Who's awesome? She is

Who's awesome? She is

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Is it true that on 90s internet forums people were in love with her there too?


She really likes diving

2000s Inspector Gadget invented a teen nephew of Dr Klaw, named Takin, to fuck Oenny.

This thread was made for me.

Inspector Gadget is actually a pretty cool concept. It's kind of ruined by it being about how the little girl and the dog is way more competent than him.

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Hating on Penny

Haram opinion.

No, they wanted Penny doing the things the dog did, but we never got em...........

Any updates on the Penny Project, its been 2 months

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mp4 now available

Sound only available for Anon Babble


What project?

Wait we can post mp4's now? Oh but its without sound....
Whats the fucking point of that then?

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Oh you like Penny too?


look up archives

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Yeah, I grew up watching the 2000s one, I didn't discover the 80s one til later, I liked Penny in the original better because the animators where actually based.
Sounds based.


Penny is a girl I would like to do.

There, I said it.

Back of the line.

I also like her. 2000 Penny has a good design that I love the most along with her orginal one. After that however, the rest of her design in other series was suck which is sad for me.

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Both the 2000s and 80s ones are my favorite.

Nah too lazy. This looks like that artists art who draws on model and VHS filters the shit out of them to make them look like real screenshots. Mexican37 or something.

But I like the 80s one more.

Some of are from a different artist and NO i havent seen mex0n37 make em

This looks alright. Need to see it in motion.

In motion

You are asking way too much mate

Oh I thought it was like those Pokemon furry transformation edits where some autist went through the effort of reanimating entire scenes.

Still pretty good none the less.

Oh I thought it was like those Pokemon furry transformation edits where some autist went through the effort of reanimating entire scenes

Get out. Seek help

The guy who made this is different from the Penny project right?

Stop makin thes3 threads

They should make more. Can never have enough Penny threads.

I like the idea of the detective getting really far but only making it through with his support. Without it being woke worship bullshit.


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Gif is broken.

Am I the only one who DOESN'T here the trademark Cree Summer voice/ It's like she was too young.

I find it funny an actress known for voicing black characters voiced one of the most popular white ones.

Do you think they put her in a red swimsuit because they knew just how popular the original one was?

Is it wrong if I know what photo they copied for this art?
It's a picture from a series.

I'd like a series where Inspector Gadget doesn't get any help from Penny or Brain, he just kind of has retard luck like Mr Magoo and ends up solving all his cases anyway.

Inspector Gadget isn't supposed to be smart. I guess if you want "actually it takes a high IQ to understand..." Inspector Gadget you can just watch Rick and Morty. The writers starting explicitly pointing out Rick is basically Inspector Gadget seasons ago. At this point Rick could be falling off a cliff and then fly off with Inspector Gadget style helicopter propellers flying out of his head and nobody would even question it.

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