Why has Neil Gaiman just completely vanished from the world?

Why has Neil Gaiman just completely vanished from the world?

He didn’t even try and fight his cancellation. Just let himself be labelled a rapist predator. Stepped down from all creative projects. And his career seems to be dead

Is he hoping if he lies low for a year that people will just forget and welcome him back?

I’m pissed this means we almost certainly won’t see the end of the Miracleman comic now, Disney cancelled their adaptation of his ‘The Graveyard Book’ into a movie, and that’s a hell of a lot more money and investment than letting him write some niche comic they happen to own

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Disappearing is probably the best thing you can do during a super canceling since they won't let you just continue on

It’s just right wing cancel culture making shit up. He will be fine

The best thing to do is actually to just keep releasing new work and not engage with those trying to cancel you. But obviously it’s not really possible with him since he relies on publishing houses and companies etc.

Major ones like Disney and Amazon have kicked him out of their projects he was involved with, and the only comics or publishing houses he could easily get with would be smaller shittier ones not afraid of being controversial

He did some great work but that was at odds with the degenerate lifestyle he chose. He should rewind and be more like the Neil Gaiman who put G.K. Chesterton in his work
He found no warmth and gratitude by mingling that sort of content with the interests of degenerates

It's the smart play. It puts the ball squarely in the accuser's court and allows your lawyers to comb over every statement they make for errors or inaccuracies while preventing them from doing so in return.

never sold out to Hollywood

disapproves of their misinterpretations of his work

has never raped anyone


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I hope he doesn’t get away with all his rape and abuse of those poor girls. But we’ve seen that powerful men are basically allowed to be predators without punishment. He will probably get a lifetime achievement award after his grooming comes to light

I will never forgive him for the comments he made about Robert E Howard. Really exposed him for the contrarian hack piece of shit he is

Neil "Scary Trouser Snake" Gaiman

Neil "Painal" Gaiman

Neil "watch my kids, shit my jizz" Gaiman

says retarded shit before the release of the netflix adaption

karma is real anons don’t ever forget

He kind of painted himself into a corner by spending years saying we must believe all women and acting like MeToo was a blessed mission. So when he got accused by multiple women he couldn’t even really call them liars. Both because he admits he had sex with them, and because calling them liars would mean admitting his worldview is wrong. Something I doubt he can admit to himself.

Instead he did a weird tactic where he claimed all the women were just “confused”, that there was “miscommunication”. Blamed his self diagnosed autism for not seeing social cues so he had no choice but to rape, and also claiming one of the girls has brain issues and memory problems (why fuck her then? Especially when she was his 19 year old nanny for his kids too)

This is truly karma for all the Twitter shit he was posting about how Sandman fans upset about the woke changes are scumbags who aren’t real fans.

Enjoy being known as a pariah Gay Man. Your children will google your name and see the news you raped women for the rest of your life.

His submission was foretold by his name, Kneel Gay Man.

His Sandman stories about women make so much sense now because of this incident.
Though the popularity he gained from it made him into a sexual deviant instead of keeping him as a recluse.

Literally the left eating their own. If this guy wasnt such a woke posturing faggot, nobody would have cared

They likely weren't his original thoughts, given how the essay had pieces of it influenced by the words and writings of women (like the part about manga), and the biographical part from de Camp's biography of Howard.
What that ordeal exposed to me was how sensitive Howard's fans are. I legitimately cannot enjoy Conan anymore because I keep thinking his fans are all pansies that are hurt by words.

The louder men virtue signal as male feminists/anti-white whites/LGBTQ DEI SJW whatever, the higher the chance they overcompensating to calm down their guilty conscience about some genuinely depraved shit. Every fucking time.

Why has Neil Gaiman just completely vanished from the world?

Because all he has to do is wait and then release the sequels he's been working on for American Gods and Neverwhere. He'll pop right back into the Bestsellers list and none of this will matter because he's still making his publishers money.

why even hire her as a nanny?
his wife supposedly met her randomly on the street after a show. bringing a total stranger into your house to watch your kids is retarded

Neil is a big time leftist Jew and he was double cancelled for being a rapist and a Zionist, none of which flies well with his audience of young grooming targets. Doesn't help the Sandman show underperformed while doing tons of race bending just for the sake of virtue signaling. That helps people realize he was never that good.

I don’t care about Conan beyond knowing it was an important piece of fiction in the historical canon. I cared that someone would have the state of mind to shit on some person they clearly know nothing about for killing themself as if it was a reflection on how that therefore means their work and previous lifestyle was bad. Mental illness and depression? Nah mate, he was a mommas boy or something and there’s loads of rape in those Conan stories because he’s a chud (says man who clearly hasn’t read Conan stories because he doesn’t rape)

Really it’s the self righteous half assed attempt to intellectualise somebodies personal tragedy to prop up your own work.

I’m not a big Star Wars fan either, and the prequels were shit. But imagine if George Lucas killed himself in the nineties, then somebody like Gaiman or Grant Morrison wrote an article about how they were a failure of a human over it and also their work was bad too while clearly having never seen the movies based on their comments as to why

I’d love to believe Alan Moore has grown up. Since his comments and changed his beliefs but there’s no evidence of this

Neverwhere is kino
I did want to see it continue

what's Moore's opinion on Manga? I didn't even know he had ever given his thoughts publically about them

It was a transactional relationship. She was a non native to New Zealand and needed a job in order to be allowed to stay in country. Gaiman offered this plus room and board and held the threat of firing her and thus having her deported over her head as he groomed her to be his sex slave.

Also he shoved a stick of butter up her ass against her will, which was a weirder part of the story I read. Why did he do this? Surely butter isn’t the best lube

It'll be good, I'm sure, but I doubt it'll have anything to do with Richard or Door because it's tentatively titled The Seven Sisters, which will have to do with Serpentine, Victoria, Olympia and the other unnamed four powerful denizens of London (and elsewhere?) below.

It’s for children, only adults who like it are pedos, and he’s right.

Moore wrote a book about writing comics and his main advise was to copy Frank Miller and that Miller was so good (back then) because he was influenced by manga.

that's a fair enough opinion due to how the Anime/manga fandom is in the west

I'm reading Sandman right now and the first book was extremely edgy and tryhard. Does it get better?

Boris Johnson's sister

the left


Alan Moore doing a Frank Miller pastiche is still funny to me

It really does get better. The book started out as more of a straight-up horror comic heavily influenced by "Swamp Thing," and around issue 8 it starts to turn into its own thing.

dammit wrong image
first page

Yes, he's letting this blow over while the media runs cover for him

That kind of slavery is common in the Gulf countries and Israel. So he was taking ideas from some weird places.

What does this mean?

You realise the people who cancelled him are the legions of leftist fans right? Boris Johnson’s sister isn’t a wizard. Her interviewing Gaiman’s supposed victims didn’t force leftists to attack him. They chose to do this

Also it’s odd to try and deflect this with such a tangentially related person

“Boris Johnson’s sister”…. Implication being what exactly? That because she’s the sister of a member of the UK conservative party, the party that supported and passed gay marriage, hate speech laws to protect Muslims, and the largest mass migration to Britain in history, that she’s somehow right wing?

What the fuck is right wing if that’s your idea of it?

He's just a big Last Tango in Paris fan.

It was half-assed if you look at the entire essay, and that's part of the problem. People took it as a scathing, directed attack against Howard, but it was a long essay full of snippets like that which probably weren't very well researched, and the Conan/Howard pieces were only a couple of paragraphs. He even wrote at the end that he if fucked up in the essay at any point, to please write him to challenge or correct, but the magazine it was published in was canceled. I don't think he ever went back and researched that like he did for Lovecraft.
He quoted a book by a woman who read manga and mentioned how there were really fucked up shit, including gratuitous (keyword, here) rape, was available for children, noting a difference in culture or something. I doubt he read any at the time.
Not what he wrote.

I know Moore has a habit of parroting shit he hears/reads, but his comments about Robert E. Howard really are just needlessly spiteful. And I'm not even really a fan of Conan or Solomon Kane.

>has never raped anyone

bullshit. that shitty lovecraft comic was 100% an autobiography, with himself as the fishman.

So have any legitimate newspapers done their own reporting on it yet? I clocked out the moment I realised they were using the case to try and sell their fucking true crime podcast and after that I never heard anything except some people bringing up stuff they'd heard in the podcast. If someone like Ronan Farrow did their own digging and released it in a non-joke format that isn't made to be filled with ads shilling shaving cream or other stupid shit then I'd be way more inclined to read the allegations.

He can't refute the allegations without contradicting his believe all women schtick

You fool. You idiot. You moron. Moore's rapes are autobiographical but he's the one being raped. That's why rape always comes back as the ultimate bad thing in his stories, because it's the worst thing that's happened to him.

The trouble is he’s literally spouted the “believe all women” nonsense. Can’t very well say “but don’t believe these women” without sounding like a hypocrite.

Just let himself be labelled a rapist predator.

Stepped down from all creative projects.

Have you considered the possibility that he did it and knows he can't deny it?

NTA but Rachel Johnson is probably a glowie of some sort, so you gotta wonder whether she choose to expose Gaiman for a specific reason, or just because she was bored. Before the expose I heard anons talk about him and his wife fucking their students, so probably everybody in his social circle knew he was a creep and didn't said anything about it.

A man with his money and fame can always deny it.


I don’t even think you’re wrong. But he was a thirty year old man when he wrote that article. Not a kid doing a last minute college essay.

It betrays a real sense of immaturity or outright callousness to talk about someone’s suicide like that. And it’s no excuse to just say you didn’t do any research for your article attacking someone and their work.

He even wrote at the end that he if fucked up in the essay at any point,

How about don’t write made up cruel accusations and claims, and then ask others to correct you later because you’re somehow passionate enough to think this is worth writing and publishing, but care so little you don’t even read any of the Conan stories you’re so upset about because you believe they featured Conan raping women in them, something you’d have realised is false by just reading a couple of the stories which aren’t even long

For a guy who got so upset about people “not getting” his characters like Rorschach he didn’t pay the same courtesy to others

Moore got raped

that would go a long way towards explaining his clearly defective personality.

Engaging with social media is a mistake 100% of the time. Best case scenario is he didn't do anything and gets raked over the coals for denying it, has his name cleared, and then people still assume he did it because he engaged with them when they were in retard witch hunt mode.

The only correct action to take, whether guilty or innocent, is to disengage and ignore it. Dude probably has more than enough money to live off of, he has nothing to gain by trying to fight this shit and everything to lose.

Are you saying that whether or not he actually did anything, should not be a factor in how he reacted?

Alan moore never grew past the age of thirteen. Genuinely one of the most overrated writers, let alone intellectuals, of all time. I’m surprised he hasn’t suffocated with his head so far up his own ass.

From what I understand, that's what was available at the time, but I haven't looked that far into it. The novel about Howard written by his sweetheart didn't come out until after the essay.
He was molested, and at one point kidnapped, but he never claimed to be raped.

It's been a pretty big thing for decades that he'd fuck Death cosplayers at cons and that Amanda would fuck her fans on tours because they had an open relationship, but the key part of that was that the Death cosplayers wanted to fuck the writer of Sandman, so the only time I ever saw someone try to make a stink about it was when he didn't join the comicgators. The problem is that a man who gets to be the "hot bad boy" of the comic industry for decades will inevitably turn out a creep when he gets too old to be the bad boy and instead because the old lecher who still thinks everyone wants him. He was the closest the comic industry gets to a rock star.

The people who make up a story about Amanda leaving him because of how he acted are fools. She was clearly fine with their arrangement until they got stuck living together for several months in a row during Covid and they realised their relationship had only worked because they didn't see each other every day and got to fuck other people all the time.

He is one of the best Western comic writers and the industry basically collapsed shortly after he became famous, so there hasn't been a lot of strong competition since then.

My favorite thing from all of this is seeing the used books stores flooded with his work now.

He is one of the best Western comic writers

No he really isn’t. When you grow up you’ll realize this.

Alan moore never grew past the age of thirteen.

He is one of the best Western comic writers

NTA but I see no contradiction
Moore is a clear case of being good at something (comics writing) making his ego go massive, so he acts Ioke he's a genius at everything

NTA but Rachel Johnson is probably a glowie of some sort

There's some real deep state shit going on with her """reporting""".

Rachel Johnson is just a standard neoliberal

heavily anti brexit and pro European Union

pro liberal economics

pro liberal social policies

born into rich family and has only known luxury

been a career journalist since the eighties

She isn’t a glowie. She’s just a neolib.

Regardless, she didn’t “target Gaiman”. Numerous women raised that they had a story to tell about him and she interviewed them first. She’s a journalist. This is what journalists do.

Tortoise Media the podcasting/online media company then asked for the story to be an exclusive with them because obviously this would give them a boost as a new media company for a relatively big scoop.

The only people claiming this is some targeted campaign or harassment or attempt by Johnson to personally “get” Gaiman seem to not understand the situation at all. Johnson doesn’t even run tortoise media, Johnson didn’t make up the allegations, she just interviewed them first.

The ENTIRE narrative that this is some cabal of right wingers trying to take down innocent Gaiman seems to come entirely from trans drama. Rachel Johnson has been publicly skeptical over trans stuff like a lot of other middle aged feminists, Gaiman claims he is super pro trans. Tortoise media has no opinion on either because it’s just a news site. Their standard articles are on the liberal side encouraging migration and neolib shit.

So once again a bunch of leftists show up themselves as scumbags by deciding Gaiman being accused of rape isn’t actually that big a deal because… a woman who interviewed his victims is not a fully fledged supporter of trans politics.

I read books bruh.

Regardless if there was consent or not, fighting it would only bring continue exposure towards it. If you know you are innocent, just remain silent and don't comment on the subject. Eventually people will get bored of it and move on to something else. It's also not like he was charged with an official crime and have actual evidences against him like the Diddler is.

I’m not a big Star Wars fan either, and the prequels were shit. But imagine if George Lucas killed himself in the nineties, then somebody like Gaiman or Grant Morrison wrote an article about how they were a failure of a human over it and also their work was bad too while clearly having never seen the movies based on their comments as to why

I could actually see Warren Ellis doing that, based on his dislike of Star Wars and him doing edgelord takes back in the 90s/00s.

A lot of the reporting on Weinsteins and Epstein was carefully managed so that a lot of the co conspirators and clients got away with it.

It's the only possible move, bunker down, wait however many years it takes for it to blow over, there won't be any real world legal challenges, probably, and eventually he'll get more work - big hit to his bottom line but he'll survive. If he's a cynical grifter like whatsisname, that brit comedian/singer who also got cancelled, he can rebrand.... Russel Brand, that's who I was thinking of! He can rebrand himself as the ideological opposite of what he was, but I don't think he has it in him

So does any adult not stuck in their teens. You’re also posting on Anon Babble and acting like Alan moore is a notably talented writer and intellectual. Appealing to your own reading habits has nothing to do with that discussion, and it’s childish to think it does.

Wasn't Ellis cancelled tho?

I want Miracleman: The Dark Age goddammit

He quoted a book by a woman who read manga and mentioned how there were really fucked up shit, including gratuitous (keyword, here) rape, was available for children, noting a difference in culture or something. I doubt he read any at the time.

And that's different from the edgy shit he wrote in Miracleman how?

The Brand rebranding is so cynical but it makes sense since he has no other option when it comes to growing his audience and the liberals already hated him anyway. The problem with leftists like Gaiman and Avellone is that they probably do believe in all the progressive shit they say.

What, are you some sorta retard?

Congrats to Moore on predicting All-Star Batman

I didn't said intellectual. I said he is one of the best comic writers in the West, although I meant one of the best Anglo ones since I haven't read a lot of French comics.

The rapes in Marvelman are clearly portrayed as bad.

Honestly I don't even think it's as deep as trannies seething, I think it's just Gaiman fans coping.

Alan Moore barely has an ego. Just because he walked away doens't mean he thinks he's the best.

Miracleman was aimed at adults, and the rape is unerotic.

you think he regrets making Death black

He was, but that other anon was talking about a hypothetical scenario where Lucas killed himself in the 90s. Back then Ellis was going full-edgelord as his brand gimmick.

This isn’t a report. She isn’t reporting anything. It’s a slice of life column. Not so subtly advertising her podcast too

I don’t know how people fall for this shit. It’s the height of gullibility

shocking headline to draw in clicks

actual text is four sections of milquetoast opinions

big revelation is that she met someone who is now famous for being bad 35 years ago at a shitty university house party

Nah, clearly she’s sex trafficking cargo crates of teens and this bland ass column about nothing happening was the secret confirmation code to make it happen

And she’d have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for the fatal slip up of… saying she met maxwell?

It’s not hard to find legit pedos in British media and politics. Boris Johnson or a Rachel Johnson aren’t it. Boris is just a sleazy scumbag with more batard kids than Robert Baratheon, and Rachel is just a posh professional neoliberal feminist.

no man, you don’t get it they’re actually all in on the pedo rings with dark secrets, glowies, deep state blah blah blah

This would be a lot more believable if they were shown to be capable of keeping a fucking house party during Covid secret. Instead of it destroying Boris Johnson’s premiership and ending his career.

Apparently they couldn’t keep casual drinks during the lockdowns between them and their friends, but they manage to do so with far more elaborate and dangerous ideas that would involve far more people and much higher stakes too

There’s enough real conspiracies in the world. Why do people insist on believing the stupid ones too

redditspacing after every sentence

yeah I ain't reading that shit chief

Reddit spacing is a term only newfags use in order to fit in faggot

I disagree that Howard readers are sensitive or spiteful. From what I know of the man, from his writings, to the memoir written by Novalyne Price Ellis, Howard was a deeply lonely man who was rejected by his town and largely by Texan society because he chose to be a writer. He craved companionship and love, and in the end couldn't find it.

I think it shows far more insecurity in those who choose to dunk on Howard and then get upset when people call them out.

Nearly ten years later Gaiman and Claire had two phone calls, in response to a letter she sent him detailing her ongoing trauma from the incident. Tortoise has heard recordings of these calls. Neil Gaimain admits that he “fucked up”, calls his behaviour “shitty,” and offers to pay Claire $60,000 to cover the cost of her therapy, and promises to make a “hefty donation” to a rape crisis centre where she once worked.

Hmmmm. Don’t know about you guys but I don’t tend to donate to rape crisis centers when I’m “falsely” accused of rape

”Claire" first spoke out on the Am I Broken: Survivor Stories podcast at the end of July. Now she speaks with Tortoise, with new information including Gaiman's position (relayed by lawyers), the phone call audio in which he spoke with contrition and blamed his autism for assaulting her, and the revelation that Gaiman never donated to the rape crisis center as he told her he would.

Hahahaha he fucking lied too. He just told her he’d donate the money and assumed she wouldn’t find out he didn’t?

It’s ok though, he’s autistic. How could he know you’re not meant to rape?

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It applies perfectly when someone does it to this degree. What else would you call that retarded way of posting?

No, I said Moore was spiteful, not Howard or his fans.

On the plus side, at least he doesn’t get to ruin Terry Pratchetts creations any more.

Why did this selfish cunt keep making good omens past the first season? They only made the one book. Gaiman isn’t capable of replicating that Pratchett humour and style the same way, just came off as him trying to squeeze cash out of his dead “friends” legacy

The Good Omens team also said they’re not using any of Gaiman’s scripts for this new season 3. So they threw out his scripts. Decided they’re not gonna do a whole season but rather one special to finish it off, and it will be written by someone else too. All while Gaiman “voluntarily” steps away and agrees to not show his face while they promote it

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Unironically if the phone calls are legit it's over for him.

My mistake.

to this degree

If it was ever a valid term the degree to which someone employs it wouldn’t matter you autistic fuck. It’s merely spacing for readability, because whether on mobile or desktop the reply box is small and yet the post box quite wide.

It used to be we called retards retarded for dumping walls of text, now you newfags spout “le Reddit spacing” just to fit in. Go back, blow your brains out and stream it, or simply shut the fuck up you insufferable faggot.

Why isn’t Gaiman demanding his day in court to prove his innocence?

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All good

Moore’s spiteful attacks in Lovecraft while mining his works is far worse in my opinion but we’ve been over this in recent threads.

Moore parrots things from the progressive literature commentary circles so he gets pats on the back every so often. He’s a spineless, feckless fuck with zero knowledge of American culture. I truly wish he’d stop ever speaking about the country, it’s personalities or it’s history.

Gonna be honest, apart from Coraline, no adaptation of his work has been very good.

I don't get it. Even her side of the story just says he caused her trauma by kissing her and grabbing her tits while she felt trapped at the back of the bus?? That's not good, sure, but it's hardly him getting accused of rape and donating to a rape crisis centre to try and silence it. Sounds like he really did misread the signs, since he clearly stopped when she wasn't into it. If he was a rapist he wouldn't have stopped after groping her tits.

his comments about Robert E. Howard really are just needlessly spiteful

I know Moore pretty much hates everybody now but is there a link to what he said about Howard?

Comics are for children though. Lets not kid ourselves.

Breaking parts into paragraphs for legibility is one thing, only retards ever complained about that being done. Giving damn near each sentence its own line is another. It's what retards do when they don't know how paragraphs are meant to work.

Gaiman is just being consistent. He stated in the past that famous people should not deny false allegations against them because it could cause harassment of those doing the allegations.

Truly a modern day saint

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he made those comments before almost anyone here was born, to be provocative.

'believe women' is not meant to be 'women never lie' or 'women are infallible like lunatic evangelicals believe the KJ bible is'.
This is in response to a dude walking into a police station claiming a guy stole his bike being taken seriously most the time but a woman reporting rape is laughed at, ignored, undermined (are you sure you're not just a bitter shrew?) or discouraged (this will ruin the man's life, are you sure you want to be so heartless where there is little evidence and this will be on the back burner for us for maybe a dozen years and we will likely throw away your rape kit in a month or two without even checking the dna in our database?)
that's what the term means.
Rape cultures like ours ignore and undermine efforts of justice by ridiculous comparison to something like tax fraud which is seriously investigated even for small-time nobody citizens who might have exaggerated a single deduction. Meanwhile, a doctor might report that a nine year old girl's genitals and asshole look like someone tried to fuck her with a chainsaw and cops won't even show up to the hospital for a week because it's 'uncomfortable'. Looking into family law is fucking depressing.

how paragraphs are meant to work

Coming from the faggot who doesn’t know how sentences (or greentexts) work is quite rich. And mind you, I don’t find any problem with the formatting of your post but I find it funny that now you’re appealing to grammatical rules to explain why you’re spouting the Reddit spacing buzzword.

Just lurk moar faggot.

Well, well, well.

If it isn’t the consequences of my own actions

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'believe women' is not meant to be 'women never lie' or 'women are infallible like lunatic evangelicals believe the KJ bible is

This is resoundingly untrue. The phrase was “believe ALL women” and the belief was always “why would women lie about that and subject themselves to public scrutiny”. There is ZERO wiggle room there.


"Conan the Rapist", so he calls Conan, and refers to Howard as an insecure coward who writes unashamed power fantasies.

Stephen King has a line on him as well, saying that he's a good writer but he's a fat loser who writes for fat losers. And the publishers of the Complete Chronicles of Conan had the absolute gaul to put part of his quote on the back of the book? Like bro, between King and Howard only one of them wrote about children fucking.

“Redditspacing” has gotta be the funniest filter in years. You can tell someone is new whenever they say it.

Nobody gives a fuck how something is written as long as it’s legible. Redditspacing means anything and like a lot of shitposts the people who came in after it started failed to understand it.

Ah well, you clearly need to feel like you belong. Maybe you should go back to plebbit. Get a username and whatever instead of begging for attention here

had the absolute gaul

Is that Asterix or Obelix? I always forget.

That and someone using "sage" thinking it actually does anything. Never mind the fact that they are also using it incorrectly.

don’t mind me, I just sympathise with victims of rape and molestation

This guy really has a type, huh?

Do you think he rationalised his own actions as not being “real” abuse, or that he knew it was and hoped this public act would balance out his sins by doing “good” too?

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Gall. I'm stupid.

Don't worry, you're a diamond dozen in my book.

Yes all women


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Saying Conan is misogynistic or whatever his problem is wasn't even the bad part. It was saying Howard was an incel who killed himself because he couldn't live without mommy. Dude waited until after his mother had died because he didn't want to hurt her, but Moore purposely subverts this Howard wrote male power fantasies or something (let's be honest, Moore didn't even read the story).

Sage still functions and does what it always did, it's just not visible like it used to be.
The retards typing sage in the name or subject fields are just retarded newfags.

He’s biding his time for Trump to officially outlaw the practice of cancelling people.

He can't understand because he has autism

He didn’t even try and fight his cancellation.

Because it's a losing battle no matter what. Retards immediately believe whatever dumb shit some random bitch says with absolutely 0 evidence these days, and if you try to fight it retards will just say that's "evidence" of your guilt because you are getting "defensive". Best thing you can do is absolutely nothing and wait for the woke parade to move on to the next target. They tried to do the same think to Cody Ko a few months back, and when they didn't get a reaction from him it was immediately forgotten like 2 weeks later. Never fucking engage with these people.

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Besides, there's nothing wrong with power fantasies. The word has become perverted over the last few decades, but there's nothing inherently wrong with power fantasies and escapism as long as it doesn't become your only motivation and comfort. I wouldn't expect less from a guy who hates fans of his writing for liking a character that's "supposed to be bad", seemingly unfamiliar with the idea that people can like characters regardless of their moral standing.

The retards typing sage in the name or subject fields are just retarded newfags.

I thought that was just typical "sage in all fields" posturing.

This is the same level of cope as “defund the police doesn’t actually mean defund the police”

No, actually. Stupid beliefs exist and proliferate on political extremes. It’s just that left extremism is culturally acceptable

Whelp, meant

because* Howard wrote male power fantasies

Just because he said all women should be believed that doesn’t mean he’s saying you should believe all women. Stop being a chudcel

Did the last election not teach you tards that this gaslighting doesn't actually work?
Come on dude, stop being a fucking moron.

that twitter post

That wasn't even what the UK court case was about. Depp sued the publisher over defamation instead of Amber. In the UK court it was ruled that the publisher wasn't liable BECAUSE they got their information from what could be assumed to be a verifiable source "Amber".

That's what Depp lost in the UK; had fucking nothing to do whether Depp actually did it or not, but retards don't understand court cases and just regurgitate the same fucking buzzfeed shit they are programed too.

What Depp should have done is sued Amber in the states first, then gone after the publisher in the UK. That was his fuckup.

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The Rorschach seethe is one of the chief examples of moore attempting to rewire reality to make himself and his beliefs look most progressive.

There is literally NO other way to read watchmen than to see Rorschach as a subversion of the squeaky clean good guy by taking a miserable, somewhat loathesome figure and yet making him the clear and obvious tragic hero. The idea that he never meant for people to sympathize with him or lionize him is just clearly and obviously bullshit. All because he thinks dunking on le smelly CHUDs will make him look better in the literary circles he longs to be respected in.

Dude probably has more than enough money to live off of, he has nothing to gain by trying to fight this shit and everything to lose.

Based on how hard he was trying to cash in during the run up to the cancelling it seemed like he knew it was coming and that he needed to get as much cash as possible for the divorce fees and to sustain himself now no new work is possible

I mean, surely a smaller publishing house would still be happy to accept a new book he writes?

Or he could self publish and sell a lot from name recognition?

But collaborative projects like tv, movies, comics. All over for him.

I mean, there’s a big overlap between the two. But overall Gaiman fans seem really pissed and have abandoned him a lot from what I’ve seen. Even laughable stuff like people saying they got rid of his books from their shelves (who cares? Kevin Spacey is a great actor and I will always love his movies)

Oi wrote Vee to be morally am-big-yoo-us 'cuz oi wonted people tuh make up their own moinds about 'im he he he

Wat's that?? Yoo loik Rawshark? GET THA BLOOD ELL AWAY FROM ME YOO FASCIST


funny think is, too, I bet between the two, if Rorschach were real, moore would smell far far worse.

I want Miracleman: The Dark Age goddammit

We’re already living in it friend

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That specific part isn’t that bad, he just made it far worse by how he handled it after.

It’s just also bad because this isn’t some one off awkward encounter. It’s one woman out of aeries of many women. All of whom he sexually assaulted in varying degrees

The pattern is the bad part. You can shake off an accusation from one woman. Maybe even two or three. Not really when it’s dozens

The fact he has emails and audio recordings confirming he did things is the noose around his neck too. If you have to get to the point where you need to explain how your recorded confession of assault isn’t as bad as it sounds then you’re already fucked

So Alan Moore called out Robert Howard for his problematic writing and incel personality? What’s the issue? Incels are a danger to society. Media like Conan that promotes the “alpha male” Incel red pill stereotype should be critiqued. Look at what it created in modern incels

I don’t understand the need to b8

Here’s your (You) I guess.

What if he pulls a Russell Brand and turns into a hard right winger and writing comics and novels for that demographic?

What would a right wing comic even be about?

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What would a right wing comic even be about?

Probably something like pic related.

Right wing

Why do libtards feel the need to project their sins on everyone else?

Right wing could be anything at this point really.

has never raped anyone

That we know of. Zero chance Lost Girls wasn’t written by a pedophile.
He’s also into a lot of occult shit which is full of rape and child rape.

Moore is a good writer not a good critic.

The difference between assuming a person reporting their bike was stolen is telling the truth and assuming a woman claiming Bill next door raped her is telling the truth is that the former doesn’t hurt anyone, while the latter destroys the persons life no matter whether they did it or not.

The obvious thing to do would be to assume they were raped but not assume who did it. But doing that is also considered bad for not believing them immediately without any evidence.

Plus, even in a scenario where a rape kit is done and a psychologist examines them. There’s no scenario where they are allowed to openly conclude the woman is lying because it’s politically sensitive.

In my country there have been major scandals recently, all around rape trials.

Basically the government (both parties, all the same) say that rape convictions are too low. So tell the police to do whatever to make the convictions go up. Never mind the fact they’re low because it’s hard to prove

As a result the police ended up breaking the law by charging men with rape, then withholding evidence from their defende counsel, evidence that would prove the rape never happened (e.g. texts from the “victim” talking immediately after the rape about how great a time she had and flirting etc etc)

As a result a ton of rape trials collapsed overnight


Number of women punished for false accusations of rape? Zero

Meanwhile innocent men had to spend months or even years in jail waiting for a trial that shouldn’t have even happened with that evidence proving they didn’t do anything.

And now for the rest of their lives. If you google their name the first result is always associated with being charged with rape. So the assumption will always be they could have done it, and this is the best case scenario for them

Kneel, Gay Man

Nothing he said is untrue though, Conan is the masculine power fantasy of a doughy child. The worst you can say is that Moore is a hypocrite which is very true

Tax fraud is only a crime if you are middle class or don't join the right sex parties.

rape cultures like ours

Like whose anon? No western nation has a “rape culture”. Islam is a rape culture, India has a rape culture, isreal has a rape culture, but I can’t think of a single country on the freedom side of the Berlin Wall that could be described as a “rape culture”

Mucho texto.


Yeah. You could honestly take most Neil Gaiman adult works and just add some themes about freedom with specifics like free speech and have him give an interview about how cancel culture and political correctness is bad and that would be “right wing” these days.

It’s a pretty broad coalition.

Plus, right wingers are a lot more diverse in their media consumption. If only because most entertainment producers are liberal so you have to be.

Just look at how popular the Boys is with the far right hyping up homelander. Eric Kripke seems to think they just “don’t get it” so he keeps doubling down with the Homelander=Trump analogy. But he’s wrong. They understand the politics of it. They just don’t care because they enjoy the story and the characters.

Personally I feel the politics drove the shows writing quality into the ground, but YouTube has so many shorts where it’s just “look how epic homelander/butcher is here” with 50 million views so it must be doing something right

It’s past your bedtime kid. You have school tomorrow.

I would argue rape culture is more tied to specific institutions rather countries. You can say Islamic preachers turn a blind eye towards rape just like Christian priests and Jewish rabbis also do. But this also applies to cults, the police, criminal gangs Hollywood and Washington. Liberal democracies in theory have better laws and institutions that punish rapists, but in reality it's not super effective.

Just like Chuggaconroy. Bitch tried to cancel his with a hate mob and Moistcr1tikal's podcast reiterated the allegations. Now Chugga is doing BETTER than ever while Moistcr1tikal left the podcast and it's been floundering.

Just ask ChatGPT for a summary.

Fucking disgusting what happened with Chuggaconroy. His old editor told him to kill himself after it was revealed he attempted.

Almost a 50% drop in views

God Damn!

Huh? Robert E Howard was an amateur boxer for years and got into regular bar fights. He only calmed down when his mother got sick and he had to look after her full time (which is one reason he switched to writing as a job, he could do it from home)

Sure, Conan is a power fantasy. That’s a staple of literature. What’s upsetting is Moore knowing nothing about Conan and calling him some dumb savage who rapes all the time.

Conan is a power fantasy in that he’s the ubermensch. He’s not just strong, powerful and virile. He’s wise, intelligent and adaptive. He is uneducated but seeks knowledge, learning different languages is a common element in a lot of the stories as he travels a lot. When he encounters a slave he genuinely doesn’t understand why he doesn’t rebel and kill his master because the concept of slavery is so abhorrent and alien to him, as freedom is a natural ultimate ideal for Conan, he also practices a chivalric code. Offering respect to those who respect him, he will defend women when they need it but will fight them the same as anyone if they insist on attacking him.

Instead all Moore thinks he is, is some brute raping women

It was aimed at older kids and teenagers.

I disagree that Howard readers are sensitive or spiteful.

Then you haven't seen the threads on here, Anon Babble, or Anon Babble.
Again, Moore's purpose with that essay wasn't to dunk on Howard, it was to point out the long history of My Soggy Knee in comics. Howard was an afterthought because was the the original writer of Conan.

This guy literally pretends he is a wizard. But then again Gaiman's a Scientologist, right down to using the same kind of gaslighting tactics to downplay abusive behavior.

That would be an argument that exists only to try and ignore the inconvenient reality that some cultures are shittier than others.

Arab culture is worse than Western European culture. The reason people do not like accepting this is because the obvious conclusion is to reject multiculturalism and restrict immigration from undesirable cultures

Sure rape culture can exist in specific institutions, but it definitely exists in actual cultural groups. Only difference is people don’t mind openly criticising sexual misconduct in things like a corporate setting. They do mind openly criticising it when it’s the state of Indian and Arab culture.

Instead we have to pretend it’s just a coincidence there’s yet another gang rape by 20 men on a woman in the middle of the street in India while people passed by. Or that another Muslim grooming gang is uncovered. Usually by someone saying most pedos are white as if this means anything in a majority white country

I think you have to take into account the actual expressions of sexuality that exist. Is it wrong for an assertive man to approach a demure woman if he is genuinely interested in a relationship, or at the very least sex. Yes there are rules and social mores that exist to limit the extent of those interactions and what is considered acceptable. I agree with that but if it’s a genuine attempt to broach contact how much of it is a legal or social issue that requires a group, and how much of it is just on the woman to assert herself more to shut down what she considers unacceptable and wrong? I wouldn’t say that Christianity is a “rape culture” in the same way I’d consider Judaism or Islam, not just out of a direct connection I have to the culture, but in its history and expressions. There’s a debate that happened a few years back between 2nd wave feminists and me too feminists I watched that was really interesting. I wish I could remember the names but it’s been that long you know? But I just remember one of the older feminists saying “look if you’re dealing with a boss or coworker whose continually advancing on you to the point of actually putting their HANDS on you at some point, just punch them in the nose” and I understand that that seems so banal, but it is an interesting thought, if someone’s “love language” is physical and they push it to far on you, than the logical conclusion is to tell them no in a way they’d understand. I realize that life is far more dangerous than that for women, and do empathize, but that thought process seems so perfect logical that it’s weird it’s not said more you know? As I said I wish I remembered more about the specifics of the debate, but it was out of England

I’m out of the loop here

Who’s chuggaconroy, who did what, what happened?

Because he's done worse and he's scared it will come out. Scientologist jew, bad news!

But then again Gaiman's a Scientologist

If he really was then these allegations would never have seen daylight. They're used to silencing actual rapes, kidnappings and murders, they would have had no problem keeping his history as a lecherous old man hidden through bribes and threats. Literally every other Scientology case has the victims talking about how the cultists tried to scare them into silence by hanging out outside their house and shit like that and we would have heard the same thing here if Gaiman was one.

I was reading a Sandman comic the other day. I really couldn't ignore how obvious it is that Sandman is just a Neil Gaiman self-insert I mean they even have the same hair. Think about it, did Neil actually go to the artist and say "hey make Sandman's hair look like mine"?

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Tendie youtuber.

try to defend yourself

media takes advantage of you giving them attention to perpetuate the bad publicity

don't try to defend yourself

media has nothing to work with except the occasional desperate attempt at making it relevant

Never give journos something to work with regardless of if you're guilty or not.

Gaiman isn’t a Scientologist but he was raised by them and I assume was one as a child

My guess is this fucked him up some

it's almost like Johnny Depp was innocent and Neil Gaiman was guilty

A major issue as I see it, is that a lot of these claimed experiences of abuse or harassment within “rape culture” MAYBE feel a little uncomfortable at the time, but it’s only YEARS later that the woman decides actually this wasn’t just an awkward come on, or failed attempt at seduction. This was actively predatory.

I mean, they’ve spent years hearing these messages being repeated to them over and over and over, their memory being reshaped and repeated

Hence the big stink about the idea of retroactive consent.

ah, I got drunk and slept with a guy I didn’t really like that much

I must have been raped, no way would I sleep with this guy normally

It’s unironically the problem in the language shift from “rape victim” to “rape SURVIVOR” as if that particular moment is special and unique, rather than it just being an asshole taking advantage of circumstance or more than likely a random act of violence. The framing as a shitty moment in their life being traumatic is horrifying, where it went from an event they grew beyond to a horrifying forever to ruminate on. I can get more sexist about it, I don’t want to but the beers are flowing and I’ll be here longer than I want. But I just want to emphasize that it used to be viewed as the horrific crime that had to be investigated based on physical evidence, rather than a terrible interaction that had to be mobbed over. I don’t want to reduce the pain and I don’t want to conflate the cowards and bitches that think their immediate physical superiority in the forceful means ANYTHING beyond just that. But it’s weird to see women cling to being MENTALLY weaker, as if a terrible decision THEY made suddenly wasn’t theirs, or an awkward approach that somehow worked means it was coerced. We’re ALL stronger than we know, it’s just easier to give into weakness if it’s advantageous I guess

big pal of Gaiman

even told him how Halo Jones would have ended

nothing to say now his fellow feminist ally is accused of sexual assault

yeah squeaky clean

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How do these things always turn into “oh yeah, everybody knew they were a creep” but it takes decades to actually come out?

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It's almost certain he gives them money because of how high-up his family is in it. Maybe he pays the money but doesn't get the cult benefits.

Neil Gaiman gets away Scott free after mass rape

Ed Piskor is DEAD after his life was ruined over false accusations

I miss Ed

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He once told me he wants to get inside my gut and fill it with cum. Back then I thought it was just corporate banter, but now I'm thinking "Hmmm"

I get you.

Another thing I find retarded is the contradictory logic used around trying to prevent it too

don’t tell girls to be careful! Teach boys not to rape!

You can’t “teach boys not to rape”. If you’re a rapist you’re not doing it because you were taught it was a good thing.

Every discussion over Kyle Rittenhouse seems to have a mob of people saying even if he’s innocent it’s still partially his fault for being there at all.

Which means it’s his own fault he got attacked, for having the gall to be in a public place he was legally allowed to be in… for the purpose of doing basic civic duties for free like putting out fires. For this there’s half the population who believe he was asking for it and deserved to get attacked by a lynch mob.

Meanwhile. Advising women not to go out scantily dressed, get hammered, then wonder off alone into dark alleys in bad parts of town? That’s victim blaming. How DARE you imply she has any agency and should do the bare minimum to try and look after herself. Don’t you realise the men should just not rape her? That means women shouldn’t do anything at all to try and stay safe.

What the fuck kind of request is that? How do you hear that and not think it’s weird?

If my friend asked me this I’d assume he’d become a professional pimp or something

nah he is anti-christ due to his occult beliefs its against my religion sorry senpai

right wing

Lmao cope

It’s all they have left. They know they’ve lost the culture war so they are trying to tear down society

excellent bait, my friend.

Also true of comics and cartoons

people mind openly criticizing sexual misconduct fucking everywhere you fucking ignoramus, it's ALWAYS pushed back upon and diminished because no one wants to be even remotely involved, and people sure as fuck don't want to admit to themselves that rape and abuse can and do happen all the time everywhere, you're even doing it right now by pretending that it's such a bigger problem among foreign cultures that it's not even worth comparing them with us

You know why Muslim women aren't allowed to leave the house without a male relative as an escort? Because it's simply assumed that otherwise she would be attacked. That's why it's in the fucking Quran. Not because they had a bigger rape problem than anyone else, but because they acknowledged the problem of rape over a thousand years ago and decided to go to extreme lengths to combat it. That and to further dehumanize women but still

Or, get this, maybe his family is just high up enough that they weren't forced to shun him out for not being one of them, so he could still see them? Speaking of Tom, do you really think the cult that is so desperately using Tom as their "nice guy" figurehead with all his media appearances making sure you know what a nice guy he is, wouldn't have claimed Gaiman as well if they could? Up until recently he would have been an absolute ace to them because of his nice guy persona.

I just don't see why you need him to be anything more than the son of scientologists when nothing about them fits their MO. You might as well start claiming he's one of the royal house nonces.

Speaking of Tom

Sorry, I swear I'm not a loony. I just mentioned Tom Cruise before I rewrote the sentence entirely.

Disney cancelled their adaptation of his ‘The Graveyard Book'

this hurts the most for me. Loved this book as a kid.

This is likely because he's guilty and there are worse skeletons in his closet that he doesn't want people finding.

Id doubt the skeletons are worse than what we’ve learned, it’s just that what we’ve learned it stupidly awful and he’s to autistic to have made the situations better OR frame them better. Warren Ellis didn’t even do half the shit Gaimen has been accused of but is pretty much dead weight as a comics writer. It’s just how this shit goes and how the public is expected to react

Then just reread the book, I mean he always encouraged you to use your imagination from reading.

You are a rapist