Death Battle

How would this even work?

They would fight in the Digimon world.

What the fuck did the covenant do to Cortana? Are you even allowed to post gore like that on a blue board?!

At least Sage can join her dad

You mean her Halo 5 design?

I guess. I haven't kept up with the series. Why does she look like one of those squeeze-toys?

Halo 5 had a weird art direction.

what's the weakest fictional character that can tank "the Great dying"?

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So why did OP pick the worst Cortana for the thread-banner?

Survive it how? This wasn't something that happened in a matter of hours like the meteorite that killed the dinosaurs, it was a gradual process.

You would have a hard time breathing here, but you would also have a hard time breathing in other stages of this planet because oxygen levels change with time. More oxygen in the atmosphere is also bad to you, as is less.
If you can solve your breathing difficulties, you would have to find pockets of life that you could survive on.

I googled this match and this was the only result.

Last thread the command to post dragons RIGHT NOW! went *extremely* well. I am satiated, nay-maybe even a little bit elated, enough so to tryi pulling this shit a second time. this time I will instead merely MILDLY ENCOURAGE! the continuation of the conversations and matchup listings that were had about dragon fights from last thread just at a LOWER INTENSITY! compared to before.


bahamut's too much of a stomp

Poor Sage

Why is an 18 year old tickling a twelve year old.

What happened in the bottom one, is that how he explained the reboot for FFXIV?

Unless Deathwing got some God tier feats while I wasn't looking... yikes.
Even Jack of Blades would be a fairer match for Deathwing.

Smaug vs Fatalis.

Darkstalker vs the Didact

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Let's see...
He owns the Demon Soul, which was so powerful it warped his body.
He is the Aspect of the Earth, and can shape stone and rock to his will, raising mountains and junk.
Allied with Ragnaros the Firelord.
His escape from Deepholm was a cataclysmic event felt for years on end, causing islands to sink, vallies to rises, volcanos to explode.
He also cursed every dragon in his line with insanity.
He has some strength. He could match Jack, but not exceed him.

don't be weird, anon
Lila is 9.

The Didact sucks.

People hype up Cortana a lot but she isn't impossible to beat. Didn't the Banished destroy a Guardian with a Forerunner weapon?
Also she can be disconnected from those guardians or you can exile them to far away corners of the galaxy were she can't reach them. I think this is where the Sonic verse cartoons logics would play out to give Sage the edge. Cortana is only a galaxy level threat and she's very, very slow compared to the cartoon physics of Sonic.

Eh, it depends on how exactly you scale The Domain which is where, I presume, all of the Halo wank is coming from nowadays

Could you please stop using Alduin in matches already? The guy eats multiverses for breakfast. He would kill Marvel's high tiers with ease.

technopathy. control over halo machines vs eggman machines, while simultaneously trying to hack eachother

durrr 11d is real guises

The chaos emeralds split two universes apart and we know the Sonicverse is impossible huge. Way larger than Halo's.
And also, what I told you very real. Cortaba is only a galaxy level at MOST. Whoever tells you otherwise is bullshittint you and most likely didn't even played the games or read the story.
Shadows of Reach, noble 6 had no problem evading Cortana. In fact most other factions were. It wasn't that hard.

This isn't much of a fight at all though. In the low end, sure, there's a debate to be had but Cortana doesn't really have an answer to Eggman's strongest stuff. Neo Metal blitzes and solos everything in Cortana's army

It's a huge mismatch. Neo Metal Sonic would make a good lunch out of those Guardians..

b-but that planet level feat from Infinite

yeah... about that.

>durrr 11d is real guises

I mean, it is. Slipspace is described as having 11 dimensions but the thing is that only the Flood possibly scales to it, and even then they don't really do.
Exactly. Cortana's only wincon would be hacking Sage directly because she loses the physical fight hard

Dragonlord vs Bowser sounds like a fun filler fight.

Its a good apology match for the Sonic verse.

only the flood

Thing is. It's only the flood from the Forerunner era. The flood is only as strong or technologically advanced as the civilization from their time.

It really isn't. A good apology match would be Archie Sonic vs Paper Mario since the consensus on that one seems to be that Sonic wins that one
I'm aware of that

I don't think Archie beats Paper Mario kek


Nothing personal, kid

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Bejita takes another L

Stomps DIO and Pucchi

Reposting from end of last thread.

Toothmax. DB aught to strike the iron while it's still if not hot then at least warm. BH6 is only going to be become more of a memory over time and god willing the HTTYD IP will be allowed to die in peace after this live action movie bombs.

The greatest feat Alduin has in-game is being completely impervious to damage until the LDB uses dragonrend on him.
As well, if Alduin was as strong as people suppose he should be, then he wouldn't have to have been very personal with his attack on Helgen, to the point he needs to burst down a thin tower wall himself.
At the very least since Alduin feels the need to personally ram his head through walls in order to set a few of the people inside on fire it seems like his Fus Ro Dah, Yol Toor Sul and other directly destructive Shouts are not powerful enough to simply collapse/melt/destroy stone towers, nor can Yol Toor Sul create enough flame/heat to incinerate everyone who was inside the tower while Alduin shouted inside of it.

Dragonrend for as much as it's central plot point isn't necessarily all that hard to replicate if your looking at fictions outside TES. Being in the Reality warping the effects of dragonrend directly into him, erasing things from reality or playing fast and loose with souls and time or both by destroying or absorbing so and so are among the more typical feats to be recurring. The shortlist of stuff that might cause serious harm to alduin are are not so outlandishly obscure or powerful across the types of fiction. There are absolutely characters who can offhandedly create an effect able to fuck up an entity made of time or impress on him the concept of mortality or just do it in some other way.

A Character like dr strange oe in our case Bolas, they really should just be able to unravel alduin like so many threads of timey soul string.

Is there anyone for Scott to fight?

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Khajit religion talks about Alduin eating souls to grow in size. Said religion is among the first in universe chronologically and more accurate than the other ones that misidentify his as Akatosh (he is not).

The way Alduin actually is described to destroy the world is that he becomes progressively bigger as he eats things, enough to fit the world in his gullet. Any bigger and he'd hit his cap and die though, since a background plan was grabbing things between kalpa cycles and dumping them into one to make the world large enough he'd explode by over-eating.

The guy is to pull a galactus analogy a starved shriveled husk in skyrim. He's in no position to resist getting manhanled by a more powerful physical/magical entity and have that last sliver of himself snuffed out like an ember before it's able to catch.

Aren't they siblings

And the other fight of mine from last thread:

Dragon aspects (WoWcraft) VsThe Chroma conclave (From D&D/Booteg legally distinct not D&D Mat mercerverse Amazon cartoon)

Use whatever set of Aspects you wish just so long as it's even numbered fight and actually pulling Aspect members from canonically possible versions of their lineup eg don't have Malygos for blue and Merithra for green or a pre-deathwing deathwing fighting alongside the proto-dragon diversity hire.

Is King Gidorah a dragon

If you're not a retard then yes.

Is *THIS* a dragon?
Alduin vs Dialga.

Yeah that's a dragon because it's literally called a dragon.
But I get what you mean. King Gidorah would qualify as one.

Doomsday vs SCP-682.

Yes, 682 is a dragon. He's called such in many articles and his body is that of a Wyvern's in the From 120's Archives canon

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Fuck capeshit.