Written by women

Written by women

Storyboarded by a woman

Directed by a woman

Why are women like this?

Gainfully employed?

I guess you win some and lose some

Libby's so cute and poundable

I dont follow the show, what happens in this episode?

Thought of by a faggot

Typed by a faggot

Posted by a faggot

Why is OP like this?

She gets mating pressed by a ghost (idk I didn't watch this show either, apparently no one did)


Libby's mother Leah is a single mom who runs a bookstore, Libby's father Matias has literally never been in her life and the episode in question is likely one of the only times she's met him in person.

Essentially Libby and her mom drive out to a random park or something where Matias is waiting, he then shills his new book to Libby, talks about all the shit he's gonna do without her when she thought she was going to make a ton of those memories with him, she goes back to the car and breaks down crying and then Leah reassures her.

That sure sounds like a plot to an episode of a kids cartoon. What the hell.

no one is pretending kids still watch cartoons

Then why are these kinds of stories still being made with kids in mind. Why are these square pegs being punched trough circular holes?

i don't know i don't watch this, it's for young adult women i'm pretty sure, ask op

Wtf they didn't hire a rainbow scented apache helicopter with a flock of seagulls haircut & only one nostril? racist!

Molly Mcgee thread?

mollymcgee.jpg - 1200x800, 402.72K

What do jewish religious texts say about the treatment of women?

Let's be real OP. No one cared about this show except Xitter girls and women. Do you want to be a male DEI hire for a show about girls?

Libby is frankly a bit too swarthy to be considered Jewish by other Jews


Schizoanon said calmly and a singular time.

smug jew.jpg - 579x701, 87.72K

Everyone that knows this show is a flop is a schizo to you? Pic saved though, will be useful in trolling Anon Babble

will be useful in trolling Anon Babble

how come?

Every time i make a thread about jews on Anon Babble i always use libby as the OP pic


kids don't have absentee dads irl

You're dumb

consider the Tsorunridaiodarorochipachero

Is this little brat actually Jewish or is it just a meme made by Twitter artists

Yes she is jewish.

daddy issues are showing.