"Jax is an NPC" bros, I don't feel so good

Just admit you're ripping off Dot Hack Sign.

The less xhe talks about it the better

Showrunners in the internet age are way too concerned with the audience, in agregate, correctly predicting the course the story will take. Some shows have even hasitly replaced ideas with inferior ones just to achiveve a suprise.


The only Jax that I know (and that I like) is the Jax from Mortal Kombat. Any other Jax in the existence can fuck off and die

He’s cool


has there been any new MK animated stuff announced since the 80s Johnny movie released?

Mortal Kombat is the laughing stock of fighting games.
Only thing funnier than it is Injustice.

don't care. For me it's forever 90s

They laugh to the bank

that time Telltale rewrote the entire overarching plot of the The Wolf Among Us game because internet sleuths had successfully pieced together the identity of the killer within 48 hours of the first chapter going live, in a story that was supposed to be a five-chapter mystery

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I always, always hate this shit. If you foreshadow and people theorize correctly, that means that you succeeded in your foreshadowing and those people will be super happy once they play the game and their theory is correct.

Changing something just because some people on the internet followed the breadcrumbs correctly makes you a coward and ruins your foreshadowed story altogether.

he's a blubber butt

It was after Chapter 2, but yeah.

what was it originally?

It’s a shapely, possibly metallic one. Better watch out if you don’t like it, lest he launch it at you

MK's always been kind of a joke. The biggest joke was trying to move on after MK Trilogy and killing off the old cast.

Go back to twitter

It wasn't buying up expensive IP licenses that killed Telltale, but 11th hour rewrites of the Wolf Among Us game that's permeated into how long the sequel's taken to finish.

The only joke is that it's been 20 years and we still don't have a Fire and Ice or Edenian Princesses co-op beat 'em up game

The tl;dr version is that the "Crooked Man", the eventually revealed villain, was going to be an alias of The Boy Who Cried Wolf (A Shepherd's crook, get it?). Said lad was plastered all over Chapter 1 in random, seemingly innocuous places with his crook-patterned tie on full display in a painfully "look back at the early chapters, see he was there the WHOLE TIME OMG" fashion.

A big Pepe Silvia-tier theory was crafted on the subject, all the evidence arrayed, and posted on the main Telltale forums, which the devs frequented, within a couple days of release; next thing we know, episode 2 went from being out in a few weeks to being delayed for four months or so, and vast swaths of the previously established previews and upcoming chapter art are subsequently replaced, or never occur.

Likewise, The Boy Who Cried Wolf stops appearing all over the place in all future chapters, and the "Crooked Man" is revealed to be his own character altogether rather than a bit of wordplay. Also the plot just kind of sucked and made no sense if you think about it too long, but that tends to happen during hasty rewrites.

this, the worst thing you can do in a mystery is rewrite the culprit without changing the evidence and foreshadowing.

if it's too obvious and you have to rewrite it, throw in a red herring or something to make players think they were maybe wrong and plant the seeds of doubt, but keep the mastermind the same so it's even more exciting when they learn they were right. they easily could have kept the original boy who cried wolf storyline and put the actual crooked man from the final game in as a red herring who turns out to be innocent (but still evil) or something.

This would have been much better, if Bigby confronted the actual crooked man and his crew in chapter 3 or 4 only to find out that he isn't the killer and that he got duped and misled.

This is like the opposite of when a random video predicted the SAW films, and the writers just followed the theory to a T

I'm worried Toby Fox will do the same since so many people speculate on Deltarune there must be someone who pieced everything together by now.

He never really passes the "has knowledge of women beyond what's in his freezer" test.

green lantern shrieking intensifies

Don’t worry, Toby Fox is a competent writer

Toby Fox is a competent writer

and I say this as someone who likes his stuff

Do you disagree? I've only recently played UNDERTALE, and it is quite good. Cried quite a bit, too. I trust his skills.

Deltarune Ch.1 released in 2018

Deltarune Ch. 2 release in 2021

Chapters 3 and 4 are scheduled to release in 2025

NTA, but Toby's failing seems to be that he's a perfectionist and that's costing him precious time.

Story-structure wise, it makes the most sense for Ragatha to be an NPC.

I also like to torture his fans with knowledge that the lgbtq among them cost me helping Toby with his projects, that may affect him

Goose sure has been running their mouth the past couple days. idk what the fuck they were thinking discussing their NSFW account publicly on bluesky.

Same. I could see it going any number of ways, but if I had to pick one set of twists, it'd be Gangle abstracting and Ragatha as an NPC,

Ragatha is the second earliest member of the current cast, only behind Kinger

That means only Kinger would know Ragatha is an NPC because all of the others when she joined abstracts besides him, and he's insane

I'm still not personally on board with the theory but that's some damn mighty evidence for it.

Do we have any solid confirmation on the order of seniority aside from:
A: Kinger is the oldest surviving player
B: Jax is NOT the second oldest surviving player, since he states his knowledge of Kinger being the oldest is hearsay rather than something he can personally vouch for

I don't keep tabs on most of the external media and twitter posts outside of random threads like these, so I'm probably missing a fair amount of juicy info like this.

To be fair, NPC Jax would be pretty obvious.

watching this 30 year old man talk and act like a 13 year old tumblr girl makes me sad

The order of entry for the current cast was stated by Goose to be Kinger, Ragatha, Jax, Gangle, Zooble, and then Pomni. But there's no in-universe acknowledgement of who entered first or not. So basically you have to take the theory with a grain of salt. It's entirely possible Goose is lying to us and Jax is indeed the first, but it's also possible Goose is telling the truth. No way to know for sure.

There's a reason it's a popular headcanon in the fandom, after Gummigoo, the idea of an NPC gaining sentience is there, and would be an easy way of explaining why Jax doesn't care about anything besides being a bitch.

nta but that's based and I don't even have that fetish.

I get the feeling that, assuming the "secret NPC" thing pans out at all, that Jax is an intentional red herring; the cartoonishly violent jackass lacking basic human decency ends up just being a real, shitty person.

his only 'bad' writing was halloween hack and that had gems like

tl;dr, eat shit faggots
