This isn’t a report. She isn’t reporting anything. It’s a slice of life column. Not so subtly advertising her podcast too
I don’t know how people fall for this shit. It’s the height of gullibility
shocking headline to draw in clicks
actual text is four sections of milquetoast opinions
big revelation is that she met someone who is now famous for being bad 35 years ago at a shitty university house party
Nah, clearly she’s sex trafficking cargo crates of teens and this bland ass column about nothing happening was the secret confirmation code to make it happen
And she’d have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for the fatal slip up of… saying she met maxwell?
It’s not hard to find legit pedos in British media and politics. Boris Johnson or a Rachel Johnson aren’t it. Boris is just a sleazy scumbag with more batard kids than Robert Baratheon, and Rachel is just a posh professional neoliberal feminist.
no man, you don’t get it they’re actually all in on the pedo rings with dark secrets, glowies, deep state blah blah blah
This would be a lot more believable if they were shown to be capable of keeping a fucking house party during Covid secret. Instead of it destroying Boris Johnson’s premiership and ending his career.
Apparently they couldn’t keep casual drinks during the lockdowns between them and their friends, but they manage to do so with far more elaborate and dangerous ideas that would involve far more people and much higher stakes too
There’s enough real conspiracies in the world. Why do people insist on believing the stupid ones too