Why do they keep ruining her character?
Why do they keep ruining her character?
because she's nobody's favorite
You can't ruin what was never good.
what is her character anyway?
Superman is the true blue, boy scout that saves lives with a beaming smile
Batman is the dark, brooding loner that makes thugs and criminals fear him
Wonder Women is… woman…
Isn't this from the Kelly run from the 2000s? He really pushed that pair while he was writing them.
She's an Amazonian woman who's into BDSM and military men.
Writing for a woman superhero is a minefield.
They either try to make her a man in all but appearance and it comes across horribly, or they hyper focus on “woman issues” and it becomes niche and detached from reality like spiderwoman being heavily pregnant and still web slinging and fighting crime
Why do they keep ruining her character?
I’d say they really don’t know what to do with Wonder Woman as a character. With Batman, it’s clear—he’s a brooding loner who fights for justice. Superman? He’s the Boy Scout, a symbol of hope and humanity. But Wonder Woman? If you asked a random person on the street about her character and personality, they’d probably just say, “She’s some princess from an Amazon island.”
Her lack of clear identity is also reflected in her rogues’ gallery. Aside from Cheetah and Ares (and Dr. Domino our lord and savior), most of her villains are just a blur. It's crazy how she’s part of the "DC Trinity" yet she often feels like she’s just... there. She pops up for moments like killing Maxwell Lord, being a spy, or playing the naive fish-out-of-water who doesn’t know how to pump gas.
She’s the most recognizable female superhero in the world, yet no one seems to have a strong grasp of who she is as a character. That’s just sad.
This is from 20 years ago. She just had Steve Trevor’s daughter last month. Stop posting old shit.
Batman is Man
Wonder Woman is Woman
Superman is Soup
most women are like this
Wonder Woman's character has always been a flip-flopping mess
Wonderwoman x Batman is a good ship tho
Because they long ago forgot that Wonder Woman comics were supposed to be thinly veiled excuses to draw bondage.
Writers don't know what to do with her
Traditionally, Wonder Woman is the true blue, smiling sweet one.Superman was more stern, somewhat cocky fatherfigure. Post-crisis swapped their personalities.
"Frankly, Wonder Woman is psychological propaganda for the new type of woman who, I believe, should rule the world", Marston wrote.
Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength, and power. Not wanting to be girls, they don't want to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as good women are. Women's strong qualities have become despised because of their weakness. The obvious remedy is to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman. —William Moulton Marston
Marston was an outspoken feminist, polyamorist, and firm believer in the superiority of women. He described bondage and submission as a "respectable and noble practice". Marston wrote in a weakness for Wonder Woman, which was attached to a fictional stipulation that he dubbed "Aphrodite's Law", that made the chaining of her "Bracelets of Submission" together by a man take away her Amazonian super strength.
The only hope for peace is to teach people who are full of pep and unbound force to enjoy being bound... only when the control of self by others is more pleasant than the unbound assertion of self in human relationships can we hope for a stable, peaceful human society. —William Moulton Marston
Wonder Woman never had "character". She was literally created to be feminist propaganda.
Wonder Woman should be like Xena Warrior Princess in modern times. Idk what the fuck is so hard about that.
I liked it when she was allowed to have fun, sometimes they write her too seriously and forget kindness is her strongest asset
Why would she want a mate who is genetically inferior to her in every way
Do we need to talk about a 20 year old comic you never read just because a youtuber spoonfed you a bed storytime?
Can Amazons even have kids that aren't retarded clay babies?
What character?
This is why it's necessary to pair her up with a guy. She can't be doing this shit on her own, without a dude right by her side.
She just had Steve Trevor’s daughter last month
Thought she made her out of clay?
Wonder Woman is the true blue, smiling sweet one.Superman was more stern, somewhat cocky fatherfigure.
Yeah, I prefer them this way. Would actually save Superman's ass in the public eye if they actually went with that characterization in adaptations.
Because he's Batman.
Turning Superman into a positive father figure would make him even more unrelatable to modern audiences full of fatherless zoomers raised by single mothers.
You don't get it. Kids would view Superman as the father they wish they had. They'd pretend he was their dad.
don't we all?
Where are all the black Superman fans then, anon?
They don't read comics
That's exactly why we're in this fucking problem int he first place.
She isn't Xena. She's meant to be sweet and graceful first and foremost.
Did people already forget she ate a rat?
I wanted to have his children
Then take his sperm like a true Amazon!
its real
Wonder woman doesnt wors as amin character or part of the trinity (it should go to flash or green lantern) she works best as a supoorting character or a wise teacher for a new young character.
To be honest the most interesting thing about her was her role in injustice, she wanting to have a men like superman as a mighty warrior and partner makes far more sence than the stuff bruce timm forced in his carttons so all the female character say his name in a lust driven way.
Superman/wonder women>>>>the other ships.
*unzips pants*