Lucy lupine

Lucy lupine

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'Lupine' would be wolf-related. 'Lapine' would be rabbit-related (though only thanks to the French/Watership Down). Really, for rabbits, you'd want 'Leporine' since the family is Leporidae.

she's a dumb bunny

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i want spongebob to fuck her booty

what if stonetoss sexy??

I really liked this comic. Wish the artist didn't go full I can do anything made that holocaust comic in spite and got in trouble with their job.

Imagine if her and Rosalina had a massive feast of burritos and then emptied the restaurant they were eating at while having something of a "loudness war"

what ever happened to the artist anyway?

He looked to seek a career in marketing and in order to achieve that dream he had to nuke all his rosianna rabbit content. Its around but its not on any official site


THAT was her name! God, I was so close...



I'd say so.


I don't get it.

bunny sex


I remember drawing some requests of her once.

It was VERY badly drawn but they were good fun.

would you draw her now

Bunny thread?

Sonic clone

Celebrity Magician Annie Ayuwoki owns an incredible island resort theme park, but feels awful about the passage of time, so on her birthday she creates a time loop to enjoy her special day as long as she can
Inaba Jack is on vacation visiting the park with her family, and thanks to their strong wills, they're some of the only people in the park that can actually feel the day reset every morning
It's up to Jack to beat the clock and break the loop before midnight


he cute

sure why not

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Bunnies, you say?

mathilda.png - 248x832, 129.59K

Bnuuy thread, you say?

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RIP o7

This artist had retarded internet drama but I can’t remember the details, could someone give me a QRD?

Retards getting mad because he illustrated a joke that has been around since before said retards were born.

he got bored of his comic and stopped drawing it at the height of its popularity and people got reasonably upset


Who made this?


Imagine drawing and being a decent artist.
You make funny comics and actually garner an audience.
And you throw it ALL away from a job in marketing?
Retard. People would love what this guy gained and he didn't even fucking care.

He only made that shitty comic to pander to the rightoids whining about his trump comic, instead of handling that gracefully he went out like a retard

Here's a pity (You), do better next time.

Cry harder

Marketers are scum. You have to have an actual black pit in your heart if you give up art in favor of it.