Will his death leave such a big impact worldwide as Akira Toriyama's? If not, who from American Anon Babble people could pull this off?
Will his death leave such a big impact worldwide as Akira Toriyama's? If not...
Stan Lee already died
He won't die. His mind an consciousness will be transported to a computer.
Not particularly because he’s mostly known for creating the characters more then creating the work using the characters
Anon Babble‘s all time biggest creators exceed Toriyama in notability but they have died ages before. SpongeBob’s creator is the closest that was had in the modern age and no one else will be that big
It was Chuck Jones.
Groening raped LoLisa girls on the Epstein express
Seems like Toriyama's death didn't really leave much impact. Not that Groening will either.
yeah db already ran it's course. there's games, and the last little bit of super to trickle out (daima's out there) but not much else you could do with it
Genndy and Craig
You talking about they got to remake the original dragon Ball anime for the new audience
He'll have it in his will that the undertaker will have to give his corpse a nice foot massage
No. That was Stephen Hillenberg and he already died. I would've said John Lasseter if he didn't wreck his career and/or get accused of wrongdoing.
ew yuck. i will only accept a series covering the piccolo wars or a spotlight on young master roshi's adventures
Seconding this, the early Simpson's writers were what really made the series so beloved, and as we all know it's now a shambling wreck of it's former self. Futurama and that dogshit fantasy series both suffered the same fate, with Futurama being absolute shit post cancelation and the fantasy show basically never being good
They are going to be big in the animation community and associated social media, but they aren’t going to be big to reach the normalfag sphere of household names
I’m not going to turn on CBS News and them talk about these guys dying like they did for the the DBZ and SpongeBob creators
Kill yourselves Spongebob zoomers.
akira toriyama actively contributed to dragon ball up until his death
groening hasn't actively contributed to the simpsons in over 20 years and even then it was for a handful of episodes
Sure but it's always original creator who is the most remembered. People couldn't name the writers of classic Simpson era maybe except Conan and that's because he's already famous.
Who created Scooby Doo and is this guy alive? If so, that could be him.
I would've said John Lasseter if he didn't wreck his career and/or get accused of wrongdoing.
If he died right here and now, he still would've been remembered across worldwide as one of the guys who brought Toy Story and Cars to life
I don't think most people know Groenig's name either.
You’re delusional if you believe Akira Toriyama is a household name.
Mike Mignola will die during your lifetime
Not Matt Groening, no. He was an inspiration for this generation of cartoonists and showrunners, but The Simpsons did alright without him.
The next big Anon Babble creator to get worldwide tributes when he passes would have to be Stan Lee or Walt Disney tier famous. A reclusive cartoonist from Oregon terminally tied to the Fox network will get tributes locally and abroad, but The Simpsons is so specifically niche to the English speaking world that it wouldn't be understood in the rest of the world.
The Simpsons is huge in South America.
Guy, everything is huge in South America. You people are getting everything animated that America already abandoned (Top Cat, Woody Woodpecker).
No this can’t be happening There’s no reason for me to go on What What Am I Fighting For
What exactly does Matt Groening do on The Simpsons?
I know the meme is that he does nothing at all, but he's obviously very much still involved. He's always doing interviews and speaking of the stuff the crew is working on. What the fuck is his actual position? Does he care that the show is nothing like it once was, or did he never really have a vision to begin with?
I remember reading a couple years back that he was exploring ideas on how to bring Apu back but that hasn't happened yet so I'm inclined to think his job is just "Guy who sometimes thinks about ideas for The Simpsons".
You're delusional if you think he's not.
No because the idea of any sort of shared culture is more laughable by the day
It was Ruby Spears AND Hanna Barbera, all four of them are dead.
Maybe him if ge creates a couple more AT-tier popular series before he dies.
His mind an consciousness will be transported to a computer.
I think you mean his head will be transplanted to a jar.
Yeah, Toriyama's death had an impact insofar as people felt obligated to post RIP messages on social media and wax poetic about how much his work meant to them, but nothing much changed as far as contemporary or future art goes as a result of his death. In that regard, Groening's death will be similar. Everyone will make a post about how much The Simpsons or Futurama meant to them, people who have personal anecdotes will relay them mostly in an effort to puff themselves up for having known or worked with the man, and then life will move on as normal.
in your little microcosm of weebdom he's a well-known name, but you can't ask a random person on the street if they know who Akira Toriyama is and expect them to have any idea. Even amongst comic and cartoon fans, unless they're specifically into anime/manga, it's a toss up if they'll *actually* know the name (and not just fidget and pretend like he sounds familiar).
how do you know that's guy?
Anon, just say "I'm white," it'll be easier.
This is where you realize that you're only 11% of the global population and don't *actually* represent the majority.
Paco, your people live mostly in abject poverty, most of them don’t know shit
He's always doing interviews and speaking of the stuff the crew is working on
He's the creator. He probably gets updates a few times a year about what is going on with the show which is what he chats about in interviews, but by the time anything is getting officially fed to the press, it's already WELL into production. The fact that Groening is divulging this info doesn't mean that he was a part of that decision making process.
I'm not Hispanic.
I'm Asian you fucking idiot. You don't have to be white to have an objective perspective on an artist's notoriety. Dbz is a pretty big deal globally, but even the majority of fans of the show don't know the name of the creator.
but even the majority of fans of the show don't know the name of the creator.
That applies to almost literally every popular property ever, because most people are stupid and generally don't care.
Especially when it comes to animation and comics, since these are largely consumed by children, who care even less.
Depends where in the world and which demographics we are talking about. How ever since Anon Babble is American centric I would have to say the average American probably wouldn't know who Akira Toriyama is, you need to have walt Disney levels of marketing to have your name stick in their mind
Keep backpedaling. I accept your concession
Continue coping.
Considering the spinoffs, one for babies even, and a movie coming I think it won't even matter if he doesn't have another successful show. I can imagine turning on the news and seeing "creator of Adventure Time dead" simply because AT is now one of the few animated properties not related to superheroes trying to be heavily pushed as a franchise. It's less about it being influential (it did have an impact on the field of animation, but not to everyone's lives like Spongebob or anything) and more just really insistent by CN/Warner as a popular brand, so they'll feel compelled to say "popular brand creator dead :(" since it'll have its own long running show, a shitty female spinoff for Californians who love anime, a baby spinoff, another spinoff with Finn and Jake again, and a movie.
maybe if he had died back in 1999 or so
That's a good point. The Simpsons did have huge cultural relevance in the past, it would've happened then. But that disappeared after the last big push for the movie in 2007. If they did do news reports on his passing in the current age I could see it mainly being a memoriam to the bygone era of American media formerly having its own cultural relevance outside of superheroes (showing mountains of Bart merchandise and talking about controversies with him saying bitchin' or whatever, mainly nostalgia-baiting.)
We really just don't have stuff like that anymore. Rick and Morty was about as close as I can think of since it whored itself out to a fuckload of sponsorships and would be referenced in various ways, even in wrestling, but it never quite got to that cultural dominance level, or it did around the sauce thing but quickly backtracked after that. And after Roiland got ousted the whole thing about tying its popularity and household name to a prominent creator became muddled too. I just don't think we're going to get the early 2000's and prior type of push for our media anymore.
His job has always been something like a consultant. Same with James L. Brooks, except Brooks probably has more power to veto things (or at least the writers are more likely to take his suggestions).
For example, when the "Twisted World of Marge Simpson" episode was being worked on (in season 8) and the writers were stumped for an ending, Groening pitched the ending with the Yakuza showing up. So he was listening to story ideas and giving suggestions, but he wasn't full-time on the show.
In the early days of the show he was more involved but he was still, as he tells it, consulting on all aspects of the show without actually running them. He also did a lot of media promotion. The showrunner, Sam Simon, was bitterly jealous of Groening getting all the credit and called him "the show's ambassador."
what would Lauren do in that situation?