Jon is being fixed!

Looks like Jon is going to be a kid again and with any luck they’ll undo him being gay.

IMG_5455.jpg - 1170x1860, 1.35M

Say thank you to Trump. It’s obvious that after the election WB executives saw the pendulum swing and will be forcing DC to end all the woke shit.

they’ll undo him being gay

Hahaha, sure, sure

That’s awesome

kid again


not gay


God I love Jimenez’s art, I’d do a lot for a DCAU inspired off his stuff

Ahh, the good ol' days.

We've had multiple flashback issues of Jon and now he's getting deaged for a one off issue. It's not sticking.

It's literally just gonna be some variant cover or flashback story in some summer or fall or back to school special or whatever.
Don't get your hopes up, bub.

Wake me up when it sticks

what is that expression meant to convey?

with any luck they’ll undo him being gay.

I wish.

Anon, Nicole Maines literally just teased some a story for Jon and his faggy friends, THAT'S what they're doing with Jon next, they're not aging him down.

Adult Jon going to be revealed as Ultraman's son?

Why are people so obsessed with Jon being a child?

Turn a gay character straight

Did that ever happened? At most i could see him turned bi and then never be in a relationship with a man from now on

Because we want to dick the shota, what else?

they're pedophiles

Isn't this the Shazam story where he gets struck by the magic Lightning by accident and reverts to shota?

That seems meant to be temporary

I think people just liked the dynamic. You could show Superman and Lois being parents—which was new—and Jon could have his own adventures with Damian. We’ve already seen Kryptonian character the current Jon’s age so it’s nothing new.

Jon was at his height as a kid, basically has powers trying to control them, ans learn to be a hero. People wantes to see Jon grow up naturally, and face challenges as a kid hero growing up.

Not that age-up bullshit they did.

What age? Because Damian is pushing 14 right now, so no Supersons.

Much better dynamic with him and his dad, Jon and Damien bring kid friends was also fun. And honestly ever since they beat Jon with the gay stick he's been awful, the comic is complete trash.

Which men tease gay shota Jon the most

Would be hot if the pink gay twink he's gay fucking kept fuckinghim in his shota body.

aging jon up was like bringing jason back

Jason's first comic return is ass, his later versions were okay.

It’ll just be a flash back.

We're not obsessed with his age so much as we're obsessed with Bendis not getting away with his various crimes. If we can undo one, we may be able to undo the other ones.

Damian is pushing 14 right now

Damian has no age so him being a few years younger again will not be a problem

That's when people liked his character the best, aging him up robbed us of a ton of stories and dynamics.
Like, for example, we never got Kon acting like a big bro for Jon, in fact, Kon was brought back around the same time as Jon was aged up, so we ended up with 2 young adult Superboys, thanks a lot Bendis.

Original Jon was an actual character with good character chemistry with Damian. Name one good story or trait with the aged up imposter. One. Plus Aged Up Jon never suffered psychological trauma from his 7 year skip! NOTHING WAS DONE WITH THIS

I wouldn’t mind Damian being a year or two older than Jon. Jon looking up to Damian as a cool older brother to impress has a cool dynamic to it.


How old was Jon before he got aged up?

Damian already was older than Jon back then, Jon was 10 (later 11) and Damian was 13.

This they’ve done this shit multiple times.

He should be with Damian

This is the way

Pretty sure OP’s pic is just part of the upcoming Shazam story where Jon is being temporarily deaged.

Nothing short of rebooting the universe can bring JonDami back again.

Jon is used goods.

Bring in Jordan from the TV show and have him be friends with Damian instead.

Jon can stay a gay adult with Jay and Damian teams and goes on adventures with Jordan.

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Is he full gay? I thought he was only bi like Tim

Yes, officially bi like Tim. And they seem to have finally freed him from Jay and might be moving him to Dreamer, which I guess is an upgrade? He'll be paired with someone who is basically drawn as a woman.

aging him up robbed us of a ton of stories and dynamics.

All he did was he a kid version of Superman by being a bland goodie two-shoes who was kinda dumb in the way kids are. He was nothing unique or full of potential specifically because he was a one trick pony character.