Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: Coach Greer

Genuinely, what was her fucking problem?

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Blonde Odalia


Damn, not even Anon Babble cares about the fat assed, transphobic milf

She wasn't riding my face after her work out. Gotta get that extra stank in my skin

Black shota built

i think we just moved past hating things we dont understand

It's not an official episode.

It should be

official episode, scrubbed from release

So is disney offiacially an antisemite?

he always was

I guess hitler really was disneys biggest fan.

I looked up the show after seeing all the threads. Why didn't you tell me this show had so many hot bitchy white women in it?

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hot bitchy BLONDE white women

Coach Big Rear

Why do so many franchises have old women that appeal to men with mommy issues now

men with mommy issues

Is that what this is? I don't see what that has to do with it for some anons who just like fat bottomed girls

Yeah, I love my mom and she loves me. Coach Greer's hot because she has a fat ass.

Thread last night was full of men with mommy issues lmao

theres going to be a lot more of those on Anon Babble than other places and at least some of those anons also like fat asses kek

i dont know anything about this show and i don't really care to at the moment as i am only here in the hopes that pictures of this woman's VERY FAT ASS will be posted.


hear me out

conventionally attractive woman

"hear me out"

there might be hope for future generations if this shit slips through the cracks

imagine being her husband, after 20 years of a happy and loving marriage.

There's no ring on her finger in the episode, anon.

Her ring isn't on her finger.

Well then she ain't married

She can't just go around butt ass naked all day

My thing is that in the episode it’s made clear thst Brooklyn can play and volleyball isn’t a contact sport. It’s not the same as the proud family episode where penny wanted to play football because football is a contact sport so there’s a severely heightened risk of injury. In real life, there are girls volleyball leagues that allow trans players, coed volleyball is a thing and the cases where an injury occurs in volleyball it is hyper fixated upon if a trans athlete caused the injury while ignored if the same thing is done by a cisgender female athlete. The video essayist notes that Greer is cartoonish but from what I’ve seen, all the villains in the show are cartoonish and greers arguments against Brooklyn playing in the show are 1 for 1 exactly the same as actual arguments made by people actually in volleyball circles that don’t want trans players in a girls league. They think it’s unfair because males literally can jump higher than females can on average. Greer specifically thinks it’s unfair because Brooklyn is male. Greer isn’t losing her mind because she thinks Brooklyn is dangerous (because it’s volleyball… come on) or that she thinks Brooklyn is a sex pest or anything like that.

Cute voice tbqh

Touched a nerve?

she doesn't want to lose it, she teaches sports and she might bust it up

whos the retard trying to force this into being a thing?


imagine finding and taking her ring and then trading it back for a blowjob