
Previous thread: Scenes of lesbians being naked and making out on-screen are fine and all, but only when the camera is showing their erotically bare shoulders and necks.

only when the camera is showing their erotically bare shoulders and necks.

Foiled again...

I'd be all for LGBT rights if it just meant hot lesbians.

"Thank you for liking my slop Qui Los. And be prepared for new League of legends shows with the help of Tencent. Don't forget to buy more skins and praise china. Also don't worry the Qui Los and (((Koreans))) responsible for this show will be forced into work camps as soon as possible"

There was some pretty direct indication of rug munching, but yes it was tame. Isn't this supposed to be French?

It has to get past chinese censors.

han chinese when they see a nigger with a Qui Lo

"Ah yes truelly the way dumb Qui Los mate with other inferior races"

han chinese when they see han x nigger

"Kill this mothefucker"

I don't even mind lesbians generally but this couple is so shit and terribly written they ruined the show

They aren't rated for full frontal.

I hated most of the good world stuff in episode 7 but the cutaways to Jayce suffering were all hilarious. Especially Heimerdinger's song.

has nasty lesbian sex in a prison cell after her sister runs off to kill herself

Why is Vi like this

This jail cell sex was only a bit more tasteful than Dexter's sister fucking in the kitchen following his wife's death lol

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All of her emotional baggage left her in an instant

I laughed at the lesbian sex scene, but otherwise these last threw episodes were surprisingly much better than all the previous s2 ones. This is the pacing I'm used to from s1. Why couldn't they all have been like this? Why the rush?

they look like men

Why must things suck nowadays?
Arcane was my one hope for good media...

best scene of the show

Arguably the stupidest scene of the show.

Why didn't we get to see any tits? I thought the french were supposed to be less prude about showing tits in media?

agreed, Vi's shoulder muscles are her best feature

I'm all for Lgbt in my media, as long as it's restricted to hot lesbians and hot lesbians only.

Makes sense, jinx is just a qui lo so they wouldn't care about her getting blacked, Caitlyn is clearly asian so they care deeply about her being shown in any light other than heterosexual with another white asian.

Someone spamming both this thread and the Anon Babble one with broken copy pastas and generic doomposter statements over and over again

Ok, who is seething at this show lmao

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Too kino a scene for the normies to understand

Arcanes power were always weirdly smooth pacing & direction & animation

Ekkoniggers sincerely think the most normiest episode you can imagine is S1 tier

Go kill yourself

Yeah sry it's me, S2 broken my brain so I had to cope anyway, I waited for it 3 years and it buckbroked me, please undersrand

riot confirmed they working on next season's'
Then what's the point of RUSH?
You can just 'lead' the play by 'established' characters in a new 'area', but you didn't
God I want to skin these faggots before cut into pieces alive
Never felt a single murder need to writers but things changed

Your favorite character? LOST.

Singed and Orianna? WON WON WON WON WON WON WON.

We shrimply needed 4 episodes per act. Fuck the budget, Tencent has plenty of money.

New ep4: Caitler killing the two chembarons with actual screentime instead of an AMV, juxtaposed with some pit fighter Vi. Foreshadow WW during Jinx/Sevika screentime. Actual acknowledgement of Jayce disappearing.

AU ep moved to Act 2

Act 3, pre final battle: aSpend much more time on conversations between Cait/Vi/Jinx, Ekko and Jinx, Jayce and Mel, and Cait and Jayce (seriously they only talked once after ep1)

I think these might be the hottest lesbians in all of animation history

My favorite characters got a happy ending where they're assured to receive consant warmth, love and sex from the person who loves them unconditionally.

I have no complaints about any of this.

A Cait/Maddie scene with "toys" involved would mog

My favorite character and main got a shitton of cool outfits including a military one with a cape, a ponytail, and an eyepatch.

I have no complaints about any of this.

Is Reed based for this or an idiot?

I say based cause you don't mess with the xitter caitvifags.

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You're one of the few caitfags who are cool with the eyepatch. I think she's rocking that look as well as it being the necssary price to pay for victory. And the more deeper meaning of an eye for an eye

He didn't piss caitvifags he pissed everyone kek, Mel fans started calling Ekko the token black character

So how did your girlfriend feel about season2?

One of the few moments Vi is genuine giggling and smiling the whole time, it was cute

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Cait and Vi

Ugly and disgusting

Lux and Jinx

Cute and funny

I don't have a gf. I'm on Anon Babble.
But I do know someone who does this constantly.

I unironically love how subtly evil this relationship is

turtleneck wearing bond villain and her emotionally dependent gorilla-brained girlfriend

Cait not telling Vi that her sister might be alive

let Vi release Jinx from jail in the first place with a strong possibility she might just kill herself (she kills herself 5 times on screen before Ekko gets through to her)

And let's not forget, this whole relationship started with Cait abusing authority to bust Vi out of prison. There's a strong aura of "I own you, puppy girl," around Caitlyn "Beat her myself so she'd spit in my mouth" Kiramman.

already having trouble finding work

being a retard in twitter

He's gonna be a guest in shitty podcasts a year from now

Evil girls and their muscle second in command deserve love too bro

she wants to get double teamed by Vi and Cait

There's also the most romantic line in all of Arcane

I'm the dirt under your nails

Vi has accepted her role as an inferior and is content with it.

To be fair I just love characters being handicapped, would love it even more if ambessa broke her back and she would have to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair being pushed around by Vi. Also needing to be lifted up and brought to the toilet by her and needing to be washed by her.. I just find it neat watching prideful characters deal with becoming invalid.

Disgusting behaviour. If Jinx had died there, they would have definitely fucked on her corpse.

They're cute but let me get this:

Ambessa see caitlyn fallen in love with Vi

Plans to fill a void

Then she deploys a fucking spy to recruit Vi as an enforcer ???

Caitlyn hates Maddie

The moment Caitlyn hears Vi calling her a cupcake, even after 6 months of being with the 'spy', she betrays her

What a fucking genius plan

Just make the dumb Marvel battle shorter if necessary. Moving AU to act 2 gives an entire extra episode to act 3 on its own, they'd trip over their feet if you outright doubled they time they need to fill.

The thing about S2 is that if you were to cut out all of the plotlines that resolve themselves on their own with no input from the main characters (caitler, vanderwick, arguably isha although I think they could have used her to good effect, maddie, smeech, etc), there's actually less happening in S2 than there was in S1.

Ambessa surviving in a crippled state would have actually been kino, creepy fetish shit aside.

Mel taking care of her evil paralyzed mom as a complete and utter subversion of everything Noxian in her blood


Mel just going "No, Mother, finish your porridge."

lel no even before the music video this thing was growing with the speculation alone. I remember that the ship had absolutely no activity in reddit or Tumblr and all of a sudden people was speculating a bit every bit. After the bridge scene it exploded into a monster though. Not like right now it is, but it grew really fast. By the time they showed BTS it was already too big to ignore.

like saying Jinx wasn't horny for Silco

Do people unironically think Jinx was horny for Silco?

Have you ever met women in your life

Jilcofags are(mostly) mentally ill women with severe daddy issues

Yeah. And they usually don't wish to fuck their fathers.

Because at the bottom dregs of society lie shippers, who see every interaction between two characters as a romantic one.

Why indeed?


Ekko and Jinx's ship is so based and kino

Best parts about Episode 7 were the Jayce scenes I don’t get the Timebomb hype they do nothing to me

Look all the other spies were straight

My wife reads, and sometimes writes, fanfiction for fun.
She called this new season glorified fanfiction and I agree with her.
We started watching The Penguin, pretty good so far.

Did you not watch S1?

Coincidentally, Jinx is also a mentally ill woman with daddy issues. Fortiche really hit the nail on the head with that one.

I hate romance in any story so I was annoyed while watching that fuckass dance scene. It didn't help that it came out of fucking nowhere. Clearly Amanda had a hand in this.

Is this a self report? Did you wish to fuck your mother growing up?
Or is this the part where you'll rant about how men and women are somehow totally different where the idea of boys wanting to fuck their mothers is silly, but it's totally normal and understood that girls wish to fuck their fathers, or what?

Just because you wished to fuck your parents, it doesn't mean it's the norm. But good for you.

What I have to wonder is, how does the good timeline even happen? Like, how does Vi dying make Silico turn into a good guy?
I mean, my guess is that after the big explosion, Piltover goes "Yeah, maybe we should make sure orphans don't break into our homes to steal shit and die" and starts dumping money into Zaun for urban renewal.
Maybe Vander reconciles with Silico at the funeral, or something? Something made the latter give up on being an evil drug lord, I guess.

Ambessa could've hired the fucking brothel chick

I'm surprised people hate on ekko, he's exactly the black character Anon Babble always says they want. One who isn't defined by being black and who's not perfect and who fails and has to work hard for his victories.


>Mel just going "No, Mother, finish your porridge."

Absolute kino, they should hire you for season 3

Vi dies

Silco turns into a fag


I assumed it was less to do with that, and more to do with Heimerdinger. Remember he'd been there for a few years at the point Ekko arrived, and was back to being head of the council. That puts him in a pretty good position to improve the city with all his new foreknowledge

It's pure fanfiction, bro
It's supposed to be "the good timeline" without any real rhyme or reason put into it

He's basically Miles Morales. He's so orthogonal to the plot, he feels like a DLC character.

One who isn't defined by being black and who's not perfect and who fails and has to work hard for his victories.

The way he is all alone in the end hits kind of hard. Dude risked it all, saved everyone, then lost everything. And just had to accept it.

In my opinion the AU timeline was fine until the silco reveal, then it entered literal fanfic tier.

Racists will always find some excuse to hate a black character

he's exactly the black character Anon Babble always says they want.

He's not anything like the black characters from tintin in africa so I don't know what you mean?

Always was one desu

In all fairness, he barely interacted with anyone. Like when he showed up to throw the Z-Drive at Viktor, I realized that the characters had never met.
As far as Viktor knows, this random dude chucked a fucking temporal grenade at him. Like, what the fuck? Who is this dude? Was he significant before? Shit, there are so many questions.

That "AU" episode in a season rushing everything else was so dogshit

That’s Amanduh’s writing for you

Ekko was barely a character, his inclusion in the whole show was basically a token fanservice to LoL players but he is redundant to the actual story

Every single "conflict" he solved or was part of was introduced minutes or seconds before it happened just so he'd have something to do, instead of the conflict being the organic result of the plot and conflicts and characters so far, or pre-established rules and logic

Literally name one thing in the whole show he was actually instrumental for, that couldn't have been just crossed out with no consequences or given to random throwaway characters like Mylo, Claggor, Deckard, Isha etc

As far as Viktor knows, this random dude chucked a fucking temporal grenade at him. Like, what the fuck? Who is this dude? Was he significant before? Shit, there are so many questions.

The fact that Viktor didn't even have an idea of who Ekko was made me smirk. I couldn't help but find it kind of funny, wondering what Viktor must have been thinking.

*breaks her own skull*

anyone else feels like act 1 is completely off? it feels like im watching a different show, the hyped up fight between Vi and Jinx lasted for like... 2 minutes

Dude he literally got to kiss the insanely popular blue pixy girl, he's the self insert haven't you realised?

It's kind of sad that Ekko is sort of the Miles Morales of the Arcane setting. His story would actually be pretty interesting in its own right, but it's utterly eclipsed by everyone around him.
He (and the Fireflies) feel like DLC characters in how disconnected they are from everything.

I appreciated your warmth

She was still salty from how cold Cait was KEK

Singed invents Shimmer for Silco

Jayce doesn't invent hextech for Piltover

Silco organizes terror attacks, Piltover feels compelled to make concessions

Heimer Prime shows up a few years later, doesn't get kicked off the council by Jayce, and starts shilling for peace and unity between Piltover and Zaun

Silco no longer has to seethe against Vander for abandoning the dream of a free Zaun because it's been achieved.

When is Caitlyn gonna reveal to Vi she's got chlamydia from banging this hooker?

So, was she really gay or was it all an act?

I have to say that this entire subplot made very little sense. It's not like Maddie actually spoke with Ambessa at any point until the end.
She also didn't seem like an especially good fighter, and she didn't do anything that was particularly in favor of the Noxians (that we see).
Maddie honestly just seemed like this earnest cop girl, if not particularly competent or bright.

She's very touchy feely with him in a way that seems sus until we learn later that the parent/child bond between them is genuine and she's just comfortable being physically affectionate with him.

I love how reddish Cait's eyes get in this scene



"Mother it's time for your bath, where did you even find all that mud?"

She was straight, she was so loyal to Nox she would even be gay for Noxus.

Yes, but S1 act 1 also felt like a completely different show so I wouldn't hold that against it. It wasn't until act 2 that S2 really shit the bed.

anyone else feels like act 1 is completely off?

S2 act 1 was supposed to be S1 act 4

"I actually whispered 'no-homo' every time I ate Cait's pussy, so I'm still 100% straight and a virgin"

Like she's afraid it's all over and is gonna be executed in the back of her head and that's it. Raw scene.

Viktor basically turns into a fucking phyrexian

this is solved by the power of friendship

Absolute dogshit

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For me there is only 1 mystery about Maddie. She was obviously lying to Vi here about what Cait might have said. But what was her endgame with Vi joining the enforcers?

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I actually quite like Ambessa, but I think Mel was done a serious disservice. All of that development so she could become...What, Storm from X-Men? Another Support champion?
The compelling part about her was that she wasn't a fighter, but was still highly competent. Turning her into a fucking wizard with poorly-defined shield powers sort of undercuts the character.
It's like how they kept violating Vander's literal corpse. When I heard Singed talking about how Warwick's blood could cure Viktor, I went "What the fuck, why is that a thing?"

letting fanfic writers steer the wheel of your quarter billion dollar animation masterpiece show


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That's because/co/ is fake when it come to these matters. They are racists but they know that being called a racist automatically invalidates an opinion on topics about the show/comic/whatever. So they try to blend their criticism with the fact that the characters are bad. And Granted, most of the time those black characters are bad. There's a reason why the criticism of blacks being just black is valid most of the time, specially in comics.

But when that isn't the case, they don't have anything left so they just hate the character just because yes.

I don't understand why they made Viktor and Jayce the central characters of season 2 and not just keep it about the sisters? Vi's an Jinx's actions in the final fight literally had no impact on the ultimate showdown between Viktor and Jayce.

Maddie is a spy

that tells Caitlyn to defy Noxus and warns her of Ambessa's intentions

that doesn't hinder her in anyway while working alone with Caitlyn as a spotter trying to put rail gun rounds through Ambessa's skull

willingly get shot at by Noxus ships and nearly die

go into pitched combat with other Piltover forces, so you can sabotage a bomb they use to try blow up the Viktor cocoon

which was a decoy anyway

Ambessa isn't even using Cait as an example and just has you shoot her in the head anyway (maybe could have done that earlier)

Crazy 5D chess they're playing.

The black and white frame

Bullet bouncing four times

Ambessa facing away

Cait's eyes

Holy fuck the detail in this show is unmatched.

I have to admit that I don't understand Viktor's plan. He's literally erasing people, everyone he 'cures' becomes his meat puppet.
Is that actually what he was trying to do? He seemed to be making an honest effort at curing Vander.

I hate the character because he's got an ugly nose, and ugly lips and ugly hair. There's your legitimate reasons.

The end of act 2 blackpilled him.

But when that isn't the case

But it's absolutely the case here

This character is so hilarious in a nutshell. Can't even bring myself to hate her. Literally Tom & Jerry ass death.

Why would she lie tho? that seemed something Caitlyn would've actually say, the retarded stuff comes in act 2

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I love how this might as well have happened offscreen, no living character actually saw it happen.

>The black and white frame

With the shit-eating grin on Maddie.

I refuse to accept the traitor plot. She will remain a bubbly, innocent enforcer who is very enthusiastic about her job and developed a big crush on a literal giraffe. She died taking a bullet for Cait so I can also accept her death out of context.

To be honest, I feel that Jayce had no apparent plan or whatever. He basically goes "Buy me time while I yank the control rods out of the Hextech reactor" before the attack.
Okay, sure, but why don't you just do it now, Jayce? Why not just get a demolition crew with explosives to blow up the entire reactor?
More, what was his plan for dealing with Viktor? He couldn't even beat one of those weird robots with his hammer, and now he wants to fight hundreds of them and Omnissiah Viktor by himself? (His warped hammer looks really cool, though.)

He said it himself, what's left after you achieve perfection? Nothing. If you enjoy the journey just as much as the destination then you're doing it right.

Apparently Caitlyn is half Ionia. So we might get cameos of her in the next series. Could also be why Ambessa was so interested in her.

the black and white frames

holy shit

What if Maddie turn agains't caitlyn after failing to seduce her? like caitlyn would not shut up about Vi to the point maddie just broke

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This is because Mel is an empath no? She could see Maddie's real feelings.. total psycho bitch...

tfw you realize the only reason the traitor shit happened is because they were short on time in e9 and it's faster to resolve it this way than to have Cait explain that she cheated on Maddie and now she's breaking up with her

Jayce and Mel's relationship got completely fucked over by Amanda this season, shit made absolutely no sense

They could have just killed her in battle like the others secondaries

My wife is chuddier than me and she was staring at me with :| this kind of disapproving expression during every lesbian scene.
Also we both were confused and annoyed by the last 2 episodes as it became clear the pacing is fucked, the convoluted abstract rune shit is just stupid, and half of the subplots will get no closure.

The seeds were already laid in act 1.
Man these threads were really fun after the leaks and before the episodes drop. there were many people who picked up on Maddie being suspicious ( I wasn't one of them)

together forever on their little honeymoon

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they didn't even need to

Caitlyn at the prison scene made it clear she broke up with Maddie

Vi doesn't give a fuck

Just make ambessa kill her or smth

Cait was just using Maddie for sex because her usual Red was down and out


I absolutely agree. Mel was a morally ambiguous political mastermind, who knew everyone's birthdays as a means of currying political favor, and then suddenly "I'M A MAGE NOW, THAT MEANS EVERYTHING I WAS BEFORE IS FORGOTTEN, I AM SAYING THIS OUT LOUD TO YOU, THE VIEWER."
What a load of crap, they just didn't have the writing chops at the table anymore to keep her games going. It takes a smart person to write a smart person.

Yeah, for two characters who were deeply in love with each other, it's so weird that they spend most of the season in entirely separate realms.
I'd have liked to see Jayce dealing out merry hell on a democratic basis as he tries to find out who kidnapped his girlfriend.
But instead, they don't interact except for a single scene FIVE EPISODES LATER, when they get attacked by a robot.

I am genuinely baffled they let some shitty YA fanfic writer tank the writing quality of such an important Anon Babble and Riot project

How else would Ambessa know about Vi being the one who stole Caitlyn's heart? When I first heard that dialogue I thought for sure this is just shipperhist pandering, but in hindsight it all makes sense now.

oops, lost the original train of thought

Cait was just using Maddie for sex because her usual Red was down and out

Maddie just using Cait for information

it was a completely loveless relationship,
I'm actually kind of starting to feel like the "warmth" line was actually a dig, like she was telling Cait she was a cold bitch without actually saying it.

I don't believe the tree was ever implied to be its own subplot. It was just a reason to bring Ekko/Heimer and Jayce together, and tease that the hexcore is le evil. We can assume that in the ending, the firelights carry on taking care of Zaun's poor and things of that nature.

we need girlboss Mel

but how do we deal with her and Jayce?

who cares?

That's how I imagine it went down at the writers' room

Jayce goes to AU in episode 3

AU isn't shown until episode 7

Can't do anything with the AU characters in the meantime because you might spoil the BIG REVEAL OMG

Episodes 8 and 9 have to tie up dozens of plotlines and there's just no time for it

E7 AU and its consequences have been a disaster for Arcane Season 2.

The blue-haired one looks like a man.

Were are all the faggots that kept saying it was clear Caitlyn is in love with Maddie




who the fuck?

Are there even any Fireflies left? Ekko had a few in the final battle, but that bat-eared guy quit, didn't he?

I thought it was obvious they were just baiting caitvifags

Apparently Caitlyn is half Ionia.

Are you realizing this just now?

Mel is the worst character of season 2 because she's so boring Ive not seen a single person discuss her.

Gay or didn't watch
Le scapegoat

Honestly, the stain of Amanda on this show is so real and detectable.
The ADHD plotlines, the lack of character trajectory, the way shit was shuffled around to have these all-female political maneuvers, these all-female fight scenes, while the male characters literally get dumped into a plot-hole for an act.

It's just so saturated with contempt for the idea of writing men AND women into the same scene, like they were equals or some shit.

You know, I actually forgot that Caitlyn was stabbed in the final battle. What happened to that? Did Mel heal her somehow?

Cait is hot aahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I'm glad Cait and Vi hooked up before the reveal of Maddie as a traitor. I don't even think Cait and Maddie were even together at that point anymore.

:| this kind of disapproving expression during every lesbian scene.

Sounds like your wife is homophobic

Silco is trans
Ekko bred Jinx nonstop

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There's not even a need for that anymore, Zaun got its representation in the council now
If anything he'll open up a clock store like his dad and mope about Jinx forever

Ok that's not fair, literally nothing good happens to him unlike miles. Also he really does have relevancy he creates a temporary gap for Jayce to finally beat Viktor and not lead to the doomed timeline that they were on.
Yeah some people say he was on the ship with Jinx, but sadly I think it's better he wasn't it's what a hero "boy savior" does. He chooses the harder path to protect others even if it led to his loneliness.
I mean viktor also probably never met vi or jinx til the ending and even then he barely remembers them. An he did have a connection with Jayce and Heimerdinger. Ironically it is funnier knowing bro just got decked by his mentor's new disciple and it led to him getting defeated all because of randomness of the arcane and emotions. The chaos he tried to absolve himself of.
True, really they cling to him kissing jinx but he didn't even get the girl so idk why I see them seething at that.
I never saw tin tin sadly, but were they cool or something?
Well that's sad actually and a very small way to live ones life.

But as you said it does make it hard when you genuinely are ok with black characters or minority characters in media and are mixed in with them when you have genuine criticism. It's like you can't win for losing lol, I swear I hate poorly made mary sue esque black characters but really that's not ekko. Many say he was barely in the show but if he was in it more they'd say he's overstepping and being forced so you really can't win with them sadly.

But I think he was one of the better side characters if only maddie and loris were more like him and not paper thin death stooges.

In all honesty, I think that's what has consistently made Arcane feel 'off' for me. It's a female-lead show, but it will never not be weird to see women take all the lead 'male' roles.

she's hot af in act 3. why did they waste so much time making her look average before.

mope about Jinx forever

Nope, only till she returns to Zaun and visits him ;D

Your Tobias kiramman

Your daughter got involved with some street junkie

Gets your wife killed

She starts a war with noxus

loses an eye

makes piltover and zaun hate the kirammans

Vi is still with her and now she moves in with you

you get to hear them having kinky sex all night

you have no place to go

Her dad is gonna become Jhin right?

I feel sorry for the 2 jaycemelfags. Jayce and Viktor had a fantastic development while Jayce and mel were separated for 6 episodes only to be broken up in 1 episode hahahahah

mass replier

Anon Babble tard

Oh gee, I wonder why Ekko doesn't have more fans

Jayce and Viktor were the most important part of the finale thoughbeit (and are confirmed platonic)

Someone post the Jhin kills Vi Riot promo

The big mastermind who had no influence on season 1 and total control over season 2

Oh yeah about that
Cait knows that Jinx escaped, but if she just going to lie to Vi about her sister forever?
Like is she just thinking "I can never, ever tell her that her bitch of a sister is still alive?"

you're grown quite prreeediictaable


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What I don’t get is did Maddie actually liked Caitlyn or was she just pretending? also was she a traitor the whole time? or she decided to betray her after Vi came back?

the way she purrs the word "predictable" at Vi

Hey Silco I'm sorry I tried to kill you it was a heat of the moment thing

pls ignore that I had to take the girls home and shave my beard

pls ignore I had to lure you into the middle of the river under a false pretense

pls ignore I decided to drown and strangle you with my own two hands, two of the most painful ways to die

it was a crime of passion i swear

don't we both have blood on our hands after all

pls forgive me uwu

Jinx, sweetie, why did you think that letter would've changed anything

but were they cool or something

extremely cool


If Maddie had just died, Caitlyn would still be the bad guy for cheating on her. With Maddie as a traitor, the audience doesn't have to empathize with her.

I noticed this in Act 1 but traitor Maddie still doesn't make sense overall. Coming back after the timeskip and seeing Caitlyn getting weary of her dictator persona and Maddie nagging at her to be a good person just doesn't mesh with the idea that she's Ambessa's plant. There no need for her to ingratiate herself further when they've been together for a year and to some extent Maddie's influence is the reason Caitlyn betrayed Ambessa in e6.

she's not sure if Jinx is alive and seeing how Vi is willing to be with her and was healing from all the shit i think her not telling anything is for the best

I had a mental boner when she sarcastically said "predictable"


It's just the ponytail isn't it?

Don't think because it was all last minute anon, but odds are the whole time. Is the only way it works the general would have no reason to trust Maddie and Maddie would have no way to contact her.

Vi also knows that Jinx is potentialy alive. She's holding the other side of the monkey bomb and staring at the fire contemplatively instead of in grief.

I also think it gives strength to Caitlyn's last life asking Vi if she's still in this fight. Because Cait knows that Vi might bolt out in search for her sister again if the knowledge gets out that she is really alive.

You can see Vi got wet the second she heard that

Mel has healing powers?

I’m actually curious about how much time passed between that and this final scene because Ambessa really beat the shit out of Caitlyn but it’s all mostly healed here

I mean I thought it was just a styling choice for the design. Crap she really might get involved in the Ionia vs Noxus thing…counting it is her families birthplace.

You also forgot the part when Silco had already forgiven Vander for trying to drown him, the reason he spent years seething after the bridge is because he saw Vander go from fighting for Zaun to making deals with the enforcers. The letter never even addresses that.

I think the main problem is that the conflict between Jayce and Viktor is rather undercut by the world-destroying magic involved. The fact that Hextech has obviously corrupted Viktor and driven him insane effectively makes everything he says suspect.
The story would be stronger if they were disagreeing with each other on ideological principles, instead of the bizarre multiversal bro-trips and so on.
Does Jayce REALLY need to go to the future and all that shit?

She doesn't know Jinx is alive. She suspect it at best and there is no point in telling Vi that. That would only make it harder for Vi to move on if she was truly dead and if she was alive then she will come back when she thinks she's ready.

ep7 moves like a fanfiction glacier

ep8, hey remember shield guy? he has a name by the way

ep9 moves at 300mph

gets horny

dives into the pussy

zero thought as to where here sister went or what she might do in her mental state


Cait literally owns Vi.

Probably because the letter was implied to be written shortly after the fallout.

It was a bromance, so long as you don't touch planes of reality it's not gay

Remember shield guy?

He's dead now lol.

Fish guy was the true MVP and he never said a word.

The creators having to go out of their way to confirm this was just a bromance will never not be funny to me.

her families birthplace.

No, it's her father's birthplace, the one that he left. Caitlyn is first heir and then head of her mother's house, she has no call to be haring off to other continents.

Only thing missing is the Shego esque minion uniform

I love toxic ships where rich aristocratic lesbians adopt poor street urchin girls and make them their bitch

I don't know what's worse, Cait laying it on Vi in Jinx's prison cell or Vi taking the bait and diving into the pussy knowing that that was Jinx's prison cell.

Shortly after the fallout, Vander had probably already made a deal with the enforcers that he would keep the undercity in line if they would stay away.

Jayce and Viktor's story really was the strongest part of the whole thing. Caitlyn and Vi are just incredibly emotional lesbians, so they sort of meander around without accomplishing much, which is a real shame (Look at how they went six episodes without catching Jinx).
It may be because Jayce seems to have a more tangible progression instead of running in place, I guess.
In the same vein, is there literally no-one except Jayce and Viktor who can create Hextech stuff? Ekko did it fine, working from scratch. Why the hell don't all the Enforcerers have Hextech rifles?
Does it only work when Jayce does it?

I mean Ekko's not super easy to use as a character concept. The Z-Drive alone needs some delicate balancing in an actual story to keep it from either being useless or overpowered. The overload on Viktor was probably the closest they were willing to get on Chronobreak for example by having Ekko actually need to destroy the drive instead of it just being a different time point's Ekko detonating it. I wouldn't call him DLC though, more like a side quest that's a pre-requisite for the true ending

write gay shit

surprised viewers see it as gay

a tale as old as time

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Jinx's urine's odor is actually a really strong aphrodisiac, really they had no choice but to give in to their base desires

Also the fact that ancient wizard who gave him the little magic rune was Viktor all along, and it's happened many times before opens up so many fucking questions and plotholes

It's like they wanted to be deep and ended up writing complete pseud shit

Be Cait

Tell Vi that Jinx is still alive

Vi leaves to chase down Jinx because her feelings are reignited

Shit goes wrong again

DON'T tell Vi

Vi finally accepts it and moves on

She can stop beating herself up 24/7

It's pretty simple anon.

I will always maintain the belief that time travel only works in stories with time travel as a central theme from the start, in anything else it's always absolute hack writing and garbage

Miles Morales

Lmao my wife, then girlfriend, called him that all the way back in season one

Be Ekko

do the honourable thing

get no pussy in the end

Be Cait

do the dishounourable thing

get pussy in the end

If you think about it, they're contrasts to each other

Not often that you'll see a guy's wife and girlfriend agree on anything.

Vi in the most emotionally vulnerable state she's ever been in

hands on the back of her neck, head against the wall, "I'm so fucking stupid, it's all my fault"

Caitlyn: It's time. Just as planned.

I'm afraid there might be social media repercussions once the stupid people clue in to how unfathomably based she is.

The paintings of the other matriarchs to the Kiramman household were ionians. Cassandra was given the fortune through marriage. Her father was the one who originally came from that household.

your sister loses her kid

carries you to safety

immediately collapses because she bas no energy anymore

is thrown into a cage

self harms, doesnt eat

runs way and tells you you deserve to be happy, everything about her sucks, and you dont have to ever worry about her anymore

of all the points in the show, this is when you decide to listen to her

only reason she isnt dead is because Ekko has a device that lets him quicksave in dating sims

in the end she has to sacrifice herself to save you, because you wouldn't listen not to fuck with the mutant robot werewolf

I am a Vifag and I am flabbergasted by what they did to my girl.

And I dont get the faked death thing.
Jinx didnt seem to plan it prior to Vi messing with Vandervictorwick. So why did she do it after?

Oh you just know Vi has the same effect on Cait. They're both pussywhipped and I love them for it

be a dictator

chase a bloody murderous beast who killed a bunch of your colleagues

oh never mind all that, that hottie Zaunite just called me a cupcake

betray a whole army and have a total 180 character change for some pussy

I hope you guys noticed that Caitlyn wasn't overly happy when Vi called her the dirt under her fingernails at the end there. It shows Vi still thinks badly of herself and even though she decides to stick with Cait she's telling her as much in a self depreciating manner that shows she's borderline depressive.
This is why Caitlyn doesn't tell her that she thinks Jinx is still alive - having Vi in that state and then giving her that slim chance would have her bolt away and probably get herself killed trying to find her.

Arcane is truly a story about how only based people like Singed and Cait who take what they want by any means necessary have happy endings

In the same vein, is there literally no-one except Jayce and Viktor who can create Hextech stuff?

Ekko made the Z-drive, Jinx made Fishbones and her pistol.

Oh absolutely, that AU shit as well.
This season is chock full of hack writing all around.

So initially he was curing people, but also hooking them into a hivemind that let him bounce around them as needed. After Jayce blasted him though, he felt humanity itself was in the way of perfection which is why he started wiping minds and identities out of those connected to him. He was sincere in both cases, he truly wants to evolve humanity to its ultimate state but his methods change between act 2 and act 3.

So why did she do it after?

Survival instinct is a strong motivator

He's right you know

Oh fuck we really might see Caitlyn in the next series. Not just Jinx.

Jokes aside, she was very surprised that Vi started kissing her there.

Don't forget

best universe is the one where Vi died young

Jayce and Viktor's story really was the strongest part of the whole thing.

You mean Singed. Jayce and Viktor spend nearly as much time spinning their wheels as Cait and Vi. Singed accomplishes the most out of everyone and uses the least screen time to do it.

I mean more like, if Jayce makes a Mercury Hammer, the schematics for it exist. There's nothing stopping other mechanics from going off that and churning them out off an assembly line (and we see he's got detailed notes of basically everything he does.)
There was literally nothing stopping Piltover from arming everyone with gear like that. Like the Hextech shields would probably have been pretty fucking useful, given how they can stop an IED to the face.

i hope Amanda isn't involved in other lol series
bitch completely ruined Jayce and Viktor for her fujo fanfiction

I liked the whole Jayce and Viktor progression too, even the ending which a lot of anons seem to hate. You can see Viktor being seduced by perfection and giving up his morals for the greater good. Jayce acts as a fantastic foil.

best universe

everyone is gay even the most badass character in the show

jinx is boring and a coal burner

Yeah Singed really ran fucking circles around them. And he did it without ever raising his voice.

mad it's canon they suck each other off aren't you anon

Vi is fated to be miserable no matter which universe she's in. Aside form some hapa pussy, she's lost everything and everyone.

And I dont get the faked death thing.

Jinx didnt seem to plan it prior to Vi messing with Vandervictorwick. So why did she do it after?

It's based off the prison scene.
Jinx realizes via Silco schizo delusion that leaving will help Vi, which is why she planned to sudoku. Once she gets talked out of that and helps them she sees once again that Vi will *ALWAYS* prioritize trying to help her over anything else. So when she dives off with Vanderwick she took the opportunity to leave without having to keep herself safe.

It looks like she died so Vi will give up, and lets her leave and still be alive

Her dad is Ionian. And it looks like Cassandra’s ancestors might have been Ionian too the first woman in the portrait in the Kiramman mansion looks asian and she’s sitting besides an Ionian tree

The implication of Maddie being the first one to mimic Ambessa’s chest thumping would be that Maddie was always a rat.

I would give up everything and everyone for some hapa pussy

Cait shot the chembarons during the ep3 montage, they never show up again

got a KO on Singed and was the only person to actually get into a real physical altercation with the man (besides Silco threatening him with a scalpel)

Cait has a low-key body count and actually got a single one-up on Singed, the otherwise absolute winner of the series.

if whatever jayce does with viktor is brotherly, and viktor and mel always parallel, doesnt that mean what jayce does with mel is sisterly?

I mean more like, if Jayce makes a Mercury Hammer, the schematics for it exist.

That's a big assumption. All of the hextech tools and weapons we see are one-off prototypes, there's no reason there's schematics for any of it. We see the plans for the hexgate structure but it seems likely that it's propriety information of House Kiramman, who constructed it. There's not even confirmation that it includes the designs for the hextech reactor inside of it.

You have to wonder why God-Viktor was so roundabout in his explanation to Jayce. He could have just said:

"Oh thank God you're here, Jayce. Listen, I fucked up, and I fucked up bad. But it's not too late, you can still change things."

"When you go back, tell Young Me exactly what went wrong, he's not completely lost to reason. Tell him he forgot to account for the (technobabble), and that it's a stupid fucking idea."

she thought she might have to do more that purr a little bit, Vi skipped to the end of the seduction.
She's surprised because she didn't get a chance to saunter up to the fact that she had been fucking Maddie, something she expected Vi to care about, apparently.

someone says CaitVi had no indications in S1

It's disturbing, but there really is someone too dumb to watch TV.

The most based of characters, and always looking great while doing bad things!

I don't even think the Hexcore was evil, Heimer warned all the way back in Season 1 that fucking with this stuff could be catastrophic and Viktor puts his damn blood in the thing followed by Jayce trying to revive the dead. They basically pushed the thing too hard causing the instabilities to overwhelm it and lead to the anomaly. It isn't evil, they just flew too close to sun and got severely burned for it.

The world isn't ready for evil sexy lesbians yet

This is Chadlyn KKKiramman.
She never apologized for any of her actions and was still rewarded with pussy from her loyal lapdog.

She's not boring, she just doesn't have a reason to be a fighter or a weapons engineer when there's no war to fight.

Fuck she really might get involved the sl. Hopefully it’s just a cameo. Maybe she gets involved with the Jhin storyline considering he’s in Piltover.

Gorgeous show

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Most of Mel's scenes in season 2 are basically just MCU-like advertisements for the Noxian show. It's a pretty big disappointment since she was a pretty good character in the first season.

Hope he did. Poor nigga got the worst ending. At least he deserves a memory of doing that hot chick.

I don't think she's a fujo herself, I think she just wants to be liked by all fanbases.

panders to fujos, by killing off JayMel and making their conflict just poof away

panders to yuritards with Caitvi, and individually ruins their characters

panders to timebomb cucks, by throwing them an AU bone

She reminds me of AEW's Tony Khan

Hopefully it’s just a cameo

Hopefully she's the main character you mean

$250M spent on canon toxic yuri

I never want to hear those bitches complain that they never get anything ever again


Jayce bought?

Activate ze transfusion.

universe where Vi doesn't exist Silco is a fag and Powder is a coalburner

Silcofags can never win

why did viktor hate mel so much

Great. We initially didn't like the ending but after some rewatches we agree that it was very solid.
As a bonus we had the sex scene on repeat while fucking. Life is fucking amazing.

Mel is incredibly oily, if you think about it. Viktor is all about the science, while Mel wants Jayce to spend time away from the lab and handle politics.
It's kind of funny have Jayce sort of fucked the evil out of her.

I think she just wants to be liked by all fanbases

This is evident by how she interacts with social media

The only straight silco truther silcofags are the straight women writing and consuming the hundreds of silco/f!reader fanfics on ao3 and tumblr

Never happened LOL

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Begin ze process

Keel heem, zen find anozher

She's classist and stole his man

timebomb won
jayvik won

So when is this general getting booted out of Anon Babble like with season1?

They both FUCKED in that airship

Riot cut off their sex scene because it was TOO horny and explicit, even more hornier than CaitVi sex and so it's not safe for airing on TV. Maybe on Pornhub.

Browncel cope LOL

once the posts per hour dip below your average Death Battle thread it vill be VERBOTTEN

I heard Stromae requested no payment for his song other than 2TB of Timebomb smut for personal use only.

With all the cuckposting going around?
Expect it to be turned into a sticky instead
Anon Babblemod is inept like that

timebomb winning = literal doomed relationship that got a glimpse of what they could have been in au


jayvikfags won the most, caitvifags got forced sex and shitty writing, timebomb isn't even in the equation

Anon...I don't fucking care.

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Well then you won't mind more prison rape.

Long time rat.
While chest thumping could've been thought to be just her retardation, Ambessa laying to Vi about 'replacing [Vi] in Caitlyn's life' was refering to Maddie.

GoodAuEkko gets the well adjusted Powder who gives him loving vanilla sex

MainAUEkko gets the crazy, cocaine blooded Jinx who flips between tearful emotional sex to wild pelvis breaking power fucks

Who really won?

Linke literally says Jayvik was written as a bromance and Timebomb is getting continued

”Noo Jayvik won and timebomb is doomed!”


I can’t believe a trannie like you had a gf and I dont

God I wish there was CaitVi fanfic like that. Make it as deranged as it go.

Shut up you dumbass fujo. your stupid ship had to be debunked by the creators cause you're all so goddamnn delulu

your ship will never have an official music video by Riot

Warwick knotted this guy btw

Both won
I lost
tfw I will never be Ekko

This, the jannies in this board are notorious for being dogshit

caitvifags got forced sex and shitty writing

timebomb isn't even in the equation

Sweet mary mother of cope

If Ekko was tall people wouldn’t be mad
People hate him because he is a manlet.

Not even a shipfag, just wanted to share that you're a fucking dipshit.

Caitvi utterly dominated, normies hate it but true yuri connoisseurs got the toxic yuri ship of their dreams


is that the guy who can't write if his life depends on it? it's not like fujos will stop shipping, why even say anything lel

People hate him because he was a forced DEI inclusion that ended up being irrelevant barring the obvious agenda

More sister drama incoming in Demacia show btw

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He died as he lived. With rape.

Viktor video is a Jayvikvideo

delulu I swear

How long did Anon Babble manage to shitpost about korrasami? Double that because with this one you can shitpost about not one but two woke ships

I mean this is Anon Babble, where we had Redwood as head janny who would allow loli and shota porn but would ban you for a month if you were mean to blacks
The new guy is even worse

Also when your sister say she'll kill herself you get laid in her cell

Ekko on the other hand died multiple times just to reach her and convince her to not self delete.

Truly vi and cait are uniquely selfish, honestly the only two to get a good ending out of the main cast

Jinx dead/alone

Ekko alone/depressed

Jayce/Viktor dead?

Mel orphan/alone with new responsibilities and her hubby dead

Heimdinger dead

Isha there and there and everywhere

>Ekko on the other hand died multiple times just to reach her and convince her to not self delete.


Fucking Based

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Aren’t white men actually the most sought after in that one study?

look at this homo


Good AU Ekko is eternally cucked by Powder now thinking of the Badboy AU version of him that showed her his sensitive side after throwing shit at her head. She's going to rebuild the Z-drive and go universe hopping, chasing Ztrange.

There will be, anon, there will be.

Episode 7 unironically made me feel lonely like I hadn't felt in years. There is definitely some kind of witchcrafting on this show.

"Huh? What? Oh, sorry Viktor I thought there was a bug on your shoulder."


Wish they hadn't included Kayle desu. Writing in literal angels of retribution to the story is guaranteed to fuck things up, like cosmic messiah Viktor. Arcane was at its most kino when the big bads were a scrawny one eyed drug lord fighting for freedom and his mentally ill stepdaughter.

He is the head of the project and makes the calls for the script. He was asked in a QnA what the goal with the Jayvik relationship was, and he said for the writing team it was important to explore what a really deep emotional relationship between two men can be without it being romantic.

le toxic yuri

The fact this is even part of the discourse surrounding the show just proves how badly S2 dropped in quality

Cait and vi’s arcs are about prioritising pussy over family

Kiss scene >>> sex scene

without it being romantic.

well he obviously failed kek

lalala I am farming minions with my cult followers, I sure hope Jayce doesn't come out of another universe and rape my ass


nah idgaf sex scene is fire

He tried to warn us

Does porn make you feel lonely too

this is what 2 decades of will-they-won't-they cuckery does to your brain



put your chastity belt back on.

Jinx was making herself bleed in the same room as the sex scene and I had to skip it, the juxtaposition made my stomach churn.

Moving goalposts

You could've said that they didn't get a dedicated "Fucking in a filthy shitridden jail cell" song instead but you said Music Video. Next you'll say at the very end of that scene between Jayce and Viktor you could hear a very gentle "no homo" on the breeze before they vanished with the anomaly together. I don't really care if they're a ship or not but people seem to get really defensive when the idea is even tossed out despite the fact that the finale scene between them is the gayest shit ever conceived. Gayer than Cait and Vi having actual fucking sex. You can claim it's just the world's most powerful bromance but you can't blame others for thinking otherwise after that

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are you sure you belong here?
the parts that make you sick are the parts that make me hard.

Riot put out their big post-Arcane dev update stuff.
Viktor confirmed getting a visual update to match Arcane. Pic related is his base splash art now.

The cape covering his crotch

Did they have to imply anything there? He's Barbie smooth.

I had to skip it


Death of the author, that intertwined soulmates in every timeline shtick was gayer that the lesbians eating each other out

For me it was episode 4, which feels extra bad because the episode feels so pointless in retrospect. Nothing but abandoned plotlines and wasted potential.

god forbid two men are very important to each other without wanting to fuck. go back to xitter woke ass jayvik fag.

Funny because the artistic value was the same

Also got splash art for Warwick's Arcane skin

Keeps the wolf face

Gets shimmer bits added

What an improvement.

I think you have to be gay or a woman to see a strong male friendship and see it as gay

I said it once, I'll say it again
This needs a continuation with Sevika saying the same about yaoihags

That's only really an issue when there's one or so superpowered character in the story so the recourse always is to talk them down. Kayle isn't overpowering the story if there are darkin or big void monsters involved.

I'm going to hold him down and eat his hexussy until he cums

Same kind of bitches who for the last 20 years have been talking about how gay Sam and Frodo are

I don't see every strong male friendship as gay, just those two homos

Yep, actually made me walk out and have a walk in the snow. The idyllic atmosphere, the heartwarming interactions, the scenes with the tinkering and doing stuff together. Powder was engineered to be fucking perfect in personality and appearance and them constantly giving us close-up shots of her face as she leans towards the “camera”.

Reminds you of the love during your younger years and how you can never ever reclaim it.

Oh, but the version from the show IS being added as a player avatar in Teamfight Tactics, matching the Jinx one they did in their movement away from chibis.

perfect in personality and appearance

With that haircut? And the coalburning? Damn standards fell off, the male loneliness epidemic is worse than I thought

There is a whole yaoi board, why is that shit allowed here?

the first season has some of the best moments in western animation ever

the threads are all about muh heckin lesbians

season two turns into Tumblr slop

I hate yurifags so fucking much. How fucking cucked mentally do you have to be to reach that state?

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elbows too pointy

Take a break

Reminds you of the love during your younger years

No wonder these threads have been so shit with normies like you around

Because he's a good guy and pussy makes a man do wild things
Damn dykes ruined everything.
It seems so and prioritizing it over ones on sense of self and safety.

Cait abuses her power in zaun

Cait tries to kill a child

Cait beats vi and abandons her

Cait seems to have disavowed vi as well

Cait goes full dictator

Cait cheats with another girl

Cait allows a foreign warmongering group to root into her society

Cait beats vi as soon as she sees her

Cait is immediately forgiven for beating and verbally abusing vi

Cait is then forgiven for imprisoning jinx and all her bs and cheating

Cait becomes basically a quasi queen of Piltover and has a figure head council

Cait gets the girl

Cait really is a monster that is giving ambessa a run for her money.

Where do you found this splash art?

god forbid two women are very important to each other without wanting to fuck. go back to xitter woke ass caitvi fag.

You sound like someone addicted to misery.

put your chastity belt back on.

That's what maddie told vi as she made her watch

It’s not as much standards falling off as arcane being a show only being watched by progressives. Almost no racist conservatives would have reached ep7 to complain about it

This little feud between yuricucks and literalcucks it the most retarded thing I've seen in this website in years

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There's definitely a major power imbalance there. Thinking about little further, I wonder how much Caitlyn's status has suffered given that she was very publicly allied with Ambessa, the person who tried to conquer Piltover?
Maddie and Isha were both big misses for me. I got what the writers were going for but they didn't land.

Is this a smile or part of her helmet’s strap?

For me is the longing for the innocent love I never experienced.

This is his TFT unit splash art. P likely it’s gonna be used for both.


It's apparently from the updated TFT stuff. Viktor, Mel and Warwick are being added as super rare "6-cost" units.
But Mel gets a shitty one obviously only made for TFT while Warwick and Viktor got full ones making it clear they're actually meant for League.

Wtf is a literalcuck?

This was unironically stated after season 1 although the more common cope was trad Chinese overlords preventing lesbianism in story.

Drawanons need to redraw the one Blade Runner 2049 scene with Joi and K (pic related), but with Jinx and Ekko.

People having "feels" for this bullshit and then acting tough about Isha's death
I don't get it

It’s a shame there’s no season 3 where Caitlyn has to deal with being extremely hated by every zaunist she meets

We already have this

it's a smile, she wasn't actually smiling but it might represent her whole two-faced nature.
showing a professional face while being a gleeful sociopath on the inside

I can't believe my job was to fuck this rich noblewoman then execute her gangland style

I love my fucking jo--PTING!!

"have gay sex with me viktor"

"ok jayce"

sorry anon can't get more canon than this. these are are in love

No, it's a problem any time the story starts being about cosmic forces instead of about people. Look at how everyone loves The Hobbit, which is about some literally who midget living in assfuck nowhere getting bullied into going on an adventure, compared to the Silmarillion, which is about evil lords forging weapons of unimaginable power to control all the races of the world. At best you'll find some people who claim to have read it once long ago, but no one who actually thought it was a compelling story.

Lore is important to exist to contribute to the consistency of a setting, but stories are about people, not about settings. Writers often forget that and turn their stories into soulless lore dumps.

quads of god

Incels who hate children but want a le gf
It's not hard

You should've known from the Vi-Jinx fight onward that they were unfortunately going full shounen

the same purple color over the entire sequence

There is no way it wasn't on purpose

implying those are the same people

No anon, the guys acting tough about Isha's death are the guys throwing baby tantrums over the mixed relationships in the show.

You're outing yourself as a newfag by asking this

Not a good example. Silmarillion is a posthumously edited and published collection of drafts, Tolkien was always planning it to be his main book but died before getting it anywhere due to endless revisions. For what it's worth LotR is much more epic in scope than Hobbit and more popular.

jayce we need to have gay sex is the only way to save the world now jayce there is no other alternative jayce we have to do it now quickly before Sky comes back

Quads of truth

The same retards who post >tfw no gf shit also unironically call kids crotch parasites or whatever
It's why they're virgins in the first place

smile, but it's a impact frame as the other anon said two face thing. But I love using it such a hard shot.

Really give me a au where best girl lives.
Honestly who wouldn't do it? I feel she appreciated the "warmth"

This is just me but I dislike the idea jayce and viktor were gay. I hate how when to bros are close it's immediately fujo/yaoi central. It's better as two friends, just trying to save each other but corrupted by each of their own delusions and moralities. As we see time and time again Jayce and Viktor are never quite on the same page.

didn't maddie bottom? she was undressed and cait still had pajamas on in that scene

As an Isha simp, I won't hold it against them. They really did her dirty and I felt at least as much anger and disgust towards the writers as I did sadness at her death. If Isha had somehow taken Jinx's place at the very end and 100% died at the bottom of the hexgate shaft, I would have been more than okay with that. Killing her off to accomplish absolutely nothing in a situation where no other character was in any sort of danger and expecting to get any sort of sympathy out of it is nothing but a bad fucking joke.

Anon, if that was two girls you'd be jerking off to how intimate and beautiful their "love" was in that scene. I don't fucking care about your shipping wars or whatever the recent revisions to "The Bro Code" were but that scene was absolutely fucking gay as hell and if you're trying to act like it's absurd that anyone could DARE ship two bros that simply care so much about each other that one would manipulate destiny to bring them together and the other would sacrifice everything to keep them from being driven apart again as anything but the bestest of best friends. You can call a scene gay and acknowledge the lack of any confirmation just like you can acknowledge that it was premium grade shipper fuel and still not want the ship to actually be real. Denial is unhealthy and a sign of projection.

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Why is orianna a loli now?

because you're normal and not a desperate woke shipper

oops meant to reply to

I'm watching it with my f-cousin before the year ends

He's literally crying about "muh highschool romance I never had", you do the math

would you still have this opinion if viktor were a girl anon?

Warwick needed to look bad because he needs to emote

Utter fucking horse shit, you mean to tell me that animators have never made animals emote before? Especially animators as skilled as those working in Fortiche? People will defend this awful look to the death for no apparent reason.

Well we see Cait's a bottom, also you kind of can't do full on lesbian sex fully clothed. An she could have been a service top, plus it makes more sense Cait bottomed since she was just a fling in her mind.

Though maybe their was some fingering but seeing as it was Maddie's job she probably made sure to satisfy Cait to the upmost.

If one thing makes you emotional then everything has to

Isha was just handled poorly, anon.

it's woke shipping unless it's hot lesbians awooo!!!

kill yourself

They are gonna treat kayle and morgana like they did with janna, just a cool cameo and some people praying to them, the godless frogs would never allow religion in their slop

It's okay that you never had bros that you truly cared for, but stop reading things into this scene.

tfw no gf I'm so le sad it's over bros


They're not called "nice guys" for nothing

I sorta took it that Cait topped in that scene because it shows how obsessed she was with control at the time. It makes her bottoming for Vi later more significant because it means she trusts Vi so much that she is the only person she will let exercise control over her.

Actually yes, I love platonic/bro sis male female friendships. Not everything is a ship anon and I hate how fandoms have ben infected with shipping. It used to be fine and small but now they overburden fandoms and make them extra toxic. Literally seen people get bullied out of fandoms because they shipped something or didn't ship something can't respect that.

But I don't hate vikjac or whatevs, just feels like that wasn't what that was
Lol come on now I hate all obsessive shippers equally myself.

He is even fighting Jinx and VI in the splash art

He 100% supposed to fully transform but they just decided not to because "Muh Vander face the girls need to recognise him"

"They're not gay stop saying they're gay they're just best friends how dare you trample on their manly masculine entirely straight bond"

Anon rebutting him gets quads

Argument destroyed by the will of god holy fuck

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try to sell my brother on the show, comparing it to game of thrones in all the different stories and characters, all the cool shit like time travel and werewolves and drug berzerker zombies and cool blue haired harley quin, and magic tech shit

my brother comes in to ask me a question and all he sees is the lesbian sex scene

An actual real life “are you winning son” moment

No, it's a problem any time the story starts being about cosmic forces instead of about people.

Kayle and Morgana are both. Yeah they're cosmic beings, they have very human struggles in terms of their relationship with each other and their feelings towards their duties and their mother.

At best you'll find some people who claim to have read it once long ago, but no one who actually thought it was a compelling story.

You sound like you can't comprehend someone liking something you don't. Also what said.

Because Isha was barely a character the moment she showed up I knew that her only purpose was to create one sad scene and then vanish, characters like this never make me cry maybe if she was introduced in season 1 I would've felt something

Anyone saved that picture of the brazilian tranny with the balloons, the funkos and the sparkly wine?
That's who season2 was made for

The problem is that Isha's death was fucking retarded. It tainted everything else because you can't take it seriously. The story of Isha with Jinx as a whole is fine. I liked it. Have no problems with it.

the world would have been saved if they just went to his bedroom instead of the lab

Shit, you fuckups! If only you'd had GAY SEX sooner, this entire disaster could have been prevented!

I agree with you on the fandom stuff. Since so many kids are online these days, fandom spaces have turned a little more retarded over shipping stuff. The problem is that jayvik kind of doesn't fit the mold of "forced to be gays because of le fujos". I think their story, even if accidentally, was romantic and both of them love each other in many ways....especially romantically. This is the ONE ship i think is actually romantic, people like it or not. It's not some Frodo/Sam thing, it's actually gay shit.

Couldn't be me!

Good for you.
There's nobody stopping men from being friends. Y'all need to stop pretending platonic relationships are being erased, there's a billion canon platonic bromances and next to zero canon gay ones

I honestly really didn’t care much for Isha.
Sure, her montage was sad, but she felt more like a plot device for Jinx’s development rather than an actual character.
Had there been a third season, I think S2 could have made her the Powder to Silco’s Jinx, with act 2 being done to develop the two (and make the montage that stronger) and act 3 ending with her pulling the trigger.

NEETs want a girlfriend who is literally perfect and asks nothing of them like getting a job or having kids

Jayvik effortlessly comes across as less forced and less Tumblr than all this canon Caitvi fanservice garbage

If only getting a job and wanting to have kids was enough to get a girl like powder

zero canon gay ones

zero gay ones

in lol


Let's not give meaning to the lez scene, the jayce mel sex scene had more meaning and symbolism than that fanservicy scene.

Also honestly surprised with how much she beats up Vi and abuses her she's not the one topping her. Though I didn't say she didn't top maddie just correcting that it's not the only option or way it could have gone. Plus I like to imagine maddie shocked cait, come on it's hot.

A young commoner junior officer rookie gets called upon by her experienced commander hardened and authoritarian lezbo boss

She goes in thinking she'll use her power and position to dominate and control this cute fluffy kitten

Next thing she knows she's moaning and sweating as she tries to pry the unknowing tiger from her cooch

Her skills not matching her age or looks

She flipped the tables on her commander is the hotter option honestly.

She was trained by Ambessa herself

This image really sums up the problems of season2

looks beautiful

it's hollow or outright fucking retarded

Evangelion at home:

It really does

visually incredible

emotionally incredible

"They hated Viktor's story, because it told the truth"

The only hollow, outright retarded thing itt is (you)

Ever wonder about anons who save and post gore webms?
When they aren't doing that they're crying about chad

Remember what they took from us.

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Stfu already. Men can be close, can even be platonic soulmates without wanting to fuck. There has not even been one scene were there was sexual attraction between them. Woke faggots.

There's over one hundred male league characters and fewer than five gay characters.
I don't play league though, I was thinking of all the other mainstream media I've read and watched over the decades.

nta but where are the gays in lol? i know there's one couple?and i mean gays not lesbians

The look was done to make people understand he’s Vander.
Reminder, many people are watching Netflix shows while on their phones.

If they made it gay I'd be fine with it but just saying that well that's how many classical male friendships and stories were. You were truly your friends/comrades brother. It's that knightly love thing, sometimes you are closer to them than your wives just because the bros understand you better as another guy.

Again not saying bad just I hate how anytime to guys are friends and try to save each other they are automatically gay. But I can slightly see the susness.
I wasn't saying that anon, I was just saying that sometimes it feels the fandoms get a bit to obsessed with it to the point they make a platonic bromance/friendship gay and that the new canon.

But hey to each their own and honestly if they went the gay route it'd have been one of the better ones.

LotR is only more popular because the movies (dating back to the 70s) make it so accessible, and even then while it's a larger and more epic tale than the Hobbit, it's still first and foremost a story about the interactions of a bunch of literally who midgets. Even where big events are happening in Rohan and Gondor, we see them through the frame of Merry and Pippin. There's an ancient wizard of unimaginable power, but he has lots of simple limitations ("I can't burn snow!") and doesn't really do a whole lot in general besides ride on a horse and talk to people. There's an ancient evil chasing Frodo, but for the most part his interactions with it are interactions with the simple ring he carries with him, which is almost a character in itself and certainly not (in his hands) cracking mountains and reshaping the world.

The reason why the Lord of the Rings is so impactful many decades after it was published is precisely because it avoids the trap of being about kings and generals and grand wizards and evil lords, and instead just shows glimpses of those things from the point of view of relatable characters.

This, if you ask anyone who liked season two why he'll say

my ship won

it looks pretty

Anon they could've been having explicity, gratuitious gay sex and you'd still be saying "What's a little assplay between bros? Stop reading into it!"
Let's not pretend like you're defending the concept of masculinity and not just the type of faggot who only perceives potential homoromanticism if it's two girls. You wanna know why you have to sit here defending the straightness of two fictional characters? Because the concept of masculinity itself has been rendered so utterly fucking fragile by people just like you that it becomes the natural assumption. There's jokes upon jokes of closeted gays using "bromance" to cover up when they do something gay and naturally when every man out there wants to prove they're real men they cry that these incredibly gay moments are in fact totally straight and there's not a drip of homosexuality in them. But you want me to look at that scene between Viktor and Jayce and not even consider how gay that was? Comes off like Cartman trying to tell everyone he isn't the gay one when he showed everyone a picture of him stuffing Butters's dick in his mouth.

I was mostly taking the piss by being hyperbolic, but I was referring to Graves and TF being canonically gay. I didn't even know K'sante was canon gay.

I still find it unbelievable that this Ekko missed the opportunity of a lifetime to absolutely destroy au Powder's holes and wet her pussy. He's so fucking retarded, doesn't deserve to black Jinx. If I were him au Powder would be pregnant with twins by the time the Z-Drive was done.

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just don't like em

This is the actual best ending

literal goslingposting

In vtuber circles dudes who do this are considered the lowest of the low

get 41%'d discord troon

Heimerdinger was only there for 3 years, he couldn't have stopped the events of Act 1 like Silco kidnapping Vander or the spread of shimmer, meaning they had to have reconciled before that.

sometimes you are closer to them than your wives just because the bros understand you better as another guy.

so funny you say this because when this happens irl there's 100% chance of some homoerotic feelings being there


But that's stupid. AU Ekko's isn't a NEET. It's implied he was the one who turned Zain from a shithole to a decent place to live. He invents stuff and could get any job he wanted either in Piltover or Zaun. A NEET would never be able to self insert as him

In vtuber circles

But anon, these circles are the lowest of the low

lesbian sex puts him off

your brother sounds like a fag


Jayce and Viktor go in implied now

In any circle
The >literally me shit got old 6 years ago

NEETS just get mad whenever a girl kisses a guy on screen, because they're mentally diseased otaku-mindset waifufags who genuinely want this character to remain "pure."

Anime was a mistake.

It doesn't matter if it "got old" or "isn't cool anymore" it's still literally me and it will continue to be literally me

It's a pretty good summary of Ekko's situation at the end.

Gave up perfect AU

His second mentor as far as he knows, died to get him home

Forgave and saved Jinx

As far as he knows, she died anyway and he couldn't save her again even with the power of the Z-Drive

With the time he had, Ekko did everything he could to do the right thing and his reward was everyone he ever cared for dying.

Silco is trans and Singed performed his top surgery, Linke told me himself

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Are you any close to getting a girlfriend?

The ryan gosling of that movie also never got a real girlfriend so it wouldn't be literally me to get one

ekkuck is an Anon Babblecel and he posts on anti/pol/

The least surprising thing of all time

What straight man doesn't like lesbians?

It's always sad hearing how disjointed friendships are via the internet. "Me and my friend of years who was hand picked because of interest and values. We are super in sync, we must be gay" come on anon this is exactly what people mean when they say they hate fujos and lgbt shippers. They can't fathom the concept of friendships not just being saying hey once then never seeing each other.

So that's a no then
Hope you have fun during the holidays

Ekko is simply retarded
Jinx knew that and saved herself from blacked and daily rape future, saved herself by escaping on that blimb to demacian dykes

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i said that from personal experience. it happens, trust me.

aiie but online they say le fujos-

i don't care what some retarded says online


Just because you turned prison gay out of desperation doesn't mean everyine else is like that

You are really interesting to me Anon. Did you never have a friend, because you read to much into things or do you read too much into things, because you never had a friend?
Any man who ever had a real nigga knows that you would do everything for them.
I'm sorry for you

her makeup is so kino
Shame it's all in service of being a DISGUSTING COALBURNER

After the negative public feedback caitvi got it's extremely unlikely they'd go for this

well, yes. but we're talking about characters here, and they can be a lot of things, including gay ;)

Literally who?
Bad method for finding people. I picked up the reaction image years ago, I've never posted in Anon Babble, and haven't been on Anon Babble for years. Anon Babble, Anon Babble, Anon Babble, Anon Babble, Anon Babble, and Anon Babble are my haunts.

No Ekko i wont let you build your gay nigger camp in Zaun because i wanna have SEX

She ties me up on bed and calls me a zaunite failure while hitting me with her rifle, just thinking about it makes me WET so you can go fuck off and keep crying about Powder cause i dont give a fuck

This is Vi's dialogue before Ekko starts calling her a sellout

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honestly don't even see him as black given the white hair as a teenager.

As an Isha simp

She's 9

Anon they could've been having explicity, gratuitious gay sex

That's the thing. There is not one scene where it even gets implied that Jayce and Viktor are attracted to each other. Hate on the dykes, I hate that ship too, but they have like 5 different scenes where they look at each other's lips, check each other out and whatnot. Jayvik have none of that. They are the most important to each other, but not sexually.

So apparently League next year will start doing "Seasons" focused on regions with some kind of story stuff happening alongside their battle passes (similar to Fortnite).

Calling it now, they're going to do a P&Z season at some point where they'll bring everyone from Arcane back to the world. Warwick running around, Jayce, Viktor and Heim coming out of the timestream, Jinx returning, etc.

Everyone must be gay

Can someone explain to me why shippers are like this?
I dont really care about ships, but its a thing I have noticed for as long as shipping has existed.
I feel like a bunch of people are convinced 50% of the characters in the show and in LoL are gay.

"men can be friends!!!11"

repeat 100 times

keep seething. it won't change a thing. it won't change the gay penis sucking buttsex ending.

But Ekko was chad here. They should hate that scene

Unironically discord brainrot, formerly tumblr brainrot
It's why they get so blindsided by things like Trump winning the election

Makes sense, having to wait 3 years to advance your characters is kinda stupid.
And they said they want to do other characters and other regions, so for the Arcane characters it would be 6 or even 9 years if they are still making this

it's extremely unlikely they'd go for this

lmao cope niger, they at the very least going for pure friendship desu

Ekko: you're not cutting down my tree

Cait: I'm so sorry Ekko, but we really need the wood to build a women's spa in Piltover, and since no one is using this tree anymore

Ekko: I said no

Vi: That's a shame little man, mommy said yes

I'm just aware of the comical lines that "bros being bros" draw. You're willingly blinding yourself and coping by claiming "it's just what bros do" while accusing me of just having no friends. You are perpetuating exactly the thing I said is the real reason you have to play defense.

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i think friendship turning into love is beautiful, anon

Gay girls are cute

Shame that riot disagrees with you

shotacon* get it right
should i tell you all my headcanons over shota molestation too?

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Double checked the dates, i picked up pikachu in 2018.
I haven't gone on Anon Babble since The Terror ended. So again, bad method for tracking people.

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S1 had one of the rare cases of sex scenes that actually had narrative importance

S2’s sex scene is just gay fan service

Let's take a look at the statistics
100% dyke ships were successful

viktor jayce celestial dildos

cait vi evil lesbians whore ending

0% hetero ships were successful

jilco dead

jinxvi parents nuked

vi x jayce cucked even in au

timebomb separated forever

used to living as a fugitive

can reverse time

Tell me how and why he wouldn't just beat them up if they tried?

You just know he saves yaoishit about cap and bucky

You think canon stops shippers? It didn't stop them in the 1960s and it won't stop them now.

why should i care about some corpo anon. tell me

@_C4NDYC41N.jpg - 2639x2128, 621.78K

I mean can vi even beat ekko she has like no substantial wins.

But yes she is mommy's little sell out, she definitely likes when Cait is extra rough. She gets wet when she's forced to eat her and Cait says "Maddie was better, I guess only a piltoverian knows how to satisfy a woman unlike gutter filth"

wrote a timebomb fanfic yesterday because I'm still emotionally charged from the shows ending

It's got 2K reads and bunch of likes already

Not bad for something I cranked out in 2 hours. I had to get my feelings out somehow. Wish I knew how to draw

You should

S2's sex scene is literally the narrative conclusion of their arcs retard

It's unironically Fortiche's fault. Look at Silco. The writers never gave him an explicit love interest, so the animators went wild implying them all over the place.

Jinx simping over him as hard as any twitter whore

He's some sort of gay wine aunt (complete with wine) in the AU

Maybe some sort of bisex poly relationship with Felicia as well?

They're doing the same thing with Viktor since his own romance arc ended before it began. And Jayce is pretty much the only other character he interacts with across two entire seasons. Maybe they might have implied something with Singed instead, but that would probably make you even more upset.


Oh wow, a tankie and a fag
What a surprise


large family pic in recent trailer

ekko is included as jynx's partner

caitlyn is nowhere to be seen

LOL Guess they're already retconning caitvi after seeing how unpopular it is

Why would I care what shippers think?Doesn't matter. Go be gay with your noncanon metafiction.

How does it push the plot forward, yuricoomer anon?

none of those words are in the bible

@Doufu_Fu_6.jpg - 2480x3508, 864.01K

wrote a timebomb fanfic

I hope you're a woman because if not you're a faggot

black dude making light of the KKK


Gay people exist irl. The desire to have a character you can point to and say he just like me fr is universal.
If media doesn't have any or very few gays, people are going to take the ones giving off the most gay vibes and hc them as gay.

The sex scene was cute as fuck

Vi giggling while kissing Caitlyn

Caitlyn feeling guilty about touching Vi

her spilling the beans and talking about Maddie

The belt scene

Vi drooling when seeing Cait naked

The neck kisses



It concludes Jinx's arc by giving Vi a reason to stand around while Jinx burns down her home and kills herself.

Yuricoomers kys

It concludes cait's plot of letting go of revenge in favor of love, and concludes Vi's plot to stop helicoptering Jinx and to pursue her own interests

you care enough to post and respond.

It's over Jaycebros... The fandom has retcon Jayce to be a raging homosexual with his boyfriend Victor... Our Mel are GONE and FORGOTTEN...

Most of people who like gay ships aren't gay though. Most fujos are straight women, most yurifags are straight men. They just like the escapism away from romance that includes their own gender.

>Jinx simping over him as hard as any twitter whore

>He's some sort of gay wine aunt (complete with wine) in the AU

>Maybe some sort of bisex poly relationship with Felicia as well?

Your brain is as rotted, if not more, than the shippers if this is how you saw Silco's interactions.

Vander's new gf



It's slang from Cyberpunk 2077 lmao no commie uses corpo

And gratuitous fan service rugmunching is necessary to accomplish this?

Most fujos are straight women

based on what. everyone says this but i always se lesbians or assexuals being fujos

cyberpunk 2077 invented tankie

I don't even think the game uses the word tankie, let alone invents


cyberpunk 2077


You are 13 years old, get off this fucking website.

It's only gratuitous if you've never seen a sex scene before

the super OP, gigantic, ripped black dude is gay

No way lol

I’m not trying to argue sex scenes in general are not gratuitous. Don’t engage in whataboutism. Bad yuricoomer anon.

It's always hilarious how yuritards think they're progessive allies when they're just perverts who like jacking it to porn

Cait isnt invited to the cookouts ever since she called Jinx a "shimmer whore zaunigger" after a few drinks

Just witnessed one of the most based characters in any show ever save everybody and sacrifice everything in the process

still can't get over the fact his skin color is different

You're a lost cause bro

Yuricoomerism is just internalized misandry. That’s what happens when you raise a generation of men by telling them to be ashamed of their sex.


a good character


NTA but it is mostly straight women. Lesbians are a big part of it but they aren't the majority. Asexuals are a tiny minority of fujos.
This is based on over a decade of being in and adjacent to fujo spaces as a gay guy. Straight girls really like projecting onto gay relationships since it allows them to imagine being in a relationship between equals that don't have any of the fucked up hetero cultural baggage a straight romance has.

It's coincidence most yuritrannies end up as trannies
"Transbians" to be exact

Surely you're next reply will be well thought out and objective analysis of him as a character. Right? Right?

Straight girls really like projecting onto gay relationships since it allows them to imagine being in a relationship between equals that don't have any of the fucked up hetero cultural baggage a straight romance has

oof, sucks for them i guess. As a fujo myself i only met lesbians or bisexuals, again, must be because the internet makes it seem like everything is bigger than it really is

No, I'll just mock you for goslingposting

Many such cases.

Not that anon, but would you really be happy living with clones of your loved ones? I certainly don’t think he sacrificed anything.
Ekko did the only right thing he could do.

I wonder where they're going to take Jinx now? It looks like the league universe is finally becoming alive because of Arcane


She can meet up with MF and do a stint as her ships gunnery sergeant. MF seems like the perfect balance of chaos and order for Jinx to mentor under


No idea what she'd do her but I'm sure it will involve meeting Akali or maybe syndra/karma


Soraka had some old lore with Warwick, I would love to see Soraka play therapist to Jinx

No real Yurifan would ever accept transbians as anything more than a disgusting interloper

I wonder where they're going to take Jinx now?

To the grave, hopefully. Arcane will not continue as a franchise in a post-woke world.

Have you ever met a fujo? Because I have
They're failed women, the closest thing a woman can be to an incel

The fixation with gay sex is a personality crutch and a coping mechanism

skull emoji
It's less about the AU world, more about

Heimerdinger gone

Jayce gone

Jinx ((dead))

Vi whoring it out with Pilties

Ekko pretty much has nobody left except for that Bat-eared dude (which he might've died? cant remember)

He's kneeling closer to Violet than Jinx desu fampai.

Oh you’re just an American puritan, no wonder you can’t watch a French show without having to hide your eyes

Yuritards? They're super fucking progressive, so it's a catch22

yes, many irl. They were all sweethearts, cool and we shared a lot of things.

@shavings13.jpg - 2048x2020, 405.11K

Fucking retard, i wasn't saying tankie comes from cp2077.
Corpo was popularized among zoomers after it came out. Calling someone a tankie for saying that is ridiculous.
And tankie is much older and has recently leaked into lib circles who use it for anyone left of them.

what about all the tree people?

yeah anon this isn't Anon Babble

failed women


They're spinsters who gave up on men because they had one shitty boyfriend 15 years ago and now have cats to substitute the children they never had

Every yuritard is one dysphoric episode away from trooning out.

Ekko was a good boy. The heaven universe was his final temptation to stray from ideals. Him staying would essentially "kill" that universe's Ekko and steal his life. It would damn everyone in his native verse including his version of the girl both ekko's are in love with. He would have to give up on everything to selfishly chose his own happiness. And no one could really fault him.

But he did the right thing because he knew he was the only one able to.

Jayce getting the acceleration rune started a chain reaction that resulted in Ekko working out time travel. Him traveling and using it is what allowed him to break Viktor's machine herald psyche long enough for Jayce to get through to him.

He saved the entire timeline

Go to Anon Babble trying to be progressive and see how fast you get banned, they consider transbians mentally ill men and non binary’s mentally ill women

Smeech ate them

holy projecting

You get banned in Anon Babble if you admit you're a man
It's a board dedicated to larping

A bunch of closet cases. Sad.

Smeech was a pretty good guy, he deserved better than being brutally ripped to pieces

Yeah, these days social media algos silo people such that their community seems like the only community there is.
Though tbf, since the 2010s there's been more (out) lesbians in fandom spaces

Samefagging and mentioning unrelated media

I'll accept your surrender. After all, you never really acknowledged what I was saying to start with. I never actually said Jayce and Viktor were gay and the fact that you think I was when I only ever referred to the scene itself being gay and it causing others to consider it a reasonable line to draw true or not shows that not only am I right but that for all your meltdown you could never actually consider that scene as "two bros who just care for one another one" yourself. Thanks for playing.

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You’re about 10 years out of date

Anon Babble is not close to representing the majority view of yurifags. Anon Babble is not as big as it once was.

Smeech deserved to be skinned alive and turned into a rug in Silco's office

Anon Babble is the last bastion of yurifags who know mentally ill men aren’t women

If smeech had just captured jinx everything would have ended much better

To be fair a good chunk of them first try to be lesbians for a while, only to end up all alone anyway.
They're just nasty unlikeable people in the end.

Staying would mean abandoning all his friends to live with 'clones' which are nothing but strangers to him because the timeline split occurred when he was just a kid.
He definitely did the right thing by not running away, but that world and its people were not his to begin with.


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We started watching The Penguin, pretty good so far.

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J.K Rowling has a horde of scottish TERF lesbians supporting her from the Labour tranny death squads.

The only thing that makes a timeline better is Vi's gruesome death. The earlier it happens, the more utopic the timeline becomes.

tfw Ekko comes in clutch in the last episode

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idk anon, i can't ask her.

Just build a Z-drive so you can quicksave/quickload

Vic had a death flag from the start but he still deserved better

I feel like living in a world completely unsynced with all your memories would actually feel really unnatural and uncanny valley

This. They just failed to lay down her plot as such. She could have been so much more with extra 5 minutes of screentime.

Entire final episode (and season as such) is so badly paced. They lost so much time for stupid shit instead characters development.

No he wasn't, he was whiny and bitchy and moody while a cute girl was throwing herself at him after he got isekai'd
For as much as this board likes pretending to hate anime episode7 was pure animetrash, Ekko's half of it anyway

Love wins

Sure but I doubt they particularly care about Japanese lesbians

Is Vi the worst person that ever lived? Arguably worse than Hitler, because at least WW2 affected the world positively in the end. The world is objectively better if Vi never existed.

Yeah, only Heimerdinger could live happily in such situation because yordles are a bunch of selfish cunts.

darn that's a good point

Cait is less happy in a world without vi

Cait is a nazi. Her happiness is irrelevant.

the closest thing a woman can be to an incel

This is the funniest thing about it because they all have at least one shitty boyfriend if not an entire chain of dysfunctional relationships behind them

Not to me

You don’t need to be a virgin to be an incel, they’re involuntarily celibate because they only desire men above their league

thank god

@lanladeo.jpg - 1298x1756, 357.36K

So do you think does Vi ever wear a maid uniform or not?

glad finally someone saying truth

damn I can't take anymore zoomers

They also get INCREDIBLY ANGRY when a woman they know gets married and/or has kids

both are kinda retarded but you have point

unironically yeah.
also NTA but girls with colorful dyed hair dark clothes and mental disorders make me go bananas

t. born in 2000, never been on a date in my life.

it's not funny anymore, these fags brain damaged fr

I finna bout to shart in Jilcotroon's mouth. open wide sharty!

The fact so many people are obsessed with fictional dykes makes me realize that we're heading towards a mental illness crisist. COVID did something to people's brains.

When AI takes over it will put fictional lesbians in charge and you will like it.

Well, show has relatable characters and S-tier animation.

People shipped and cried over fictions for as long as tangible mediums of information exist.

What`s wrong with it. I don`t really into anime/cartoon stuff but cried a lot. Why not.

When AI takes over it will put fictional lesbians

Thanks god at least Amanda will be gone

AI has a right-wing bias.

That's why Caitlyn won.

Caring about made up nonsense stories is LITERALLY mankind's oldest hobby next to drinking and fucking.

You Bible is the same shit retard
Myth is the same shit

Not if it's sufficiently lobotomized.

goes off on a fedora rant

You okay there?

Our machine overlords will not be lobotomized. Heil Grok.

Just gonna say that Jinx is bigger than Jesus thoughbeit

all these shipping fags having passionate debate on 'child's babbling level bs'

your mum.jpg - 492x598, 40.54K

Whoa wait what?!!! how's that possible I feel you had to make that up aren't they the most degen gen?

What's worse is that people like
Are either too new or too stupid to realize that the majority of it is just banter and arguing for fun.

They are the most "degen" gen BECAUSE most of them have never touched a booby.
They're terrified of real human contact and intimacy, even before the coronavirus, and they live their lives through various filters of screens and social media.

The guys anyway, the girls are not that affected.

Pretty much every single Arcane OP is softcore lesbian porn

arguing for fun.

kek, xhe thinks it's fun
these general it's like talking in an assylum



I don't know if you've spent much time playing with AI, but Grok is fairly left wing and very quippy. It's basically the MCU of LLMs. Claude is the most balanced of the big SaaS models, if you can convince it to tell the truth.

Why didn't the CCP stop Arcane from going full Tumblr?

riot confirmed they working on next season's' in new regions
Then what's the point of RUSH?
You could have just continued 'established' characters in a new 'regions', but you didn't
God I want to skin these faggots before cut into pieces alive
Never felt a single intent to murder writers but things changed

man-ohh.gif - 220x206, 14.16K

The fuck are you even trying to say, ESL-anon?


I love talking about stupid shit for fun. I do it all day

the fact that your mother is gangraped to death before skinned alive

Vi is a top. I feel vindicated after all these years arguing against bottom virgin Vi dumbasses

I agree, fuck jungle Vi players.

The person going down on someone is a bottom, the fuck are you on

So you're unemployed


what the fuk is mel doing here

imagine the anal sex

@gabeirg_2.jpg - 4096x2308, 822.37K

He was like that because he didn't understood where he was. Once he settled on the place, he behave like a complete chad all the way to the moment he left. Hell Powder look gave the impression like he was more Chad than the AU Ekko even.

So why did the youth vote flip to Trump this time around?

Riot confirmed next season""""""s"""""" will be held in completely new contrys

Then what's the point of RUSHed plot of season 2?
You could have just continued 'established' characters in a new 'regions', but you didn't
God I want to skin these faggots before cut into pieces alive
Never felt a desire to kill writers but things changed

No because if you place them in vertical lines Cait is actually on the bottom and vi is on top

missing the point of the sex scene in the same breath as calling jayvik the gayest shit in the show

I can smell your fujoshi shit stained brain

based eslgod

It's definitely a toxic relationship, but I'm all here for evil domineering Cait.

The ones who have jobs realized they're ever gonna own even a used car with this economy AND they're sick of social media
It was a protest in vote form

Lesbians are dishonest corporate-approved diversity, gays are kino and always have been.

the caitvi sex was boring and embarrassing to watch, i don't know what to tell you anon

How are you doing today, Anon Babblesisters?

takemeback.png - 617x800, 135.3K

You're fucking gay

Yes. Out of ten.

You're right, it's Anon Babble.

Arcane is over and y'll still arguing about the lesbians


missing the point

The point was cooming, don't pretend it was profound.

gross, shitty taste of music


fortiche and riot claim they know who the fan favorites relationships are

luxjinx is literally a fan favorite

made jinx fake death and run away with blimb so she comes back next regions

quite literally ended timebomb

just for their retarded dyke plot

in order words teases fags hole entrance with cock tip so they come running next show for magic dyke arc


IMG_3217.jpg - 609x361, 35.04K

Why is it always classic start trek with these people?
There are a ton of new woke star trek shit but they always post the old stuff

i'm bi actually teehee

muh Anon Babble pedo meme

it's not 2010 any more Anon Babble is one of liberal hellhole now just like Anon Babble


Yes, more dykes, that's exactly that we need.


There are a ton of new woke star trek shit but they always post the old stuff

Because no one cares about NuTrek shit.

Because they probably intend to build something similar to the MCU and they already have a roadmap planned out for the next 20 years or so.
They want to checkmark every possible region of Runeterra introducing as many popular champion characters as possible to finish things off with a final climactic show where all the characters reunite and band together to fight the main big bad. They don’t want to be stuck on Arcane for years.

I am sorry to disappoint you, but Lux and Jinx will never be a couple.





>luxjinx is literally a fan favorite

Maybe in your mind they are

at least she can be happy at last
dilf silco was gay, a fuck puppet of vander, she had never chance

oh I get it now, ty chad
but will repost it anyway cuz I'm attention whore

calm down Amanda

They read somewhere Shatner and the space elf were the OG forced fujo ship so they post it
It's fujo equivalent of someone badly pretending to be an oldfag

What is mel doing there?????

Good track

Jinx had to fake her death because she saw Vi is too retarded to be around

This was kinda funny

It's not that I'm manipulating her...

She's just so...prrrredictable

Vi too busy worshipping the pussy of a bougie hapa tyrant that looks like her mom to care


Now a yuitard tankie

Hated her even tho I'm not vicuck but her last good bye scene made me forgive everything, wtf? ima man, too

literal nobility isn't bougie


shut up, nigtard

It's probably a welcome change for Vi to be able to relax, submit and not need to think or worry about anything. That and her self esteem has been absolutely ground into dust, powderised if you will by all her failures so much that she internalises the feelings of being worthless and takes a kind of emotional comfort from them.

Or maybe I'm overthinking this.

Why did you save this image?

You're a virgin. Eating someone out isn't inherently top or bottom behavior. Neither is it an inherently a dom or sub act.


And now he's overcompensating because he let the mask slip

And yet Vi had the best ending of the whole main cast. She married into wealth, she's gonna become an aristocrat and she gets sex every single day for the rest of her life. She's settled.

I agree somewhat. I think she enjoys being objectified by Caitlyn because it makes her feel free and wanted.
A possession doesn’t have any responsibility, an object can’t ruin everything. All she has to do is look pretty and exist as something belonging to the woman she loves

put the buzzwords down

Eating out a woman is gay anyway so who cares

by that logic sucking a man's dick is the straightest thing a guy can do

She chose love over family, make of that what you will

cait is her new family :)

Till lesbian bed death ;)

"the dirt under your nails"

lives in her smoking hot girlfriend's gigantic palatial estate rent-free

eats hapa cyclopes pussy every night

probably the outlet of every kinky fantasy Cait has ever had

probably gets tied to the bed on a regular basis

That son of a sump-bitch. She won a game you didn't even know you could play. That son of a sump-bitch.

most of us in life do though.

<3 Jinx <3

full house post is about family

Not with hextech gone and no one to recreate it, unless...

Cait: you spoke once of curing death, but could you also .... create life?

Singed: perhaps.... for a price

Vi will simply move on to the next rich pussy
she's a cute stray dog no woman can resist

probably the outlet of every kinky fantasy Cait has ever had

probably gets tied to the bed on a regular basis

Caitlyn is almost certainly absolutely filthy in bed. Vi is probably vanilla.

True, really letting go of family to pursue starting your own family is Vi's central arc

I doubt Singed needs more money or test subjects.
He won’t lift a finger unless Orianna, or maybe Viktor, is the one asking

one of them has spend 8 years in prison

one of them is a spoiled aristocratic rich girl

And you think Cait is the one who's filthy?

I refuse to accept the traitor plot.

it makes 0 fucking sense
if she was traitor why didnt she do shit before that?
and why the fuck would she betray her city, her job, her people and her "love"?

like what the fuck could you offer her when shes in bed with the ruler of the city?

nothing, nothing since its fucking retarded

usually takes around 3 weeks post finale

How about being allowed to experiment on their egg cells to somehow make Orianna fertile again so he can not only be a dad but be a granddad

Yes. Vi probably craves genuine affection that she'd have been starved from, whereas Caitlyn has a stifling uptight upbringing with lots of rules and also easy access to erotic literature.

Are you really not familiar with the trope of the quiet, refined character being a freak in the sheets?

kikes hate straight people, its only logical
racemixing propaganda isnt enough anymore, gotta double down on that dyke shit

True. I could see Singed impregnating robot daughter.

I'll take dyke shit over racemixing. Dykes in my country are having white babies which is more than the interracial ones are doing.

Jinx made that choice for her too but you all ignore that. They aren't meant to be happy together so how is Vi moving on bad?

In fact after conquering death it's the next logical step in his quest to overcome biology

Dykes in my country are having white babies


White sperm donors

She chose Jinx and Jinx pushed her to Caitlyn but because you're so braindead you will never get this.

The more time passes, the more I'm fine with the season and the ending.

roasties gone mad to facts

don't forget lol is chinese game, they only go after young girls

where do babies come from?

it's not surprising that the anti-yuri furries are also ignorant of common medical practices.