Anon Babble General Drawthread

Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post

Keep requests Anon Babble related and keep them concise.

General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.

However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't Anon Babble material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.

Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.

Drawfriends, don't hold back.

If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.

Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.

No one is entitled to a request delivery.

Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.

Don't fight spam with spam.

No begging.

No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.

To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.

Have fun!

Collection of Deliveries:

Drawfriends Gallery List:

NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in:
Artists, avoid these spam requests:

Previous thread:

Requesting an age regression of this female punk cheetah (who appears briefly in the movie of Robot Dreams) where she takes a potion that makes her rejuvenate and as she loses years, she also loses Punk characteristics (for example, losing her Piercings and her ears becoming rounded)

source of female cheetah (skip to minute 0:47): av.jpg?format=750w

1726343377063.jpg - 1310x490, 443.19K

Requesting Lloyd Garmadon standing above many defeated cancelled 2010s and 2020s cartoon characters.

Requesting some arcane shitpost

Requesting XR's eyes getting shattered.

Make sure you make your YouTube link shorter next time

Requesting this scene from Faily OddParents recreated with Odalia showing off her bikini to Amity

stillfits.png - 1500x1000, 786.89K

Requesting Gogo Bomango grinning and topless with her hair covering her breasts.

Gogo.jpg - 2215x1405, 362.13K

Requesting (from top to bottom) Dani, Sage, and Andi in a side hug smiling at the viewer
Sage in the middle with her hair down and her arms wrapped around Dani and Andi's necks

3Girls.png - 1552x2025, 3.23M

requesting Mrs. Coach and my beloved Madeline training ala Keijo!!!!!!!! pls!!

creepy schizoid

Anon Babble Sabrina getting all the attention at the beach while Betty and Veronica fume jealously in the background.

Best Girl.jpg - 976x1305, 1.7M

No begging.

Anchor for the Anon that did part of my request if he wants to continue (I know you're busy so take your time).
Original request (with pic) in case someone is interested:
Requesting office worker Gert and Queen Gert from I Hate Fairyland as Goku and Vegeta, respectively, in pic related.
As a bonus give Gert the "Heart of Fairyland" powerup in the "Goku punches Vegeta" parts.

Requesting Karai with big bewbs

Requesting the Eds getting recruited into the KND after they saw and were impressed by one of their 2x4 scams.

74287t48.jpg - 2638x1330, 659.1K

Requesting Jubilee on the hook.

jubilee hook.jpg - 848x2024, 1M

Requesting Frankie being princess carried by Prince Charming.

Requesting Trixie getting tickled

trixie tickle.jpg - 2264x899, 922.59K

Requesting a comfy Luz in a sinister room.

Requesting Tulips as a beast slayer

Requesting Fionna vs Splinter

Requesting April dressed like this

Requesting Anne Boonchuy doing the "touch the cow" meme with Twig

Do It Now.png - 1450x1000, 886.2K


Kyle Cowgirl.png - 2161x3508, 1.24M

Can I get Flora, Penny, Yumi and Zia having a group hug.

Group Hug.jpg - 700x1322, 744.9K

Requesting Darcy dressed like this

darcy black.jpg - 1686x1196, 778.68K

Requesting the girls enjoying a hot spring.

Requesting Robotnik getting cuddled by Katella much to his discomfort.

Hat on a hat

KEK, I did not expect that, nice touch!

Gross. Pick April, Karai, Angel, Renet, Radical and Jhanna instead.

Requesting Candy Queen losing her head.



Requesting Mowgli drinking beer.

mowgli beer.jpg - 1564x1474, 670.81K

Alien warrior type.

Requesting Darcy vs Gert.

darcy gert.jpg - 1994x1498, 1.31M

Requesting Raven returning drunk from a party like the image on the right but full body instead of cutting off the lower part

college party.png - 2500x1000, 2.2M

Requesting Raven dressed like this

gero raven.jpg - 1783x1493, 1.31M

Requesting Butterbean licking caviar.

Requesting a fusion of Priyanka and Green Diamond doing the pose on the right.

Requesting He-Man getting pacificed by an enemy.

Requesting April cooling off.

No, I like mutant girls.

Requesting fusion

atom fusion.jpg - 1620x1740, 319.2K

Requesting Mai with a fat ass. Any (rear showing) pose, outfit and expression will be fine

Mai.png - 794x962, 539.92K

Requesting John redcorn getting a flu shot

Requesting Simon's split face.

simon split.jpg - 2916x1995, 1.54M

Requesting a short comic involving Luz Noceda "painting the truth" of Eda and Lilith for the Clawthorne Family portrait
(Based on this joke of Family Guy

Requesting Steven getting hit in the nads

Requesting Frankie showing off her powers

Requesting Nixon invading planet vietnam

nixon vietnam.jpg - 1347x991, 713.26K

Requesting Miko teasing Miko

Requesting Connie domming Steven.

Requesting Peabody, Sherman, and Penny at the first Thanksgiving.

Requesting Goo and Numbuh 5 taking a selfie together (Goo on the left Numbuh 5 on the right)

Requesting Star dressed like Shumira

shumira star.jpg - 1401x841, 592.88K

Requesting April getting arrested.

Requesting Lois dressed like this

Requesting Theodore's Mother (Left) and Ellen Average (Right) From Matt's Monsters Having Like a Bunnysuit (Both Wearing Pink Ruffled Thighhigh)

Requesting Gwen in a twist ending

Requesting Kim Popularé dress as Agnea Bristarni

Requesting the Aprils dressed like Team 7

aprils naruto.jpg - 2602x1333, 931.15K

Requesting Human Desiree performing a belly dance for Anne, Sasha and Marcy.

Requesting anything with Savage Starfire, I don't care what.

Requesting Mrs. Boonchuy getting unwillingly undressed by Sasha and Marcy

take it off.jpg - 2286x1080, 1008.03K

Requesting drawing of Zatanna want to... protect the bunny by opening her jacket or shirt

Requesting Marceline vs Scorpion.

Requesting Tammy dressed like this

Requesting Fang taking on her true form.

Requesting Raven fusion

Raven Gattai.jpg - 4500x3542, 732.73K

Requesting Azula getting drunk like Kana

reference.png - 873x1117, 980.93K

Requesting Hexadecimal as a LadyDevimon variant.

Requesting Angel posing like this.

Requesting Luz vs the Loud sisters.

luz vs loud.jpg - 2568x2082, 1.41M

Requesting a Thanksgiving scene with TMNT 2012 characters. Doesn't have to be a parody of the Norman Rockwell painting, just thought that'd be a good starting place ideawise.

Requesting Ben 10 as a Decapodian

Requesting Terra showing off her butt

terra butt.jpg - 3066x2100, 2.04M

Requesting Raven dressed like Anko

raven anko.jpg - 1688x1168, 1.33M


chief.png - 1140x1710, 1.33M

Requesting Susie drinking beer.

susie beer.jpg - 765x537, 176.14K

Requesting Izzy wearing Yumeko's school uniform

Izumeko.jpg - 2060x635, 255.69K

Requesting king jack with the redheads from cartoon network from the 2000s, as in the image on the left.

JACK THE KING.png - 1917x2000, 3.53M

Requesting Raven dressed like this

Requesting these pimps hanging out.

Requesting Jazmine meeting Baoh

jazmine Baoh.jpg - 1860x1500, 1.09M

Requesting Peppermint Patty wearing turkey tailfeathers and not a whole lot else.
Maybe have her say something like "Good news Chuck, I'm spending Thanksgiving with you again!"

Requesting Karai on the cover of Playboy

Requesting Spider-Girl vs Doctor Eggman.

Requesting Baiken vs Sasha.

baiken sasha.jpg - 1368x1000, 905.05K

Requesting The image on the left with Sarah prostituting herself dressed as a student and Zero as the man in the car.

Sarah x Money.png - 4859x2000, 1.94M

Requesting these two being friends.

Requesting Fairy Red seducing Peter Pan, Tinkerbell burning with jealousy in the background.

PP x FR.png - 3895x2000, 1.92M

Requesting the tick and ladybug on a romantic date.

Date in Paris.jpg - 1600x895, 196.94K

Requesting Tiger Lily happily dancing.

Requesting April showing off

You really are The Worst.

Requesting the Flashgitz version of Pocahontas smiling and waving

How!.jpg - 1614x1209, 257.14K

Requesting Superman meeting Death.

What did I do?

Requesting The Question fighting one of the aliens from They Live.

100 requests already.

They are all garbage.

Every time.

Requesting Ezeckiel Zick Barrymore from Monster Allergy cosplaying as post time-skip Zoro withouth his upper dress and wearing the bandana with his right eye closed doing the three sword style (with the respective swords in the reference), also add the earrings pls

Well it's mostly the one guy deliberately being garbage, so yeah.

Requesting this comic but with Wally Machaby and Terrence Thaur from Monster Allergy

Requesting this cover but with Apocalypse Samurai from Mutant Busters wearing his mask and shooting a blue laser from the bottom muzzle and with a blue muzzle flash

Requesting Zoey modeling this outfit for Penny.

Requesting Terri Buns cosplay as Estellise Heurassein

Almost nailed that rhyme, what a damn crime

Requesting Amity Blight making a post just like in the screenshot on the top left for her Penstagram

Pensta Post.jpg - 1130x1300, 348.25K

Requesting Carl mirroring Doom Guy's rip and tear but shouting "It don't matter! None of this matters!"

dontmatter.png - 1211x556, 1.28M

Requesting the left pic of Merry from LOTR smoking a pipe-weed redrawn as Snufkin from Moomins. Any Snufkin interpretation is welcome

Requesting the left pic with Kiff Chatterley and Candle Fox

So... and the pic?

Requesting Ava Ire from Ava's Demon clinging to a waking anon (or Odin from the same series), butt naked and wanting him to stay

Fadlfu2(2).jpg - 1260x1900, 561.11K

Requesting the Griffins getting cursed while playing Jumanji.

Requesting Priyanka Maheswaran dressed like the character in the image on the right, but put Field Doctor patches/symbols on her shoulders, the front of thighs in the outfit, and instead of that barely visible heart pastie (?), also make it a cross.

Priyanka.jpg - 986x898, 196.48K

Sorry I thought I posted it

IMG_0493.jpg - 1024x683, 124.87K

Requesting Gwen Tennyson as Aela the Huntress, Jade Chan as Catwoman

Gwen Jade.jpg - 3194x1317, 720.7K

Requesting Gwen Wu dress as Hortensia


I don't think so, Tim.

Requesting the image on the right with Cheerleader B & Cheerleader C, from The Owl House. In their cheerleader uniform, not the school uniform on the ref.

Requesting the image on the left with Connie Maheswaran.
Optional if the skirt is like 1/3 shorter and you get some underwear peeking.

116143041_p0.png - 2116x1784, 3.22M

Requesting pic related but from the P.O.V. of Maz and Kelly in the back. Just a shot of Tara's Big GILF-y ass.

Requesting the image on the left with Mrs. Boonchuy, undressing to reveal she's wearing that same type of underwear.

ENORMOUS.jpg - 1708x1036, 199.73K

Requesting r63 Johnny Test as a ups worker delivering a package

JT ups.jpg - 983x965, 251.27K

Requesting the image on the right with Camila Noceda, just change the word MILF into PUTA, and put the Disney Channel logo in the background where the CN logo is.

puta.jpg - 2232x2036, 518.97K

You already got your delivery anon.

See No.146511591

Requesting Shaka Booga cooking Slirps from Atomic Betty. Make that little guy relaxing with his hands behind his head.

shaka slirps.jpg - 2681x1384, 678.34K

Requesting Gwen Wu Playing Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow on Game Boy Advance

Requesting Sokka gifting Suki 2 black meteorite Kyoshi fans

requesting Lila from Polly Pocket: Lunar Eclipse being nudged (or licked like the dolphin's a puppy dog) by a dolphin like Maya Graham in The New Adventures of Flipper

request19.png - 1440x1080, 869.87K

Requesting the following references with Sprig and a buff Ivy

probably the weird race fetish shit

requesting a cavegirl version of Mertle and friends (or just Mertle) Simmilar to cavegirl lilo

Requesting Collin as a Holy Sheep Dragon

Holy dragon.png - 776x346, 328.12K

Requesting "The Lovers" (the image on the left) with Kitty Softpaws, Puss in Boots and Perrito

Requesting Gerty abducted by Stereo Monovici from Space Goofs and then both fallen in love (just like a image below).

stereo gerty.jpg - 1200x1995, 494.16K

Requesting Bessie Higgenbottom cosplay as Julia Whitepearl


Claim it, is gonna be done in 4 to 7 days, I have a busy work life and I do paintings, gonna keep you updated

Requesting Phineas making a thread with an irrelevant time wasting question attaching a lust provoking image of Candace from right. Add Candace at the background flustered and yelling she's telling Linda.

time wasting.png - 1950x706, 871.75K

Requesting Mrs. McClellan putting on her mermaid costume like in one of the refs.

mmcc.jpg - 1424x1612, 619.12K

Requesting Gabi Hernandez and Gogo Tomago taking a selfie together.

Gabi X Gogo.png - 2414x1808, 3.44M


Requesting Marceline with short hair using a Elizabethan collar while showing her fangs

blud.png - 3000x1980, 2.5M

Requesting Po and Tigress as Zootopia Police Officers.

Requesting the Harvey comics versions of Lotta and Gerald kissing while dressed as Robocco and Bando respectively.

requesting anything with pizza steve

...i'm desperate

sweat.png - 220x238, 85.58K

Requesting Camp Candy characters Binky and Robin dancing together like the pic on the right

Requesting the photo from Tenchi Muyo In Love with characters from Dexter's Laboratory. Dexter as Tenchi, Mee Mee as Ryoko, Lee Lee as Ayeka, Dee Dee as Sasami, Monkey as Ryo-Ohki, Agent Honeydew as Kiyone, Lisa as Mihoshi, So-Yen Chen as Washuu and Action Hank as Yosho.

Requesting the Council of Men meme but with all these various DC Men:





Metamorpho the Element Man

Elongated Man

Firestorm the Nuclear Man

Negative Man



Plastic Man


Animal Man

Requesting Miss Deer Teacher cosplay as Rozalin

Requesting Princess Bubblegum and her aunt Lolly posing together like the image on top.

aunt Lolly should be the dominate one in the picture

Bubblelolly.jpg - 682x1024, 108.31K

Requesting the Kanker girls caught in a "water tower moment" from Petticoat Junction.
(if you don't know what I'm talking about check out the intro of that show on youtube and look at the references. )

Requesting Jackie Lynn Thomas going on a date with Barbara Miller.

Barb & Jack.png - 1784x1272, 913.77K

Anon I'm in love with this, thank you so much truly, I love it to bits

Requesting Dee Dee and Toshi in Japan wearing Japanese school uniforms, as Dee Dee hugs and kisses Toshi asking if he missed her.