I don't even get the joke is there a joke?
I don't even get the joke is there a joke?
bear likes honey :)
Yeah but that's not a joke, a joke would be bears poop in the woods now she poops in the woods that would be a joke
you samefagged just to make this retarded post didn't you?
Jesus man you need to fucking kill yourself immediately you are beyond pathetic and imbecile
Don't get your panties up to twist, relax I don't get the joke either
there is no joke. not everything needs to be a joke.
are you actually retarded?
I'm autistic I don't know if that counts.
Furry cutie made for human men
how witty
then you are severely retarded in addition to being autistic
You have a bit of anger you might want to calm down it's just a drawing
yet another low effort furry porn spam thread
Surely our excellent janitorial staff will clean this up right away.
a joke would be bears poop in the woods
That's not a joke, it's an objective fact.
Are you actually retarded?
This is the joke.
I can't tell if that song is parody or just bad
That's Yuno miles for you.
Normal bear thread?
I'm calling the bear police.
furry porn
off-topic spam
What board am I on? Oh right, the shittiest one.
Just go with it, man.
Excuse me, this looks more like a dog than a bear to me.
Wait where's the porn?
I gotta go to the dentist, someone else take up the bear posting while I'm out. I'm trusting you.
this video is such a classic
he puts the gun in the bears face like he thinks it knows what a gun is and will get scared
to a bear a gun just looks like a big stick
Bear like honey stereotype.
Assuming shes not like other bears that flip out at a bee nest or a jar full of honey.
Big ol dessert bowl of honey BUNS
Probably thinks that doesnt count, but shed be head over heels for that.
I want her buns.
Where even is that bear? On the roof of a house? HOW? What even is that hole, a trap door?
In areas where they're hunted, they can in fact learn to recognize guns.
Skylight. Place is either built into a bank or more likely enough snow piled up against it to give the bear access.
it's not easy to build an unclimbable tall house in the arctic
That's still just your fetish and not a joke
They're basically two bear jokes, first one a bear poops in the woods the second a bear likes honey. Neither of these jokes apply to op image
Joke's on you, I like watching pretty girls taking massive dumps.
It's not so much the poop itself, but the depravity of it is sexy to me.