God I'm so happy that they'll be miserable for the next 4 years.
God I'm so happy that they'll be miserable for the next 4 years
I doubt they care anymore, shows dropped in quality a lot recently.
The last good episode was in 2019, the last good season was in 2007. They just keep the show going so they can fund their restaurant business.
I'm listening to their commentaries on the old seasons and I'm having a great time
doesn't one of these faggots raise another man's son? LMAO
Suppose they suddenly die in a car crash or whatever. What does Comedy Central do? Not only are they the main voices and they have to recast ALL of the South Park males, but the writing, direction, etc are headed by them.
That would probably end it for a long time, they may do one "last" special or even a second movie whose antagonists are based off what Trey and Matt turned into
I'd think the more silent Hollywood types are Trump voters or Libertarian voters.
Can't wait for family guy, bob's burger, south park, the simpsons and rick and morty to fucking die.
American dad can stay btw.
Even if you change your troll image, Paris still ain't fucking with you.
It's been quite clear that Stone and Parker are neither Republican nor Democrat. They only did the whole Garrison is Trump thing because the notion was so ridiculous but then reality proved to be funnier than them and the two had to continue the storyline for the next four years. They thought they wrote themselves into a tunnel but they found out they were Wile E. Coyote'd and hit the wall.
Tbh I voted for Trump just to see how they would handle it
The most geriatric ones are. James Woods, John Voight, and Clint Eastwood are.
Trey is a closeted faggot he's been miserable even before Trump
I still don't get why they hate the first three seasons so strongly. I get that peoples humor can change overtime, but those early seasons hit the right amount of absurd and comfy for me. You'd think they'd at least have some fondness, even if their humor has shifted, but nah, they seem to hate those episodes.
they may do one "last" special or even a second movie whose antagonists are based off what Trey and Matt turned into
Who writes posts like this and is like, "Yeah, these are the thoughts of a rational individual." This is genuinely the most pathetic thing I've ever read.
Garrison as Trump wasn't even critiquing most of Trump's actual policies. They were parodies of how ridiculous Trump acts.
James Woods, John Voight, and Clint Eastwood
One thing I noticed is how the recent seasons have this "morose atmosphere" regarding the characters. Like that Streaming Wars specials, or the Post COVID specials. I like the earlier seasons because the characters are more fun without some faggy "emotional scenes" ruining it. For instance, if the "wacky molerstation" episode came out today, it would probably be written like this.
Cartman would be the only one framing his mom.
No fun "Dancing Kyle scene", instead it'd be Kyle and Cartman do their generic back and forth "You're an asshole for doing this Cartman!" "You're a Jew Kyle!" with some corny dramatic music in the background.
No threesome gag with Liane, instead some corny moment about her "needing to stand up to Eric" with some faggy piano notes playing in the background
Randy weed B plot
Something about what made the news headlines in America that week.
At least back then they knew the characters were jokes and didn't take them too seriously.
The thing is, it would be one thing to not like Trump. But Matt and Trey were Daily Show tier butthurt. Watch the episode where he wins. They straight up call the audience sexist.
Daily Show tier butthurt
Those hacks (Jon being the biggest one) are riding his second term all the way to paydirt. They're only acting, just like corporate media is.
It does seem like they've evolved a bit on some issues. Compare the trans episode they did in 2005 to the one they did in 2014. They're not left-wing or politically correct or whatever, but they move with the conventional wisdom. The 2005 episode represented the conventional wisdom among comedians and so did the 2014 episode.
I think they still believe that both sides are bad but that Trump is different and beyond the pale. This is probably still conventional wisdom in the entertainment industry even if there are fewer people who believe it in America at large.
That's 99% of Trump parodies. In fact, that's most presidential parodies. Nobody is poking fun at George W. Bush, Richard Nixon, JFK, or Bill Clinton because of their executive orders or policies; they're usually mocking their voices, mannerisms, and scandals surrounding them.
If Trump dies tomorrow and JD Vance is in charge, I would take a bet that the parodies would sink like a rock because there's not a whole lot to make fun of Vance with. He doesn't have a funny voice, he doesn't say anything outlandish, he has no scandals, he doesn't even have a funny laugh or quirk. He's just a normal-sounding, lowkey dude with a wife, kids, and a dog. The MOST you could do with him is turn him into a hillbilly caricature and do a Beverly Hillbillies parody.
Vance is a couch fucker.
Wasn't that proven to be a lie? People said it was in his memoir, then people re-read the book and no such incident was found in there.
Doesn't matter, its out there.
there's not a whole lot to make fun of Vance with
Parody him as a passioned furniture salesman on the same level of cartoonity as Mike Pillow.
he doesn't say anything outlandish
He's a two-faced politician who says what his handlers wants him to say. He'll say anything because he's a cheap whore.
I think Trump is the South Park kryptonite, in that he's too much of a character to really satirize. South Park has relied on exaggerated caricatures of celebs and politicians to poke fun at them. How would you even go about making an exaggerated caricatures of someone like Donald Trump.
It looks crazy in retrospect that pop culture mostly stayed away from making fun of the obviously funny things about Biden. I guess they thought making fun of his age or incoherence would be seen as helping Trump, but ironically it probably ended up helping Trump anyway. If there had been more mainstream comedy sketches/shows making fun of Biden as too old for the job he might still have decided to run again, but shutting up about his problems didn't do any good from a comedy or political standpoint.
We never even got something like that SNL sketch where they imagine that the doddering, incoherent Reagan we see in public is actually an evil mastermind when the cameras aren't on him.
I mean, I suppose, but I don't know how much mileage you can get out of literally one joke. Even Nixon jokes were more than just, "I am not a crook!"
Thee parody could work. I don't buy the two-faced politician. He's pretty consistent with his views and when he changes them, he gives reasons and goes into depth why. I would say Kamala is more "handler based" just from her flip-flopping on many issues in her short, three-month campaign. I don't think that's as comparable as Vance being against Trump, then talking to Trump, and now being on his side. It just sounds like dude got convinced.
It's also a question if people in Hollywood truly believed anything was wrong with Biden. There were many that were shocked by the debate and didn't realize "it was this bad" or whatever. Where as I was seeing kid sniffing jokes and skeleton Biden jokes on YouTube for years now, apparently there are a number of people who didn't pay attention to it. Probably because there wasn't a spotlight on it by the media. Whereas the "Vance is weird" push popped up like a weed, showed up EVERYWHERE for about three or four weeks, and then disappeared after the VP debate.
how much mileage can you get out of one joke
Gerald Ford fell down once and that's the one takeaway some writers went with. The bar has always been that low. Same with George Bush vomiting on the Japanese PM, same with Bill Clinton being a lech, same with Dubya pretending he's a dumb Texan gaffe machine and letting the media run with it.
Two-faced politician is a pretty generic stock character, but you could always turn his vanity against him (how young he is, how he always wears eyeliner, how socially awkward he is when trying to buy donuts).
He's a two-faced politician who says what his handlers wants him to say. He'll say anything because he's a cheap whore
But enough about Tim Walz
Trump is basically IRL Cartman. He's a human trashbag that most people would be horrified to watch, but dregs are calling him "based" on the internet because he validates them despite not having a billionaire upbringing.
This type of world view is why you guys lost
At least back then they knew the characters were jokes and didn't take them too seriously.
I honestly think people mooning over Team America made Trey and Matt decide they were beyond just doing a show about gross kids with some social commentary, and now they Had Something To Say. South Park has always had social commentary, but it also balanced it with enough absurdism and fun plots, that it didn't feel bogged down by it. Now, it's the opposite.
Plus the randy shit just sucks. Honestly, Randy was starting to get annoying by season four. I think Mary Kay Bergman dying caused the shift towards Randy becoming more over the top and annoying and Sharon becoming less so.
I'm pretty sure it was the economy, Kamala being a weak candidate shoved in at the last minute, and some of the troon shit.
Plus he's right.
Naw it's all that and Trump being a good politician in a gaining supporters sense. He's actually funny and interesting unlike any democrat they could've put against him.
Plus he's right
Oh forgot to say this is why you guys lost
Trump is basically IRL Cartman.
I like Trump but I agree that he's kind of a real life grown up Cartman. Him talking about how the Kamala debate was a 3v1 against one man of extraordinary intelligence made me LOL at how Cartman-ey it felt.
think Mary Kay Bergman dying caused the shift towards Randy becoming more over the top and annoying and Sharon becoming less so.
Her death affected all the female characters. You can spot the differences in their portrayals before and after. Issac Hayes leaving also led to a tonal shift in S10. It seems like a lot of South Park's tonal shifts seem to line up with irl voice actor deaths.
He's still right.
He's not though. I don't even know how sheltered you have to be to say that most people should be "horrified" to watch him. Like seriously that type of delusion is why you guys lost so hard.
Is this the stealth Anon Babble thread
When did I say that people should be horrified to watch him?
With those jokes, are you referring to topical shows like SNL or Daily Show who will hammer on one event for weeks at a time? Cause I was thinking more TV parodies, like Nixon in Futurama, most of Clone High, or the copious amount of Bush portrayals after 9/11.
You're saying the anon in this post is right. He calls Trump a trash bag and horrifying to watch. Normal people don't really think that
are you referring to topical shows
Yeah, guess I was. Technology's changed but the nature of the beast is still the same.
TV parodies
Difference between Futurama and Clone High is that those guys were long dead while Bush was still alive.
That's not at all what he said.
It literally is
It isn't. Go back and read the post.
Face the music, Trey
He's a two-faced politician who says what his handlers wants him to say.
Yeah his "handlers" really wanted him to nominate Matt Gaetz, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK, Vivek and Elon, etc
Just got back. Turns out I had it right the whole time
To put it another way, Trump is like IRL Arthur Fleck, a mental invalid who lives with his mother, dresses up like a clown for a living, and receives validation from other clowns because he talked about killing people on a late night talkshow and capped it all off by murdering the host on air. Most people would be horrified by the sight of somebody being shot during a live show, but the clowns rioting in the street rally around him and lift him up at the end.
The comment was about Vance, not Trump. Trump does outlandish things, Vance mostly doesn't, but the fact that he was anti-Trump when it was fashionable and then switched when it was necessary for his political career... it's not unusual, but it's just something to characterize him. (Though it isn't really enough to make fun of since most politicians do something like that.)
Recently? I would wind that back to 2014 when they started serializing whole seasons.
I'm stunned Parker has not driven off a cliff while high as fuck already.
is extremely angry about it
Fence shitters are the worst of all. Zero loyalty people deserve nothing from either side.
That's true. They changed their take on global warming and made an entire episode owning up to it and apologized to Al Gore. Hard to deny climate change when California is perpetually on fire.
He still has his trillion dollar contract from Paramount, and he's taking Warner Max for a million dollar ride. Trey and Matt are Walt Disney and George Lucas in two different bodies.
They are lifelong contrarians that only act opposite of the current grain for lols. Trey explained it back in 2005 when he said he only ever said and did things to get people. He used to walk around and tell various people in Hollywood how Bush is doing a great job, because he knew that was what shocked everyone there.
It was also the basis for the first Mr Slave episode. He said audiences would expect the people of South Park to be chocked and angry at Mr Garrison's behavior, so the best way to make a shocking episode was to have the people be super supportive every time they see Mr Garrison and Mr Slave do something insane. It just has little impact now in 2024 because everyone acts like that.
They have been making fun of how much of an awkward, lizard eyed psycho Vance is for months now.
Parker and Stone showed up to the Academy Awards high on acid. They really don't give a shit until they lose to Phil Collins.
Parker knocked up a stripper.
Lizard eyed psycho
That just shows how out of touch the left is. No one but terminally online libs think like this
Thy make fun of Vance for being an incredibly awkward out of touch dad type who has no idea how in the hell to communicate with regular people in public.
Shouldn't you be posting this on TrannySky? Why are you here?
Either CC decides the goose is too big to give up and hires a lot of impersonators, or they decide it’s not worth that much money and kill it off with a tribute special
Found the assblasted lib!
Well that and ever saying a single mean word or joke about a Liberal dictator is a hate crime in the US. The first amendment hard stops when anyone wants to say literally anything but blind praise towards the Biden Crime Family or their foreign bosses.
Nixon jokes were more wrapped around how he was an incredibly scheming hate filled old man with an enemies list. But also he can an incredibly cartoonish face that was easy to make fun of.
All anyone had on Ford was that he was clumsy that one time.
What did it for Vance was the donut shop thing where he was very obviously not paying any attention to what people were saying to him and he came off as not knowing what to say or do.
Oh Noooo he did not give a shit what some donut wagie said!! Better label him a fucking rabist racist monster!!!!
This is why you lost the election.
I can't think of the last time I gave a flying fuck what some donut wagie said either, and I probably never will.
No, Walz is just straight up a fucking traitor who turned his back on his unit in time of war, and then ran away to China. The very fact that someone like that has any capacity to rise up enough in the political system to even be eyes for vice president shows there are some SERIOUS fucking problems in this nation right abut now.
I've seen the couch fucking, the "Vance is weird" and the childless cat ladies stuff. I haven't seen anything about him being lizard-eyed or looking like a lizard person. In fact, the only expression-based meme I see about the guy is pic related.
Whats with this weird overly emotional reaction? We're talking about what happened, not what we feel.
That and he's you know....an actual self made politician and billionaire that built himself up until he reached the highest office in the world. Kamala is a DEI appointee who's only function was to wave and smile at camera and make people believe Biden was a good not racist ally.
And the rest of us are talking about how much of a bleeding vagina fag you are too. Go back to TrannySky already.
Anon Babbleoids are simultaneously conflicted about being deported back to their island of garbage and keeping up the sore winner "You Lost" act. They don't know how to communicate their real feelings en ingles.
Are you some kind of autistic lefty anon trying to falseflag people that voted Trump as retarded? There is genuinely zero reason for this reaction, we're just discussing what led to certain depictions in media popping up.
And everyone makes fun of you for being a fucking troon that looks like a fucking mascara riddled fucking mutant in public.
This shit is going on everywhere. Twitter is a god damn mess right now with people screeching random political reactions at others for just anything. Even just a drawing that has nothing to do with any element of politics. It still brings in random people who screech at them about Trump or Biden for some reason.
Adult animation is kind of in a perilous place where multiple decade long shows only exist due to certain people just not dying. If Matt & Trey died than South Park is fucked. If Seth McFarlane died then Family Guy and American Dad are fucked. Simpsons could actually survive Matt Groening dying but if the voice of Homer Simpson died then they'd be fucked.
At this point it's all just a waiting game to see who dies first.
It seems like every show started in 98-99 just will never end at all unless the creator finally fucking dies already. Even then that still didn't stop Spongebob.
Typical libshitery, make claims and pretend everyone is secretly on your side.
That weren't true when Clinton wuz president, though.
Al Jean even got asked to explain why the Simpsons constantly had unflattering Clinton caricatures when he was president, but never a George W. Bush caricature. I can't remember his explanation, but everyone sort of knew that TV networks didn't want to wade into the controversies over Bush, while Clinton mockery was fair game even for people who voted for him.
That changed in the Obama era, partly because of Obama's identity and partly because media viewership started to fragment to the point that it was no longer seen necessary to please all sides.
I'm starting to think that replacing a voice actor is more difficult than replacing the actual show's creators. Rick and Morty somehow managed to do it, and it seemed like people's concern was less with the creative vision of the show due to Roiland leaving and more with worries that Rick and Morty would sound "different".
Since you are a retarded zoomer and talking out of your ass, I can tell you know fuckall about this topic.
Nigger every single last fucking CORNER of tv made fun of Bush every single day until he finally left office. It was impossible to get away from the screaming libs bitching and moaning about Bush is so mean, Bush is the literal antichrist, Bush is a warmonger. You could not escape it no matter what.
People can change their minds. Trump used to be a Clinton donor.
R&M went through a gradual shift in leadership, so people either didn't notice the difference in writing with Harmon at the helm vs. Roiland until many seasons later, or they liked the change. Many people were able to see the changes happening by season 3, but it was gradual enough that many people here didn't jump ship until maybe season 5.
Imagine if we went from S1 writing to S6 writing back-to-back. You would definitely get shocked by the difference.
Jokes about Bill Clinton were good-natured. Lol he plays the sax! Lol he got a blowjob! He was a very flawed president to be sure, but most of the things he'd be mocked for in popular culture weren't political policies.
George Bush started multiple wars. Trump, well I don't need to explain why he's a politically touchy subject. You also have to remember it was a different time. Even to this day people laugh about the Monica Lewinsky scandal, but if the same shit happened with Trump today than it'd be under the lense of #MeToo and there would be articles about how it was basically rape because of the radically different power dynamics.
Jokes about Bill Clinton were good-natured.
Your second example, not so much. The Simpsons were rarely ever kind to him when this was their tamest joke.
Bush is the literal antichrist, Bush is a warmonger
Both true
Bush is what libs accuse trump of being
Yes. Making fun of Clinton for being lazy is pretty tame compared to the Bush years where people were literally making devil effigies of the guy and burning them on the street. It's easy to forget due to 8 years of the media acting like Trump is the worst person ever, but Bush hate was actually really strong in the wake of the 2 wars he started.
Simpsons showing Clinton walking through the streets playing his sax and being lazy is nothing. In fact Clinton playing his sax isn't even a negative thing it was part of what made him popular with voters.
Trump isn’t gonna be president, Kamala is preparing a court case, and he’s still a convicted felon. They’re waiting to sentence him to prison still
Bait used to be believable
Most adult animation is only around due to a couple of people, they know they can survive on reruns alone
If nothing else the next 4 years will be interesting even if America faces a total collapse.