Imagine an interaction and fight between these two
Imagine an interaction and fight between these two
death battle faggotry
fucking put the subject in you dumb faggot no one wants to see your stupid autismal circlejerk garbage
here, take this
3 - 0
More pleb babble faggotry xD
Who wins and who's the bigger lolcow?
We have to talk about the Ass Void.
Ltg, probably on both accounts, I mean Seth is pretty jacked but LTG is bigger but I dunno he’d really have to flunk his training camp to lose to Seth at least imo. LTG has way longer history like yelling at video games really loudly and going on racist rants about nappy n words or how he’ll rape his stalkers moms while they watch or talking about his bad experiences with black people as a kid on stream
the ass void jobs to marios cock void
Just the other day, he went on 2 major rants where he just autistically screeched about somebody not liking the shirts he wears or how ghetto "backshot babies" had parents who never loved them
It's hilarious but also sad at just how juvenile and sensitive a grown man like this can act.
It solos fiction
No one forced you to click the thread.
Post a fight about dragons right the fuck now.
Nicol Bolas vs Alduin
With Darkseid, I get it from the angle of how we would generally view a fight, but in terms of the esoteric analysis the argument is that:
The Infinity Gauntlet only works within its home universe, thereby definitionally limiting its potentcy to universal (ignore the fact that Death Battle has reached a point where Marvel characters would hypothetically be above the Infinity Gauntlet). Darkseid's real self (as per their argument) exists outside these boundaries, so the suprauniversal Darkseid cannot be affected by the universal Thanos.
Now do I buy this argument? Maybe? I really hate cosmological and dimensionality wank because it really only seems to exist within DC (and early Archie Sonic when it was written by superhero writers) and therefore becomes hard to rank.
LTG used to post videos of him cutting the dicks off mice on Facebook iirc
Temeraire’s squad vs dragonets of destiny.
You meant to say Tiamat.
Tiamat is too OP. Not even Alduin can take the guy.
I'm OK with sacking Bolas but not to this fucking degree.
Omega Shenron vs Alduin
Thanos=Shin Akuma>>everyone else
New powerscaling brainrot material from the marvel vs capcom collection comic, the heroes get rid of these two by throwing them into an empty pocket universe where they can fight for eternity, Dr.Doom also looks good as always
Firstly i reject your premise of this being a mismatch to begin with…if anything I’m of a mind to say that Tiamat is the one that gets thrashed but more importantly bolas and Tia have better connections. They’re both Evil halves in a sibling duo of the most powerful dragons in their setting with both currently imprisoned. And the hasbro MTG/DND connection is completely irl but still glaringly obvious.
The brain stops rotting so badly when you are able to recenter your expectations to the baseline that none(*most) comic characters are not immune to a punch from spider man.
It's raiohver
Panther vs Dragon
Bowser wins DB
Suddenly Nintendo gives him a front page on their magazine
Omni-Man wins
Joker wins
Bowser wins
All the opposite of what everyone said would happen. Huh......
Imagine if Fall Guys wins the next one even though Amogsus has guns and a crossover feat that puts them above planetary apparently
The consensus was that Bowser would win though? Giojoker is contentious. Sindisk lmao.
Kung Fu Panda 2 is one of the worst movies of all time
Can't Thanos destroy Planets and regularly threatens the entire universe/all of existence?
I think it's one of the kinoest movies of all time.
You're either insane or have no standards
You guys think Kenny can avoid getting Duck'd? I personally don't think so.
Lord Shen sucked. He fucking sucked. And so did his army of wolves and gorillas.
Time travel is always a bit fucky when it comes to vs debates.
Character can time travel
This means they could kill their enemy before they were born
But doesnt because reasons
Even if they could, and did, this means the fight never happened
Which means they never had to go back in time
See what I mean? It just spirals into a rabbit hole of fuck.
do you have the full comic?
Trump has just said "Inflation is country busting". America is jobbing to this. Pathetic.
bolas and Tia have better connections
Not they don't.
They’re both Evil halves in a sibling duo
This is also true for Alduin. He has a brother that like Ugin served as Alduin's lieutenant early on. And like Ugin with Bolas, Paarthunax realized his brother was evil and betrayed him and forced him to flee. And later like Ugin he helped instruct a group of adventurers that sealed his brother away for a good while. And unlike Tiamat with Bahamut, Alduin and Bolas share this storyline of brotherly drama while Tiamat and Bahamut are just opposed from the start.
of the most powerful dragons in their setting
Also true for Alduin.
with both currently imprisoned.
Also true for Alduin. He didn't die, he just got beat down sufficiently to cow him into resuming his role as the eater of all things at the end of each kalpa.
And the hasbro MTG/DND connection is completely irl but still glaringly obvious.
Alduin and Bolas also have other connections. Their desire for dominion over all of creation comes from simple greed, unlike Tiamat's evil being an inborn part of herself. Alduin and Bolas also view themselves as above petty concerns of morality and good and evil, unlike Tiamat who admits she is evil. There's also a neat Egypt vs Scandinavia theme.
Bolas loses most of his common MUs.
A lot of people thought Eggman would win because of Infinite and Phantom Ruby wank
People were basically wanking GER for like a few years before the episode dropped and mentioned how Joker has already fought and beat someone who pretty much had a better version of GER
And the sundisk thing came out of nowhere but it's what pushed Nolan to win.
Kung Fu Panda 2 is the Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 of american animation cinema.
Every movie after 1 sucked
Eggman is one of the corniest characters ever made.
Kung Fu Panda 2 is the Final Fantasy VI or American videogame kinography.
Shut the fuck up
But 6 sucked
Do you feel threatened by Thanos, anon?
Kenjaku is for Mr. Sinister
Long ago, in ancient China, the peacocks ruled over Gongmen City. They brought great joy and prosperity to the city, for they had invented fireworks. But their son, Lord Shen, saw darker power in the fireworks. What had brought color and joy could also bring darkness and destruction. Shen's troubled parents consulted a soothsayer. She foretold that if Shen continued down this dark path, he would be defeated by a warrior of black and white. The young lord set out to change his fate, but what he did next... only sealed it. Shen returned to his parents full of pride, but in their faces, he only saw horror. He was banished from the city forever. But Shen swore revenge: Someday, he would return, and all of China would bow at his feet.
Young Shen was in line to rule Gongmen City... but he wanted more. I foretold that someone would stand in his way... a panda. But I never could have foretold what came next...
I have yet to see a worse DreamWorks movie than Kung Fu Panda 2. For me, it's their lowest point.
Sundisk didn't come out of nowhere, people knew about it and just hated it because it was impossible to reasonably figure anything about it.
So why doesn't Superman just throw more of his enemies into space?
Because fuck you. Also, why doesnt the flash just stop people's hearts since he can suck the kinetic energy out of things? Why doesnt he stop the nervous system? Fuck you, they can resist it...somehow!
inb4 red*it
beggars can't be choosers
Kung Fu Panda 2 is my least favorite movie of all time
Bro, kindly shut the fuck up. Kung Fu Panda 2 is a great movie. One of the best.
No. It's insulting garbage.
Kung Fu Panda 2
Kung Fu Panda 3
The Darkest Minds
Jennifer Yuh Nelson is an awful director
You remember The Darkest Minds? I do
I just want to share that Eggman giving free will to his robots for absolute no reason, is canon.