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Arcane : incest edition
Lack of any emotional climax between Vi and Pow/Jinx wat extremely disappointing.
It was obvious both of them have not gotten past 'don`t leave me' scene of S1.
Shimmer should have given Jinx a futa cock that she used to breed Caitlyn right in front of Vi
I can't describe how annoying it is that they didn't have Vi and Jinx part properly, and instead chose to do some Vander revives for nth time bullshit so Jinx has to fake kill herself
Honestly "just walk away" is not only good advice but also the only solution
Look, I'm not self inserting Jinx, ain't self inserted not even once, ima grown up man with shitty mustache and jinx is tiktok whow
My bitchmother didn't skip a day, every day she throw tantrum & forced me to take tests, sometimes she beats me & sometimes brought father and let him beat shit out of me n told 24/7 that you Imma die of human failure, all of shit happened decade
end result is I'm batshit insane now, tried to kill some fag sincerely when I was like 6, they living with a big scar on their faces for rest of their lives, I saw satan once in a dream, fag with red eye, killed this faggot with saw, (won't go into detail, I'm christian btw) and I can hear her voice everywhere I go, delusion of killing her with bare hands has never left my side, but honest the only good advice was "just leave her" now I'm peaceful and little insane, still watching ghosts tho, everytime I see their existence I chase them down to beat the shit out these faggots but always miss them in the middle
god i feel bad for loreheads
every bit of the lore feels completely disconnected from itself
why did they make this 'canon'
Hextech is magic tech.
One of the things in the Runeterra setting is that magic use is limited to people who are mages, and you're only a mage if you're born with affinity for magic. So for 99% of people, magic is inaccessible. Different regions also have different levels of how common it is to be born with magic abilities. Demacia(not!Western Europe) and Ionia(not!Asian Fusion Cuisine) seem to have the highest rates of a kid being born a mage for example There's also big in-universe stigma against magic use in several regions because historically, there was an apocalyptic event where magic overuse fucked things up for everyone. Runeterra is technically a post-apocalyptic setting where a handful of factions still remember the damage that ungoverned magic use could cause. Do it too much and you might tap into a dimension called the Void full of purple monsters for example. Or the fuckery Jayce got to see in Ep7. This is why Heimer is against it in S1, he's seen this bullshit go down before.
The big thing Jayce and Viktor invented was specifically the little blue marbles which were stable batteries of magical power that could be put into machinery. Now anyone can """use""" magic as a power source. Put it in gloves and turn them into really strong punching gloves. Put it in a hammer with a cannon in it. Put it in a giant rocket for a bigger explosion, etc.
Viktor was fucking around with some new shit he invented called a hexcore, which is REALLY going deep on the "you're overusing magic and tapping into the dangerous uncontrollable dimension-fucking reality-warping aspect of it" and as a result nearly fucked things for everyone. One of those poisoned fruit media tropes where he thought he was gonna get godhood but would have nuked the city with magic radiation instead.
Hextech is stable little mana batteries, hexcore is unstable radioactive bullshit. Which is why Vi still has her gauntlets at the end.
How do you feel about this?
shippers will casually ignore that a relationship in this timeline is fundamentally impossible
I fucking hate subhumans so much
Anon this is the lead writer...
I am glad she got away from her toxic sister
I want to cum inside Jinx's ass
Jinx comments on how different things would have been if Silco and Vander had reached out and reconciled
Vander dies infront of them again and they have the opportunity to do exactly this
jinx is broken from the quad-damage of trauma. She lost Vander, Silco, Vander again, and Isha (you could count Vi among that, too) so she is unable to reach out and is understandably more suicidal than she's ever been
Vi reaches out for a moment before giving up at the first hurdle when jinx runs away. Too focused on the hapabush
Vi should have bolted out of the door as soon as cait opened it, even if she had no way of finding jinx
Vi should have called out to jinx, as she was running away, "don't leave me," mirroring powders own words to atleast try and stop her in her tracks
instead Vi stops reaching as soon as she's out of sight
instead jinx is talked down from the edge by a literal who character she hasn't spoken to in years
no reconciliation
no moment of real forgiveness
no catharsis
Badly written show. Simple as.
I detest Vi.
holy shit, thank you anon(s)
now i can appreciate s2 a bit more
i was confusing hextech with hexcore, thought its the same exact thing
one last question: i presume then that viktor creating the hexcore and the hexcore evolving and fusing with nature/arcane/reality is what gives it the time travel and multiverse abilities, correct?
Bro did NOT watch the Vander jinx vi family hug scene.
Since we were talking about what could be next last thread, I heard a fun idea about briar being a main character if they go to Noxus what do you guys think about that?
Based on the little lore I gained from the last thread, I feel she'd be an interesting character to follow. However like arcane, you'd need a few more to follow her, or her story could become stagnant.
I'm fine with this. They're the two main characters for any continuing stories in Zaun.
The point for Jinx is that any time they "reconcile" and hug it out, its just something temporary before everything goes to absolute shit again and people start dying.
She blames herself for it all and realizes that for Vi to be happy, to be with the one she loves without resentment and feuds, she just has to walk away.
Her very presence precludes those she loves from being happy.
Meant nothing because it was just bait for you to cry at the miseryporn next episode
There wasn't real forgiveness there, it was the set up for forgiveness and reconciliation that never came
Shit ending
Thinking of doing some request tommorrow, probably not this thread and maybe not the next but I'll link when I deliver so just check
And he's straight up saying he'll cater to shippers, which means the writing is getting even worse
It's entirely new lore. LoL lore is mostly
Champion exists
Some low-detail backstory e.g. "oh he's the really strong guy from the town of Agua Fria, he has a big iron on his hip and you better not cross him or he's gonna shoot you really hard"
A short story lore blurb, "to the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day, hardly spoke to folks aroun-"
Up until now Ekko and some old guy named Zilean were the only characters with time magic. Zilean is an old guy who lives in the desert region. Ekko's time fuckery was LITERALLY because he was such a clever gadgeteering little Zaunigger that he simply invented it. Now in Arcane that's been changed completely and it seems that time travel and dimension-hopping are intrinsic to magic itself so who the fuck knows.
There are several characters in LoL that are basically noncanon in their own game. The lore around a character completely gets retconned every time they do a VGU and usually takes a part of the world building around that character and fucks it up. If they want to retcon stuff from Arcane they will. Riot's completely schizo about lore and in the long term no detail or character is set in stone. Anyone married to LoL's lore should know shit just flips on a dime. Viktor and Warwick's changes are actually less of a departure from the old characters than Skarner or Galio.
That "realization" is wrong
It's literally suicidal thinking that others would be better off without her
I always took characters as a broader archetype that can be slotted into different stories.
Realistically LoL never had a coherent story, they keep rebooting shit over and over.
arcanechuds... I thought the people hated act 3 / the finale.... are we wrong again....
The last 3 episodes were the best in the season though
Its just fate bro, she gotta ruin it for everyone.
Every time it happens its a reminder she just gotta quit trying and just walk away.
Mylo was right and she is a jinx.
I disagree with this. And agree with this:
Lae Vander stuff was all about 'tolerating each other for greater good'.
I am talking about reconciliation when both of them find out that they are not, by default, situational enemies. Instead, it is circumstances and others who made them fight.
This whole ending narrative of 'always with you, sis' is just heartbreaking and not logical. The ending does not meet criteria of the start of the show.
Jinx (Powder) and Vi separation was multi-layered and they had almost all layers unfolded to be sisters again. Instead, we got cheap tear-extracting 'bye bye' my dear'.
Fucking mad.
I always took characters as a broader archetype that can be slotted into different stories.
This is why LoL """lore""" manages to be so popular even though there actually isn't much of it. Most champions are a combo of pretty well-trod archetypes with a few main defining characteristics. Everything outside of that is malleable, making them fodder for fanfic writefags, drawfags, people who get interested enough to try and do worldbuilding of their own, etc. For example there used to be a pretty popular webcomic some gook made called Zed and Syndra's Ordinary Life built entirely around them being surface-level bad guys from Ionia.
idk man, a lot of characters are now in a weird island where they cannot possibly exist within the arcane canon which is now *the* canon, I'm not even talking about champs that irrevocably changed from it (like ww and viktor)
it's a bit different for characters like shaco or chogath or nocturne where they don't have a place in current lore, these characters had explicit lore that work in broad strokes with each other that now simply cannot exist as they are
yknow, unless le multiverse exists to make it not matter :-DDDDD
Are we going to be following Fortiche's next big project?
In a world inspired by ancient Greece, 17-year-old Penelope attends an elite high school with the other famous heirs of the Athenian Empire — Achilles, Helen, Circe, Agamemnon and, of course, Odysseus. These teen royals are competitive at everything they do, including how they have fun, before they return to rule their kingdoms.
But Penelope isn’t like the rest of them; she’s a dutiful daughter on a secret mission given to her by her father, the King of Sparta — a mission to free her people from Athens’ imperialist grasp. For Penelope, high school isn’t a party, it’s war. What starts as a coming-of-age high school dramedy, shifts to an epic adventure as these teens from opposite worlds must learn to trust each other in order to save their friends from an insidious threat.
before everything goes to absolute shit again and people start dying
To my previous post
That is the whole point. People dying around were not direct consequences of their presense near each other.
They literally were separated by gang wars, govenmental jail and other stuff. They should have given at least a fucking minute of them treating each other as sisters, and not like Marvel-tier allies.
So the actual scientific explanation for Powders jinxing is that she’s a descendant of fiddlesticks
Well the animation is always good so maybe
Why are people so much more fond of everything having to do with this ship rather than Caitvi who had a super long sex scene an episode later?
Anywhere I look at arcane-related content, its plurality timebomb stuff.
I bet they are also gonna ship them in AUs where they both have skins now. Easy money.
Hopefully not. Briar losing control in the blood frenzy feels too close to Jinx's brand of crazy. Use her as a minor character because vampires are cool, but focus on all the black roses baddies.
When Silco stabbed Viktor using Jinx's robot arm and said "the Zaunites send their regards" I got so excited I literally shit myself.
Best in the season was the first 30m of 6 where Viktor was healing vander and podwerjnx and vi were mending
Everything after isha's death is shit
What's up with French people and making Greek/Roman homosexual Percy Jackson-esque fiction? I'll still be there to watch but already sounds based on several different other contemporary stories.
That is the whole point. People dying around were not direct consequences of their presense near each other.
Its fate, she just has an aura that curses people. She is a fucking misery demon.
Or thats what the writers conveyed to me through what they made.
It’s a good thing ryze didn’t see the big ass wild rune he would’ve gone insane and killed everybody involved
this is why they need to bring back the institute of war
To make more room for the lesbians the story contorted and damn near twisted all over.
Leblanc starts monologuing to Mel about the rune wars and Mordekaiser
”He was met in battle by Runeterra’s defenders. The Noxian tribes, Blessed Isles, Shuriman empire, and Frejlord gods”
”To conquer the 5 world runes must join together to form the omnirune. The omnirune cleanses the planet with arcane, transforming it into a copy of Mordekaiser’s death realm. Those who live become severants of Mordekaiser, alive but drained of live. Ghouls.”
”But before the runes could synchronize the defenders of Runeterra attacked and fought as one. Noxians alongside Shurimans, Volibear and his brother Ornn. Alongside the ascended. A league of legends fighting together to defend life and Runeterra.”
Mel explains this all to Jayce: ”They said the league of legends would never come again.”
Jayce: “It has to.”
Nah bro the Jinx killing herself several times while Ekko tries to stop her scene is the best. Also very briefly had her best design in the whole series only immediately fuck it up for the final fight.
Because people wanted at least some scenes of Jinx that was behaving in any other way than her ordinary 'Crazy Jinx' stuff
People wanted humane, empathic Jinx. I don`t like this whole Ekko / Jinx stuff, yet I understand why people are getting agitated
I'll check back when Riot hires them back for the next big show in Ionia. Fuck, I need to see Jhin and Hwei's minds and works animated by the best.
Last episode episode and climax is settled by a couple random summoners playing 10 unrelated characters on a dubiously canon area in the world and fighting
Man early LoL's lore was fucking stupid.
Still is, mate
The super long sex scene was rushed, forced, in an awkward point in the narrative and to be honest, Vi and Caitlyn had close to zero chemistry with each other in S2. S1 was nothing but build-up, S2 was nothing but pay-off.
Episode 7 had great pacing and had chemistry, build-up and pay-off. It was easily the best-written episode of the season and the only reason why anyone would dislike it is due to an aversion to alternate universe stories, or an aversion to race-mixing, both of which are acceptable personal reasons to dislike that episode.
I don't see Jhin and Hwei being big characters in an Ionia show. At most, they might feature for one or two episodes that revolve around Shen, Zed and Great Master Kusho tracking down the Golden Demon.
I dislike it for both of those reasons that you mentioned
If you dislike the thing I like, you're either against all AUs or a racist chud!
I disliked it because it was badly done. There was zero setup for any Ekko-Jinx romance. The only display of something approaching affection between them was when Ekko's memories of her as a friend from his childhood made him pause in beating the shit out of her during their fight on the bridge last season, giving her a window to pull the pin on a grenade. The "Vi dies, world is fixed" thing is just laughable as well especially considering it wasn't just their family dynamic, or Vander's relationship with Silco, but the ENTIRE DYNAMIC between Piltover and Zaun that turned utopian. The more you think about it the worse it gets, which fits with S2 having a lot more surface-level presentation than substance.
The only thing I liked was the pacing, which was a rare treat when the rest of S2 is rushing from scene to scene and plot beat to plot beat.
man i miss omnistone
Write the country you post from for the sake of finding out how far Arcane-threads reach
No politics or other related comments, only country names. Preferably no doubling after someone wrote your country. Thx.
Premiere talent in animation is now wasted on a lesbian fanfic YA show
Cait and Vi were forced from the get go because people expected it from the start. Unfortunately the writers couldn't create a believable romance to save their life. The only reason episode 7 was accepted is you can easily suspend belief that it wasn't a shoehorned thing because it takes place in the middle of what is an ongoing relationship so viewers have the illusion that the romance had established buildup.
Really? Between the Enemy music video and the Boy Savior episode it seemed really, REALLY obvious they were going for a Jinx-Ekko romance in S1.
Ekko and Isha share the same symptom of "oh shit we forgot to develop these two"
Isha gets a death montage, he gets a whole episode
North Korea
Retards will tell you that it's because heckin himmers was there and that's why everyone is happy now because in three years he completely uprooted the systems that have been in place for centuries and changed everyone's personalities and fixed every fucking problem in three years
piltfags enslave and opress zuanfags for decades to build their city
literally call them all criminal scum and send pisswater down into their zyklon B filled mining fissures
all of a sudden they're bleeding heart libtards and are okay with sharing their wealth when a zuanfag kid blows up while literally stealing from them
zuanfags forgive decades and decades of oppression because theyre given fancy schmancy clothing and a heckin education
>h-himmler f-fixed everything!! :D
He became a guitar playing hobo on the street man
Jinx is actually still in the city, nobody has figured out she is larping as an enforcer
You cunts I meant real countries not your fantasies
Hello love from Somalia
Which of those countries aren't real?
Posting from the moon rn
From the time rn I guess, most of local posters are Eurofags like me.
Still was interested whether we could get Africa/Middle Eastern posters
be the worst person on the show
people forgive you because you are cute
Most selfish, self-serving character
The INDEPENDENT and SOVEREIGN city-state of Zaun
Jinx isn't supposed to be redeemed right away. Her entire schtick is becoming the Joker and causing chaos while Vi tries to get to her. Whatever form of redemption and forgiveness Jinx will get in the future is going to be just peaceful coexistence through exile. But what Amanda did is switch up every character's motives and rushed 4 seasons worth of long term planning into 1 season.
Pic unrelated, here's Vi
Wakanda my nigga
It's also because anyone in the writing team with a radical bone in their body was either shuffled out or mellowed out. All that's left are centrists who want a comfortable, uncontroversial ending where everyone gets along without anyone needing to make any concessions.
The boy who saved Act 3
Worst person is Vi. The AU already proved Vi is the nexus of suffering.
finally starting to like her
*show ends*
"whowha? had fun? now wait till next decade"
riot please ima miserble incel never felt love even to fictional characters not like this
Silco's campaign of political agitation and targeted terror attacks gets Zaun diplomatic recognition
Zaunites get a single cuck seat in the council, to be outvoted 6-1 on everything of importance
Ekko was the same way the first season. It's not "oh shit, we forgot", its intentional. Both times they go for these tragically nostalgic emotional beats to get you reinvested in this character. And it's obviously working considering how much everyone's talking about the guy with the least screentime of all the main characters.
But bro didn't you see that epic moment bro when they all came across the bridge bro cause bro they have like a common enemy you know all of their like issues and stuff with eachother bro they all are nothing bro when faced with an army of like spacerobots bro its so deep and ebin
You misread me, I don`t talk about redemption. I talk about getting from 'don`t leave me' moment in S1 to 'we both left each other at some moments and we should be sisters anyway, whatever happens'.
They kinda tried to convey this line, but fucked this up and we got perpetual frustration that Jinx have never accepted that she can be comfortable with Vi, not running away as soon as she sees her.
Did anyone notice Jinx's new tattoo? Pretty rad. I didn't know she played poker.
That was me after s1
Had no libido for 2 months out of depression
a pity seat at the council instead of the full blooded autonomy Silco was building for
Vi deserves thinking jinx is dead.
I finally got around to watching it.
It's really frustrating because they're obviously good at creating emotionally resonant moments and the art and animation are fucking gorgeous, but there's just so much interstitial material missing that while I was really engaged with what's going on, it felt like there were big holes missing and I could feel the weight of everything they could have done if they had an extra season or even a few more episodes.
Episode 7 feels like it's from the S1 of Arcane. It was a return to form. It was the only episode of all of S2 that took its time and let the characters be characters again. Great episode though Heimer's fate being so up in the air is strange. The Z-drive experiment they ran earlier resulted him exploding in a mass of gore with actual bits of it landing on Ekko and staying there. So him just disappearing, what does that even mean? In-game lore has them zip back to Bandle City or whatever, but I have no idea how that would play for an Arcane-only audience. Maybe they just don't care and "it was a sacrifice, man" is all they need.
Episode 8 is kind of a fucking mess for me. Back to the full tilt sprint where we need to cram in as much plot as possible. Jayce/Mel reunion after everything they've gone through has so much material to mine, but it was immediately undercut by a fight with a Viktorbot. Vi and Jinx needed an actual on-screen conversation after everything that's happened. Jinx jailed is a perfect setup, but because we're sprinting, we need to just get her out of jail and get to the sex scene that was longer than Vi/Jinx talk because we need to have it somewhere in the show and it hasn't happened yet. Bad episode.
Episode 9's a mixed bag. Great Viktor/Jayce/Ekko stuff. Really confusing battle stuff (Why didn't Jayce just shut it down last episode? Why sudden honor duel?) and really flimsy ending. Jinx getting a happy ending by just fucking off is good enough. Everything Vi-related is super flimsy though.
Save this for youtube comments
apartheid governments are fine as long as there's an army of robots coming to end the world lol
s2 is such a rushed shitshow we get literally less than 1 minute of jayce giving a quick "uhhh doomsday will happen if we lose" speech
After all that and Zaun still isn’t even an official city and the term zaunite still doesn’t exist. That one redditor was right. They should’ve tied Viktor’s glorious evolution with the zaunite revolution.
CaitVi sisters, what went wrong?
Realistically now that Zaun
No more Singed producing shimmer
No more Jinx committing terror
No more Silco plotting
is effectively disarmed how long do you think it takes before Enforcers are cracking Zaunite poorfag skulls against the sidewalk and conducting no-knock raids again?
At least Viktor managed to remain a 10/10 despite this seasons blunder
Only if you didn't know his old lore, in which case he's entirely a downgrade
Ekko and Jinx are far more charming and novel, their scenes together are far more artistic and Caitlyn and Vi's scene comes at a very awkward point and location in the narrative.
A little odd that they memoryholed Jayce and Mel’s romance. Couldn’t even make the screen time for a farewell.
You know that Stormae is a pretty big name in France and in EU? The song was very unique as for show and was presented during the most soulful moment of the entire S2.
nobody except trannies cares about dykes. Imagine a gay romance between Vik and Jayce, easily 2m+ views
I know his old lore. I just accept this as a standalone one and done version.
This seasons writing was screaming wattpad. Who the hell did they hire.
Episode 7 feels like it's from the S1 of Arcane.
Agreed. It was relatively grounded, tightly-written, we had time to watch characters interact and to get who they are.
AU Powder is emotional, kind and supportive, but also not a pushover for instance.
Really showed that the strength of the show shines through when there is less happening on screen and when magical BS takes a back seat.
Sorry chuddy dont you mean Zaun, District of Piltover?
Never, Season 2 abandoned any pretence of realism. Piltover and Zaun now respect each other after fighting together against an external threat and Sevika has gotten a seat at the big table and will totally be taken seriously by the rest of the council. No further need for violence in this idealistic world where everyone has overcome their old grudges and embraced cooperation for the sake of stability.
Young Adult novelist got promoted from doing a single episode in S1 to being the lead for S2
Season delivered astonishing animation and sound, yet lacked so much bridges between main plot characters.
Absolutely true. Ekko and Jinx had me go "awwww" prison sex unironically made me FF the scene because of circumstances in which it was happening and how I was in a huge emotional down about Jinx and her plan to end herself. It was weird and uncomfortable.
Which s1 episode?
funny that the sex scene without the soundtrack is one of the most viewed videos on twitter cause you can hear then moaning
Peak redditcuck core
If you want to see absolute cuckery go to r/lightcanon
this is you
anon doesn`t know that most of previous /Arcane threads here mostly agreed that S7 and AU Jinx were good
Racemixing tho.
Xitter too, Tiktok too, and apparently - the head writers too
Of course I know release threads are infested with reddit tourists
It's Stromae
episode 8
Vi: “I always make the wrong choice”
episode 9
when Jinx tells her to jump and that it’s too late to save Vander she fails to do so which ends up with Jinx sacrificing herself
Let me guess all the male gods and heroes will be black but all the female ones will remain white
ehh. au jinx kinda looks like catlady/dangerhair's dreamgirl, hard pass
I have mixed feelings. I deeply resent racemixing, but I was happy to see Powder as a normal human being.
stop noticing things
its the shippers show now, YOU will like timebom YOU will like caitvi, deal with it
Favourite track so far?
If I had to write episode 7, I'd have it be a weird AU dream that the Arcane is showing him, same with Jayce. He thinks it's real and afraid like a different Ekko but eventually he sees through the cracks and wakes up. Though he does get inspiration from the dream to make the Z-Drive.
This cancels out the awkward self cucking and is more a saccharine vision of what could have been.
This also helps with the future Viktor thing, as that would just be the Arcane messing with Jayce.
Your hatred for recemixing should overpower all other feelings
I was happy to see Powder as a normal human being.
Guess you missed the whole point of S1 then
As for suspence:
As for soul - Wasteland
She deserves to not go to jail and face consequences because she is le depressed
Despite it being great, I still don't completely understand what was ultimately going on with Viktor at the end. They had almost no time to go through the implications of alternate universes and time travel because it was introduced in the third-to-last episode of the series. I don't really understand the significance of the runes dropped into Jayce's hand being different each time; they're meticulous in showing that the rune changes while Viktor talks about all the different time lines and universes.
Does this mean that Viktor achieved his goal of glorious evolution, regretted it, so then basically kept trying over and over again until only our show's Jayce manages to do all the right steps to essentially force mid-glorious evolution Viktor to be confronted with regretful Viktor's words, which finally frees them from the cycle of Hextech destroying everything and Viktor restarting the cycle by giving a new timeline's Jayce a rune?
Ashes and Blood sweeps unfortunately
Alors on danse.
It pretty much did. I was kinda in Vendor`s beast_mode, seeing only Powder and her emotions and disregarding everything else.
Elaborate pls
From S2? Wasteland, Ashes and Blood, Ma Meilleure Ennemie are all solid
But What Could Have Been will always be the hardest hitting track of the series
"there is no good version of me"
showed a good and happy version in previous episode
proceeds to post an image alluding to Anon Babble endlessly bitching about Athena not being white and Hermes Asian
What are you even whining about?
Ekko still the perfect side character.
Chuds still seething.
common I like ekko as character but we all knows nogs smilar to apes more than human, these aren't real human being, yeah, 3 or 4% nogs are good, and even they hate nogs more than ever, just let them have abortion freely and preish peacefully
muh bland gary stu is perfect because.. he black
One day queers like you will learn storytelling, but this is not that day
Hexcore fuckery causes Jayce to get sent into a future/AU where Viktor reached the hexgate and caused a magic detonation
Thankfully a time-travelling Viktor sends Jayce back to prevent the bad timeline from happening
But the time-travelling Viktor also saved Jayce + his mom from that blizzard
Hextech wouldn't have been invented if Jayce had simply died in the blizzard
4D chess....
The AU episode was good. The chemistry between Ekko and Powder was far greater than what they tried forcing with Vi and Cait, especially with their hamfisted sex scene.
The racemixing is bad. Ekko getting the spotlight after being a nothingburger character for 2 seasons is bad. What's worse is that one head writer will try and push this ship because he's mentally ill, and the "what-if" aspect of this episode, it's *tragedy*, is gonna be irrelevant.
Season 2 would be so much better if the writers weren't terminally homosexual French negroes insisting on their fetishes and desire to ship women.
Sucker, Spin the Wheel and Stromae
i want to see a white hetero couple
She sees her little monkeys in his time travel machine right before the scene ends. It's implied Ekko tells her about AU Powder, no?
Lets just agree on resentful nature of racemixing.
I don't generally like race mixing because it's always pushed by some jew with usually the noggiest nog or Idris Elba expies and a generic white woman.
At least Ekko isn't a total gibsmedat or mandingo, he actually has flaws and a personality despite his lack of screentime.
Same goes for Mel, she could have been a Shaniqua from an Ubisoft game but she had her arc and shit.
The AU episode was good. The chemistry between Ekko and Powder was far greater than what they tried forcing with Vi and Cait
All wrong, Powder/Jinx never showed chemistry with anyone and trying to force a connection to Ekko last minute instead of exploring her relationship to Vi (i.e. what her character was about for the entire show) is tremendously stupid writing. The AU episode basically contradicts the entire show and nullifies the arcs of 3 major characters, it's like someone from the outside requested their fanfiction be inducted into the show at random when the story was already finished.
someone likes Jinx
assmad toxichair blatantly seething to gut
Based Take : Eren did nothing wrong
anybody got any good gifs of jinx from the new season? or in general
stop thinking the only good episode of act 3 is good because of this reddit post where someone agrees with you!
The lengths you retards will go to hate things are crazy.
he actually has flaws and a personality despite his lack of screentime
Name one
what's the point of this project? every greek-related media nowadays is all about muh evil gods and heccin' good homos, kaos got recently released on Netflix and it was all about zeus being a little all-powerful jew and transwomen resisting him or some shit.
there's nothing new you can do with greek mythos, as long as it's all focused on gay shit
also griffith
redditcuck and proud
You do you sistah
Shimmer has mutated Jinx's cervix so that it clamps so powerfully that it's airtight and sperm can't get in. She is however weak to anal and if you make her cum hard enough her cervix loosens to normal levels, making her vulnerable to insemination. Or if you're Warwick the tapered tip of your canine cock can simply spear right through.
For me, I just looked away from the screen every time ekko was on it
I'm so fuck fatigued of these creatures I cant stomach it. I understand fully that if he were white, I would have much less of a problem with the episode, but I don't care. It's a matter of principle. Darkies, in real life, as a whole, are an ugly, violent, and stupid race. Everywhere they are is worse off than everywhere they're not. Just like the french to animate a heckin racemixed relationship set to their own language while the niggers they've allowed their government to import have turned their cities into third world shitholes on par with america. I would detest episode seven just as much if ekko were a hooknosed, little hat wearing gremlin who's main attack is rubbing his hands together and lowering your creditscore
The jayce half of the episode was really good tho.
Well, for lots of people the racemixing is a dealbreaker and they will hate the episode anyway.
Most of people there think it is good because of good storytelling, animation, soundtrack and many more things.
Viktor won, achieved perfection, and when he ran out of things to do he realized there was nothing left and got depressed so he goes on a journey back through time trying to stop his younger self from winning trying different variations of actions. The variation that he succeeded in is the one we’re viewing, where he saved Jayce and his mother.
I for one thought it was fanfic-tier dogshit that contradicts all the themes and arcs in the show so far just for empty fanservice
yes, he does, there was clip posted here yesterday with Linke talking about it
Basically Ekko being able to show Jinx that there IS a good Powder possible, that is a whole, complete person, and its not just some theoretical cope, it changes her mind.
And Ekko needed the same thing, because seeing this other universe brought him his hope back that things can be better, and things can change. And that to him AU Powder was a personification of how amazing Zaun can be.
So yes, this proof is what was the catalyst to change her mind. And they plan on doing more with these 2 in the future.
I think Mage Viktor was trying to avoid the world becoming Nier Automata and originally thought that one rune was the problem (be lond, h3s autistic and thinks too rationally). But eventually he realized the problem was himself (and his shimmer blood poisoning the Hexcore) having delusions of grandeur. So the only way to stop the shit timeline was to make his past self see the shit that would happen. I think that's why he sent Ekko to Powderland, so he could create the Z-Drive and be able to paradox Borg Viktor enough to.eventually create a crack in the Arcane's hold of his self.
Maybe the two will meet Mage Viktor and create a way to purge the darkness from Hextech so it can be properly used.
Of all the confusing things going on in this season, I think this is one they just barely explain. Viktor gave Jayce the acceleration rune in this timeline, and that leads to Ekko building the Z-drive and fixing everything.
Why did Viktor need to brute force it? Why was Ekko's time travel important if Viktor could also time travel? Who fucking knows.
This scene's framing was funny regardless of how racist you are.
I want them to write a story excusing Hitler's actions because there's a universe in the multiverse where he's a saint. What, they'll never do that? Guess this is fucking stupid millennial writing disconnected from reality.
While I agree that not having heavy Vi and Jinx content in act 3 was a fucking mistake and bad writing, it doesn't invalidate that the AU episode's quality.
view of a good future
view of a bad future
realizing they still have the power to change things
see that people aren't set in their ways
It's good work the show is doing. It creates the material that could be used to inform a moment like discussed in .
It'd be even better if they showed that moment or actually filled out more stuff like gave any material for Vi/Jinx or had filled out the characters like Maddie and Loris, had shown more of what the Piltover people were doing during Martial Law, and the list goes on, but I'm not going to say the good stuff is bad actually because they neglected to do more good stuff. We can call the shortcomings as they are and appreciate the good stuff.
if ez were there, jinx would have been saved from this shitty life
see and
The song that plays when Jinx is trying to off herself, and again in the ending, actually ends on a hopeful note
But they never use the final chorus and give it the appearance of being full on about just wanting to die
young perspective police officer
really cute
gives kinda effective advices to Kait, as if resenting her spy nature
anyway, I appreciated your warmth ahhah, get shot reta.....paw....*falls dead*
Why did they treat her character so plainly bad Holy Jesus
Cait deserved to die
Agreed, desu the biggest weakness of the episode was that it was part of a show with too few episodes.
But for what it was, it was great and really memorable.
Ekko got very little screentime so using this episode to demonstrate his ethos and strength of character, as well as show how he got the Z-drive, was pretty cool.
Instead we could have had scenes of Ekko with similar runtime split between other episodes among the chaos of the rest of the plotlines, and it wouldn't have felt as coherent and bittersweet.
explain to me how they are bringing Vi's gauntlets back? cause they will bring Urgot and Vi+Caitlyn will fight him
Well she never should have existed in the first place
Jayce will come back in like a week
He's originally an arrogant tryhard, starting a gang and attacking Silco 's shipments which leads to deaths of people he's trying to protect. This is why he fucks up and attacks Jinx/Vi Season 1 instead of hashing things out and leading to the bridge scene.
If they were gonna go for a fakeout death, the final miserykino "suicide" was useless and we could have had some sort of goodbye between the sisters instead.
Unless Jinx was planning to fake her death somehow all along when all is said and done, it makes no sense why she would do it just because scuffed Galio attacked Vi.
the good timeline is where she dies
How is she not the real Jinx
We're not going to see the Piltover/Zaun characters for a long time except for Mel maybe.
When we get a big reunion in like 20 years Jayce and Viktor will be back for some bullshit reason and work on Hextech again.
What was the point of Ekko? They introduce him at the last moment, bring his crush that hasn't been relevant for so long, and try to depict him as this "le hero that sacrifices everything" by introducing a needless time travel plot point with no prior development, and a whole episode of fanfiction-tier storytelling? That has little to do with what's happening in the story, beyond trying to convince us that things could be better and Jinx can be better.
He already lacked screentime in S1, and S2 rushes to the finish line as fast as possible. You could've shown characters seeing that a better world is possible without building it on contrivances or introducing time travel that will fuck up later storytelling by making things inherently more meaningless.
And on the topic of meaninglessness, why did they give Jinx a fakeout death that gets waved away by huge implications of her survival? Why not just give them a bittersweet farewell to each other? Why do all this gay drama and promise us that you'll kill one of the champions, yet throw the biggest "THEY MAY NOT BE DEAD" signs ever?
Vi never even finds out that Jinx tried to off herself in her despair
They share 4 sentences total in E9
God damn for a show that started with a premise about sisters by the end they completely forgot about them
What in the fuck are you talking about, anon? Hitler analogies are unbecoming, it's not like Jinx was fucking Hitler even though I agree she had made a ton of bad decisions and killed a lot of people.
It's very strange that you think it contradicts the themes or arcs when the show keeps sledgehammering you in the face with the message that you shouldn't give up on people and they can change. Was Heimerdinger's little song about how people make bad decisions and fuck up, but it's okay because you can make new good decisions after learning not blunt enough? Was half of Vi's dialogue for two entire seasons being "She's my sister and I'm not giving up on her" not obvious enough?
People are letting their Anon Babble-cultivated personality trait of hating black people and racemixing really do a disproportionate amount of their thinking.
They did make vijinx canon. But they made it so that vi will never love jinx as deeply as jinx wants
CL says caitlyn kissing vi in the vents was a reward for choosing jinx over her
intro to ep 7 replaces the image of vi on the record with a boy jinx kisses
implied even in a "perfect" world powderjinx will go out of her way to find another vi
they make jinx mirror caitlyn hitting jinx after vi busts her out of prison
writers make it explicit that when vi fucks cait she's choosing cait over jinx
*caitlyn hitting vi
Jinx knew that being around Vi was toxic for both of them so she fucked off. Vi wouldn't accept that and follow her to the ends of the world. Caitlyn knew this as well so she didn't tell Vi.
I fear that urgot wont happen on screen though... they will probably do a comic or some shit about them fighting urgot. The problem is that he is one of their first job together so they either instant revive jayce or make some bs to justify hextech
Why do all this gay drama and promise us that you'll kill one of the champions, yet throw the biggest "THEY MAY NOT BE DEAD" signs ever?
To generate fandom discourse and online engagement. A clean resolution wouldn't get talked about, but now nerds will be arguing over whether Jinx is dead or alive for years to come. It's free advertising for the LoL franchise.
*choosing her over jinx
Damn I fucked that whole post up
But how can you generate a "discourse" when the signs are so fucking big that one scenario is impossible? They shove the image of the vents into your face. This is a waste of everybody's time.
That is literally just suicidal thinking
you're better off without me
Jinx is wrong
Vi is stupid
Lived in polluted slums
Then in prison where she got beat by guards regularly
Then in the streets
Constantly fighting people and drinking a lot of the time
Somehow still has perfect smooth skin when she strips naked to fuck Cait
How? Her body should be a mess
Create a whole enforcer squad that you think it'll actually be relevant
one of them is a fucking traitor that gets 2 seconds of screen time
the other one is made for a MV were Vi is upset cause Caitlyn left her
Both of them were useless
If you were in his place and gave it all up just to save an ungrateful world, would you rope?
There's already been several anons stating that any claims that Jinx is alive is a cope, that it's a red herring, that it would be awful writing, that it's just delusional Jinx fanboys wishing that she didn't die.
The discourse has already begun.
Go to an au were he cant get enough sleep, protein and cant work out
still have muscles
i like how the big guy literally got shot by an arrow and is promptly forgotten later
They don't even show Vi mourning, just Ekko
Man what the fuck happened in E9
It's bad writing
Ask yourself why when those strings went out and picked everyone up, he was left alone
h-he used the time thingy!
They weren't even going for him. There was not a single shot of the strings reaching for him and him getting away from them with his magic doohicky
Plot armor
Also his time loop bullshit is gay and retarded. Clearly people can recognize something is happening when he uses it, as evidenced by jinx trying to change her method of an heroing. Does the entire planet go back in time? It it localized to just around him?
Who cares anymore
You keep bringing up decisions which I find ironic because the AU basically says the characters' fates rest entirely on coincidences and accidents rather than decisions, Powder didn't "become" Jinx by making a decision, she was just being herself in whatever situation life threw at her, for the AU to imply she turns out completely different through an accident negates her entire character arc and is generally stupid determinist writing.
The episode's second critical failing was removing Vi when Jinx's entire character and plot revolved literally around Vi and no one else, which ends up implying the emotional core of the show is wrong and that everyone's lives including Jinx's would've been better off without Vi, then they hastily try to make it seem like Jinx had some sort of meaningful connection to Ekko the audience should care about but anyone with a brain can see it's a last minute asspull that feels disconnected from the actual show.
The point of the episode seems to be bringing Ekko into a position where he tries to convince Jinx to change, but Vi already tried that and failed in S1, so to repeat that beat but make it work now arbitrarily (but not really) is just bad writing.
And on the topic of meaninglessness, why did they give Jinx a fakeout death that gets waved away by huge implications of her survival? Why not just give them a bittersweet farewell to each other? Why do all this gay drama and promise us that you'll kill one of the champions, yet throw the biggest "THEY MAY NOT BE DEAD" signs ever?
I have a big gripe with this, there was enough misery in the episode and Jinx falling in the end was so unnecessary. It added nothing IMO, Jinx leaving whout Vi being able to stop her or something like this could have been much more impactful than a fake death if they wanted the 2 to be apart in the end (which they did)
We see her screaming her lungs out in pain, thats enough to see her mourning. We dont need 10 scenes.
Shut the fuck up, retard
their relationship is so forced.
even in universe it's literally forced on ekko from travelling to the alternate universe and outside of that he absolutely hated her.
She kinda mourns is just that Caitlyn is with her, the last scene is her kinda mourning
breaks up with girlfriend
goes emo, joins fight club, gets drunk every night for weeks
sister dies
screams and punched one wall, then licks the meatflaps of previously mentioned gf
Clearly people can recognize something is happening when he uses it
no they fucking don't are you retarded
Jinx decided to jump because Ekko verbally mentions how callous it is to blow both of them up in that specific rewind and Jinx only realizes then that Ekko would have been collateral damage if she pulled the pin, the last thing she wants is one more mistake like that before dying.
Who could have thought that removing oppressive police and opening social elevators could resolve class conflict?
Oh wait, every fucking politic scientist ever.
Jesus Christ, you people are dense.
You're gay
I agree
Its also my favorite one in the show
you're gay too faggot wanna hold hands in the void pussy
Jesus Christ, Anon Babble posters are really bad at inferring basic information from shows. I've seen any other community that is so absurdly immune to the basic principle of "show, don't tell."
Hello, moshi
Pleasent day over there in the promised land?
the AU basically says the characters' fates rest entirely on coincidences and accidents rather than decisions
That's just modern writing in general. They build their plots on contrivances and accidents because they cannot build organic plots and in AU, they have to rely on this to sell the idea that everything could be averted with a single death. Characters don't choose and aren't affected by their mental issues, their fate literally hangs on fucking canon events.
This is why nigger writers from Spider-Verse are the most retarded faggots ever, as they bring up an irrelevant plot point that barely existed in the comics (police captain death) and try to make you believe that it's somehow so important that it happens everywhere, and it generates some retarded "canon event".
What in the fuck are you talking about, anon? Hitler analogies are unbecoming, it's not like Jinx was fucking Hitler even though I agree she had made a ton of bad decisions and killed a lot of people.
She is Ekko's personal Hitler
Ambessa literally told Vi:
your departure created a void I was able to fill
How dense are you people?
Linke refused to answer questions about the piano being a Jhin reference
If picrel actually happens after RIOT had to calm the fandom down years ago its just a visualization, I am gonna laugh so hard.
Jokes aside, what did Vi mean by: im the dirt under your nails cupcake?
If you cant see how blatently retarded it is to create an actual utopia as an alternative universe I cant help you man
there's also pictures were Caitlyn is crying over Vi's dead body, Vibros....
She's the grime to accompany Caitlyn's glamour and she's very hard to get rid of. That's the meaning behind that metaphor.
It's ok, you'll grow up eventually.
Cait punches and shits on vi , vi instantly goes back to her. She has no spine
Vi has sex in her sister's cell instead of reaching for her after giving suicidal signals. Likw wtf
She stays close to the beast and causes her sister to sacrifice herself unnecessarily.
Her sister leaves everyone and she thinks she is dead. She is cosy with her gf without showing any mourning or sadness.
And I am supposed to like this character
She's dirt
She's as stupid as dirt and as ugly as dirt
Unfortunately She's not as useful as dirt, which is where the comparison falls apart
Vi sucks
The story is very much the opposite of what you're saying. It's not that their fates are coincidences and accidents, it's explicitly because the AU versions made better decisions. The Silco conversation that constantly comes up was always silly to me because the point was that AU Silco made a decision to forgive and reconcile.
The characters feel like their lives are deterministic and it's clearly a flaw that they are supposed to grow past. They spend a substantial amount of time showing that AU Powder has the same flaw that Jinx does; she's passive and afraid of changing herself. Like you said, she was just being herself in whatever situation she's in. AU Powder keeps getting talks from characters that she's wasting her talents wallowing in mediocrity because of this flaw. Ekko getting through to AU Powder that she's capable of more is supposed to parallel that Jinx can change and is capable of more too. Hell, S2's arc for her, as rushed as it is, is about that too. She gets held up as a revolution hero despite not really doing anything and she leans into the new identity and realizes she could have been doing this shit the entire time. The scene where she breaks the people out of prison and they embrace her is supposed to be formative for her arc.
It's not just Ekko changing her mind either, it's supposed to be all of S2.
Isha shows her that she can form connections with people
Zaunites using her as a hero shows that she doesn't have to be some villain everyone hates
Ekko tells her about an AU version that is different when Jinx is at rock bottom thinking there is literally no other version of herself and she can't do anything about it
It's all good stuff. I am not going to disagree with you about anything related to Vi, they absolutely fucking fumbled everything for the character. She comes off as completely two-dimensional with "muh sister" and "muh cupcake" and that's about it. She has basically no screentime doing anything that matters.
And I am supposed to like this character
Literally no, in game most of Zaunites can't understand Vi's decision to abandon everything and live in piltover, she simply choose to have someone who prioritizes her over fighting for Zaun
Jinx is the most wanted criminal of the city. She killed a lot of innocent people and still has to answer for her crimes.
She knows that the combination of her and Caitlyn being close to Vi at the same time will never work out and that's why she left.
Being around Vi would only cause problems for her and Jinx doesn't want that.
Cait punches and shits on vi , vi instantly goes back to her. She has no spine
She was willing to forgive Jinx for killing her father and friends. Some punches are nothing compared to that.
Vi has sex in her sister's cell instead of reaching for her after giving suicidal signals. Likw wtf
Jinx wasn't willing to let others comfort her, Vi was and that's kind of been their whole thing as characters.
She stays close to the beast and causes her sister to sacrifice herself unnecessarily.
Her dad.
Her sister leaves everyone and she thinks she is dead. She is cosy with her gf without showing any mourning or sadness.
Vi's life has been nothing but it taking a shit on her the past two seasons, ANOTHER multitude of scenes where she's crying and in despair is much less important than her finally being happy for a moment.
I think this season is more enjoyable for people who only watch the show and don’t know these characters from the games most of us disappointed know these characters and their lore it’s a huge difference
Yet he still kissed her so there has to be some kind of love for the original Powder left in him.
What prompts Jinx to return is Vi dying without her there anyway
She helps her former enemies with cleaning up PnZ
Good timeline restored because Vi died
This would be too funny
To add on a little bit, Ekko learns from the AU that a brighter future for the city was possible. Like he said, he stopped thinking it was possible and gave up on Zaun.
The making of the Z-drive is him making the choice to go back from this utopian AU and try to fix his world. Heimerdinger makes the decision to get actively involved and push the science further than he's ever done because he's learned that being passive and just letting things play out led to all the bad shit that happened to Jayce. And the AU Powder even gets to realize her potential and it's left open what she'll get up to now that she actually has some kind of motivation to make a change in her life. Don't forget that all of this is juxtaposed with Jayce survivor man-ing in a post-apocalypse and asks to be sent back so he can put a stop to all of this. And then the reveal that all of this was a choice made by Viktor, over and over again, to try and change the outcome of had already happened over and over again.
The entire story is a refutation of deterministic outcomes and the characters are making decisions to try and fix the mess they've made.
I don't think I ever saw a show where I hated this many characters, it's unreal. If it didn't look this good, it would be complete garbage.
I didn't know your mom was there... it probably wouldn't made a difference but... I didn't know
You're telling me you didn't know Caitlyn's mom was a member of the council and that she might've been present at the council meeting? stfu
I dont know that she knew she was a member. People IRL dont even know their city council and they vote for them.
And I dont know she knew the council was in session
Either way, she didn't care. She was just super mad and lashed out with a lil bit or terrorism.
The story is very much the opposite of what you're saying. It's not that their fates are coincidences and accidents, it's explicitly because the AU versions made better decisions.
This is not the case, AU Powder is good not because she made good decisions but because the universe failed to put her into a situation where she "becomes" Jinx
The characters feel like their lives are deterministic and it's clearly a flaw that they are supposed to grow past.
I hope you realize this sentence is meaningless word soup
They spend a substantial amount of time showing that AU Powder has the same flaw that Jinx does; she's passive and afraid of changing herself.
So you agree with me in my claim that her good fate isn't the result of her decisions or growth but rather a series of coincidences
Like you said, she was just being herself in whatever situation she's in. AU Powder keeps getting talks from characters that she's wasting her talents wallowing in mediocrity because of this flaw. Ekko getting through to AU Powder that she's capable of more is supposed to parallel that Jinx can change and is capable of more too.
Which is stupid because Ekko should be able to realize she can't change and the only reason she's different from his universe's Jinx are circumstances far outside anyone's control
Hell, S2's arc for her, as rushed as it is, is about that too.
Which is dogshit writing that contradicts her S1 arc
The scene where she breaks the people out of prison and they embrace her is supposed to be formative for her arc.
See above
Ekko tells her about an AU version that is different when Jinx is at rock bottom thinking there is literally no other version of herself and she can't do anything about it
And that actually affecting her is completely unrealistic and stupid millennial writing
It's all good stuff.
It's dogshit stuff
Did she know there was a council meeting? She bombed them in the middle of the night.
Literally the climax of the entire season you fucking brain dead slack jawed can’t even watch a tv show properly retard
Funny how Jinx conversation with Caitlyn was better than any JinxVi interaction, i think in that talk caitlyn legit tossed her revenge aside
Which is stupid character assassination as shit given
sucker, renegade and ma meilleure ennemie
The entire story is a refutation of deterministic outcomes and the characters are making decisions to try and fix the mess they've made.
It's not, it's characters witnessing the universe being deterministic and taking that as a sign that they can change things, it makes no fucking sense
We forge our own prisons.
Bars bade of oaths, codes, commitments.
Walls of self-doubt and accepted limitation
We inhabit these cells, these identities
and call them “Us”.
Damn Silco appeared for a couple minutes and stole the show again
Read my post again.
"Aaand that's the plan."
"You want me to rape your sister?"
"Trust me, she needs it and I am super not good for carrying on the bloodline by myself."
dies for no reason
well at least got kino moments in season 1
It was four or five people. Get off your phone retard
1 song
30 seconds worth of lines
Gets blown up when ekko goes back for more than 4 seconds
it's stupid
it's dogshit
it's unrealistic and stupid millennial writing
If you're deadset on hating it, there's nothing I can say in this conversation of value and we'll just have to end it here, though I do think I need to speak to a specific part because it really bothers me for some reason.
I hope you realize this sentence is meaningless word soup
How, anon? Do you just not understand the sentence or what? It is supposed to be a character flaw that the characters feel powerless and that their fates are outside their control, they're just a product of their pasts and they have no choice but walk the path they've been given. You know flaws, right? Part of arcs are recognizing flaws and growing past them or leaning into them, or one then the other, given enough time in a story.
He's a (((yordle))).
They knew what was up.
That scene caught me off guard. I almost laughed.
Big part of Singed success as character is his small screen time. There is no time fuck him up. I hope that in Ionia vs Noxus it continue. Or I'm wrong and he need more screentime?
Also, is Cait now corrupt cop? Because jailing Jinx in cell without court and then helping Vi with Jinx prison break is look like a corruption for me. Or Piltover have law: "a person can do anything while she is important to sheriff's gf".
Name a scene in S2 that compares
Also, is Cait now corrupt cop?
If going by the Lore Vi and Caitlyn basicly do wathever the fuck they want
Heimer song
Viktor and Jayce talking
You are a chatbot that doesn’t know the first thing about writing.
at least he wasn't eraser from the timeline
The collective internet can’t even grasp basic storytelling in a cartoon anymore its a new low I didn’t think possible.
Read mine. The emotional climax of nine episodes of season 2 is the resolution of Vi and Jinx’s relationship, and you are too stupid to see what’s in front of you.
Ekko is morally upstanding the whole time and wins nothing in the end
Singed continuously makes everyone's life worse and wins
oh my gosh i know right? media literacy really is at an all time low.
What was the point of Ekko? They introduce him at the last moment, bring his crush that hasn't been relevant for so long, and try to depict him as this "le hero that sacrifices everything" by introducing a needless time travel plot point with no prior development, and a whole episode of fanfiction-tier storytelling? That has little to do with what's happening in the story, beyond trying to convince us that things could be better and Jinx can be better.
It's all because of nu-Hollywood mentality of "closing" the plot points. These nu-writers are given a basic summary of possible plot points by the original writers and they decide which ones they fancy and they will force it to happen even if it is not totally necessary to the over all story. Perfect example here is Game of Thrones season 8 where the directors were given future plot points by GRRM like Bran becoming a King, Jamie and Cersei dying together, Daenerys going mad, etc. Now if that show was done by competent people, they'd probably simplify the story. Same thing with Arcane. The season 2 executives are just going through the plot points that they don't have time to setup for the sake of just doing it because they fancy it.
No character matters except for the five. The rest of them are pigs to the slaughter. In fact killing the non-five is a good thing and should be promoted. We get character moments when things happen to the non-five so it's good if they just get eviscerated.
Is that how your chat bot program works too?
What is this about exactly
Gubcake xD
O-oh im sorry Vi, you can leave with your sister, btw im really sorry that i've slept with someone else
Caitlyn's arc
I felt like watching a fucking highlight reel what the fuck was this pacing.
Should have been 3 seasons or maybe 4
muh microexpressions
muh media literacy
Plenty of people knew what was being conveyed in act 3, they just didn't like it. The writing for s2 was very poor and unsatisfying in general.
Also why is it that people who scarf slop like it's going out of style latch onto silly little phrases to dismiss anyone who dares see the flaws in something. I just assume it's bc they're women, but still
But at what cost? Did Orianna actually keep her humanity?
People will try to defend this by saying she was already questioning ambessa. But the total runtime where she's skeptical is like 20 seconds and her seeing vi again IS the straw that broke the camel's back. It's all so retarded. And she never fucking pays for her actions
Act 1 Episode 3 was supposed to be the Season 2 ending. Act 2 Episode 3 is definitely another season ending maybe Season 3 or even 4.
And she never fucking pays for her actions
Neither does Jinx btw
Jinx did less damage to piltover and her actions led to less civilian causalities than caitlyn, KEK. Caitlyn's actions led to all out war
What? She literally payed thousand times over with her suffering
Yeah except for y'know losing Isha and dying you fucking retard.
except she doesnt lose her partner you fucking idiot instead she's rewarded cause Vi choose to live with her
It's all good because she was made ruler of all of piltover because foreign black lady made everyone beat their chest like warriors when this entire region is suppose to be where the smart people are from and make their decisions logically.
We have no idea how they will handle her in Arcane.
In League she is kinda your typical soulless robot
Every arcane character us much different than in league though.
Also I dont know how much he will care. But I can see him fucking with some demonic shit to try to retrieve her soul.
If this was real life, the people of piltover and zaun would be ripping her from limb to limb for allowing a foreign power into their government that ultimately led to the most violent military conflict the city had seen in 200+ years. Also she DIDN'T abandon rigid authority, she still has incredibly sway over piltover because of how rich she is and because she still has family control over the undercity ventilation system.
Also she still got vi in the end and 1 eye is a small price to pay for how many lives she impacted.
I still haven’t processed all that this ending was so full of misery
Oh I guess I'm the one hallucinating a whole season where they weren't together my mistake.
What? When? That's like a byproduct of finding VI not her "arc".
i don't know how i could have made it clearer that i was being sarcastic.
not. dead.
The whole 18 episodes of a show called Arcane. You should try watching it.
she ends up with her anyway, Vi doesn't give a fuck about what she did in the past, the moment she said "yeah im ok with your lunatic sister" she went in like a starved beast for Caitlyn
Oh but she lost an eye
who gives a fuck? in a world were you have magic, teleportation she will have some bs to heal her
We must make a compilation of the craziest theories that passed through this place. Home me:
-Caitlyn's eye theory was true, but Jinx wasn't the one who took it from her, it was Ambessa.
Symbolically, thematically, spiritually dead.
Le smart detective
Let's noxian influence take root
They imprison and beat your citizens with impunity
Turns out they want more power, they attack and try to coup piltover
Countless zaunites AND enforcers die because they have to fix your mess
"Opsie! I was sad over my mother, you see"
*gets away with everything*
Am I tripping or were they constantly throwing hints at another season these last 3 episodes??
Cait looking at the airduct plans/the airship hinting Jinx lived
AU Powder planning to do something with the gemstones in her drawer
Setting up Noxus in the end with Mel
Am I overdosing on hopium or are we kinda back?
does someone have that frame of Leblanc face? i saw it yesterday in a thread but i can't find it
I did, but I am not you; so I can't have the same delusions as you are experiencing now.
I'm autistic. Sorray
More like hitting a wall. That shit was obvious anon.
Oh so she lost her mom her eye her morality and her girlfriend but none of that counts because they ended up together got it thank you for enlightening me.
Lol at plebs thinking AU episode was good.
It was fucking retarded fanservice episode for ekko&jinx coomers. Waste of time.
Like most of fhings that happened in S2. Like Isha. Noone mentions her in arc3. Even Silco is mentioned. Vander. VI and Powde parents. The chembaron kids who was killed by Jayce. But Isha was forgotten and noone even Jinx gives a damn about her. The same for Heimer. Or that enforcer with shield who got killed. But the faggot niggerloving writer saved Ambessa from LeBlank because just fuck you all and fuck coherent story telling.
How fucking brainwashed are you that they serve you a steaming pile of shit and you think it tastes great?
They should have had her get fucked by men post reveal.
Yes I'm the delusional one viewing Caitlyn as a rigid authoritarian who has to learn to abandon her worldview over the course of 18 episodes you complete fucking moron.
The AU episode was both fanservice but also actually well written.
I enjoyed it.
Yes won't someone think of the enforcer with shield who got killed!!!!!!!!! WHERE IS THE JUSTICE
U mad, bro? Also if you're justification for why something should be allowed in a show that prided itself in and was praised for having grounded conflicts in S1 is "it's a cartoon," you should kill yourself immediately
The next TV show will be lower quality and Riot will use the excuse "it's not Arcane". Heck even season 2 got cost cutting measures all over it. Clearly they were bleeding money and the supposed "revenue" from the show is not that good either.
Caitlyn's eye theory was true
I remember this I wonder what anon came up with it first
There were so many theories Isha is Janna, Caitlyn losing an eye, Tree burning
Isha is Janna. Maddie is Leblanc.
I would vastly prefer they make smaller scale stories for whatever they do next. Something that's like two movies long with tighter focus.
she didn't lost her morality, her conversation with Jinx shows that she knows that she fucked up in the past and regrets her actions, the only 2 things she lost were her mom and her eyes (which like i said magic bs)
Where the fuck is the AU Powder porn?
My guess is that they wanted to but settled for two seasons
I'm arguing with people who can't even comprehend basic storytelling so the assumption I have to draw is that if you were watching Arcane for the grounded conflicts then you're a fucking idiot that doesn't know anything. The "grounded conflicts" of season one were still present throughout season two it's just that people don't want to rub two brain cells together.
at max you'll get some short comics about piltover/zaun, next season is all about noxus
Caitlyn shooting warwick
They never showed her true face in the show
preasu anons help
Jinx or Powder won't come back
Tell me how I know you don't know League lore.
She never stopped being an authoritarian.
She never defers to anyone else ever, except maybe for her betrayal of ambessa in the 6th episode of this season. But that felt more like she wasn't certain of Ambessa's intentions compared to VI's than that she was becoming less rigid.
So you admit she lost something then? Or does losing her mom not count because of "reasons" as well. Just like her abandoning Vi to become the leader of a doomed conflict based on revenge didn't happen?
Its a shame that trans catgirl that painted Salos legs didn't come back, she was cute
Enfircer with the shield was the guy who was doing raids with them in arc1 and was drinking buddy of VI. If you are too retarded to get the reference no wonder you love the shot they served you.
the AU episode just looks better after comparing it to the rest of the show.
I must have made up the part where she let Jinx go and then flew off into the sunset my mistake I guess I'm the one who can't watch a tv show properly.
mmmm, probably it wasn't a frame of the show then, the one i saw yesterday
Hahahahahah I understand the reference completely hahahahahahahhahh
Just like her abandoning Vi to become the leader of a doomed conflict based on revenge didn't happen?
are you fucking retarded? abandoning Vi didn't impact on almost anything because she's seetled for life with her by the end of the series
Or does losing her mom not count
She lost her mom that she didn't had a good relationship with and that we never saw interact with caitlyn except for 2 scenes but hey, thats ok
It's not hard to peg Salo as a guy who likes to get hammered.
Learn to spell if you're going to pretend you're not retarded I'm done with you.
I don't play league, does the game have any other lesbian couples to base a show around?
I hate the fact that your post is just the tip of the iceberg, so much shit just skipped, skimmed over quickly or fucking off-screened
Jayce not attending 2 council meetings and nobody giving a shit about him since writers knew he wouldn't allow an attack force on Zaun
Characters not discussing or sharing crucial details (Like Smeech not telling Sevika about Jinx killing Silko, or Jayce not sharing what he experienced etc.)
Heimerdinger being a goofy goober throughout instead of reacting horrified at the fact that his worst nightmares are reality
Characters that should be smart and tactical, act like total retards, cause the plot needs it.(Piltover not asking Chem-barons for cooperation in capturing Jinx, since they know that Jinx is responsible for the attack and not them, also why the fuck didn't Pilt tell Barons about what happened to Silko, this would allow them to re-negotiate peace)
Asking the audience to care about literal who's, when barely any info is given about them(seriously, i cared more about Vi's bros in 1 episode than about all of the "Strike team" combined and ironically they had more screen time)
pic.rel and others should be considered major character of plot moments, yet are quickly brushed over or ignored instead of explored or given the weight they deserve, pic.rel especially is a war-crime were they use a lung destroying chemical, yet that is never acknowledged or taken into consideration
i Know this seems like shizo-ramble but i had to get it out of the system and i'm sure i haven't covered even half of what's wrong with season 2 which is why i hate it so much, since i think that season1 is one of the best season of TV period, season 2 is just pretty colors and shitty lesbo love mixed with horrible writing
Yes, and still is shit because it is fanservice and AU. AU for show that barely have established lore and 1 season is fucking rudiculous. And considering the show is short making it one full epizodem full of fanservice is killing the show further. The marvelization of second season was bad. When Zaun and Piltover stood together after Jayces speech the only thing lacking was american flag waving around.
Diana and Leona
no arguments
Some OVAs and standalone stories along with a subsequent movie would be nice.
Ekko chased pussy, Singed chased family
It is not schizo ramble. You are completely right Schizo ramble is the talk how great S2 is.
if you were watching Arcane for the grounded conflicts then you're a fucking idiot that doesn't know anything
Grounded as in the circumstances were fantastical but because they were well written the audience could suspend their disbelief at the scifi/fantasy elements. AKA good storytelling, good world building. Character choices had weight and consequence, good or bad. If you seriously think that S2 was remotely the same in this regard, you gotta tap out. Isha's trajectory as a character was cheap and predicted by people before the show even aired and after she died no one even said her name. Caitlyn's actions lead to hundreds of people dying, minimum, and yet she isn't stripped of her holdings (minimum punishment a place like piltover would enact) and doesn't even give zaun their independence. Just 2 examples off the top of my head of how poorly constructed the actions and reactions of this season are
Yes I really wish we got an episode went into the politics of using sarin gas instead of just using it as a visual metaphor for where our characters are at in the story because I too am a pedantic joyless asshole.
But let me add, they are Doomed Yuri
Justice for Maddie!
Kiramman dynasty won't beat the allegations
Don't worry we got a music video for all of that.
Goated posts. When you think about anything at all wrt this season it all falls apart so hard
The real winners of season 2
Shes not crazy or anything, right?
I think there's a bit of a hole in her overall character.
her tears are clear
The fact that you are talking about people predicting what would happen to a character before they appeared like that has any bearing on the show whatsoever and pretending like the show would have been better if it the show named after Magic should be more grounded (as if that's what drew people to it in the first place) proves to me that you have zero idea what the fuck constitutes a great story at all.
you have zero idea what the fuck constitutes a great story at all.
Yes add more multiverses time travel and lesbians, the hallmarks of all great stories
That's the best kind of yuri
Caitlyn was disgusted by her before finding out she's a spy, no one cares about her
Cait on the counsel
The person it panned to was one advocating for Zaun the whole show
I swear you people just make up shit in order to complain
If Maddie was a spy that was going to just shoot Cait in the back of the head, why didn't she do it when they were alone and Maddie was working as Cait's spotter when she was trying to put rail gun rounds through Ambessa's head? At any point, she could have just shot Cait in the back of the head or something. It would have derailed the bombing attempt way before she needed to sabotage the bomb.
Arcane S2 has to be the worst case of fanfiction writing in an official product ever, it genuinely feels like one of those shows that ended or were cancelled decades ago but then got picked up later by an entirely different crew who didn't have access to the original crew's members or plans
It's so fucking bad it made me come out of it with a worse opinion of LoL than I had going into the show, and my opinion of LoL before Arcane was already incredibly low
pretending like the show would have been better if it the show named after Magic should be more grounded
Oh okay, you don't understand what I said at all and you couldn't even hold the words of my previous post that you replied to in your head for 5 minutes. You really are retarded. So this is the peak intellect of an arcane s2 defender
Small question, how can i make a macro image on that is used in screen caps?
Yeah surely the Lord of the Rings is a bad story about magic because there is no AU, niggers everywhere and lesbians and is told in straight fashion without hip hop nigger music compilation.
So you didn't like Arcane season 1 either?
They should have worked to show some symbol of Zaun throughout the show and then at the end there's like a new council table arrangement that interlocks with the big Piltover cog where all the Zaunites have council seats.
I did laugh when it showed Sevika as a lone Zaunite on the council as though it would do anything.
You're sitting here pretending like a show based on a video game with some of the best animation in history is bad because it isn't grounded enough. You're wrong. Shut the fuck up.
Because writing in this show is utter shit.
Also ambessa reflecing two hextech sniper shows siÄ™ was not aware of was retarded plot armour bullshit.
Wasn't in s1.
Everything in s2 was sacrificed for shipping in a way that didn't happen in s1
I think it's very obvious she wasn't supposed to be a spy, but when Arcane was limited to second season they realized they wrote the self into a corner with not enough time to get out. That could explain why the later half of S2 was absolutely botched
a relationship in this timeline is fundamentally impossible
Only a faggots or shippers from the other side claim this. The whole point of Ekko's conversation that convinced Jinx to stop is that whatever was broken can be rebuilt. If their relationship was broken, it now can be repaired. What happened in the past don't matter.
Yes Arcane season one is basically from the mind of JRR Tolkien you fucking moron
No he is sitting here stating the fact that S1 of show based on video game was grounded and had one of the best animations ever, when S2 shat on storytelling from S1 and did retarded fanservicing that ruined the story from S1 that you are either too stupid or too fanatically coombrained to see.
It's literally difficult reading this thread. Is Anon Babble always this stupid? Half these posts obviously missed details blatantly thrown at you. I can't tell if people are actually just grasping for things to complain about or genuinely weren't paying attention.
I literally said that S1 had grounded CONFLICTS that felt believable and satisfying because it was written better, not that the show should have gotten rid of magic or league fantasy shit to make it more grounded. You really can't read for someone who is saying people you disagree with can't comprehend the show. My words just aren't getting through to you because you are a dumb person. Race check
Hahahaha yes a romantic relationship culminating after sixteen episodes of buildup is "sacrificing" something hahahahah
So they aren't even working on the new show yet? That show is gonna come out 2930 at this rate
Enjoy your shit taste, being able to enjoy slop must be nice
Lets be honest, she will be a soulless husk and we will feel bad about her
This show is miseryporn because thats what the writets think makes a good story
ekko overperforms for the entire season and helps save the world
doesnt even get a free week on jinx's onlyfans
kkkaitlyn hitlers the fuck up and does nothing during the final teamfight
is rewarded with being vi's sloppy seconds
Typical AD carry
Arcana season1 has coherent and emotional story that is possible to imagine as true in some weird AU, while S2 is retarded music video for idiots like you, you blabbering faggot.
Or maybe you are a bot if you cannot understand simple comparison and metafor about LoTR
That warping has been oinking poison in your ear this whole time
Watch the show before posting
The conflicts in season two are precisely as "grounded" as season one. You can keep pretending like political intrigue was the main draw of the show if you want but you really are missing the forest for the trees.
Riot said they already have more shows in production. Not sure if with Fortiche, though. They have to do their stupid OC show first
Oh no I get it, you were comparing Arcane season 1 to Tolkien. Because you are an illiterate moron.
Feel you bro, and S1 was so good, I honesty don't understand what happened? the writers didn't change and the show had a few years to be made and written, this doesn't even feel like executive meddling, the show is just written badly.
Oh hey less make character act like bitch for 6 epizodem straight but we need her to change the mind quickly. What to do? Oh yeah less make her say she knew that she was acting like bitch and that was a plan all along!
Shit writing only retards can find appealing.
The thing with timebomb is that they have so little stuff but they win big everytime because animators and writers bring their A game when it comes to them. The best example is S1 episode 7. A few scenes between them fighting brought the whole ship alive and even convinced Linke and Amanda (who allegedly didn't write the scene the same way it was animated) into the train.
Call it unfair but when shippers are inspired they can create gold from dirt. And there are a lot of timebomb shippers working inside.
what if these wacky clown tier mascot characters from a multiplayer game were actually believable human beings with motivations and conflict
no wait what if the actually believable human beings with motivations and conflict from S1 were wacky clown tier mascot characters like from a multiplayer game
Faveloid logic.
"It's good because it took x amount of episodes to develop."
Let's just ignore how they turned vi into caitlyn's dog while in S1 she was all about family. There isn't a single decision she makes in S2 that doesn't revolve around doing what she thinks is best for caitlyn. She even looks a damn beat dog ready for a scolding when caitlyn finds her trapped in jinx's cell. I guess it's logical development for her if the intention of the writers was to turn vi into one of the most detestable codependent characters in the show
Good catch
k now tell me besides her mom what did she lose by the end of it? she gained a wife, still has authority over piltover and will become the sheriff
Shipping has no place in serious media, fuck off standard eroding retard
"Illiterate moron" says retard who cannot comprehend simple posts on imageboard.
No I was not comparing Arcanse S1 to Tolkien. It was response to your retarded faggotry where you wrote that shows about magic cannot have grounded story telling because they are about magic. You fucking imbecile.
The writers did change. Some lesbian woke shithead became the head of writing team. And it shows.
Is this supposed to be some sort of gotcha? That perfect justice wasn't doled out in this universe, therefore the show is bad?
Are you twelve years old?
Kek. Spot on.
I wrote that the main appeal of Arcane isn't its grounded storytelling, because that's obvious to anyone with a functioning brain.
You use words like faveloid like I'm supposed to know what that means I think I'm done talking with you you're just too retarded
No you fucking moron but in a story she should LOSE something, most likely her authority or even dying
She lost an eye
It was actually the appeal of S1 and people tell you it here constantly you coombrained retard.
This is what happens when you do proper writing instead of rushed shit.
It seems like a lot of writers make this mistake these days. It's all cheap thrills, an easy way to attract the audience and make them "care"
Ezreal, far away from his birth city and any lore changes, looting some tomb
You repeating it over and over again doesn't make it true. Anyone watching Arcane primarily for the grounded storytelling doesn't know much about storytelling, which is very obvious after this season.
Jinx would be a billionaire if she opened an onlyfans
compare that to Vi or jinx...
It means you live in a favela, aka you're a brown brazilian monkey. Was I close to getting that right? You seem like some kind of latinx
Are you implying ep7 somehow isn't rushed fanfiction shit lmao
So you agree she LOST an eye then?
Kek What A Shitty Second Season
Hahaahahah you must really hate yourself you Brazilian faggot hahahahaha
which is very obvious after this season
after this season
this season
You are clearly too deep up your own ass that you cannot see you actually agree that S2 is shit compared to S1 due to mentioned over and over again grounding of a story in S1 and lack of it >this season
brownoid confirmed
She lost an eye which is nothing
lost everything besides Caitlyn
do i even have to say?
alone and fucked
You'll get a spin-off book written by a shitty YA novelist and you'll take it. Jinx and Vi will never properly reunite, thank the modern writers having their brain rotted by Game of Thrones.
why are viktor mains angry, show literally proved glorious evolution is NOT the way
Retard whose brain is so rotted he unironically uses terms like favelanoid confirmed
Why? Because you're 12 years old and think every fictional world requires a perfect karma system?
Reread the sentence slowly you illiterate dumbfuck. Sound out the words
So you are cool with losing an eye because its nothing?
Was this really necessary?
Man Stromae songs always hit me in the feels but this one in particular is really something.
I'm gonna go stand outside in the rain for a while.
She's finally at peace.
Same man, really makes me wish I can go back to some moments myself.
S2 Act 3 was really pushing it too far in the stupidest of ways. The twist could've been that Vi helped fake Jinx's death so Jinx can leave in peace.
Except it's Vi she's moving from. Jinx is not escaping because she's wanted. She's leaving because she finally found the determination to walk away from Vi and the continuous cycle of violence.
Some people just live to suffer
I usually like Stromae but I hate that I will now associate the music with this garbage
nah, i only watch arcane because of fan service. Hope to see my boy ryze or azir soon.
Smex with Jinx
Nah, I don't think Vi would let Jinx go especially after Jinx has changed
First season tried to be a story,
Second was aiming to become a music clip.
i love pale skinny women so much its unreal
Hey guys, for today's video I want to introduce you to a friend
Slams a mechanical dildo on the table
This is Mr. Friendly and he's gonna hit all my spots
"Hi, everyone! I hope you enjoy the show"
Oh Mr Friendly, of course the they'll enjoy the show
Also, I'm going to be doing a video with 1 lucky fan who donated the most before next week
Current leader is "Ekko your childhood friend", weird name, with 7k
Get those numbers up and you could have the privilege of being the first man in my life
Okay let's start the show
beginning of E5, writes JINX on her right cheek under her eye when in Vi's apartment, it's reversed into gibberish when properly reflected
beginning of E9, mascara drips down in IV shape, reversed from VI should she look into a mirror
God she's so cute
You are constantly trying to say that you cannot have grounded story in universe with magic(which people here told you you actually can and S1 of arcane had it) because season2 of arcane is shit. You are retarded beyond repair.
Art department carried this piece of shit season hard
We build our own prisons.
Bars forged of oaths, codes, commitments.
Walls of self-doubt and accepted limitation.
We inhabit these cells, these… identities and call them “Us”.
I thought I could break free by eliminating those I deemed my jailors.
But… Jinx…
I think the cycle only ends when you find the will to walk away
VI really is the worst thing to happen to powder
Builds powder up only to dash her down when it gets difficult
Has rage issues but also dislikes it when other people have rage issues?
Has a big heart... But a wetter pussy. Bitch does whatever to get laid by Cait
Doesn't even look that hard to find Jinx or Warwick
It's Anon Babble, nigger. Now go on your brown way
Anon no! Its a trap! She will leglock you!
lmao Ekko can never catch a break
Piltover is one of the richest cities and has no any defense systems, so they had to shoot back with fucking boxes while noxus has artillery. Too easy for Noxus
That is not what I'm saying you illiterate moron. I'm saying that people watching Arcane for the "grounded storytelling" of season one and who feel betrayed by season two somehow are fucking morons who have no idea what storytelling is in the first place.
Best timeline is where Vi is dead
You cannot make this shit up.
They're an international trade port. Depending on world politics, they're most likely implicitly protected by everyone else.
But no one else can act if they welcome any of the others in with open arms (like they did with Noxus), and by the time Ambessa revealed her intentions things happened way too fast for anyone to act anyway.
Does the arcane/hexcores stuff have a will of its own? Or is it just like chaotic magical energy stuff that has no real thing its aiming at?
We both know who the self hating nigger is here FAVELOID
Inverse VI
I'll take one for the team.
She is.
It's kinda like raw energy intermixed with the fabric of reality.
Constantly fluctuating like waves in a storm.
Jinx was a complete fuck up of a character, literally her best trait is that she is not Vi and im tired of seeing all these shitty baits about her becoming ANYTHING more than a suicidal sack of shit because the writers just cant make her move past that at all. FUCK
Unbelievable how dirty they did my girl.
Was my league main for a while years before the show
U mad?
look at this nigga. He is so fucking ugly and weird looking, who the fuck would "want to be" this guy
U a self hating Brazilian with dark skin?
You can tell Fortiche knew EXACTLY what they were doing with that scene
Nobody from here at least.
That's why we make our own bullshit fanfiction.
The best part about this is that Silco is dead and simply a representation of what Jinx is processing. It is Jinx that makes this realization herself.
They had gotten real sick of animating dyke and blacked sex scenes by that point
After the closure with episode 9, is there anything left to discuss or are we already making headcannons like when people were talking about vi being raped by that dungeon guard?
You wish, baby
The only reason we're talking here is because there's no closure, and everything is a sequel hook
How is Vi in any way the worst?
She makes a lot of mistakes yes. So she is not great. But fuck, even in her immediate vicinity there is Caitlyn. And that character is actually the worst and didn't do anything right.
is there anything left to discuss
Guess there is some room for magic stuff appreciatiors
As for ordinary show-only dudes, there is only reflection of the past what is left....
There is nothing to talk about, we can only laugh at what they put out and try to predict their next series
Just when you think they can't get any more pathetic. I can't decide if it's more embarrassing that someone would actually post a picture of their skin on Anon Babble or if you're a self hating Brazilian from the slums pretending to be otherwise.
2 and 1/2 frames of a pink dot flashing out of the explosion
Cait checking out the ventilation system in the blueprints of the tower while holding a piece of debris from Jinx's redneck grenade
last shot of the show is a zeppelin flying into the distance similar to the zeppelin we see on the first scene of the first episode where Powder says she'll fly in one of those someday
the fucking end title cards written in Jinx's schizo typewriting
"naH, ShE Is TottaLLY DeAD GuyS"
some sub-80 IQ people totally deserve every single piece of dogshit GPT-powered slop that streaming services pump out every week
Are there any loose ends? they even finish the start of the frist episode where mysterious magic man appeared to save jayce.
shimmer superspeeds less than 5 seconds later
People have said it over and over. But it still fucking breaks me that Ekko saved the day but lost everything and won nothing.
In the end she does the same thing - she leaves Vi to be happy with Caitlyn and walks away.
But Ekko (writers words) managed to show her that there is a good version of her (which she claims there isnt when she first runs away in the prison), so she leaves instead of killing herself
Wonder how they will re-introduce her ~6 years from now
Pee Pee
I'm actually implying that CaitVi is rushed fanfiction shit and has been since 2021
Jinx is a treasure.
How the fuck is nobody hating on Vi in-universe? She literally went down and gassed her own people because of poontang and nobody even mentions it.
You can bet he rewinded time a ton while he was with AU powder, so he's got some killer memories.
They don't understand the word closure despite claiming to be experts on storytelling
no idea. She's by a good margin the worst character in the show if you consider how much screen time she gets
Is there someone who genuenly waited for S2 since 2021?
Holy smokes guys, I can`t even imagine what it is like waiting almost for half a decade for S2 (expecially for those who have not appreciated it)
Are they gonna do next season that long again?
The season is not bad. The real problem is that the leaks ruin the experience
So how long until Riot resets the timeline and says Arcane was an alt verse?
I was thinking 2 years but given they're making something like 3 shows now, I think we might be stuck with the Arcane verse for a while.
Hopefully the next shows are paced better. Animation is good tier but some of the plotlines accelerated for no fucking reason other than to end at episode 9.
8/10 season all things considered. Jinx and Ekko are cute. I miss old Viktor already
No I forgot about it and only started watching again when S2E1-3 dropped
Ya I didn't like the use of the sacrifice. I didn't think it was needed
managed to show her that there is a good version of her (which she claims there isnt when she first runs away in the prison), so she leaves instead of killing herself
Was what what I was hoping for. Having Vi think she's dead means Vi will stop chasing Jinx and move on for herself as well waa probably why they decide to go with the sacrifice.
Use the Z-Drive to replay your climax inside Powder over and over
Brb gonna go steal the magic negro's time mcguffin.
How we even got those leaks? Have not been paying attention.
We got them from Twitter or Anon Babble?
Does anyone have webm with Jinx spitting hexcore out of her mouth while sitting in a jail cell?
nobody hates Vi in-universe
Ekko calls her a sellout in game
Every single zaunite asks why she left
Yeah bro nobody hates her
24 hours later and you're still crying?
pow: are you sure we don't need a condom? can you really pull out?
ek: no, no I won't need to pull out. I'll just rewind time!
He didn't get the machine until the end and based on the scene his first ever kiss was with Powder.
Comes back hopeful that maybe he can get through to Jinx and get her to get back on track
Partially succeeds
Vis retarded ass is too busy being a spaz that Jinx has to sacrifice herself to save her sister
Ekko never got to say goodbye or have a chance to make Jinx fall in love with him
It's got to fucking STING to know who your soulmate is, bridge the gap and begin mending the relationship only for her retarded sister to fuck everything up for you.
Vi is the real Jinx. Powder was just her biggest casualty
The vast majority of people who are dissatisfied never saw the leaks at all. Seed counts and view counts for the leaks never broke 1000. Your perspective isn't accurate bc most people on Anon Babble did
what a semen demon
they're making something like 3 shows now
Hopefully the next shows are paced better
can you elaborate on this? i don't think there's any issue in regards to pacing. The things i disliked were the excessive use of music (meh tracks and bad placement) and too many slow motion during fighting scenes.
We are talking arcane here, not the delusion that is lol
His time (haha) will come
ma meilleure ennemie, second place: wasteland
Every region has a big internal conflict born of their personal societal flaws that can work as a contained story
Except Noxus, where the only internal conflict in their history comes from a failed invasion of another region
Is Noxus just so boring that they require other regions to be interesting at all?
you know that the lore is interconnected right? Renata was released after s2 was written, same as Ekko lines in LoR and Zeri.These lines are literally directed at her cause she choose to live with Caitlyn
Because the conclusion of the show was the immediate period after the entire city almost got blown to pieces. Not the long term aftermath.
Having Vi think she's dead means Vi will stop chasing Jinx and move on for herself as well waa probably why they decide to go with the sacrifice.
I honestly thought they will leave it at Vi thinking she is alive but she is actually dead OR she is alive and in hiding and Vi knows it.
Reason being - in League Vi is always chasing after her, so I thought they would recontextualize it - she is chasing her because she wants to convince her they can be together as sisters and things can be fine.
They decided to skip that part (or at least delay it for now), we will see what they do in the future.
Noxus' biggest conflict comes from the fact it was founded by a narcissistic death God that wants to enter the living world and enslave all life.
hellfire has a good drop. I'll prob listen to the others soon, however none were really THAT memorable.
Literally no man in his right mind would leave AU powder. You have a perfect future right in front of you with the cutest and most wholesome girl. The world can burn, I'd drop everything for her.
This show managed to suck the fun out of every character's lore
Vi is a perma jobber who flips flops between what she wants and treats everyone around her like shit whether knowingly or unknowingly instead of just being the badcop to Caitlyn's "good cop"
Jinx was an attention whoring bomber who just really liked blowing shit up to the point where she kicked it with ziggs at one point, all to get her sister's attention in order to get her to play cat and mouse. Now Jinx is some enlightened reformed weirdo.
Viktor was a full on robot fucker and not just some fucking space ghost who controls things and makes people some synthetic robot shit. Battlecast was literally a future where was succeeding and every single one of his Battlecast projects were full on robots.
Jayce was supposed to be a pompous hero, and even when they shifted his personality to be a "hero but not actually a hero because he's kind of a sociopath" angle it still wasn't any of THIS shit.
I don't even have to touch Warwick because they fucked him up every which way to sunday.
there's a timeline where the childhood friend wins
This is NOT like my animes
That's why Ekko is a hero and a role model
Sacrificed everything
Ekko Season 2 Act 1 episode 2 chilling
Tear comes through reality
Ekko's screaming face appears
Tear fades away
Keep her away from Vi
It's wild that official Riot merch has Jinx in Ekko's firelight jacket. Right after their talk and in her most whorish outfit yet.
You are so delusional.
It was not about 'staying or not staying'. Ekko knew that it was not his universe and there were hundreds of people in his community depending on it
You all treat Jinx as some beauty pinnacle, but pay fucking attention, ALMOST ALL females in Arcane are drawn beautiful.
There was literally war in his reality unfolding and you think that one kiss with the girl could make all his memory about his realm go away.
He wouldn't give up a chance to leave an already happy Powder and go back to save his own Powder, thus doubling the amount of happy Powder's in the universe
You DONT love her, you just love the idea of her...
ALMOST ALL females in Arcane are drawn beautiful.
troll post
This anon Ekkos
so is Anon Babble moving on to another show or sticking around to see what they do with arcane story in league of legends. reminder we are getting region thematic seasons in 2025, first one being noxus with Mel champ release. i also wonder how many anons are arcaneonlies or have actually followed piltover and zaun lore before arcane.
And all that is still outside of arcane, you might as well tell me fanfiction says so and it would hold the same weight
2 animated shows and one live action
A lot of the Act 3 plotlines were wrapped up pretty poorly. Them having to dedicate a whole episode to Ekko and Jinx was beautiful but killed what could have been a plotline for some other stuff.
The caitvi sex scene was poorly placed.
Maybe this anon is right.
I'd save Mainline Powder/Jinx.
You only need 2 things to fix toxic BPD manic pixie girl terrorists
1) Pain tolerance
2) Time rewind device
If you dont have these, you CAN'T fix her.
Imagine if they had just given it another year or two and added another act to properly wrap everything up. CHRIST it would have been so much better.
They introdused the most plain and non-charismatic character, but drew her so beautiful that she got plenty of simps (myself included)
Almost all girls in Arcane (on Piltover`s part) are drawn 7/8/9/10 out of 10.
i can't fix her
Well I'm already half-way there!
Now I just need to speak to the cripple time-god and his astral butt-buddy about sending me to the Arcane universe.
I hate Maddie
Exactly. And if you've lived a life of suffering and self-inflicted guilt. The only way out is to martyr yourself
you used me and viktor for hextech!
mel gives the obvious answer
subject is dropped and ignored
is jayce retarded?
What do you not like the character they introduced to cuck Vi, who drops off the face of the series until the last episode where she betrays Cait while having the most confusing and not elaborated at all on motives?
When Jinx is healed she cuts off her long hair to signify character progression
French are stealing from anime troupes
Shame what they did to his design. I guess it wouldn't make much sense to have a technophile viktor as augments and prosthetics are already part of the setting without him.
Anyone have a good screenshot of Vi leaning on Cait at the end?
that was almost too much character development anon, leave some for the rest of the cast
we know, Vi.
How is she always perfect?
Spends all his time chasing his gay russian twink "friend" instead of protecting his insanely hot black kween
The answer is yes, he is retarded
It was fun when people were making memes about Caitlyn being endgame with Maddie before act 3, but then the tft cards came out which HEAVILY implied she was a traitor
I like Jinx's new outfit, at least she changed her ripped striped dirty pants
Wait, Zaun doesn't even get independence like at the end of S1? They get one cuck seat on the council and their oppressors just agree to be nice from now on?
i feel like you need to stfu and stop spamming timebombfag
Speed of light is a universal constant, and so is Jinx perfection
Good set of boots on her now
I was not asking you to love her, I just say that Frogs drew lots of hot girls that touch your feelings with looks of them. Maybe I am jsut desperate retard ('you' nuke incoming?).
Substantially, I said that by the look of her AU Jinx was not the factor to stay there.
I am the poster who posted about her plain character all along, you are fighting windmills, bro
Silco knew.
I always found her weird because of this scene alone back in Episode 3. None of the people from Piltover were doing it while she did it immediately.
...and then they dropped her like a baby after the scene where she bedded Cait so I figured I was just being paranoid.
It's hard to accept we were born in the shittiest timeline. We all know that outside there's one timeline where we aren't virgins in 4chin raging about an animated series on a weekend. Where we got the girl of our dreams and had a happy life with her.
It's just not for us. All we can do is take inspiration from that knowledge and strive to be better.
*scene where heimer connects the machine ... We see flashes of heimer in different realities doing a similar thing, pool party , bee , blast zone , dragon trainer and then he finally plugs the cables ... White out ... Switch to A beautiful field and then ... A portal ... Heimer falls to the ground and looks around... Then ... A hand reaches out to him*
Heimerdinger! We have been waiting for you , welcome to Fortnite™
*Shot pans out as we see it was batman and goku next to him as we are shown the og fortnite map*
honestly me and everyone thought she just didn't know what martial law meant and it sounded cool in her head so she started saluting lol
Mel can't talk science with him.
Jayce realized that pussy is temporary. Intellectualism is eternal
Fuck you.
That sounds exactly like what they do to the guy.
So they went the "unite against a greater evil" route to pacify warring factions... but speedran it so hard even the fact itself barely sinks in, much less the emotional impact?
You can't kill yordles. People have teried.
so i know many people consider act 1 to be the best but isn't kinda out of place? Caitlyn in act 1 acts nothing like act 3 Caitlyn, the hit was fucking unnecessary as well if they wanted for them to be together, Isha is dumb, the enforcer squad are non-characters
maddie didn't even think twice about executing cait
she felt it, didn't she?
Because it was rushed. None of the character got the developement they needed except Ekko. It needed another Act minimum. Preferably another season. This season should have been about the Noxus bullshit, following season about the reprecussions and Viktor's Arcane Grey goo scenario.
Now they can jerk off each other in space forever :")
Vi was put in Caitlyn's room to heal, seconds after Vi comes back Caitlyn starts to dismiss maddie's support kek, she realized that there was no competition
Is this colored resist or something else?
reminder jinx was trying to bomb herself while vi was too busy eating cait's pussy
Jinx suffering through incredible trauma alone while Vi is literally too boneheaded to even notice the trauma and is just slammin' puss on the reg
Pretty much sums up the whole show
When did this happen?
it happens for what could've been a week in episode 6, pay attention, zoomer
When jayce disappeared and it was never brought up by anyone
Characters not discussing or sharing crucial details (Like Smeech not telling Sevika about Jinx killing Silko
Not sure if this one actually makes sense. He learns about Jinx killing Silco like 3 seconds before Sevika attacks him, and since they're apparently working together he has no reason to expect she wouldn't have told Sevika as well.
didn't Ambessa bring it up? also, it's just another symptom of a lack of time, granted that doesn't make it better
Claggor has his arm around Mylo’s shoulder
half the reactors think they are dating
Is this an American thing or is it a “I dont have siblings” thing? Why is any male touch considered inherently sexual?
literally only xitter thinks this
Are you deliberately setting up a Trump/Putin or possibly Xi probably not Kim but maybe Orban joke here?
they do the same of Viktor and Jayce, in fact linke had to fucking confirm that jayce and viktor aren't gay
Lmao arcanetwt trying to defend this when that was literally the context:
Jinx: Vi I'm gonna suicide
Vi: Noooo
Few moments later
Cait enters the cell
Cait: You're too predictable (in cringe raspy voice)
Vi: Wanna sex
Cait: Uh are you sure? I cucked you with Maddie while you were gone… Not only that we're also in the prison cell your sister cut herself in-
Vi: Cait I don't fucking care *eats pussy
they didn't because mylo goes after that band girl, but the look claggor gives is concerning at the very least.
Jinx told her to be happy with Cait and not look for her.
Is she supposed to ignore her sister’s wishes and act selfishly?
They still didn't give Zaun independence. And the vote for that has to be unanimous which is literally impossible now. Also Cait Sevika and that char you mention is still just three. They can be outvoted in everything 4 to 3
they did fujobait though. touching foreheads is about as gay as it gets without actually being gay
phoneposter xitterfag spotted
Reminder that AU Powder is reflected as Jinx in the mirror at the beginning of ep7
What's going on with this image?
Reverse search gives me Jihn kills Vi
Jhin is teased as the pianist
he isn't wrong though, Vi was sad as fuck as well
Also she is not supposed to be horny for pussy in the cell her sister was kept in, especially not after being anounced Jinx would bomb herself
Moral of the story: Vi is a whore
There are arts about Caitlyn crying over Vi's dead body as well, i think at the time even a rioter commented on the picture
he isn't wrong though
l m a o
To be fair,
Caitlyn is PRIME pussy.
ok, so, is there somebody willing to slice s2 to only contain the parts with jayce/viktor/singed? Who would you include in the "censored" version? Would such movie be better than 9 eps with got?
their parts are the coolest but don't make all that much sense either, except for Singed. just give up, anon, it'd be unwatchable anyways
best one is The Line
Real. And the scene with it in the show is sick
Caitvi's prison sex video without the audio "Fantastic" already has over 700K views
S1 Vi would having hung herself if jinx committed suicide while she chose to fuck some bitch
they moan ALOT in that scene tho
So does anyone know why the fuck Cait called Vi by her full name in the end? That was really awkward and i dont get it.
The thing that pisses me off about e7 is that it should have been 4 or maybe 5. The only reason it got pushed back to 7 is because they wanted to have le ebin murderhobo cliffhanger where people argue for a week whether Jayce was justified or crazy. It's distracting and detracts from the story, leaving one of the main characters out for an entire act while it struggles to fill that time with more subplots. Act 2 should have been about Jinx accepting her position as leader of the undercity resistance, Caitler becoming more and more distraught over her position as a dictator and the tools of violent oppression she feels forced to use, Jayce seeing a glimpse of a terrible future and a way it could be different but not knowing how to convince others, and Ekko seeing a different version of Jinx and realizing that it's never too late to believe in someone, then coming back to find yet another version of Jinx in his own timeline, maybe someone that he could come to love and respect. If Isha were to die, it should have happened in episode 8 or 9 in a way that accomplishes something, and proves to Jinx that she's mature enough to suffer loss and keep going. Warwick should not have shown up before e8, and even if Jinx or Vi somehow recognized him as Vander, there's no need for the obviously impossible to the story attempted redemption arc.
It's supposed to show that Cait is now Vi's purpose in life, as the only other person in the show to call her that was Powder when she was in pain in S1E3
Best is Wasteland, The Line is maybe 3 or 4.
It just keeps happening...
Vi chooses Cait over Jinx, BUT that’s after Jinx basically tells her not to feel guilty/responsible for her, to be happy and that she deserves to be with Caitlyn.
It’s basically Jinx telling Vi to be happy, and since S1 she’s well aware that Vi likes Caitlyn that’s why she brings her up, because she knows she’ll make her happy. But she also understands that with Vi always choosing her, she’ll always hold her back from that.
So after that scene, is it really that surprising that Vi for once chooses to do whatever she wants? In this case, Caitlyn. That’s why she looks so happy and giggly during the sex scene, she’s giving herself permission to enjoy herself.
Is Caitlyn not worried about the fact that her family line ends with her?
Do we really need another Hitler?
She'll convince Vi to have a threesome with some guy and Cait will take the dick for the team.
Of course then he's found a week later beaten to death.
"Things would have been different if this letter made it to Silco and they properly talked it out huh"
Completely ignores the lesson to be learned there to chase after pussy
She lost her mom and Jayce her only friend
I'm saying jinx wants to fuck her sister, homeboy, and that most of the cait vi jinx drama is framed as a love triangle
THIS. What the hell was the point of act 2 at all. Season 2 should have been canceled, man
Jinx wants to fuck her father, too. She's not super picky.
youre literally a phoneposter retard
i thought twittard refugees went back home
youll never get to nut inside a hot hapa then get beaten to death by her hot girlfriend.
They needed to figure out some stuff to show for three episodes while half the cast was offscreen.
Doing my second rewatch of act 3 and already noticing new things. In the reflection we see actual Jinx not Powder.
I watched s1 with my normie parents and even they were weirded tf out by how she regarded silco and vi. I like that she's weird, though
I'm sure there's ten thousand Zaunite orphans they can adopt
Okay, Amanda. It was bad and vi is retarded af
My mom said that Jinx was just a spoiled brat, too much pampering.
The only reason they killed Jayce was for the adoption arc
the amount of details they've put into this, man. Even if there are some issues with the pacing etc etc I dont think we will get anything that will match it in terms of quality in a long time.
These details are irrelevant when it comes to the big picture of the complete plot and theme being fucked, it's like meticulous gold leaf decoration on a turd cake
why are threads so slow and unfunny today? it was chaos just yesterday
Lol, always funny to see how people's parents react. I'd pamper her more, though
It's kino and I wish Fortiche had used Silco's body language to indicate both attraction and restraint rather than dismissal of Jinx's affections.
The details in the 3D models are the merit of the guys who animate them so this means that everyone on that team is talented and picked carefully to work there.
jinx in s1 is basically going schizophrenic, everybody around here just realizing she is not just sad or angry, she is full on mental. I remember being hella surprised when watching it for the first time
Shit ending killed people's enthusiasm about the show, it's almost a GOT tier catastrophe
Nowhere even close to as bad.
it's like meticulous gold leaf decoration on a turd cake
still if done properly it would shine through. Nobody else has this amount of money to throw around, especially today
the average is 10 million per episode which is like 35-40 minutes of actual animation
the average animated movie costs like what? 40m+ per the same amount of time?
why are threads so slow and unfunny today? it was chaos just yesterday
I gotta live man, I barely slept today, woke up at 1 pm. Its rough
Because the xitter tourists are back for now, just wait until later today Anon Babble will take over
Fortiche just wanted to make another perfect season but they were betrayed by the coomer writers who only wanted to shoehorn in their ships
Feels bad, man.
As you can see there are multiple people falseflagging who hop between this thread and the Anon Babble thread repeating the same tired bullshit for yous. It gets really tiring when you're actually trying to discuss things.
Why is everyone talking like it cost so much to make? 250m for 12 hours of god tier animation is not that much. That's like 6 pixar movies.
slow threads have more effort posting and meaningful replies, fast ones have a lot of shitposting and people ignore you because baits are shinier
When reddit is calling out your writing as shit then you know you fucked up, expect this to be memoryholed insanely fast
Most content is produced on Twitter (yeah, 70% of pics in Arcane threads I found in first minute of scrolling 'Arcane' prompt in Twitter)
Show-only bros are just reflexing on missed opportunities
Lore-guys pondering on what region comes next.
Personally I was disappointed that we got Marvel-tier ending instead of decently-paced climax of crucial relationships.
Holy shit, they have not even given Vi / Jinx proper reflexion on their past. Maybe it is me who is heartbroken, still, disappointing stuff
Mel and the black rose is dumb
only 200 for animation, Marc said it's 80% of the total budget for the frames, so 200 mil to 13 hours give or take
the average animated movie costs like what? 40m+ per the same amount of time?
then why western animation and anime have gotten so shit lately, its egregious. I literally stopped consuming goyslop for the past 3-4 years, thats how bad it is now, I cant stand to watch it anymore
They have magic and technology and caitlyn has special leader priviliges, I’m sure they can have a science baby one way or the other.
Maybe someone else can answer. I have no opinion on that. Only saw Arcane because I've played LoL. Not consuming that much animation.
I think that Kung Fu panda had a similar impression on me, it looked fantastic and the color work was unique.
This is so accurate... even if a writer confirm this to the people they would still think Vi is stupid.
Ppl is so retarded
Act 2 was GOT s7 tier trash. Act 3 took the shitpile it was handed and did the best it could. The only real bad parts were the prison sex while Jinx an heros, and Maddie magically becoming a traitor and then killing herself in the span of 10 seconds to spare Cait from having to have the conversion about how she cheated on Maddie and now she's breaking up with her. Both were extremely contrived and didn't need to happen, caitvi sex could have been implied to happen off screen after the final credits.
they have not even given Vi / Jinx proper reflexion on their past
that's so retarded, s2 was trash. instead of this and other development they waste 45minutes on fanservice and a disgusting sex scene
Happened to me. I'm just here bc I was obsessed pre season 2 and now idk what to do with myself. I know it's just a show but I'm pretty devastated by how bad s2 was
Yeah Amanda overton, the retard who ruined s2, confirmed it. So who cares. It still made act 2 redundant
stop spam replying your own post, its cringe
This show desperately needed another season or 4 acts per season
Season 1 was pretty much memoryholed for me already but I still enjoyed Season 2 more. Idk why we bother lying to ourselves here, Season 2 was the better season and it did everything better in the actual good plot lines (so forget CaitVi) besides not having Silco. This entire board is just so retarded I swear, I remember when everyone was shitting on Season 1 and now we're looking back on it like it was peak. Season 2 is objectively the better season, not by a lot, but it was still better.
Now I say that when I'm probably gonna memoryhole Season 2 as well like a month from now, so its just whatever.
Anon Babble
liking Vi
this board hates her and even hated her in s1, the council scene when she was saying "her name is Jinx" people already were losing their minds calling her a traitor for pussy
I'm finally understanding why the perfect AU for Powder is the one where Vi doesn't exist. Vi puts this insane pressure on Powder to always be safe and good because if she isn't Vi would get sad and would have to protect her while sacrificing her own happiness. With Vi gone, now Powder's free to pursue anything she wants. Free to be herself instead of perfect little Powder for the sake of the sister.
It's interesting to see how toxic the sister really were to each other underneath.
LMAO Jinx on her way to new adventures in Ionia and Demacia after escaping pilties like a chad while her toxic sister Violet the whore is stuck with Cait her oppressor who never apologized for her crimes and terrorism. KINOOO!
Shut up Amanda
At least someone got tf out. I've been saying after the leaks that the only good end for the sisters would be them separately leaving PnZ
they're even doubling down with a music video lel, they're desperate to make that song land
She just wantented to get rid of the last barrier - someone who loves her being sad about it - before she ends it.
Its a pretty common thing amongst suicidal people. But Vi is a lil dense.
As a whole if you are depressed/suicidal/feel like a burden, Jinx's arc was pretty grim especially with the lyrics to Wasteland
Literally the only good parts of Season 1 were Silco and Viktor, everything else was just cringe. Season 2 gave us Viktor, Singed, a better Jayce, and Warwick, everything else was also cringe. 2<4, I rest my case.
this the only reason s2 was kino, they finally showed who is the superior sis. singed is also part of the kino elements of course
Vi puts this insane pressure on Powder to always be safe
You forgot to mention that such pressure was pretty justified.
They lived in a fucking Pit, where (as they said themselves), living like a normal halthy family was not common and they needed entire protection of Vandor (important person in the community) to live this way.
Basically entire Zaun lore in S1 is that it is drug-infested shithole, where only strong communities survive.
As soon as 'overprotective' Vi lost control over Powder, the latest turned into drug cartel member.
They needed proper reflection and reconcilliation, where they would, in some way, where Jinx would forgive Vi`s leaving her and Vi forgiving her crazy nature.
Instead, their way separated in the fight, when Jinx wanna-be sacrificed herself. Sad and cruel.
New thread
Singed was based
Commits crimes
Kills children
Revs daughter
Isn't arrested
Has the best ending in the series
It really wasn't. Being born in a shithole doesn't mean you have to hide forever. At some point you have to grow strong and live. That's what Powder did in the AU.
By the way, the reason why the accident happened? Because Vi was overprotective instead of letting Powder go help. I'm not saying she has to enter and fight he shimmer monster but was it really hard to maybe have her as the one guarding the door. The one that looks from the roof and search for the safest escape route? Give her the easiest safest job?
At some point you have to grow strong and live
Give her the easiest safest job?
This is basically apologia for child`s involvement in warfare.
Yeah, she took her on parkour and heist jobs, but not in fucking war with guys who would turn her prisoners in 1 second after detecting her (in the best case scenario).
It is not Vi`s to blame that she sayed Powder to stay out of Vendor rescue. Everyone would say so. Children on war is always pain in the ass for the guys who use them as much as for enemy.
who the fuck would "want to be" this guy
Me. I'm Jew (American) btw
Caitlyn will hire singed to create a hextech baby for them