Something seems different…

something seems different…

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That's nice.

The comic still repeats one joke.

who is dumb lady and what is her adult work?

Projecting your own lack of depth that prevents you from seeing depth in the work of others

What does BHJ stand for here?

That boing'ing motion is poorly drawn. At first I thought it was two identical-looking guys stacked on top of each other.

I thought that this was a parody comic made by Anon Babble but apparently the bitch actually just made this.

I'm not mad

Here's a comic about just how not mad I am

Did I mention that I'm not mad?

Done by a woman

Ok that explains why is shit, can we agree then that it will never be brought out around here?

What is BHJ?

I knew she was a girl
It’s my girl senses tingling

who the fuck is BHJ

That whore comment comic she created made all these comics seem like massive cope.

Oh wait, was this one actually drawn by the lady what did the super sad Onlyfans?

nah this nigga is not making money off of wacky faces i refuse to believe it

what is her adult work?

Pictures of her dusty snatch you can buy for $9.99.

Why do you have such strong feelings?


Big Human Jock

Or jerk
I would prefer jock though

Nothing wrong with me


yet more schizophrenia from this retard

It’s called “psychology” learn something instead of consuming streaming slop and then going into communities having nothing people want to hear

What depth does this comic have that your all seeing eyes see that others cannot? Please, enlighten us all with your infinite wisdom.

Fucking off with me

Pizzacake pls.
Nobody here wants your comics to fail. What would be the fun in that? We even miss actually shitty people like Dobson.

What does BHJ stand for?

The elf is cute
The human is doing something with the potatoes from his potato sack

shill thread

You can find them free on kenmono. She's really nothing special abuncha generic nudes and a bad starfire cosplay. Not really much of a body but you can tell she's thinks she's a 10

Based desu

I think it's kinda creatively bankrupt to basically one for one copy a format and not add anything new to it. Sue me.

She has nice legs

Bone Hurting Juice, a place on reddit (gross i know) that changes the stories of comics by changing the text, Pizzacake has a massive hate boner for them and everyone else who even lightly criticizes her boring comics by portraying them as obnoxious strawmen and herself as the based reasonable character

Webcomics do parodies of each other all the time

She looks like my sister, this is uncomfortable.

Is she like, 40

Frankly, it looks more like people here have an hateboner for her comic.

Do you think she's figured out her nudes have been leaked yet? I don't think she has lol. Not only did she get her stuff of reddit but she even got all of it off of r34 so i think she would 've tried something by now if she did, kek.

Don’t forget she threatened the moderators of BoneJuice with a DMCA and acted like they were hurling slurs at her. The mod team released the private messages showing she was the one being hostile.
BoneJuice still had to take down her content to prevent getting banned.

what a rude bitch

aint no way people pay for this

Yes. You will be too, one day.

gross 3d

She’s awfully sensitive for a woman with an Onlyfans account.

Oh cool, I'm gonna fap to her even harder abd imagine giving you a nephew!

God Im so tired of every basic bitch posting lewds online.

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Do we really need two fucking threads on this bitch?

I don't care about being 40, I just don't wanna look at old women being slutty
if I wanted to, I could just look at pictures of your mother


The elf comic isn't done by a woman, this is another comic maker using it as a thing to cry or some shit I DUNNO.

Doesn't every woman these days?


Why all the goofy, graphic faces? Why all the-