

Prove it

Too bad you posted a picture of her looking like a fat cellulite ridden nigger anatomy blob instead of being slender, sexy and sensual

Low T

Off model or not I would lick the sweat off of her.

God BLESS WB animation for this

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I was expecting Mad Stan

t. has never seen a real naked woman before.

News flash, 90% of women look like that. Good luck getting your non-existant asian wife you NEET.

shut up and post more Phatwoman

Do you think Selena would pork up after she retired? She is sometimes shown as fat when she's older, most famously in Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns.

she should be strong fat AS Catwoman.
I'd don't like her modern petite portrayal. She should be strong as shit with a phat ass and large breasts but still able to do her peak human acrobatics. almost a fertility goddess

News flash, 90% of women look like that

yeah nowadays

2010s.jpg - 500x385, 29.41K

catwoman never had an 'on-model', she's a character from a comic book a medium known for having a carousal of artists thus a constant fluctuating art style, thus an inconsistent look.

Catwoman is naturally petite and agile however considering the nature of what she does (alongside all the other female bat-family members, being an olympic level Gymnast and whatnot), and so making her bustier messes with her most basic design.

Strongfats literally cannot have abs because you need to have like 5% or less bodyfat for abs to appear, dipshit


Yow know, I miss the days when we could have a nice little cheesecake thread as a treat. Now we can't go a day with out coomers all but masturbating in front of us and trying to force some new meme catch phrase.

There was always literally cheesecake threads almost daily. Rewriting history won't make your dad come back home.

LARPing as an oldfag

You need to 18 to post here kiddo

the late dcyou new52 run was really good.

Strongfats literally cannot have abs because you need to have like 5% or less bodyfat for abs to appear, dipshit

she has the power-tum of a soft layer of chub over big, developed abs where you get some outline but no definition.

I'm old enough to be your father newfag

she's a big girl

Unmercifully hot.


Fat tits are perfectly on model. Nigga ass isn't so you're right on that count.

file.png - 674x892, 1.53M

I'm old enough to be your father newfag

Did I touch a nerve sport?

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I mean, this was her fate in The Dark Knight returns.

Controversial take but: Long Hair Catwoman > Short Hair Catwoman

That being said, best short-hair Catwoman is Darwyn Cooke’s depiction of her.

Probably, she has less reason to stay as fit as Batman usually does when he gets older in the stories.

This, OP fundamentally doesn't understand the character