit of a greenhorn the odds of her being picked by Caitlyn is astronomical.
Jinx at least fucked up 3 times
Even caitvifags didn't like how caitvi was handled...
I agree with both of the things you said
Their failure to do a long-running plotline was just downright spectacular but at least they only ruined some characters instead of many
It takes entire police academy and early life devotion to become policeman in Piltover
It doesn't. Just the right connections. Vi literally became an enforcer from Cait's insistence.
Well given how Vi is definitely the problem as the only perfect timeline is the one where she dies and every decision she has ever made has always ended in ruin, I vote that Vi be stripped of her autonomy and declared Caitlyn’s property as a matter of public safety. From now on all decisions should be made by her wife
It takes entire police academy and early life devotion to become policeman in Piltover, probably.
And she was an officer, thus, alumni of the academy/courses.
She sincerely helped Piltoverians and risked her life to save Piltover leadership in Act 1.
Sure. But remember that Ambessa sent Mel to Piltover forever ago as well. It's far from inconceivable that she would have filled the city with other agents, young ones included, as early as then as well.
That said. While what you describe was surely the normal process. There really is no saying it's actually the case for Maddie.
For all we know Maddie got in with falsified paperwork.
AU where Vi (and Jayce?) die in S1 E1
Vander and Silco are buddies
How did Vi's death cause this?
waves of sissies with spade profile pics start maining her suddenly
An idea that would've flop
Is Riot currently losing steam or what?
Feels like they couldn't afford to fund more seasons and rushed the fuck out of S2
jinx had the best ending. finally escaped her evil sister and is heading towards demacia with silco hallucination
I hate how Isha seems to completely disappear. Her sacrifice didn't really do anything against Warwick.
Vander being called the hound of the underground
Warwick's theme playing faintly during the scene Vander gets shimmered
His story lining up almost perfectly with warwick's (gangster/criminal from zaun that tried to go straight, has very close ties to Jinx and Vi that he doesn't remember and weren't understood until Arcane released)
The fact we see Singed working on Warwick at the end of the season and it's heavily implied to be Vander's body
Anyone claiming it was a wild guess, based on minor hints, or was a one off is being intentionally obtuse. If you knew what Warwick's basic lore outline was you knew where the show was pointing.
It's kinda hilarious that this is what the general public will think of it when the reality it's the absence of hextech what created this utopia. And a child dying during the explosion so that Piltover wouldn't go so hard on the kids and Jayce could get arrested.
But yes the show framed it as Vi dying makes the world a better place. I'm laughing so hard.
S2 shows a part where they find a message from vander to silco after they falling out.
in the arcane universe silco never finds the letter, in the AU he does.
Singular creative vision replaced with slop.
Considering she became Jinx when she was 9 and Ekko was around the same age, that seems unlikely. I suppose it's not impossible, though.
Maybe I worded it wrong.
The point of my axis are:
Deserved/Undeserved - How much the characters actions and what happened to them made the ending they got feel appropriate
Bad End/Good End - How much they got to live on and be happy while getting what they wanted
Jinx did a lot just so she could be free of the cycle but also fucked up constantly, and she got it but had to leave everything behind, so she's only a slightly deserved, good end.
Ekko literally did everything he could right and saved the entire world, only to wind up with his crush dead and still in Zaun, so I put him as slightly bad, entirely undeserved end.
If you think there's better words or that it's still wrong, I'd love to hear more detailed thoughts.
vander got bigsad depressed and silco relented probably? he said he learned how to forgive and shit
How did Vi's death cause this?
Alternatively, how did finding the letter cause Vi's death?
Jinx didn't even give the lil nibba a funeral
Is Riot currently losing steam or what?
Is China losing steam as their economy is folding in on itself
miss the time Arcane General was at Anon Babble, Anon Babblefags too fragile, moralfaggotary, it's even worse than discussing any shit with Anon Babble/v/ spics that only thing in their head is raping white loli
mel saying "i know your face deciever"
did she just want to sound cool? she does not actually know who that is at all
beatrice showing up at the end
now i´m confused. i guess beatrice is her own entity and did fuck around before ending up with swain is a possibility but swain at this point. still, seing beatrice before the noxian invasion of ionia part one feels off.
It's implied that without hextech existing Silco gets a nice deal with Piltover and that's why there's peace.
every single sidecharacter introduced in season 2 just does whatever plot thing they need to do then dies
isha, the random enforcer goons, maddie, even rictus
s2 was rushed as fuck, i hate it too
even heimer dies and gets instaforgotten, it gives me whiplash
who knows, shit writing.
But the whole letter thing most likely is part of this.
But then again why didn't piltover idk over step her and message Nox about her being a schizo? Then I am confused though because they kept acting like her family was important and had some level of sovereignty like how we see her family kill some royal family
Killing Silco off early was a mistake.
I’m surprised people aren’t endlessly shitposting about the lesbian stuff, is this really the same Anon Babble that couldn’t shut up about korrasami for literal weeks?
benzo's "ugh” after silco says the most sappy, loving line tells me everything I needed to know
Anon Babble
One fag called the show tranny and one fag defended it
Oh, my bad. I thought you meant "deserved" in a karmic justice "You're a good/bad person, so you deserve a reward/consequence" kind of way. Maybe "earned" and "unearned" would be better?
We watched a lesbian shoot herself in the head, it's okay.
did she just want to sound cool? she does not actually know who that is at all
yeah it didnt make any sense
now i´m confused
why? swain was obviously watching
he's one of noxus' leaders at the end of the day
because the xitter refugees finally left and went back to their natural habitat
the writers for s2 were not really interested in Zaun politics for long so it was probably for the best
One thing that making me mad is Anon Babblemblr is generous more than ever when talking to male rape
Oh, that's a good idea. Will go with that.
How good was the Caitvi sex scene?
they blacked jinx
I guess tv media is over, i should just unplug and live in the mountains.
I hope russia annexes France and California
The letter is irrelevant, and if it is related that makes the writing even more shit than it would have been otherwise.
I guess this actually makes sense, did they show anything to that effect other than Silco and Vander being together and Zaun being shinier?
yes I would, I don't know what happiness is
Just the right connections.
She was a street patrol cop. This is not a position you need connection for.
For all we know Maddie got in with falsified paperwork.
Can you elaborate pls
she would have filled the city with other agents, young ones included, as early as then as well.
I agree, yet, maybe its me, but young girl street cop who patrols streets and helps elders cross the road is surely rare spy variation to invest in
IMO Maddie got paid as the most mentally persuadable person in all of Kait`s surroundings
Vi dies but Vander comes out okay
Vander is beside himself and Silco in a moment of compassion for an old former friend comes to his aid
They make up and become best pals again
Silco probably didn't even see the letter, Vander just told him up front, no need for the letter at that point
It was great he won but we needed more of him this act
The letter is most likely something that survived form a older script.
Hextech is gone. His tree will heal
That was Powder you dumb Anon Babblecel
Silco saw Vander moping and couldn't stand seeing his big beautiful bear look so sad and lonely
I assumed she meant metaphorically, as in "I know your intentions, wants, and fears". Like when someone says "I've seen your true face".
>beatrice showing up at the end
Doesn't Raum always have his own ravens going around?
noxus is a militaristic empire that invades places, i see no reason why they'd try stopping her directly
i mean leblanc's order did but the reason is weird and convoluted (hextech le bad and viktor kills everyone or something?)
point is i don't see why they'd try to tell her to back off, unless they had friendly relations with piltover or something
she's being watched by two higher ups (both swain and leblanc) so they clearly didn't care to stop her
Y'all turds mad to au jinx? by same logic Anon Babble universe Joker is raped till it gets loose
Hextech is gone
Did you miss the part where the crow pulled out a crystal?
I hope russia annexes France and California
so far this place has been the worst board ive been to in this site
Do you think his little shrine has enough emotional connection to her to bring her mind back?
swain has not met beatrice yet (unless they retconned the lore again)
he gets heavily injured by irelia in the first noxian invasion of ionia. when he is lying on the ground he gets saved by beatrice/raum.
and that whole thing cannot have happened since singed is part of that invasion.
Better Silco dying early than getting stuck with the shit deal Sevika took
Or Cait reading about Hexgates in the ending?
reminder they blacked au powder not jinx
I still call every swain raven beatrice but he has them flying around and watching things yes, like I said
I don't understand that guy's confusion either
can't wait until there is actual evil void beasts and demons and mordekaiser and not just morally grey characters
jinx deserves to be bred
Aka they blacked jinx while she was a child
That only adds to the depravity
I mean he coulda just said I don't care for it
She was a street patrol cop.
No such thing. They were all each of them enforcers. Riot doesn't really have a fleshed out structure for Piltover's law enforcement, and from S1 we saw that enforcers do everything from mundane beat patrol (which irl would be what patrolmen do) to investigations (which irl would be what detectives do). Grayson, the sheriff herself, was the one doing the investigation on the heist Vi's gang did.
Is that fucking MoonRaker? I fucking loved that subplot.
Someone should make an edit of Mundo and Jinx to piss of Timebomb
Doesn't matter!! every alter universe die except the main one
Name one thing Mordekaiser did wrong.
complain about anything in arcane
omg you are so media illiterate
and that whole thing cannot have happened since singed is part of that invasion.
then one of swain's ravens being there doesn't make any sense
why would raum be there by himself if not for swain wanting to keep tabs on what goes on relating to noxus in far away lands?
they already did some weird shit with the black rose being there to stop viktor or whatever so probably another retcon
ionia might not even exist
They could have made Jinx and Sevika take Silco's place with the conspiracy/playing nice with Piltover aspect completely gone and war happening between the two but they were cowards.
I don't think Silco would have forgiven Vander for giving up on Zaun just because he was sad, Silco doesn't really understand the true value of a daughter until he gets one. But thinking on it some more, I think it's a combination of and the fact that Heimer from our universe has been a councillor in their universe for several years. I bet one of the first things he did was seek out AU Ekko and enroll him in the Academy, and then start working towards equality for Zaunites.
Arcan hate white men so much they had to change Jayces race
people still think Ezreal will ever be in the series
more delusional than Finn poster
it was well animated desu, the little giggling is cute and they make out pretty wildly
finally dies and people can live in a world where you fucked off
goes 'hmm i don't think i will'
trying to conquer the planet and the afterlife both seems pretty uncool for most people
You're delusional if you think she's fertile.
She (didn't) die because Vi won't let her family go. Not Jinx, not Vander.
Tfw au powder will abandon her pet monkey so she can go kiss 14 yr old vi on the lips in another universe
S3, starts the transition from zaun to noxus with our new protagonist:
Anyone got the frame of Heimer exploding?
They seriously teased Swain? Of all characters Swain?
cope, most you'll get are short stories
Caitvifags are furious man they’re saying they ruined them and their writing sucked and it’s true
Well, obviously the whole enforcer structure was depicted as pretty uniform (why would they specify).
Yet, there is obviously 'dirty' and 'white collar' work in the police. Has alway been. And Maddie was at the streets, risking life in for ordinary citizens and leadership (Act 1)
The shimmer treatment put her reproductive organs into overdrive, she'll pop out a full litter six weeks after being fucked every single time.
She’s clearly fertile!
I've been laughing nonstop at Jinx getting BLACKED but Mel was unreasonably sexy to me after the costume switch
Fujos gonna fujo. But no fucking way they were gay.
Or else Vander wouldn't have tard raged and almost killed Silco in rage after finding Vi's and Powder's mother dead because of him. If they were gay and he was the object of his affection, it might have still turned into a fight, but it would have involved more words and been less lethal.
It's never been stated. But if anything. If anything Vander might have been in love with Vi's and Powder's mother, but then taken on the cool uncle role after he failed to claim her heart first. A bit cucky perhaps, but it would also explain why he so astoundly and quickly assumed the adoptive father role afterwards. Not to diminish other orphans, but it's probably a safe assumption that he had a truly special affection towards Vi and Powder in particular.
I mean. It's either that or he was their literal uncle. But I don't think anything like that was ever established.
Not what I said but okay
Any W for shippers is a L in my book. Everyone on twitter is Ekko and Jinx which is annoying bc I always saw them as friends even though episode 7 is kino. Caitvi fags are tolerable bc they were always meant to be romantic, but i hate hate hate fujos and now that we are gonna hear them squeal about doomed yaoi and speculation forever in ANY discussion about their “partnership”. And I would’ve let it slide if they were normal about it but they are loudest in any fandom. It’s making me homophobic for real. And they are ALWAYS porn addicted fake “queer” women and ftms who fetishize and self insert into gay relationships because are childish narcissists and need every piece of media validate them or else they will throw a tantrum. Literally zero gay “cis” man cares about shipping and here women are. This is why you don’t pander to them. I hate shippers, why do I have to share a planet with them?
the only white guy has to pay a cat prostitute for sex
the only black guy blacks the main girl effortlessly
Humiliation ritual
People love swain
Jinx getting BLACKED
Powder. Also, Mel was made to be colonized.
the black rose being there isn´t that much of a streatch, actually. leblanc is actually pretty based. its convoluted schemery because thats just her character i guess and the collateral damage she causes is immense, but her goals are actually kinda nice.
like keeping morekaiser out of this world, pretty nice of her.
Maybe then I could finally be free
Maybe death is like falling asleep
Fuck this song. Fuck this show.
They should be. The lab partners went through more conflict, development and dialogue than caitvi, the canon romance, ever did.
Just saw the episodes. They went full Marvel, 3 disgusting episodes
Leaker was right ofc
GoodAU!Ekko and GoodAU!Powder were already dating. That's why Ekko asked if she could pretend like it was the first time.
She realized that wasn't "her" ekko at the end, which is why she put the necklace he made her in the memories drawer. To remeber the fling she had with her love's alternate self.
It's some Everything, Everywhere, all at once type of shit of Ekko and Jinx being true lovers in every universe. Our Ekko just drew the short straw of getting Jinx.
Granted, our Jinx and our Ekko are the peak versions of the characters
I’m a caitvifag, I like how it was handled
That singed undeniably and unquestionably won so completely and more so than any other character. Is really fun.
Stop watching cuck porn
I thought everyone hated him because of the rework
Even without the shimmer zombification she is obviously malnourished and doesn't have periods.
You like that vi is a house-zaunite who fucked caitlyn while her sister was suicidal and calls herself dirt?
It was less of a shitshow than act 2, but yeah, it was awful.
Any impact this scene could have had on me immediately disappeared once I remembered there were like 30 minutes to go and they had wrapped up 0 plotlines
>Maybe then I could finally be free
>Maybe death is like falling asleep
Fragile zoomer melancholic slop, it's all "
I Really Want to Stay at Your House" again, I'm tired of this era, it's "late 90s again but this time purely bad" era
i hate swain. i used to love him and then they turned him into that dad from that blonde slytherin kid from harry potter. i will never forgive this slight.
This. LB is classic "ends justify the means". She does heinous shit but it's all in service of keeping super satan from enslaving all life in existence.
I turned off arcane after episode 7 though
IIRC he imagined a grand afterlife, and received a barren wasteland where spirits sort of meander in before withering away. I'd pissed to if I spent my whole life being as grandiose as possible to get into cool warrior heaven, only to realise your fate is fade into nothingness while being utterly bored
What will be the focus of the next series? Singed?
Homosexual speculation is the media equivalent of Anon Babble Jew sperging.
I agree, yet, maybe its me, but young girl street cop who patrols streets and helps elders cross the road is surely rare spy variation to invest in
I mean. Not if she would rise through the ranks. Which is exactly what she did.
how many years until the inevitable Noxian invasion of Ionia show
Literally just finished watching the last episode. That was supposed to be Orianna with Singed, right?
For me it was knowing the fact Cait is getting eaten out by Vi while all that shit is happening
Periods mark the time between fertility cycles. Jinx has no cycles, she's always fertile. She can even conceive new children while pregnant already.
>the only white guy
they weren't fucking either, double retard.
i love mordekaiser. my first main (thank god i have not been playing for over 10years)
You're into some weird shit
I skipped the lame wasteoftime sex scene
Nah i think this was absolutely dusgusting. I dont find any redeeming quality in any of the episodes, just cliche after cliche, Marvel tier storytelling and woke shit
They released a champ in game to kill her 2 weeks after in the show lmao
pandering to 50% of the population is bad
Trump won. Gay men are depicted only for the amusement of women and as bullying targets for men
it's "late 90s again but this time purely bad" era
at last now I can see why baby boomers find gen-x pathetic
so fucking based
99% of the thread is about shipshit
Touch grass
Fuck all the leaks were real FUCK
In all honesty what did Vi meant by dirt under your nails? that she'll never let go of their relationship?
Nah i think this was absolutely dusgusting. I dont find any redeeming quality in any of the episodes, just cliche after cliche, Marvel tier storytelling and woke shit
honestly up to episode 6 i was still hopeful but they tried to do an entire season in 3 episodes
I felt the same way. Didn't care for Mel at all until the last few episodes when I started noticing she's kind of hot.
She also does regular scheming too. Like sure she's trying (and failing btw) to find anti-Mordekaiser measures, but she is literally the evil NWO shadow government oligarch conspiracy theories warn you about
I'll take nothing redeeming over watching them add the shit to the pot in real time. Act 3 had zero value, Act 2 had negative value.
The writers said it took 27 hours to write that line, btw. KEK
Every episode be like
subpar fight montage with mumble rap in the background
characters not talking but instead hinting at something with their face
surprise lesbian moment (or blacked)
Post-VU Swain is an extremely popular character. There's a reason he gets a total gameplay rework nearly every year and semi-frequent skins. He's a relatively attractive older man who controls the the largest faction in the setting and has an awesome gimmick and lore, of course he's popular.
He's not on the level of say, Jinx, Lux, Garden, or the champs in Riot's music groups, but at least among fans of the franchise he is very well known and people were hoping for him to show up in S2 from the moment Ambessa stepped onto Piltover.
Noxus and Demacia civil war + dyke plot ofc
do they hold off on blacking the blue hair woman? I wanna know if it’s safe for my niece to watch this.
I've always hated Ekko. Never liked playing against him. Never bothered trying him out. But damn if the last 3 episodes didn't make me like him.
Reminder that in this scene Vi is fucking the woman who locked up her mentally unstable sister (who left to kill herself because she lost her kid) despite said sister saving her life earlier.
Reminder that later in the show, despite repeated pleas from Jinx, Vi will fuck with "Vander's" body and Jinx will have to bail her out
No wonder she fucking left without saying anything LMAO
I was hoping they'd get urgot in for season 2 of arcane awhile ago.
Now after seeing this disaster, thank fucking christ they didn't rush him in.
But now, they're aiming for the Swain shit so urgot might be in the next show.
Please just fucking stop.
I don't want them to ruin the design like they did with warwick and viktor.
I also don't want them to make him fucking gay or bisexual or some shit.
If that happens I will lose my shit, throw my monitor out the window and unironically delete everything.
Now that I have said this riot gangstalkers will forward this information the to dyke lead writer whatever her fucking name is that ruined S2 and purposely fuck him up.
If that stupid bitch does not get fired btw then I hope all of riot employees cars break down
she grows up to be her own person so yea
What is the consensus on the episodes? From what im seeing a lot of people didnt like it
why'd they retcon ryze out of the story in favor of the weird nonsense timeloop thing
she looked the same but with more tatoos you double retards
Ekko is the only non white passing character that doesn’t tank the show.
They did that ALOT this season
act 1
Caitlyn at ep. 3 isn't caitlyn, she becomes le evil dictator and what she does to Vi is never adressed again
act 2
Caitlyn goes from dictator to s1 caitlyn from a single cupcake line. Vi turns into a fucking simp , goes back to her sister because of vander and goes right back at being a simp after she sees caitlyn
Whenever an ending disappoints me i usually try to find one or two things i really liked about it and latch onto those.
I wasn't able to do that with Game of Thrones because it was truly awful in every direction.
But at least here I can be content that I got to see Vi happy and safe for the first time in the show in the last scene of the series. At least she got a happy ending. I can be satisfied with that, even if the rest was WAAAAAAY too rushed.
I want to think Jinx remained untouched by timebomb ship bullshit but how much time passed between their reconciliation and the final battle? Because I feel like they might claim it was months and timebomb happened then.
It doesn't matter since she leaves him anyway but I hate forcing them to be canon exes.
You could have cut Heimerdinger out and barely notice a difference
Heimerdinger was crucial to the story. When he got sent to the alt universe he actually did something this time and help others instead of staying in his tower
that allowed for Ekko to go back
and I wouldn't be surprised if he also made Vi die when the accident happened
this shit was absurd
look at these hips. 100% fertile
with mumble rap
I too hate using words to mean what their definitions say
Why not, apart from magic, the show has always been about ships and family stuff
ekko is indian
Caitvi fags are tolerable bc they were always meant to be romantic, but i hate hate hate fujos and now that we are gonna hear them squeal about doomed yaoi and speculation forever in ANY discussion about their “partnership”.
Cait's and Vi's relationship was absolutely terribly written. They wrote a brittle but believably growing friendship, but it's like they completely skipped over all the steps that would have made romance believable.
Meanwhile Jayce and Viktor are never even written to be gay, let alone for each other. And yet their non-existing romance is still a hell of a lot more believable than Cait's and Vi's sudden lesbo turn.
And despite all that, it's Jayce's and Viktor's not even gay relationship that bothers you instead of the dogshit Cait and Vi relationship?
we're years away from another show again, aren't we?
Never played LoL myself but really got sold on him. Idk what the seething about him is he literally lost at the end like most of the characters. An he wasn't the absolute center either he was just another small chaotic force that led to defeating the arcane
He and Mel are the designated magical negroes.
Hes a boring ugly n word though
You can laugh all you want, but I feel that way about Ambessa. I would ordinarily laugh and roll my eyes at the notion of an old black woman being some badass warrior - but I would let her grind me into a fine fucking paste.
I like him mainly for his in-game dialogue and insights into other champions. Though I do like his pre-VGU better.
You know, I disliked this season of arcane from the first episode, later on (after ep6) I came in here and realized I wasn't going mad, the show did take a nosedive in quality, I wasn't alone in being disappointed by it. I ended up watching 7-9 because of some sort of Sunk cost fallacy. ''Oh, I've already watched it all, might as well'', ''I'm too deep now''. I have a bad habit of doing this.
Or used to have, I believe Arcane single handedly cured this problem of mine.
The show went to fucking garbage and you can't even see any discussion about it online because if you say anything bad about it some blue haired twitter freak will say you are ''media illiterate'', if you bring up how garbage the sex scene was, it's ''homophobia''.
I hope someone rapes and murders Amanda Overton
i´m not a lore expert but sploosing in urgot out of every zaun-connected hero would not have worked. it would literally be a completely disconnected subplot that would show up out of nowhere and just happen on the side. and i love urgot man, i really do.
i had hopes for twitch. the rat in s1 could have been twitch. fuck.
Borderline character assassination for Vi desu
people didnt but i still thought it could be salvageable with some work put in, viktor's whole deal, noxus being a problem, zaun vs piltover
they just drop all that and do some marvel shit and end it instead
Okay, added more context and shifted some of the spots a bit. Taking into account more karmic/story thoughts probably is better than just their actions.
Still standing by the 4 corners though.
Ambessa got exactly what she deserved, eating shit and dying
Warwick got the opposite of what he deserved, eating shit and dying
Caitlyn got the opposite of what she deserved, basically happily ever after
Singed got exactly what he deserved, happily ever after
If you think Singed doesn't deserve a good end cause of such silly things as "he did war crimes and drugged society" then we just don't see eye to eye.
we're do blacks come from in runeterra? we all know blacks come from africa in the real world
m. Idk what the seething about him is
He's black. Take a second to remind yourself of where you are.
I hate ekko because 2015 tank ekko was the first sign riot stopped giving a single shit about balancing the game
For a very short window of time I thought Isha was somehow going to become Zeri.
Fix her by making a new isha
a good decade
He's not ugly
Let the Jinx coomposting continue into rampancy.
just imagine if there was no time travel fuckery to save jynx from suicide attempt #37
i'd say 3 years
Jinx didnt get blacked, in fact she rejected ekkoniga and left on her airship to find a wife
My absolute favorite tropes.
heimerdinger is left in a perfect world
bad end
Yes, but she was mogged by Jinx, Cait and Vi who I cared for more. Not sure what it says about the show that I ended up losing interest in all three only to notice Mel.
I do sometimes forget but I thought we were better than that with all the brown girl threads? Also as long as it isn't super shitty or forced I assumed we could enjoy a good story?
Again never played but sorry to hear that I've heard a few things about the game and seems things get nerfed and unbalanced often. Happy I never got into it less I'd be pissed my main got ruined or someone became unbearable to beat.
Are leaguefags actually mad about Viktor? I thought he looked great in every stage of robolution, and more or less carried the show without Silco.
but Mel was unreasonably sexy to me after the costume switch
I'd doubt the heterosexuality of any man who would claim otherwise.
Noxus and Demacia civil war
You mean war. Noxus and Demacia are two separate regions.
Her name is Jinx
Paint the Town Blue. I am a simple man.
I hope someone rapes and murders Amanda Overton
Chill out, man
Man the only. “good thing” was the sex scene and even that was so out of place and just wrong Vi shouldn’t be having sex with Caitlyn knowing her sister is about to off herself literally what the fuck is this? just out of character. They needed to have a long meaningful conversation Caitlyn needed to apologize but not for Maddie but for what she did to Vi in episode 3
Even fag jayce couldn't resist at least the once
most people are OK with him, the only character who really got fucked in the design was Warwick
I felt so jealous of the season1 boytoy she arrived to piltover with.
No they aren’t. They actually like Viktor the most. Anon is just a massive faggot
''Oh, I've already watched it all, might as well'', ''I'm too deep now''. I have a bad habit of doing this.
Or used to have, I believe Arcane single handedly cured this problem of mine.
The ending retroactively reuined the season for me
j-jinx didn't get blacked, only power got blacked, m-muh pure waifu jinx...
new cope just dropped
There is a civil war in Demacia.
He's not ugly
So are they setting up Mel as the one who finally stops Morde or reforms Noxus to stop feeding him souls?
And thats a very good thing
Honestly im not excited for any riot media product anymore
Did she really know Jinx meant to off herself though?
No, I understand. Not that big on her even though I felt she at least was cool to see fight. That was only because her MV made her look a lot more bad than the show ever did.
You can say nigger here
It also showed the Noxians weren't just stormtroopers that can't threaten characters, you feared for the life of every minor character in every scene from then on. Best goons I've seen in quite a while, maybe ever.
they are going to make riven and irelia a ship in the next series, screenshot this post
I like Swain for the same reasons but I am mixed on pre-VGU vs. post-VGU. I like his voiceover, Noxian aesthetic, and his his general appearance post-VGU, but I REALLY wish they kept him crippled and kept his original crow-based DoT kit as well as his full demon transformation that only Tyrant kept.
Him being a crippled weakling on the outside that got to where he is on military strategy in the most might-makes-right nation while secretly being this strange eldritch crow demon who could wipe you from existence was really cool. Now he just looks like he could kick your ass normally and the juxtaposition is less interesting.
Viktor’s character suffered after season 1 bc he had less agency. Jayce was better this season.
the problem is the viktor from the game and viktor from the show are completely different, in the game is an evil tech priest, in the show he's magic jesus
I like ashes and blood. cool use of a child choir
I'm not a leaguefag, but I didn't like Viktor's double face thing, at least not in comparison to his base art. I can see why they chose to go a different direction with it considering the path they set Viktor on, but I don't like his aesthetic as much.
Vi is infuriating, not shit she lost everyone. Heck the universe where she was death everyone was happy.
Currently no reason to think she and Ekko didn't just become friends again but I'm not holding my breath they don't imply they got together off-screen. She still left him though so she didn't love him.
a ship
It's been a thing for awhile, buddy
Bruh ekkonigger is so fucking retarded. If I were him I would've pumped AU Powder so fast, what a dumbfuck he is.
in Vi's defense she didn't knew Jinx was going to killherself, also Caitlyn gave her an oportunity to run away with her sister, that kinda made Vi regain her trust (i think even after betraying ambessa, she was calling her cait) and she was desperate. I think most of it was handed well except ep. 3, the ending on ep. 3 is dumb as fuck
I feel like people who didn't wait to binge watch the season likely have a worse opinion of Act 3 than people who binge watched it.
Having to wait a full week after Act 1 only for Act 2 to not answer Act 1's questions and to not answer its own questions. And then having to wait yet another week to get any answers at all.
Must have sucked in comparison to watching the full season in one weekend. I am guessing.
I really liked the season even if it started off kind of weak. Act1 and Act2 made Act3 really work. Which in my mind kind of justifies Act1 and Act2 or at least does a lot to compensate for their flaws. But Act1 and Act2 in a vacuum without Act3 must have felt really dissatisfying. So I am happy I never had to ruminate on Act1 and Act2 in wait of Act3.
Got so fucking pissed when I realized they were canonically making my waifu jinx a coalburner.
Unironically hit my desk so hard and spilled a huge can of Arizona tea all over my keyboard fucking it all up, and my mouse fell, and since my desk is high it pulled hard and fucked up all the wiring in the back. Needless to say, started clearing out my jinx folder after cleaning all that shit up.
Why do americans cheerish this?
Has there ever been a protagonist with worse track record?
n word
absolute state of this board
If I were him I would've pumped AU Powder so fast
you haven't had multiple years of jinx killing people you care about
I don't recall the current lore of the Yordles, but those guys come from a fairy tale land like the Care Bears, and since we don't see a body like Ekko, I'm going to assume they live in an entirely alternate dimension. Heimerdinger is fine, even if we don't see a nod to him in the end.
No Ezreal
No Camille
No Seraphine
Taking bets on who gets left out if they go forward and do Noxus V Demacia.
AU Powder isn't as hot as Jinx
I mean it
This is my biggest gripe as well. I just wanted canon backstory. They aren't supposed to be DEAD
vi and cait really tank the show quality
all the brown girl threads? Also as long as it isn't super shitty or forced I assumed we could enjoy a good story?
Many people can, but those who can't get vocal. A lot of said people see no issue when it's something they can jack off to or self insert as. Is what it is
Act1 and Act2 made Act3 really work
only if you turn your brain off, which it seems like you did
people who watched them as they came out had the time to realize a lot of things barely make any sense
Heimerdinger is fucked up. He's off on a joyride to who knows where in the body of the Heimerdinger of that particular AU.
Only a week later
I am already completely forgotten
lol, perchance to lmao even
Arent the mods here tumblrtrannies?
I can't imagine being a serious lorefag for league of legends of all things, a series famous for changing shit on a whim based on what will sell the most skins in their shitty moba game.
Cope nigga,
ekko: let's live together
jinx: *leaves with airship*
>ambessa dying... makes the noxus soldiers leave i guess?
They were her personal retinue.
Noxus V Demacia.
it is going to be noxus vs ionia
Sounds plausible. But my LoL knowledge is extremely fragmented.
the users definitely are
I was not expecting the final episode to literally be a LoL match.
I liked it for once because it was actually well written.
imagine getting this tilted about a cartoon
She is a walking fuck up, I think the real Jinx it's her and she just passes it to Powder if she gets close.
Either way, still taking bets on who gets left out.
It sucks and some Caitvifags are still too focused on sex scene to realize what they got was worse Timebomb and even fucking non canon Jayvik were handled better than Caitvi in season 2
The whole act 3 is just copy paste of other media.
the only people i've seen that are lorefags are tbskyen and nickyboi who are boty dysgenic freaks and that gopnik paid shill Necrit
Singed is not pure evil yet
Did... did you watch the show? The motherfucker has absolutely no moral compass
She still left him though so she didn't love him.
NTA, and I'm agreeing with him either, but are you implying she doesn't love Vi either because she left Vi as well?
Ok, so now that the dust has settled? Which was the best act this season, Arcanesisters?
You can serve them shit and they will eat it, because "representation". It's sad.
You too? I was so hyped for seeing him before the season started.
I feel like it's fucking hilarious that the "good" timeline just so happens to have Vi as the only casualty. She was the jinx all along.
Vi dies
good timeline happens
she's the problem
introduce character
kill them off less than an hour later
repeat repeat
this season was ass
Still no song topped What Could Have Been. Sting remains the king.
She's still hot though.
2, because it was lead by Jinx.
Viktor didn't make Blitzcrank
Viktor and Jayce fucked off to who knows where
Isha is forgotten
Nobody chased Singed
1 was the most consistent. 2 and 3 had glaring flaws. The best episode of was 7.
He did it for love.
the league universe (not arcane, league) is cool
pert of why legends of runeterra was so neat
It's absolutely 1
I really didn't like how Cait's smile vanished after Vi told her she was willing to be with her forever.
I imagine the lot of us just don’t know how to feel about the ending
Does America even have anything to rival French and Japanese animation?
It's like American animation has just been downhill since the golden-age Disney days.
act 2 was rushed but it had interesting ideas that could (COULD) have gone somewhere
act 3 is complete dogshit and retroactively makes every act worse
RIght, vi should have raped her own sister, not her
>Isha is forgotten
Thank fuck. Isha and Warwick were so trash they're about 80% of what went wrong with S2..
Because as long as Jinx is alive Cait will never truly have Vi on a leash
These characters are not, and will never be real. Whatever she wrote has no bearing on your life. Live and let live, write your own ending. This shit does not matter
Man, Isha, Sevika, and Vanderwick really got the short end of the stick this act…zero closure.
her mouth is really cute there
no one cares about consistency really, it's a not fucking a book, it's a story they're constantly creating and changing, they interesting thing is the world which all these stories add a little bit to
The reverse actually
Silco is gay
Warwick is the only one we actually care about
I don't give shit nigga, I hope Amanda gets raped by a pack of feral niggers
It's because she thinks Jinx is alive but sees how content Vi is and doesn't want to shatter her new life with her.
An explanation, but not an excuse. Singed would get hanged at the Hague.
The thing about Runeterra is that while League itself and by extension all of it's spinoffs are basically entirely unconnected with wildly different canons and lots of retcons, Runeterra itself has remained largely consistent since the first huge retcon probably over a decade ago now. Stuff like Legends of Runeterra and the Ruined King game do a really good job of fleshing out this world and making it feel very realized as well.
The thing that gets retconned is champions themselves most of the time, and if you treat champion stories like something like superhero comics with several continuities starring the same cast in different situations, there is a lot to enjoy in the setting. If you try to lorefag everything into a single timeline like those Mario autists who do it with those games though, you are in for a bad time.
No I quite confidently feel like it was fucking terrible, I'm actually upset
Wait really? I didn’t notice
Vanderwick got closure when Viktor finally killed him, leaving only a monster behind.
just let them rot society bro
Ambiguous and I'm glad they kept it that way. They already fucked Warwick over this much but making him fucking gay would be the last straw.
Feel bad for the animators, man. They got passion but what Amanda and the writing team fed them was bad!
i came to an echochamber of despair and realized I too, was a retard
Waifufag Vi, Jinx and Cait players get carried after being buttfucked by a topscoring Viktor and Warwick duo mid lane
Jayce dicks about and lets enemy team push on all fronts
Basically loses the core but not before ruining the Viktor player's perfect streak with an assist
Somehow sends him a friend request.
Ekko player is there. Gets a lucky ult in. Does not much else before dying.
Heimerdinger player made a few mistakes
Nobody chased Singed
as they should
she's conflicted that Jinx might be alive
Thank fuck.
This. Very few shows get to make me react with more than just a smile, frown, or a feeling of sadness but Isha kicking the bucket actually made me fist pump. Worst fucking thing in the entire show.
It felt like they had no idea what to do with Sevika. Act 1 managed to make her feel much more relevant but the rest completely dropped the ball on her. It is kind of cool she gets to represent Zaun in the end.
nigger even reddit is shitting on it
i seriously dont know what to tell you
you feel like they pretty much scrapped all of season 1's plot**
fixed it for ya
Jayce's player won by walking over to the Viktor's plater room and sucking his dick so he ints
Huh, explains a lot of games I have had....
they just dropped the entire zaum plot line in season 2 basically, it's like a different show
there are people who think luxezreal will happen? Lmfao
i mean you can see she smiles, thinks for a second "oh shit but jinx is still alive" and then it ends
Act 1
I'll withhold my judgement until the next movie is released.
While I think the second movie is legitimately great, I think the first movie is overrated as hell and actually kind of bad in both writing and overall production. And while the second movie is a significant improvement and genuinely great, it's difficult for me to give it the dues it'd deserve in a vacuum, because that movie ends right in the middle and without a real conclusion since they made the entire thing as a part1 to a future part2. And while I can sympathize with them in how they likely never foresaw the crap that has delayed the production of the next part, the end result is ultimately, as of now, unsatisfying.
/ rant.
after planning episode 3 they had a panic attack and realized they had 6 episodes to depict a techno jesus uprising rather than city politics
they did so only to try to make skins canon and existing in au all in one
that makes my karma le fae worth it
to see how noxus will be fucked again
I would've liked to see Jinx, Ekko, and Sevika rallying the Zaunites to join the final fight. It is kinda funny that she's basically the leader by process of elimination. Everyone more important simply died or fucked off.
I mean romantic love. And honestly? I think she does love Vi a little less than before, she's let her go.
I want the AU where Jinx and Vi kiss
I want Muskrat to buy Fortiche and Riot Games, fire all the DEI hires, and relocate them to Florida.
I guess the caitvi drama isn't over then
Are the decision makers jewish by any chance?
I need au powder to rail me
viktor is ebil... becaus... HE JUST IS DOE....
God it was so cool to actually see Orianna.
The entire Zaun subplot got torpedoed in favor of muh werewolf dad faggotry.
Did you rike it?
The best artists are fags and furries, firing them is counterproductive.
If you had died as a child, every single person in the city would have lived an amazing life, including all your loved ones
Do you think Ekko ever told her? This would make me kms unironically. Like if "It's a Wonderful Life" was the polar opposite.
the reason why season 2 is so shit is because is much less about the world and more about the characters and their relations with each other, in season 1 the world drives the characters whereas season 2 the world is just device for the characters
You don't have to tell me anything. You can, however, go do something else with your life instead of baiting for replies over and over. Or better yet, actually participate in discussion instead of being a retard on purpose.
Swain was just watching the whole thing from a distance
I wonder if he would have words with LeBlanc for fumbling the invasion
Nothing wrong with having no moral compass. Man had a vision, executed it, and got what he wanted. He's based in my books. And he did it for his daughter, which is even more based. Anyone that says otherwise is a feral nigger or a woman, which is no different.
The moment they decided to position the ending around setting up greater runeterra and their little cinematic universe they should’ve just opened the floodgates and introduced Leblanc and had her monologue about Noxian history, mordekaiser, magic history, the rune wars, and whatever other bs to Mel. What a weird ending we got.
*Sigh* Just put them on a leash and let them nowhere near the writing room then.
God she looked so fucking hot in that Noxus garb.
swain wants leblanc dead in the ground
Retroactively affecting S1 as well without any foreshadowing or buildup whatsoever.
they'll cum
i mean, there is no real drama after caitlyn lets Vi run away with jinx, even if Jinx just spawns back in zaun i doubt she would try to hunt Jinx. They also releaved to be building up urgot,renata and the chembaron gang so this means enforcer Vi/sheriff Caitlyn will come back
managed to make an inconclusive ending for every character except maybe ekko
implying the chinks would sell.
They're in the habit of buying things, hence why companies like tencent have their grubby little hands in everything. Musk is more interested in just building his proverbial hoard of gold.
I hope they use old Swain instead. I liked the old doctor look rather than some generic villian look
I've been hyped since act 1 of season 1, unironically. I'm mad
Uncaged wrath of zaun
Spends the entire series metaphorically caged
please hang yourself
shit happens and it... LE ENDS!!!!
... you rike??
No it didn't
Basically, Mel's family are Noxian nobility and they ran afoul of a secret cabal of wizards that rule Noxus from the shadows: the Black Rose. Except the Black Rose are basically just Leblanc's minions. She is the master of the Black Rose, and so she is the mistress of all Noxus, and always has been, for as long as Noxus has existed. She is a very ancient and powerful mage. Her true name and appearance are unknown, the name "Leblanc" isn't her real one either. You could even say that creating the Noxian Empire is something of a hobby for her.
Leblanc, and by extension the Black Rose, are able to keep a lid on things in Noxus by preying off the brutal, simplistic nature of most of the Noxian nobility, having them compete against one another for the benefit of the cabal. But mages are different. Mages have to be controlled. Hence their attention to Mel. Ambessa's petty feud would've been nothing more than a game to Leblanc, except that Mel was potentially valuable to the Black Rose.
I wish we could get a series in this art style that is more action oriented and less melodrama
Viktor was on that magic crack.
The man was seeing every timeline at once. Even the ones where he and Jayce fucked, their r63 counterparts fucked, and their regular and r63 counterparts fucked.
The arcane has many doors yes, Piltie Boy.
Jinx is... perfect
Several characters are dead. This was essentially the story of Jayce and Viktor and it's over now. The remainder were setup for the next installment.
I like Ma Meilleure Ennemie
ywn never be the one to comfort Jinx in her cell
Season 1 balanced everything and its themes around a single character, Silco. It was a character driven story. The same should’ve been done for season 2 but with Singed. Instead season 2 was crafted around a selection of kitchen sink ideas, plot and coherency be damned.
Ashes and Blood was great too
Cait and Vi were arguably more conclusive.
Jinx is... perfect
For the BBC
What about S1 was changed?
you forgot Amanda - i do it all wrong - overblum
Is a next installment confirmed at all? Fortiche is working on their own movie.
Chances of future LoL animated series being made and being good?
chances of future (non-MOBA) LoL videogames being made and being good?
What about comicbooks/graphic novels?
What about straight up literal novels?
What are you expecting from League of Legends media moving forwards?
As much as I liked old swain a lot I don't mind new swain
He fits noxus aesthetics and looks like the kind of guy who'd stand at the helm of an empire like this with darius
Jinx died for NO REASON
It's going to be interesting to see such a wild character like Jinx out there exploring Runeterra. She's going to look so out of place but she'll be the audience's eyes into unfamiliar territory. Especially since she's not a magic welder but just a based character.
I think him getting the chance to reconnect with his foster dad was really important. Powder was nice though, and she has all the notes and most of the stuff to do her own dimension hopping.
Big Bsilco Cuddles
jinx is forever associated with bbc
Not like this...
I liked Wasteland. It did make me upset but nowhere near as "What could have been"
Chances of future LoL animated series being made and being good?
If they take after Arcane, then high chances.
chances of future (non-MOBA) LoL videogames being made and being good?
The only one that matters is the MMO and it's not coming out for like 5 years at least
What about comicbooks/graphic novels?
What about straight up literal novels?
Do these even exist?
are youi a woman?
Season 1 balanced everything and its themes around a single character, Silco
You're bouncing on his dick like crazy. Hop off it, you know S1 didn't do that.
viktor was rectonned into being the guy who gave jayce the crystal and saved his mom (it was ryze before this we have the production leaks)
viktor timetraveled
Everything involving Cait, Vi, and Jinx kept changing on a whim. Not even sure what the theme is behind them. Writers only cared about CaitVi sex.
Show Viktor felt more like one of those Dark Star skins.
every writer that comes up with "a great AU idea" should instantly be fired.
AU´s are the biggest mistake in storytelling, once you introduce them NOTHING has ANY weight anymore. you could theorize endlessly or just stop caring because everything may have already happened in some other timeline. fucking gay ass shitshow. god damn.
character obsessed freaks like 90% of this thread is reason why shit like season 2 get made
She won. She made her sister scream in pain of loss
She aint dead bro
Anyone posted the interview the League lorefag did with the Arcane creator here already? It basically confirms that this entire shit was pointless, because literally none of the deaths matter and are not gonna stick
Does he pluck his own eyebrows
piltover has his top woman on its ruling council to realize his dream
his daughter took his ghost's advice and fucked off rather than stay in piltover and face prison, or get BLACKED
her other dad nearly killed the show with how shit a character he became in s2
yeah, I'm thinking he won
They also releaved to be building up urgot,renata and the chembaron gang so this means enforcer Vi/sheriff Caitlyn will come back
What? where?
we now know arcane season 1 was a fluke, so i'm not hopeful
She did not die lol
It is not even funny as a force. 1/2 of the entire ending minutes are just screaming taht she is alive
Best Boy Cuddles
Ekko is literally the most morally good character in the show.
His crows pluck them for him
But this added significantly more weight to Ekko and Jinx’s relationship
Did you not see the way Silco looks at Jinx and Vi's mom? Hell, Jinx might ACTUALLY be his daughter.
Did they really have to prove that he was relentlessly handsome before he got all old and scarred
Vi is so goddamn hated by literally everyone it’s unreal
loses entire family
with the exception of her sister who goes cuckoo batshit entirely because of her
in jail for years
thrown away by gf and only gets taken back because cait’s backup was a nox sleeper agent
was already a bulldyke in season 1 and got uglified in 2
absolute fucking loser, only wins against fodder despite training her whole life
writers only use her to pander to yurifags and otherwise hate her so much that her simply being alive is proven to fuck up EVERYTHING for EVERYONE.
fans only like her as an accessory to cait, otherwise she’s obviously seen as a crybaby loser because that’s how the writers handled her.
Why? I want to like her but she’s so pathetic it’s unreal.
Caitvi and everything around it ended up being nothing but cheap fanservice
Heimer is not dead and others character might came back to life
Thank god. And what do they mean the piano is a teaser for someone new?
Not true lmao
man wish I could drawn by my hand kino aesthetic like Jinx or paul dano riddler in comics or Andre Sorrentino REEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRR
Act 1 was the good shit
Riot says they plan on expanding the story to other regions. The Black Rose/Mel bit was a big clue.
She was hotter when she dressed up.
Fiction is an AU of life.
Did anyone else kinda wish that a bit of Viktor’s cyborg mental programming stuck with the people he infected after they were cured?
swain meets beatrice in ionia
singed was part of the invasion of ionia
singed is in piltover when beatrice shows up
i hate american writers just doing whatever the fuck they want with the lore. i dont even care about lol but holy shit why make an adaptation if you dont actually care about the source at all.
Lorefag necrit stream
what a fucking shitshow
I can see blacked spammers are seething females, she's too perfect for this fsggy board
Read . Everybody is alive. Writers couldn’t conclude anything and just shelved them for later projects.
She's pathetic in a cute kind of way.
Makes you want to bully her for being such a fucking retard along with her rugmuncher buddy.
Noxus and Piltover soldiers were basically just minions
Real dilf lovers know he was relentlessly handsome after he got all old and scarred too
I do like his AU hair better though
Oh, you mean you intentionally let my sister go free so she could run off alone and kill herself?
God damn that makes me so fucking horny
Well when you have a women writing, you'll get shit like this. Happens to all the movie-games like Fallout and John Halo. As long as you give a woman a degree of power she'll insert her own shit. The solution is to beat women
I'd have to rewatch S1 but Vi comes across as the person who is surrounded by a bunch of maniacs, and has the opportunity to do the right thing but is simply too fucking thickheaded to figure it out.
No one gives a shit about dykes, post Ekko cucking himself.
hate american writers just doing whatever the fuck they want with the lore
its an american game
they made her bpd, she fucks absolutely everything and everyone at first opportunity and then cries victim about it
I think it’s just a jhin easter egg. That location wa probably the same one as featured in the Awaken cinematic.
To be fair, I don't think Vi dying was the answer. Harmindinger already knew about the world he left, and had a thousand years to fix Zaun's problems. He clearly cared more about them than ever before, so it was more of his work than Vi's death. That being said, it makes no sense why if things were so good, why did they go and try to rob Jayce's apartment anyways? It doesn't fit the aesthetic, but here we are.
And what did they meant by that? P&Z story is over
every champion in lol now looking like some hot twink is so fucking pathetic. not as bad as that cat-boy-"gangsterboss" they released at one point. what a fucking joke.
A thousand days, not years.
I thought about jhin when I saw the piano but like... first of all jhin is ionian
viktor no longer some cool guy who wants to go full cyborg
jinx no longer some schizo blowing shit up for shits and giggles
warwick somehow becomes a regular-ish werewolf later offscreen
ryze is actually viktor
zeri who?
twitch who?
renata who?
motherfucking urgot who?
have some OCs instead
Honestly, I'd much prefer if they just bounced off and did stories in the universes of the skins they made.
I'd enjoy crazy space adventure shit with the Odyssey universe.
is there any place I can read good fanfic (as in couples are not the main focus)?
One day Vi might find out about Jinx and ask Caitlyn "Why didn't you tell me my sister was alive even though you knew?"
If they killed vi they will be getting death threats by deranged dykes.
Chances of future LoL animated series being made and being good?
Riot doesn't skimp on aesthetics for non-game media, I reckon at the bare minimum anything else will at least look and/or sound good
chances of future (non-MOBA) LoL videogames being made and being good?
Never played any of the spin off games but I've heard they range from alright to pretty good.
What about comicbooks/graphic novels?
The Jhin/Zed ones were okay from what I recall.
I don't trust video game content of any kind in novel format
I’d love to see the drawing boards for this season. I want to see what would have been very good original ideas and plans that were scrapped due to dumbassery.
terrible copout.
You have magical self-evolving shit that one day may (and will) be owned by one person, inevitably leading to wars and world destruction
How can you even see bing balls of unnatural slime shit that get bigger and think that it is good?
You think Caitlyn ever takes Vi and walks her around naked on a leash?
don't diss sett he is actually based if you listen to his lines
She's a girlfailure, but her pussy is super tight, and her tongue game is divine.
safe from what? the war is over, she was pardoned by pretty much every single person that got wronged by her.
Jinx is a maniac
dude, that Jinx died when Isha appeared. Weren't you paying attention?
The character obsession stems from the worldbuilding being dropped entirely for character shit
No point wasting breath on aspects the writers themselves discarded
can't blame her, also Vi definitely gaslighted her for months to be her onahole
That reminds me, Wasteland is really good.
I fucking love how the song progresses with the first chorus being "Please let me go" while the end chorus is "Don't let me go".
Really fucking weird that they only used the first half though in both times they used the song.
I still don't understand how people can call arcane bad when it's so pretty and well directed.
Yeah the story for both season is good enough at most, but who cares?
oooh my scienceeee the anomaly is LE BAD it le corru- errmm ahemmm don't look at the time-travelling device ekko and heimer made OKAY?? that one doesn't count!
nothing about this is internally consistent
How is cait even in power after all of this?
She delivered piltover to noxus on platter, and hundreds maybe thousands died under her rule.
Vi is a puppygirl wearing puppy ears and puppy gloves and a puppy buttplug tail
She was the one who got Vi to join the Enforcers, which was the Catalyst to push Caitlyn into her Splinter Cell attack on Zaun, and she was also the one who pushed Caitlyn into accepting the role of Martial Law.
She has been a plant since the start.
Harmindinger was around that world for a thousand years
that means he created pilltover again from the ground up
everything prior to the jayce lab raid still happened
i think the writers didn't watch season 1
There's a LoL novel already if you want to read it. Came out around the same time as S1. It's about Viego, so you know it's dogshit.
Vi's life in arcane really is kind of shit.
She got Cait, yes. But she kind of lost EVERYTHING else she cared about.
And the real kicker is that you can't even convince me that Cait is good for Vi. Their relationship looked anything but equal, and it kind of seems like the only reason they even have a relationship at all is because Vi kept making concessions for Cait. Cait is kind of seems to be something of a toxic wife.
And that's the only thing Vi got out of everything. Even her work buddies bit the dust. She has nothing but Cait.
I mean fuck. Ekko's end is kind of depressing as fuck as well. But at least he isn't stuck in an abusive relationship and he actually got to experience the good life even if just for a little while.
he was in there for 3 years and a third and both you and the guy you replied to are retarded
But she won't be able to go to the main Arcane world because there's no body for her to get into. Unless...
Jinx's death body is possesed by AU Powder.
damn timebomb can't win this hard. It would be impossible for a group of people to win this hard.
So uhhh Viktor is the arclight now?
urgot would not have fit into this plot at all.
twitch would have been possible, in a better show.
It wasn’t a thousand years, he was counting days. It was 3 years.
implying Jinx wasn't the dom
How do you think Vi learned to eat pussy so good?
Why do bitter faggots on Anon Babble act contrarian
I couldn't tell ya.
Chances he had a fling with Vi's mom, and Jinx is his actual biological daughter?
Jayvik fujos on emergency suicide watch by lead writer
Don’t forget the shock collar
she faked her death and escaped with the airship keep up fucking retard
Season 1
Vi drives Powder away with one ultimately poorly thought out decision.
Powder is driven into the arms of Silco who comforts and molds her into his own vision
Sets up potential redemption arc where she eventually makes up for driving her sister away and the two reconciling again
End of Season 1
Vi fails again to convince her sister, as she's caught between saving her sister or her gf
Season 2: Vi's redemption arc
Vi fails once again to sway her sister as she's chosen to become the very thing that ends up killing her and Jinx's parents
Jinx adopts a little mini-me of herself that has a more positive effect on her psyche then her sister
Strike 1
Vi upon reuniting with her sister tries to choke her out in a drunken rage
Jinx is motivated by her werewolf father instead, and has to pull Vi out of her drunken, fight club phase instead
Strike 2
Jinx after losing her mini-me is sad, defeated and suicidal. Vi tries to pull her out of her funk, but instead gets a fast on pulled on trapped in prison herself
Instead of going after Jinx after being freed, instead decided to stay and have prison sex with her girlfriend thus cementing "gf who screwed everyone over >>>> sister" debate
It's ekko who pulls Jinx out of her depressive funk and motivates Jinx to fight and protect others again
Strike 3
Vi has a decision to let Vander go, or JUST FUCKING JUMP over to her sister
loses both of them
Game Loss
God damn, is VI bad at this shit what the fuck happened?
Heimer was there for 3 years
it makes no sense why if things were so good, why did they go and try to rob Jayce's apartment anyways?
The implication is Vi's death on the heist is where the timelines diverged
Linke said to necrit they plan on doing urgot and renata in the future, as well as jhin. Urgot was the first big mission caitlyn and vi faced in the comics, thats why i think they're making them enforcers again
How did a show manage to have a full on gay sex scene and have it NOT be the gayest thing in the finale.
Cause jesus fuck there's regular sex and there's whatever the fuck Astral Plane shit Jayce and Viktor had going on.
Vi is made for slapping around.
Just finished rewatching it and without "FUCK THE LEAKS ARE REAL FUUUUUUUUCK" pounding in my skull, it's actually pretty fucking great.
Aside from the grossly retarded sex scene and the Ryzen/Viktor retcon it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it seemed this morning.
Could it have been better? Sure, but it was still far better than almost any other animated series.
Just keep gay people and fujos away from any decision making, hell keep them away from production in general.
In season 3 Caitlyn grows a massive futa cock and every episode is just Vi getting pounded by her over Jinx’s grave until she passes out.
Vander has some very Warwick like flexes during his Shimmer Spreem we've been shown that Shimmer is a hell of a drug and we knew that Singed, the known creator of Warwick, was involved in "reclaimation" projects.
We also see Singed very, very briefly flash that hes experimenting on a subject with Vandars build at the end of season 1 in a blink-and-you'll-miss it moment.
Enough to put things together.
A possibility. But the budget is going to this. They are really enjoying being perceived as a mature show.
Jinx ain't dead. See
this design is fucking atrocious i dont give a rats ass about his lines.
just look at this embarassing cat man. what the fuck is this even supposed to be.
Wtf you are talking about. Ekko and Heimer did this to go back to their reality.
Heimer was right all along, even if Hextech was stable it would be extremely dangerous techlonoly that would lead to constant Piltover`s seige
When it started self-evolving (or witth Victor`s help), there was no going back but to destroy it
how tf would vi know she knew? i mean she doesn't even know if she's alive or not and she just didn't told her that there is a possibility because of her answer : "are you still in this fight?", Vi is willing to move on with her life alongside caitlyn
Probably the best song of the season. I thought it would be My Best Enemy, but I don't feel like it really made sense as an Ekko/Powder song. They should have saved it for when Ekko makes his peace with Jinx. Which really should have gotten some screen time beyond convincing her not to kill herself.
Because all the woke series who flop these days are writen around the gay sex, the story is a aftertought.
In arcane, the gay sex was just a part of the story, not the main plot.
Cardboardsex anons real quiet lately....
loved that song too with s2e9 opening
what the fuck is this even supposed to be.
A cat man? You seem to get it pretty easily
The fact that she has it playing in the background before she tries to blow herself up is both funny and sad. Who has their own suicide music on standby like that?
What the FUCK
he's half vastayan (the animal people race)
Can you even deny it though? Or will you claim that it's good just because?
Imagine all the catastrophe that could have been avoided if people had only listened to Heimerdinger, not developed Hextech, and made sure that anything like the Hexcore would have never been made.
His wisdom foresaw everything that went bad. But they booted him because he stood in the way of progress. Then everything happened just as he feared.
This. Arcane is KINO. To the last second.
well directed
Almost all music scenes were terrible and juvenile
Season 1 - masterpiece
Season 2 - incohesive slop
How did this happen? Was Arcane a victim of it's own success?
Shit taste, to be perfectly honest.
they didnt even get a cameo
a fucking item nobody ever builds (chemtech whatever the fuck) got more attention
You completely misread that anon's comment in your rush to complain about woke, you brainlet
Coomerbrains don't understand true love. They only think of sex. They're brothers to the end.
"Hero of Piltover/Zaun"
Ekko = Jayce > Jinx > Silco > Vander Power Gap > Mel > Enforcer flunkies > Singed = Viktor > Caitlin > Vi
AU Powder leaves her gentrified inventor boyfriend for the hoodnigger gangster version of him
Fund it.
Why can't bros just be bros?
the little runes were an item i'm pretty sure, i remember them
No you.
old viktor just lets jayce fall around, eat mutated fishlizards, go half crazy all while a terribly infected spaceaids wound festers on his leg for god knows how long before revealing himself and (poorly) explaining this mess
what a dick
Don't believe satans lies, as Jesus Viktor taught us, it's in imperfections and mistakes that we find meaning.
My bad, I thought he said years and not days. Although wait, how did everything get fixed by having Vi die? Silco and Vander reuniting doesn't seem like something that would happen given most of Silco's character growth came with Jinx. I guess I'm asking a lot of questions that won't be answered, like what happened between Vander and Silco. There was a fight, but it's utterly unclear as to the why's and how's.
You think that's gonna stop fujos? The gods have blessed them with divine sight, they see all homosexuals and know all homosexuals. For the next ten years Viktor will see his bussy ravaged by Jayce's thick uncut latino cock, lovingly rendered over the course of 80 hours by professional level illustrators.
people that hate the season are dullards who didn't even pay attention to the dialogue
Okay, that explains a lot.
it's all forgiven if animation is good
That's why no one takes anime seriously it's always been nerd snoozefest and forever will be
Vi tries to do the right thing and honestly her insane plans usually work out 80% of the way.
before a random third party inevitably shows up and breaks them at the home stretch.
My dumbass had to rewind the scene it was in 3 times trying to shazam it before just googling the lyrics. The only result I got before googling was
andrew carwood carol of the bells
Best head?
no orianna (fuck you that doesn’t count)
no twitch
no warwick
cringe dialogue
cringe monologuing
cringe nobody characters
music so trash people stopped caring
zero idea of what we’re supposed to take away from Cait, Vi, and Jinx’s storyline other than sex
zero baked plot threads and characters because muh cinematic universe setup
way too much potential left on the table
I’d rate this season a solid 6/10. A good rough draft, far from what should’ve been the final product.
the point is that using hextech has consequences, the consequence being the astral plane orb anomaly/nuclear bomb
Yeah the story for both season is good enough at most, but who cares?
Did you not watch S1? Did you not watch S2, for that matter? The story goes from pure kino to dogshit with nothing in between.
did not animate at least fucking 3 seconds of Maddie`s hesitation
Was the psycho grin not enough of a tell of her emotional state?
Powder would have no interest in dimension hopping. She's going to reinvent the Z-Drive and kill everyone going back in time to save Vi.
perfect timeline is ruined and she becomes Jinx again
Just finished rewatching it and without "FUCK THE LEAKS ARE REAL FUUUUUUUUCK" pounding in my skull
I've had like three layers of filters erasing all threads and mentions of Arcane on Anon Babble and youtube (I use no other social media) for like most of the year. So thankfully I never encountered any leaks.
For once it seems like I dodged a bullet with my filter-autism.
I hated it. Literally ruined my enjoyment of the whole series.
Yes, hextech is bad. You literally see the Hexcore getting all corrupted, and when Jayce got stuck in that alternate timeline his hammer was also getting corrupted with the passage of time.
mentally ill people use something to fuck everyone
something they made is also flawed and doing bad stuff as a byproduct
Honestly that last episode is probably one of the prettiest long pieces of animation I've ever watched.
anyone on Anon Babble acting high and mighty over any other medium
get a grip.
Was fully aware of the leaks and couldn't care less, except for Vi being a complete moron for a Vanderless Warwick corpse. Top tier show for me, loved nearly every bit of it.
Vi literally asks "what are you going to do" to jinx after she put her in that cell, she definitely knew something was up. Vi makes bad choices but she's actually pretty perceptive
Jinx is the cutest
no actually yea, they skipped a episode because he suddenly went full evil mode. He was trying to be jesus an episode ago. Were they just implying Jayce shooting him made him just say fuck it? And I figured he lost his "humanity" once "Sky" left? Shit was more awkward then Maddie's undeveloped betrayal. They should've just had Maddie show a Noxian tattoo or something. Sleeper agent or someshit.
Feels like Loris' death was good but cheapened by the lack of fucks to give for a guy I didn't even know his name wtf?
In my defense, the way he said it threw me off. It's incredibly weird having a measurement over years, but not using years.
Anyone got a Mega?
mad l/a/tam detected
I didn't want to her to die because she's cute and her voice is cute
When they showed both Jinx and Vi hitting their heads on the concrete like that I thought for sure they were going to go the amnesia angle where they both forgot each other. But they were both fine, so it was only a minor concussion I guess?
You gotta fuck with your ex a little sometimes
Canonizing the summoners again would have been more coherent
The only leaks I didn't manage to avoid were
CaitVi sex
Maddie betrayal
Jinx maybe dying in a fall
I'd been told they were debunked so I stopped believing them too lmao
dead body tossed to the floor
never seen again
Deserved better.
Hextech has an inevitable gravity to it's existence that all ends with a fucked and corrupted world in one form or another. Tiny doses of it might be tolerable for a world, but the Hexgate tower is a Tsar Bomba tier of fucked.
The cult shit was weird no matter how you shake it.
Damn vi sucks
S1 was a bit better as a whole story but it had a lot more boring moments desu
Also Ambessa is really cool and S2 had more of her.
But S1 had young Cait who is certainly a qt of all time.
Who would Vi and Cait choose to be the surrogate father to give them a child? And who of them would carry the baby? Cait? Vi? Both?
Can't blame him tho. If I'd gotten divine powers that fixed my broken body I'd start a cult too
Who's loris?
1 won
Come on, what about all those underground fight club fights. She won those, right?
Probably only there as an immaterial ghost.
Could be, with that hair.
if evil y cute
It's hilarious that Riot got people with this shit twice.
for an OC DEI checkbox ticker I liked her quite a lot
ambessa was great but she's neck deep in some poorly explained lore that the show has no time to convey coherently
You definitely made the right call. I refused to browse Anon Babble at all before Act 2 because of the episodes leak, assuming everyone was on the same page but alas was immediately hit with incineroar-tier leakwar bullshit.
I should have steered clear until today, but thankfully the rewatched purged my brain of the autism I picked up in these threads.
Yeah and. Even before this season I thought he was a flamer. Still think vi is terrible, though
i need her
Ekko should go on a crusade if killing Vi in every universe, making each and every AU perfect and peaceful
She was winning at first and then started losing them because she was too much of an alcoholic
never too late.
and VW regenerates.
Loose hair Jinx needed more screentime. The world has never seen pure, concentrated beauty of this caliber ever before.
I created a gofile hours ago
Make sure you use your desktop because WEB.h264 is pretty weird with certain mobile devices in that audio won't output.
What kind of man did she allow to give her not just one but two children?
The big guy, Warden I think.
jinx is cute so I still save pictures of her that get posted
but at the same time I want to completely forget about this shitshow that was season 2
Stuck in limbo
There's something sad about the fact that she must have never cut her hair in her entire life to have it unbraid like that
I hope it turns out that because she's a fucking mutant she actually grows like a foot of hair every week and constantly has to chop off giant piles of it
Every timeline ended with Viktor becoming a god and assimilating everyone atop the Hexgate, only to realize his mistake thousands of years later and go back in time to try and change it by giving young Jayce different runes.
This timeline is the only one that ends differently cause Ekko manages to use the Acceleration rune in reverse to make a rewind spell that could get through to Viktor before he turns everyone into robots fully
So is the Hexgate something different in every timeline? Isn't the whole point that the hexgate uses the acceleration rune, so the other timelines would have a different spell/effect?
She needs a pregnant belly and milk dribbling from swollen tits. I bet some anon could even make it with AI slop.
If there's any truth to Not-Kino's story it was 2 different men.
Yeah the art is pretty but the writing this season sucked ass
Woman is at her prettiest when suicidal
What did Fortiche mean by this?
On desktop but only Ep 9 download is working. the other just give me bad gateway.
Technically she saved Jayce twice. Though one was just reminding Jayce to think of his enemies as Zaunite children and the other was giving him a hammer to smite Zaunite mothers with.
Luxanna Crownguard will save her
and to think people in this very thread tried to gaslight me that it wasn't this demon pushing the lesbian fanfic
Imagine a Hexcore that rejuvenated wounded flesh.
It's corrupted version would be nightmarish.
anon there's animé in "dessin animé", of course I care about the visuals.
Vi is such a bitch and did not deserve happy end. Once again she leaves her sister all alone, + did not even give a flying fuck when Jinx stated she would suicide
bullshit. the writers went and wrote the story in a way that it would be "exciting" for the viewer, banking on big reveal basedface reactions without any substance behind it.
this shit just does not make sense at all. its all marvelslop mumbojumbo.
There are powers that are for more powerfull in that universe that would never let viktor get that far so i wonder if it was a local thing only.
they didnt think much
Would it be ethical for ekko to mess with timelines that aren't his?
Would it be unethical to have the power to make things better and choose not to do so?
Would it be unethical to kill one child to improve the lives the thousands?
I move that Vi should have been gangraped by the Noxian soldiers.
Touch starved fujos and faggots.
Vi is infuriating, not shit she lost everyone. Heck the universe where she was death everyone was happy.
If Jinx (pre-Isha death) somehow ended up in the good timeline instead of Ekko, how do you think she would have reacted?
This being a local thing that just screwed up this one city would be hilarious.
Lotta interest stuff here. If you're too prissy to click a reddit link, some highlights
Heimer is not dead and others character might came back to life
Noxus, Ionia and Demacia are getting shows and are next steps into this cinematic universe...they pick each setting to explore diff sides of Runterra
Continuation after arcane is in works for while- next series is already in development for about a year +-
Raven is confirmed to be Raum
The arcane is their version of magic. Arcane does not originate of hextech. The arcane is one viewpoint interpretation of magic.. each region sees it differently
Urgot is coming later
House of Medarda will play part in future of Runterra
Viktor will be explored on later shows confirmed- he is more than just human or arcane user now...he is something special
Personally my interest in mind control makes me think she deserves the kinder fate of being reconditioned into a proper enforcer
So was the wizard of Jayce's childhood actually also Viktor all along, or did Viktor just take the form of this wizard having peered through Jayce's mind?
Doesn't the quick montage of all kinds of different runes being dropped into Jayce's hand kind of imply that it genuinely was Viktor all along. And that he has actually replayed the events of Jayce's entire lifetime like several dozen times over with random rune effects to just trial & error a timeline where Jayce could stop him?
Or is that a media illiterate and dumbfuck read on the scene?
ambessa makes ZERO fucking sense. her whole plot is retarded.
ok, I still liked it.
Men are at their prettiest when they're dead or near dying
What did fortiche mean by this?
That's the point. THe greeks defined different types of love. Aragon and Boromir loved one another from a non gay point of view - a deep sense of brotherhood/camaraderie. You see this response common in military, especially when you've been in the trenches for so long. People look out for another with their lives, not because they're gay. You know how fucking frustrating it is to explain this concept to women or faggots? Everything must be about their dicks or cunt getting wet.
this chinese man should stop to read Marcel Prooust.
it's bad reading for any brain.
Im a grown man and ended up shedding a few tears at the end. I know no one died except for ambessa and yordle, but still sad to say goodbye to these characters (violetard not included). I do hope Jinx comes back.
yes they retconned ryze from s1 into viktor timetravel
Jayce didn't invent hextech so he wasn't on the council, so he couldn't kick heimer off and start murdering Zaunite children. Heimer presumably sought out AU Ekko, brought him into the Academy, and negotiated terms between the council and Vander and/or Silco. With the dream of a free Zaun achieved, Silco wouldn't have had reason to continue seething at Vander.
Vi is such a bitch and did not deserve happy end.
She is stuck with Cait and Cait is a total bitch, even to Vi. And she lost everyone else.
It's not all sunshine and roses.
How is cait even in power after all of this?
Is she though? because we don’t know shit about post-war Caitlyn we don’t even know if she’s still able to shot anymore and if she does we don’t know how well
When men sacrifice their all, are they ever actually remembered, or loved.
She can make her worse
Vi was a massive jobber but she at least had a character, unlike Ekko.
There's a LoL novel already if you want to read it. Came out around the same time as S1.
Oh cool! I'll rea-
It's about Viego, so you know it's dogshit.
Ah... well. Maybe one day.
They can be
But they can also kiss.
The world is big enough to have both, no need to fight.
You just know his mouth would still be warm enough to facefuck.
Demacia, Noxus and Ionia show(s?) are in the works
Hextech is not gone and done, just the hexcore anomaly
Arcane was not planned to be canon, but they switched to canon after season 1
season 2 finale was set up to impact all of Runeterra in a major way
Jayce and Viktor are a bromance, best friends who would die for eachother (fujos hate this)
Viktor will be explored on later shows, he is now more than human or a mere magic user (basically confirming he's still alive)
Warwick is STILL torn between man and beast, right now he is still spliced between man and wolf but he might become more wolflike in the future (confirming that he's alive)
Medardas will play a major role going forward
Just a few points, the whole thing is like 4 hours long if anyone wants to do that to themselves
Riot is finished.
Why would she need her left eye to shoot?
member when ekko's gang got introduced
member when they seemed to be going somewhere with the whole tree dying thing
member how they were immediately forgotten for the rest of the show except for a fightscene
Jinx punched her and locked her in. One thing is true about Vi she always respects a person's decision when they choose to leave her.
Too bad she cuts it off immediately after.
Vi is broken in to be a prim, proper and disciplined enforcer via mcguffin magic
I mean I'm not down with mind control or hypnosis but I'd pay to see that anyway.
Might make her more tolerable.
She didn't get a good end. Her family, bio and adopted is dead. Piltover is still in shambles and it's implied Zaun still looks down on them. I don't care how good Cait's pussy is. There's no way the guilt of not jumping over to Jinx doesn't twist at the wound every night before bed.
fucking in a cell your sister was self-harming in
after she ran off to kill herself
Arcane is simply being treated like any other Riot project. Ruination, Riot Forge, the mmo, Project L and F and whatever other games are in development hell. Typical cases of random ideas outweighing scope and realism. Like come on Linke, 3 spinoffs? And you promise to keep everything consistent? Lmao alright bud. We know it takes Fortiche at least 3 years to produce one season of 12 episodes, nevermind them working on non lol stuff right now. Half baking characters like Warwick because “don’t worry they’ll show up in the future” but when is that going to be? At the rate development is going we won’t see Piltover and Zaun again for 10 years. It’s also only a matter of time before they start retconning stuff from Arcane in typical League lore fashion.
Vi is subtly implied to be a virgin because she struggles with undoing Cait's clasp which the whore even has the audacity to laugh at.
Reminder that he only died because Vi couldn't keep a door shut or handle a few mobs.
If they don't get rid of that awful anthro warwick face I will shit on the desk of every single past, present, and future Fortiche employee
Caitlyn is one of the feel people left that care for Vi tho, no one else would've let her break her sister out of jail, she might've fucked it up but after she gave up on her manhunt there is no reason this isn't a good outcome for Vi
Hextech is not gone and done, just the hexcore anomaly
If only there was some kind of an epilogue to explain this
1. Are people seriously upset at the lack of fucking Twitch? The talking rat? I would've liked a Blitzcrank cameo personally.
2. That French R&B song in 7 is easily the best song of S2 (not a high bar albeit).
3. Instead of randomly disintegrating, couldn't they have had Heimer just choose to stay in the AU instead? Make it a mix of him getting attached and a sense of duty to protect that world, since the possibility of hextech has been opened?
4. Vi finding out about Jinx's survival instead of Cait would have instantly saved the ending (not that it was awful as is). All in all, she was a COMPLETE passenger this season.
5. The sex scene was cringe and unnecessary, BUT the way I read it, Vi didn't know Jinx was going to kill herself.
6. I'm glad the enforcer buddies existed; all three of them.
7. Too much slow-mo.
does she not wear a bra herself
Just a few points, the whole thing is like 4 hours long if anyone wants to do that to themselves
Got this though it's clearly written by an ESL
Lesbians are messy like that tbf
hextech is LE EPIC BAD!!!!!!!! except it isnt and isnt gone okay??
awesome ok
Vi talked all that shit about Jinx relying on her tech. Meanwhile Jinx manages to sucker punch her ass twice. What were all those years in the ring for, Vi?
Anon it's literally a $250 million record setting animation blockbuster, it's not supposed to be anything else than marvelslop, I just care that some chinks and burgers companies paid for like half a thousand or so highly skilled artists in my country, while getting hot girls out of it.
I don't see how you have more for Warwick, Viktor, Urgot, etc. They shouldn't really do P&Z more honestly, it needs a rest. But those champs are so tied to P&Z that I don't see how they make them show up in any other show.
Is Icathia eating good this decade?
Who? That raven belongs to Swain
People thought that was Ryze?
Wow we've almost hit 1k posts.
I'm 900% certain the golden timeline would happen even if Vi survived. With how tight knit Vander's kids were the only conditions needed were
A kid dies in the heist
The death leads to the abandonment of hextech research
Basically, it could have been Mylo that kicks the bucket and they'd all still end up with happyland.
actually, no, she is in wraps most of the two seasons and she has really small tits.
Urgot is coming later
My king, my GOAT
So you're saying she has a chance?
They're really going to make Jinx and Lux cross paths. How do you think it'll go? Do you think they'll really go for romance with them?
Based utilitarian vi
Are people seriously upset at the lack of fucking Twitch? The talking rat?
yes, very much so
GoT INSPIRATION right out of that niggers mouth
haha... people were right
Basically "no one important actually died"
How the fuck are they gonna give Ambessa an out though? that one seemed more clear than the others.
Vi lives in a fucking gutter and wears literal bandages because buttons and zippers are too complicated. Obviously she wouldn't know how to undo a clasp like that.
We got his cousin from New Jersey instead.
I would have really liked to see that plot point explored further and with the time it deserved. The Firelights too of course.
That said. To be fair, it's not as if the plot point didn't end up serving any function or anything.
It was one of the bigger pieces that Jayce turn his back on hextech. Like we know that it's the reason for why they went to the bottom floor of the Hexgate tower which got them all trapped in the anomaly.
But if anyone thought it was really sudden when Jayce just straight up mercs Salo after Jayce is returned to the timeline. You can bet the knowledge of the corrupted Firelights tree still had a lot to do with it.
Same. Which is crazy considering I haven't even watched all the emotional setup from S1 since it came out two fucking years ago.
>Hextech is not gone and done, just the hexcore anomaly
I thought we knew this? Swain's bird was poking around in the shell that held the little blue hextech core thing
Ok but consider the idea of her slowly succumbing to a hextech device muttering no over and over again until her voice quiets, her eyes go blank and all thoughts are rearranged into become Caitlyn’s perfect enforcer. All connections purged except an obsessive devotion to the Piltover enforcers and Cait
OK I'll try to torrent another file type then that's easily compatible
Who? That raven belongs to Swain
Anon... Raum is the demon that Swain made pact with who gives him access to all of "his" ravens. Raum is the demon of secrets, his ravens go around observing things. Swain's pact lets him use that knowledge for himself. At this point in the story Swain likely hasn't made the pact yet.
raum is swain's arm, he merged with or rather overtook a demon
that not being SWAIN watching is retarded though
“I’m the dirt under your nails” vs the yaoifags getting “there is beauty in imperfections, they made you who you are, an inseparable piece of everything I admired about you” for their non-canon ship
Woman are gross degenerates and boys are pure but autistic.
Alright Anon, you've had your fun.
Tone it down
her soul is trapped in leblancs chain realm? idk
I stumble with unfamiliar clothing shit like that too. And it's harder when all your blood is in your dick/clit rather than oxygenating your neurons
Are people seriously upset at the lack of fucking Twitch? The talking rat?
Unironically yes. He was in s1ep1. Would be cool if he came out wacking Noxian soldiers. Also a great antithesis to Warwick as a Singed creation. One is a human that becomes a beast, the other is a beast that becomes human(ish).
Do you think it still had bits of Isha going in?
Isn't Swain's deal that he was the vehicle that the Black Rose used to push the rest of the politicians out of Noxus and assume power? Makes sense with how Ambessa got pushed out of Noxus.
Medardas will play a major role going forward
how. its just mel left.
That is because the writing was dogshit Caitlyn could never hit Vi but Amanda still wrote that shit
it's ok, me as well.
i'm especially sad for jinx who lost everyone and everything yet has no one to comfort her, lmao not even vi comforted her after isha died, instead she asked her to fight for them when she was clearly in heavily depressed state.
i don't like dykes but if luxanna can become her permanent comfort person then fuck it.
i need her
Spitballin' but LeBlanc's tiddly red mist shit could have been her ripping her soul out so she could come back as Sion-esque undead or Mel somehow frees her soul but it's all fucked up, throw a possible alliance to Mordekaiser in there for good measure.
Still can't believe they didn't give us a Blitz cameo, dude is the fucking OG
I think I like this cat.
Unironically yes. He was in s1ep1.
Was he though? Or was that fanon leaguefags gaslit themselves into thinking was canon?
Yeah honestly I just said that because I was trying to think of the most extreme possible interpretation.
I don’t actually like full mental indoctrination. I just like the thought of not thinking about sadness for a while
she wanted to suck silco's dick one more time
in all honesty, she was probably bored and started playing with it
, Demacia, Noxus and Ionia show(s?) are in the works
At the same time?
That's part of it, I'm pretty sure. He's tied up in Noxus' web of politics, but he also has a demon hand and a bunch of secret knowledge. He has some of the best lore related voice lines in the game because he could, in theory, learn the secrets of most characters with his pact
lmao i told u faggots they are going to lux-jinx route
Probably this. They'll just go "she's not dead she's just catatonic" or something.
It's not League of Legends. But I hope Fortiche's first original animated project, not done on commission, ends up being a good movie.
probably not, but even if she did they likely wanted to go with the idea she hasn't removed another person's clothes before so they chose the pants rather than a bra
The opposite. The previous ruler of Noxus was a Black Rose plant, Swain killed him and assumed control, implementing a triumvirate government of himself, Leblanc, and his general (Darius) so that the Black Rose could be kept in check and couldn't grab for ultimate power again.
Meanwhile they can't assassinate him or hide their schemes from him because he has a pact with the primordial demon of secrets.
why was she gay? when did she cuck
As a cameo/minor character, that would've been really cool actually. I thought anons here wanted him to be a major character, which there definitely wasn't space for.
Wanted to feel the KINO, so spent entire Friday`s evening and Saturday`s night watching 1S. Then 2S.
Cried like a pussy. Why not, show was good and worth of it.
Janna was Zaun? Man I forgot.
Why else would they feature a fat rat
those are the three regions mentioned when he is asked for the next project, it's not entirely clear if he means they are in one show or if it's multiple
they might retcon rell into being her daughter
apparently cait/vi prison scene was supposed to be longer, but Riot cut some parts out.
1. AU Powder
2. Caitlyn
3. Maddie
4. Mel
5. Margot (that BDSM chembaron)
They'll pull a Gangplank
Janna is a Shuriman goddess/deity. Her worship spread to Zaun where she now represents them.
twitch isnt fat?
They always wanted to tell story about Vi, Jinx, Viktor, Jayce and setting of Zaun and Piltover
They didn’t mention Caitlyn?
They'll just make it so that Ambessa slept around the world, like how Mel was a child born from an affair.
She might've had feelings Ekko at some point, but the constant fighting, Silco's influence and not being around each other anymore probably made those feelings go away. That being said, the scene on the bridge after Ekko stops punching her, convincing her to not kill herself, and the fact she painted on his clothing could imply that those feelings are still there, but that might be a stretch. I don't blame anyone for thinking she might have feelings for him, or only sees him as a friend at this point. I think the AU gave us our answer though.
This is even bigger than the Wakfu archives.
Not at all surprised by them basically going "Yeah Hemier, Jinx, Warwick, Viktor, Jayce are alive" but.. how the hell are they gonna pull Ambressa surviving out? from that interview it seems no champion character is actually dead dead but she died on screen unlike the others.
BD uncensored? I'm buyin.
I mean, it's possible. Maybe one part of plot focuses on demacia and the civil war, and the other noxus vs ionia.
The overwhelming majority of the audience is 18+. I don’t see why they shouldn’t just make the jump.
should have cut it allout
AU - Powder was fucking adorable. Holy fuck
Urgot actually makes a lot of sense, though not as a major character. In lore he was a Noxian sent to work the mines of Zaun for being caught during political backstabbing. They seem to be changing Viktor's direction as a character entirely. As for Warwick, I don't care how nonsensical or hamfisted he is, I need to see these bastards animate him with a fucking wolf head
Ambessa is probably coming back, guy pretty much said all the champion characters were written in a way where even if they seemed to die it could be undone.
Jinx is perfect in every timeline
I think it was a more recent lore thing.
P&Z used to be a random Shuriman port city
They worshipped Janna as a wind giver for their boats
Azir banned worship of other gods so she lost power
P&Z get big and build up till they're their own thing
People of Zaun start worshipping Janna again cause she gives fresh air
She regains power and starts appearing again
Point being he’s big for a rat
they clearly liked eachother a lot in the past, they painted powder on their big mural remember
its just that ekko got tired of her evil bullshit already, remember 'powders dead shes jinx now' or whatever from s1
You got the first one right but I'm not gonna comment on the rest
its not far fetched, since arcane is just a everyone-knows-everyone show. and twitchs lore is literally just "lmao there is a big rat prolly some failed experiment"
Badly at first, but she would likely mellow down like she did with Isha. I don't think she would have decide to go back like Ekko.
I don't think he should have fought or been involved in anything, but I don't know why they couldn't put him in like, a crowd shot or one of the montages.
Ambessa obviously just passed out. You guys are idiots. If she died then where’s her wound retard?
You have just reminded me how kino the camille vs jihn cinematic was
Lab rats are common in scientific experiments
Showing a tiny rat beating a cat is an effective way to show the audience shimmer is a game changer
Maybe so. But her well adjusted self stands above the rest
I like Isha. Isha was actually cool.
And that makes it a grave sin that the show had her die in such a fucking retarded manner.
Couldn't they just have made Jinx out to be in some actually much more tangible sense of danger?
Or maybe they could have made it look like the odds weren't like 90% in the Noxian solders' favour in regards to subduing Warwick. Sure they would have probably lost some more soldiers, but it certainly didn't look like they would fail to subdue him or like Jinx was actually going to be killed by him or anything.
If Isha's sacrifice had actually saved the day. Then fucking beautiful.
The time we got of Isha and Jinx chilling and adventuring were splendid. So if they just hadn't butchered her send-off, Isha would have remained a stand-out character.
People just doesn't give Isha the recognition she deserves because they botched her ending on dumb technicalities that should have never been mistakes.
Like how did they even mess that up? Now it just looks like Isha died because she was a dumb kid who totally misread the battlefield and what kind of danger people were in or were not. Thus dying for nothing.
No scene where Twitch misshapenly saves the world
1. Loose hair Jinx
2. Braids Jinx
3. OC bob cut Jinx
4. OG LoL Jinx
5. Pixie cut Jinx
9001. Everyone else
What part of Noxus has a colony of cute gingers?
my guy we are talking about a show with badly explained alternate-universe-timetravel-slop with TONS of plotholes. if they say "ambessas SOVL returned because of some wolf ritual" its going to be just that.
isha's death felt cheap cause it was cheap and even had a cringy ass cheap chinese song playing over it
If hope she die, her character is boring as fuck. I rather not have more of her shoved in new projects, she already wasted a lot of time in Arcane with her "plot line".
It's a downgrade desu. You can keep her.
AU Powder's bangs are atrocious
She loves monkeys
Ambessa dying is the most safe and realistic death they could do
>Demacia, Noxus and Ionia show(s?) are in the works
What setting would be the best for a new show?
I honestly don't want them to touch Twitch lore. Right now he is just a big rat with a big X-bow fucking shit up in a universe of demigods
NTA but eye shadow on a woman makes me weak.
doesnt matter, she was alluring and seductive. legit got a boner
People only ship them because both are blonde. Ezreal isn't even a real character, he's just blonde Kirito. He has nothing in common with Lux lmao. Lux has a better chance of being with Sylas.
She faked her death to give her sister peace.
ghost silco says the only way to break the cycle is to leave
"you just won't give up on me, huh sis?"
shimmer streak escapes explosion
cait looking at air duct schematics and smirking
vi humming powder's song
"one day I'm gonna ride one of those"
last scene is a blimp heading west with the jinx glitch effect saying 'the end'
I guarantee she's not the only Noxian spy in Piltover. Fucking Mel is a council member, despite her Noxian background. If Noxians have that much influence in the foreground, it's not a reach to presume there's many more spies seeded into Piltover's society.
The hair unironically looks like
Second generation asian children trying to mix old Asian hair fashion with the western hair fashion that they've grown up around. Resulting in mixes like this.
it's not supposed to be anything else than marvelslop,
so why wasn't s1 like this?
it had the same amount of spectacle without all the retarded writing
Ixtal/Shurima/Icathia border conflicts
Bilgewater/Shadow Isles
basically everything but freljord
The context of Ekko and Powder's relationship is entirely different than Ekko and Jinx's. She lost Vi, he presumably supported her through that and they continued to grow up together.
Jinx grew up without Ekko, and when she saw him again she slapped him and told him to piss off. The context of their relationship is different, they aren't close, and I hope they don't imply they fell in love over the week or two before the final battle because that would be dumb.
The blue rose pendant symbolized unattainable love. Timebomb was never meant to be - because Ekko loves an AU Powder he can never be with, not Jinx, and Jinx doesn't love him.
All 3 at the same time probably wouldn't work, but the Noxus/Ionia conflict is really solid framing for a show, so those two could be done together
So who is the piano guy?
Dude had too much screentime to be a nobody.
Isha was actually cool.
I don't see how. She was easily the worst part of the show by being a typical annoying kid.
I'm not going to say that Powder enjoys that Vi was killed.
But I wonder if she realizes that Vi's death made her value as a woman skyrocket since so much of her competition died with Vi.
heading west
was she really heading west? west of piltover is demacia and noxus, but why would jinx go to noxus lol. so she's really gonna end up in demacia?
probably some Riot employee
>ghost silco says the only way to break the cycle is to leave
>"you just won't give up on me, huh sis?"
>shimmer streak escapes explosion
>cait looking at air duct schematics and smirking
>vi humming powder's song
>"one day I'm gonna ride one of those"
>last scene is a blimp heading west with the jinx glitch effect saying 'the end'
feel like a brainlet for not picking up on this.
kek I've been in this train before
they can't ever be a ship because their only line in league was him telling her that he just had a crush until she talked to her guns
Damn, I feel like I used the z-drive because time seems to be repeating itself
Vi could never compete with Jinx.
Mage rebelion with Lux and Sylas
You could either do a season focused on these 2 regions individually or make a season with them both. With the latter it's obvious to do the Noxus vs Ionia invasion. Make Irelia and Riven the 2 main protags. Solo Noxus season could focus on building up Black Rose and the empires inner workings with heavy political intrigue. Solo Ionia show could use the Jhin/Zed/Shen plot or the Vastayan vs human conflict in Ionia with Xayah and Rakan.
Maddie was useless
no sideboob but at least she has her pits exposed
idk man, i can't say I was a big fan of S1 either, but I think that having a predefined end point with the get jinxed video probably helped making the overall story a bit more coherent.
Ekko fumbled this
This season is the proof that less is more. Season one was a grounded, tight, consistent character drama. The conflict of Vi and Jinx was set up in Act 1, and was the central conflict of these characters throughout the entire show, reaching its satisfying climax in the finale. Silco was an effective villain, and his revolution was understandable cause and a good conflict that, again, was the conflict throughout the entire season, that was set up since the beginning. Season two just shat the bed with some retarded cosmic stakes conflicts, retarded, inconsistent, wishy washy "characters" that change their motivations on a whim, retarded subplots that go nowhere (caitlyn hitler, insane jayce, resurrected vander), forced shipping garbage, Ambessa being a shitty, boring villain with shitty motivations and conflict, somehow Vander returning for no reason, tons of pointless, useless "characters" who are just one dimensional plot devices (Isha, Maddie), and lame ass "external threat invasion" final conflict that was never set up in season one and was revealed in the last minute of S2. So ass, so shit. I don't give a shit about League, this dogshit game for mentally ill retards, and I don't give a shit about their lore. Season 1 delivered a solid TV-show. Season two was a shitty MOBA ad.
Z-Drive can't go back more than 4 seconds. If it goes back more it explodes and kills everyone.
Hextech at the end scene was to imply that she was gonna become an inventor like Vander and both Ekkos wanted.
Her and Maddie >>>>
Luv blunt bangs, simple as
Mel is not really a spy, the Medardas are just a very well connected family in several regions due to them being longstanding merchants from Shurima.
Easily the most under_written character in the whole show.
So much potential even for typical 'I saw you with Vi so now I feel betrayed and going to betray you'
Yet, all we got is 'Yeah I am a traitor get shot oh uh I am dead'
We had more personality description for 3-tier characters in the show, and got nothing for easily one of the most important side-character in S2
South is all desert and ruins mostly, and east is Bilgewater. So she's heading Northwest most likely. I doubt she's heading Northeast because that's Ionia.
At least in Ekko's case he grew up in the same city as Jinx and was friends with her as a kid. Ezreal has never met Lux in canon, since he's a rich Piltie searching for his parents in the ruins of Shurima, which is why he meets Kai'sa.
There is no evidence she is going west. It's fucking headcanon.
Thanks anon, sums up my opinion perfectly.
its stupid seeing all these series getting into multiverse and cosmic scale proportions so quickly, like chill flesh out the small shit first to actually make me care if the universe was suddenly blown apart
AU Powder and AU Ekko were obviously to a downright cheesy degree, innocently yet genuinely in love with each other. Both of them.
But ignoring the AU. I bet Jinx thought of Ekko more like a childhood friend. A strong bond to a degree, but a distant bond. A memory and a link to happier times. Not much less, but also not much more than that.
That said. Ekko no doubt grew to love Jinx. Even in Jinx's absence, Jinx was constantly occupying Ekko's mind in ways we have no reason to believe Ekko occupied Jinx's. Ekko was left to witness the death and destruction that Jinx and Silco left behind everywhere, and they Ekko lost friends repeatedly as a direct result of them, in addition to all the innocents he saw suffer at their hands.
That's why Ekko was presented as the biggest Jinx hater of the show. But evidently, in spite of that, Ekko was never able to detach Jinx from Powder who was his cherished childhood friend. And it clearly rotted his brain.
The torrent of strong emotions mixing surely mutated into love growing alongside the hate. Two sides of the same Jinx/Powder coin.
indeed. this is how it's gonna happen:
new series
focus on noxus and ionia
season ends with airship landing in demacia
cliffhanger as jinx appears
next season focus on demacia civil war
jinx, luxanna, sylas
also focus on noxus ionia war
kino or kino?
Ezreal spent a whole lot time in Damcia to the point he's known as a local hero with his own special name. Him not knowing Lux was always pretty weird in the canon, specially because he has plenty of lines with him that imply otherwise
Who went out worse, him or Maddie?
It's a case of identity porn. Lux knows who Jarro Lightfeather is but not the actual Ezreal.
It makes the most sense considering the placement of the regions moron. Where else would Jinx go other than Demacia?
You are too harsh and highlight only the bad in S2.
If I asked you to summarize waht you liked in S2 you would probably have pretty list that is not that smaller compared to S1.
Judging with absolutes is easy, we clearly had lots of good stuff in S2.
We are mad not because S2 is not worth time, but because we expected some kind of legendary shit. We got decent story and stunning visuals. Appreciate it.
this was a fucking banger
So what was the point of Loris?
You mean his Jarro schtick? That's recent I think, considering it takes place near the Ruination event.
It's a dumb nitpick that really doesn't mean anything.
But why did they have music tracks with lyrics that mentioned real world continents such as Europe and the Americas? Couldn't they have easily avoided that by just choosing other songs?
He went out like a king
Maddie went out like a cuck
I feel I want to kill myself, trying to discuss anything with people that went full defense mode for the finale.
le last revealing shocking scene for the tiktokerinos
sounds like marvel trash actually
Companies can be WEIRD about their image.
Like it's okay to show sex but showing a nipple during it? Nope can't do that!
His final shot was being pushed out of the chair. Maddie's final shot went through her head. Needless to say, it was less embarrassing for him.
The show has enough villain characters. Pushing Noxus characters in for sequel bait and game tie in characters detracts from the show.
I am beyond mad, what a worthless addition when it confirms we're not coming back to Piltover ever again, so no Camiel, no blitz, no Twitch. NOTHING.
Maddie. This guy died doing cognizible action that ultimately resulted in something. Maddie just killed herself in 1 sec.
majority of the audience is 18+.
I don't buy this for a second
go for it anon none of us have a rewinder to stop you
u forget the wattpad script of act3
Well I definitely think that looks more painful.
I'd be fine with it if it was just Ambessa scheming in the background and being menacing, not taking over half the show.
It's like watching a Spiderman show, only for Tony Stark to show up halfway throughout the show and suddenly the plot shifts to the Mandarin teaming up with the Sinister Six so that Doc Ock can gain the power of Dormammu.
The show has enough villain characters. Pushing Noxus characters in for sequel bait and game tie in characters detracts from the show.
I thought Ambessa was surprisingly rad. But ultimately this.
And ironically. What made Ambessa unable to fully shine, was that she felt out of place.
Shieldbro died protecting something
Ginger died invading something because of the delusions of some crazy noxus elite bitch.
To give me another bear to draw
Zoomers bitch about how sexualized media is but they really don't have any perspective for how sanitized everything is nowadays. If this was made in the 80s (and gay stuff was okay), we would've seen them fully topless with no nipple censorship.
To fill Vi's womb.
I wouldn't be surprised if Warwick was with Jinx on that airship at the end. Probably going out to find another way to save him
99% of the good things in S2 are unrelated to the writing. It's pretty, meaningless slop. S1 is special because the artistry in the storytelling is as exceptional as the artistry in the animation.
bait you into thinking that he will do something
It's about the vibe
Ambessa is.... le bad
She was dissapointing as fuck
nothing in this interveiw suggest that
le jinx travelled to damacia
that's your headcannon. Gonna be hard to push that shit for ten years (because next show is Ionia for sure) but I guess that's the path you chose
Any good fanart of Glorious Evolution Viktor yet? All I see is of his spirit form fucking Jayce.
The noxus characters were fine. They should have been more closely tied to the main plot instead of having their own things going on the side
SEXO with Maddie when she respawns at the red
side fountain in 55 seconds
And that is all you will see because godViktor is stupid.
He died a king and of his own accord. Maddie died a traitor due to her own foolishness. To die staring death in the face without shame is noble. To die because you're a retard is pathetic.
I hope not, his redesign is shit and I weep that this will be his VGU. That being said, it's not like the gay sex is any better.
only saving grace of Act 3
Maddie died a traitor
She never was from piltover, sne was a noxus plant.
she never betrayed anybody, she just did her job.
Fat chance with amanda as the screenwriter
I mean I didn't but I don't wanna believe that we're getting pure shit from now on.
It'd be more believable if she was actually horny for Ambessa, or was just mad that Cait wasn't showing her an adequate level of affection.
Riot is introducing new places now from islands to continents.
She lied to people's faces and made them believe in her allegiance. False allegiance is betrayal. You don't know this though because you're Chinese.
ambessa gets some retarded vision were she sits on the throne of noxus but its split in three and something something wolf because kindred
sends mel to piltover because ?
son dies because he got into the black rose and they killed him i guess
goes to piltover in search for weapon, endangering mel while claiming protecting her is number 1 priority
show acts like mel being the super secret lovechild is super secret, but mel was never secret and openly medarda
is broadly trying to squeeze weapons out of piltovers scientists, discovers warwick by accident
ouuh its da woolf its part of the prophecy shieeet
metal man can make my soldiers indestructible, cool (right after witnessing how all of his deciples dropped to the floor when he got injured)
mel, her number one priority disagrees with her actions - actually proceeds to fight daughter in a small war
Viktor and Jayce are meant to have a brotherly bond
The writers are such liberal homos that the only way they're able to portray a strong male bond is by making them look like absolute fags
obviously not because that would spoil it retard. jinx is going to demacia wether it happens in the next series or in the next of the next. keep coping
how is heimer's song actually kino?
cat stevens vibes
You two are forgetting that Ekko and AU Powder shared the same past all the way to the first job. Which means that Arcane Powder had the same feelings AU Powder had for Ekko up to that point. From there the lack of Vi might have pushed her more to Ekko but we know that even with Vi around, Ekko and Powder spent a lot of time together (as seen in a few bits in episode 1 and 2). When Vander died and Vi left, everything changed and Silco influence was a big factor for Jinx to reject Ekko, but the bridge scene was prety much there to show that Jinx never forgot about what she felt for Ekko, which is, again, the same feelings AU Powder had.
What I'm trying to say here is that if any writer wanted to go the timebomb route with Ekko and Jinx, they could do it easily because all the leverage is already done. The week they spent together is the last cherry on the top. After all, Cait and Vi fell in love in less time than that.
What has she been responsible for?
She's either wearing a thong or she's going full commando.
Oh no. I have to cope for ten years that a headcanon might become true. Poor 2034 old me, hope he made it to 4chin of the future to get told by a lightcanon he wasn't right
Nah dude that's just spycraft. That's like saying the Boss was a Russian traitor because she actually was out to serve American interests.
I think that black thing covering her lower belly is her underwear.
No they don't. That was just one of the writer's headcanons.
She was in fact a traitor to her Russian allies, yes, that is how spycraft works. All spies are traitors and regularly they're double agents. Maddie was a disgusting turncoat whore who used her pussy to get her way and got what she fucking deserved.