Pretty blood

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thread gets deleted

"I should make a new one immediately after!"

Man you retards are shameless

The one time pretty blood was actually trying to be discussed gets pruned

It's never trying to be discussed, that thread in particular was just constant whining about horrorfag


Anyway so which is the best malino species to cuddle with?

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Hard to ignore that parasite who sucks the life out of the thread.


Probably Polar Bear, in the show they can be seen walking through snow without a coat.

Then again, how hard is it just, you know, hidd those posts.

Do they leave hair when you brush them? If so then I don't want her in my bed, unless we fuck

It's still annoying how they still fail down to the bait

Imagine you finding these lying around with Kuromi plushies

Having Kuromi merch is already bad enough
Having Elma merch would put you in a watchlist

The nails

Of course a woman would want the mentally ill bat as a plushie

Soul of a white woman.
I am going to discuss pretty blood now, given I actually bothered to watch it(red snow)
It was edgy as fuck, but I'd lie if I said I didn't at least find it amusing, and copper is a retard.
Is Elma a fruit bat or an insect bat?

Fruit bat
Honduran white bat specifically

A child predator watchlist

This shit only appeals to literal faggots and women

Not like there's THAT much to talk about anyways

Considering the creator is always trying to fiddle kids that tracks

All edge

No point

This bitch bear desperately needs to be corrected

Women stick to Hello Kitty, the only thing this appeals to is bugmen and child abusers


what is there to discuss about worse Happy tree friends?

Try to stick to the malino human pairing topic of the last one because that would give some neat worldbuilding that appeals to my DICK

Elma's mom (not official)

the bat queen.png - 3295x2455, 1.67M

50 years old

One daughter


That also implies she had Elma in her 30's, that bat got the 'tism.

Reposting from the last thread.

adult (lore).png - 900x900, 71.74K

that would explain why elma is such a sperg

It's a joke, anon.

Pretty much all of Hmofa in an image

now wheres elma's dad

Hmofa deserve the rope, especially the ones of the babyfur variety

this bad bitch was once married with a child, she killed em both 4 the lulz.

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do you guys think that elma would be able to rejoin society or she is too fucked up for that?

Nothing at all, it's a bunch of Anon Babble furfaggots trying to crossboard shill