Namely, Noxus, Ionia...

Namely, Noxus, Ionia, and Demacia have been described by showrunner Christian Linke as the “next steps into this cinematic universe.”

I don't know shit about LoL, what are the settings about and in what ways could the new series differ from Arcane?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

None of those will be "Arcane spin-offs" or have anywhere near the same quality, you can expect something like the Dota show tier animation because Arcane was a massively expensive gamble that didn't pay off and their only hope of recouping the costs is by riding the good will wave with significantly less expensive projects tied to the name

Noxus is Ambessa's homeland, it's like Rome with a might makes right mentality

Ionia is basically LoL version of Asia, mostly Japan.

Demacia is an anti magic country

The quote isn’t exactly accurate. They have been exploring famous regions like Noxus, Demacia and Iona but there’s only 1 show on the works since last year.
That said, theoretically a Noxus show could show them fight Demacia and Iona, as they have a beef with one another.

Arcane was a massively expensive gamble that didn't pay off

What are you talking about? It's a huge critical and ratings hit.

Anon didn't like the ending so that means it failed in every other regard too

he thinks shareholders care about ratings


Mel was the hottest character on the show. Is she that hot in the game?

They wont have 3 time the budget to make 3 new showsat this level. This project stinks

The show has nothing to do with LoL. Noxus is an evil empire but a meritocracy so it’ll be portrayed as misguided, Ionia is Not China/Not Japan, Demacia is a good guy kingdom so they’ll be portrayed as fascists

It's also one of the most expensive cartoons ever made. And streaming numbers don't translate to dollars for riot, who footed most of the bill. This is only a success for riot if everyone goes to play the free to play game and spend money on extras.

Three Arcane spin-off TV shows

Ah, so that's where the budget for the three missing seasons of Arcane went. That's why they had to compress four seasons into one.

Nor is it a success for Netflix. They basically make no money on any of their shows. Which is why they cancel any show that costs too much regardless of ratings.

spin offs of arcane

No, they are supposed to be other adaptations of LOL with completely different characters. But not like these bozos know the difference.

Arcane, like the LoL World Championship, is a loss leader. The sales of Arcane related skins and merch justify another series. Clearly.

Noxus: Where that old sexy black lady is from. Basically fantasy Rome mixed with Nazi Germany,

Ionia: LoL Asia

Demacia: The opposite of Noxus.

Noxus is a canonically illegitimate state, the land belongs to Mordekaiser.

Who cares about Netflix, they didn't produce or pay to produce Arcana they paid Riot for distribution rights.

Personally I still liked the series. Season one was really good, and I can't deny that season two was worse.

I'm all for leaving breadcrumbs for new series, especially if they're this good, but man, these weren't breadcrumbs, more like loaf of bread.
So, yes, I would have preferred a standalone series with some hints for new projects, not the MCU where everything is connected.
And again, you can do this "everything is connected" stuff, but maybe in a later show? Not the first one, it's just confusonary, especially for those who never played the game.
Nonetheless, I really enjoyed, and I want to see how the whole "arcane" franchise evolves, hopefully for the better.

making up lies

Retard. Riot's Arcane-like cinematic series will be as high quality as Arcane.

Nothing in the image you posted supports your claim

Demacia are the good guys, but their 'flaw' is they want to exterminate magic users.
Noxus are the bad guys, they basically just want to go to war with everyone. Their 'flaw' is they're all cool as fuck
Ionia is not-Japan. They're all about honor and spirituality. Their flaw is Noxus gangrapes them every other month.

In terms of story, anything with those three nations could easily be much bigger in scale

What a bad post lmfao

What a bad post lmfao

What a poignant counterpoint

She Sheik who paid for Arcane doesn't care about losing money, he just loves LoL and wants more content

Still nothing about the quality of the animation or the budget

Then why did they cancel all the spinoff games

Counterpoint to what? You made baseless assumptions that are contradictory to what Riot themselves have said. You're not here to have a discussion, you're here to shitpost and argue, hence why you're monitoring this thread and replying instantly to someone who posted two hours later.

In short, you are a faggot :)

Counterpoint to what?

To the post you replied to

No Shurima show

Demacia show

So Kat probably won't be in the Noxus show and at best Cass will be a minor character that runs to the desert at the end of the Noxus one.

What are you talking about? It's a huge critical and ratings hit.

Not that anon.
But Arcane is clearly a huge success in terms of popularity and reception.
But financially you can bet Arcane has bled money like mad.

But let's be fair here. Arcane was likely always expected or downright planned to be an insanely expected financial loss.
It was an investment to strengthen the brand and to widen its reach. Something it seems t have been successful at.

But this doesn't change how the project was insanely costly.

I don't necessarily agree with the point that people hate huge budgets because they hate seeing people get paid. When people make fun of the modern movie budgets I don't think its because they don't want the people on the project to be paid.

I put my trust and value in the CEO's words more than in some fat neckbeard loser who thinks he knows how the world works while he's unemployed and still living in his mother's basement.

Costly sure but it wasn't a fucking Avatar movie.
Riot makes like 1.5Bil a year, they can spare 50-100mil a year to make a cartoon show every 3 years.


Noxus, Ionia, and Demacia

I hope whatever comes next is good.
But these settings suck compared to PnZ.
Demacia is alright though. But Arcane seemed to be hinting much more towards Noxus and Ionia.

Riot makes like 1.5Bil a year, they can spare 50-100mil a year to make a cartoon show every 3 years.

Well. Yeah.
But people shouldn't pretend like the show is making money just because it's popular.


That sounds bad. I expected they'd continue the series with a new story arc and the same level of quality and production but when I read 3 Arcane spin-offs in the works I smell lesser budget and cheaper animation studios.

im tired of seeing this shit and the ugly bitches on the catalog

Probably helping bring back a few people to the game and hook a few new whales to buy their $50+ character skins

I mean on some level it is the same model they've been doing since selling TMNT or He-Man toys in the 80s, but with a show that will stand the test of time a bit better.

If it worked they wouldn't have cancelled all the spinoff games they had planned and seemingly cut Arcane in half

Obviously Annie traveling through ancient woods meeting the yordle girls with Zoe being the big bad out of being ignorant and not really evil.
It'll be like owl house s3 but good

two canceled before release, one canceled after one season

All the positive ratings and critics awards don't mean shit if only a small percentage of nerd audiences are watching it. If normies aren't all over it like the MCU or Game of Thrones 5 years ago, then it's not making money.

and seemingly cut Arcane in half


Noxus is an expansionist empire. People there value strength over all. Don't give a shit if you are a mage if you show strength. Leblanc (Black Rose leader), Swain (one of his crows was in Arcane ending), Vladimir, and Mordekaiser are the most powerful there.

Ionia values enlightening and beauty. They fight with magic and spirit power. Lots of curvy women with big butts, ninjas, and psychopaths. Irelia, Karma, Akali, and Shen are the most powerful. Jhin is the most interesting tho.

Demacia: oldest empire, they hunt and kill mages. Their armors are excellent against magic, so Viktor would have been a coughing baby for them. They value honor and strength, full white and gold. The most powerful are Jarvan IV, Garen , Galio, Sylas, and Lux

Riot has been running League of Legends Esports at a loss since the beginning of the game, which was 16 years ago. This year, Riot hired Linkin Park and commissioned Fortiche Studio to create another high-quality Worlds opening MV for their esports tournament. Riot also held the biggest and most watched Esport Tournament in London this year. There's a reason why Riot is one of the most successful western video game companies to be able to maintain their relevancy for more than a decade. Even Valve literally stopped trying to compete with Riot Games. Just look at the state of CS2 and Dota 2, literally two dead games.

Demacia is an anti magic country

Where's Lux from again? And how relevant is she in that country?

He is talking about how the characters barely have enough time to become fully realized before the end
It felt like there should have been at least a full episode or two showing growth of the power and a final one on one the leads into an escape like with jinx and vi

Lux is from demacia, and she's still alive thanks to her family. Mostly due to her brother (Garen), and her aunt (Tiana Crownguard)

Isn't this from that League of Legends game? The one with the hot fox girl?

Ah yes. The top #1 and #2 in Steam are literally dead games.
Cope harder, anon.

I will agree that I wish S2 got 10 or 11 eps to give the Viktor hivemind stuff more time to develop and maybe give us more time with cute traitor bitch so we actually feel something at the betrayal.

So she's allowed to be a mage in the anti magic country because she's part of the nobility?
Honestly I only played the game for a couple years so I don't know the lore, but it shocks me to hear Demacia is anti magic when Lux is a mage and famous in there.

in Steam

Where is Fortnite? Where is League of Legends? Where is Valorant? Where is Minecraft? Where is Genshin Impact? Meanwhile in reality, the combination of two your dead tranny game couldn't even muster a fraction of League of Legends popularity LMAOOOO

Valvejeets.png - 1275x1218, 136.81K

Tianna is implied to have been a repressed mage herself, she wants Lux to do the same thing for her own protection/family honor.

Crownguards.jpg - 856x667, 119.68K

we didn't get to see an internal struggle of her trying to choose between pussy or her country along with the secret ploting

no himendinger being transported to the time and place where the spinoff happens although I assumed he died

the other piltover characters who were not given their proper time

Still funny to me that people heard Darius's speech and started hemming and hawing about Communism not realizing that Noxus uplifts the strong and useful and uses the rest to feed their rise. Shit like human sacrifice to power blood magic is a ok.

They got every flavor of hot girl you could want.

Just ask the 20+ alt skins Miss Fortune has.

Oh right, the pirate one? Nice.

Is she in this?